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What is Career?
A career can be defined as all the jobs

held by a person during his working life.

It consists of a series of properly sequenced role experience leading to an increasing level of responsibilty, status, power and rewards.

What is Career Planning?

Career planning is the process of and further establishing developmental career objectives to

determining appropriate educational and

programs develop the skills required to achieve short- or long-term career objectives.

Need for Career Planning

Facilitate effective development of available talent. Attract competent persons and to retain them in the organization. Enable the employees to develop and take them ready to meet the future challenges. Ensure better utilization of managerial reserves within an organization. Reduce employee dissatisfaction and turnover. Improve motivation and morale. Achieve higher productivity and organisation development.

The process of career planning helps the individual to have the knowledge of various career opportunities, his priorities etc. Efficient career planning and development ensures the availability of human resources with required skill, knowledge and talent. The efficient policies and practices improve the organizations ability to attract and retain highly skilled and talent employees. The career plan continuously tries to satisfy the employee expectations and as such minimizes employee frustration.

Dual career families Low ceiling careers

Declining career opportunities

Downsizing/Delayering and careers

Stages of Career Planning

Knowing Yourself thinking about what we want from work and what we have to offer. Exploring Your Options finding out about options. Making Decisions - focusing on the most suitable options, choosing a career goal and working out how to make it happen. Moving On - acting on our decision and coping with change

Traditional career stagesEXPLORATION STAGEis the first traditional career stage Involves identifying interests and opportunities.

ESTABLISHMENT STAGEInvolves creating a meaningful and relevant role in organization.

MAINTAINENCE STAGEInvolves optimizing talents or capabilities.

DISENGAGEMENT STAGEInvolves the individual gradually beginning to pull away from work in organization.

Model of 21st century careers- stages. Suggests a progression of career

Focuses more on career age. Directly incorporates the premise of multiple career stages. Describes career stages asEXPLORATION TRAIL ESTABLISHMENT MASTERY EXPLORATION

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

EXPLORATIONInvolves questions about ones self identity. These questions influence decisions about exactly what career someone plans to enter.

Model of 21st century careersTRAIL STAGECareer chosen Person begins to build on that career. Some issues emerge such as trying to establish proper balance between work and family life. ESTABLISHMENT STAGEIndividual must deal with the potential tradeoff between working hard to build and advance a career and establishing lasting relationships with others. MASTERY STAGEGain complete knowledge about your job. Can deal with issues such as above in better way.

Model of 21st century careersEXPLORATION STAGE- (second level)

Take the person away from above career into new one. Person reaches mid career point. Questions about the worth of continuing to work on ones career emerge. New questions about self identity emerge some times leading to mid-life crisis.

Classification of Career
Career can be of three sub-types:
Monolithic Career Cadre Career Inter governmental There can also be two other concepts of career depending on the limitations on entrance or the norm of recruitment: Closed career: Monasteric system Open career: Multi-level induction

Classifiaction of Career System

Rank-in-job: Focus is on the assignments, the job to be performed and 'the fitting of an individual into the job.

Rank-in-corps: Focus is on the person


1.Recruitment: There is an attempt at perfect matching of people and job. 2.Promotions: Related to the tomorrows of the organization. The whole system of promotion, owes its rationale to two important factors: a. Personnel factors b. Organizational factors

3. Retention:
Apart from the promotion system, the employees' retention programmes policy must cover all other compensation packages, including salary, bonus, wages etc., which are financial in nature. Nonfinancial compensation covers the satisfaction that a person receives by performing meaningful job tasks or from the physical and psychological environments in which the job is performed.

Reasons for Career Planning

Desire to develop and promote employees from within Shortage of promotable talent Desire to aid individual career planning Strong expression of interest by employees Desire to improve productivity Employment equity/diversity program commitments Concern about turnover Desire for a positive recruiting image

Relation to HRM Function

Elements of Career Planning Programs

Individual assessments of abilities, interests, career needs, and goals Organizational assessments of employees abilities and potential Communication of information about career options and opportunities with the organization Career counseling to set realistic goals and plan for their attainment


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