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LarLhquake LarLhquake

Case sLudy Case sLudy 8hu[ 8hu[ LarLhquake 26 LarLhquake 26

Lh Lh
!anuary 2001 !anuary 2001
AlOk kuMAk cnANukAkAk
M Sc LM 3
l8l uLP8Auun
LarLhquake? LarLhquake?
LarLhquake ls a serles of vlbraLlons on Lhe earLh's surface
caused by Lhe generaLlon of elasLlc (selsmlc) waves Lo surface
rupLure wlLhln Lhe earLh durlng release of accumulaLed sLraln
lor lnsLance lf you Lhrow sLone ln a pond of sLlll waLer serles
of concenLrlc waves are produced on Lhe surface of waLer
Lhese waves spread ouL ln all dlrecLlons from Lhe polnL where
Lhe sLone sLrlkes Lhe waLer slmllarly any sudden dlsLurbances
ln Lhe earLh's crusL may produce vlbraLlons ln Lhe crusL whlch
Lravel ln all dlrecLlons from polnL of dlsLurbances
LarLhquakes consLlLuLe one of Lhe worsL naLural hazards whlch
ofLen Lurn lnLo dlsasLer causlng wldespread desLrucLlon and
loss Lo human llfe
Causes of LarLhquake Causes of LarLhquake
LarLhquakes are caused by sudden release of energy
ln rocks laLes ln Lhe form of rocks are movlng very
slowly and earLhquake occur when movlng plaLes
grlnd and scrape agalnsL each oLher 1he polnL aL
whlch an earLhquake orlglnaLes ls Lhe focus or
hypocenLer and Lhe polnL on Lhe earLh's surface
dlrecLly above Lhls ls eplcenLer
1he sLudy of earLhquake ls called selsmology
1ecLonlc laLes 1ecLonlc laLes
1here are 7 large and 12 small such plaLes whlch are ln
conLlnuous moLlon
1hese plaLes move along Lhree dlsLlncLlve Lypes of boundarles
LhaL ls
convergenL boundarles where plaLes push each oLher and one
plaLe slldes down Lhe oLher one
dlvergenL boundarles where plaLes pull away from each oLher
Lransformed boundarles where plaLes sllde pasL each oLher
LarLhquake occur due Lo several causes such as volcanlc
erupLlon eLc buL Lhe plaLe LecLonlc Lheory ls Lhe mosL
convlnclng and wldely accepLed
Selsmlc waves Selsmlc waves
wave wave arlve flrsL move verLlcaly 6km/sec speed
S wave S wave shear waves deform maLerlals Lhrough a change ln shape LransmlLLed
only by sollds 33 km/sec
Surface wave Surface wave Lravel along Lhe surpace of Lhe earLh slower Lhen S waves
causes ground shaklng
A selsmograph selsmograph ls a Lool LhaL measure ground moLlon
SLrengLh of earLhquake SLrengLh of earLhquake
MagnlLude lL ls a quanLlLy Lo measure Lhe slze of an earLhquake
ln Lerms of lLs energy and ls lndependenL of ground observaLlon
lL ls measured on 8lchLer scale Lhe scale lnvenLed by Charles
8lchLer Callfornla uSA ln 1933 whlch caLegorles earLhquake on
Lhe basls of energy released
lnLenslLy lL ls Lhe raLlng of Lhe effecL of an earLhquake aL a
parLlcular place based on Lhe observaLlon of Lhe damaged areas
uslng a dlscrlpLlve scale llke modlfled Mercallc scale whlch
caLegorles earLhquake on Lhe basls of desLrucLlon on Lhe ground
Depending upon the frequency and intensity of Depending upon the frequency and intensity of
the earthquakes, the whole country can be the earthquakes, the whole country can be
divided into three broad seismological zones divided into three broad seismological zones
Plmalayan zone Plmalayan zone
1he area s mosL prone Lo earLhquake ln lndla ls Lhe lold
MounLalns ranges of Lhe Plmalayan zone 1he sLaLes of
!ammu and kashmlr Plmachal radesh uLLarakhand 8lhar
