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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n c|v|| and
commerc|a| d|sputes |n Ita|y
ulr uL n 32 on 21032008
(ollLlcal supporL for AlLernaLlve ulspuLe
8esoluLlons ln Lurope)
u Lgs 4 mars 2010 n 28 (MandaLory
uM 18/10/10 (1o puL lnLo force mandaLory
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
Scope of appllcaLlon
u Lgs 28/2010
- 1he decree applles Lo clvll and commerclal dlspuLes
concernlng dlsposable rlghLs" (ultlttl ulspoolblll)
- 1he decree does noL cover volunLary negoLlaLlons
negoLlaLlons wlLh equal represenLaLlon on boLh sldes or
complalnL proceedlngs as provlded ln servlce conLracLs
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
JhaL ls clvll medlaLlon?
- MedlaLlon means a sLrucLured process conducLed by any lmparLlal Lhlrd person Lo
asslsL Lwo or more parLles Lo reach amlcably an agreemenL on Lhe seLLlemenL of
Lhelr dlspuLe
1wo Lypes of medlaLlon
Iac|||tat|ve Med|at|on
ln faclllLaLlve medlaLlon Lhe medlaLor sLrucLures a process Lo asslsL Lhe
parLles ln reachlng a muLually agreeable resoluLlon
Lva|uat|ve Med|at|on
1he evaluaLlve medlaLor dlrecLly lnfluences Lhe ouLcome of medlaLlon
- MedlaLlon concerns needs and lnLeresLs of Lhe parLles ln confllcL lnLeresLs do noL
concern economlc poslLlons buL underlylng lnLeresLs MedlaLlon helps Lo ldenLlfy
real needs
- ln medlaLlon Lhe parLles have an acLlve role ln reachlng Lhe agreemenL or shared
- 1he medlaLlon allows Lo preserve relaLlons because Lhe soluLlon ls noL lmposed
buL accepLed volunLarlly
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
1he medlaLor
MedlaLor means any Lhlrd person(s) who ls(are) asked Lo conducL a
medlaLlon lndlvldually or ln a collecLlve way
MedlaLors do noL declde or [udge and cannoL force" parLles Lo
accepL Lhelr declslon
lLs acLlon ls noL lmposed by a publlc lnsLlLuLlon buL lnLervenes on a
volunLary basls
1he medlaLlon provlder organlsaLlon appolnLs Lhe medlaLor who
wlll handle Lhe case 1he medlaLor cannoL be chosen by Lhe parLles
excepL ln case provlded by u Lgs 28/2010
1he medlaLor musL be an lmparLlal experL ln mandaLory preLrlal
medlaLlon(u Lgs 28/2010) Lhe medlaLor musL have earned hls/her
degree for aL leasL 3 years
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
uuLles and obllgaLlons of Lhe medlaLor
- Pe/she musL be neuLral
- Pe/she musL noL be pald by
- Pe/she musL be lmparLlal
LhroughouL Lhe procedure
- ln each flle he/she musL declare ln
wrlLlng LhaL he/she ls lmparLlal
- Pe/she ls requlred Lo lnform Lhe parLles
and Lhe medlaLlon provlder
organlsaLlon abouL posslble llmlLs of
hls/her lmparLlallLy LhroughouL Lhe
process Lhe medlaLlon provlder may
Lhen appolnL anoLher medlaLor
- Pe/she ls bound Lo make a proposal of
agreemenL accordlngly Lo law and
compulsory sLandards
- Pe/she ls bound Lo answer lmmedlaLely
Lo any requesL from Lhe Lhe medlaLlon
provlder organlsaLlon
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011

Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a

Med|at|on |n Ita|y
MedlaLlon provlder organlsaLlon
MedlaLlon procedures can be handled only by publlc agencles
and prlvaLe organlsaLlons reglsLered wlLh Lhe MlnlsLry of
!usLlce whlch provlde medlaLlon servlce accredlLed by Lhe
lLallan MlnlsLry of !usLlce
1he medlaLlon provlder organlsaLlon and Lhe medlaLor are
governed by Lhe MlnlsLry of !usLlce
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
1ypes of medlaLlon
- 1here are 3 Lypes of medlaLlon
CpLlonal parLles aLLempL on a volunLary basls Lo reach an
