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Abdul Muhib Muhammad Handzalah Muhammad Ibrahim Muhammad Uqbah Sumaine Sychol Ghulam

1. Groom 2. Bride

4. Witnesses

3. Wali

)5. Aqad (Ijab & Qabul ) (

1. Muslimin 2. A man to whom marrying his intended bride with lawful 3. Consents to the marriage is made voluntarily and force 4. Has seen his intended bride before the betrothal 5. Not in the state of performing Hajj or Umrah 6. Nor married to 4 other women at the time of the aqad

1. Muslimah 2. A woman to whom marrying her intended groom is lawful 3. With virtues

4. Not married to another man or in the period of iddah during aqad 5. Nor in the state of performing Hajj or Umrah

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Muslim Male Has reached puberty With sanity Consents to become a Wali voluntarily A man of trust Not a fasiq Nor in the state of performing Hajj or Umrah

Wali divided into two: 1. Wali nasab 2. Wali hakim

Wali nasab
The sequence of Wali is a follows: 1. The father 2. The grandfather or the great grandfather 3. The real brother 4. The half brother (of the same father) 5. The nephew 6. The son of the half brother 7. The real uncle 8. The half-uncle to the groom/bridegroom 9. The real cousin 10. The cousin in from the same grandfather on the fathers side

Wali hakim

1. When the person in the list of guardian/the sequence of Wali is not to be found/absent 2. When the person in the list of guardian/the sequence of Wali is in the state performing Umrah 3. When the person in the list of guardian/the sequence of Wali refuses to act as a guardian or refuses to sanction a woman for marriage without reasonable cause

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Two(2) witnesses Muslims Male Mature (puberty) With sanity Not a fasiq Nor deaf, dumb or blind Men who are fair and just Able to understand the language used for aqad

Aqad (Ijab & Qabul) ( )

1. Must consist of a declaration (ijab) and followed by an acceptance (qabul) 2. Must be accompanied with an intention (niat) 3. Must be pronounced in clear and definite words. It is not considered legitimate if it done with connoted statement (kinayah) 4. Must be heard and understood by the witness 5. The brides name is to be uttered clearly and properly

The Dowry
Allah said: And give the women (whom you marry) their Mahr (an obligatory bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time marriage) with a good heart. (An-Nisaa 4:4)

The payment of dower is compulsory and it is a supererogatory (sunat) to mention the amount of the dower in the aqad.

There is no stated rule in Islam about the amount of dower. However, the amount of dower is to be decided upon according to the satisfaction of both the bride and the groom.

The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said; The best amount for the dower is the one that is the cheapest and the most blessed marriage is the one with small amount of dower.

The amount of dower must not be a burden to the groom for it is not encouraged in Islam to demand high sum of dower. Some companions of the prophet had married their wives having a piece of gold as heavy as date, worth not more than 5 dirham as their dower. Said Ibnu Musaiyib gave his daughters hand in marriage to Abu Hurairah r.a with the amount of dower of only 2 dirham. The Prophet himself gave his daughter, Fatimah in marriage with Saidina Ali, requesting him to give only a few pairs of the battle attire as the dower(Mahr). As a matter of fact, Khadijah was only given a mat, a shawl, a kettle and a container made from the sheeps skin as her Mahr.

Wedding Feast
Celebrate a wedding although you are to slaughter only one. (by Bukhori and Muslim)

It is clear shown that having a wedding feast or walima is encouraged in Islam.

During the period of the prophet, wedding feasts were conducted according to the situations during that era where only one bread, dates, wheat or the mutton was feasted upon. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said: Spread the news of this marriage and spread it in the mosque and through the beating of the drums. (reported by Ahmad and Tirmizi)

A marriage must be celebrate merrily although there should be no extravagance In the feast, as it may be experienced only once in a lifetime of the married couple. The news of the marriage must be made public to avoid any misunderstanding or accusation in the society. It is in fact, supererogatory (sunat) to spread the news of the marriage to the society.

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