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Menulis Tinjauan Literatur

Dalam Kajian Tindakan

Peranan Tinjauan Literatur

i. A review of literature enables the researcher to define the frontiers in the field of study. ii. A review of literature would enable the researcher to place their questions in perspective. iii. A review of literature helps clarify and define the concepts of the study. iv. A critical review leads to insight into the reasons for contradictory results in the area. v. Through review of literature, the researcher may know which methodologies have been proven to be useful and which are less promising.


Personal engagement : response to the literature in terms of how it has affected researchers thinking, how it has helped researcher to see things in new ways. the literature that is important to the researcher, the literature that really touches the researcher in a very personal way. not a distanced and measured review of the literature according to some pre-defined boundaries.


Personal engagement My engagement with the literature has felt very personal. I have responded to the literature in terms of how it has affected my thinking, how it has helped me to see things in new ways. It is that very personal engagement with the literature that I want to keep hold of. I don't want to do a distanced and measured review of the literature according to some pre-defined boundaries. Surely, what I am saying is that what moves my thinking on is the literature that is important to me, the literature that really touches me in a very personal way.

Kerelevanan Literatur
relevant in terms of moving your inquiry forward. literature review to be defined in terms of its relevance to you personally. use the literature to support you in exploring new ideas and to reveal new ways of looking at different aspects of practice.

Lokasi Literatur dalam Laporan anda

One of the strengths of action research is that it is fundamentally exploratory, allowing the main issues to emerge slowly over time rather than focusing on pre-determined issues This have implications for both the use of literature and the way in which it is presented. The literature needs to permeate each section of the report rather than being predominantly bound within any kind of literature review. It develops your thinking at every stage of your inquiry. The literature may change as thinking developed and as new issues emerged from the data and from your personal reflections.

Lokasi literatur pada peringkat Perancangan

I had come across the idea of research as narrative (Packwood & Sikes, 1996) that is, research as it is experienced and not just research as it is described. I view this as action research "at the other extreme" of the research practices continuum. Survey researches had previously allowed me to acquire the wider view of situations. Action research would allow me to delve into my inner self for answers.

Literatur mengenai topik utama kajian

Prior to starting action on this research, I had made a search over the internet on facilitation, collaboration, and adult learners. Literature abound regarding facilitator effectiveness through collaboration. Imel's (1988) suggestions for creating a climate for adult learning was very useful. She stressed on the need to create a non-threatening atmosphere in which adults have permission and are expected to share in the responsibility for their learning. I felt that such an environment would be ideal for collaboration.

Literatur pada peringkat melaksanakan tindakan

The way I started out, our mutual impressions of each other, and how we relate to one another should create the foundation for a healthy learning partnership and set the tone for future interactions. MacGregor (1990) and Sheridan (1989) suggested that the facilitator must consider where and how collaboration was appropriate in a learning activity. It was crucial that they understood what was required of them from the beginning of this course.

Literatur pada peringkat refleksi

They felt that I had provided a model in scaffolding and guided learning, which Cleminson and Bradford (1996 in Kerka,1998) suggested was characteristic of the most effective mentoring. With trust and friendship as the foundation of the relationship, "mentors give proteges a safe place to try out ideas, skills, and roles with minimal risk" (Kaye and Jacobson 1996 in Kerka, 1998). It was disconcerting for me, since I was not certain at that time that I was an adequate one. I set out to learn, not for my learners to learn from me yet. Perhaps it was a natural consequence. I set out to do a good job because of an ulterior motive (the research!) and so I was diligent in ensuring that I exemplify the qualities of a facilitator I have read so far. Thus I learned, and understood myself better.

Literatur pada peringkat Kesimpulan

This academic exercise had enriched me in so many ways. I learned through the articles I read, and then I learned in action, as much as I learned when I reflected on my actions (Schn,1983)

Eg. Response to literature about reflection

Johnston and Badley thought that an expert practitioner possessed automatized knowledge they act more holistically and intuitively (Johnston & Badley, 1996: 10) and had doubts that it could be formally taught successfully. This is a pity, because I feel that such proceduralized reflection is characteristic of a good experienced teacher. If it could be taught systematically, it should be useful to develop in the beginning teacher.

