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Fr Ilan Papp gehrt auch der jngste israelische berfall auf Gaza zur Gesamtstrategie,

mit der sich die israelische Regierung alle jetzt noch on Pal!stinensern be"ohnten Ge#
biete aneignen "ill$
Die historische Perspektive des Gaza-Massakers von 2014
Zu Israels "Operation Protective d!e" !e!en den "esetzten Gaza-#trei$en
Von Ilan Papp
Global Research, 21.08.14
%assacre/&'()84* +
,!e -enschen !n Ga$a .n/ an/ernorts !n Pal0st!na s!n/ entt0.scht 1ber /as 2.sble!ben
/!cher !nternat!onaler Rea3t!onen a.# /as 4l.tba/ .n/ /!e Verw1st.ngen, /!e /.rch
/en erne.ten !srael!schen 5ber#all !% Ga$a6tre!#en anger!chtet w.r/en. ,!e 7n#0h!g3e!t
o/er /!e #ehlen/e 4ere!tscha#t, etwas /agegen $. .nterneh%en, l0sst s!ch wohl !n
erster 8!n!e /ara.s er3l0ren, /ass /!e !srael!schen 4egr1n/.ngen #1r /!e 9r!se !n Ga$a all
ge%e!n a3$ept!ert w.r/en. Israel hat /!e 7rsachen #1r /as gegenw0rt!ge -assa3er !n
Ga$a :a sehr 1ber$e.gen/ /argestellt.
,!e ;rag</!e se! /.rch e!nen gr.n/losen Ra3etenangr!## /er =a%as a.# /en :1/!schen
6taat a.sgel<st wor/en, a.# /en Israel a.s Gr1n/en /er 6elbst"erte!/! reag!eren
%.sste. >estl!che -a!nstrea%-e/!en, 23a/e%!3er .n/ Pol!t!3er 3r!t!s!eren allen#alls /as
2.s%a? /er Gewaltanwen/.ng Israels, br!ngen aber 3e!ne gr.n/s0t$l!chen @!nwen/.n
gen /agegen "or. I% Internet .n/ !n alternat!"en -e/!en wer/en /as !srael!sche Vorgehen
.n/ /!e /a#1r angegebenen 4egr1n/.ngen h!ngegen entsch!e/en $.r1c3gew!esen. ,ort
w!r/ /er !srael!sche 5ber#all %!t gro?er 5bere!nst! als 9r!egs"erbrechen be$e!chnet
.n/ /eshalb "er.rte!lt.
,!e .ntersch!e/l!chen 4etracht.ngswe!sen er3l0ren s!ch ha.pts0chl!ch /ara.s, /ass s!ch
(Ar!e/ens .n/ an/ere+ 23t!"!sten !ntens!"er %!t /e% !/eolog!schen .n/ h!stor!schen 9on
teBt /er gegenw0rt!gen !srael!schen 23t!on !n Ga$a besch0#t!gen. -e!n 4e!trag !st e!n be
sche!/ener, /!e ;en/en$ $. e!ner gr.n/s0t$l!chen!nan/erset$.ng %!t /e%
9on#l!3t ($w!schen Israel .n/ /en Pal0st!nensern+ we!ter $. "ert!e#en.
#pontanes Massaker%
2.s /er h!stor!schen @!nor/ .n/ @!nsch0t$.ng /es gegenw0rt!gen .n/ /er /re! "or
a.sgegangenen !srael!schen 2ngr!##e a.# Ga$a, /!e se!t 200) stattge#.n/en haben, erg!bt
s!ch e!n/e.t!g, /ass Israel /a%!t e!ne Pol!t!3 /es V<l3er%or/es betre!bt. ,!eses 6chr!tt #1r
6chr!tt er#olgen/e %assenha#te ;<ten !st wen!ger /as Pro/.3t e!ner %!tle!/losen Rach
s.cht als /as .n"er%e!/l!che @rgebn!s /er Gesa%tstrateg!e, /!e Israel gegen1ber allen
Pal0st!nensern .n/ beson/ers gegen1ber /enen !n /en se!t 1()* beset$ten Geb!eten "er
,!eser hergestellt wer/en .n/ $war /eshalb, we!l /er !srael!sche
Propagan/a2pparat /!e a3t.elle Pol!t!3 /er !srael!schen Reg! !%%er w!e/er a.s /!e
se% hera.s$.l<sen "ers.cht .n/ #1r :e/e ne.e >elle /er Cerst< .n/
/es ;<tens a.# /en 6chlacht#el/ern Pal0st!nas ne.e Vorw0n/e gelten/ %acht.
