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Comparing J2EE with .NET - ACCU 2002 Markus Voelter, CTO, MATHEMA AG http://www.voelter.

de Slides (mostly ) by Michael Stal, Senior Principal Engineer SIEMENS AG, Dept. CT SE 2 E-Mail: Web:

This is intended to be an objective
comparisons of the two platforms

It will contain criteria to base a decision

which platform to use

Interoperability issues

Markus Voelter/Michael Stal Comparing J2EE with .NET Folie 2

Motivation Comparison
Visions: Sun ONE and .NET Layer-by-Layer comparison of the infrastructures

Summary Literature

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Web Frameworks
Core elements of Web Frameworks
Web Service User/Provider
Mainframe Backend Server Legacy Integration Layer
Micro/Macro Services

Virtual Machine Workflow Engine

Frontend Layer
(Web Server)

Core Services (Calendar, Preferences, Transactions, ...) Service Context (Who, Where, When, Why, ....)

Service Description (WSDL)

Service Description, Discovery, Integration (UDDI) Web-based and -related Protocols (HTTP, SMTP, ...)

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.NET The Microsoft Way of Life

.NET Foundation Services (Hailstorm) Passport, Calendar, Directory & Search, Notification & Messaging, Personalization, Web-Store/XML, Dynamic Delivery of Software and Services .NET Framework & Tools
ASP.NET Windows Forms

(Web Services, Web Forms, ASP.NET Application Services)

Base Classes (ADO.NET, XML, Threading, IO, ....)

(Controls, Drawing, Windows Application Services)

Common Language Runtime (Memory Management, Common Type System, Lifecycle Monitor)

.NET Servers SQL Server, Biztalk, Commerce, Exchange, Mobile Information, Host Integration, Application Center

.NET Devices Markus Voelter/Michael Stal Comparing.... TabletPC, PocketPC, J2EE with .NET Folie 5

Sun ONE (Open Net Environment)

Service Creation and Assembly

Web Services
Smart Process

Smart Policy
(LDAP, Kerberos, PKI, OASIS Security))

(SQL, JDBC, XML, XSLT, XP, JMS, RMI, J2EE Connectors, ...)

Service Integration

Process Management

(J2EE, EJB, JSP, J2SE, J2ME, MIDP, Java Card)

Service Container

Service Interface

Smart Management (SNMP, CIM, WBEM, JMX)

Service Platform

Smart Delivery (XML, HTML, XHTML, WML, VoiceXML, XSLT, HTTP, SSL, XP, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, ebXML, ...)

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Layer-By-Layer Comparison

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Hello World Example

In C# and Java:
using System; namespace MyNameSpace { public class MyClass { public static void Main(String [] args) { Console.WriteLine(Hello, C#!); } } } package MyPackage; public class MyClass { public static void main(String [] args) { System.out.println(Hello, Java!); } }
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Runtime System Object model Base classes


- Reflection,

Component model Database access XML Server Pages Remoting Web Services More Enterprise APIs

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The Runtime System

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.NET Runtime

It is called the Common Language Runtime (CLR) It is intended for any language compiled to the MSIL Provides integration for several languages Provides support for non-OO languages (e.g. tail recursion)
C# VB.NET C++ Perl


MSIL + Metadata
Garbage Collection, Security, Multithreading, ...

Loader/ Verifier Execution

JIT Managed Code

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Java Virtual Machine

The JVM is intended for Java and interprets Java Byte Code. Other languages can be compiled to Java bytecode, however (e.g. Ada) Just-in-Time compilers exist for different environments and OSs



Garbage Collection, Security Manager Call-in+Call-out, Multithreading, ...