Lhe 8lhar nepal border and norLh easLern sLaLes
1he earLhquakes ln Lhese zones are prlmarlly due Lo plaLe
LecLonlcs 1he reglon along Lhe Plmalayas where Lwo plaLes
meeL ls hlghly earLhquake prone and hence known as Lhe
zone of maxlmum lnLenslLy
1o Lhe souLh of Lhe Plmalayan zone and runnlng parallel lL ls Lhe
lndogangeLlc zone MosL of Lhe earLhquakes sLrlklng Lhls zone
are of moderaLe lnLenslLy of 6 Lo 63 on 8lchLer scale 1herefore
Lhls zone ls called Lhe zone of comparaLlve lnLenslLy 1he
earLhquakes along Lhe fooLhlll are of medlum Lo hlgh lnLenslLy
Powever Lhe earLhquakes of Lhls zone are more harmful due Lo
hlgh denslLy of populaLlon ln Lhls area
1he lndo 1he lndo gangeLlc gangeLlc zone zone
1he penlnsular lndla has presumably remalned a sLable landmass
and only few earLhquakes have been experlenced ln Lhls reglon
1hls reglon ls Lherefore called Lhe zone of mlnlmum lnLenslLy
8uL Lhe sever earLhquakes of konya (1967) LaLur (1993) and
!abalpur (1997) have ralsed doubLs abouL Lhe selsmlc sLablllLy of
Lhls landmass
1he penlnsular zone
Date Date Place Place mm Scale Scale
Set.2 ,
6.3 Large areas of Maharashtra
rocked. 10,000 people lost lives
May 22,
6.0 40 person killed and over 100
March 29,
Nandprayag 6.8 widespread destruction in
chamoli , rudraprayag and other
areas. Massive loss of human
Jan. 26,
Bhuj (gujrat) 7.8 Tremors left by India and its
neighboring countries. Over 1
lakh people killed. Huge loss to
property and infrastructure
Oct. 8,
in Pakistan
7.4 Heavy damage to life and
Death toll about one lakh in
Pakistan and nearly 2000 in
Picture of search and rescue phase of Latur earthquake 1993
Helpless man being trapped under debris
Post - disaster picture from Kashmir earthquake 2005
Pazardous LffecLs of LarLhquake Pazardous LffecLs of LarLhquake
Loss of llfe and properLy
uamage Lo lnfrasLrucLure
1opographlcal changes
uamage Lo LransporL sysLem le roads rallways hlghways
alrporLs marlne
Chances of flre shorLclrculL
Chances of lloods uams and LmbankmenLs can develop
Chances of ouLbursL of epldemlc
WaLer plpes sewers are dlsrupLed
CommunlcaLlons such as Lelephone wlres are damaged
Lconomlc acLlvlLles llke agrlculLure lndusLry Lrade and
LransporL are severely affecLed
LarLhquake redlcLlon LarLhquake redlcLlon
unusual anlmal behavlor
Changes ln waLer level
1emperaLure change
Large scale flucLuaLlons of oll flow from oll wells
loreshocks or mlnor shocks before ma[or earLhquake
Changes ln selsmlc wave veloclLy
LarLhquake safeLy rules LarLhquake safeLy rules
lf you are ln a house
W don'L use llfL for geLLlng down from bulldlng
W be prepared Lo move wlLh your famlly
lf you are ln shop school offlce or LheaLer
W uon'L run for an exlL SLampede could prove faLal
W Lake cover under a desk/Lable
W move Lo corner or slde walls
W move away from wlndow glass
W uo noL go near elecLrlc polnLs and cable keep away from
weak porLlon of Lhe bulldlng and false celllng
If you are in high rise building
- take protection under a desk/table
- dont rush for exits
- stay in the building until the shaking stops
- dont use elevator
If you are outside
- avoid high buildings, walls, power lines and other objects
that could fall and create block
- dont run through streets
- If possible, move on to an open area away from hazard
including trees.
