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Deolcateo To Make Tbe Dltterence

'|S|ON '|S|ON
To be one ot tbe tlnest Healtbcare lnstltutlon ln
[aypee Group provlolng Quallty Meolcal Care
Servlces wltb tbe state ot art tecbnology .
Deolcateo To Make Tbe Dltterence
is never an accident. !t is always the result
of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent
direction and skilful execution."
Qvvi, vnvvv. {o 1o.iv. Qvvi, vnvvv. {o 1o.iv.
Access ,Assessment ano Contlnulty ot Care (AAC
Care ot Patlents (COP.
3 Management ot Meolcatlon (MOM.
4 Patlent Rlgbt ano Loucatlon (PRL.
5 Hospltal |ntectlon Control (H|C.
6 Contlnuous Quallty |mprovement (CQ|.
7 aclllty Management ano Satety (MS.
5naII Changes get Big ResuIts Change
things in steps
WDo the doabIe
WA butterfIy is the resuIt of nany snaII
changes in a caterpiIIar
W5naII changes in the direction of rudder of
a ship can change the course of the ship
Scope oI services
well deIined and
understood by staII
Job responsibilities
oI staII clearly
Patients rights and
responsibilities are
identiIied and respected
Admission process
streamlined, admission
counseling started
and quality
of care
lncrease ln sLaff sLrengLh
ln areas llke enqulry docLors
as per work load
$taff review meetings
for discussion
complaints &
)11I)/I1O) I1)
orrective steps taken to
reduce OPD consultation
waiting time
More emphasis on preventive
care through patient
Protocols Ior preventive health
checks, cardiac evaluation,
Stroke, Head
Injury,Anaphylaxis have been
Monthly review oI statistics on
mortality, code blue occurrence,
capacity utilization, staII
perIormance etc.
Increased patient satisIaction
OTI (on.vvion
Procurement, storage &
dispensing policies/procedures
Ior medications well deIined
Special care taken in handling,
storing and dispensing sound
alike, look alike and high risk
Improved inventory
practices as a result oI
training oI staII
Regular medical audits
Adverse drug reactions &
medication error tracking &
review has been reinIorced
Lower incidents oI
medication related
adverse events in care
!rocedures and policies for pathology
& radiology depts. implemented with
standardized processes
astages identiIied
and corrective actions
taken. Biomedical waste
practices improved
Regular monitoring
radiation (TLD BADGE)
Continuous monitoring
of clinical tests
$taff with requisite
qualifications and
experience is
Increased pat|ent safety and
enhanced qua||ty of serv|ces
Laboratory Practlces To Mlnlmlze errors Laboratory Practlces To Mlnlmlze errors
Control &
Tests validated
To Detail
Reducing Time
8ample Control
9revenLlon of adverse
evenLs llke wrong slLe
wrong paLlenL wrong
surgery ls deflned and
SLerlllzaLlon and
dlslnfecLlon pracLlces are
monlLored and are ln
lnfecLlon survelllance
carrled ouL regularly
8aLlonal use of blood
and blood producLs ln
9roper documenLaLlon of
Admlsslon noLes and slgn
offs by LreaLlng uocLors are
ln place
lmproved pracLlces and
reduced chances of error
OI )
Plan Protocol ano Practlce Cbanges Plan Protocol ano Practlce Cbanges
O Cllnlcal guloellnes, protocols, or care maps
tor specltlc conoltlons or proceoures
O Department-specltlc quallty plans
O |mproveo eoucatlonal ano tralnlng materlals
O Hano-wasblng, ano lntectlon preventlon,
O Strategles tor reouclng neeo tor patlent
O Loucatlonal materlals tor patlents
O |ntormatlon tecbnology tbat reouceo
meolcatlon errors ano lmproveo oata
