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Prcscntation by:
Baba Shaik
April 1
,1976 - Founded
January 3
,1977 - Incorporated
Headquarters - Cupertino, CaliIornia
Co-Iounders - Steve Jobs, Steve Wojniak
CEO - Steve jobs
Industry - Computer soItware, computer hardware,
consumer electronics.
Revenue - US$ more than50 Billion
Share Price 254.24$ (Newyork Stock Exchange).
Apple nc.
Apple's Current ln]ormcton
Present Logo
Logos of Apple:
Vision, Mission Vision, Mission
'843 '843
%o become the world wide leader in computer %o become the world wide leader in computer
and mp3 player sales. and mp3 player sales.
8843 8843
Apple Apple is is committed committed to to bringing bringing the the best best
personal personal computing, computing, and and mobile mobile usage usage
experience experience to to students, students, educators, educators, creative creative
professionals professionals and and consumers consumers around around the the world world
through through its its innovative innovative hardware, hardware, software software and and
internet internet offerings offerings..
Pe worked flrsL for P company where he meL SLeve Woznlak
AfLer !obs saw a compuLer Woznlak had deslgned he declded Lo Lurn lL
lnLo buslness on 1sL Aprll 1976
AfLer lnLernal power sLruggle he was evenLually klcked off by board of dlrecLors
uurlng Lhls Llme !obs boughL whaL became lxar" fromLucas fllm for $3 mllllon
SLeve ls ln Lhe Culnness 8ook of World 8ecords as Lhe LowesL ald Chlef LxecuLlve
Cfflcer" for lxar

CEO: Steve Jobs:

$teve Returns $teve Returns
Apple bought NeX% in 1996, bringing Jobs back to Apple.
%he coming years brought many new products, including
Mac O$ X, the iMac, the iPod, iphones, and ipad .
$teve Makes the Apple with huge profits in 2002 by discovering iPod and
iPhone in 2005.
2008- Job got suffered from Pancreatic cancer.
2009- He was back after %ransplantation of his liver .
n his Presence iPad and Apple %v has been launched recently in 2010 which
made Apple $50 billion company.
!7oducts of AppIe:
iMac(Personal Computer)
AppIe TV i!,d
7,3ds of AppIe ipod:
pod shuffle
pod Nano
pod classic
pod %ouch
Adve7tisi3 Ae3cy
TA\Chi,t\D,y is the American division of the advertising agency
%A orldwide created in 1993.
%A Chiat/Day is an Advertising Agency of Apple.
Apple Computer win caps off more than $400 million in new
billings for %A Chiat/Day .
%A Chiat/Day clients include Nissan, %aco ell,
Polygram/Gramercy, AC %elevision, nfiniti, $eagram, Absolut,
Energizer, Champion, $ony Play$tation and New York Life.
t gives the market solutions and they help to promote their
product globally.
High quality
First mover
Easy to carry
High price
Limited distribution channels
Unsafe for
corporate use?
Migrate people to Apple
New social device
pod connectivity
$imilar devices
Highly developed market
Pressure from competitors
Not issued dividends
Co7e Compete3ce of AppIe:
would say Apple's greatest core competency is knowing how to implement elegant
but functional design. %he consumer benefit is getting a product that works
intuitively, while making everyone else envious. Other companies have been
trying to imitate, but not quite successfully. And Apple has copied that design
success from computers, to music players, to cellphones, and to its stores.
W Compet|tors for App|e
W Wlndows CS and Medla player for playlng
muslc and vldeo (MlcrosofL)
W CompeLlLlon Lo Mac CS x (Llnux)
W AlLernaLlve sources of compuLer hardware
(uell Pp Lenova)
W Small sLyllsh Mp3 layers ( CreaLlve and
W Cnllne muslc sLores slmllar Lo lLunes sLores
W CompeLlLlon for lhone (Coogle nexL")
W Ior Company
W More number of reLall sLores for easy access
W ConLlnuous lnnovaLlon Lo expand
W Lowerlng Lhe cosL of producLs and malnLalnlng Lhe
same quallLy sLandard
W Ior Cthers
W uo noL compromlse on prlce for quallLy
W Choose Lhe producLs based on lndlvldual needs
W 8e unlque and dlfferenL
App|e and Steve Iobs somet|mes become one but there's no c|ear guess about App|e's future
w|thout Iobs
AppIe !7oducts ,7e mo7e ,dv,3ced, e,sie7 to use ,3d desi3ed bette7 th,3 i3dows.

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