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Where are YOU in the writing?

The troubles of many student writers, Bartholomae suggest, begin with their inability to imagine such a position of privilege, to define their views against some common way of talking about their subject. Instead, they simply repeat in their writing what everybody knows or what their professor has told them in her lectures. The result, of course, is that they are penalized for having Nothing really to say. -Harris

Look forward
Interview questions should not lead, but they also shouldn't be so vague that an interviewee can entirely miss the point of the question.

Writing is rarely done. Dont settle. Get feed back. Improve.

The information that I have presented in my fact sheet is a combination of quotes that I found useful, interesting, or thought provoking; questions I had either to myself or the outside world; and tips to my future self on how to improve my planning, processing, thinking, and composing. I included the category of literacy sponsors because I found this an incredibly interesting and useful part of the course. It is useful to be able to look back and figure out what events, people, or literature influenced how you think and act, especially in regards to how and why you read, think, and write the way that you do. I feel as if I owe a lot to my literacy sponsors for helping me develop into the literate person I am. The information on community is one that I included because I think its important to remember that literature cannot be developed by one person and that important literature doesnt necessarily have to be part of the literacy canon. Every person and every student has a different perception and has a different opinion that is worth sharing. Literature should not be about biting off a piece of information, chewing it up a little, then regurgitating it back out for others to reprocess. It should be about using literature as a tool to create your own opinions and thoughts. I included the information about voice because, although I knew the importance of voice before this course, I really never had to find my own. Most writing that is done in an academic setting is just that- academic. The prose and voice is structured and impersonal. Writing and creating projects such as the literacy narrative and building a mystery project encouraged and required more creativity and freedom on my part, which allowed me to exercise a voice in my writing I hadnt had to exercise in quite a while. Most of this section consists of tips for helping to find my own voice. The look forward section of my fact sheet is all about planning. It consists of things that I wish I would have done or known throughout the semester but that I have discovered (or rediscovered the importance of) along the way. I included this information mostly as reminders for my future self and to show some lessons I learned that werent necessarily related to the course content. The section regarding discourse and culture is an observation and reaction to how literature and discourse has changed with the increase and development of technology. Technology can be both a tool, an asset, a necessity, and a crux. I included this information because it was helpful for me to think about the differences that occur when literature is created on paper, on a computer screen, through words, and even through photos. This has expanded my view of what literature is and how it fits into my world. I included the re- section as a reminder of how important it is to keep improving my writing and tips on how to do that I have learned throughout the semester. I designed my fact sheet in this way because I felt it was the most visually interesting, it was personal, and it made the lessons and straight facts fun. It was useful for me to organize my thoughts and facts in this way that had more spatial depth so that I could see how information related to each other in non-linear ways. It is designed as a tool that I would actually use rather than a plain academic prose that I would write and soon forget about.

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