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2 It is a type of M   
  that measures
the problems customer encounter when using the
2 here are two types of customer¶s problem is there.

1) Non-defect oriented problem.

2) Defect problem.

2 Non-defects-oriented problems:
1) x  
 ( Unclear
documentation or information).
3)  M
  ( defects that
where reported by other customers and fixes where
available but the current customer did not know of

2 Defect problems:
Problems with the software defects.

2 herefore the customer problem metric is usually

expressed in terms of M
 Πotal problems that customers reported (valid
defects and non-defect-oriented problems) for a time
period  otal number of license-months of the
software during the period.
èor 1 month number of license copy is 1000
herefore for a certain period (Say 12 month)there will
be 12*1000Œ12000 license copy of the product.
So, PUMΠotal Problem/12000.
2 Improve the development process and reduce the
product defects.

2 Reduce the non-defects-oriented problems by

improving all aspects of the products (Such as
usability, documentation), customer education and
2 Îften measured by customer survey data via five
point scale:

å Very satisfied
å Satisfied
å Neutral
å Dissatisfied
å Very dissatisfied
2 Aased on these five point scale data several metrics
can be constructed.

X Percentage of completely satisfied customer.

X percentage of satisfied customer.
X Percent of dissatisfied customers.
X Percent of nonsatisfied(neutral, dissatisfied, and
completely dissatisfied)

2 èor these metrics weighting index approach can be

use (Known as net satisfaction index)

Completely satisfied Π100%

Satisfied Π%
Neutral Π0%
Dissatisfied Π2%
Completely dissatisfied Π0%
! " 

2 !  
  used to measure product
during development process.
2 In this metrics we will discuss the following.

J Defect arrival pattern during machine testing.

# Phase based defect removal pattern.
$ Defect removal effectiveness.
M  %
2 he defect arrivals (defects reported) during the
testing phase by time interval (%' (). hese are
the total arrival defects, not all of which are valid
2 he pattern of valid defect arrivals.
2 he pattern of defect backlog (Process all the defects
at the end of the development cycle. enerally
retesting (% ) is needed ? ensure that
targeted product uality levels are reached.

2 It reuires the tracking of defects at all phases of the

development cycle, including the design reviews,
code inspections, and formal verifications before
2 he pattern of phase-based defect removal reflects the
overall defect removal ability of the development
) *
) +
2 Defect removal effectiveness (or efficiency) can be
defined as follows:

DREΠ(Defects removed during a developing process)/

(otal defects in the product) *100.

he denominator of the metric can only be approximated. It

is usually estimated by:
     %  M -    

2 he higher the value of the metric, the more effective
the development process and the fewer the defects
escape to the next phase or to the field.

2 A   ? ? ?    ? 

  ?    ?   

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