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Definition. Provides a common basis for the elaboration of language programs, guidelines, curriculum, etc, across Europe.

Teach and learn a language, as a strong foundation and understand the cultural context where is the language. Objetives. Allows different languages and cultures of Europe are not an obstacle to shooting communication and become a source of Enrichment and promote mobility in Europe and so overcome prejudice and discrimination that exists.

What is plurilingismo? It is the linguistic knowledge and experiences and where the languages are related to each other and interact. That is to say the partners may change from one language to another by exploiting the ability so that each one to express in one language and to understand other. Why is CEF needed? Because with the CEF language learning promotes, facilitates cooperation between educational institutions of different countries. What criterion should follow the CEF? The European framework must be inclusive (by specifying a range of knowledge and skills), transparent (to give a clear information so that they understand) and consistent (the descriptions must be free of internal contradictions. The EFC must be open and flexible so you can apply, with necessary adaptations, to specific situations.

General competencies of one student. General competencies of a student or user is up their knowledge, skills, abilities to learn ... and individuals use the skills that are at your disposal in various contexts under various conditions, to engage with the language. The general competences of an individual: the other is very important also simultaneous and correlated the enrichment of linguistic knowledge in certain contexts such as school, university where the language of instruction is not the native language. Communicative language competence. But is not enough to have those skills if they never made use it. There are different communication skills: linguistics, sociolinguistics and pragmatics.  Linguistics: skills and knowledge include lexical, phonological and syntactic.  Sociolinguistic refers to the sociocultural conditions of language use.  Pragmatic: it has to do with the domain of discourse cohesion and coherence, identification. The text is a type and form of irony and parody.

Language activities.
This includes:  Comprehension and expression (oral and written) expression activities have an important role in many academic and professional fields.  Interaction: not only can be talking and listening between two partners simultaneously even when it adheres strictly to the right to speak, the listener usually is already predicted the rest of the speaker's message and preparing a response.

Languages can be broadly classified: the public sphere, personal and educational.  Public sphere: everything related to social interaction. Such public services, cultural activities....  Personal sphere: family relationships, social practices, individual.  Professional fields: it has to do with the context of learning or training of specific knowledge or skills.

Tasks, strategies and texts.

Communication and learning involves the realization of tasks when these are not routine or automatic require the use of communication strategies and learning. While the realization of these tasks involves carrying out language activities, require the development of oral or written texts.

The framework can allow assessing if the student is working at an appropriate level. The process of learning a language is a horizontal and vertical progress because the student is acquiring the domain to act in a wider range of communicative activities. When we speak of scale have to be prudent levels when calculating the average time needed to achieve the objectives because each individual is different in their skills, abilities and skills. The general framework has six broad levels that adequately cover the learning space for students of European languages.

Basic (2 levels) Intermediate(2 levels) Advanced (2 levels)

A scale of language proficiency, as the common reference levels, defines a series of bands upstream domain. May cover the entire strip conceptual domain that has the student, or may cover only the strip of land that is interested in the sector or institution involved.

The student learning a language and culture for no longer competent in their native language and culture, nor this new competition is held completely separated from the former. The student becomes multilingual and intercultural develops. To carry out the use of a language is to use communication strategies to operate skills and procedures, such as conversation and correspondence, are interactive, the participants alternate as producers and receivers. It is also very important audiovisual comprehension as the user receives information simultaneously an input (audiovisual and visual), such as understanding a text read aloud, watching TV....

Students use various skills developed in the course of their previous experience. Participation in events designed to promote communicative language learning results in the further development of student skills in both immediate use and in the long-term use. Learn to learn is the ability to observe and participate in new experiences, and incorporate new knowledge to existing events changing these where necessary. The language learning skills are developed in the course of the learning experience.

What is it that learners have to learn or acquire? Learning languages should be promoted in the appreciation of students and society in the tasks, activities and linguistic processes that students must take to meet those needs, and the skills and strategies should develop for it. The process of language learning. Learning the language can be used as a general expression or be limited to the process by which linguistic capacity is achieved as a result of a planned process, especially through academic study in an institutional setting. Some methodological options for modern language learning and teaching. The professional language teaching are, so to speak, a (association for learning), formed by many specialists in addition to teachers and students involved in a more immediately in the act of learning.

Errors and mistakes.

The focus of the methodology of learning and teaching has to be inclusive of all options presented explicitly and transparently, and to avoid preferences.

Task description.
The realization of a task by an individual involves the strategic activation of specific skills. Communication is an essential part tasks in which participants engaged in interaction, expression, comprehension or a combination of two or more of them.

Task performance.
It is necessary to take into account both the student's skills and Restrictions and conditions specific to a particular task as the strategic interaction between the student's skills and the parameters of the actual task to carry it out.

Task difficulty.
We must take into account the student's specific skills and factors that affect the difficulty of the task and the other know how to manipulate the parameters of the task to suit the needs and capabilities of the student.

Definition and initial approach. Refers to the ability to use language for communication purposes and to participate in an intercultural relationship, a person has mastered several languages and Experience of various cultures. Options for curricular design. There are 3 keys principles: The curriculum should be consistent with the overall objective of promoting multilingualism and linguistic diversity. This diversification is only possible, especially in schools, considering the degree of cost-effectiveness the system. The measures on curricula should not be limited to a curriculum for each language or even an integrated curriculum for several languages. Towards curriculum scenarios. The proposed model may lead, if elected as a learning objective, a wide choice of approaches to content and measures to facilitate success in learning. Assessment and school out, school and post-school learning. The curriculum of a school as an institution intended for students develop multilingual and multicultural competence, at the end of the school curriculum can be shaped according to different profiles of individuals.

Evaluate is a broader concept to measure or value the competence or mastery of the language. There are 3 concepts that are traditionally considered fundamental in any analysis of the evaluation:  validity,  reliability and  feasibility. There are many different types of evaluation. It is a mistake to assume that one approach (for example, a public examination) is necessarily higher educational effects e.g. evaluation made by the teacher. Effectively is an important window that a series of common standards such as the common reference levels of the Framework, if possible the relationship between different forms of evaluation.


El Marco Comn Europeo promueve la comunicacin y la interaccin entre sus ciudadanos con el fin de fomentar la movilidad, la colaboracin y la comprensin mutua, se ha insistido nuevamente en la necesidad del aprendizaje de las lenguas como medio insustituible para conseguir esos objetivos. El Consejo de Europa apoya y recomienda la intensificacin del aprendizaje y enseanza de idioma en los pases miembros, en aras de una mayor movilidad, de una comunicacin internacional ms eficaz, combinada con el respeto por la identidad y la diversidad cultural, de un mejor acceso a la informacin, de una interaccin personal ms intensa, de una mejora de las relaciones de trabajo y de un entendimiento mutuo ms profundo. Para que la enseanza de las lenguas responda a esas expectativas, es necesario que favorezca el desarrollo de la comunicacin, que se centre en la relacin de tareas y actividades, que proporcione al aprendiz las herramientas necesarias para aprender de una forma autnoma y a lo largo de toda su vida. El Marco Comn de Referencia para las lenguas, anima a todos los profesionales de la enseanza a coordinar esfuerzos para analizar y actualizar sus mtodos, y proporcionar as, una base slida y transparente de intercambios. Del mismo modo insiste en el desarrollo de la competencia estratgica en el aprender a aprender que lleva al reconocimiento de los procesos del propio aprendizaje, posibilita la autonoma y permite la competencia plurilinge que el Marco propugna.





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