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Das Haus: lesson aims


The words for different kinds of houses in German

The words for the rooms in German
Lots of words for furniture
About Mr. and Mrs Blairs trip to Germany to find a house in Berlin,
now that hes going to have more time soon!


Hear German
Read German
Speak German
Enjoy German

Viel Spa! Guten Tag! Mein Haus ist ein Doppelhaus. Es gibt eine
Dusche, eine Kche und einen Garten!

das Einfamilienhaus

die Burg

die Wohnung

der Wohnblock
das Doppelhaus

das Mehrfamilienhaus

das Reihenhaus

der Bauernhof

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

Das Schlafzimmer Bedroom

Das Wohnzimmer

Die Kche Kitchen

Das Esszimmer Dining room

Das Badezimmer/
Bathroom / Toilet
die Toilette

Das Schwimmbad Swimming-pool

Die Sauna Sauna

Die Garage Garage

Der Garten Garden

Das Jacuzzi Jacuzzi

Das Fitnessstudio Gymnasium

Snooker room

Das Spielzimmer Play room


Der Stuhl Chair

Der Tisch Table

Der Sessel Armchair

Das Sofa Sofa

Die Lampe Lamp

Der Spiegel Mirror

Das Bett Bed

Die Kommode Bedside table

Der Kamin Fireplace

Der Computer Computer

Der Fernseher Television

Der Teppich Rug

Das Bild Painting

Der Kleiderschrank Wardrobe

Das Bcherregal Shelf

Der Khlschrank Fridge

Die Waschmaschine Washing machine

Das Herd Cooker

Die Toilette Toilet

Die Badewanne Bath

Die Dusche Shower

Das Waschbecken Sink

Das Fenster Window

1.der Stuhl 1. der Tisch
2. das Bett 2. der Spiegel
3. der Tisch 3. die Lampe

1. der Stuhl 1. der Spiegel

2. das Sofa 2. das Bett
3. der Tisch 3. die Kommode

1. das Sofa 1. die Kommode

2. der Sessel 2. das Bett
3. der Stuhl 3. der Schrank

1. das Sofa 1. der Computer

2. der Schrank 2. die Lampe
3. der Sessel 3. die Kommode

1. das Sofa 1. Der Khlschrank

2. Der Kamin 2. der Computer
3. Die Kommode 3. der Stuhl
1. der Fernseher 1. das Bett
2. der Computer 2. der Teppich
3. das Radio 3. der Fernseher

1. der Kleiderschrank 1. der Kleiderschrank

2. das Bild 2. die Waschmaschine
3. der Teppich 3. das Bild

1. das Bild 1. die Waschmaschine

2. das Bcherregal 2. der Khlschrank
3. die Waschmaschine 3. der Tisch

1. der Khlschrank 1. die Badewanne

2. das Herd 1. die Toilette
2. das Herd 2. das Waschbecken
3. die Waschmaschine 3. die Waschmaschine
3. die Badewanne

1. der Schrank 1. die Dusche

2. das Waschbecken 2. das Fenster
1. das Waschbecken 3. das Fenster 3. der Spiegel
2. die Dusche
3. das Jacuzzi

Youre going to take it in turns to read out what

is in the rooms on the pictures, and to decide
which room it is and say its German name.
Lets do one together!

Hier sind ein Ball, ein Teddybr und ein Fuball. Die
Kinder spielen und bauen eine Burg. Es ist toll fr
Kinder in diesem Zimmer!

- Herr Bloss: Guten Morgen! - Herr Bloss: Hello, good morning.

