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Advanced Audio Blog S2 #3


2 German
2 English
3 Vocabulary
4 Sample Sentences
5 Cultural Insight

# 3

1. Bis vor einigen Monaten waren Kochshows im deutschen Fernsehen sehr beliebt. Und
damit ist nicht das Programm von Anthony Bourdain gemeint, der in den entlegensten
Winkeln der Welt Käfer ißt, damit die Einschaltquote stimmt. Nein, stundenlang
schauten die Leute Anderen dabei zu, wie sie Gerichte zubereiten, die so aufwendig
sind, dass man sie im eigenen Zuhause nie ausprobieren würde. Dass man dabei weder
riechen konnte wie das Essen geworden ist spielte dabei scheinbar eben so wenig eine
Rolle, wie die Tatsache, dass man hinterher selbst nichts zu essen hat.

2. Sicher, einige der Situationen waren lustig. Einige der Gerichte sahen auch richtig gut
aus. Und lernen konnte man dabei auch das eine oder andere.

3. Es weiß noch immer niemand genau, was Maskarpone ist, aber jeder hat schon mal
davon gehört. Die Zubereitung eines Soufflés wurde mittlerweile ebenfalls schon oft
genug besprochen. Selbst die Molekularküche wurde mittlerweile einige Mal vorgestellt.

4. Der wirkliche Gewinn dieser Sendungen war allerdings viel unmittelbarer - die
Deutschen wurden sich bewußt, dass eine Mahlzeit nicht nur mit Salz und Pfeffer gewürzt
sein muß. Meersalz ist nicht mehr nur ein dekoratives Accessoire, Leute benutzen es
auch. Aber nicht nur Exoten wie Zitronengras oder Ingwer haben Einzug in die Küche
gehalten. Viele nahmen die Sendung als eine Anregung einen eigenen kleinen Garten
auf dem Fensterbrett anzulegen. Basillikum, Petersilie und andere Kräuter wurden
plötzlich auch frisch genutzt. Für viele waren Kochsendungen die erste Gelegenheit bei
der sie statt künstlichem Vanille Aroma mal eine richtige Vanilleschote gesehen haben.

5. Und mittlerweile scheint jeder genau zu wissen, wofür man eher schwarzen und wofür
man eher weißen Pfeffer verwenden sollte.

6. Allerdings liegt auch genau da das Problem. Das Wissen um Kräuter, Gewürze, Rezepte
und Zubereitungsweisen hat eindeutig zugenommen. Die Leute nutzen dieses Wissen
allerdings nicht. Fast-Food und alles was man in einer Mikrowelle warm machen kann
bilden noch immer einen großen Bestandteil auf dem Speiseplan. Gemüse kommt aus
der Dose. Und nur die wenigstens Jugendlichen sind in der Lage Kohlsuppe oder
Rouladen ohne ein vorheriges Gespräch mit ihren Eltern oder ohne ein gutes Kochbuch
zu machen.



1. Until a few months ago cooking shows where very popular in German TV. And this does
not refer to the program of Anthony Bourdain who is eating bugs in the most remote parts
of the world so that the viewing figures add up. No, for hours people have been watching
others prepare dishes which are so complex that one would never try them at home. That
you can neither smell if the meal turned out fine seems to be as irrelevant as the fact that
one does not have anything to eat afterwards.

2. Sure, some of the situations were entertaining. Some of the dishes looked really good.
And one could pick up a few things.

3. Still no one knows exactly what mascarpone is, but everyone has heard of it. The
preparation of a soufflé has been discussed often enough by now, too. Even the
molecular gastronomy has been introduced a few times.

4. The real gain of those shows was however much more directly - Germans recognized
that a meal does not have to be flavored exclusively by salt and pepper. Now sea salt is
not only a decorative accessory, people actually use it, too. But not only exotics like
lemongrass and ginger have found their way into the kitchen. Many took the shows as
motivation to build a small garden on their windowsill. Basil, parsley and other herbs
were used freshly all of a sudden. For many, such cooking shows where the first
occasion where they saw a real vanilla bean instead of artificial vanilla flavor, for a

5. And by now everyone seems to know when to rather use black pepper and when to rather
use red one.

6. However, here lies the problem. The knowledge about herbs, condiments, recipes and
the ways of preparation has obviously increased. However, people don’t use that
knowledge. Fast Food and everything that can be heated in the microwave is still a big
part of the menu. Vegetables come out of a can. And only a small number of adolescents
are able to prepare cabbage soup or roulade without talking to their parents first, or
without a good cookbook.