&riedenspolitische Mitteilun!en aus der
'#-Milit(rre!ion )aiserslautern*+a,stein
-P 141*14 . 0/001014
,!e 6trateg!e /er !srael!schen Reg!, !hre br.tale Pol!t!3 !%%er als spontane Rea3t!on
a.# !rgen/e!ne a3t.elle 23t!on /er Pal0st!nenser a.s$.geben, !st gena. so alt w!e /!e $!o
n!st!sche Pr0sen$ !n Pal0st!na. 6!e /!ent !%%er w!e/er $.r Recht#ert! /er $!on!st!
schen V!s!on "on e!ne% $.31n#t!gen 6taat Pal0st!na, !n /e% es allen#alls n.r noch sehr
wen!ge h!er geborene Pal0st!nenser geben soll. ,!e -!ttel, %!t /enen /!eses C!el ange
strebt w!r/, haben s!ch !% 8a.# /er Dahre ge0n/ert, /!e 2bs!cht n!cht: 7nabh0ng!g "on /er
:ewe!l!gen $!on!st!schen V!s!on e!nes :1/!schen 6taates soll es /ar!n %<gl!chst wen!ge Pa
l0st!nenser geben. ,!e he.t!ge Reg! hat /!e V!s!on "on e!ne% (re!n :1/!schen+ Israel,
/as s!ch #ast 1ber /as gan$e h!stor!sche Pal0st!na erstrec3t, obwohl /ort noch -!ll!onen
"on Pal0st!nensern leben.
,!ese V!s!on st!e? a.# 6chw!er!g3e!ten, we!l Israel !n se!ner G!er nach 8an/ se!t /er 4eset
$.ng !% D.n! 1()* /as >est:or/anlan/ .n/ /en Ga$a6tre!#en !%%er st0r3er .nter
se!ne 9ontrolle $. br!ngen "ers.cht. Israel %<chte s!ch /!e beset$ten ;err!tor!en ane!gnen,
ohne /er pal0st!nens!schen 4e"< /!e Rechte !srael!scher 6taatsb1rger $. gew0h
ren. ,er 1()* e!ngele!tete angebl!che EAr!e/enspro$essE /!ente n.r /a$., Ce!t $. gew!n
nen .n/ /!e beabs!cht!gte 8an/nah%e $. 3asch!eren.
I% 8a.# /er Dahr$ehnte /!##eren$!erte Israel $w!schen Geb!eten, /!e es s!ch so#ort angee!g
net hat, .n/ Geb!eten, !n /enen es /!e pal0st!nens!sche 4e"< /.rch w!rtscha#tl!che
.n/ geogra#!sche 6trang.l! /e$!%!ert, .% /ann /!ese Restgeb!ete F ethn!sch
ges0.bert F 1berneh%en $. 3<nnen. ,eshalb w.r/e /as >est:or/anlan/ !n E:1/!scheE .n/
Gra#!3 entno%%en a.s
Epal0st!nens!scheE Conen a.#gete!ltK /a%!t w.r/en ;atsachen gescha##en, %!t /enen /!e
%e!sten Israel!s g.t leben 3<nnen, so lange s!ch /!e Pal0st!nenser %!t !hren (an /!e 2part
he!/ !n 61/a#r!3a er!nnern/en+ 4ant.stans (s. http:///e.w!3!pe/!!3!/=o%elan/ +, $.
#r!e/en geben, !n /enen s!e w!e !n gro?en Ge#0ngn!ssen leben %1ssen. ,!e !% >est:or
/anlan/ gescha##ene geopol!t!sche 6!!on hat !n Israel /en @!n/r.c3 entstehen lassen,
%an 3<nne s!ch !%%er %ehr pal0st!nens!sches 8an/ ane!gnen, ohne e!nen /r!tten 2.#
stan/ o/er gr<?eren !nternat!onalen >!/erstan/ be#1rchten $. %1ssen.
,er Ga$a6tre!#en l0sst s!ch wegen se!ner e!n$!gart!gen geopol!t!schen 8age n!cht so e!n
#ach !n /!ese !srael!sche 6trateg!e e!nbe$!ehen. 6e!t 1((4 .n/ beson/ers $. 4eg!nn /es
21. Dahrh.n/erts .nter Pre%!er%!n!ster 2r!el 6haron betre!bt /!e !srael!sche Reg! /!e
#ortschre!ten/e Getto!s! Ga$as, !n /er, /ass /!e he.te noch /ort leben/en
1,8 -!ll!onen Pal0st!nenser !rgen/wann !n Vergessenhe!t geraten wer/en.
2ber /as Getto erw!es s!ch als rebell!sch, .n/ /!e /ar!n leben/en -enschen waren n!cht
bere!t, s!ch strang.l!eren, !sol!eren, !n /en =.ngerto/ o/er !n /en w!rtscha#tl!chen R.!n tre!
ben $. lassen. LgMpten wollte /en Ga$a6tre!#en we/er 1(48, noch w!ll es !hn 2014 an
ne3t!eren. 1(48 hat Israel =.n/ertta.sen/e "on Al1chtl!ngen !n /as Geb!et .% Ga$a ge
tr!eben, be"or es $.% Ga$a6tre!#en ge%acht w.r/e. ,!e Al1chtl!nge 3a%en a.s /er 6ta/t
NaOab (s. http://en.w!3!pe/!!3!/2rP2*aratGanNaOab + .n/ a.s an/eren 91stenge
b!eten, .n/ %an ho##te, /ass s!e s!ch noch we!ter "on Israel ent#ernen w1r/en.