Personally, I found Paul Feyerabend's work both imaginative and challenging. He argues that most developments in science have occurred because people either decided not to be bound by obvious methodological rules or because they unwittingly broke them. These ideas linked with some of my reading of the feminist writer Gail Stenstads work. She talks of 'anarchic thinking' where tensions are deliberately maintained and the tendency to try to settle for one explanation is resisted. I can well remember how Richard Rorty's "Contingency, Irony and Solidarity"(1989) provided me with much food for thought. He sketches the figure whom he calls the liberal ironist as someone who thinks cruelty is the worst thing we can do while also facing up to the contingencies of his or her own most central beliefs and desires. I liked the way the individual is seen as taking more responsibility for their own moral decisions rather than following a set of rules laid down either by a religion or some agreement on 'human essence'. Rorty's emphasis on the power of story as the means of communicating important ideas in philosophy also sparked off so much fruitful thinking about my own ideas on the writing up of action research projects. I found that this work stimulated much fruitful thinking about my own work and, in particular, has prompted me to develop my use of stories in the teaching situation. Throughout the period of my engagement with this project I have been struck by the importance of my personal biography in relation to my current work. A starting point for my own thinking in this area was Mark Freeman's stimulating book 'Rewriting the Self : History, Memory and Narrative and this in turn led me to some of the writings of Paul Ricoeur and his notion of meaningful action considered as text.

Personally, I found Paul Feyerabend's work both imaginative and challenging. He argues that most developments in science have occurred because people either decided not to be bound by obvious methodological rules or because they unwittingly broke them. These ideas linked with some of my reading of the feminist writer Gail Stenstads work. She talks of 'anarchic thinking' where tensions are deliberately maintained and the tendency to try to settle for one explanation is resisted. I can well remember how Richard Rorty's "Contingency, Irony and Solidarity"(1989) provided me with much food for thought. He sketches the figure whom he calls the liberal ironist as someone who thinks cruelty is the worst thing we can do while also facing up to the contingencies of his or her own most central beliefs and desires. I liked the way the individual is seen as taking more responsibility for their own moral decisions rather than following a set of rules laid down either by a religion or some agreement on 'human essence'.

MEMILIH SUMBER 1. Sumber-sumber kepada literatur mestilah berkaitan dengan masalah yang dikaji. Terdapat dua jenis sumber: a. Sumber Primer contoh : pengkaji sejarah - hasil penulisan oleh penyelidik yang mengendalikan sendiri kajian. b. Sumber Sekunder contoh : Review of Educational Research - hasil penulisan oleh penyelidik dari maklumat yang didapati daripada penyelidik asal.


-menentukan kerelevanan kajian-kajian atau teori yang sedia ada dengan topik anda
-provide you with an overview of the current status in this area of your interest -show you how others have been able to study the sort of research you have in mind -you can put the context of your problem in its right perspective as you highlight what others have done and discovered about similar problems

1. Melibatkan pengenalan, lokasi, analisis dokumen yang mengandungi maklumat yang berkaitan dengan masalah kajian. 2. Contoh dokumen : artikel, abstrak, reviews, monograf, disertasi, buku, lain-lain penyelidikan dan media elektronik.

FUNGSI 1. Memastikan strategi kajian, prosedur dan instrumen pengukuran yang didapati berguna atau tidak berguna dalam menyiasat topik anda. 2. Meneliti kajian lepas yang boleh memandu mengintepretasi keputusan kajian anda. Kalau keputusan bertentangan dengan dapatan daripada kajian lepas, perbezaan boleh dijelaskan memberi rasional tentang perbezaan itu. Kalau sama, laporan anda harus mencadangkan langkah seterusnya.

MEMILIH SUMBER Selalunya sumber sekunder memberi maklumat yang lengkap tentang bibliografi. Oleh itu, kita boleh terus merujuk kepada penyelidik asal untuk mendapat sumber primer yang relevan. Sumber primer lebih dalam dan memberi maklumat yang straight from the horses mouth.

