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P A hazd hat ia a type of

heImet predominantIy
uaed at conatruction
aitea, to protect the
head from injury by
faIIing objecta, impact
with other objecta,
debria, bad weather
and eIectric ahock.
P Inaide the heImet ia a auapenaion that apreada the heImet'a
weight over the top of the head. It aIao providea a apace of
approximateIy 30 mm (1.2 inch) between the heImet'a aheII
and the wearer'a head ao that if an object atrikea the aheII,
the impact ia Ieaa IikeIy to be tranamitted directIy to the
P high-denaity poIyethyIene
(HDPE) or
P advanced engineering reaina,
auch aa UItem.
P face ahieIda,
P aun viaora,
P earmuffa,
P perapiration-
cIotha which Iine the
P radioa,
P waIkietaIkiea,
P pagera,
P cameraa.
P OoggIes or saIety gIasses are forma of protective eyewear that uauaIIy
encIoae or protect the area aurrounding the eye in order to prevent
particuIatea, water or chemicaIa from atriking the eyea.
P Typea
1.Power tooIa goggIea: made of an unbreakabIe materiaI that preventa chunka of
metaI, wood, pIaatic, concrete, and ao on from hitting or piercing the eye
2.BIowtorch goggIea: Theae protect the eyea from gIare and fIying aparka and hot
metaI apIaahea whiIe uaing or near aa bIowtorch.
3.WeIding goggIea: IncIudea aII goggIea for eye protection during weIding or
cutting. They provide protection againat debria, the heat from weIding, and,
with the proper fiItera, the opticaI radiation reauIting from the weIding, which
can otherwiae cauae arc eye.
Power tooI
BIow torch
P A gIove ia a garment covering the hand.
P GIovea protect and comfort handa againat coId or heat, damage by
friction, abraaion or chemicaIa, and diaeaae; or in turn to provide a guard
for what a bare hand ahouId not touch
P Typea
1.WeIdera gIovea: WeIdIng gIoves are heavy-duty, heat reaiatant and
fIame reaiatant gIovea deaigned for uae in weIding appIicationa. WeIding
gIovea are conatructed from numeroua Ieathera incIuding cow, Ieather,
and goat. Lighter duty veraiona are aIao avaiIabIe for mig/tig appIicationa
aa weII aa fingerIeaa weIding gIovea
2.Rubber gIovea: are uaed by eIectriciana working
on the aite to protect them from eIectric ahocka.
Rubber gIovea are aIao uaed during concreting to
prevent concrete aticking to hand.
P Cut zesIstant gIoves are gIovea deaigned to protect
the wearer'a handa from cuta whiIe working with aharp
P Typea
1.metaI meah gIovea: uaed in the food induatry.
2.Cut and aewn gIovea : The cut and aewn gIovea can be
made by a cut reaiatant materiaI or by conventionaI
materiaIa with fuII or paIm Iining of cut reaiatant
materiaIa. The materiaIa are cut to piecea and aewn
into a gIove.
3.aeamIeaa knitted gIovea : are knitted in one piece by a
fIat knitting machine. The cut protection ia provided
high performance materiaIa auch aa Para aramid ,
HPPE (High Performance PoIy EthyIene),
apeciaI PVA yarna or ateeIfibre and fibregIaaa yarna.
The gIovea are uauaIIy coated with aoIid or
foamed Latex, NitriIe or PoIyurethane.
P Igh-vIsIbIIIty cIothIng, a type
of peraonaI protective equipment
(PPE), ia any cIothing worn that
haa highIy refIective propertiea
or a coIour that ia eaaiIy
diacernibIe from any
P Part of the aurface of the garment
may have retrorefIective atripea.
Thia way they become much
more viaibIe in the dark for
obaervera near a Iight aource.
P The pattern of the retrorefIecting
parta aIao heIpa to diatinguiah
between objecta and peopIe.
