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Engineering Science: Chapter 2 Velocity & Acceleration

Velocity & Acceleration

1. As a first step in studying classical mechanics, we describe motion in terms of spaces and time while ignoring the agents that caused that motion. 2. This portion of classical mechanics is called kinematics. 3. In this chapter we consider only motion in one dimension, that is, motion along a straight line. 4. We first define position, displacement, velocity and acceleration. 5. Then, using these concepts, we study the motion of objects traveling in one dimension with a constant acceleration

2.1 Displacement

A displacement is the shortest distance from the initial and final positions of a point P. Thus, it is the length of an imaginary straight path, typically distinct from the path actually traveled by P. A displacement vector represents the length and direction of that imaginary straight path.

2.1 Displacement


When we say that a person has walked 7 kilometers, we give no indication either of the actual distance between his initial and final positions or of the direction of the final position relative to the initial position. He could be at any point within a radius of 7 km: he could even be back at his initial position. Distance is therefore a scalar quantity, i.e it has magnitude only (no direction).




2.1 Displacement

A person has walked


3 km eastwards, as represented by AB in fig. and then walked 4 km northwards, as represented by BC, his final position C is 5 km away from his initial position A.

This change of position is termed the displacement and is independent of the path followed and of the time taken; thus, he could have reached C by going north-east from A to D and then south-east from D to C, as shown by the dotted lines in figure below. D

4 km

3 km

2.1 Displacement


Since displacement has both magnitude and direction, it is a vector quantity and can be represented by a straight line drawn to scale in the direction of the displacement. From figure, it will be seen that during the first part of the 7 km journey from A to C, the displacement is 3 km in an easterly direction and this can be represented by a horizontal vector AB, drawn to a scale of, say, 1 cm to 1 km. During the second part of the journey, the displacement is 4 km in a northerly direction and is represented in fig. 6.1 by vector BC, 4 cm long, drawn vertically at B. The resultant displacement is represented to scale by the straight line AC. By measurement, the length of AC is found to be 5 cm and the angle between AC and AB is 53o; i.e. the resultant displacement is 5 km in a direction 53o north of east and can be determined by adding vectorially the component displacements A


4 km

3 km B

2.2 Speed
If a motor car travels 1.6 km in 2 minutes, its speed is 0.8 kilometers per minute, or  0.8 km/minutes x 60 minutes/hour = 48 km/hr  In general, we can say that the speed of a body is the distance traversed in unit time, or the rate at which distance is traversed.  The distance can be expressed in any convenient unit such as a meter, a kilometers, etc.,  and the unit of time can also be any convenient value such as an hour, a minute or a second.

1.6km t = 2 minutes

V = Distance, s time, t = 1.6 km 2 min = 0.8km/min

2.2 Speed


If a motor car travels a distance of 48 km in one hour, its average speed is 48 km/h, but it is extremely unlikely that the car will travel at exactly this speed during the whole hour its speed will be at times higher and at other times lower than this value. A body has constant speed only if it moves over equal distances in equal intervals of time however short the interval. The average speed of a body is the total distance divided by the time; thus, if a body travels a distance s meters in t seconds, the average speed, v meters per second, is given by:
V = s [meters] t [seconds] = s meters/second t

2.2 Speed
If a motor car is traveling at a speed of 100 km/h, what is the speed in meters/second?
100 km = (100 x 1000) meter 1 hour (1 x 3600) seconds = 100,000 meter 3600 seconds = 27.78 m/s Note: 1km = 1000m 1hr = 60min = 3600s

2.2 Speed
If an aeroplane travels a distance of 800 km at a constant speed in 12 h, calculate: a) its speed in m/s b) the number of km traveled in 20 minutes, and c) the time taken to travel 100 km. s = 800km = 800 x 1000 = 8 x 105m t = 12 hrs = 12 x 3600 = 43200s a) v = s/t = 8 x 105m 43200s = 18.52m/s b) t = 20min = 20 x 60 = 1200s v = s/t s=vxt = 18.52 x 1200 = 22224m = 22.2km c) s = 100km = 100 x 1000 = 1 x 105m v = s/t t = s/v = 1 x 105 18.52 = 5399.57s = 1.5h

2.3 Graph Relating Distance, Time & Speed

Distance vs time & speed vs time graph for constant speed.

