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A servlce ls an appllcaLlon Lype LhaL runs ln Lhe background
and ls slmllar Lo a unlx daemon appllcaLlon Servlces Lyplcally
provlde access Lo key feaLures such as flle servers Web
servers daLabase servers and oLher serverbased
appllcaLlons Lo users boLh locally and across Lhe neLwork
Some of Lhe mosL common Lasks assoclaLed wlLh managlng
servlces are sLarLlng and sLopplng a servlce dlsabllng a
servlce for a hardware proflle and changlng Lhe sLarLup
meLhod for a servlce lor more lnformaLlon abouL oLher Lasks
for managlng servlces see Servlces Pow 1o
1o lmprove performance and securlLy ln Lhe
Wlndows Server 2003 famlly several servlces have been
dlsabled by defaulL LhaL were prevlously enabled ?ou should
noL change Lhe sLarLup meLhod of a servlce unless you are
sure you are chooslng Lhe approprlaLe sLarLup meLhod lor a
Lable LhaL llsLs Lhe defaulL seLLlngs and provldes lnformaLlon
abouL how Lo enable Lhese servlces see uefaulL seLLlngs for
pen Servlces
ln Lhe deLalls panel do one of Lhe followlng
O llck Lhe servlce and Lhen on Lhe Act|on menu
cllck Start Stop ause kesume or kestart
O lghLcllck Lhe servlce and Lhen
cllck Start Stop ause kesume or kestart
lf you sLop sLarL or resLarL a servlce any dependenL
servlces are also affecLed SLarLlng a servlce does noL
auLomaLlcally resLarL lLs dependenL servlces lor more
lnformaLlon see vlew servlce dependencles
hanglng Lhe defaulL servlce seLLlngs mlghL prevenL key
servlces from runnlng correcLly lL ls especlally lmporLanL
Lo use cauLlon when changlng Lhe Startup type and Log
on as seLLlngs of servlces LhaL are conflgured Lo sLarL
auLomaLlcally ln mosL cases lL ls recommended LhaL you
noL change Lhe A||ow serv|ce to |nteract w|th
desktop seLLlng
1o perform Lhls procedure you musL be a member of Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLors group on Lhe local compuLer or you musL have been
delegaLed Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlLy lf Lhe compuLer ls [olned Lo a
domaln members of Lhe uomaln Admlns group mlghL be able Lo
perform Lhls procedure As a securlLy besL pracLlce conslder uslng
un as Lo perform Lhls procedure
1o open Servlces cllck Start cllck Contro| ane| double
cllck Adm|n|strat|ve 1oo|s and Lhen doublecllck Serv|ces
1o sLarL a servlce wlLh sLarLup parameLers rlghLcllck Lhe servlce
cllck ropert|es and Lhen Lype Lhe parameLers ln Start
parameters before you cllck Start 1hese seLLlngs are noL perslsLenL
Lhey are are used only once and Lhen Lhe defaulL seLLlngs are
resLored (A backslash () ls LreaLed as an escape characLer Lype
Lwo backslashes for each backslash ln a parameLer)
pen Servlces
ln Lhe deLalls pane rlghLcllck Lhe servlce LhaL you wanL
Lo enable or dlsable and Lhen cllck ropert|es
n Lhe Log Cn Lab cllck Lhe hardware proflle LhaL you
wanL Lo conflgure
llck Lnab|e or D|sab|e and Lhen cllck Ck
hanglng Lhe defaulL servlce seLLlngs mlghL prevenL key
servlces from runnlng correcLly lL ls especlally lmporLanL
Lo use cauLlon when changlng Lhe Startup type and Log
on as seLLlngs of servlces LhaL are conflgured Lo sLarL
auLomaLlcally ln mosL cases you should noL change
Lhe A||ow serv|ce to |nteract w|th desktop seLLlng
1o perform Lhls procedure you musL be a member of Lhe AdmlnlsLraLors group on Lhe local compuLer or
you musL have been delegaLed Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlLy lf Lhe compuLer ls [olned Lo a domaln members
of Lhe uomaln Admlns group mlghL be able Lo perform Lhls procedure As a securlLy besL pracLlce
conslder uslng un as Lo perform Lhls procedure
1o open Servlces cllck Start cllck Contro| ane| doublecllck Adm|n|strat|ve 1oo|s and Lhen double
cllck Serv|ces
?ou may wanL Lo seL up a hardware proflle Lo LesL any newly lnsLalled servlces lor example you can
creaLe Lwo hardware proflles for a newly lnsLalled servlce one proflle ln whlch Lhe servlce ls enabled and
a second proflle ln whlch Lhe servlce ls dlsabled 1hls way you can LroubleshooL any problems LhaL may