In /en ersten Dahren nach 1()* wollte %an Ga$a als E;ownsh!pE (s. http:///e.w!3!pe
/!!3!/;ownsh!pGP286PQ'P4Q/a#r!3aP2( + erhalten, we!l %an ho##te, /ara.s we
n!g!#!$!erte 2rbe!ter gew!nnen $. 3<nnen, /enen %an /!e -enschen .n/ 41rgerrech
te "erwe!gern 3onnte. 2ls s!ch /!e -enschen !n /en beset$ten Geb!eten !n $we! EInt!#a/asE
(s. http:///e.w!3!pe/!!3!/Int!#a/a + /er #ortschre!ten/en 7nter/ w!/erset$ten,
hat %an /as >est:or/anlan/ !n 3le!ne 4ant.stans a.#gete!lt, /!e %!t :1/!schen 6!e/l.ngen
e!nge3re!st w.r/enK /as war !n /e% 3le!nen, /!cht bes!e/elten Ga$a6tre!#en aber n!cht
%<gl!ch. ,!e Israel!s 3onnten !hn n!cht w!e /as >est:or/anlan/ $erst1c3eln. ,eshalb
%achten s!e !hn $.% "<ll!g "on /er 2.?enwelt abgeschlossenen GettoK .n/ wenn s!ch /!e
e!ngesperrte (pal0st!nens!sche+ 4e"< w!/erset$te, schoss /!e !srael!sche 2r%ee
/en >!/erstan/ %!t !hren #.rchterregen/en, to/br!ngen/en >a##en e!n#ach $.sa%%en.
>e!l s!ch /!eses Vorgehen st0n/!g w!e/erholt, es als V<l3er%or/ be$e!chnet wer
#chritt2eiser 34lker,ord
,!e @r%or/.ng "on /re! !% D.n! !% beset$ten >est:or/anlan/ ent#1hrten !srael!schen D.
gen/l!chen, "on /enen $we! noch %!n/er:0hr!g waren, war %!t gro?er >ahrsche!nl!ch3e!t
n.r e!ne Vergelt.ngs%a?nah%e #1r /!e @r%or/.ng pal0st!nens!scher 9!n/er, /!e !% -a!K
stattge#.n/en hatteK s!e w.r/e aber als Vorwan/ #1r /en :1ngsten 2ngr!## a.# Ga$a ge
n.t$t. ,er !srael!schen Reg! g!ng es /abe! "or alle% .% /!e /er (1ber
raschen/en+ Vere!n! "on =a%as .n/ Aatah, /!e erst 3.r$ "orher stattge#.n/en hatte
(s. http://www./w./e/ha%as.n/#atahb!l/ene!nhe!tsreg!*&84)0& +. ,!ese Vere!
n! er#olgte nach /er @ntsche!/.ng /er Pal0st!nens!schen 2.tono%!ebeh<r/e, /!e Ver
han/l.ngen !% Rah%en /es EAr!e/enspro$essE ab$.brechen .n/ e!nen 2ppell an !nterna
t!onale Rrgan!sat!onen $. r!chten, !n /e% e!ne Ver.rte! Israels wegen Verlet$.ng /er
-enschen .n/ 41rgerrechte ge#or/ert w!r/. 4e!/e @ntw!c3l.ngen haben /!e !srael!sche
Reg! alar%!ert.
,er Vorwan/ best!%%te /as ;!%!ng F /er 2ngr!## war aber /eshalb so .n"erh0ltn!s%0?!g,
we!l /!e !srael!sche Reg! .n#0h!g !st, !n 4e$.g a.# /en Ga$a6tre!#en, /er 1(48 "on
Israel selbst gescha##en w.r/e, e!ne "ern1n#t!ge Pol!t!3 $. entw!c3eln. ,!e :et$!ge Pol!t!3
besteht !n /er 5ber$, /.rch Vertre! /er =a%as a.s /e% Ga$a6tre!#en
/!eses Getto /o%est!$!eren $. 3<nnen.
6e!t 1((4, sogar schon be"or /!e =a%as !% Ga$a6tre!#en /!e -acht an s!ch r!ss, war we
gen /er beson/eren geopol!t!schen 8age /es Ga$a6tre!#ens 3lar, /ass :e/e 3olle3t!"e
6tra#a3t!on F /!e gera/e statt#!n/en/e F n.r /!e we!tere /es Ga$a6tre!
#ens .n/ /!e #ortschre!ten/en ,e$!%! se!ner 4e"< $.% C!el haben -!t
an/eren >orten: es #!n/et e!n (geplanter+ schr!ttwe!ser V<l3er%or/ statt.
,!ese @r3enntn!s hat /!e Gener0le, /!e /en /es Ga$a6tre!#ens a.s /er 8.#t,
"o% 4o/en .n/ "o% -eer a.s be#ehlen, n!e gest<rt. 2ls C!on!sten haben s!e !%%er noch
/!e V!s!on, /!e noch !% h!stor!schen Pal0st!na leben/en Pal0st!nenser %<gl!chst star3 $.
/e$!%!erenK /eshalb %1ssen s!e /!e Pal0st!nenser !%%er %ehr ent%enschl!chen. In Ga$a,
gesch!eht /as a.# /!e .n%enschl!chste 2rt .n/ >e!se.
