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Global Competencies and Personality

Sem III CBCS Pattern 2019
Dr. Pooja .P. Talreja
Lecturer, BYK College of Commerce
Unit – 3
Techniques in Personality Development and
Image Management

3.1 How to handle success and failure ?

3.2 Managing work and life stress effectively.
3.3 Time Management
How to handle success
 Celebrate your success. 
 Don’t choke. 

 Don’t become complacent. 

 Learn from your success. 

 Decide if you want to stay at the present level or grow your business further. 

 Take stock of the balance between your personal life and your business life. 

 Choose only the real opportunities that come across your desk, and avoid the

“good ideas” that won’t help you maintain or grow your business. 
 Share your success lessons with others. 

 Take a look at how your office runs. 

 Create a new business plan and 5-year goal. 

 Watch out for saboteurs. 

Sometime handling success is harder than handling failure. By taking time to

celebrate your success and pay attention to the lessons it offers, success can
be more deeply meaningful and fulfilling than you can ever expected.
How to overcome failure
 “Failures are finger posts on the road to
C. S. Lewis
 “I can accept failure, everyone fails at

something. But I can’t accept not trying.”

Michael Jordan
How to overcome failure
 1. First, just accept how you feel.
 2. Remember: you’re not a failure just because you had a
 3. Be constructive and learn from this situation.
 4. Remind yourself: anyone who wants to do things of value
in life will fail.
 5. Let it out into the light.
 6. Find inspiration and support from your world.
 7. Move forward again, don’t get stuck in mulling this
situation over for too long.
 8. Take action on that plan right away after you’ve drawn it
 9. Improve your self-esteem.
Managing work and life stress
 Work-life balance
 Work-life balance is adjusting your day-to-day
activities to achieve a sense of balance between
work life and personal life. Some benefits of a
healthy work-life balance include:
◦ reduced stress levels, at work and at home
◦ greater focus and concentration
◦ higher levels of job satisfaction
◦ the opportunity to participate more fully in family and
social life
◦ more time to pursue personal goals and hobbies
◦ improved health.
How to maintain good work-life
 Set goals around what you value highly
 Manage your time effectively—review job activities, priorities

and success factors

 Create a boundary between balancing work and personal time
 Build resilience and have a positive attitude
 Avoid stress, mental exhaustion and burnout—fatigue affects

your ability to work productively

 Maintain a healthy lifestyle—look after yourself, eat well,

sleep well and set aside a little time to exercise or pursue an

activity that you enjoy
 Enlist a good support system—learn to delegate, we all need

a little help sometimes

 Enjoy your work.
What is stress?
 Everyone experiences stress at some stage in
their life. It is a way for us to know that
something in our life is causing us concern
and is affecting how we are thinking and
 Stress is not always bad. In small doses, it

can help you perform under pressure and

motivate you to do your best, but when you
are constantly running in emergency mode,
your mind and body pay the price.
Causes of stress
 The situations and pressures that cause stress are known as stressors. There are 2
types of stressors:
◦ external (where outside forces act on us)
◦ internal (self-generated, we have some control over it).
 External causes of stress
 Major life changes
 Work
 Relationship difficulties
 Financial problems
 Being too busy
 Children and family.
 Internal causes of stress (self-generated)
 Inability to accept uncertainty
 Doubt
 Negative self-talk
 Unrealistic expectations
 Perfectionism
 Lack of assertiveness.
How to manage stress
 Some strategies that can help you look after your mind and body, and in turn help you to better
control behaviours that result from too much stress include:
Your body
 Know your stress triggers
 Recognise early warning signs and symptoms and act on them to reduce stress
 Practise relaxation techniques or meditation
 Eat a well-balanced, healthy diet

 Exercise regularly—aim for at least 30 minutes every day

 Get enough sleep—aim for around 8 hours every night.

Your thinking
 Try to worry less about things you can’t control, and make plans for dealing with the things you

can control
 Set small, manageable and achievable goals

 Apply problem-solving techniques—identifying the problem, clarifying its nature and map out

options for dealing with it

 Choose to have a positive attitude

 Think positively about yourself and your achievements

 Take time out to visualise a calm and peaceful place

 Compete against yourself, not those around you and aim for your personal best
 Develop, keep and use your sense of humour.
Your behaviours
 Plan and organise ahead to allow enough time to get tasks

 Use 'to do' lists and set priorities to help you achieve your

 Be open and honest with people, rather than hiding your

thoughts and feelings

 Seek guidance and support when you are feeling stressed
 Create a balanced lifestyle for yourself and allow time for

recreation and relaxation

 Reward yourself when you reach your achievements and

 Limit your intake of alcohol, caffeine and other drugs.
 Time Management refers to managing time
effectively so that the right time is allocated
to the right activity.
 Effective time management allows individuals

to assign specific time slots to activities as

per their importance.
 Time Management refers to making the best

use of time as time is always limited.

Time Management includes:
 Effective Planning
 Setting goals and objectives
 Setting deadlines
 Delegation of responsibilities
 Prioritizing activities as per their importance
 Spending the right time on the right activity
For Effective Time Management one
needs to be:
 Organized
 Don’t misuse time
 Be Focussed.
 Develop the habit of using planners,

organizers, table top calendars for better

time management. Set reminders on phones
or your personal computers.
Importance of Time Management
 Time Management makes an individual punctual and disciplined.
 One becomes more organized as a result of effective Time Management.
 Effective Time Management boosts an individual’s morale and makes
him confident.
 Effective Time Management boosts an individual’s morale and makes
him confident.
 Individuals who stick to a time plan are the ones who realize their goals
and objectives within the shortest possible time span.
 Better Time Management helps in better planning and eventually better
forecasting. Research says that individuals who accomplish tasks on time
are less prone to stress and anxiety.
 Time Management enables an individual to prioritize tasks and activities
at workplace.
 Time Management helps an individual to adopt a planned approach in
Time Management Techniques
 Set your Priorities.
 Make sure you finish your assignments within the stipulated
time frame.
 Understand the difference between urgent and important work.
 Stay focused.
 Do include time for your tea breaks, net surfing, personal calls
and so on in your daily schedule.
 Set realistic and achievable targets for yourself.
 Do not overburden yourself.
 Be disciplined and punctual.
 Keep things at their proper places.
 Do not treat your organization as a mere source of money.
 Develop the habit of using an organizer.
Time Management Skills
 Stay Organized
 Learn to Prioritize
 Be Punctual and Disciplined
 Take Ownership of work
 Be a little Diplomatic
 More Focused
 Be reasonable

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