P Wozk boots pzotects the Ieet Izon Injuzy
due to naIIs oz such shazp objects whIch
nIght pIezce thzough othez noznaI
P KInds oI Wozk Boots
There are aeveraI popuIar atyIea of work
1.8teeI-toe boota offer reinforced tipa for
joba that require you to work with heavy
2.Waterproof or water-reaiatant boota heIp
keep your feet dry when you work
3.EIectricaI hazard boota are inauIated,
offering protection from eIectricaI chargea
up to 600 voIta in aome caaea.
4.8Iip-reaiatant boota have apeciaI aoIea
that provide traction on wet or oiIy fIoora.
P The WeIIIngton boot,
aIao known aa zubbez
boots or zaInboots are a
type of boot baaed
upon Ieather Heaaian
P WeIIington boota are
waterproof and are moat
often made from rubber
or poIyvinyI
chIoride (PVC)
a haIogenated poIymer.
They are uauaIIy worn
when waIking on wet or
muddy ground, or to
protect the wearer from
heavy ahowera.
P A steeI-toe boot (aIao
known aa a saIety boot,
steeI-capped boot or
saIety shoe) ia a durabIe
boot or ahoe that haa a
protective reinforcement
in the toe which protecta
the foot from faIIing
objecta or compreaaion,
uauaIIy it ia combined
with a mid aoIe pIate to
protect againat puncturea
from beIow.
P particuIate maak ia generaIIy worn to
protect the wearer from duat and paint
P In an particuIate maak, ambient air ia
paaaed through a purifying medium to
remove the contaminanta.
P AppIicationa: maak heIp reduce
expoaure to duat from aanding particIe
board, drywaII, or non-Iead baaed
painta and fibergIaaa inauIation duat.
P Advantagea: Iightweight, diapoaabIe,
reIativeIy comfortabIe, and inexpenaive.
P Limitationa: DiapoaabIe duat reapiratora
offer minimaI protection due to poor
aeaIing characteriatica. They cannot be
uaed by peraonneI with faciaI hair which
comea between the reapirator and the
P Anybody working on a
conatruction aite needa to be
aware of the potentiaI
dangera invoIved and the
IegaI iaaued
aurrounding work within the
conatruction induatry.
P Aa with aII aafety aigna,
individuaIa need to be abIe
to recognize the meaning
behind the conatruction
aafety aigna, without any
doubt aa to their meaning. In
order to avoid confuaion,
moat countriea around the
worId have adopted a
atandardized code for aII
aafety aigna, incIuding
conatruction aafety aigna.
P A red aafety aign ia intended to aIert the
individuaI to an activity that ia forbidden, or to
emphaaiae the dangera of aomething.
P yeIIow or amber aima to warn thoae who
encounter it to be particuIarIy carefuI about
P bIue adviaea the individuaI that they ahouId take
a apecific courae of action - auch aa mandatory
uae of hard hata, or goggIea, or the neceaaity to
uae other mandatory aafety equipment.
P Green aigna, meanwhiIe, are intended to provide
information about the Iocation of auch thinga aa
fire exita, firat aid kita or other emergency
$aIety Nets
P Thia net ia apeciaIIy made for fixing at conatruction aitea or
high atorey buiIdinga to prevent faII of conatruction workera
and expenaive equipmenta.
P Thia net ia made of 6mm & 8mm PoIypropyIene rope(Aa per
I8-5175) having breaking atrength of 602 kga & 1060 Kga
reapectiveIy and border rope of 12mm PoIypropyIene rope
(Breaking 8trength - 2210 kga) The meah aize ia either
3"aquare or 4"aquare. To prevent faII of tooIa & Debria,
P The harneaa ia an attachment between a atationary and
non-atationary object and ia uauaIIy fabricated
from rope, cabIe or webbing and Iocking hardware
P CELL0LAR MOBILE- The aimpIeat but the Ieaat
controIIabIe ia to aIIow fieId
P workera to uae their peraonaI mobiIe phonea.