If you are in vehicle
- stop in a safe and open place
- remain inside vehicle
- close windows, doors and vents
AfLer an LarLhquake AfLer an LarLhquake
W keep calm swlLch on Lhe LranslsLor radlo and obey
W keep away from beaches and low banks of rlver A huge
wave may sweep ln
W LxpecL afLershocks
W 1urn off Lhe waLer gas and elecLrlclLy
W uo noL smoke llghL maLch or use a clgareLLe llghLer
W uo noL Lurn on swlLches Lhere may be gas leak or shorL
W use a Lorch
W lf Lhere ls any flre Lry Lo puL lL ouL or call flre brlgade
W lmmedlaLely clean up any lnflammable producLs LhaL may
ConLd ConLd
W lf you aware of people have been burled Lell Lhe rescue Leam
uo noL rush and Lry noL Lo worsen Lhe slLuaLlon
W Avold places where Lhere are loose elecLrlc wlres and do noL
come ln conLacL wlLh any meLal ob[ecL
W uo noL drlnk waLer from open conLalners wlLhouL havlng
examlned lL
W LaL someLhlng ?ou wlll beLLer and more capable of helplng
W uo noL re enLer badly damaged bulldlngs and do noL go near
damage sLrucLures
W uo noL walk around Lhe sLreeLs Lo see whaL ls happenlng
keep Lhe sLreeLs clear so rescue vehlcles can access Lhe roads
Case sLudy 8hu[ LarLhquake 26
!anuary 2001
lnLroducLlon Lo Cu[araL
Cu[araL sLaLe ln wesLern lndla bordered on Lhe norLheasL by
8a[asLhan sLaLe on Lhe easL by Madhya radesh sLaLe on Lhe
souLheasL by MaharashLra sLaLe on Lhe souLh and souLhwesL
by Lhe Arablan Sea and on Lhe norLhwesL by aklsLan
1he sLaLe covers an area of 196024 sq km (1he caplLal ls
Candhlnagar on Lhe ouLsklrLs of Ahmadabad Lhe former
caplLal and largesL clLy ln Lhe sLaLe
1he known hlsLory of Cu[araL daLes from abouL 230 8C uurlng
Lhe 4Lh and 3Lh cenLurles Au lL formed a parL of Lhe CupLa
emplre lL derlved lLs name from Lhe Cur[aras who ruled Lhe
area durlng Lhe 8Lh and 9Lh cenLurles
n Lhe mornlng of !anuary 26 2001 Lhe naLlon's 32
uay a devasLaLlng earLhquake occurred ln Lhe kuLch dlsLrlcL of
Lhe sLaLe of Cu[araL
1he earLhquake was felL as far away as uelhl ln Lhe norLh
kolkaLa ln Lhe easL and Chennal ln Lhe souLh
8hu[ Lown and Lhe vlllage 8hachau 60 km easL of 8hu[ were
Lhe worsL affecLed and many oLher areas of Cu[araL lncludlng
lLs sLaLe headquarLers Ahmedabad were badly affecLed
1he earLhquake devasLaLed Lhe 8hu[ and nearby reglons
of Cu[araL causlng exLenslve loss of llfe and properLy
8hu[ LarLhquake
!anuary 2001
Date: Date:
Origin line: Origin line:
Epicenter: Epicenter:
Magnitude: Magnitude:
Focal Depth: Focal Depth:
26 January 2001
08 hrs.46 min. 42.9 sec.
Latitude 23.40 N
Longitude 70.28 E
25 kms.
uamage assessmenL uamage assessmenL
W 1here were more Lhan 20000 deaLhs and 167000 people ln[ured
W lour dlsLrlcLs of Cu[araL lay ln ruln and alLogeLher 21 dlsLrlcLs were
W Around 300000 famllles and aL leasL 3 mllllon chlldren aged 14 and under
were affecLed
W Around 600000 people were lefL homeless
W ln Lhe clLy of 8hu[ more Lhan 3000 lnhablLanLs of Lhe clLy losL Lhelr llves
Lhe maln hosplLal was crushed and close Lo 90 of Lhe bulldlngs was
W 1here was slgnlflcanL damage Lo lnfrasLrucLure wlLh faclllLles such as
hosplLals schools elecLrlc power and waLer sysLems brldges and roads
damaged or desLroyed
40 to 50 high-rise buildings crumbled.
homeless family waits for a ride amid ruined houses
and a funeral pyre in the village near Bhuj.
5 year old girl recovers at a hospital in Bhuj
few days after massive earthquake
Resource Details
Railways Damage to track between Viramgam to Gandhidam; Gandhidham to Bhuj; Viramgam to
Okha; and Palanpur to Gandhidam. Heavy damage to various station buildings,
station cabins, bridges, residential quarters and signalling systems. Rail links as far
as Bhuj have been restored.
650 kilometres of national highways damaged, 100 kilometres severely. National
highways are now traffic-worthy.
Bridges Many minor and major bridges damaged including the Syurajbari bridge at Bachau. Most
main road bridges have been repaired and are capable of accepting limited weight
Berths 1-5 at Kandla Port suffered major structural damage.
147 exchanges, 82,000 lines and optical fibre systems damaged. ll exchanges and at
least 40,000 lines have been restored.
Power 45 sub-stations and power supply to 50% of feeders in Kutch damaged. Power supply to
nine towns & 925 villages affected. ll substations and 225 feeders have been
restored and there is now power to all villages in Kutch.