,as ;!%!ng /es :1ngsten 2ngr!##s w!r/ F w!e /as /er "ora.sgegangenen F noch "on
$.s0t$l!chen @rw0g.ngen best!%%t. ,!e so$!alen 7nr.hen, /!e 2011 !n Israel a.sbrachen,
schwelen !%%er nochK !n /er S##entl!ch3e!t w.r/e sogar $e!twe!se schon e!ne /er
-!l!t0ra.sgaben .n/ /!e Verwen/.ng "on Gel/ern a.s /e% a.#gebl0hten EVerte!/!g.ngs
ha.shaltE #1r so$!ale Cwec3e ge#or/ert. ,!e !srael!sche 2r%ee hat /!ese Aor/ .%ge
hen/ als selbst%<r/er!sch $.r1c3gew!esen. N!chts 3ann /!e 6t!%%en, /!e nach e!ner 6en /er -!l!t0ra.sgaben r.#en, schneller $.% 6chwe!gen br!ngen, als e!ne la.#en/e -!l!
Qhara3ter!st!sche -er3%ale "orher!ger 2ngr!##e !% Rah%en /es schr!ttwe!sen V<l3er%or
/es 3enn$e!chnen /en :1ngsten 5ber#all a.# Ga$a. 4ere!ts be! /er ersten -!l!t0rope
rat!on, /!e 200) .nter /e% Qo/ena%en EA!rst Ra!nsE (@rste Regen#0lle, s. http://en.w!3!pe
/!!3!/Rperat!onG6.%%erGRa!ns + l!e#, erhob s!ch w!e be! /er 200( #olgen/en $we!
ten Rperat!on EQast 8ea/E (4le!g!e?en, we!tere In#os /a$. .nter http://www.l.#tpost
3l./e/l.#tpostarch!"/8PG0(/8P24*0(G0(110(.p/# + .n/ /er 2012 #olgen/en /r!tten Rperat!
on EP!lar o# 6%o3eE (Ra.chs0.le, s. http:///e.w!3!pe/!!3!/Rperat!onG>ol3ens
PQ'P24.le + .nter /en :1/!schen Israel!s 3a.% >!/ gegen /as .nter /en Pal0s
t!nensern !% Ga$a6tre!#en anger!chtete -assa3er. /!e 23a/e%!3er schw!egen /a$..
Versch!e/ene 7n!"ers!t0ten haben /er !srael!schen Reg! sogar angeboten, "on 6t.
/enten /!e !srael!sche 6!cht /es 9on#l!3ts !% Internet .n/ !n so$!alen -e/!en "erbre!ten $.
,!e !srael!schen -e/!en lagen .n/ l!egen eben#alls loMal a.# Reg!er.ngsl!n!eK s!e $e!gen
3e!ne 4!l/er "on /en h.%an!t0ren 9atastrophen, /!e "on /er !srael!schen 2r%ee anger!ch
tet w.r/en .n/ wer/en, .n/ beha.pten :e/es -al: E,!e >elt "ersteht .ns .n/ steht h!nter
.ns.E ,!ese tr!##t !nso#ern $., als /!e pol!t!schen @l!ten !% >esten /as Verhal
ten /er !srael!schen Reg! n.r 0.?erst selten .n/ wenn, /ann n.r sehr $.
r1c3halten/ 3r!t!s!eren. ,!e :1ngste 2.##or/ westl!cher Reg!er.ngen an /en 2n3l0ger
/es Internat!onalen 6tra#ger!chtsho#es !n ,en =aag, /!e !srael!schen Verbrechen !n Ga$a
n!cht $. .nters.chen, s!n/ e!n Para/ebe!sp!el #1r /!ese @! (s. /a$.
http://www.$e!t./e/pol!t!3/a.slan//20140*/palaest!na!sraelstra#ger!chtsho# +. ,!e westl!
chen -e/!en #olgen /en !srael!schen .n/ "ers.chen #ast alle, /!e !srael!schen -!l!t0ropera
t!onen eben#alls $. recht#ert!gen.
,!ese "er$errte , entspr!ngt /er #1r westl!che Do.rnal!sten tMp!schen @!,
/ass /!e Gr0.eltaten !n Ga$a wen!ger schl!%% als /!e !% Ira3 o/er !n 6Mr!en s!n/. ,abe!
w!r/ /!e h!stor!sche Perspe3t!"e /er !srael!schen Verbrechen %e!st a.?er 2cht gelassen.
@!n l0ngerer 4l!c3 a.# /!e Gesch!chte /er Pal0st!nenser w1r/e /as gan$e 2.s%a? !hres
8e!/ens .n/ /!e %!t /en -assa3ern "er#olgte 2bs!cht "!el besser erschl!e?en.
