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neLworklng LssenLlals

What Is a Network?
W @e ldea of neLworklng as been around for a long Llme and as Laken on
many meanlngs lf you were Lo look up neLwork ln your dlcLlonary you
mlgL flnd any of Le followlng deflnlLlons
W An openwork fabrlc neLLlng
W A sysLem of lnLerlaclng llnes Lracks or cannels
W Any lnLerconnecLed sysLem for example a LelevlslonbroadcasLlng neLwork
W A sysLem ln wlc a number of lndependenL compuLers are llnked LogeLer
Lo sare daLa and perlperals suc as ard dlsks and prlnLers
Why Use a Computer Network?
W arlng lnformaLlon (or daLa)
W arlng ardware and sofLware
W CenLrallzlng admlnlsLraLlon and supporL
W More speclflcally compuLers LaL are parL of a neLwork can sare
W uocumenLs (memos spreadseeLs lnvolces and so on)
W Lmall messages
W Wordprocesslng sofLware
W ro[ecLLracklng sofLware
W lllusLraLlons poLograps vldeos and audlo flles
W Llve audlo and vldeo broadcasLs
W rlnLers
W lax maclnes
W Modems
W Cu8CM drlves and oLer removable drlves suc as Zlp and !az drlves
W Pard drlves
@he @wo Ma[or @ypes of Networks
LANs and WANs
W CompuLer neLworks are classlfled lnLo one of Lwo groups
dependlng on Lelr slze and funcLlon A locol oteo oetwotk (lAN) ls
Le baslc bulldlng block of any compuLer neLwork A LAn can range
from slmple (Lwo compuLers connecLed by a cable) Lo complex
(undreds of connecLed compuLers and perlperals LrougouL a
ma[or corporaLlon) (ee llgure 17) @e dlsLlngulslng feaLure of a
LAn ls LaL lL ls conflned Lo a llmlLed geograplc area
W A wlJe oteo oetwotk (wAN) on Le oLer and as no
geograplcal llmlL (see llgure 18) lL can connecL compuLers and
oLer devlces on opposlLe sldes of Le world A WAn ls made up of
a number of lnLerconnecLed LAns eraps Le ulLlmaLe WAn ls Le
Access Methods
W @he Iunct|on of Access Methods
W @e seL of rules LaL deflnes ow a compuLer
puLs daLa onLo Le neLwork cable and Lakes
daLa from Le cable ls called an occess
metboJ Cnce daLa ls movlng on Le neLwork
access meLods elp Lo regulaLe Le flow of
neLwork Lrafflc
@raff|c Contro| on the Cab|e
W @o undersLand Lrafflc on a compuLer neLwork lL elps Lo use an
analogy A neLwork ls ln some ways llke a rallroad Lrack along wlc
several Lralns run @e Lrack ls lnLerspersed wlL occaslonal rallway
sLaLlons Wen a Lraln ls on Le Lrack all oLer Lralns musL ablde by
a procedure LaL governs ow and wen Ley enLer Le flow of
Lrafflc WlLouL suc a procedure enLerlng Lralns would colllde wlL
Le one already on Le Lrack
W @ere are lmporLanL dlfferences beLween a rallroad sysLem and a
compuLer neLwork owever Cn a neLwork all Lrafflc appears Lo
move slmulLaneously wlLouL lnLerrupLlon AcLually Lls
appearance of slmulLanelLy ls an llluslon ln reallLy Le compuLers
Lake Lurns accesslng Le neLwork for brlef perlods of Llme @e
more slgnlflcanL dlfference arlses from Le lger speed aL wlc
neLwork Lrafflc moves
Ma[or Access Methods
W @e Lree meLods deslgned Lo prevenL slmulLaneous
use of Le neLwork medla lnclude
W Carrlersense mulLlple access meLods (wlL colllslon
deLecLlon or wlL colllslon avoldance)
W @okenpasslng meLods LaL allow only a slngle
opporLunlLy Lo send daLa lL mlgL seem LaL Loken
passlng would Lake a long Llme buL Le Loken acLually
Lravels aL rougly Le speed of llgL A Loken can clrcle
a rlng 200 meLers (636 feeL) ln dlameLer abouL 477376
Llmes per second
W uemandprlorlLy meLods
Carr|erSense Mu|t|p|e Access w|th Co|||s|on
Detect|on (CSMA]CD) Access Method
W Dslng Le meLod known as cottletseose moltlple occess wltb colllsloo Jetectloo
(c5MA/cu) eac compuLer on Le neLwork lncludlng cllenLs and servers cecks
Le cable for neLwork Lrafflc
W Cnly wen a compuLer senses LaL Le cable ls free and LaL Lere ls no Lrafflc on
Le cable can lL send daLa Cnce Le compuLer as LransmlLLed daLa on Le cable
no oLer compuLer can LransmlL daLa unLll Le orlglnal daLa as reaced lLs
desLlnaLlon and Le cable ls free agaln
W Content|on Method
W CMA/Cu ls known as a cooteotloo meLod because compuLers on Le neLwork
conLend or compeLe for an opporLunlLy Lo send daLa
W CSMA]CD Cons|derat|ons
W @e more compuLers Lere are on Le neLwork Le more neLwork Lrafflc Lere wlll
be WlL more Lrafflc colllslon avoldance and colllslons Lend Lo lncrease wlc
