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Energy Systems

Training Energy Systems through Intervals

Energy Systems: Objectives

Understand terminology relating to energy systems Recognize the role of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in exercise Know the basic energy systems that supply ATP for exercise and factors which determine the predominate energy system for exercise. Identify the effects of training on the bioenergetics of the body Be able to develop training programs that show an understanding of energy systems and specificity of training the energy systems.

Energy: ability or capacity to perform work Bioenergetics: flow of energy in a biological system, primarily concerned with the conversion of food to into usable energy Catabolism: breakdown of large molecules into smaller molecules Anabolism: combining of larger molecules from smaller ones

Terminology Continued
Exergonic reactions: energy releasing reactions which are usually catabolic Endergonic reactions: energy requiring and consist of anabolic processes and muscle contraction Metabolism: total of all reactions mentioned above in a biological system

Adenosine triphophate (ATP) is an intermediate molecule through which energy gained from catabolic/exergonic reactions is used to power anabolic/endergonic reactions and is needed for muscle activity and growth. The removal of the one or more of the phosphate groups by hydrolysis releases energy to drive reactions in the body. ATP is stored in limited quantities in muscles, thus ATP development in cells is important for muscle contraction.

Oxygen Consumption: Aerobic and Anaerobic Contributions to Exercise

Three Energy Systems

replenish ATP
Phosphagen: replenish ATP through anaerobic processes

Glycolysis: breakdown of carbohydrates to produce ATP Fast (Anerobic): pyruvate is converted to lactate acid, providing ATP at a faster rate than slow glycolsis Slow (Aerobic): pyruvate is transported to the mitochondria for oxidative processes
Oxidative (Aerobic) System: produces ATP in the presence of oxygen through glucose, glycogen, fat or protein oxidation All three are active at any given time

Relative Contributions of Energy Systems

Energy Systems Production Rate and Capacity Rankings

Lactate Threshold (LT) and Onset of Blood Lactate (OBLA)

LT: exercise intensity at which blood lactate increases abruptly above the baseline concentration OBLA: normally occurs when the blood lactate is 4mmol/L, occurs at a higher exercise intensity

Response of LT and OBLA to High Intensity Exercise

Some studies imply that training at intensities close to or above the LT or OBLA move the LT and OBLA to the right

Variables Influencing the Energy System used in Exercise

Intensity is the primary determinant and duration is a secondary determinant

Chief Metabolic Demands of Various Sports

Intervals to Train Energy Systems

% of Max Power 90-100% 75-90% 30-75% 20-35% Primary System Stressed
Phosphagen Fast glycolysis Fast glycolysis and oxidative Oxidative

Exercise Time
5-10 s 15-30 s 1-3 min > 3 min

Exercise to rest ratio

1:12 to 1:20 1:3 to 1:5 1:3 to 1:4 1:1 to 1:3

Special Endurance
Combination or modification of energy system training Sport-specific exercise-relief patterns Contains low intensity with higher intensity activity or a sequence of plays with regular rest Application of the energy system training to the sport strategy

Combination Training
Various authors have recommended aerobic training to be added to the training of anaerobic sportsman to enhance recovery because recovery depend greatly on aerobic processes Aerobic training may reduce anaerobic performance capabilities, but probably not vice versa

The energy system(s) specific to the sport should be evaluated. The energy system which is the chief supplier of energy for the exercise is determined primarily by intensity and secondarily by duration. Sportsmen should focus training on the energy system(s) specific to their sport

Metabolic and training adaptations are determined by the intensity, duration, and recovery periods

National Strength and Conditioning Association. Essentials of Strength and Conditioning, 2nd ed., TR Baechle & RW Earle, eds. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics

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