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Factors affecting

consumer buying
%here are mainly 3
1. 8ocial factor
2. Cultural factor
3. Personal factor
ersonal facLor
1 Llfe cycle sLages
2 CccupaLlon
3 Lconomlc clrcumsLances
1 Llfe cycle sLages
1 8achelor sLage
2 newly marrled couple no chlld
3 lull nesL 1 one chlld
4 lull nesL 2 grown up chlld
3 lull nesL 3 older couple wlLh dependenL chlld
6 LmpLy nesL 1 older marrled couple wlLh chlldren
llvlng aparL
7 LmpLy nesL 2 older marrled couple wlLh head
8 SollLary survlval
9 SollLary survlval reLlred
ulLural facLor
1 ulLure facLors
2 Sub culLure facLors
3 Soclal class facLors
Soclal facLors
1 reference groups
2 lamlly
3 8oles and sLaLus
8eference groups
Wrlmary reference groups
WSecondary reference groups
WAspraLlonal reference groups
Wuls assoclaLe reference groups
W8road mlnded
Wlamlly of recreaLlon/procreaLlon
WPusband domlnanL famlly
WWlfe domlnanL famlly
WLqually domlnanL famlly
8oles and sLaLus
W8ellefs and aLLlLudes

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