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ET 201

 Define, analyze and calculate the

response of RLC (resistance R and
reactance X).

 Define and analyze the impedance and

impedance diagram for RLC elements. 1
14.2 The Derivative

• To understand the response of the basic R, L

and C elements to a sinusoidal signal, you
need to examine the concept of the derivative.
• The derivative dx/dt is defined as the rate of
change of x with respect to time.
• If x fails to change at a particular instant, dx =
0, and the derivative is zero.
• The derivative dx/dt is actually the slope of the
graph at any instant of time.

14.2 The Derivative
• The derivative dx/dt is zero only at the positive and
negative peaks (ωt = π/2 and 3π/2) since x fails to
change at these instants of time.

• For the sinusoidal waveform, the greatest change in x

will occur at the instants ωt = 0, π, and 2π. The
derivative is therefore a maximum at these points.

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
• For power-line frequencies and frequencies up to a few
hundred kilohertz, resistance is, for all practical
purposes, unaffected by the frequency of the applied
sinusoidal voltage or current.
• For this frequency region, the resistor R can be treated
as a constant.

v = Ri

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Given v = Vm sin ωt
v Vm
i= = sin ωt = I m sin ωt

Where; Vm
Im =

For a given i = I m sin ωt ;

v = iR = ( I m sin ωt ) R = I m R sin ωt = Vm sin ωt

Vm = I m R
Where; 5
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
vR = Vm sin ωt

iR = I m sin ωt

• For a purely resistive element, the voltage across and

the current through the element are in phase, with their
peak values related by Ohm’s law.
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
• The inductive voltage is directly related to the frequency f
(or more specifically, the angular velocity of the
sinusoidal ac current through the coil) and the
inductance of the coil L.
• The voltage across an inductor is directly related to the
rate of change of current through the coil.

 diL 
v L = L 
 dt 
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Given iL = I m sin ωt
diL d
vL = L = L ( I m sin ωt ) = ωLI m cos ωt
dt dt

Or; (
vL = ωLI m cos ωt = Vm sin ωt + 90 )
Where; Vm = ωLI m

Hence; = ωL = X L [ Ω] XL : Inductive reactance
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
vL = Vm sin ωt + 90 )
iL = I m sin ωt

• For an inductor, vL leads iL by 90°, or iL lags vL by 90°.

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
• For a particular capacitance, the greater the rate of
change of voltage across the capacitor, the greater the
capacitive current.
• The capacitive current is directly related to the rate of
change of the voltage across the capacitor.

 dvC 
iC = C  
 dt 

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Given vC = Vm sin ωt
dvC d
iC = C = C (Vm sin ωt ) = ωCVm cos ωt
dt dt

Or; (
iC = ωCVm cos ωt = I m sin ωt + 90 )
Where; I m = ωCVm

Vm 1
Hence; = = XC [ Ω] XC : Capacitive reactance
I m ωC

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current

iC = I m sin ωt + 90 ) vC = Vm sin ωt

• For a capacitor, iC leads vC by 90°, or vC lags iC by 90°.

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current

• If the source current leads the applied voltage,

the network is predominantly capacitive.

• If the applied voltage leads the source current,

the network is predominantly inductive.

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Resistor: Inductor: Capacitor:
vR and iR in phase vL leads iL by 90° iC leads vC by 90°

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current

Relationship between differential, integral operation

in phasor listed as follow:


∫ v dt jω
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current

Summary of voltage-current relationship

Element Time domain Frequency domain

v = Ri V = RI

L di 1
v=L ; i = ∫ v dt V = jωLI
dt L

C dv 1 V =
i=C ; v = ∫ i dt
dt C jω C

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.1(a)
The voltage across a 10 Ω resistor is given by the expression;

v = 100 sin 377t

Find the expression for the current i through the resistor and
sketch the curves for v and i.

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.1(a) – solution

v = Vm sin ωt = 100 sin 377t

Vm = 100 V

and ω = 377 rad/s = 2πf

Vm 100
Im = = = 10 A
R 10


im = I m sin ωt = 10 sin 377t A

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.1(a) – solution (cont’d)

The alternative waveform;

v, i

100 V v
In phase
10 A
0 i t (ms)
8.35 16.7

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.1(b)
The voltage across a 10 Ω resistor is given by the expression;

v = 25 sin 377t + 60 
Find the expression for the current i through the resistor and
sketch the curves for v and i.