#chluss$ol!erun!en5 64rt au$ ,it z2eierlei Ma7 zu ,essen8
@!n 4l!c3 a.# /!e Gesch!chte re!cht #1r e!ne bessere @!nsch0t$.ng /er -assa3er !n Ga$a
aber noch n!cht a.s. Notwen/!g !st e!n /!ale3t!sches =erangehen, /as /!e 7nter
sch!e/e $w!schen /er I%%.n!t0t, /!e Israel trot$ /er Gr0.eltaten se!nes -!l!t0rs gen!e?t,
.n/ /e% @ntset$en 1ber an/ernorts begangen Gr0.eltaten .nters.cht. ,!e @nt%enschl! !st !n Ga$a gena. so we!t #ortgeschr!tten .n/ gra.enerregen/ w!e !% Ira3 .n/ !n 6M
r!en. ;rot$/e% w!r/ e!n w!cht!ger 7ntersch!e/ $w!schen /er 4r.tal!t0t "on ;error!sten .n/
/er 4r.tal!t0t /er !srael!schen 2r%ee ge%acht: ,!e 4r.tal!t0t /er ;error!sten w!r/ weltwe!t
als barbar!sch .n/ .n%enschl!ch "er.rte!lt, w0hren/ /!e 4r.tal!t0t /er !srael!schen 2r%ee
als berecht!gt angesehen .n/ "o% Pr0s!/enten /er 762, "on #1hren/en Pol!t!3ern /er @7
.n/ "on an/eren Are.n/en Israels !n aller >elt geb!ll!gt w!r/.
,!e e!n$!ge Qhance #1r e!nen er#olgre!chen 9a%p# gegen /en C!on!s%.s !n Pal0st!na !st
/!e ,.rchset$.ng /er -enschen .n/ 41rgerrecht !n allen 80n/ern. !hre Verlet$.ng !n allen 80n/ern gle!cher%a?en "er.rte!lt .n/ abgestellt wer/enK /abe! !st 1berall
3lar $w!schen Rp#ern .n/ ;0tern $. .ntersche!/en. ,!e Israel!s, /!e Verbrechen an /en
Pal0st!nensern begehen, sollten %!t /en gle!chen %oral!schen .n/ eth!schen -a?st0ben
ge%essen wer/en, w!e /!e:en!gen, /!e !n /er arab!schen >elt Gr0.eltaten an .nter/r1c3
ten -!n/erhe!ten .n/ wehrlosen Ge%e!nscha#ten "er1ben. In be!/en A0llen han/elt es
s!ch .% 9r!egs"erbrechen, /!e an /en Pal0st!nensern aber schon "!el l0nger als an !rgen/
e!ne% an/eren Vol3 begangen wer/en. ,abe! 3o%%t es n!cht /ara.# an, welcher Rel!g!on
/!e ;0ter angeh<ren .n/ !n wessen Na%en s!e !hre Gr0.eltaten begehen. 7nabh0ng!g /a
"on, ob s!e s!ch ,sch!ha/!sten, D./a!sten o/er C!on!sten nennen, s!e %1ssen alle als
9r!egs"erbrecher bestra#t wer/en.
@!ne >elt, /!e a.#h<ren w1r/e, !% 7%gang %!t Israel %!t $we!erle! -a? $. %essen, w0re
e!n >elt, /!e "!el e##e3t!"er gegen 9r!egs"erbrechen "orgehen 3<nnte, /!e !n an/eren
>eltgegen/en begangen wer/en. N.r %!t /er 4een/! /es "ors0t$l!chen V<l3er%or
/es !n Ga$a .n/ %!t /er ,.rchset$.ng /er gr.n/legen/en -enschen .n/ 41rgerrechte #1r /!e Pal0st!nenser F wo !%%er s!e s!ch a.#halten .n/ e!nschl!e?l!ch /es
Rechtes a.# R1c33ehr F 3ann /!e !nternat!onale Ge%e!nscha#t s!nn"oll !n /en 9on#l!3t $w!
schen Israel!s .n/ Pal0st!nensern e!ngre!#en .n/ an/ere 9on#l!3te !% Nahen .n/
-!ttleren Rsten pos!t!" bee!n#l.ssen.
Ilan Papp ist ein israelischer %istori&er, der an der 'niersit!t ()eter in Gro*britannien
lehrt$ +u seinen "ichtigsten ,chern gehren ethnische /!uberung Pal!stinas-
012234 und -Israel als Idee- 012564$
(>!r haben /en 2rt!3el 3o%plett 1berset$t .n/ %!t @rg0n$.ngen .n/ 8!n3s !n 9la%%ern
"ersehen. >e!tere In#or%at!onen 1ber /en 2.tor s!n/ a.#$.r.#en .nter http:///e.w!3!pe
/!!3!/IlanGPappe . 2nschl!e?en/ /r.c3en w!r /en Rr!g!nalteBt ab.+
9he 6istorical Perspective o$ the 2014 Gaza Massacre
Israel:s ;Operation Protective d!e: a!ainst the occupied Gaza #trip0
4M Ilan Papp, 21, 2014
People !n Ga$a an/ elsewhere !n Palest!ne #eel /!sappo!nte/ at the lac3 o# anM s!gn!#!cant
!nternat!onal react!on to the carnage an/ /estr.ct!on the Israel! has so #ar le#t be
h!n/ !t !n the 6tr!p. ;he !nab!l!tM, or .nw!ll!ngness, to act see%s to be #!rst an/ #ore%ost an
acceptance o# the Israel! narrat!"e an/ arg.%entat!on #or the cr!s!s !n Ga$a. Israel has /e
"elope/ a "erM clear narrat!"e abo.t the present carnage !n Ga$a.
