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Windows Server® 2008

Active Directory® Guide
Infrastructure Planning and Design Series
What is IPD?
Guidance that aims to clarify and streamline the planning and
design process for Microsoft® infrastructure technologies


Defines decision flow

Describes decisions to be made

Relates decisions and options for the business

Frames additional questions for business understanding

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Getting Started


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Purpose and Overview
To provide design guidance for Microsoft Windows
Server 2008 Active Directory
Determine process for Active Directory design
Assist designers in the decision-making process
Provide design assistance based on best-practice and
real-world experience

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Active Directory in Microsoft Infrastructure

Basic Standardized Rationalized Dynamic

Identity and
Access Management

Desktop, Device, and Windows Server 2008

Server Management Active Directory Domain Services

Security and

Data Protection and


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Decision Flow Diagram
S te p 1: S te p 2: S te p 4: A & B, in
S te p 3:
De te rmin e the De te r m ine th e Se le c t th e e ith e r o r d e r
S ta r t

As s ig n Do ma in
Nu m b e r o f Num b e r o f Fo re s t Roo t o r in
Na m e s
Fo r e s ts Dom a in s Doma in p a ra lle l

C & D, in
S te p A1:
Ar e A & B Ye s e ith e r o r d e r
A De s ig n the OU
Co m p le te ? o r in
S tr uc tu r e
p a ra lle l

S te p B1: S te p B2: S te p B4 :
S te p B3:
De te r m ine De te r min e De te r m ine
De te r min e Co mp le te
B Do ma in Nu mb e r o f Op e r a tio n s
Glo b a l Ca ta lo g A or B
Co n tr olle r Dom a in Ma s te r Ro le
P la c e m e n t
P la c e m e n t Con tr o lle r s P la c e m e n t

S te p C3:

Fin is h e d
S te p C1: S te p C2:
Cr e a te th e Site Ar e C & D
C Cr e a te th e S ite Cr e a te th e S ite Ye s
Lin k Brid g e Co m p le te ?
De s ig n Lin k De s ig n
De s ig n

S te p D1:
De te r m ine
Com p le te
D Do ma in
C or D
Co n tr olle r
Con fig ur a tio n

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Tips for the Planning Process
Considerations at each design phase
Fault Tolerance

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Decision Flow Start Path:
Determine Domain and Forest Components

S te p 1 : S te p 2 : S te p 4: A & B, in
S te p 3:
De te r m in e th e De te r m in e th e S e le c t th e e ithe r o r d e r
S ta r t

As s ig n Dom a in
Num b e r o f Num b e r o f Fo r e s t Ro ot or in
Na m e s
Fo r e s ts Do m a in s Do m a in p a r a lle l

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Determine the Number of Forests
How Many Forests?
Option 1: Single Forest

Option 2: Multiple Forests

Multiple Forest Drivers

Multiple Schemas

Resource Forests

Forest Administrator Distrust

Legal Regulations for Application or Data Access

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Determine the Number of Domains
How Many Domains?
Option 1: Single Domain

Option 2: Multiple Domains

Multiple Domain Drivers

Large Number of Frequently Changing Attributes

Reduce Replication Traffic

Control Replication Traffic Over Slow Links

Preserve Legacy Active Directory

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Assign Domain Names
Task 1: Assign the NetBIOS Name
• Maximum effective length of 15 characters

• Use a NetBIOS name that is unique across corporations

Task 2: Assign DNS Name

• DNS name consists of host name and network name

• Ensure uniqueness by not duplicating existing registered Internet

domain names

• Register all top-level domain names with Internic

• Name should not represent business unit or division

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Select the Forest Root Domain
Establish Forest Root Domain Structure:
Option 1: Use a Planned Domain

Option 2: Dedicated Forest Root Domain

Additional Considerations:
Determine Time Synch Strategy

Consider Cost of Final Structure

Consider Complexity of Final Structure

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Decision Flow Path A:
Determine OU Structure

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Design the OU Structure
Choose an OU Design:
Task 1: Design OU Configuration for Delegation of

Task 2: Design OU Configuration for Group Policy Application

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Decision Flow Path B:
Determine Domain Controller Placement and
Operations Master Role Placement