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.1(b) – solution
v = Vm sin ( ωt + θ ) = 25 sin 377t + 60 )
Vm = 25 V;

ω = 377 rad/s
and θ = +60

Vm 25
Im = = = 2.5 A
R 10
im = I m sin ( ωt + θ ) = 2.5 sin 377t + 60 A )
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.1(b) – solution (cont’d)

The alternative waveform;

v, i

25 V v
i In phase
2.5 A 8.33 12.5 16.67
-4.17 0 4.17 t

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.3(a)
The current a 0.1 H coil is given by the expression;

i = 10 sin 377t
Find the expression for the voltage v across the coil and
sketch the curves for v and i.

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.3(a) – solution

vL leads iL by 90°,

Hence, if the current is; iL = I m sin ωt

the voltage will be; (

vL = Vm sin ωt + 90 )

where; Vm = I m X L and; X L = ωL = 2πfL

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.3(a) – solution (cont’d)
From the expression; i = 10 sin 377t

ω = 377 rad/s; 377

I m = 10 A; f = = 60 Hz;

1 1
T= = = 16.67 ms; X L = ωL = 377 × 0.1 = 37.7 Ω
f 60

Hence; Vm = I m X L = 10 × 37.7 = 377 V

Hence the expression for the voltage is;

( ) (
v = Vm sin ωt + 90 = 377 sin 377t + 90 )
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.3(a) – solution (cont’d)
The waveforms; i = 10 sin 377t (
v = 377 sin 377t + 90 )

-4.17 4.17 8.33

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.3(b)
The current a 0.1 H coil is given by the expression;

i = 7 sin 377t − 70 
Find the expression for the voltage v across the coil and
sketch the curves for v and i.

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.3(b) – solution
vL leads iL by 90°,

Hence, if the current is; iL = I m sin ( ωt + θ )

the voltage will be; (

vL = Vm sin ωt + θ + 90 )
where; Vm = I m X L and; X L = ωL = 2πfL

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.3(a) – solution (cont’d)
From the expression; i = 7 sin ( 377t − 70°)

ω = 377 rad/s; 377

I m = 7 A; f = = 60 Hz;

1 1
T= = = 16.67 ms; θ = −70°
f 60
X L = ωL = 377 × 0.1 = 37.7 Ω

Hence; Vm = I m X L = 7 × 37.7 = 263.9 V

Hence the expression for the voltage is;

( ) (
v = Vm sin ωt + θ + 90 = 263.9 sin 377t + 20 ) 29
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.3(b) – solution (cont’d)
The waveforms; i = 7 sin ( 377t − 70°) (
v = 263.9 sin 377t + 20 )


0.93 4.17 8.33 12.5 t (ms)


14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.5
The voltage across a 1 µ F capacitor is given by the expression;

v = 30 sin 400t V
Find the expression for the current i through the capacitor and
sketch the curves for v and i.

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.5 – solution
iC leads vC by 90°,

Hence, if the voltage is; vC = Vm sin ωt

the current will be; (

iC = I m sin ωt + 90 )
Vm 1 1
where; Im = and; XC = =
XC ωC 2πfC

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.5 – solution (cont’d)
From the expression; v = 30 sin 400t
Vm = 30 V; ω = 400 rad/s; f = = 63.7 Hz;

1 1 1 1
T= = = 15.7 ms; XC = = = 2500 Ω
f 63.7 ωC 400 ×1×10 −6

Vm 30
Hence; Im = = = 12 mA
X C 2500
Hence the expression for the current is;
( )
i = I m sin ωt + 90 = 12 sin ( 400t + 90°) mA
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.5 – solution (cont’d)
The waveforms; v = 30 sin 400t i = 12 sin ( 400t + 90°) mA

7.85 t

3.93 3.93 11.78 15.7

i leads v by 3.93 ms ≡ 90°
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.6
The current through a 100 µ F capacitor is given by the

i = 40 sin 500t + 60 V 
Find the expression for the voltage v across the capacitor.

