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‡ major legal problems raised by the population because facts that need
intervention of lawyers keep on increasing
‡. E.g. conflicts related to succession, sexual violence against women and
especially children, claim for property, genocide trials, etc.

‡ the following reasons explain the need of intervention of the legal clinic:
‡ Often people do not know the law or their individual rights;
‡ Others who might know their entitlements will lack the resources or
confidence in the law to take cases forward. Ordinary people wishing to assert
or clarify their rights therefore need the services of knowledgeable service
providers or professionals to guide them through the maze of the law: access to
justice. Good legal services (advice and assistance) are essential if the people
of Rwanda are to recover confidence in going to the law.
‡ à  
‡ major legal problems raised by the population
because facts that need intervention of lawyers
keep on increasing. E.g. conflicts related to
succession, sexual violence against women
and especially children, claim for property,
genocide trials, etc.

‡the following reasons explain the need of intervention of
the legal clinic:
‡ Often people do not know the law or their individual
‡ Others who might know their entitlements will lack the
resources or confidence in the law to take cases forward.
‡Ordinary people wishing to assert or clarify their rights
therefore need the services of knowledgeable service
providers or professionals to guide them through the
maze of the law  
 . Good legal services
(advice and assistance) are essential if the people of
Rwanda are to recover confidence in going to the law.
Only few professional lawyers are willing to offer their
services in rural areas; professional lawyers are mostly
concentrated in the main cities. The few professional
lawyers working in rural areas are often too expensive
for the ordinary citizen. Apart from a geographical
distance and a financial threshold, one often sees a
social distance between professional lawyers in the cities
and individuals in rural areas who need their assistance.
These considerations combined show a lack of
awareness of the law and individual rights, some
weaknesses of legal assistance and access to justice.
The universities¶ legal aid clinics can play a major role in
addressing those issues
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