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Suboccipital Muscles

Suboccipital Triangle
Boundaries? Contents?

Posterior Triangle of The Neck (Lateral Cervical Region)

Ant.: post. border of SCM Post.: ant. border of trapezius Inf.: mid. 1/3 of clavicle Roof: skin & fascia Floor: prevertebral muscles

Floor of Posterior Triangle

Lat. & Post. vertebral M. 3 scalene muscles (ant. = inferomedial angle) 3 post.: levator scapulae splenius capitis semispinalis capitis (apex)

Subdivisions of Post. Triangle

By inf. belly of omohyoid - Occipital triangle - Supraclavicular triangle: (omoclavicular, subclavian)

Arteries in Post. Triangle

3rd part of subclavian anteroinf. angle Transverse cervical a. (superficial cervical) ant. to phrenic n. & ? Suprascapular a. inf. to transverse cervical supply? Occipital a. from ECA, at apex of triangle supply?

Subclavian Artery
1st par Extension? Branches? 2nd part Extension? Branches? 3rd part Extension? Branches?

Branches of 1st Part of Subclavian

1. Vertebral a. sup. Aspect between Sc. Ant. & longus colli trans. Foramina of C6-C1 into F. magnum 3. Internal Thoracic a.: inf. aspect descends behind 1st cc branches: ant. intercostal a. (1-6) terminations: sup. Epigastric musculophrenic (7-9)

2. Thyrocervical Trunk: ant. aspect 3 arteries: inf. thyroid a transverse (or superficial) cervical suprascapular a * Transverse cervical a. becomes the dorsal scapular a. posteriorly

Branch of 2nd Part of Subclavian

Costocervical Trunk: post. aspect divides above the neck of 1st rib: sup. Intercostal a.: 1st & 2nd post. intercostal a. deep cervical a.: muscles of back of the neck * 3rd part of subclavian has no branches, or sometimes the dorsal scapular a. arise from there (3rd part) *if the dorsal scapular a. arise from 3rd part transverse cervical a. is called superficial cervical a.

Veins in Post. Triangle

1. EJV:
Post. division of retromand. V. Post. auricular V.

(Extent & muscle relations?) 2. Occipital v. 3. Transverse cervical v. 4. Suprascapular v. 5. Subclavian v.: inferomedial angle receives EJV join with IJV (opposite to?) to form brachiocephalic v.

Nerves in Post. Triangle

Cutaneous Nerves: 4 nerves?? Spinal division of accessory n. (spinal XI) Brachial Plexus (Roots & Trunks)

Spinal XI
Arise from spinal cord In post. triangle: beneath post. border of SCM on levator scapulae m. deep to ant. border of trapezius Innervations: SCM & Trapezius

Brachial Plexus (Roots & Trunks)

Roots: C5-T1 (ant. rami) in scalene hiatus branches? 2 Trunks: sup., middle, inf. in post. triangle branches? 2 * Divisions of B.P. are located behind the clavicle

Contents of post. Triangle:

4 arteries

5 veins

3 kinds of nerves: 4 cutaneous Spinal B.P (roots & trunks)

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