- Herr Blair: Guten Morgen! - Herr Blair: Hello, good morning.
- Frau Blair: Guten Morgen! - Frau Blair: Hello.
- Herr Bloss: Was fr ein Haus suchen Sie? - Herr Bloss: What kind of house would you like?
- Frau Blair: Das schnste Haus in Berlin! - Frau Blair: The most beautiful house in Berlin.
- Herr Blair: Ein groes Einfamilienhaus. - David Beckham: A very big detached house.
- Herr Bloss: Wie viele Zimmer mchten Sie? - Seor Lpez: How many rooms would you like?
- Frau Blair: 5 Schlafzimmer fr uns und unsere - Frau Blair: 5 bedrooms for Brooklyn, Romeo,
Zinder und 5 Schlafzimmer fr unsere Gste. Cruz and for us and 5 for our guests.
- Herr Blair: Wir brauchen 3 Wohnzimmer, eine - Herr Blair: We would like 3 living rooms, a huge
sehr groe Kche, 9 Badezimmer, ein kitchen, 9 bathrooms, a dining room and a
Esszimmer und ein Arbeitszimmer. Einen study. We would also like a garden and a
Garten und eine Garage wollen wir auch. garage.
- Herr Bloss: Wollen Sie im Garten ein - Herr Bloss: Would you like a swimming pool in
Schwimmbad?? the garden?
- Frau Blair: Sicher! - Frau Blair: Of course.
- Herr Blair: Wir wollen auch ein Fitnessstudio, - Herr Blair: We would also like a gym, jacuzzi, a
ein Jacuzzi, eine sauna, ein Kino, ein sauna, a cinema, a snooker room and a bar in
Snookerzimmer und eine Bar im Haus. the house.
- Frau Blair: Und ein Spielzimmer fr die Zinder, - Frau Blair: And a play room for the children,
bitte! please.
- Herr Bloss: Ich habe das perfekte Haus fr Sie! - Herr Bloss: I have got the perfect house for
Es hat kein Fitnessstudio, aber es gibt eins you. It does not have a gym, but there is one
10 Minuten mit dem Auto enfernt. ten minutes away by car.
- Herr Blair: Oh, ich mag es! Es ist wunderbar! - Herr Blair: Oh, I love it, it is wonderful. Cherie,
Cherie, Schtzchen, magst du es auch? darling, do you like it?
- Frau Blair: Nein! Ich will ein Fitnessstudio im - Frau Blair: No, I dont. I want a gym in the
Haus! house.
- Herr Blair: Es tut mir leid, Herr Bloss. - Herr Blair: I am sorry, Mr. Bloss.

The Blairs have gone to see if the house

of Franz Beckenbauer and his wife in
Berlin is good enough for them. Mr. Blair
plans to spend more time abroad shortly!
He would like to improve his German, his
French being pretty good!

In your groups, put the blocks of conversation in the right order,

divide up the roles and have a go at the conversation in Berlin!

Viel Spa!
1) The capital city of Germany is Berlin. Bonn served as the capital of West Germany from 1949 until German
reunification in 1990, when Berlin regained its status as the capital of all Germany.

2) When do Germans celebrate re-unification? October 3rd. Although the first demolition work began on the Wall on
November 11th, 1989, it wasn't until October 3rd 1990 that the reunification of the two Germanys became a legal

3) How many states are there in Germany? 16 The 16 Bundeslnder are: Baden Wrttemberg, Bayern (Bavaria), Berlin,
Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen (Hesse), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania),
Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), Nordrhein-Westfahlen (Northrhine -Westphalia), Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland
Palatinate), Saarland, Sachsen (Saxony), Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony-Anhalt), Schleswig-Holstein and Thringen

4) Which German invented the printing press? Johann Gutenberg. A goldsmith and businessman from the mining town of
Mainz in southern Germany, Gutenberg invented the printing press with replaceable/moveable wooden or metal
letters in 1436 (completed by 1440). He is also accredited with printing the world's first book using movable type,
the 42-line (the number of lines per page) Gutenberg Bible.

5) Who was Germanys most famous author? Goethe. He was a poet, dramatist, novelist, theorist, humanist, scientist, and
painter. As such, he is widely considered to be one of the most important thinkers in Western culture.

6) What is Weisswurst? A type of sausage. It is made of veal, pork and herbs, and is traditionally eaten in Bavaria.

7) Which German prince was married to Queen Victoria? Prince Albert. They were married in 1840.

8) Germany had a number of colonies in Africa. What was Germany's possession in Southern Africa? Namibia.