Classloader/ Verifier


Interpreter Hotspot
Native Code

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Commonalities and Differences

Basic concepts are similar

Java is intended for interpretation (e.g. typedependent primitives i_add, ...) Java allows for custom class loaders and security managers .NET CLR provides a command set that also supports functional languages

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The Object Model

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Object Model (.NET)

In .NET, everything is an object
Value Types Pointers System Value Types User Value Types Self-describing Types Classes Arrays Reference Types Interfaces



Boxed Values


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The mother of all .NET classes
public class Object { public virtual int GetHashCode(); public virtual bool Equals(); public virtual String ToString(); public static bool Equals(object a, object b); public static bool ReferenceEquals(object a, object b); public Type GetType(); protected object MemberWiseClone(); protected virtual Finalize(); }
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Object Model (.NET)

.NET distinguishes between values types
and reference types:
value types reside on the stack reference types reside on the heap

In C#, there is no difference between

primitive types and classes
Automatic boxing/unboxing provides transparency

Special strongly-typed function

called delegates and events)
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Object Model (Java)

Java has primitive types and classes.
No automatic boxing/unboxing
Types Primitive Types Arrays Reference Types Interfaces


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The Mother of all Java classes
public class Object { public Object(); public boolean equals(Object obj); public final Class getClass(); public int hashCode(); public final void notify(); public final void notifyAll(); public String toString(); public final void wait() throws InterruptedException; public final void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException; public final void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException; protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException; protected void finalize() throws Throwable; }
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Object Model (Java)

Primitive types cannot be transparently
Integer i_ref = new Integer(7); List l = ... l.add( i_ref );

used as an object. Special Holder classes are necessary.

There are no special function references.

Java uses Observer Pattern with callback interfaces and inner classes

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.NET-Types that are not available in Java

Delegates & Events:
class MyClass { ... public void somebodyTurnedOnTheLight( int which ) { ... } } class AnotherClass { ... public delegate void LightTurnedOn(int which); public event LightTurnedOn OnLightTurnedOn; ... OnLightTurnedOn+= new LightTurnedOn(MyClass.somebodyTurnedOnTheLight); }
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.NET-Types that are not available in Java contd

Enumerations (value type):
enum Color : byte { RED = 1, BLUE = 2, GREEN = 3 };

Jagged and unjagged Arrays:

int [2][] a; a[0] = new int[]{1}; a[1] = new int[]{1,2}; int [,] a = new int[2,2];


(value types):

Structs are implicitly sealed they do not support inheritance

public struct Name { public String First; public String Last; }
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Commonalities and Differences

Interfaces are completely abstract classes Support single inheritance for classes (implementation inheritance) and multiple interface inheritance Default-Initialization of Variables Namespace-Concept (Java-Package and .NET-Namespace) Similar visibility attributes (public, private, ...) Future: Generic types in .NET and Java (Generics) Class Constructors (static initializer in Java) In .NET there is no difference between primitive types and classes. Multiple languages support in .NET In Java all methods are implicitly virtual. In .NET this has to be made explicit virtual, override, new). Java maps packages to directories. .NET doesnt.


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Java and .NET provide a reflection API
to load and instantiate classes and inspect classes (introspection).

In addition, .NET allows to annotate


many aspects of a system (classes, members, operations) with so-called

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.NET Examples
Using an Atttribute
[AuthorIs(Michael)] class MyClass { ... }

There are several predefined attributes (WebService, WebMethod, ...)

Defining an Attribute
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)] public class AuthorIsAttribute : Attribute { private string m_Name; public AuthorIsAttribute(string name) { m_Name = name;} }
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.NET Examples contd

Accessing and using Type information
using System; using System.Reflection; namespace ComponentClient { class Client { static void Main(string[] args) { Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom("Component.dll"); Type [] allTypes = a.GetTypes(); Type t = allTypes[0]; object o = Activator.CreateInstance(t); MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod("algorithm"); double d = (double) mi.Invoke(o, new object[]{21.0}); } } }
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Java Example
Accessing and using Type information:
Note that packages are not the same as assemblies!!
import java.lang.reflect.*;

try {
Class c = Class.forName(MyPrintComponent); Object o = c.newInstance(); Method m = c.getMethod(print, new Class[]{ String.class }); m.invoke(o, new Object[]{Hallo, Java!}); } catch (Exception e) { // handle it here }

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Commonalities and Differences

Very similar APIs

.NET allows additional, user-defined meta information with attributes Java Reflection is sometimes a bit more clumsy (because of primitive types and classes) .NET allows to actually create new artifacts at runtime and instantiate them or store them in assemblies.