MENILAI SUMBER 1. Meneliti adakah ia benar-benar merangkumi topik kajian anda. Jika ya, anda perlu menentukan kualiti maklumat yang didapati. Contoh: a. Adakah maklumat itu datang dari jurnal scholarly atau majalah popular? b. Adakah maklumat yang didapati datang daripada pendapat seseorang atau keputusan daripada kajian.

MENILAI SUMBER 2. Lihat tahun penerbitan dan di mana sumber itu didapati. Lihat tarikh percetakan buku tersebut dan tarikh sesuatu artikel itu diterbitkan. 3. ERIC database membekalkan lebih drp. 800,000 rujukan. 4. Educational Index Electronic Index to Educational Periodicals menyediakan maklumat bibliografi dan sumber abstrak.

PANDUAN UMUM 1. Elakkan hasrat untuk memasukkan kesemua yang dijumpai banyak tak bererti lebih baik tetapi sedikit, serta susunan tinjauan yang baik hendaklah menjadi pilihan. 2. Lapangan yang dikaji secara serius selalunya menyediakan rujukan yang mencukupi mengenai dengan masalah untuk mengelakkan perlunya bergantung kepada kajian yang kurang berkaitan.

MEMULAKAN TINJAUAN Lebih baik lagi jika anda mengenalpasti 3 atau lebih pengkaji yang sama bidang dengan anda untuk mendapat artikel dan cadangan daripada mereka.

MEMULAKAN TINJAUAN 5. Biasanya anda meneliti rujukan yang luas yang berkaitan dengan topik anda. Bagaimanapun untuk memulakannya, penelitian hendaklah disempitkan kepada ensiklopedia, handbooks, dan lain-lain keluaran tahunan yang berkaitan dengan kajian anda. Walaupun tidak semua bidang ada keluaran tahunan, elok diteliti kalaukalau bidang anda terdapat keluaran tahunan.

MENGANALISIS, MENYUSUN DAN MELAPOR LITERATUR 1. Menulis literatur berbeza dengan penulisan biasa. 2. Lebih kepada penulisan berbentuk teknikal yang menyebabkan ciricirinya berbeza.

MENGANALISIS, MENYUSUN DAN MELAPOR LITERATUR 4. Jika 2 atau lebih rujukan menyatakan perkara yang serupa, anda tidak perlu menghuraikan setiap rujukan. Elok dibuat rumusan diikuti dengan rujukan. Contoh : Several studies have found white chalk to be more effective than yellow chalk in the teaching of advance mathematic (Snurb, 1995; Trivia, 1991; Ziggy, 1984).

MENGANALISIS, MENYUSUN DAN MELAPOR LITERATUR 5. Jangan hasilkan rujukan anda secara bersiri. Contoh : A mendapati X, B mendapati Y, C mendapati Z. Tugas anda adalah menyusun dan merumus rujukan dengan penuh makna.

MENGANALISIS, MENYUSUN DAN MELAPOR LITERATUR 6. Jangan abaikan hasil kajian yang bertentangan dengan kebanyakan kajian atau ada personal bias. Analisis dan nilai kajian itu dan cuba beri penjelasan yang munasabah.

MENGANALISIS, MENYUSUN DAN MELAPOR LITERATUR 7. Analisis dan nilai kajian tadi dan cuba beri penjelasan yang munasabah. Contoh :
Contrary to these studies in the work of Rottenstudee (1990), who found yellow chalk to be more effective than white chalk in the teaching of trigonometry. However, the size of the treatment groups (two student per group) and the duration of the study (one class period) may have seriously affected the results.

MENGANALISIS, MENYUSUN DAN MELAPOR LITERATUR 9. Tinjauan mestilah dirumuskan dengan kesimpulan dan implikasinya. Dengan menjelaskan kesemuanya secara sistematik sekarang barulah anda bersedia untuk menyatakan hipotesis. 10.Kedua-dua jenis kajian kualitatif dan kuantitatif perlu meninjau literatur kuantitatif ikut apa yang dijelaskan tetapi kualitatif agak berlainan.

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