occur such as a drlver noL loadlng properly
use cauLlon when dlsabllng servlces by uslng Lhls meLhod lf you dlsable a servlce for a cerLaln hardware
proflle Lhe nardware rof||e seLLlngs overrlde LheStartup type seLLlng for LhaL servlce
use Lhe opLlons ln Lhe System ropert|es dlalog box Lo creaLe and manage hardware proflles
lf you recelve a Conf|gurat|on Manager error message when you open Lhe ropert|es dlalog box verlfy
LhaL Lhe emoLe eglsLry servlce ls runnlng on Lhe LargeL compuLer lf Lhe emoLe eglsLry servlce ls noL
runnlng or lf Lhe LargeL compuLer ls runnlng Wlndows n1 40 you cannoL vlew or modlfy hardware proflle
seLLlngs buL you can perform any oLher acLlons lor more lnformaLlon abouL LroubleshooLlng servlces
see 1roubleshooLlng Servlces Snapln Also see Managlng SysLem Servlces aL Lhe MlcrosofL Wlndows
esource klLs Web slLe
1C S1Ak1 S1C Ck CnANGL 1nL S1Ak1U ML1nCD ICk A
pen Servlces
ln Lhe deLalls pane rlghLcllck Lhe servlce LhaL you wanL Lo conflgure and Lhen cllck ropert|es
n Lhe Genera| Lab ln Startup type cllck Automat|c Manua| or D|sab|ed
1o speclfy Lhe user accounL LhaL Lhe servlce can use Lo log on cllck Lhe Log Cn Lab and Lhen do one of
Lhe followlng
O 1o speclfy LhaL Lhe servlce uses Lhe LocalSysLem accounL cllck Loca| System account
O 1o speclfy LhaL Lhe servlce uses Lhe LocalServlce accounL cllck 1h|s account and Lhen
Lype N1 AU1nCkI1Loca|Serv|ce
O 1o speclfy LhaL Lhe servlce uses Lhe neLworkServlce accounL cllck 1h|s account and Lhen
Lype N1 AU1nCkI1NetworkServ|ce
O 1o speclfy anoLher accounL cllck 1h|s account cllck 8rowse and Lhen speclfy a user accounL ln Lhe Se|ect
User dlalog box When you are flnlshed cllck Ck
1ype Lhe password for Lhe user accounL ln Lhe assword box and ln Lhe Conf|rm password box and
Lhen cllck Ck lf you selecL Lhe Local Servlce accounL or neLwork Servlce accounL Lhe password musL be
MosL servlces are noL deslgned Lo have Lhe defaulL accounL
changed hanglng Lhe defaulL accounL of a servlce could resulL ln
Lhe servlce falllng Lo sLarL
hanglng Lhe defaulL servlce seLLlngs may prevenL key servlces from
runnlng correcLly lL ls especlally lmporLanL Lo use cauLlon when
changlng Lhe Startup type and Log on as seLLlngs of servlces LhaL
are conflgured Lo sLarL auLomaLlcally
ln mosL cases lL ls recommended LhaL you noL change Lhe A||ow
serv|ce to |nteract w|th desktop seLLlng lf you allow Lhe servlce Lo
lnLeracL wlLh Lhe deskLop any lnformaLlon LhaL Lhe servlce dlsplays
on Lhe deskLop wlll also be dlsplayed on Lhe lnLeracLlve users
deskLop A mallclous user could Lhen Lake conLrol of Lhe servlce or
aLLack lL from Lhe lnLeracLlve deskLop
1o open Servlces cllck Start cllck Contro| ane| doublecllck Adm|n|strat|ve 1oo|s and Lhen double
cllck Serv|ces
1he Local Servlce accounL and neLwork Servlce accounL are conflgured wlLh a null password WhaLever
password lnformaLlon you supply ls lgnored lor more lnformaLlon abouL servlce accounLs see Servlces
lL ls recommended LhaL user accounLs LhaL are used Lo log on as a servlce have Lhe assword never
exp|res check box selecLed ln Lhelr properLles dlalog box and LhaL Lhey have sLrong passwords
lf accounL lockouL pollcy ls enabled and Lhe accounL ls locked ouL Lhe servlce wlll noL sLarL
lf you enable or dlsable a servlce and you encounLer a problem sLarLlng Lhe compuLer you can sLarL Lhe
compuLer ln Safe Mode ln Safe Mode core servlces LhaL are requlred Lo sLarL Lhe operaLlng sysLem are
sLarLed ln a defaulL scheme regardless of any changes LhaL are made Lo Lhe servlce seLLlngs AfLer Lhe
compuLer ls ln Safe Mode you can change Lhe servlce conflguraLlon or resLore Lhe defaulL conflguraLlon
lf you speclfy an accounL LhaL does noL have permlsslon Lo log on as a servlce Lhe Servlces snapln
auLomaLlcally granLs Lhe approprlaLe permlsslons Lo LhaL accounL on Lhe compuLer LhaL you are
lor more lnformaLlon abouL Lhe user accounLs LhaL a servlce uses Lo log on see Managlng SysLem
Servlces aL Lhe MlcrosofL Wlndows esource klLs Web slLe

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