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Both platforms support basically the
same statements Differences:
switch-Statement allows Strings, but no fallthrough:
string name =; switch (name) { case Maier: Console.WriteLine(Nice to meet you, Hans!); break; case Mueller, case Huber: Console.WriteLine(You owe me some money!); break; default: Console.WriteLine(I dont know you); break; }
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Statements (contd)
Iterators in .NET:

foreach (Elem i in MyContainer) { Console.WriteLine(i); } ... class MyContainer : IEnumerable, IEnumerator { public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (IEnumerator)this; } public void Reset() { ... } public bool MoveNext() { ... } public object Current { get { ... } } }

Note that these are still no internal iterators as in Smalltalk, for example!
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Statements (contd)
Iterators in Java:
for (Iterator i = MyContainer.iterator(); i.hasNext();) doSomething(; ... class MyContainer implements Iterator { public boolean hasNext() {} public Object next() {...} public void remove() {...} public Iterator iterator() { return this; } }

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Statements (contd)
Properties in .NET, where Java uses Coding conventions
Class MyClass { ... public double x { set { if (x < 0) throw new ArgumentException (< 0); m_x = value; } get { return m_x; } } ... // User: MyClass m = new MyClass(); m.x = 22;
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Statements (contd)
.NET supports Indexers, Java does not.
object[17] = 22;
// In class: Int [] m_a; public double this[int pos] { get { return m_a[pos]; } set { m_a[pos] = value; } }

Indexers also work with non-integer keys, such as strings

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Statements (contd)
.NET supports operator overloading!
public static Point operator+(Point op1, Point op2) { return new Point(op1.x+op2.x,op1.y+op2.y); }
... Point p = new Point(1,2) + new Point(2,3);

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Statements (contd)
.NET allows pass-by-reference of method arguments
class Test { public void Print(int i) { Console.WriteLine(i); } public void Inc(ref int i) { i++; } public int SetInitial(out int i) { i = 42; } ... }
Test t = ...; int i; t.SetInitial(out i); t.Inc(ref i); t.Print();
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Statements (contd)

Exceptions in Java
Exceptions have to be declared in the throws-clause
public int insert(int i) throws OverLimitException; { }

Exceptions in .NET
Exceptions are not declared

// only way to tell you about // OverLimitException thrown below public int insert(int i) { }

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Important Base Classes

No big conceptual differences here.

GUI Kommunikation Windows.Forms Web.Forms System.Net: Connection, HttpWebRequest, ...

SWING, AWT Sockets, URL, ...


System.Collections: ArrayList, BitArray, Maps, Queue, List, Stack

java.util: Lists, Maps, Sets, Trees, Vectors

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Multithreading in .NET
.NET uses delegates for multithreading
The ThreadStart in the example below

There are monitors for synchronization

The lock in the example below
class GlobalData { int m_Value; public int Value { set { lock(this) { m_Value = value; } } } } class Worker { GlobalData m_Global; public Worker(GlobalData global) {m_Global = global; } public void loop() { m_global.Value = 42; Thread.Sleep(100); } } // somewhere else: GlobalData g = new GlobalData(); Thread t = new Thread(new Comparing J2EE with .NET Markus Voelter/Michael Stal ThreadStart(new Worker().loop)); t.Start(); 39 1 Folie t.Join();

Multithreading in Java
In Java there is also a class Thread For synchronization there is the
synchronized keyword
class GlobalData { int m_Value; public synchronized int setValue { return m_Value; } } class Worker implements Runnable { GlobalData m_Global; public Worker(GlobalData global) { m_Global = global; } public void run() { m_Global.setValue(42); Thread.sleep(100); } } // somewhere else: GlobalData g = new GlobalData(); Thread t = new Thread(new Comparing J2EE with .NET Markus Voelter/Michael Stal Worker()); t.start(); 40 1 Folie t.join();

Commonalities and Differences

Threading is very similar! Both use some forms of monitor for synchronization

In Java, synchronization is better integrated into the Java language Java provides better synchronization and thread communication (wait, notify, ...).

