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A sales process is a defined series of steps you follow as you guide prospects from initial contact to purchase.

It begins when you first identify a new prospect

Step 1 A prospect responds to a campaign & requests information.

Step 2 A sales rep calls the prospect to explain your product Step 3 In-person meeting & product Demo Step 4 Your team submits a proposal Step 5 Prospect signs an agreement & makes first payment

Generate more accurate sales and revenue reports Estimate the revenue and return on investment (ROI) of your marketing campaigns See which stages take the most time and find ways to move prospects forward Create better literature and tools Improve your campaigns Minimize the amount of time your reps. spend on estimates and forecasts

Eac isti ct st a r s ct tak s K l t r s ct s t v t t xt st Lit rat r t ls y ca r vi t l t r s ct v f r ar L t f ti a r s ct s at ac st v rsi rat s: t rc ta f r s cts v fr st t t xt

Create processes for each distribution channel, product and/or customer segment. Then determine prospects buy how your

You can map out campaign results & revenue

A marketing campaign is a series of interactions with the market to communicate a key message. A strategic advertising plan created to increase product or service sales. It can include different media: Email, search, banners and other online marketing. Publicity. Direct mail. Telemarketing. Trade shows and events. Print, radio and other traditional media.

Before beginning a marketing campaign:

 Nail down the brand and pricing strategies.  If the brand sells through multiple distribution

channels, it s necessary to create a campaign for each channel.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Quantify the goals Generate campaign ideas and strategies Target the audience Deliver one or two key messages and the call-to-action Plan to measure Plan the fulfillment Continually test and improve




1. Use search to generate 1. Mail a postcard to traffic to the website. attendees 3 weeks before 2. Prospect requests the show; invite them to information via email. the booth with an 3. Email the requested intriguing incentive. information. 2. Mail a special invite to key 4. Call the prospect; qualify prospects and customers the prospect further and for a VIP reception. determine next steps. 3. Call key prospects and customers as a second effort. 4. Send an email to all confirmed attendees and 3 days before the event. 5. Email the nonrespondents one last time.

1. Run banner ads on industry websites and targeted email newsletters. 2. Send out a special email to the house list. 3. Create an intriguing story and tie it to the offer. Write a search-optimized press release and post on the site; distribute releases and pitch to a key industry reporter. 4. Run a series of paid search ads.

BES ASE Plan and exe ute the ampaigns to hit spe ifi goals, so the ROI on the overall budget is above the goal Fo us on an offer and all to a tion, and follo the prospe ts hen appropriate Re ognize the hallenges in measuring results to improve next time around

NE RA ASE he ampaign ma not be so reative, but ou ve hit man of the marketing goals and generall kno hi h ampaigns ork best even if ou don t kno the ROI You have problems gaining budget approval and ou sti k ith the same ampaigns ear in and out

ORS ASE he marketing programs tend to be rea tive It s diffi ult to gain budget approval for future ampaigns, sin e the programs don t seem to ork it s a vi ious le and ou don t kno ho to get out of it

 Document the sales process.  Develop literature and tools

to guide the

prospects.  Implement CRM software to improve your vision and receive real time feedback from the process.

Stop believing that what worked in previous generations will still be useful in the future. We are witnessing a major shift in consumer markets. Brands must be where consumers are. Technology must be integrally linked campaigns.

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