S te p B1: S te p B2: S te p B4 :
S te p B3:
De te r m ine De te r m ine De te r m in e
De te r m ine
B Dom a in Num b e r of Op e r a tio ns
Glob a l Ca ta log
Co ntr o lle r Dom a in Ma s te r Role
P la c e m e nt
P la c e m e nt Con tr olle r s P la c e m e nt

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Determine Domain Controller
Placement of the Domain Controllers:
Task 1: Hub Locations

Task 2: Satellite Locations

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Determine the Number of Domain
Number of Domain Controllers Needed and Their Type:
Task 1: Determine Number of Domain Controllers

Task 2: Determine Type of Domain Controllers Placed in


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Determine Global Catalog Placement
Global Catalog Locations and Number Needed:
Ap p lic a tio n
Ye s
Re q uir e m e n t?

Task 1: Determine Global Catalog Locations and Counts


Num b e r
Ye s
of us e r s > 100?


Do no t p la c e a
WAN link
g lob a l c a ta lo g
100% Ye s
s e r ve r a t the
Ava ila b le ?
loc a tio n


P la c e a g lob a l
Ma n y ro a m ing Ye s c a ta lo g s e r ve r a t
us e rs a t
the loc a tio n
lo c a tio n ?


Pla c e a d om a in
c o ntr olle r a t the
loc a tion a nd e na b le
u nive r s a l g ro up
m e m b e r s h ip
c a c h ing

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Determine Global Catalog Placement
Locate Near Applications That Rely on Global Catalog

Number of Users at the Location Greater Than 100

WAN Link Availability

Roaming Users at Location

Use of Universal Group Caching

How Many Global Catalog Servers?

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Determine Operations Master Role
Domain Roles
Primary domain controller (PDC) emulator operations master

Relative ID (RID) operations master

Infrastructure operations master

Forest Roles
Schema operations master

Domain naming operations master

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Determine Operations Master Role
Operations Master Role Placement:
Task 1: FSMO Placement

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Decision Flow Path C:
Determine Site Design and Structure

S te p C3 :
S te p C1: S te p C2 :
Cr e a te the S ite
C Cr e a te th e S ite Cr e a te the S ite
Lin k Br id g e
De s ig n Lin k De s ig n
De s ig n

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Create the Site Design
Creating the Site Design:
Task 1: Create a Site for the Location

Task 2: Associate Location to Nearest Defined Site

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Create a Site Link Design
Creating the Site Link Design:
Task 1: Determine the Site Link Design

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Create the Site Link Bridge Design
Creating the Site Link Bridge Design:
Option 1: Default Behavior

Option 2: Custom Site Link Bridge

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Decision Flow Path D:
Determine Domain Controller Configuration

S te p D1 :
De te r m ine
D Dom a in
Co ntr o lle r
Co nfig ur a tio n

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Determine Domain Controller
Plan Domain Controller Configuration:
Task 1: Identify Minimum Disk Space Requirements for Each
Domain Controller

Task 2: Identify Memory Requirements for Each Domain


Task 3: Determine CPU Requirements

Task 4: Identify Network Requirements for Each Domain


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Active Directory Dependencies
Direct Dependencies
Domain Name Service (DNS)

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Indirect dependencies
Windows Internet Naming Services (WINS)

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What’s Next? – Discuss, Rinse, Repeat
Implement your design

Test and refine design along the way

Provide feedback on the doc to

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Summary and Conclusion
Organizations should base the design of their Active Directory
infrastructure on business and technical requirements

Considerations should include:

• The scope of the network and environment

• Technical requirements and considerations

• Additional business requirements

• Designing an Active Directory infrastructure to meet these


• Validating the overall approach

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Find More Information
The Microsoft Solution Accelerators Web Site

Download the full document

Online Resources
Creating a Forest Design: provides information on the details and needs for a forest design
Creating a Domain Design: provides information on the details and needs for a domain design
Namespace planning for DNS: provides information on the best practices and techniques for
DNS names
Configuration of the time service within AD will help with syntax and design requirement for
setting up the time for the AD enterprise
Best Practice Active Directory Design for Managing Windows Networks
Windows Server 2003 Deployment Guide: provides invaluable information for deploying and
configuration servers for AD
FSMO placement and optimization on Active Directory domain controllers
Best Practices for Active Directory Design and Deployment
Designing and Deploying Directory and Security Services

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