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Assemblies in .NET
Assembly=Set of Types
name version
Custom Attributes

Sharedname Hash




Referenced Security Assemblies Product Information

Type 1 IL-Code Type 2 IL-Code Type 3 IL-Code

Metadata Module 1

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Assemblies in .NET
Private Assemblies are typically only
useful by the owning application Shared Assemblies are stored in a common cache and can be used by several applications.
They are signed by a key They are versioned!!

Runtime uses Application Domains as an

abstraction for (potentially remote) processes.
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Java JAR files

.jar files are similar to .NETs assemblies
They can be shared or private They can be signed

They contain
types resources optionally, metadata in manifest files.

There is no versioning!
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Commonalities and Differences

Assemblies and JAR files provide deployment components

Much better versioning support in .NET (side-byside execution)

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Component Models

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Server-Side Components in .NET

Now Component is used like in EJB/COM+ To use container-provided services like
synchronisation or transactions COM+ services can be used

COM+-Interop provides these features.

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Java Component Models

Client Components and Server
Components JavaBeans are Client Components
normal Java classes following some conventions optionally providing metainformation (BeanInfo class)
public class MyJavaBean { private int color; public void setColor(int v) { color = v; } public int getColor() { return color; } // a lot of more ... } // BeanInfo Voelter/Michael Stal Comparing J2EE with .NET class not shown here! Markus
Folie 49

Server Components in Java

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) always
reside in a Container that provides technical aspects (sep. of concerns)

Naming Service 1) lookup home EJB Home

Remote Bean Home Interface

Deployment Descriptor EJB Context

2) create bean 2) find bean


4 ejbCreate ejb...

4) remove 3) Use bean
Remote Bean Interface

EJB Object

Bean Instance


Markus Voelter/Michael Stal Comparing J2EE with .NET EJB Server (Container) Application Run-time Folie 50

Server Components in Java contd

4 Types of Beans
Stateless Session-Beans (Service Components) Stateful Session Beans (Session Components) Entity-Beans (Entity Components) Message-Driven Beans (asynch. Service Components)

A bean is (theoretically) portable across

containers (Application Servers) from different vendors.
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Commonalities and Differences

Server Components are available (Assemblies + COM+, EJB). Interop with legacy components in .NET using COM+, in Java using CORBA)

EJB are a more mature and proven model Special APIs to connect to legacy systems (Java Connector API)

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Database Access in .NET

In .NET there is ADO.NET





Managed Provider

Data Source
Markus Voelter/Michael Stal Comparing J2EE with .NET Folie 53

using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; string myConnection = server=myserver;uid=sa;pwd=;database=StockTickerDB; string myCommand = SELECT * from StockTable; SqlDataSetCommand datasetCommand = new SqlDataSetCommand(myCommand, myConnection); DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet(); datasetCommand.FillDataSet(myDataSet, StockTable); DataTable myTable =ds.Tables[StockTable]; foreach (DataRow row in myTable.Rows) { Console.WriteLine(Value of {0} is {1}, row[LongName], row[Value]); }
Markus Voelter/Michael Stal Comparing J2EE with .NET Folie 54

ADO.NET is XML based (XML Infoset)
DataSet dynamically builds an XML schema inside to store the data Relational data and XML data can be handled in a similar way!!