It !s a trage/M bM an .npro"o3e/ =a%as %!ss!le attac3 on the Dew!sh 6tate, to
wh!ch Israel ha/ to react !n sel#/e#ence. >h!le %a!nstrea% western %e/!a, aca/e%!a an/
pol!t!c!ans %aM ha"e reser"at!ons abo.t the proport!onal!tM o# the #orce .se/ bM Israel, theM
accept the g!st o# th!s arg.%ent. ;h!s Israel! narrat!"e !s totallM re:ecte/ !n the worl/ o# cM
ber act!"!s% an/ alternat!"e %e/!a. ;here !t see%s the con/e%nat!on o# the Israel! act!on
as a war cr!%e !s w!/esprea/ an/
;he %a!n /!##erence between the two analMses #ro% abo"e an/ #ro% below !s the w!ll!ng
ness o# act!"!sts to st./M /eeper an/ !n a %ore pro#o.n/ waM the !/eolog!cal an/ h!stor!cal
conteBt o# the present Israel! act!on !n Ga$a. ;h!s ten/encM sho.l/ be enhance/ e"en #.r
ther an/ th!s p!ece !s a %o/est atte%pt to contr!b.te towar/s th!s /!rect!on.
<d 6oc #lau!hter%
2n h!stor!cal e"!on an/!$at!on o# the present Israel! on Ga$a an/
that o# the pre"!o.s three ones s!nce 200) eBpose clearlM the Israel! genoc!/al pol!cM there.
2n !ncre%ental pol!cM o# %ass!"e 3!ll!ng that !s less a pro/.ct o# a callo.s !ntent!on as !t !s
the !ne"!table o.tco%e o# IsraelTs o"erall strategM towar/s Palest!ne !n general an/ the are
as !t occ.p!e/ !n 1()*, !n part!c.lar.
;h!s conteBt sho.l/ be !ns!ste/ .pon, s!nce the Israel! propagan/a %ach!ne atte%pts
aga!n an/ aga!n to narrate !ts pol!c!es as o.t o# conteBt an/ t.rns the preteBt !t #o.n/ #or
e"erM new wa"e o# /estr.ct!on !nto the %a!n!#!cat!on #or another spree o# !n/!scr!%!nate
sla.ghter !n the 3!ll!ng #!el/s o# Palest!ne.
;he Israel! strategM o# bran/!ng !ts br.tal pol!c!es as an a/ hoc response to th!s or that Pa
lest!n!an act!on !s as ol/ as the C!on!st presence !n Palest!ne !tsel#. It was .se/ repeate/lM
as a!#!cat!on #or !%ple%ent!ng the C!on!st "!s!on o# a Palest!ne that has !n !t "erM
#ew, !# anM, nat!"e Palest!n!ans. ;he %eans #or ach!e"!ng th!s goal change/ w!th the Mears,
b.t the has re%a!ne/ the sa%e: whate"er the C!on!st "!s!on o# a Dew!sh 6tate
%!ght be, !t can onlM %ater!al!$e w!tho.t anM s!gn!#!cant n.%ber o# Palest!n!ans !n !t. 2n/
nowa/aMs the "!s!on !s o# an Israel stretch!ng o"er al%ost the whole o# h!stor!c Palest!ne
where %!ll!ons o# Palest!n!ans st!ll l!"e.
;h!s "!s!on ran !nto tro.ble once terr!tor!al gree/ le/ Israel to trM an/ 3eep the >est 4an3
an/ the Ga$a 6tr!p w!th!n !ts r.le an/ control e"er s!nce 1()*. Israel searche/ #or a
waM to 3eep the terr!tor!es !t occ.p!e/ that Mear w!tho.t !ncorporat!ng the!r!on !nto
!ts r!ghtsbear!ng c!t!$enrM. 2ll the wh!le !t part!c!pate/ !n a Upeace processT chara/e to co
"er .p or b.M t!%e #or !ts .n!lateral colon!$at!on pol!c!es on the gro.n/.
>!th the /eca/es, Israel /!##erent!ate/ between areas !t w!she/ to control /!rectlM an/ tho
se !t wo.l/ %anage !n/!rectlM, w!th the a!% !n the long r.n o# /owns!$!ng the Palest!n!an!on to a %!n!%.% w!th, a%ong other %eans, ethn!c cleans!ng an/ econo%!c an/
geograph!c!on. ;h.s the >est 4an3 was !n e##ect /!"!/e/ !nto a UDew!shT an/ a
UPalest!n!anT $ones F a real!tM %ost Israel!s can l!"e w!th pro"!/e/ the Palest!n!an
ans are content w!th the!r !ncarcerat!on w!th!n these %ega pr!sons. ;he geopol!t!cal locat!
on o# the >est 4an3 creates the !%press!on !n Israel, at least, that !t !s poss!ble to ach!e"e
th!s w!tho.t ant!c!pat!ng a th!r/ .pr!s!ng or too !nternat!onal con/e%nat!on.
;he Ga$a 6tr!p, /.e to !ts .n!O.e geopol!t!cal locat!on, /!/ not len/ !tsel# that eas!lM to
a strategM. @"er s!nce 1((4, an/ e"en %ore so when 2r!el 6haron ca%e to power as pr!%e
%!n!ster !n the earlM 2000s, the strategM there was to ghetto!$e Ga$a an/ so%ehow hope
that the people there V 1.8 %!ll!on as o# to/aM V wo.l/ be /roppe/ !nto eternal obl!"!on.