agreemenL on Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhelr dlspuLe wlLh Lhe
asslsLance of a medlaLor
upon requesL Lhe [udge afLer evaluaLlng Lhe dlspuLe can
refer parLles Lo medlaLlon
MandaLory preLrlal medlaLlon lf no seLLlemenL
agreemenL has been reached parLles are requlred Lo
engage ln medlaLlon as a precondlLlon Lo accesslng Lhe
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
MandaLory preLrlal medlaLlon
- MedlaLlon ls compulsory slnce 21Lh March 2011 ln Lhe followlng sub[ecL
roperLy rlghLs (dlsLance beLween bulldlngs usufrucL and rlghL of way)
ulvlslon of asseLs
Jllls and probaLes
lamlly law
Loans (ComodaLo")
Leaslng of companles (AfflLLo dl azlende")
Medlcal malpracLlce and defamaLlon/llbel
lnsurance banklng and flnanclal conLracLs
- 1he lmplemenLaLlon of mandaLory preLrlal medlaLlon ln [olnL ownershlp
dlspuLe and compensaLlon for damages due Lo car and boaL accldenLs has
been posLponed Lo 20Lh March 2012 Lo allow sufflclenL Llme Lo geL organlzed
and Lraln new medlaLors
- ln mandaLory preLrlal medlaLlon parLles wlll have Lhe opLlon Lo ask Lhe
[udge whlch are Lhe urgenL provlslons LhaL cannoL be posLponed
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
ConfldenLlallLy (1)
1he medlaLor Lhe parLles and anyone else who works wlLhln
Lhe medlaLlon provlder organlzaLlon has a duLy of
SLaLemenLs made or lnformaLlon acqulred durlng Lhe
procedure may noL be used durlng Lhe process
SLaLemenLs made or lnformaLlon glven by any parLy Lo Lhe
medlaLor may noL be glven Lo Lhe adversary (excepL ln case of
consensus) Any breach of confldenLlallLy wlll be sancLloned
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
ConfldenLlallLy (2)
- SLaLemenLs made or lnformaLlon acqulred durlng Lhe
procedure may noL be used ln courL and shall noL be
consldered as an evldence
- 1he medlaLor may noL be called Lo LesLlfy
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
SLarLlng Lhe process
- 1he parLles flrsL selecL a medlaLlon provlder by menLlonlng
Lhe name of Lhe medlaLlon provlder organlsaLlon Lhe names
of parLles Lhe maLLer and Lhe alm of Lhe medlaLlon approach
- 1he parLles are free Lo selecL a medlaLlon provlder ln case
Lhere would be varlous proposals Lhe one chosen would be
Lhe flrsL Lo whom a requesL has been senL and made known
Lo Lhe adversary parLy
- 1he regulaLlons of Lhe selecLed medlaLlon provlder wlll apply
Lo Lhe procedure
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
- 1he process sLarLs when Lhe medlaLor arranges one or varlous
meeLlngs Lo seLLle Lhe dlspuLe amlcably wlLhouL reference Lo a
- 1he seLLlemenL agreemenL reached Lhrough medlaLlon blnds Lhe
parLles conLracLually 1he seLLlemenL agreemenL approved by a
decree of Lhe resldenL of Lhe CourL becomes a wrlL of execuLlon for
forced exproprlaLlon speclflc execuLlon and reglsLraLlon of [udlclal
- ln case of fallure of medlaLlon Lhe medlaLor can make a proposal of
dlspuLe resoluLlon LhaL parLles are free Lo accepL or decllne
ln case of fallure of medlaLlon and subsequenL [udlclal proceedlngs
Lhe [udge may check lf Lhe cholce of Lhe medlaLlon provlder
organlsaLlon was Lhe mosL approprlaLe (for example seaL of Lhe
medlaLlon provlder organlsaLlon conslsLenL or noL wlLh Lhe place of
Lhe dlspuLe or Lhe adversary parLy)
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
uuLy Lo lnform
- Jhen powers of aLLorney are slgned
Lhe lawyers are requlred Lo lnform Lhelr cllenLs ln wrlLlng abouL
a) 1he medlaLlon opLlon
b) 1ax lncenLlves
c) 1he Lypes of dlspuLes ln whlch medlaLlon ls a prerequlslLe Lo
accesslng Lhe courLs
1hls lnformaLlon noLe ln wrlLlng wlll have Lo be slgned by Lhe cllenL