ADO.NET works offline once the data is


Currently there are two Managed

SQL Server ADO

Updating is partly automatic using DataSets

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Database Access in Java

Java provides JDBC to access relational
Application Statement Resultset Prepared Statement Callable Statement Connection Driver Manager JDBC/ ODBC Bridge

ODBC Driver

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Java Example
import java.sql.*; // without error handling: Class.forName(sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver); Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(jdbc:odbc:stocks,,); Statement stmt = con.CreateStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(SELECT * from stocks); while ( { System.out.println(rs.getString(COMPANYNAME)); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); con.close();

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Database Access in Java

There are several other APIs:
Embedded SQL in the form of SQLJ (uses JDBC internally) Proprietary ODBMS APIs Standardized JDO API to provide (more or less transparent) persistence for Java Objects XML is handled differently! Java Connector API provides access to other connection oriented legacy systems (such as SAP R3)

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Commonalities and Differences

Decoupling of the concrete data model and the user (using DataSets and ResultSets)

ADO.NET uses XML extensively, JDBC has a more relational flavor JDBC is connection oriented, ADO.NET always works non-connected, or offline .NET DataSets are a kind of In-Memory-DatabaseCache.

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XML and .NET

.NET is very XML-centric
Web Services (SOAP) Configuration Files Result sets of a database access (ADO.NET) XML processing itself

Note that formally, many .NET features

are based on the XML infoset (XML semantics) and do not necessarily require megabytes of text data!!
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XML and .NET contd

The System.Xml Namespace provides a
whole lot of classes
DOM processing using XmlNode & Sons XPath and XslTransform XmlTextReader und XmlTextWriter similar to SAX in that they are both stream-based, but .NET uses a Pull-Model

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XML und Java

There are several standards and tools available

DOM, SAX Xerces/Xalan, JDOM JAX{M,B,R,RPC} Castor

However, Javas libraries have not been designed with XML as a basis (Javas too old ) JAXP (Java API for XML Parsing) supports DOM and SAX. Currently under development
JAXM (Java API for XML Messaging) JAXB (Java API for XML Data Binding) JAXR (Java API for XML Registries) JAX/RPC (Java API for XML based RPC)

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Somebody knows a nice picture here?

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Remoting in .NET
Application Domain A Application Domain B



Transparent Proxy Real Proxy Envoy Sinks Channels Formatters

Object Context Sinks Server Context Sinks


Channels Formatters

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Remoting in .NET (contd)

.NET Remoting provides pluggable
transports and formatters
currently TCP and HTTP transport and binary and SOAP formatters

Contexts are automatically propagated

(very neat feature!!) Only very simple lifecycle management options for servants (compared to EJB or CORBA)
Singleton (one object for all calls) SingleCall (new instance for each call) Client-Activated based on leases

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Remoting in .NET (contd)

Objects can be marshalled by value

Asynchronous invocations are easily

possible without touching the servant

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Remoting in Java
Several possibilities: RMI/CORBA
RMI can use JRMP or IIOP as a transport protocol Not pluggable changes in the code are necessary
Client Stub Stub/Skeleton-Layer Remote Reference Manager Transport Layer
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Server Skeleton

Commonalities and Differences

Relatively easy to use

.NET Remoting can be extended more flexibly Java provides Interop with CORBA Asynchronous invocations are not easily possible with Java

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ASP.NET (Server-Side Scripting)

ASP.NET Architecture:
(1) get a.apx

(4) HTTP file

IIS 5 Web Server

(2) process

.NET Assembly
.NET Engine

Other Assemblies

(3) result


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ASP.NET Example

A simple login screen:

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ASP.NET Example (contd)