4.t the Ghetto pro"e/ to be rebell!o.s an/ .nw!ll!ng to l!"e .n/er con/!t!ons o#!
on, !solat!on, star"at!on an/ econo%!c collapse. ;here was no waM !t wo.l/ be anneBe/ to
@gMpt, ne!ther !n 1(48 nor !n 2014. In 1(48, Israel p.she/ !nto the Ga$a area (be#ore !t be
ca%e a str!p+ h.n/re/s o# tho.san/s o# re#.gees !t eBpelle/ #ro% the northern NaOab an/
so.thern coast who, so theM hope/, wo.l/ %o"e e"en #arther awaM #ro% Palest!ne.
Aor a wh!le a#ter 1()*, !t wante/ to 3eep as a townsh!p wh!ch pro"!/e/ .ns3!lle/ labo.r b.t
w!tho.t anM h.%an an/ c!"!l r!ghts. >hen the occ.p!e/ people res!ste/ the cont!n.e/ op
press!on !n two !nt!#a/as, the >est 4an3 was b!secte/ !nto s%all 4ant.stans enc!rcle/ bM
Dew!sh colon!es, b.t !t /!/ not wor3 !n the too s%all an/ too /ense Ga$a 6tr!p. ;he Israel!s
were .nable to U>est 4an3T the 6tr!p, so to spea3. 6o theM cor/one/ !t as a Ghetto an/
when !t res!ste/ the ar%M was allowe/ to .se !ts %ost #or%!/able an/ lethal weapons to
crash !t. ;he !ne"!table o# an!"e react!on o# th!s 3!n/ was genoc!/al.
Incre,ental Genocide
;he 3!ll!ng o# three Israel! teenagers, two o# the% %!nors, ab/.cte/ !n the occ.p!e/ >est
4an3 !n, wh!ch was %a!nlM a repr!sal #or 3!ll!ngs o# Palest!n!an ch!l/ren !n -aM, pro"!
/e/ the preteBt #!rst an/ #ore%ost #or /estroM!ng the /el!cate .n!tM =a%as an/ Aatah ha"e
#or%e/ !n that %onth. 2 .n!tM that #ollowe/ a /ec!s!on bM the Palest!n!an 2.thor!tM to #orsa
3e the Upeace processT an/ appeal to !nternat!onal organ!$at!ons to :./ge Israel accor/!ng
to a h.%an an/ c!"!l r!ghtsT Mar/st!c3. 4oth /e"elop%ents were "!ewe/ as alar%!ng !n Is
;he preteBt /eter%!ne/ the t!%!ng F b.t the "!c!o.sness o# the was the o.tco%e o#
IsraelTs !nab!l!tM to #or%.late a clear pol!cM towar/s the 6tr!p !t create/ !n 1(48. ;he onlM
clear o# that pol!cM !s the /eep con"!ct!on that w!p!ng o.t the =a%as #ro% the Ga$a
6tr!p wo.l/ /o%!c!le the Ghetto there.
6!nce 1((4, e"en be#ore the r!se o# =a%as to power !n the Ga$a 6tr!p, the "erM part!c.lar
geopol!t!cal locat!on o# the 6tr!p %a/e !t clear that anM collect!"e p.n!t!"e act!on, as
the one !n#l!cte/ now, co.l/ onlM be an operat!on o# %ass!"e 3!ll!ngs an/ /estr.ct!on. In
other wor/s: an !ncre%ental genoc!/e.
;h!s recogn!t!on ne"er !nh!b!te/ the generals who g!"e the or/ers to bo%b the people #ro%
the a!r, the sea an/ the gro.n/. ,owns!$!ng the n.%ber o# Palest!n!ans all o"er h!stor!c
Palest!ne !s st!ll the C!on!st "!s!onK an !/eal that reO.!res the /eh.%an!sat!on o# the Palest!
n!ans. In Ga$a, th!s att!t./e an/ "!s!on ta3es !ts %ost !nh.%an #or%.
;he part!c.lar t!%!ng o# th!s wa"e !s /eter%!ne/, as !n the past, bM a//!t!onal cons!/erat!
ons. ;he /o%est!c soc!al .nrest o# 2011 !s st!ll s!%%er!ng an/ #or a wh!le there was a p.
bl!c /e%an/ to c.t %!l!tarM eBpen/!t.res an/ %o"e %oneM #ro% the !n#late/ U/e#enceT b./
get to soc!al ser"!ces. ;he ar%M bran/e/ th!s poss!b!l!tM as s.!c!/al. ;here !s noth!ng l!3e a
%!l!tarM operat!on to st!#le anM "o!ces call!ng on the go"ern%ent to c.t !ts %!l!tarM eBpenses.
