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Vehicle motion

Vehicle motion can be described based on kinematic and kinetic equations

Kinematic is the study of motion irrespective of the forces that cause it Kinetic is the study of motion that accounts the forces that cause it. The motion of a body can be linear or curvilinear It can be investigated in relation to a fixed coordinate system (absolute motion) or in relation to a moving coordinate system (relative motion)

Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Transportation Engineering

Equation of motion/ Rectilinear Motion

The rectilinear position of x is measured from a reference point and has unit of length The displacement is the difference in its position between two instants. Velocity v is the displacement of the particle divided by time over which the displacement occurs. It is given by the derivative of the displacement with respect of time

Speed is a scalar quantity and it is equal to the magnitude of the velocity, which is a vector
3 Dr. Lina Shbeeb Transportation Engineering

dx v= dt

Equation of motion/ Rectilinear Motion

Acceleration a is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. It can be positive, zero or negative. Negative acceleration or what is common known as deceleration is often denoted as d and its magnitude is given in the positive (d of 16 ft/s2 equals the same as an acceleration of - ft/s2)
4 Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Equation derivation

dv a= dt dv dx a= dx dt dv a = v dx which leads to vdv = adx

Transportation Engineering

Equation of motion/ Rectilinear Motion

The simplest case of rectilinear motion is the case of constant acceleration where

dv = a = cons tan t dt dv = adt by int egrating over the lim it t = 0 to t gives


dv = adt

v = at + vo The velocity can be exp ressed as a function of dis tan ce by inegrating vdv = adx, which lead 1 2 ( v vo2 ) = a( x xo ) 2 Thus 1 x = at 2 + vo t + xo 2

Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Transportation Engineering

Equation of motion/ Rectilinear Motion

Acceleration as a function of velocity

The acceleration of a vehicle from an initial speed vo is given by the relationship dv a= = A Bv

dt A and B are cons tan
v t dv = dt v A Bv o

1 ln( A Bv) = t B v

which lead A (1 e Bt ) +v o e Bt B if v is substitute in a = A Bv, a equals v= a = ( A Bvo )e Bt A v A x = t 2 (1 e Bt ) + o (1 e Bt ) B B B

6 Dr. Lina Shbeeb Transportation Engineering

Travel Speed
Distance x2


x2 x1 v= t 2 t1
t1 t2 Time

Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Spot Speed

V x1

dx v= dt



Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Spot Speed Measurements

Time t )s( Distance x )ft( Speed 1 v )ft/s( Speed 2 v )ft/s(


30.0 40.0 45.0



x3 x2 x1

3.0 4.0


7.5 = ---






Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Spot Speed Measurements

Time (s) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Distance (ft) 0.0 2.13 4.30 6.51 8.78 10.99 13.04 Speed (ft) 21.5 21.9 22.4 22.4 21.3 -

Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Average Acceleration Rate




v2 v1 a= t 2 t1
t1 t2 Time

Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Spot Acceleration Rate



dv a= dt
t1 Time

Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Measuring Acceleration Rates

Time (s) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Distance (ft) 0.0 2.13 4.30 6.51 8.78 10.99 13.04
Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Speed (ft/s) 21.5 21.9 22.4 22.4 21.3 -

Acceleration (ft/s2) 4.5 2.5 -5.5 -

Constant Acceleration Motion

dv = a = const dt
dv v=a dx
dx = vdt = (at + v0 )dt

v dv = 0 adt


vdv = 0 adx

0 dx = 0 (at + v0 )dt
1 2 x = at + v0 t 2
, where the

v = at + v0

2 v 2 v0 x= 2a

2 v0 v 2 Remark: The equation used for design is x= 2a

.deceleration Dr. Lina Shbeeb

rate has a positive value

From the following data, calculate the acceleration rate at the distance of 2 feet from the reference . point
?? ?