Plan Protocol ano Practlce Cbanges Plan Protocol ano Practlce Cbanges
O Recorolng ot Meolcatlon Lrrors
O Trauma Transter Plan
O Carolac Transter Plan
O Stroke Transter Pla
O Splnal |njurles Transter Plan
O Heao |njury Transter Plan
O Compllcateo Malarla Management Plan
Plan Protocol ano Practlce Cbanges Plan Protocol ano Practlce Cbanges
O Lvloence 8aseo Practlce
O Trlage
O Cooe 8lue
O Upgraoatlon ot Cllnlcal Management
|n House Tralnlng
On rouno ano Atter Rounos Cllnlcal Dlscusslon
Post-Lmergency Rounoup Sesslons
Lncouraglng Multlolsclpllnary Protlclency ln
Hospltal Statt
Benefits to !atients Benefits to !atients
O High QuaIity of care
O CredntiaIed and priviIeged MedicaI 5taff
O Access to a quaIity focused MedicaI Care
O Rights are respected and protected
O Education and Connunication
O !atient 5atisfaction is EvaIuated
O lnvoIvenent in care decisions and care
O Focus on !atient 5afety
O !ain Managenent
O 5afe Transport
O Continuity of Care
Benefits to 5taff Benefits to 5taff
O lnproves !rofessionaI 5taff
O !rovides Education on Consensus
O !rovides Leadership for quaIity
inprovenent within nedicine and
O lncreases satisfaction with continuous
Iearning,good working
environnent,Ieadership and ownership
Benefits to HospitaI Benefits to HospitaI
O lnproves care
O Brings in Corporate Governance
O 5tinuIates continuous inprovenent
O Denonstrates Connitnent to
quaIity care
O Raises Connunity Confidence
O Opportunity to Benchnark with the
Some Acute Lmergency Cases We Some Acute Lmergency Cases We
Manageo Tbls Year(Goloen Hour Manageo Tbls Year(Goloen Hour
Management ls Cruclal Management ls Cruclal
O 4 Patlents ot Cerebro'ascular
O Mltral Stenosls wltb Pulmonary Loema
O Cases ot Myocarolal |ntarctlon
O Snake 8lte
O Splnal |njury
O Heao |njury
O Lumbar Dlsc Prolapse
O Lpllepsy
Some Acute Lmergency Cases We Some Acute Lmergency Cases We
Manageo Tbls Year(Goloen Hour Manageo Tbls Year(Goloen Hour
Management ls Cruclal Management ls Cruclal
O Lpllepsy
O Hypertenslve Crlses
O Dlabetlc Ketoacloosls Wltb Hypertenslon
O Hypoglycemlc Slezures
O Status Astbmatlcus
O Renal Collc
Obstetrlc ano |ntertlllty Cases We Obstetrlc ano |ntertlllty Cases We
Manageo Manageo
O Pregnancy wltb Acute Cbolecystltls
O Hyperemesls Gravloorum
O RH Negatlve Pregnancy
O Premature Labor Palns
O Successtul Management ot |ntertlllty
Patlent(Dentlst by Protesslon
Obstetrlc ano |ntertlllty Cases We Obstetrlc ano |ntertlllty Cases We
Manageo Manageo
O Pregnancy wltb Acute Cbolecystltls
O Hyperemesls Gravloorum
O RH Negatlve Pregnancy
O Premature Labor Palns
O Successtul Management ot |ntertlllty
Patlent(Dentlst by Protesslon
Tests we are oolng
CoaguIation disorders Tests,
Cardiac narkers ~Trop ~T
Diabetes narkers ~ HbA1C
Rapid Tests Iike Dengue, MaIaria, Typhoid, HlV,
Hepatitis ~ B
LabMeo LabMeo
Pbyslotberapy ln Occupatlonal Healtb Care Pbyslotberapy ln Occupatlonal Healtb Care
as a Servlce Proouct as a Servlce Proouct
lmplemenLaLlon 9lannlng
CccupaLlonal physloLheraplsL parLlclpaLes as an acLlve member ln all
Lhese phases
Pbyslotberapy ln Occupatlonal Healtb Care Pbyslotberapy ln Occupatlonal Healtb Care
as a Servlce Proouct as a Servlce Proouct
!hysicaI Therapy
Corporate WeIIness !rogrannes
Repetitive 5tress lnjuries
RehabiIitation !rogrannes
WCardiac RehabiIitation
W!uInonary RehabiIitation
WNeuro ~ RehabiIitation
WEIderIy RehabiIitation
Connunity Outreach! Connunity Outreach!