and aLLached Lo Lhe [udlclal senLence lf Lhls noLe ls mlsslng Lhe [udge
shall Lhe parLy
Should Lhe lawyer fall Lo glve Lhls lnformaLlon Lo hls/her cllenL Lhe
power of aLLorney may be volded
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
uuraLlon of Lhe medlaLlon
1he medlaLlon proceedlng musL be compleLed
wlLhln four monLhs of Lhe submlsslon of Lhe
requesL (law obllgaLlon)
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
Subm|tt|ng a request to a
med|at|on prov|der
Noshow at med|at|on
1he med|at|on prov|der appo|nts a
med|ator and arranges a meet|ng
w|th the part|es w|th|n 1S days of
the request
Iac|||tat|ve med|at|on
Agreement reached
Iac|||tat|ve med|at|on
No agreement
Lva|uat|ve med|at|on
(|f necessary)
Med|ator's proposa|
1he part|es accept the
proposed agreement
Sett|ement agreement
1he text of the
agreement |s entered
|nto an off|c|a| record
by the med|ator who
sha|| cert|fy that the
agreement |s reached
1he part|es dec||ne or
don't reach agreement
w|th|n 7 days no
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
rofesslonal assoclaLlons
- rofesslonal assoclaLlons can form can form medlaLlon
provlder organlsaLlons ln maLLers based on compeLence
- Members of Lhe bar assoclaLlons can form medlaLlon provlder
organlsaLlons ln any sub[ecL maLLer
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
MedlaLlon provlder organlsaLlon ln courL
Members of Lhe bar assoclaLlons can form organlsaLlons
before any courL uslng Lhelr employees and premlses made
avallable by Lhe Chalrman of Lhe CourL
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
MedlaLlon provlder organlsaLlon reglsLraLlon ln Lhe
Members of Lhe bar assoclaLlon Lhe chambers of
commerce or oLher professlonal assoclaLlons can form
organlsaLlons Lo be enLered upon slmple requesL ln Lhe
8eglsLer as medlaLlon organlsaLlons
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
Consob and 8ank of lLaly
- 8egardlng flnance and Lax medlaLlon can be handled
by medlaLlon provlder organlsaLlons
before Lhe arblLraLlon and medlaLlon chamber of Consob
- 1he procedure LhaL falls wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe ArblLro
8ancarlo llnanzlarlo" (8ank of lLaly) has Lhe same legal
Slide 13
s3 En !talie, c'est un organe qui controle les socits cotes en Bourse. En France existe un organe qui a les memes fonctions?
s.barletta, 3/23/2011
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
1he medlaLor's proposal
- lf requesLed by boLh parLles Lhe medlaLor ls bound Lo make a
- ln oLher cases Lhe medlaLor can make a proposal lf provlded
by Lhe regulaLlons of Lhe selecLed medlaLlon provlder
- 8ecovery of cosLs lf one of Lhe parLles decllnes Lhe proposed
agreemenL and lf Lhls proposal compleLely corresponds wlLh a
subsequenL [udlclal senLence cosLs of Lrlal wlll be charged Lo
Lhe parLy LhaL decllned Lhe proposal
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Nice 2011
N|ce, Frarce - 3alurday 8lr 0clooer 2011
Prol.0oll.0||oerlo 0e|osa - lrlercorsu|l|rg 3lud|o Assoc|alo, V||aro, lla||a
Med|at|on |n Ita|y
AdvanLages for companles and cllenLs
1 1o meeL concreLe needs
2 1o ldenLlfy / arLlculaLe needs Lo each oLher
3 1o save Llme and money
4 1o conLlnue Lo work LogeLher
3 MedlaLlon ls a prlvaLe process and noL sub[ecL Lo publlc
knowledge and posslble medla aLLenLlon as can be Lhe case
wlLh clvll llLlgaLlon
6 1he parLles are free Lo express Lhelr own lnLeresLs and
needs Lhrough an open dlalogue ln a less adversarlal seLLlng
Lhan a courLroom

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