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By: Jennifer Rosaly Cruz
Acevedo N9
What’s global warming?
Global warming is the slow increase of Earth’s temperature
caused by all the greenhouse effect gases, that carries a lot of
consequences that will slowly put our environment in a critical
state where our resources will disappear or not be useful
Humans and wild animals are
facing new challenges for
survival because of climate
How’s Global change. More frequent and
intense drought, storms,
Warming affecting the heatwaves, rising sea levels,
way of living of melting glaciers, and warming
oceans are directly harming
people and animals animals, destroy the places they
live, and wreak havoc on
around the world? people’s livelihoods and
As we don’t act urgently to stop global warming, I
can't imagine human beings having a normal living, so
How will the I think that in 25 years there will be more frequent and
severe weather and an increasing number of intense
planet be in 25 storms and floods will take place in many sites while in
others prolonged dry spells are occurring.
years if we don’t Probably the lack of water would be the leading cause
of death and serious diseases like food-borne illnesses
take care of it? will be common crating higher death rates.
Also, there would be dirtier air as well as higher
wildlife extinction rates but not only that, we will have
more acidic oceans for sure, that'd be the cause of the
death of thousands of marine species as well as the
evolution of a few.
o Reduce water waste. Saving water reduces carbon pollution, too. So take shorter
showers and turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.

o Actually, eat the food you buy—and make less of it meat. If you’re wasting less food,
you’re likely cutting down on energy consumption.
Buy better bulbs. LED lightbulbs use up to 80 percent less energy than conventional

o Pull the plugs. Don't leave fully charged devices plugged into your home's outlets,
unplug rarely used devices.

o Create the habit of recycling

o Consume Less, the easiest way to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions is simply to
buy less stuff, it results in fewer fossil fuels being burned to extract, produce, and ship
products around the globe.
The future of our planet, as well as ours, is in our hands and if
we star a real change we can reduce the catastrophe, but first
people should accept that it’s real and make serious decisions to
change their daily life in order to stop and reduce the impact
they already caused so future won’t be that bad.

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