slows Le neLwork down so CMA/Cu can be a slowaccess meLod
Carr|erSense Mu|t|p|e Access w|th Co|||s|on
Avo|dance (CSMA]CA) Access Method
W cottletseose moltlple occess wltb colllsloo ovolJooce
(c5MA/cA) ls Le leasL popular of Le Lree ma[or access
meLods ln CMA/CA eac compuLer slgnals lLs lnLenL
Lo LransmlL before lL acLually LransmlLs daLa ln Lls way
compuLers sense wen a colllslon mlgL occur Lls
allows Lem Lo avold Lransmlsslon colllslons
DnforLunaLely broadcasLlng Le lnLenL Lo LransmlL daLa
lncreases Le amounL of Lrafflc on Le cable and slows
down neLwork performance
@okenass|ng Access Method
W ln Le access meLod known as tokeo possloq a speclal Lype
of packeL called a Loken clrculaLes around a cable rlng from
compuLer Lo compuLer Wen any compuLer on Le rlng needs
Lo send daLa across Le neLwork lL musL walL for a free Loken
Wen a free Loken ls deLecLed Le compuLer wlll Lake conLrol
of lL lf Le compuLer as daLa Lo send
W Wlle Le Loken ls ln use by one compuLer oLer compuLers
cannoL LransmlL daLa 8ecause only one compuLer aL a Llme
can use Le Loken no conLenLlon and no colllslon Lake place
and no Llme ls spenL walLlng for compuLers Lo resend Lokens
due Lo neLwork Lrafflc on Le cable
Demand r|or|ty Access Method
W uemooJ ptlotlty ls a relaLlvely new access meLod deslgned for Le
100Mbps LLerneL sLandard known as 100vCAnyLAn lL as been
sancLloned and sLandardlzed by Le lnsLlLuLe of LlecLrlcal and
LlecLronlc Lnglneers (lLLL) ln lLs 80212 speclflcaLlon
W @ls access meLod ls based on Le facL LaL repeaLers and end
nodes are Le Lwo componenLs LaL make up all 100vCAnyLAn
neLworks ows a demandprlorlLy neLwork @e repeaLers
manage neLwork access by dolng roundrobln searces for requesLs
Lo send from all nodes on Le neLwork @e repeaLer or ub ls
responslble for noLlng all addresses llnks and end nodes and
verlfylng LaL Ley are all funcLlonlng Accordlng Lo Le 100vC
AnyLAn deflnlLlon an end node can be a compuLer brldge rouLer
or swlLc
Demandr|or|ty Content|on
W As ln CMA/Cu Lwo compuLers uslng Le demandprlorlLy access
meLod can cause conLenLlon by LransmlLLlng aL exacLly Le same
Llme Powever wlL demand prlorlLy lL ls posslble Lo lmplemenL a
sceme ln wlc cerLaln Lypes of daLa wlll be glven prlorlLy lf Lere
ls conLenLlon lf Le ub or repeaLer recelves Lwo requesLs aL Le
same Llme Le lgesL prlorlLy requesL ls servlced flrsL lf Le Lwo
requesLs are of Le same prlorlLy boL requesLs are servlced by
alLernaLlng beLween Le Lwo
W ln a demandprlorlLy neLwork compuLers can recelve and LransmlL
aL Le same Llme because of Le cabllng sceme deflned for Lls
access meLod ln Lls meLod four palrs of wlres are used wlc
enables quarLeL slgnallng LransmlLLlng 23 MPz slgnals on eac of
Le palrs of wlre ln Le cable
Demandr|or|ty Cons|derat|ons
W ln a demandprlorlLy neLwork Lere ls communlcaLlon only beLween Le
sendlng compuLer Le ub and Le desLlnaLlon compuLer @ls ls more
efflclenL Lan CMA/Cu wlc broadcasLs Lransmlsslons Lo Le enLlre
neLwork ln demand prlorlLy eac ub knows only abouL Le end nodes
and repeaLers dlrecLly connecLed Lo lL wereas ln a CMA/Cu
envlronmenL eac ub knows Le address of every node ln Le neLwork
W Demand pr|or|ty offers severa| advantages over CSMA]CD |nc|ud|ng
W @e use of four palrs of wlres
W 8y uslng four palrs of wlres compuLers can LransmlL and recelve aL Le
same Llme
W @ransmlsslons Lroug Le ub
W @ransmlsslons are noL broadcasL Lo all Le oLer compuLers on Le
neLwork @e compuLers do noL conLend on Lelr own for access Lo Le
cable buL operaLe under Le cenLrallzed conLrol of Le ub
New Ieatures |n W|ndows Server 2008
W vlsual Canges ln Wlndows erver 2008
W ConLlnuaLlon of Le loresL and uomaln Model
W lnlLlal ConflguraLlon @asks AppllcaLlon
W new erver Manager @ool
W owerell for AdmlnlsLraLlve @asks
W lncreased upporL for Landards
W Canges ln AcLlve ulrecLory
W 8enamlng AcLlve ulrecLory Lo AcLlve ulrecLory uomaln ervlces
W 8enamlng AcLlve ulrecLory ln AppllcaLlon Mode Lo AcLlve ulrecLory
W LlgLwelgL ulrecLory ervlce
W Lxpanslon of Le AcLlve ulrecLory lederaLlon ervlces
W lnLroduclng Le 8eadCnly uomaln ConLroller
W Wlndows ueploymenL ervlces
W erformance and 8ellablllLy MonlLorlng @ools
W lmprovemenLs ln Le Croup ollcy ManagemenL

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