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What is Fuzzy rules

A fuzzy rule can be defined as a conditional

statement in the form: If x is A THEN y is B

where x and y are linguistic variables; and A and B are linguistic values determined by fuzzy sets on the universe of discourses X and Y, respectively. If called antecedents and then called

A fuzzy rule can have multiple

antecedents, for example:

IF project_duration is long AND project_staffing is large AND project_funding is inadequate THEN risk is high IF service is excellent OR food is delicious THEN tip is generous

OR Multiple Consequents
IF temperature is hot THEN hot water is reduced; Cold water is increased

Fuzzy Rules relate fuzzy sets

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Fuzzy rules relate fuzzy sets. In a fuzzy system, all rules fire to some extent, or in other words they fire partially. If the antecedent is true to some degree of membership, then the consequent is also true to that same degree.


Lung diseases are the second most dangerous disease

in the world However there are many effective medicines which can treat these lung diseases, the danger is that the patients always ignore some initial symptoms of lung diseases and they are only afraid when those symptoms are likely clear. But at that time, it seems to be more difficult to treat those diseases. In diagnosing lung diseases, doctors have to cope with many difficulties, the patients symptoms are usually not clear; the similarities in some lung diseases symptoms are difficult to distinguish. Doctors always have to test many times before making a decision. So the diagnosis result depends on not only patients symptoms but also the doctorsexperiences. Wrong decision means wrong treatment and the patient would suffer more

Proposed work
In this technique is used to determine the disease

name, stage and the diagnostic treatment using the algorithms and a rule base (developed specifically for a disease). Here the physician will take the symptoms of a patient as input and based on his symptoms proper diagnostic treatment will be prescribed to a patient. Each symptom has its own priority value and physician will assign membership values to the linguistic variables i.e. slight, low, medium, high and critical The algorithm developed uses the rule base to determine the disease name based on the symptoms entered by the user

Based on the severity of the symptoms

entered the algorithm calculates the total membership of the symptoms and the threshold value for this total membership. Then it creates the ranges which represent the different stages of cancer such as probable, low, medium, high and critical. The diagnosis logic based on these results (i.e. the disease name and the stage) and the rule base developed determines the appropriate diagnostic treatment for the patient.

Algorithm 1
1.) Take input from user as symptoms and their

severity. 2.) Analyze symptoms using IF-Then rules (consisting of sets of symptoms) for possible disease (individual rule for separate diseases.) Example:IF (Cold Like Symptoms, Fever, Chills, Throat Pain, Pneumonia, Wheezing) THEN Disease = Bronchitis. IF (Dry Cough, Wheezing, Shallow Breath, Chest Pain) THEN Disease = Bronchial Asthma. 3.) Calculate threshold value on basis of symptoms entered. Threshold U = No. of Symptoms * Total No. of Stages.

4.) Calculate total membership as: mv = (mv * mv)/(No. of Stages/4) Where mv = sum of severities of all

symptoms. 5.) Calculate disease stage using threshold value and the severity value of the symptoms (using the intervals created based on the symptoms.) t0 = (l + ((u) / 14)); // No Cancer t1 = (l + ((u) / 12)); // Probable Stage t2 = (l + ((u) / 10)); // Low Stage t3 = (l + ((u) / 8)); // Medium Stage t4 = (l + ((u) / 6)); // High Stage t5 = (l + ((u) / 4)); // Critical Stage 6.) Store the input and the result (disease and stage) into database and display result to the user

Algorithm 2
STEP1: Select n number of symptoms i.e. Population or

Operational data Assign some priorities values (weight) to the symptoms For eg psymptom i=pi , where i=1 to n STEP2: Now choose the severity for symptoms and assign some membership values to the linguistic variables : Very low=0, low=0.25, medium=0.5, high=0.75, very high=1 Symptom i=very low||low||medium||high||very high

STEP3: Calculate the total value i.e support Total= STEP4: Now calculating high and low values Highvalue : Lowvalue STEP5: Now calculating the membership function i.e

fuzzy value(FV) FV=Total value/Highvalue(total weight) (Or) we can say Support(Highvalue)=FV STEP6: Now dividing into N ranges between high and low values B (i+1) = lowvalue + (k * highvalue / N) where k = 0 to N and I =0 to N.

STEP7: Now Check For each i=0 to N-1 If(total >= b(I + 1) && total < b(I + 2)) Then Stage=Sj where j=1 to N+1 Else if (total==b(i+2)) Then stage=N+2 STEP8: Now check For each j=1 to N+1 if(stage.equals("Sj")) { cancertype="type j"; treatment="treatment j"; } else{ cancertype="type N+2"; treatment="treatment N+2"; }

Medical diagnosis using this system are highly

accurate and provide information in a wide range of formats (text, images, clusters etc.) This system is compatible with other techniques as the database can be used with case based reasoning and other mining methods. This capability of the system increases the scope and age of the system. This system is useful to the physician as well as the user for determining the type of lung cancer and the stage of the cancer. This system is based on a simple algorithm and hence the accuracy is low. The accuracy can be increased by implementing more analysis techniques on the same database used in this system along with the current algorithm

Thank you

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