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Hiermit bewerbe ich mich um folgendes Stipendium:

I hereby apply for the following scholarship:

 UE Excellenzstipendium l Scholarship of Excellence

 Frauen in MINT Stipendium l Women in STEM - Scholarship

 Sport Stipendium l Sports Scholarship

 Frauen in Führungsrollen Stipendium l Women in Leadership Scholarship

Für die formellen Voraussetzungen der Stipendien, lesen Sie bitte das Merkblatt
Stipendien an der University of Applied Sciences Europe
For the general requirements of the scholarships, please refer to the Scholarships at the
University of Applied Sciences Europe leaflet

Ich bewerbe mich/ Ich habe mich beworben auf:

I have applied/ I am applying to the following programme:

Art & Design Bachelorstudiengänge

Art & Design undergraduate programmes

 Kommunikationsdesign l Communication Design

 Film + Motion Design

 Fotografie l Photography

 Game Design

 Illustration

Art & Design Masterstudiengänge

Art & Design post-graduate programmes

 Media Spaces

 Photography

 Innovation Design Management

 Visual & Experience Design

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Business Leadership Bachelorstudiengänge
Business Leadership undergraduate programmes

 Business Law
 Business & Management Studies
 Business Psychology
 Communication & Media Management
 Digital Business & Data Science
 Journalism & Business Communication
 Sport & Event Management
 Sport & Event Management am ALBA BERLIN College (dual)
 Psychology
 BWL & Steuern (dual)
 Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Spezialisierung Industrie (dual)

 Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Spezialisierung E-Commerce (dual)

Business Leadership Masterstudiengänge

Business Leadership post-graduate programmes

 Business Psychology
 Corporate Management
 Entrepreneurial Economics
 Finance & Management
 International Sport & Event Management
 Marketing Management & PR
 Master of Business Administration

Starting semester

 Sommer l Spring

 Winter


 Berlin
 Hamburg
 Iserlohn
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Persönliche Daten
Student Details

Titel l Title

Vorname, Nachname l First Name, Surname

Geburtsdatum l Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

Geburtsland l Country of Birth

Wohnsitz l Country of Residence


Telefonnummer l Phone number

Matrikelnummer (wenn vorhanden) l Student number (if applicable)

Für Ihre vollständige Bewerbung senden Sie bitte ein Motivationsschreiben von nicht mehr
als 1000 Wörtern mit diesem Bewerbungsformular an:
In addition to this form, please attach a motivational letter of no more than 1000 words and
send your completed scholarship application to:




University of Applied Sciences Europe Stipendienformular 03/04

Alle in diesem Formular von mir gemachten Angaben sind vollständig und entsprechen der
Wahrheit. Mit der Unterschrift stimmt der Bewerber allen AGBs der Stipendenprogramme
der University of Applied Sciences Europe zu.
I declare that the information I have provided in this application form are complete and correct.
By submitting this application form, the applicant agrees to all terms and conditions related to
scholarships as set out by the University of Applied Sciences Europe.

Datum/Ort Unterschrift des Bewerbers/der Bewerberin

Date/City Signature of applicant

Office Use only

Student ID

Programme of Study

Programme Advisor

Scholarsip Amount Awarded

Authorised by

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