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Unit Quiz

15 items Basic Virology 20 items Medical Virology

Quiz Basic Virology

Viruses demonstrate the following except: A. They are non-living B. They are host-specific C. They contain DNA and RNA D. They are small in dimensions

Quiz Basic Virology

Enumerate the three basic differences in structures of viruses

Quiz Basic Virology

Target site of replication of the following: RNA ___________ DNA ___________

Quiz Basic Virology

Viral Entry of the following Naked virus ___________ Enveloped virus ___________

Quiz Basic Virology

Viral Exit of the following: Enveloped virus _________ Naked virus _________

Quiz Basic Virology

Largest virus

Quiz Basic Virology

Smallest virus

Quiz Basic Virology

Smallest DNA virus

Quiz Basic Virology

The only double stranded RNA virus

Quiz Basic Virology

The only single stranded DNA virus

Quiz Medical Virology

Etiologic agent for skin, plantar and genital warts

Quiz Medical Virology

Etiologic agent for hepatitis B infection

Quiz Medical Virology

Viral agent that causes common colds

Quiz Medical Virology

The viral agent for SARS

Quiz Medical Virology

This virus cause AIDS

Quiz Medical Virology

The virus that causes chickenpox

Quiz Medical Virology

This viral agent produces inflammation to the parotid glands and may later in adult life lead to sterility

Quiz Medical Virology

This viral agent causes macular rashes that migrates from the head down to the toes

Quiz Medical Virology

This viral agent produces selflimiting exanthems but complicates women in their 1st trimester of pregnancy

Quiz Medical Virology

The viral agent for cold sores or blisters

Quiz Medical Virology

The viral agent transmitted through canine bite

Quiz Medical Virology

The viral agent for infantile paralysis

Quiz Medical Virology

The viral agent eradicated by Edward Jenner vaccination efforts

Quiz Medical Virology

This viral agent produces diarrhea to infants

Quiz Medical Virology

The viral agent for adult-type viral diarrhea

Quiz Medical Virology

The hepatitis virus that is transmitted through genital secretions and blood, and which may lead to chronicity

Quiz Medical Virology

The self-limiting hepatitis viral agent which is acquired through ingestion of contaminated food

Quiz Medical Virology

This viral agent may cause hemorrhagic fevers and is transmitted by arthropod bites

Quiz Medical Virology

This viral agent weakens the immune system by targeting its host cells which are T helper cells

Quiz Medical Virology

The defective hepatitis virus that is transmitted through fecal-oral means

Now its a good day to all, =)

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