;Mp!cal hall%ar3s o# the pre"!o.s stages !n th!s !ncre%ental genoc!/e reappear !n th!s
wa"e as well. 2s !n the #!rst operat!on aga!nst Ga$a, UA!rst Ra!nsT !n 200), an/ those wh!ch
#ollowe/ !n 200(, UQast 8ea/T, an/ 2012, UP!llar o# 6%o3eT, one can w!tness aga!n consen Israel! Dew!sh s.pport #or the %assacre o# c!"!l!ans !n the Ga$a 6tr!p, w!tho.t one s!
gn!#!cant "o!ce o# /!ssent. ;he 2ca/e%!a, as alwaMs, beco%es part o# the %ach!nerM. Va
r!o.s .n!"ers!t!es o##ere/ the state !ts st./ent bo/!es to help an/ battle #or the Israel! narra
t!"e !n the cMberspace an/ alternat!"e %e/!a.
;he Israel! %e/!a, as well, toe/ loMallM the go"ern%entTs l!ne, show!ng no p!ct.res o# the
h.%an catastrophe Israel has wrea3e/ an/ !n#or%!ng !ts!c that th!s t!%e, Uthe worl/
.n/erstan/s .s an/ !s beh!n/ .sT. ;hat state%ent !s "al!/ to a po!nt as the pol!t!cal el!tes !n
the >est cont!n.e to pro"!/e the ol/ !%%.n!tM to the Dew!sh state. ;he recent appeal bM
>estern go"ern%ents to the prosec.tor !n the !nternat!onal co.rt o#!ce !n ;he =ag.e
not to loo3 !nto IsraelTs cr!%es !n Ga$a !s a case !n po!nt. >!/e sect!ons o# the >estern
%e/!a #ollowe/ s.!t an/!#!e/ bM an/ large IsraelTs act!ons.
;h!s /!storte/ co"erage !s also #e/ bM a sense a%ong >estern :o.rnal!st that what hap
pens !n Ga$a pales !n co%par!son to the atroc!t!es !n IraO an/ 6Mr!a. Qo%par!sons l!3e th!s
are .s.allM pro"!/e/ w!tho.t a w!/er h!stor!cal perspect!"e. 2 longer "!ew on the h!storM o#
the Palest!n!ans wo.l/ be a %ore appropr!ate waM to e"al.ate the!r s.##er!ng "!sW
"!s the carnage elsewhere.
=onclusion5 =on$rontin! Dou"le-#tandards
4.t not onlM h!stor!cal "!ew !s nee/e/ #or a better .n/erstan/!ng o# the %assacre !n Ga$a.
2 /!alect!cal approach that !/ent!#!es the connect!on between IsraelTs !%%.n!tM an/ the
horr!#!c /e"elop%ents elsewhere !s reO.!re/ as well. ;he /eh.%an!$at!on !n IraO an/ 6Mr!a
!s w!/esprea/ an/ terr!#M!ng, as !t !s !n Ga$a. 4.t there !s one cr.c!al /!##erence between
these cases an/ the Israel! br.tal!tM: the #or%er are con/e%ne/ as barbaro.s an/ !nh.
%an worl/w!/e, wh!le those co%%!tte/ bM Israel are st!ll!clM l!cense/ an/ appro"e/ bM
the pres!/ent o# the 7n!te/ 6tates, the lea/ers o# the @7 an/ IsraelTs other #r!en/s !n the
;he onlM chance #or a s.ccess#.l str.ggle aga!nst C!on!s% !n Palest!ne !s the one base/ on
a h.%an an/ c!"!l r!ghts agen/a that /oes not /!##erent!ate between one "!olat!on an/ the
other an/ Met !/ent!#!es clearlM the "!ct!% an/ the "!ct!%!$ers. ;hose who co%%!t atroc!t!es
!n the 2rab worl/ aga!nst oppresse/ %!nor!t!es an/ helpless co%%.n!t!es, as well as the
Israel!s who co%%!t these cr!%es aga!nst the Palest!n!an people, sho.l/ all be :./ge/ bM
the sa%e %oral an/ eth!cal stan/ar/s. ;heM are all war cr!%!nals, !n the case o#
Palest!ne theM ha"e been at wor3 longer than anMone else. It /oes not reallM %atter what
the rel!g!o.s !/ent!tM !s o# the people who co%%!t the atroc!t!es or !n the na%e o# wh!ch rel!
g!on theM p.rport to spea3. >hether theM call the%sel"es :!ha/!sts, D./a!sts or C!on!sts,
theM sho.l/ be treate/ !n the sa%e waM.
2 worl/ that wo.l/ stop e%ploM!ng /o.ble stan/ar/s !n !ts /eal!ngs w!th Israel !s a worl/
that co.l/ be #ar %ore e##ect!"e !n !ts response to war cr!%es elsewhere !n the worl/. Qes
sat!on o# the !ncre%ental genoc!/e !n Ga$a an/ the rest!t.t!on o# the bas!c h.%an an/ c!"!l
r!ghts o# Palest!n!ans where"er theM are, !ncl./!ng the r!ght o# ret.rn, !s the onlM waM to
open a new "!sta #or a pro/.ct!"e !nternat!onal !nter"ent!on !n the -!//le @ast as a whole.
Ilan Papp is an Israeli historian at the 'niersit7 of ()eter, '8$ %is boo&s include 9he
(thnic :leansing of Palestine 012234 and 9he Idea of Israel 012564
3I#DP5 >ol$!an! ?un!@ <ssen,acherstr0 2/@ ABAC1 )aiserslautern

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