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Marcadores del Discurso

Conocidos tambin como CONECTORES, CONJUNCIONES Y PALABRAS SEAL; son los que se utiliza bsicamente par enlazar dos oraciones. Tambin puede enlazar frases o palabras dentro de una oracin con el fin de hacer el texto coherente.

Estos se clasifican en:

Palabras - Seal

Palabras Avance

Palabras Pausa

Palabras Retroceso

Palabras Llegada
Masa y otros (2001)

PALABRA AVANCE: Estas se usan para indicar que se va a decir algo mas sobre lo que se viene exponiendo entre ellas estn:

And, Also, Furthermore, Moreover , So

It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness

Internal medicine is the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and management of unusual or serious diseases, also it involves nonsurgical treatment of one particular organ system. It studies the body as a whole.

PALABRA PAUSA: Estas indican que ha de leerse mas despacio porque va a ocurrir una aclaracin, entre ellas se tienen:

Because, Especially, For example, Namely, Such as, In oreder to

The physical examination is the examination of the patient looking for signs of disease. The healthcare provider uses many senses such as: sight, hearing, touch, and sometimes smell (For example; in infection, uremia, diabetic ketoacidosis).

In clinical practice, doctors personally assess patients in order to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease using clinical judgment

PALABRA RETROCESO: Estas indican que va a ocurrir un cambio de idea en sentido opuesto, entre ellas se encuentran:

But, despite, however, in fact, in spite of, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand

Taking a look at the different types of healthcare shows two different modes of thinking. Modern medicine is geared to crisis intervention. Its major benefits come in the area of advanced cases of disease such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Natural medicine, on the other hand, places its primary focus on prevention and finding the cause of disease. It is also very useful in the treatment of chronic ailments, such as chronic disease and ulcers

PALABRA LLEGADA: Estas indican que se llega a un resumen o a una conclusin, entre ellas se tienen:

Consequently, in conclusion, therefore, thus, in sumary

.In summary, this interesting volume provides insight into medicine as it was almost two hundred years ago, and also into how we arrived at several areas of our current knowledge. It was not unpleasant simply to sit and read, and should be useful to people interested in learning more about the medical beliefs and practices of this period. DAVID CHELMOW Medical Student Yale University School of Medicine

Marcadores del Discurso

De acuerdo con Acosta (1999), los conectores son palabras o frases que unen oraciones o prrafos, estableciendo entre ellos relaciones de diferentes tipos. SI SE CONOCE EL TIPO DE RELACIN QUE ELLOS IMPLICAN SE PUEDE PREDECIR LA INFORMACIN QUE LES SIGUE ANTES DE LEERLA. Esto obviamente contribuye a agilizar y a hacer mas efectivo el proceso de lectura.

Entre los mas comunes se encuentran:

RELACIN TIEMPO CONECTOR During Before After At the time of As soon as Then Once SIGNIFICADO Durante Antes Despus Al momento de Tan pronto como Entonces Una vez


Like In the same way Likewise While Equally Similarly As well as CONECTOR If Unless CONECTOR Either Neither Or Instead of As an alternative Rather

Como De la misma manera De la misma forma Mientras Igualmente Similarmente As como tambin SIGNIFICADO Si A menos que SIGNIFICADO Ni Tampcoco O En lugar de Como una alternativa Mas bien



Although Though Even though In spite of But Nevertheless On the other hand Whereas While However CONECTOR Thus In other words That is CONECTOR For example For instance Such as

Aunque Aunque Aun cuando A pesar de Pero No obstante Por otra parte Mientras Mientras Sin embargo SIGNIFICADO Asi, de este modo En otras palabras Es decir SIGNIFICADO Por ejemplo Por ejemplo Tales como






So that In order to CONECTOR

To begin with Next First, second, etc Finally In the end CONECTOR And Furthermore Besides In addition to Moreover As well as CONECTOR Because Because of Owing to Due to

De tal forma que Para que SIGNIFICADO

Para empezar Despues, el siguiente Primero, Segundo, etc Finalmente Al final SIGNIFICADO Y Adems Adems En adicin a Mas aun, adems As como tambin SIGNIFICADO Por que Debido a Debido a Debido a



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