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Clean image Happy and positive person Down-to-earth No scandals Worked her way up from nothing Sung on streets Poetic Enjoyment of life Focus on voice and music, no aim to grab attention through appearance

Target Audience
Teenagers Young adults Adults Some older people

How does she appeal to her target audience?

She especially targets her audience through her lyrics, which are basically about life. Furthermore she appeals her audience with her music style, which is varies from song to song. Her songs are influenced by a wide range of styles, such as Jazz, Soul, Pop and Blues. She has got a special voice with a high recognition value. She is unique and not ordinary.

The following song her first single from her debut studio album.

Je veux

Analysis of the video MES

simple costume and props, which reflect the lyrics in which she sings about the luxury which she doesnt need. the location is probably in a poor suburb in France natural lighting, warm lighting high key lighting when the sun is shining brightly above her face. the video is supposed to give an insight of one day of her life, since it starts in the morning and finishes by the end of the day.

Analysis of the video CAMERA

Many close-ups of her and the instruments Many shots of the people, her and the band members The camera angle is most often on her height to show that theres no difference Sometimes it gives us a high angle shot, most often towards the end to show how important she is and the audience in the bar admire her.

Analysis of the video EDITING

She has got most oft the screen time (she is in almost every shot) Big jump between the morning and the evening, where she suddenly performs in a bar. Elliptical editing to show her strength. Many reaction shots, when she talks to strangers (you can see their surprised reaction) Furthermore reaction shots towards the end when she is singing in the bar (you can see how the audience like her music)

What record label is she signed to, and who is that owned by?
Sony Music Entertainment France is part of Sony and therefore the Big 3 of the music industry. Sony Music has got a world-wide market share of 25 %.

Analysis of album cover

Colours: bright colours connote something new, fresh and joyful. Expression: Her facial expression is natural, without any posing in order to look sexy or attractive to anyone. She wants to minimize the focus on her music instead of her appearance, which is more often a distraction. Styling: Nothing is heavily styled. It points out the focus of this artist, which is on her music.

Position: You can see her sitting on the floor on the street, which shows how down-toearth she is and how unimportant luxury is to her, which she reflects in her songs as well.
Font: Name is writing written in white to show a difference to the rest. The writing looks like graffiti, which can be seen on streets and less posh locations. This connotes where she comes from.

The fans get information about tour dates. You can listen to her album online and buy it directly as well. You can watch embedded videos from her album Furthermore there is a biography, where you can get to know her and her story even better. There are a few photos of her. Social Networks are connected with the website, where you can like the page per facebook or tweet about it with only one mouse click. You can also get a newsletter, where you can get extra information and news about the artist per e-mail. You can change the language settings into 6 different languages.

You can look up the tour dates You can find out where she is giving a concert and then directly buy a ticket. This part of the homepage is also linked with facebook and you can like her and her music as well.

You can get a direct access to the facebook fan-page from her official website. You can send messages to her (the people who are in charge of the website). You can like the website. You can watch videoclips. You can look up the tour dates. There is further information about her, which you can look up as well.

Most of her fan page is in French, since she is most popular in her own country You can still comment on posts and you can have access to the links, but you will probably not understand much The fan page is rather targeted at a French audience. They could possibly wider their audience to a worldwide audience, if they make their marketing more international. There are furthermore many interviews of ZAZ, but almost all of them are in French as well.

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