<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="LoginPage.WebForm1" %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" > <HTML> <body> <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server"> <asp:Label id="TitleLabel" runat="server">Please specify your name and password</asp:Label> <br> <asp:Label id="LoginLabel" runat="server">Login</asp:Label> <br> <asp:TextBox id="LoginText" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator id="RequiredFieldValidator" runat="server" ErrorMessage="You need to specify your name" ControlToValidate="LoginText"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator> <br> <asp:Label id="PasswordLabel" runat="server">Password</asp:Label> <br> <asp:TextBox id="PasswordText" runat="server" TextMode="Password"></asp:TextBox> <br> <asp:Button id="EnterButton" runat="server" Text="Open the entrance" ToolTip="Press this after you have specified login and password"></asp:Button> <br> <asp:Label id="MessageText" runat="server"></asp:Label> </form> </body> Markus Voelter/Michael Stal Comparing J2EE with .NET </HTML> Folie 73

ASP.NET Example (contd)

// lot of details omitted namespace LoginPage { public class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page { protected TextBox PasswordText, LoginText; protected Button EnterButton; protected Label MessageLabel; private void InitializeComponent() { this.EnterButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.EnterButton_Click); this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load); } private void EnterButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!(LoginText.Text.Equals("aladdin") && PasswordText.Text.Equals("sesam"))) { MessageLabel.Text = " Wrong name or password!"; } else { Session["user"] = "aladdin"; Response.Redirect("UserArea.aspx"); } } } Markus Voelter/Michael Stal Comparing J2EE with .NET } Folie 74

Java Server Pages and Servlets

Java also allows for server-side scripting
JSPs are based on Servlets
(1) get a.jsp

(5) HTTP file

Web Server

(2) process


Other Components

(3) gen. Servlet Servlet


(4) result




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Java Example

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Java Example
Bean und JSP-Seite:
// Datei package MyPackage; import java.lang.*; public class MyPerson { public String getFirstName() { return "Michael"; } public String getLastName() { return "Stal"; } } // Datei MyTest.jsp: <HTML> <BODY> <jsp:useBean id="person" scope="session" class="MyPackage.MyPerson"/> Your name is: <br> <jsp:getProperty name="person" property="firstName"/> <br> <jsp:getProperty name="person" property="lastName"/> Markus Voelter/Michael Stal Comparing J2EE with .NET </BODY> Folie 77 </HTML>

Commonalities and Differences

Pages are precompiled to accelerate access Similar syntax and concepts ASP.NET provides GUI components using Webcontrols, Java provides Taglibs.
All .NET languages can be used for ASP.NET scripting Servlets/JSP are available for a wide range of webservers Many open source implementations, frameworks and tools for Java


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Web Services in .NET

.NET provides a very comfortable and
well-integrated way to build them:
namespace WebService1 { public class Service1 : System.Web.Services.WebService { // lot of stuff omitted [WebMethod] public double DM_to_Euro(double value) { return value / 1.95583; } [WebMethod] public double Euro_to_DM(double value) { return value * 1.95583; } } }
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Web Services in .NET (forts.)

Using it is also simple
Some steps have been ommitted

localhost.Service1 s1 = new localhost.Service1(); double result = s1.Euro_to_DM(200);

Webservices are just a special way of



Microsoft does not provide ebXML compliance Currently they can only be used with MS server

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Web Services in Java

Sun ONE will provide a Web Service API for Java, completely ebXML compliant Currently there are many proprietary solutions
Some specific SOAP toolkits:
- Apache SOAP - IBM Web Services Toolkit - GLUE Silverstream IONA Weblogic ...

Some integrated with the major application servers

Sun works at standard APIs

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Commonalities and Differences

Both.NET and Java try to be standards-compliant (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI). Handling very similar: WSDLbased generators that create proxies

For Java there are different solutions, whereas .NET provides only one, natively Currently, standards are interpreted differently, so Interop Java-.NET is only limited. But this will hopefully change!!
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More Enterprise APIs

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Enterprise APIs
JNDI in Java (as an interface to CORBANaming, LDAP, ...) Active Directory in .NET (Windows-specific)

Message-orientierte Middleware:
JMS in Java JAXM is on the horizon (XML based messaging) .NET can use MSMQ, and remoting can be used asynchronously

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In .NET using the Microsoft Host
Integration Server. In Java using the Connector API

Comparison: Java provides a much

simpler way. Connectors can be implemented relatively straight forward.