Ge r man English C lass Ge nde r

Einschaltquote Viewing Figure noun; feminine, die Einschaltquoten

Maskarpone mascarpone noun; masculine, der no plural

Soufflé/Soufflee Soufflé noun; neuter, das plural: Souflées

unmittelbar immediate, directly preposition

plural: Exoten;
Exot Exotic noun; masculine, der female: Exotin

Zitronengras lemongrass noun; neuter, das plural: Zitronengräser

Ingwer ginger noun plural is the same

Kohlsuppe cabbage soup noun; feminine, die plural: Kohlsuppen

Roulade roulade noun; feminine, die plural: Rouladen


D i e Ei n sch a l tq u o te n w e rd e n n a ch Ich h a be n o ch n i e Ma ska rpo n e

e i n e r be sti m m te n Fo rm e l g e g e sse n .
be re ch n e t. N u r e i n pa a r H a u sh a l te
I never tried mascarpone.
w e rd e n ü be rw a ch t. D a n n w i rd
pro ze n tu a l h o ch g e re ch n e t, w i e
vi e l e Le u te zu e i n e m be sti m m te n
Ze i tpu n kt e i n e S e n d u n g ve rfo l g t
h a be n .

The viewing figures are calculated

according to a certain formula. Only a few
households get monitored. Then they
extrapolate how many people have been
watching a show at a given moment.


Ich h a be n o ch n i e e i n S o u ffl é U n m i tte l ba r, n a ch d e m i ch a n si e
g e ba cke n , a be r i ch bi n m i r si ch e r g e d a ch t h a tte , ri e f m e i n e
e s w ü rd e zu sa m m e n fa l l e n . S ch w e ste r pl ö tzl i ch a n .

I never baked a soufflé before, but I am Directly after I thought about her my sister
sure it would collapse. called all of a sudden.

Mi t se i n e r u n pa sse n d e n Kl e i d u n g Ich fi n d e e s e rsta u n l i ch , w i e o ft

w i rkt e r ü be ra l l w i e e i n Exo t. Le u te Zi tro n e n g ra s a l s e i n e Art
Ersa tz fü r e i n e n S ch a sch l i kspi e ß
With his improper clothing he always
ve rw e n d e n .
seems like an exotic (creature).
I find it astounding how often people use
lemongrass as some kind of substitute for
a shashlik spit.

Ei n e Ku n d i n i n e i n e m Asi a -La d e n We n n m e i n Va te r se i n e be rü h m te
h a t m i r m a l vo n d e r h e i l e n d e n Ko h l su ppe m a ch t, m a ch t e r i m m e r
Wi rku n g e rzä h l t, d i e In g w e r g l e i ch so vi e l , d a ss e r m i n d e ste n s
a n g e bl i ch g e g e n H a l ssch m e rze n d i e H ä l fte e i n fri e re n u n d spä te r
u n d H u ste n h a t. e sse n ka n n .

A customer in an Asia shop once told me When my father makes his famous
about the healing effect which ginger is cabbage soup he always makes so much
supposed to have against a sour throat of it, that he can freeze at least half of it
and coughing. and eat it later.

D i e be ste n R o u l a d e n kri e g t m a n be i m Fl e i sch e r. S i e m a ch e n i m m e r

be so n d e rs g ro ße , d a m i t m a n d a n a ch vi e l l e i ch t n o ch e i n w e n i g G e h a ckte s
ka u ft.

You can buy the best roulades at a butcher. They always make especially big ones, so
one might buy a bit of ground meat later.


Nowadays most people think that when it comes to dishes the old "classics" are just to hard to
make and way to time consuming to prepare them in your own kitchen. It's okay to order
"Kohlroulade" (a fried ball of ground meat, wrapped with cabbage) when you eat out, but very


few of the younger Germans have the patience to make them.

It is the same with "Klöße" (cooked balls of stomped potatoes), a duck or goose for Christmas
(which really takes hours to make) or "Schupfnudeln" (a pasta shaped dish that is made out of
stomped potatoes).

Which is not to say that the traditional dishes have fallen out of favor. Today you can buy a dry
mixture for "Klöße", wrapped in cloth, so they will keep their shape no matter what. You can
buy ready made "Kohlrouladen", with "Rotkraut" (red cabbage) and potatoes.

And things like "Wickelbraten" (a chunk of meat, filled with pickled cucumber, speck and a lot
of paprica powder, kept together by a net, which isn't edible) probably would be completely
forgotten, if it wasn't for the ready made versions which one only has to heat in the oven for a

Canned vegetables are another of those things that are really popular too, because while one
tastes the difference to fresh food, they are simple to heat and they keep edible for a long

Another point that often disappoints people is that modern cook books take it as a given that
one has even the most exotic ingredients at hand. No matter how costly or hard to get they

That isn't to say that the people who love spending hours in the kitchen to prepare food don't
exist anymore. They are simply very rare. And not all of them prefer the classic German
dishes. Lasagna, Wraps, Sushi and other foreign dishes became extremely popular.


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