Constant speed - no speed change

The slope at graph (a) represent speed at which the body is moving.  The area shown shaded in speed vs time:


= speed x time = 5m/s x 20s = 100m

2.3 Graph Relating Distance, Time & Speed

Distance vs time & speed vs time graph for varying speed.  Average Speed:

Tangent line

= 100m/20s = 5m/s

The slope at initial and final are zero (graph a).  Slope at any intermediate is obtained by drawing a tangent line.

2.3 Graph Relating Distance, Time & Speed

Slope AB:

BC Slope of AB ! AC 42m ! (10 - 2.5)s ! 5.6 m/s

Tangent line



4.5s 5.5s, average speed = 5.6m/s So, distance:  s = 5.6m/s x 1s  = 5.6m 5.6m, is represented by the area of the shade trip. Total area below the graph (b) represent the total distance traveled.

5.6 m/s

5.5s-4.5s = 1s

2.3 Graph Relating Distance, Time & Speed

v3 v2 v4 v5



Average Speed ! v !

v1  v2  v3  v4  v5  v6 6

t, is the length of the time taken  Distance travel = area enclosed by graph  = average speed x time  = vt

2.4 Linear Velocity

Speed is scalar quantity

Speed of a body can be stated without any reference to the direction. Velocity has both magnitude and direction.

Velocity is vector quantity

If a car traveling in northerly direction at a speed 40km/h, the velocity is said to be 40km/h northwards.

2.5 Relative Velocity

v = 50km/h

v = 80km/h


Train A is moving at:

80 50 = 30km/h, relative to train B.

Observer at B, train A would appear to be eastward ( ) traveling at 30km/h.  Observer at A, Train B would appear to be traveling westward ( ) at 30km/h.

2.5 Relative Velocity

v = 80km/h

v = 50km/h


Train A is moving at:

80 (-50) = 130km/h, relative to train B.

Observer at B, train A would appear to be eastward ( ) traveling at 130km/h.  Observer at A, Train B would appear to be traveling westward ( ) at 130km/h.

2.6 Acceleration

Velocity increase - accelerating Velocity decreasing - retarding Acceleration = Rate of change of velocity The car velocity increase 1.5m/s every second from 0m/s to 30m/s
0m/s ? m/s ? m/s ? m/s 30m/s

2.6 Acceleration
0m/s ? m/s ? m/s ? m/s 30m/s

Change o Velocity ! v  u Acceleration ! a ! Rate o change o velocity Change o velocity time vu ! t v ! u  at

u = initial velocity v = final velocity a = acceleration Suppose the velocity to increase at a uniform rate to v in time,t

Unit for acceleration: m/s2

2.6 Acceleration
hange of elocity ! v  u hange of velocity time vu ! t v ! u  at 1

Acceleration ! a ! ate of change of velocity

Substituting the value v from equation (1) to equation (2);

1 s ! u  u  at t 2 1 2 s ! ut  at 2

Distance travel ! s average velocity ! 1 u  v 2 s ! average velocity x time s ! 1 u  v t 2


2.6 Acceleration

v ! u  at if , v 2 ! (u  at ) 2

Note= a is positive when accelerating a is negative when retarding

! u  2uat  ( at ) 1 2 2 ! u  2a(ut  at ) 2 4 v 2 ! u 2  2as

s Speed ; v ! t v u Acceleration; a ! t v ! u  at 1 2 Dis tan ceTravel ; s ! ut  at 2 v 2 ! u 2  2as

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