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Module 5 : Muscle Memory Contact

Muscles are in a most intimate and peculiar sense the organs of the will. G. Stanley Hall

Muscle Memory
Muscle memory is the bodys amazing ability to remember a repetitive muscular movement. To use muscle memory to improve asanas:
Achieve correct alignment briefly Imprint the feel of correct alignment in your mind Use that imprint to train your muscles in the correct pose

Barry Method: QAA

Cues for Muscle Memory

Each student processes information differently In order to cement learning, use multiple cues to imprint muscle memory:
Visual Audio Tactile

Nine Teaching Techniques for the Barry Method

Review: Module 5
1 . E xp l i M u scl an e M e m o ry C o n ta ct. 2. Describe the Q.A.A. 3. What types of cues should be used to prompt muscle memory?

Muscle memory contact is using the brain to engage the bodys natural muscle memory to more quickly learn correct asanas. Quickly hold pose, Accurately confirm alignment, Affirm correct alignment. Visio, Audio and Tactile tools should be used.

4. Explain teaching techniques for the Barry Method.

Speak with authority, Use eye contact, Seal each positive asana with a breath, Praise correct alignment , Provide visual demonstrations Touch helps clients physically feel what muscle to contract.

Module 6 : Grounding
Grounding is a process of diverting ones scattered forces into one powerful channel . James Allen

Grounding is a process of consciously rooting your physical body to the earth This acknowledgement of the physical surface you are on provides many benefits:
Increased Focus Mental Clarity A sense of control

Energy Created by Grounding

Grounding produces the rebounce effect The rebounce effect is an expression of Newtons 3rd law. The effort applied in pressing down through the feet is returned as energy drawing up the body. In rooting down, muscular engagement is stimulated and space is created in the joints this expansion

For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. Isaac Newtons 3rd law of motion.

Asana Lockdown
A Checklist for Asanas:

1. Lock abdominal core, navel inward and upward (Bandhas). 2. Draw shoulder blades toward center and downward. 3. Engage and energize muscles in arms and legs. 4. Gaze, gently toward focal point. 5. Breathe steady and focused. 6. Balance your center.

By following a checklist, a powerful, effective asana is insured. This list will vary somewhat by pose. By repeatedly reviewing the checklist while you refine your pose, a more powerful yoga practice is achieved.

Pilates Principles Used in Asana Lockdown

Trunk stabilization (armpits)deep abdominal transverses, and internal and external oblique.

Scapula stabilization (mid-back muscles)- lower trapezius, serratus anterior and rhomboids. Hip stabilization (buttocks)- pull up through the inner thighs and

Grounding Effect Exercise

Lie on the board facing the wall with your body approx 2 feet away from the wall. Curl your chest to your knees. Holding onto your left knee, extend your left leg to the wall placing your left toes on the wall. On exhalation, return your left leg and stretch your right let to the wall gently placing your right toes on the wall. Be certain to maintain an engaged core the entire cycle. Feet are to lightly touch the wall keeping foot sustained.

Spinal Rotation
Sit tall at the base of the machine in the five anchor position. On exhalation, place right hand on the wall while pivoting the torso and placing the left hand on the board. Be sure to sit tall and drop shoulders away from your ears. Gaze eyes to the resistance rail. On exhalation, repeat to the opposite side, using the wall and gravity board to support and engage muscles.

Review: Module 6
1 . E xp l i th e " R e b o u n ce an E ffe ct . 2. Explain the Power of Grounding. 3. Identify the Pilates principles used in Asana Lockdown. 4. List all the Barry Method Asana Lockdowns?

Energy recovered from grounding is channeled back into each asana based on for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Grounding provides mental clarity, focus, and a sense of control. Trunk stabilization, Scapula stabilization, Hip stabilization
Lock abdominal core, navel in/upward. Draw scapulas toward center and down.. Engage + energize muscles in arms and legs. Gaze, gently toward focal point. Breathe steady and focused. Balance your center. Liberate and let go.

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