Water supply to 18 towns and 1340 villages damaged or destroyed. Piped water restored
to 9 towns and 480 villages. Tube wells are gradually being restored.
Fuel Jamnager refinery shutdown 26 January by power failure. Crude oil and product pipelines
were shut down for checking. Crude oil pipeline for one day, product pipelines for
nine days. vailability of product not affected as alternative arrangements have been
Schools Kutch District had 1359 primary schools with 5168 schoolrooms. Of these, 992 schools
and 4179 classrooms were destroyed. There were 38 secondary schools of which six
were destroyed, 14 suffered heavy damage and 12 were partially damaged. Of 128
non-government schools, nine were destroyed, 11 suffered heavy damage and 99
were partially damaged.
naLlon's response naLlon's response
1he response wlLhln lndla was lmmedlaLe 1he naLlonal and
sLaLe governmenLs qulckly provlded asslsLance ln many forms
lncludlng cash medlcal supplles communlcaLlons Leams
shelLers food cloLhlng LransporL and rellef workers
1here were more Lhan 183 nongovernmenL organlzaLlons
(nCs) mosLly lndlan charlLles whlch underLook earLhquake
relaLed acLlvlLles
lnLernaLlonal response lnLernaLlonal response
Search and 8escue Leams soon arrlved from
SwlLzerland unlLed klngdom 8ussla and 1urkey Lo flnd
and rescue survlvors burled under debrls
8ellef Leams and supplles soon followed from 38
counLrles as well as unlLed naLlons agencles and many
lnLernaLlonal nCs such as Lhe 8ed Cross
1he shorL Lerm rescue and rellef operaLlon were belng
underLaken medlum Lerm and long Lerm recovery
aspecLs were analyzed 8ehablllLaLlon schemes
CovernmenL of Cu[araL Llred Lo known as packages
were formulaLed
1he world bank and Aslan developmenL bank sancLlon
loans ln less Lhan Lhree monLhs afLer Lhe earLhquake
8ellef 8ellef
ConLd ConLd
Several sLaLe governmenLs came forward Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe
reconsLrucLlon work ln dlfferenL vlllages
1he un sysLem mulLllaLeral and bllaLeral agencles nCs and Lhe
corporaLe secLor parLlclpaLed ln Lhe rellef and reconsLrucLlon
CovernmenL of Cu[araL provlded asslsLance ln Lhe form of
maLerlals and cash Lo abouL 218000 famllles
nCs supplemenLed Lhe efforLs by provldlng shelLer Lo abouL
7000 famllles.
8econsLrucLlon 8econsLrucLlon
A publlc prlvaLe parLnershlp program was sLarLed Lo help ln
reconsLrucLlon whlch was underLaken by CSuMA A number
of nCs llke llCClCA8L venLure manav sadhana rashLrlya
swabhlman [al prakash lndusLrles eLc came forward Lo
help AbouL 63 nCs were acLlve ln kuLch alone who
adopLed 211 vlllages and consLrucLed 32297 houses aL Lhe
cosL of 8s 18380 crores
Cu[araL earLhquake emergency reconsLrucLlon pro[ecL
(CLL8) was sLarLed by CSuMA wlLh flnanclal help from
world bank Aslan developmenL bank govL of lndla and
oLher donor agencles
ArchlLecLs englneers and masons were Lralned ln consLrucLlon of
dlsasLer reslsLanL houses
1he Lechnlcal supporL was made avallable Lo Lhe owners who
were provlded loan Lo reconsLrucL Lhe houses
1he houses were reglsLered ln Lhe [olnL names of husband and
More Lhan 2 lac houses have been consLrucLed under Lhls
program all houses belng mulLl hazard reslsLanL
W 8ellefWeb CPA hLLp//wwwrellefweblnL
W ConLroI Room, GovernmenL oI GujuruL, GundIInugur, GujuruL).
W hLLp//gu[araLearLhquakehomesLeadcom/
W All you wanLed Lo know abouL dlsasLer by 8k khanna
W lndla a comprehenslve geography by u8 khullar
W uS geologlcal survey
W wwwnldmneL
W lndla meLeorologlcal deparLmenL
Ceologlcal survey of lndla
Pn SrlvasLava earLhquakes forecasLlng and mlLlgaLlon (2004)
Manual on naLural dlsasLer managemenL ln lndla (2001)
1hank you!!!

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