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Expressing Obligation


NO : 23

An Obligation is a course of action that someone is

required to take, whether legal or moral. There are also
obligations in other normative contexts, such as
obligations of etiquette, social obligations, and possibly
in terms of politics, where obligations are requirements
which must be fulfilled.
Use of Obligation in everyday conversations
Exa: Excuse me, Mr Lenox. May I come in?
(Permisi, Pak Lenox. Bolehkah saya masuk?)

Mr Lenox: Yes, Exa. Come in, please. Well, how can I help you?
(Ya, Exa. Silahkan masuk. Nah, bagaimana saya bisa membantu kamu?)

Exa: I want to submit my math assignment. I know it’s already very late.
(Saya ingin menyerahkan tugas matematika saya. Saya tahu itu sudah sangat terlambat.)

Mr Lenox: Exa, you were supposed to submit this assignment a week ago. But you failed. Sorry, I can’t accept it.
(Exa, kamu seharusnya menyerahkan tugas ini seminggu yang lalu. Tapi kamu gagal. Maaf, saya tidak bisa menerimanya.)

Exa: But please, Mr Lenox. Give me a second! Let me explain my situation. Please, I beg you, Mr Lenox.
(Tapi tolong, Pak Lenox. Beri saya kesempatan! Biarkan saya jelaskan situasi saya. Tolong, saya mohon, Pak Lenox.)

Mr Lenox: Alright. What’s your excuse?

(Baiklah. Apa alasan kamu?)

Exa: Mr Lenox, I was supposed to submit this assignment a week ago, but then my mother was ill in hospital and I had to stay with her during that time.
(Pak Lenox, saya harus menyerahkan tugas ini seminggu yang lalu, tapi kemudian ibu saya sakit di rumah sakit dan saya harus tinggal bersamanya selama
waktu itu.)

Mr Lenox: Okay, but just this time. Next time, there will be no excuse at all.
(Oke, tapi kali ini saja. Lain kali, tidak akan ada alasan sama sekali.)
Expression of Obligation:
• Present/ Future Form • Past Form

Singular Singular
• I’m supposed to…. • I was supposed to….
• She’s supposed to…. • She was supposed to….
• He’s supposed to…. • He was supposed to….
• It’s supposed to…. • It was supposed to….
Plural • We were supposed to….
• We’re supposed to… • You were supposed to….
• You’re supposed to… • They were supposed to….
• They’re supposed to…
• Jika kalian menggunakan “supposed to” maka diikuti sebuah “verb 1/ kata
• Jika kalian menggunakan “supposed to be” maka diikuti sebuah “Adjective/
kata sifat atau Noun/ kata benda”
the difference in the use of:
Must …
Have to …
Need to …
It is necessary that …
It is obligatory that …
Must is a modal verb in English that its main function is to declare the
obligations. Must generally used to express obligation comes from the speaker.

Formula : S + MUST + Verb + O

• I must talk to my mother before I leave. (Saya harus berbicara pada ibu saya sebelum saya berangkat)
• You must leave now. (Anda harus berangkat sekarang)
• you must keep the house clean. (Kamu harus menjaga kebersihan rumah)
• you must help your parents. (Kamu harus membantu orang tua kamu)
• We must study hard to graduate (Kami harus rajin belajar supaya lulus
Capital HAVE TO or HAS TO be used to express necessity is also where the
origin of that necessity comes from outside the speaker.

Formula : S + HAVE TO/HAS TO + Verb + O

• I have to wear uniform at work. (Saya harus mengenakan seragam di tempat kerja)
• Rita has to finish her work before Friday. (Rita harus menyelesaikan pekerjaannya sebelum hari Jumat)
• you have to do housework everyday.(Harus mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah setiap hari)
• I have to sleep (Saya harus tidur)
Words help NEED TO, NEEDS TO can also be used to express necessity or
something that is important to do so.

Formula: S + NEED TO/NEEDS TO + Verb + O

• We need to buy groceries. (Kita harus membeli bahan makanan)
• He needs to practice more often. (Dia harus berlatih lebih sering lagi)
• I need to clean my room. (Saya harus membersihkan kamar saya)
we can use the phrase “it is necessary that...” to declare a must. Follow the
pattern below to compose a sentence must with using this phrase:

Formula: It is necessary that + subject + verb

• It’s necessary that I’ll be there on time. (Saya harus tepat waktu nanti disana)
• It is necessary that we bring umbrella. It is raining outside. (Kita harus membawa payung. Di luar hujan)
• It’s necessary that she buys the ticket now before it’s sold out. (Dia harus membeli tiketnya sekarang sebelum
tiketnya habis)
Other phrases that can be used to express necessity or obligation in English is
“it is obligatory that...”. We can follow the pattern below to form a sentence that
states the necessity of using this phrase:

Formula:  It is obligatory that + subject + verb

• It is obligatory that we wear uniform in school. (Kita wajib memakai seragam di sekolah)
• It is obligatory that we stop at red lights. (Kita wajib berhenti di lampu merah)
• It is obligatory that we wear helmet while riding bicycle or motorcycle. (Kita wajib mengenakan helm ketika
naik sepeda atau sepeda motor)
don't forget to wear a dust mask and Thankyou

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