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Organizational Behavior:

Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Organization as a Social Phenomenon

Theoretical Macro Level of Analysis Type of Analysis Applied (Practical)

Organizational Sociology (OS)

Strategic Management


Organization Theory (OT)

Decrease in Productivity Organizational Behavior (OB)

Change Management Human Resource Management


Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Management Skills
Conceptual Skills The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations. Human skills The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups. Technical skills The ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise.
Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Goals of Organizational Behavior

Prediction Explanation


Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Psychology Sociology

The Study of Organizational Behavior

Political Science
Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Social Psychology

Globalization Changing Workforce

Information Technology

Main Trends in OB

Empowering the Workforce

Values and Ethics

Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Trend 1: Globalization
Global companies:
Extend their activities to other parts of the world
Actively participate in other markets Compete against firms in other countries

Implications of globalization:
New organizational structures

Different forms of communication

More competition, change, mergers, downsizing, stress Need more sensitivity to cultural differences
Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Trend 2: Changing Workforce

Primary and secondary diversity

More women in workforce and professions

Different needs of Gen-X, Gen-Y, and babyboomers Diversity has advantages, but firms need to adjust through:
cultural awareness
Gholipour A. 2007. empowerment Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Trend 2: Changing Workforce

Employment Relationship
employees perform many tasks, not a specific job

Contingent work
no explicit or implicit contract for long-term employment

working from home, usually with a computer connection to the office

Virtual teams
operate across space, time, and organizational boundaries; mainly communicate through electronic technologies

Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Trend 3: Empowering the Workforce

Managers Are Giving up Controls Workforce Are Accepting Responsibility

Managers Are Delegating power

Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Trend 4: Information Technology

Affects how employees interact

Virtual teams Telecommuting

Affects how organizations are configured

Network structures -- alliance of several organizations

Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Trend 5: Values and Ethics

Stable, long-lasting beliefs about what is important personal, cultural, organizational, professional

Importance of values
a.Globalization -- more awareness of different values b.Values replacing command-and-control c.More emphasis on ethical business conduct

Moral principles/values -- determines whether actions are right/wrong and outcomes are good/bad
Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Dependent Variable in Organizational Behavior

1. Job Satisfaction; 2. Productivity; 3. Absenteeism and Turnover; 4. Organizational Identity 5. Organizational Involvement; 6. Organizational Commitment; 7. Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Independent Variable and Levels of Analysis in Organizational Behavior

Individual Level

Collective Level

Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Evolution of the 21st-Century Manager

Past Managers Future Managers

Primary Role
Learning & Knowledge

Order giver, privileged Facilitator, team member, elite, manipulator, teacher, advocate, sponsor, controller coach
Periodic learning, narrow specialist Continuous life-long learning, generalist with multiple specialties

Compensation Time, effort, rank Criteria Cultural Orientation

Skills, results

Monocultural, monolingual

Multicultural, multilingual

Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Evolution of the 21st-Century Manager

Past Managers Future Managers


Formal Authority

Source of Influence
View of People Potential problem

Knowledge (technical interpersonal)

Primary resource

rimary Communication Pattern Vertical Limited input for individual decisions Multidirectional

Decision Making

Broad-based input for joint decisions

Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

Evolution of the 21st-Century Manager

Past Managers Future Managers

hical Afterthought onsiderations

Competitive (win-lose)


ture of Interpersonal Relationships

Cooperative (win-win)

imary Communication Pattern Approach Hoard and restrict access Share and broaden access

to Change



Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

E-business Implications for OB

E-business involves using the Internet to facilitate every aspect of running a business.
E-Management Fast paced; Virtual teams, Networking skills E-communication Email use/abuse; Telecommuting promised and drawbacks Goal setting and feedback Web-based goal-setting/evaluation; Risk of over control?
Organizational structure Virtual teams and organizations; Lack of trust and loyalty in faceless organizations? Job design Sticky work settings; Unrealistic expectations? Decision making Less time to make more decisions; Information overload; Empowerment and participative decision making Knowledge management E-training; E-learning; distance learning Speed, conflict, and stress Does relentless speed equal burnout? Change and resistance to change Stop the World, I want to get off! Constant change equals conflict Ethics Net slaves (low pay with unrealistic promises of riches); Electronic monitoring; Repetitive motion injuries; Abuse of part-timers (no benefits, no job security); Privacy issues

Gholipour A. 2007. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran.

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