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Java provides access to C/C++ using
JNI (Java Native Interface). Relatively complex call-in, call-out.

.NET provides PInvoke:

class PInvokeTest { [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern int MessageBoxA(int hWnd, string m, string c, int t); static void Main(string[] args) { MessageBoxA(0, "Hello DLL", "My Window", 0); } }
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Interoperability contd
In .NET there is a way to interop with
COM+ and COM+ Services. Java provides CORBA interop JMS provides integration with MoMs In .NET, the interop between .NET languages is almost perfect and easy
Use the same assemblies, class libraries Languages had to be adapted a little bit (e.g. Managed C++ does not provide multiple inheritance)
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Mobile and Embedded

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Profiles and devices

There are the following variants of Java
J2SE (Java 2 Platform Standard Edition) J2EE (Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition) J2ME (Java 2 Platform Micro Edition)
- Configurations, - and Profiles


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Profiles and devices contd

.NET Universe
.NET: Framework for Standard und Enterprise .NET Compact Framework for Windows CE (and other embedded OS)

- Design Goals:

- No ASP.NET, Reflection.Emit, Optimized JIT - Depending on machine stack - Simplified versioning and security, but similar formats
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> Resource saving > Adaptability regarding device properties > Compatibility with the standard IDEs > Easy integration > Seamless connectivity

Profiles and devices contd

.NET Mobile Web SDK
Abstraction for the developer Several markup languages (WML, HTML, ...) Configurable and extendible ASP.NET can be used Emulators for devices are available for testing and debugging purposes

Extends ASP.NET with special controls

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Selecting one of the two

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.NET and/or Java ?

.NET is a product, Java and J2EE is a specification Both adress the web (among other things) For real big systems J2EE is better suited The rule-of-thumb Java is platformmust be considered carefully:

independent,.NET is language independent

ECMA works on the standardization of C# and parts of .NET Other languages can be compiled to the JVM

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.NET and/or Java ?

.NET language independence is not for free and not completely transparent

#pragma once using namespace System; // .NET mit C++ namespace CPPBase { public __gc class CPPBaseClass { public: virtual System::String __gc* Echo(System::String __gc *s); }; } System::String __gc * CPPBase::CPPBaseClass::Echo(System::String __gc *s) { return s; }

In a real project you might want to use only one language

But sometimes...
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.NET and/or Java ?

Windows Applications are probably better done with .NET than Java (maybe IBMs SWT changes this ?) Java should be used when platform (or vendor) independence is necessary Java is more mature There will also be Java for .NET (Rational)
But syntax is not the issue!

Both can be used for web services - .NET is nicer, J2EE is more scalable Analysts proclaim a fifty/fifty situation for Java and .NET
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Management Summary - 1
Controller/Owner Status Languages Communication middleware (RPC, Messaging, Web) Server Components XML-Support Server Pages Microsoft Product Line C#, C++, Eiffel#, VB, .... .NET Remoting, MSMQ, Web Services (no ebXML) COM+ Consistent ASP.NET

Sun + JCP-Partner Specification and many implementations Java
+ possibly others

RMI/CORBA, JMS, Web Services (standard compliant) Enterprise JavaBeans Currently not yet completely integrated JSP/Servlets

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Management Summary - 2
Database access Base libraries ADO.NET (ADO) Many many classes on System.* Windows.Forms Web.Forms .NET CLR PInvoke COM/COM+ (COM Interop) Host Integration Server

JDBC / SQLJ and others Many many classes on java.* Swing/AWT Java JVM JNI CORBA, JMS JCA

GUI-Libs Runtime Interop (call-in/call-out) InteropMiddleware Legacy Integration

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The End

Thank you very much!!

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