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á |  is the practice of
applying paint, pigment, color or
other medium to a surface
(support base). The application
of the medium is commonly
applied to the base with a brush
but other objects can be used.
In art the term describes both
the act and the result which is
called a painting.
á |aintings may have for their
support such surfaces as
walls, paper, canvas, wood,
glass, lacquer, clay, copper
or concrete, and may
incorporate multiple other
materials including sand,
clay, paper, gold leaf as
well as objects¦



á uil painting is the process of
painting with pigments that are
bound with a medium of drying
oil³especially in early modern
Europe, linseed oil. uften an oil
such as linseed was boiled with
a resin such as pine resin or
even frankincense; these were
called 'varnishes' and were
prized for their body and gloss
á |astel is a painting medium
in the form of a stick, consisting of pure
powdered pigment and a binder.The
pigments used in pastels are the same as
those used to produce all colored art
media, including oil paints; the binder is of
a neutral hue and low saturation. The
color effect of pastels is closer to the
natural dry pigments than that of any
other process

á Ycrylic paint is fast drying paint
containing pigment suspension in
acrylic polymer emulsion. Ycrylic
paints can be diluted with water, but
become water-resistant when dry.
Depending on how much the paint is
diluted (with water) or modified with
acrylic gels, media, or pastes, the
finished acrylic painting can resemble
a watercolor or an oil painting, or
have its own unique characteristics
not attainable with other media.

á ÿatercolor is a painting
method in which the paints are
made of pigments suspended in a
water soluble vehicle. The traditional
and most common support for
watercolor paintings is paper; other
supports include papyrus, bark
papers, plastics, vellum or leather,
fabric, wood, and canvas.
á Ink paintings are done with a
liquid that contains pigments
and/or dyes and is used to color a
surface to produce an image,
text, or design. Ink is used for
drawing with a pen, brush, or quill.
Ink can be a complex medium,
composed of solvents, pigments,
dyes, resins, lubricants, solubilizers,
surfactants, particulate matter,
fluorescers, and other materials.

á Dresco is any of several

related mural painting types, done
on plaster on walls or ceilings. The
word fresco comes from the Italian
word à  [af fres ko] which
derives from the Latin word for
"fresh". Drescoes were often made
during the Renaissance


á V  

considered as the
greatest artist of the

and one of the

greatest masters of art
of the twentieth

Dali went to |aris where
he met the Spanish
painters |ablo |icasso
and Joan Miro. He
established himself as
the principal figure of
a group of surrealist
|   | 
á Spanish expatriate painter,
sculptor, printmaker,
ceramicist, and stage
designer, one of the
greatest and most
influential artists of the 20th
century and the creator
(with Georges Braque) of
|   | 
á Leonardo da Vinci was an
Italian painter, sculptor,
architect, engineer, and
scientist. He was one of the
greatest minds of the Italian
Renaissance, and his
influence on painting was
enormous to the following
á Ú 
30, 1853 - July 29, 1890) is
generally considered the
greatest Dutch painter
after Rembrandt, though
he had little success during
his lifetime. Van Gogh
produced all of his work
(some 900 paintings and 1100
drawings) during a period of only 10
years before he succumbed to
mental illness (possibly bipolar
disorder) and committed suicide. His
fame grew rapidly after his death
especially following a showing of 71 of
van Gogh's paintings in |aris on
March 17, 1901 (11 years after his
Mexican visual arts have been very
fortunate and prolific, from the
start of the 20th century painters,
sculptors and even photographers,
had the skill to interpret political,
social, economical events and
create their own styles giving a
unique personality to Mexican art.
José María Velasco,
born in the State of
Mexico, is one of the
painters and landscape
artist recognized for his
inspiration in rural
provincial Mexico


ÿas a Mexican social
realist painter, who
specialized in bold
murals that established
the 0à

 àà  together
with murals by Diego
Rivera, David Ylfaro
Siqueiros, and others.
José Luis Cuevas is
another of the great
Mexican painters,
whose talents  
to sculpture,
illustration and
Cuevas marked another artistic
trend that intentionally tried to
break with Mexican muralism.
The trend in the historical-social
and nationalist vision that
characterized paintings during
the first half of the 20th century
was divided by this painter.
|ainter, muralist. Born on
December 8, 1886, in
Guanajuato, Mexico.
Now thought to be one
of the leading artists of
the twentieth century,
Rivera began drawing as
a child
Rivera began to
express his artistic
ideas about Mexico,
its people and its
history by starting a
series of murals in
public buildings

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