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Presented by : 1. Agus Pujianto (A 241 08 043) 2. Muamar Kadafi (A 241 08 051) 3. Hasnawiyah (A 241 09 034) 4.

Erniati (A 241 08 024)

The Etymology of Biological Knowledge

y The term biology was born in the days of Greek

civilization. Derived from the word bios meaning life and logos with the meaning of science, so understanding of biology at the time was a field of study devoted to learning the creatures living alone. y The term was first used in 1801 that put forward by Lamarck and Treviranus, while Ariseles (384-322 BC) is seen as a pioneer the development of the science of living things.

Definition of Biology
y Biology is the study of everything about living things

or Biology is one of the science that studies all forms of life and various aspects of living organisms - their structure and function, how they grow, and how they interact with their environment, which became the object of science This is a living organism and which became the subject would have been human

Why Do We Study Biology?

y One reason stands out above the others is to know a lot

about ourselves and the world we live. y The desire to know is the cornerstone of human embodiment. So we're studying biology for the same reason why we study physics, chemistry, mathematics, history, literature and culture that is: To gain knowledge of other aspects of our lives and our earth.

Benefits of The Biological Sciences

y In daily life the knowledge of biology is very useful for

life, such as helped the field of agriculture, animal husbandry, medicine, food industry, environmental maintenance and others. y Biology as a science base is very beneficial in solving the fulfillment of human welfare.

Why the Biology is Important?

y Knowledge of life began to be discussed since the

human face many problems, one of them is a disease. Humans at that time argued that the problem of disease caused by matters relating to the mystical world (metaphysical)

This knowledge comes from history, religion, philosophy, literature and culture, or the term is the humanities. To determine the effective decisions are not only required a clear understanding of the values that should be protected or developed in the community, but also knowledge of the principles of physics and biology that underlie our lives. It required knowledge of biological science that stems from the science of life, is among the sciences of science.

The Relation of Biology with Other Sciences in the Exact

y Biology is the science about life, because that biology

has a relationship with a variety of existing knowledge on this earth. y Biology is one of the basic science that can not stand alone in solving a problem. y Science and mathematics mutual support, develop and needy. y In this case all the sciences are related to one another.

The Position of Biology Among Other Sciences.

y Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) is a basic

science or basic science. This basic science of mathematics, physics, and biology. y MIPA be regarded as basic science, because knowledge of Science is the basis for the technology. y Kedasaran level of Mathematics is mathematics, followed by physics, chemistry and biology. y Thus to become a biology (biologists), we must know and understand the basic science that preceded it

That the science of biology is important in natural science. Because of Biology as the science base is very beneficial in the fulfillment of human welfare.

Thank You and Good Bye

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