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Rapport is a French word meaning to bring back . But today we use this word rapport to represent an especially harmonious connection between people . When communication between two or more individuals reaches its optimum it is said that a perfect rapport has been established .on the other hand, when communicating with a given person is hard the situation becomes rapport -less. There are strangers which inspire us immediate trust, while a long time neighbors of us that we meet every morning since twenty years has never inspired our trust.

So, after this example we can say that rapport can be defined as that empathy , that trust which is necessarily the foundation of all good relations . Experience teaches us that rapport is built more on relational level than on contents through gestures ,voice tone, gaze, speech, etc. the parameters and mechanisms involved in this process are so detailed and simultaneously taking place that they escape full control by conscious mind. When people are in a state of rapport they tend to respond easier to our stimulations in general.

PACING: THE KEY TO BUILD RAPPORT The process through which an individual contributes to building rapport with someone is called PACING. Pacing is the process by which we send back to someone through feedback with our own behaviour , his behaviour, in other words, we move towards his model of the world. Pacing someone, his moods, his gestures means to be in tune with his present state of being. We observe in him given way of relating to the world and we assimilate all this and emulate it. Doing so, we obtain that the person observing us will find mirrored state of being, his way of living this moment , and all this will increase our chances that will see us a good interoculator ,someone close to, his way of being.

Keeping up someone s experience implies not only allowing him to full empathy towards us, but also offers us the chance of putting ourselves in there s shoes and look at the world from his perspective , to somehow share his ongoing experience . Some of the main aspects of rapport that makes it so practical in use is that in order to carry it is not necessary to get involved with the contents that others experience. To pace someone feeling sad, it is not necessary to find the reason of his sadness. Such an attitude is not the foundation of rapport building, if the other person is not willing to talk over his problems. PACING IS SOMETHING MUCH MORE DISCRETE AND FUNCTIONAL IN VIRTUE OF ITS PENETRATING SHAPE WHILE LEAVING ASIDE CONTENT.

STEPS TOWARDS BUILDING RAPPORT 1. Rapport starts at the beginning: The best time to start building rapport is when you interact with a person for the first time. Then each subsequent time you meet, insure that you start by re-establishing rapport. re-

2. Give appreciation and importance to others: Accept that the most important person in the world in the eyes of most people is themselves. When interacting with someone else make them to feel important .the easiest way to do this is to learn their name and to use it often during your conversations . If you are involved in some task with others , you can help them feel important by trusting them with appropriate responsibilities and showing appreciation for their contribution . In fact, why not make a habit of showing appreciation for things well done in all interactions with others .

3. The skill of asking questions: questions:

Remember that the person asking questions is leading the direction of conversation . Ask interesting questions that allow the other person to talk about themselves and their interests and then listen attentively to what they are saying

4. Active listening:

Listening is a skill and is the easiest learned if you develop the habit of being genuinely in other people. Allow the other person to do most of the talking unless he asks you for your opinion . Give them positive feedback followed by non-threatening questions that allows nonthem to expand on what they are saying.

5. Keep your ego under control:

Ego has been responsible for breaking rapport on more occasions than any other behaviour .

Ego is a sign of low self worth. Be willing to admit that you are wrong when you are . Do so quickly and happily and gratefully acknowledge the other person s role in helping you se your errors. Be willing to allow others to take credits for your good ideas if it helps you achieve your desired end goal. Rather than to argue for your point of view every time you are challenged, encourage the other person to express their point of view . If you do have to state an opposing point of view, gently lead them to your desired outcome by concentrating on the ways in which they would receive benefits.

Do what it takes to appear CONFIDENT, RELAXED, FRIENDLY, AND APPROACHABLE. Be cheerful, happy and likeable. Be courteous and respectful. Practice a genuine smile and a pleasant voice. Don t be too serious .Find a joke or two to use appropriately. At workplace , dress & act professionally. Your appearance is judged quickly and greatly influences your attempt to build RAPPORT.

There are various personal qualities and skills involved in the process of establishing good rapport . You have to know WHAT MOTIVATES different people best, UNDERSTAND WHAT SKILLS people have and which they may need , BECOME AN EXCELLENT COMMUNICATOR , PROJECT CONFIDENCE, HONESTY , ADAPTABILITY and CREDIBILITY. Focus on avoiding doing things that interfere with good rapport, including your own efforts to rush it display or artificially.


Possibly the single best thing any trainer can do to have best impact is to demonstrate his own POSITIVE EMOTIONALITY, UP-BEAT ATTITUDE, PASSION AND UPEXCITEMENT FOR OTHERS TO SEE. Any behaviour or communication that conveys negative emotions will prevent natural trust from emerging.

THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF EXCELLENT RAPPORRT Over 70% of what people see , hear , and experience today is of negative spin. As a trainer trying to build good rapport, by just being positive you will contribute a lot in restoring a healthier balance. It will be noticed and appreciated IS PEAK INTIMACY. This is where people connect well, trust is at its best and great communication occurs without much effort . In order to get this desirable state of development, you have to deal with DISAGREEMENT and CONFLICT effectively. Admitting your mistake shows your human side and pointing out how you can both be right is even more powerful.

Avoid defensive communication The very significant barrier to establishing rapport is defensive communication. This is any communication , which conveys judgment, superiority, certainty, control, and insensitivity. Such communication represents attitude that are turn off to everyone , as they just encourage other negative reactions . In fact , a defensive climate often shuts down communication all together . People prefer to be expected as they are, and remain reasonably free to make mistakes . They also want to be treated with equality and able to establish their certainties .

CONCLUSION Rapport is tricky thing to understand , that is because It is both a process a series of things you do and an outcome the result you get by doing those things . In a sense you have to get lost somewhere in between to establish a good rapport .The fact is often do it without realizing exactly how.

MADE BY: Ashish Tiwari(206) Bhumika Sharma(221) Dashmeeta Makkar(234) Gaurav Marwaha(258) SecSec-M Btech Biotech SemSem-4

Presented to: Dr.Rajeev Bhardwaj

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