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Creativity and psychology of science

Ps. Paz Ulloa Arancibia Psychologist- Music therapist Universidad de Chile

Psychology + Science= Psychology of Science


Metha- science : Science of sciences: Integration, union. Importance of context: personal, social, political, etc. Not a unique truth: Different perspectives

Psychology of Science

Emerging discipline: Identity as a discipline

Some definitions (Feist,2006): - Scientific study of scientific behavior. - Empirical study of biological influences, cognitive, developmental, social and personality on scientific thought and behavior

About scientific thought

Theory of multiple intelligences (Gardner,


Spatial, Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Bodilykinesthetic, Musical , Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic


Predominate type in science workers: Logical-mathematical : Special abilities

Convergent Thought Logical or Rational Seeking for conventional/ one way solutions In well knowing situations or problems Related with LEFT HEMISPHER of brain Divergent Thought Creative tendency: looking for the new Moving in differents directions for resolve new problems Related with RIGHT HEMISPHER of brain


Latin Crecere : To engender, to produce.

the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others (Franken, R). Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del patrn

To generate new concepts or ideas, or new associations between previous concepts or ideas, making original solutions (Grupo Intriga, 2009).

Central concepts in CREATIVITY

GENERATION- DEVELOPMENT NEW ASSOCIATIONS USEFUL : purpose or goal CONTEXT: personal and social FLEXIBILTY: Continuous adaption to a changing environment

Insight Intuition

Research Methods Individual Level: Creativity

1. Experimental method: methodological difficulties 2. Psychometric: tests (CI, personality, creativity, etc) 3. Historiometric studies: historical circumstances 4. Case studies: individual analysis of destacated scientists

Principal results about importance of: Motivation, afective aspects, social context (educational, familiar), personality

Creative Thought in Science

Holistic : global vision of life Integration of Convergent- Divergent thought Multicontextual:

To join ideas or contexts that were not previously associated

Analysis of the reality: structure and function Creativity to resolve problems Flexibility to accept changes Importance of scientific community Intuition: 6th sense


Ability to capture the feelings using symbolic codes. Intrapersonal Intelligency (Gardner, 1983) Inner knowledge: Non verbal (images, dreams, etc). Non rational way to understanding, to catch something through a different kind of intelectual processes (Aristoteles) Not lineal processes (A to Z, not A- B- C) Include all the thought processes Right hemispher: Understanding and context notion for ideas from left hemispher.

Intuition en Analytical Psychology

(C.G. Jung)
4 functions of personality: feeling, thought, perception, intuition. 2 ways to get information: (1) External (5 senses) (2) Internal (intuition) Involuntary action Depends of external and internal circumstances, not logical thinking processes Perception through unconsciousness, of unconscious contents.


Creative Process
Insight (enlightment) for: Sudden inspiration : Eureka! ...... Unconsciousness (UCC) processes arises Continuous working: Conscious (CC) processes arises 4 stages in creative process: UCC like protagonist- CC participates 1. PREPARATION: Conscious process 2. INCUBATION: Unconscious process 3. INSIGHT (Enlightment): Unconscious process 4. VERIFY: Conscious process


INTERMEDIATE CORTEX ACTIVATION (balance): Left Hemisphere decreases hyperactivity- Right Hemisphere increase activity.

LEFT HEMISPHERE - Verbal - Analytical - Sequential


RIGHT HEMISPHERE Emotional Viso spacial Musical


Analytical Deductive Logical Step by step

Intuitive Holistic Associative Create connections between disconnected parts. ASOCIATIVE THOUGHT Example: Art thinking

LOGICAL THOUGHT Example: Mathematical thinking

Some aspects to increase creativity


Increase motivation and auto realization sense To develop nourishing affective social environments (family, friends, colleagues) To spend enough time and dedication on the task Use of different languages

Some aspects to decrease creativity

- Stress (hyperactivity of sympathetic division)

- External vigilance
- Competition between colleagues - Insecurity feelings (innerself- social environment)


Different reason and inspiration to develop a creative act: personal goals or desires, social inspirations, etc. Different peaks in creativity depends of knowledge field, experience and specific abilities developed on it Specific need to integrate emotional and rational aspects for creativity development. Intuition like a tool for knowledge achievement.

INTEGRATION: The way to reach a most complete perception and experience about nature and human phenomena.



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