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.6 – solution
iC leads vC by 90°,

Hence, if the current is; iC = I m sin ( ωt + θ )

the voltage will be; (

vC = Vm sin ωt + θ − 90 )
1 1
where; Vm = I m X C and; XC = =
ωC 2πfC

14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.6 – solution (cont’d)
From the expression; (
i = 40 sin 500t + 60 )
I m = 40 A; ω = 500 rad/s; 500
f = = 79.6 Hz;
1 1 2π
T= = = 12.57 ms; θ = 60
f 79.6
1 1
XC = = = 20 Ω
ωC 500 ×100 ×10 −6

Hence; Vm = I m X C = 40 × 20 = 800 V
Hence the expression for the voltage is;

( )
v = Vm sin ωt + θ − 90 = 800 sin ( 500t − 30°) 37
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.7(a)
Determine the type of element in the box (C, L or R) and
calculate its value if;

( )
v = 100 sin ωt + 40 V and ( )
i = 20 sin ωt + 40 A

The voltage and current are in
phase .
The element is a resistor (R).
Vm 100
R= = =5Ω
Im 20
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.7(b)
Determine the type of element in the box (C, L or R) and calculate
its value if;

( )
v = 1000 sin 377t + 10 V and ( )
i = 5 sin 377t − 80 A


The voltage leads the current by 90°

The element is an inductor (L).

Vm 1000 X L 200
XL = = = 200 Ω; L= = = 0.53 H
Im 5 ω 377
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.7(c)
Determine the type of element in the box (C, L or R) and calculate
its value if;

( )
v = 500 sin 157t + 30 V and ( )
i = 1sin 157t + 120 A

The voltage lags the current by 90°
The element is a capacitor (C).

V 500 1 1
XC = m = = 500 Ω; C= = = 12.74 µF
Im 1 ωX C 157 × 500
14.3 Response of Basic R, L and C Elements
to a Sinusoidal Voltage or Current
Example 14.7(d)
Determine the type of element in the box (C, L or R) and calculate
its value if;

v = 50 cos ωt + 20 V ) and ( )
i = 5 sin ωt + 110 A

( ) ( )
v = 50 cos ωt + 20 = 50 sin ωt + 20 + 90 = 50 sin ( ωt + 110°) V

The voltage and current are in

phase .
The element
Vm is50a resistor (R).
R= = = 10 Ω
Im 5 41
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Impedance Z
• It is a ratio of the phasor voltage V to the phasor
current I.
• Unit in ohms (Ω).

Z= [Ω]
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Impedance Z
Impedance Z has two components:
• Real component (ZRe ): Resistance, R
• Imaginary component (ZIm ) : Reactance, X

Z = R ± jX [Ω]

• Reactance can be inductor, L and capacitance, C.

• Positive X is for L and negative X is for C.

15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Admittance Y
• It is the reciprocal of impedance Z.
• Unit in siemens (S).

1 I
Y= =
R ± jX
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Impedance for Resistor, R
v and i are in phase;

Im =

Or; Vm = I m R

In phasor form;
v = Vm sin ωt V = V∠0

15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Impedance for Resistor, R
Applying Ohm’s law and phasor algebra;
V V∠0
= =
R∠θ R R∠θ R
= ∠0  − θ R

Since v and i are in phase; 0 

−θR = 0
Hence; θ R = 0 Z R = R ∠ 0°
Therefore; I = ∠ 0 

15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Impedance for Resistor, R
• The boldface Roman quantity ZR, having both magnitude
and an associate angle, is referred to as the impedance
of a resistive element.
• ZR is not a phasor since it does not vary with time.
• Even though the format R∠ 0° is very similar to the
phasor notation for sinusoidal current and voltage, R and
its associated angle of 0° are fixed, non-varying

Z R = R ∠ 0° [ Ω]
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.1

Find i in the figure.


v = 100 sin ωt V = 70.7∠0 V

Applying Ohm’s law;

V 70.7∠0
I= = = 1 4. 14∠ 0 
ZR 5∠0 
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.1 – solution (cont’d)

I = 14.14∠0 A i = 20 sin ωt A

I = 14.14 A

V = 70.7 V

vR and iR in phase
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.2
Find v in the figure


i = 4 sin (ωt + 30 ) A I = 2.83∠30 A

Applying Ohm’s law;

V = IZ R = ( I∠θ )( R∠0°)

