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Hukum Tata Negara: Konstitusi

Oleh : Giri Ahmad Taufik

James Bryce
Constitution is a frame of political society organised through and by law, that is to say one in which law has established permanent institutions with recognised functions and definite rights

K.C Wheare
Constitution as a whole system of government of a country, the collection of rules which establish and regulate or govern the government, which partly legal and partly non-legal; Constitution in narrow sense describes a certain selection of rules, which has been embodied in one document or in a few closely related documents

Materi Muatan
James Bryce
to establish and maintain a frame of government under which the work of the state can be efficiently carried on, the aims of such a frame of government being on the one hand to associate the people with the government, and on the other hand, to preserve public order, to avoid hasty decisions and to maintain a tolerable continuity of policy; to provide due security for the rights of the individual citizen as respects person, property, and opinion, so that he shall nothing to fear from the executive or from the tyranny of an excited majority; to hold the state together, not only to prevent its disruption by the revolt or secessions of a part of the nation, but to strengthen the cohesiveness of the country by creating good machinery for connecting the outlying parts with the centre, and by appealing to every motive of interest and sentiment, that can leas all sections of the inhabitants to desire to remain united under one government

Sri Soemantri
Adalah hasil perjuangan politik bangsa di waktu yang lampau; Berisi pandangan tokoh-tokoh bangsa yang hendak diwujudkan, baik untuk waktu sekarang maupun untuk masa yang akan datang; dan Mengandung atau berisi suatu keinginan, dengan mana perkembangan kehidupan ketatanegaraan bangsa hendak dipimpin

Sri Soemantri
Adalah hasil perjuangan politik bangsa di waktu yang lampau; Berisi pandangan tokoh-tokoh bangsa yang hendak diwujudkan, baik untuk waktu sekarang maupun untuk masa yang akan datang; dan Mengandung atau berisi suatu keinginan, dengan mana perkembangan kehidupan ketatanegaraan bangsa hendak dipimpin

J.G Steenbeek
Adanya jaminan terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia dan warga negara; Ditetapkannya susunan ketatanegaraan suatu negara yang bersifat fundamental; Adanya pembagian dan pembatasan tugas ketatanegaraan yang juga bersifat fundamental

Jenis-Jenis Konstitusi
Written (konstitusi tertulis) and Unwritten (konstitusi tidak tertulis) Rigid (kaku) and flexible (fleksibel), dilihat dari cara perubahaan. Supreme Constitution and Ordinary Constitution (dilihat dari kedudukannya, apakah memiliki kedudukan supreme atau biasa) Federal constitution, unitary constitution and confederate constitution. (berdasarkan bentuk negara)

Terjadinya Perubahaan Konstitusi

Some primary force Formal amendment Judicial Interpretation Usage and Conventions

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