Distance (ft) 0 1 2 3 4

Speed (ft/s) 19.4 19.6 20.0 20.8 21.3


Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Constant Acceleration Motion

dv = a = const dt
dv v=a dx
dx = vdt = (at + v0 )dt

v dv = 0 adt


vdv = 0 adx

0 dx = 0 (at + v0 )dt
1 2 x = at + v0 t 2

v = at + v0

2 v 2 v0 x= 2a

Remark: The equation used for design is

2 v0 v 2 x= 2a

, where the

deceleration rate has a positive value. Shbeeb 16 Dr. Lina

Transportation Engineering

Braking Distance

wf cos 1.0

w a g w

w sin

17 Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Distance to stop vehicle

Transportation Engineering

Braking on Grades
W g a = Wf cos W sin
2 v0 v 2 x= 2a


2 v0 v 2 Db = x cos = cos 2a


2 (v 0

cos v ) 2 Db

1 2 cos ( v 0 v 2 ) = f cos sin g cos 2 Db

1 2 1 sin ( v 0 v 2 ) = f g 2 Db cos

sin = tan = G cos

Dr. Lina Shbeeb

2 v0 v 2 Db = 2 g ( f G)

Transportation Engineering

Braking distance
Braking Distance (Db) Db = distance from brakes enact to final speed Db = f(velocity, grade, friction) Db = (V02 V2)/[30(f +/- G)] or Db = (V02 V2)/[254(f +/- G)] metric
Db = braking distance (feet or meters) V0 = initial velocity (mph or kph) V = final velocity (mph or kph) f = coefficient of friction G = Grade (decimal) 30 or 254 = conversion coefficient
Dr. Lina Shbeeb Transportation Engineering


Braking Distance
AASHTO represents friction as a/g which is a function of the roadway, tires, etc Can use when deceleration is known (usually not) or use previous equation with friction Db = _____u2_____ 30({a/g} G)

Db = braking distance u = initial velocity when brakes are applied a = vehicle acceleration g = acceleration of gravity (32.2 ft/sec2) G = grade (decimal), level roads G=zero
Dr. Lina Shbeeb Transportation Engineering


Vehicle Braking Distance

Factors Braking System Tire Condition Roadway Surface Initial Speed Grade Braking Distance Equation db = (V2 - U2) / 30( f + g )
21 Dr. Lina Shbeeb Transportation Engineering

Coefficient of friction
Pavement condition Good, dry Good, wet Poor, dry Poor, wet Maximum 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.60 Slide 0.80 0.60 0.55 0.30 0.10

Packed snow and Ice 0.25


Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Transportation Engineering

Motion on Circular Curves

dv at = dt


v an = R

Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Transportation Engineering

Motion on Circular Curves

W sin + f s W cos = m an cos
W v2 W sin + f s W cos = ( ) cos g R W cos

sin = tan = e cos


v2 e + fs = gR Dr. Lina Shbeeb

Transportation Engineering

Minimum Radius of a Circular Curve

u2 R= 15( e + f s )
where u = vehicle velocity (mph) e = tan (rate of superelevation) fs = coefficient of side friction (depends on design speed) Example design speed = 65 mph rate of superelevation = 0.05 coefficient of side friction = 0.11 Solution minimum radius R = (65)2/[15(0.05+0.11)] = 1760 ft
25 Dr. Lina Shbeeb Transportation Engineering

Relative Motion
It is common to examine the motion of one object in relation to another, for example the motion of vehicles on a highway may be studies from the point of view of the driver of a moving vehicle. The simplest case of relative motion involves the motion of one object B relative to a coordinate system (x, y, z) that is translating but not rotating with respect to a fixed coordinate system (X, Y, Z)
26 Dr. Lina Shbeeb Transportation Engineering

Relative Motion
The relationship between the position vectors of the two objects in relation to the fixed system, RA and RB and the position vector rB/A with respect to the moving object A is

x RA z RB RA/B X

rB = rA + rB / A Differentiating with respect to time gives


vB = v A + vB / A and aB = a A + aB / A
27 Dr. Lina Shbeeb Transportation Engineering

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