= 2.83∠30 × 2∠0

= 5.66∠30 V
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.2 – solution (cont’d)

V = 5.66∠30 V 
v = 8 sin (ωt + 30 ) V

V = 5.66 V

I = 2.83 A


vR and iR in phase
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Impedance for Inductor, L
vL leads iL by 90°, X L = ωL = 2πfL [ Ω]

By phasor transformation;

v = Vm sin ωt V = V∠0

Where; V=
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Impedance for Inductor, L
Applying Ohm’s law and phasor algebra;

V V∠0°
= =
X L ∠θ L X L ∠θ L
= ∠0° − θ L
Since v leads i by 90°; 0 − θ L = −90
Hence; θ L = 90 Z L = X L ∠90 
Therefore; I= ∠ − 90°
XL = ωL∠90°
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.3

Find i in the figure.


v = 24 sin ωt V V = 16.97∠0 V

Applying Ohm’s law;

V V∠ θ 16.97∠0
I= = =
Z L X L ∠90° 3∠90

= 5.66∠ − 90 A
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.3 – solution (cont’d)

I = 5.66∠ − 90 A i = 8 sin (ωt − 90 ) A

V = 16.97 V

I = 5.66 A
vL leads iL by 90°
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.4
Find v in the figure.


i = 5 sin (ωt + 30 ) A I = 3.54∠30 A

Applying Ohm’s law;

V = IZ L = ( I∠θ )( X L ∠90°) = 3.54∠30 × 4∠90

= 14.14∠120 A
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.4 – solution (cont’d)

V = 14.14∠120 V v = 20 sin (ωt + 120 ) A

V = 14.14 V

I = 3.54 A


vL leads iL by 90°
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Impedance for Capacitor, C
1 1
iC leads vC by 90°, XC = = [ Ω]
ωC 2πfC
By phasor transformation;

v = Vm sin ωt V = V∠0

Where; V=
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Impedance for Capacitor, C
Applying Ohm’s law and phasor algebra;
V V∠0°
= =
X C ∠θ C X C ∠θ C
= ∠0° − θ C

Since i leads v by 90°; 0 − θ C = +90

 
Z C = X C ∠ − 90
Hence; θ C = −90

V 1
I= ∠90° = ∠ − 90°
Therefore; XC ωC
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.5
Find i in the figure.


v = 15 sin ωt V V = 10.61∠0 V

By Ohm’s law;
V V∠θ
I= =
Z C X C ∠ − 90

= = 5. 31∠90 
2∠ − 90 
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.5 – Solution (cont’d)


I = 5.31∠90 A i = 7.5 sin (ωt + 90 ) A

I = 5.3 A

V = 10.6 V
iC leads vC by 90°
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.6
Find v in the figure.


i = 6 sin (ωt − 60 ) A I = 4.24∠ − 60 A

By Ohm’s law;
V = IZ C = ( I∠θ )( X C ∠ − 90°)
= 4.24∠ − 60 × 0.5∠ − 90

= 2.12∠ − 150 V
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Example 15.6 – solution
Inverse- transform;

V = 2.12∠ − 150 V v = 3 sin (ωt − 150 ) V

iC leads vC by 90°
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor Diagram
X L = ωL; X C =
Impedances and admittances of passive
Element Impedance, Z Admittance, Y
R 1 1
R R∠ 0° ∠ 0°
L 1 1
jωL X C ∠ 90° ∠ - 90°
jωL XL
C 1 1
X L ∠ - 90° j ωC ∠ 90°
j ωC XC
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram
Impedance Diagram
Inductive reactance
• An angle is associated with
resistance, inductive
reactance and capacitive
reactance, each can be resistance
placed on a complex plane
• Combining different types of
elements give total
impedance from -90o to 90o. Capacitive reactance

θ T angle = 0o Resistive in nature

θ T closer to 90 o
Inductive in nature
θ T closer to -90o
Capacitive in nature
15.2 Impedance and the Phasor diagram

Impedance Diagram
• For any configuration
(series, parallel, series-
parallel, etc.), the angle
associated with the total
impedance is the angle by
which the applied voltage
leads the source current.
• For inductive networks,
θ T will be positive.
• For capacitive networks,
θ T will be negative.

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