9) Couples do this the night before they get married Smash all the crockery. It is called Polterabend and is an
informal party on the evening before the wedding where plates and dishes are smashed, the bride and groom have
to sweep everything up, the significance being that they work together! The broken pieces are thought to bring
good luck to the bride.
10) Who was the leader of the Reformation of the Church in Germany? Martin Luther. He was a German
monk, priest, professor and theologian. His writings and teachings inspired the Reformationn and
deeply influenced the course of Western civilization.

11) What was the Bauhaus? A German school of art and design.. The most significant German school of
art and architecture of the 20th century, it was founded by Walter Grupius in Weimar in 1919.

12) What is a Dirndl? A dress. The dirndl is a female dress. It consists of a waistcoat and blouse, wide
skirt and a colourful apron.

13) When was the Berlin Wall built? In 1961. The Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer) separated the
western from the eastern (and Communist) part of Berlin from 1961 to 1989. Many people thought it
was a symbol of the Cold War between US and USSR.

14) During a visit to Germany in 1963 President John F. Kennedy said Ich bin ein Berliner. What does
this mean? I am a citizen of Berlin.

15) The following statement describes Germany's entry to the European Economic Community (now the
EU). Germany was one of the founders of the Economic European Community. The European
Economic Community (EEC) was an organization established by the Treaty of Rome (25 March 1957)
between 6 European countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West

16) I have a handy. In Germany what have I got? A mobile phone. A handy is the informal word used for a
mobile phone.

17) Michael Schumacher has won the world championship.7 times. Schumi or Schuey as he is known in
Germany has won the Formula 1 championship in the following years: 2004 (Ferrari), 2003 (Ferrari),
2002 (Ferrari), 2001 (Ferrari), 2000 (Ferrari), 1995 (Benetton), 1994(Benetton). Anyone who drives
too fast in Germany is called a Schumi.

18) How many varieties of beer are there in Germany? Over five thousand. Germany is famous for its
beer the world over. All beer in Germany is brewed in accordance with a strict German law that
stipulates that the only ingredients allowed are malt, hops, yeast and water.
19) On what date did the Berlin wall officially open? November 9th. Although reunification day is celebrated on
October 3rd, the Berlin Wall actually opened on November 9th in 1989.

20) What is the main airline of Germany called? Lufthansa. Luft is actually German for air.

21) What is the most popular drink in Germany? Coffee (Kaffee). Germans drink around 178 litres of coffee
(Bohnenkaffee - real coffee) per person per year.

22) Schokolade Zum Frhstck is: The name of Bridget Jones Diary in Germany. Germany often renames
films entirely, Schokolade Zum Frhstck is the name they gave to both the book and the film.

23) Where would you find eine Vorwahl? In front of a telephone number. Its a telephone area code.

24) What would you do with Skat? Play it. Skat is played everywhere. Both recreationally with a case of beer next
to the table and competitively at official Skat tournaments. If you see people play cards in Germany, chances are
they are playing Skat.

25) In a meeting people start knocking on the tableThey appreciate something you just said. You would normally
find the practice of knocking in Universities and some businesses. In theatres etc it is normal to clap.

26) What is Jugendstil ? The art deco style. The highpoint of the Jugendstil movement at the turn of the 19th
and 20th centuries. One of the areas where you can still see the Jugendstil influence in Germany is Darmstadt.

27) What do the locals call the Oktoberfest? The Wiesn. The Munich Oktoberfest, known by the locals as the
Wiesn, is the biggest public festival in the world. It is probably called Wiesn because it is held near the
Theresienwiese (wiese=meadow).

28) The smart car. What does smart stand for? Swatch Mercedes Art. A band of designers and engineers
founded smart the company in 1994. They are based in Germany and France, and employ a total of 1,400 people.

29) What is Grndonnerstag? Maundy Thursday - commemorating the last supper. Grndonnerstag literally means
"green Thursday." Although the name probably comes from an ancient word, grein, which means "cry" or "weep," the
color green is used on that day as a symbol of renewal.




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