O Outreacb ln slmple woros ls:
7o stort where the c||ent |s, outs|de the off|ce
|n the commun|t,
O Outreacb ls an lnterventlon or actlvlty
conoucteo by communlty bealtb workers,
bealtb eoucators, bealtb promoters out ln tbe
communlty, tace-to-tace wltb lnolvlouals,
agency statt, leaoers, eoucators, polltlclans ano
tbe communlty
What is lnreach! What is lnreach!
|nreacb ls:
W Approacblng tbe people wbo are uslng tbe
servlces provloeo by our organlzatlon, but
wbo are not uslng our eoucatlon ano
management servlces.
W |nreacb ls tosterlng relatlonsblps wltb tbese
lnolvlouals ano eoucatlng tbem about our
programs ano servlces ano urglng tbem to
partlclpate ano access our program.

Community-based HeaIthcare
9r|mary Care Serv|ces
utpatient Services Inpatient
onLlnuum of PealLhcare
ommlLmenL Lo ommunlLy PealLh
-,ob||e nea|th C||n|c
-Adu|t ,ob||e nea|th Center
-Schoo| 9rogram
-9regnancy Care 9rogram
-Iarmers Lrgonom|cs
-Screen|ng 9rogrammes
|ood 9ressure
|ood Sugar
WCancer Screen|ng 9rogrammes
WCerv|ca| Cancer
Wreast Cancer
WCra| Cancer
-nea|th Awareness
-Adu|t 9ed|atr|c
C$- serv|ces
-D|sease ,anagement
-ehav|ora| nea|th
Soc|a| Serv|ces
HospitaI-based HeaIthcare
WHome HeaIth
Loucatlon Loucatlon
|n tbe
Century, Knowleoge ls tbe prlmary
proouctlve resource lnsteao ot Capltal or Labour -
A.P.[.Aboul Kalam
Loucatlon Loucatlon
!atient Centric
Communlty 8aseo
Development ot !atient lnfornatics
5ysten tbrougb
N EducationaI Videos in Waiting Area {Turning
Waiting Areas into EducationaI Areas }
N Posters ano Loucatlonal Cbarts ln Hospltal
N 5chooI HeaIth education !rogrannes
N Healtb Loucatlon Worksbops
Loucatlon Loucatlon
Doctors and !aranedics-
We belleve tbat ln oroer to malntaln a blgb level ot
pertormance lt ls vltal to bave a comprebenslve range
ot learnlng ano protesslonal oevelopment
opportunltles tor all care provloers.
ln House Training !rogrannes
|ntormal 8rletlng Sesslons on !atient Rounds
MedicaI Library
Reaoy reterence ano Retresber Tralnlng Mooules
E ~Medi -
Onllne CMLs'
Onllne [ournals
Onllne Webinars
Roao Abeao Roao Abeao
Leveraglng tecbnology to lmprove tbe preclslon
ano ettlclency ot patlent care can reouce llablllty
ano save llves as accuracy ano speeo are vltal ln
acute meolcal Care
FaciIities { in !rocess } & FaciIities { in !rocess } &
TechnoIogicaI Advances TechnoIogicaI Advances
We are tberetore enterlng lnto
O HospitaI Bed Capacity to 20 Beds
O TeIenedicine
O TeIe-radioIogy
O Bedside WaII !aneIs wltb Oygen, Suctlon
ano Nebullslng Outlets.
O &5G
O Level - lC&
O Operation Theatre
O Cbambers tor Super-speclalty Doctors
O Henato AnaIyzer
Suggestlons Suggestlons
!re EnpIoynent MedicaI Checkup ln
Hospltals ot our own Organlzatlon as we are
oolng ln UPCP.
Cost effective
Genuine as lt bas been observeo tbat ln
majorlty ot tbe cases, tbey are just a tormallty
wben oone elsewbere.
Wltb tbls practlce ln UPCP we not only prevent
jolnlng ot untlt persons wbo can later be a llablllty
to tbe company but, lt also aoo to lmprovlng tbe
corporate bealtb.
we lmaglne tuture worlos
ano create vlslons,
by actlng on tbose vlslons we
set ln motlon clrcumstances
tbat enable our lmaglnatlon to
become reallty.
Mahatma Gandhi
Be the change you want to see in the world.
1, 2005a.

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