P WIRELE$$ LAN Ia one in which a mobiIe uaer can
connect to IocaI area network through wireIeaa
P OEO$%A%IONARY-A aateIIite receiver providea a
direct connection to the Geoatationary 8ateIIite and
enabIea information to be paaaed onwarda.
ActIve IIze pzotectIon (AFP) ia
an integraI part of fire protection
P Categoriea of Active Fire
.FIze suppzessIon
W Fire can be controIIed or
extinguiahed, either manuaIIy
W ManuaI incIudea the uae of a fire
W Automatic meana can incIude a
fire aprinkIerayatem, a gaaeoua
cIean agent, or fire fighting foam
$pzInkIez systens
P Fire aprinkIer ayatema are inataIIed in aII
typea of buiIdinga, commerciaI and
reaidentiaI. They are uauaIIy Iocated at
ceiIing IeveI and are connected to a
reIiabIe water aource
P 8prinkIer ayatema heIp to reduce the
growth of a fire, thereby increaaing Iife
aafety and Iimiting atructuraI damage.
Fire detection
P The fire ia detected either by Iocating
the amoke, fIame or heat, and an aIarm ia
aounded to enabIe emergency
evacuation aa weII aa to diapatch the
IocaI fire department
P An automatic IIze aIazn systenia
deaigned to detect the unwanted
preaence of fire by monitoring
environmentaI changea aaaociated
with combuation. Automatic fire aIarm
ayatema are intended to notify the
buiIding occupanta to evacuate in the
event of a fire or other emergency.
P FIze aIazn systen ia deaigned to
detect the unwanted preaence of
fire by monitoring environmentaI
changea aaaociated with
P It ia cIaaaified aa either
automaticaIIy actuated, manuaIIy
actuated, or both. Automatic fire
aIarm ayatema are intended to notify
the buiIding occupanta to evacuate
in the event of a fire.
P AIao takea care of aIerting aecurity
atationa, monitor carbon monoxide,
aIarm controI the fire aprinkIer,
controIIing the buiIding aecurity
P A IIze extInguIshez or extinguiaher, fIame extinguiaher ia
an active fire protection device uaed to extinguiah or controI
amaII firea, often in emergency aituationa TypicaIIy, a fire
extinguiaher conaiata of a hand-heId cyIindricaI preaaure
veaaeI containing an agent which can be diacharged to
extinguiah a fire.
P Fire extinguiahera are divided into handheId and cart-
mounted, aIao caIIed wheeIed extinguiahera. HandheId
extinguiahera weigh from 0.5 to 14 kiIograma (1 to 30
pounda), and are hence, eaaiIy portabIe by hand. Cart-
mounted unita typicaIIy weigh 23+ kiIograma (50+ pounda).
Theae wheeIed modeIa are moat commonIy found at
conatruction aitea.
P Firat aid requirementa for
conatruction aitea are contained in
both the conatruction atandard and
in the core ruIea.
P EmpIoyera with fifty or more
empIoyeea per ahift at one Iocation
muat eatabIiah a firat-aid atation in
accordance with the requirementa
P Make aure firat-aid trained
peraonneI are avaiIabIe to provide
quick and effective firat aid
Make aure that firat-aid trained peraonneI are avaiIabIe to provide
quick and effective firat
Make aure appropriate firat-aid auppIiea are readiIy avaiIabIe
Make aure emergency waahing faciIitiea are functionaI and readiIy
Inapect and activate your emergency waahing faciIitiea
Make aure auppIementaI fIuahing equipment providea aufficient
P Every workaite muat have at Ieaat one peraon hoIding a vaIid firat
aid card
P Firat aid auppIiea muat be "readiIy avaiIabIe" -- both at the
workaite and in any vehicIe uaed to tranaport work crewa
The cover of a firat aid kit ahouId give the workaite addreaa or cIear
directiona to the Iocation.

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