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Sistem Komputer TK1013 Weeks 01

Nama : Mohamad Dani No HP : 081320708109/02295909677 Ym : pintar_teuing Email : Facebook : Blog : Twitter account : MD4N1 ID Kaskus : D4N5 Tempat konsultasi : Ruang kubikal Lantai 2 Waktu bicara (Janjian terlebih dulu) Rabu : 13.00 16.00 WIB (dikondisikan) Kamis : 16.00 17.00 WIB Jumat : 9.00 11.00 WIB dan 13.00 15.00 WIB

Aturan Perkuliahan (1)

1. TELAT > 15 Menit dianggap alfa 2. Dibagi 3 sesi: 45 menit pertama tutorial 1, 10 menit istirahat + administratif, 45 menit kedua tutorial 2. 3. Menggunakan SERAGAM LENGKAP (baju kemeja putih, bawahan hitam (bukan jeans), bersepatu (menutup jari kaki dengan kait dan penutup dibelakang tumit) Jika tidak SILAHKAN KELUAR

Aturan Perkuliahan (2)

4. Surat IJIN yang berlaku :
Surat sakit dari dokter, diberikan max 1 minggu setelahnya jika tidak, dianggap absen Surat keterangan dari Ka Prodi / Ka Jurusan Surat ijin dari wali/orang tua mahasiswa (semua surat ijin/keterangan diserahkan ke BAA dan dosen hanya menerima surat dari BAA)

An electronic system to manipulate data rapidly and correctly which is organized so that it can automatically accept and save input data, processes it and finally the result of the processing is an output in the form of information. (Donald H. Sanders ,Computer Today)

Computer architecture means the design of a computer system at the structural level that generally includes hardware and software. The computer development effort has gone through five generations. Each generation was characterized by some sort of hardware breakthrough along with some architectural improvements.

Data processor is divided into four groups

Manual device Mechanical device Electronic mechanical device Electronic device

Personal computer experiencing rapid change since 1993 appeared. It is started by the use of disk of 51/4 inch in computer 80386 which at that time was a qualified processor, and it survived until windows operation system started dominating computer operation system at that time. Then, it is followed by internet network development, the improvement of hardware and software, until the appearance of mobile personal computer.

The characteristics of the first generation of computers:

Operational instruction is made specifically for a certain task The components used are vacuum tubes for it circuit. The program can only be made by machine language. Using the concept of stored program with its main memory, which is magnetic core storage. Using external storage of magnetic tape and magnetic disk. The size of the computer is big, it needs large space.

So easy to get hot so it needs a cooler. The process is so slow. The storage is small. Needs huge electrical power. Its main orientation is on business application.



Computers of second generation have the following characters:

Components used are transistor for the circuit. Program can be created by high level language. The capacity of main memory is huge enough by the development of magnetic core storage can save tens thousands characters. Uses external storage of magnetic tape and magnetic disk in the form of removable disk or disk pack. Has the ability of real-time process and time sharing.

The physical size of this computer is smaller than the first generations. The operational process is fast, it can process millions of operations per second. Needs less electrical power. The orientation is not only to business application but also in technical application.

The third generations of computers have the following characters: The components used are IC (Integrated Circuits), in the form of hybrid integrated circuits and monolithic integrated circuits. Hybrid integrated circuit or solid logic technology (SLT) is a transistor and diode put separately in one place. The improvement of the software. Faster and more accurate. The speed is almost 10000 times faster compared to the first generations. The speed is measured in microseconds. Even until nanosecond (billions operation per second). The capacity of computer memory is larger, it can save hundreds thousands of characters. Uses external storage which is random access (is able to insert data record randomly), which is by magnetic with huge capacity (millions of characters).

Uses less energy compared to the previous generations of computers. Is possible to conduct multiprocessing, means that it can process a number of data from different sources at the same time and multiprogramming, means that it can do several programs simultaneously. The development of input-output device using visual display terminal that can display pictures and graphics, can accept and produce sound, and also completed by MICR (magnetic ink characters recognition) reader. The price is cheaper compared to the previous generations. The ability of conducting data communication from one computer and the other via communication device such as telephone.

Fourth generation computers were characterized by using very large scale integration (VLSI) circuits and semiconductor memories. 5.4 million transistors could be packed on a single chip as small as a fingernail.

It is hard to define a true fifth generation computer in regard to technological breakthroughs. However, there was a fifth generation computer project in Japan which worked on the design of appropriate software running on a cluster of high speed processors in order to perform a specific common goal.

Types ofBased on processed data, computer can be classified as: Analog Computer Digital Computer Hybrid Computer

Special-Purpose Computer This computer is designed to solve a special problem, usually only one particular problem. This computer can be digital or analog, and commonly analog computer is special-purpose computer. General Purpose Computer This computer is designed to solve many kinds of problems. It can also use various programs to solve different problems.

Micro Computer Mini Computer Small computer Medium Computer Large Computer Super Computer

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