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Stop the psychotronic warfare, the electronic harassment, surveillance and mind-control-international prosecution

Erstellt von

Astrid F.

International Court of Humain Rights in Strabourg


Definition of psychotronic (psycho-physical) weapons Psychotronic Weapons (PF- weapons) this is the totality of all possible methods and means (technogenic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his onsciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control This is not only dangerous, this is deadly!

Diese Petition wartet auf Genehmigung durch die Avaaz-Gemeinschaft


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Weshalb dies wichtig ist

Bis jetzt wurde Verbrechen, die mit elektronischen Waffen verursacht wurden, nicht strafrechtlich bzw. berhaupt nicht verfolgt..........da mu sich ndern..... The signer of this petition wants that psychtronic weapons are banned, investigated and prosecuted....the victims thanks you very much for your help............

Land schtzt Ihre persnlichen Daten und wird Sie ber diese und hnliche Kampagnen auf dem Laufenden halten.



Diese Petition wurde von Astrid F. erstellt und reprsentiert nicht unbedingt die Ansichten der Avaaz-Gemeinschaft.

Die Opfer dieser Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit leiden furchtbar.....besonders krperliche durch die stndige elektronische Folter...jedoch auch seelisch, weil sie systematische in die Enge getrieben werden....keiner will ihnen glauben, keiner geht so weit, da die Personen, die den Opfern zu nahe kommen.....ebenfalls gegen die Opfer elektronisch manipuliert werden....ein unsichtbarer Teufelskreislauf........ da die Behrden bis jetzt den Opfern nicht helfen.......kann das nur mehr durch die Hilfe der ffentlichkeit geschehen.........darum unterschreiben Sie bitte.........nur durch viele Untersttzer knnen wir den Opfern helfen, wieder ein normales Leben zu fhren..........jeder kann das nchste Opfer sein........ die Opfer fordern die Untersuchung solcher Verbrechen und ein Verbot solcher Waffen wird verlangt, genauso wie eine straftrechtliche Verfolgung dieser Verbrechen.......


vor 3 Wochen vor 3 Wochen vor 4 Wochen vor 4 Wochen

ionut nic, Rumnien Kathy Quinn, USA karen morris, USA petra titze, Deutschland

vielen Dank fr Ihre Untersttzung...........

Der Hintergrund zu dieser Petition Seit einigen Jahren werden immer mehr Flle bekannt, in denen Menschen durch so genanntes Electronic Harassment terrorisiert werden. Der Begriff stammt aus

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dem Englischen und heit bersetzt elektronische Belstigung. Doch der Begriff ist irrefhrend. Bei den vielfltigen Angriffen auf Menschen handelt es sich viel mehr um gezielten Terror und Folter gegen BrgerInnen. Dabei kommen modernste technische Gerte zum Einsatz, die in der ffentlichkeit bisher kaum bekannt sind. Mit elektromagnetischen Waffen werden Menschen in ihren Husern und Wohnungen beschossen, ohne dass dabei nachweisbare Spuren entstehen. Elektromagnetische Waffen arbeiten mit Wellen aus dem elektromagnetischen Spektrum. Dazu zhlen Mikrowellen, aber auch Ultraschall, Infrarot oder Laser. Die Wellen dringen problemlos durch Hauswnde und Betonmauern. Erdhgel und massives Material stellen fr sie kein Hindernis dar. Sie sind gerusch- und geruchlos, und fr das menschliche Auge unsichtbar. Je nach Frequenz, Wellenform und Pulsrate der abgestrahlten Wellen knnen ganz unterschiedliche Wirkungen auf den menschlichen Krper entstehen. Das Gewebe geht in Resonanz zu den Wellen. Das bedeutet dass entscheidende Funktionen des Krpers manipuliert und gestrt werden knnen, wenn ein Mensch mit der entsprechenden Frequenz besendet wird. Zu den mglichen Wirkungen zhlen: Stechen Druck Brennen Juckreiz Hitze Vibration auf dem Krper oder im Krper Schwindel Sehstrungen Strung des Kurzzeitgedchtnisses (Vergesslichkeit) Schlafstrungen (Schlafentzug) Mdigkeit Herzprobleme Krmpfe Strung bzw. Manipulation der Libido Besendung mit Sprachinformation der menschliche Krper kann in jeder erdenklichen Form gestrt, geqult und

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manipuliert werden...........

