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Project SOWK 300 Computer Applications in the Social Sciences Spring 2010 Braxton Ray
Sex of Slave
Figure1d: Based on the information above, more than half of the respondents were males. Females came in close with more than a quarter of the graph; the males outnumbered the females, but a piece of the chart goes to missing information. Its interesting that the males outnumbered the females in the Louisiana slave database. Males were preferred than females for manual and field work. I would assume that most males worked in the plantation field and most females worked in the masters house.

Languages of Slaves
Figure1a: This graph shows that slaves had different types of languages that were from Africa. Over 80,000 from the graph above were missing. The second most is Berue-Corgo with fewer than 20,000, following behind it was the language Marde, and several languages are at 0 percent. To be exact there are 4 group of languages that are below than 0 percent. The Louisiana slave database shows that slave from the region of Africa had different types of languages. All of the different languages on the chart were enslave. Majority of the slaves languages were not available, so they mark it as missing which tops the percentage with over 80,000. The languages that were recorded had the less percent.

After finally reviewing all data obtained in the Louisiana slave database it can clearly be stated that the majority of the slave were of African descent. About fifty percent of all slaves apart of the study were women and the other half were men. It is also clear that that the people that were responsible for capturing slaves did not keep documentation of where the slaves came from or either the information was lost in some way. I think that the individuals whom collected and complied the data on the Louisianan slaves did extensive research did a great job. I think that this information can be deemed valuable because not only can it be used for historic reference it can also be used to help individuals trace back their lineage s well as family origination. The Data collected also helps reveal the truth about a lot of misconceptions of how slaves are portrayed in through the media. The information obtained well help further the education and the struggle that our ancestors had to endure though the years of slavery. Participating in this project has help me become more aware of my past and I plan to look further into this information

Age of Slaves
Figure1b:Based on the information above, shows that slave were broke down into age categories, of all ages. Over half of the charts were missing or not recorded. There are 7 groups that are record varies from different ages. Some group has the same percent. Its a given fact that adults would be one of the top categories, this is correct because adults can do the most work. They do more work than any other group, because they are big and stronger. Also because they can influence other groups because they are younger and they look up to the adults. Its interesting that they would add unborn, nursing, and infants on the chart. These categories born into slavery, they start them off young to prepare them to be slave.
Figure_1a Louisiana Slave Database Rs AFLANG Languages of Slaves Figure_1b Louisiana Slave Database Rs Age Age of Slaves

Race of Slave
Figure1c:This graph shows the different races of slaves. A little over 80,000 of the slaves were black and small percentages of were of different races. About 4 group of slaves were under,0 percent such as octoroon followed by the category grif which is a little over 0 percent , There was several unidentified races. The majority of the slaves were black. Given the information base Louisiana Slave Database, majority of the slaves were black. There are about seven different races at the time but blacks had a higher percent rate. I believe that the no matters what part of the African the slaves came from they were consider black.
Figure_1c Louisiana Slave Data Rs Race Race of Slave Figure_1d Louisiana Slave Data Rs Sex Sex of Slave

1. SPSS Database 2. Louisiana Slave Database

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