For several years, more and more cases are known in which people are being terrorized by the so-called Electronic Harassment. The term comes from the English and translates electronic harassment. But the term is misleading. In the many attacks on humans are extremly targeted to terror and torture. The latest technical equipment are used, which are hardly known to the public so far. People are bombarded with electromagnetic weapons in their homes, without causing detectable traces. Electromagnetic weapons operate with waves of the electromagnetic spectrum. These include microwaves, but also ultrasound, infrared or laser waves - this waves easily penetrate through the walls of buildings and concrete walls. Depending on the frequency, waveform, and pulse rate of the radiated waves they can cause very different effects on the human body. The fabric gets in resonance with the waves. This means that vital functions of the body can be manipulated and disturbed when a person is attacked with the appropriate frequency. Some of the possible effects: Sting Pressure Burn Itching Heat Vibrations on the body or in the body Dizziness Blurred vision Disruption of short-term memory (forgetfulness) Sleep (sleep deprivation) Fatigue

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Disruption or manipulation of the libido

the human body can be disturbed in any possible way, tortured and manipulated ........... Who cause the radiation? Electromagnetic weapons are built of international arms company for many years. Some of the weapons are aimed at disturbing or destroying electrical infrastructure, while others are designed for manipulating people. It is interesting that this development was mentioned by the media, hardly. Synthetically generated electromagnetic waves can manipulated even thoughts and feelings. All of these effects have a cause. They are triggered by specific emit invisible but highly effective radiation. Arms industry and intelligence agencies have been working on different ways to use such weapons in secret. Weapons can also be hidden in the electrical structure of homes. Conveniently is also a attack from the neighbor's house. The British researchers microwave Barrie Trower says that each transmitter for microwaves can be used as a microwave weapon. Any microwave mobile phone transmitter-any micro cell (picocell) in shops can be programmed by computer for this, as can any mobile phone you are carrying or use or any family members phone - even if it is totally off. He means mobile antennas , microcells, wireless home phones and mobile phones. It is therefore possible to attack people at almost all points of daily life and influence. Through the widespread use of mobile (and satellite) there is no place on earth where a person would be safe from the secret influence. The planet Earth has been transformed secretly and under our very eyes into a giant open-air prison.

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Organized stalking: In addition to torture by electromagnetic radiation many sufferers are terrorized by targeted stalking and other measures. This includes sabotage, Comuterhacking, defamation, etc. All these activities are designed to intimidate the victims, to isolate, and slow to drive you crazy. By stalking you destroy the credibility of those affected.

Would the citizens tormented by irradiation of pain and other effects reported, and show the corresponding reading, sure many would be inclined to believe them.

Many victims of this terror are reimbursed when police and prosecutors display. Not a single case in Germany was taken seriously by the authorities. In all cases, the victims were trying to label as insane spinner. In all other countries will proceed in the same way. Many sufferers from other European countries, from the USA, Canada and Australia report the same experiences. This shows that there is an overarching concept. Also that in all cases by the authorities repeatedly mental illness is advanced (although there is clear evidence), shows that there is a higher-level control, is how to deal with such allegations. It is no coincidence that not a single police officer and not a single prosecution wanted to investigate the allegations of the victims. Neighbours as willing helpers: The recruited neighbors are told that it is in their neighborhood a dangerous individuals is that must be monitored accordingly. A few hundred euros a month are sure an incentive for many to store a small electrical appliance in the house and the perpetrators have again to grant access to the victim.

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Some information pages: id=E_m9YowjTD4C&redir_esc=y

some very important videos:

Gepostet August 21, 2012

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