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If you are reading this guide, then you are likely where I

was in 2013.

A medical professional who wants to become and

online medical entrepreneur.

Desiring more for yourself, your time, your energy.

Researching ways to stop trading time for money and
instead create something you can be proud of that will
actually help others, while creating an additional
income stream or replacing your current income

Afterall, so many of us get into the medical field to help

patients, do we not?

And while it can feel rewarding to do the work,

oftentimes the demands of our jobs chew us up and
spit us out.

How can we continue to help others if we can’t seem

to help ourselves?

Back in 2014, I knew there had to be *something* to

this online business space. It wasn’t a new space, but it
was new to me.

And since then, online businesses have become all the


Throwing together a course and making *big* money

on the internet is easy these days, right?


People make it look easy. And sure, anyone can throw together a course or
product to sell. But how do you *actually* make this a profitable business?

How do you move out of hobby-zone and into real income producing sales?

Let’s be clear. Creating a course and putting
it online for people to buy doesn’t mean you
have an online business. Customers actually
need to buy it.

Otherwise, what’s the point?

Making sales online can be simplified.

It doesn’t have to be complicated, stressful

or overwhelming.

In fact, it can be incredibly fun, rewarding

and easy.

And the reason for that is because you’re an expert.

You have a gift and unique, domain knowledge that can help someone transform
from where they are today to where they want to be.

The problem comes when you follow the “gurus” online who base their entire
business model around teaching people how to make money creating courses.

Because they’re only focused on making as much money as possible and (most)
don’t actually care if you get results from their program… in fact most either cut
corners or put a ton of fluff in their course that doesn’t actually help you.

So when you follow their course-making processes, you end up with a sub-par
product and struggle to make sales.

That’s why if you want to do this right… and help as many people as possible… it’s
important you keep reading this guide… because I’m going to show you how to do

At this point, you may be thinking okay that’s all good and great but why should I
listen to you, Hallie?

For starters, I went 0 to 7 figures with 1 online course in 11 months in 2020. Since
building my first course, Feed The Peds®, I’ve built a membership, a second course
and a certification. That business, Elevation Movement LLC, alone grossed 4.75M in
3.5 years (and now runs on autopilot).

And there have been times where I took 4-6 months off over the past several
years. Some planned, some not, but that’s a story for another day.

So… now that I have your attention…

Business has always been a love language of mine. And I love sharing what works
with others.

I took my private practice from 0 to 6-figures in 8 months after launching it

June 2014. I thought applying the same strategy would work online. It didn’t.
And that’s why I’m putting together this free guide. To cut through the fluff.

So what if you were able to learn from my successes and failures and launch a
profitable online business the first time you tried?

What if I taught you how to generate a 6 figure business with your first online
business launch?

What if you could do this while maintaining or creating your desired lifestyle?

>> That’s what I am going to teach you in this guide.

But first we need to have a heart to heart. If you’re

someone who wants to go it alone and do it all
yourself, this might not be the right method for you.


Because I tried that and failed.

Don’t get me wrong, failing taught me many lessons

that I used to move forward. But I also vowed to never
DIY an online business again.

A lot of time, money, and tears with nothing to show. Didn’t feel great, ya know? I
actually quit building out an online business for 5 years. 5 YEARS!!!!

And here’s the thing. Back in 2013 and 2014 I took courses on how to do *all the
things* (marketing, copywriting, Facebook ads, you name it). I even spent 20k to
join a mastermind in 2014, thinking that was the last step to launching my online

Surely the leader of the mastermind and surrounding myself with others who
were doing the same thing would be the solution, right? Wrong.
With so many courses and masterminds on the market, who you choose to do
business with these days matters.

I was sold false hope and empty promises. The leader of this mastermind even
QUIT ON THE ENTIRE GROUP 10 months into it. Talk about lack of integrity.

This forced me to take a good hard look in the mirror. Something was out of

I was looking for a quick fix from someone who had done it before. And this
meant I overlooked a ton of misaligned energy between myself and this person.

Live and learn, right?

But here’s the thing. Integrity is a top value of mine. Both in that I live a life of
integrity and I want to connect with and work with others who do as well.

Maybe you can relate to this, being in the medical field. Integrity breeds trust. Our
patients need to trust us to receive proper care. Our colleagues need to trust that
we are a good referral source and care for the patients they send our way.

It’s no different in the online business world.

And this is why I tell it as it is. If you’re like most clients I’ve worked with, you don’t
have the time or energy to waste on someone who is going to fill you with fluff
and leave you with a course that doesn’t actually teach you how to make real

That said…you don’t need to bury your head in the sand trying to come up with a
biz plan. You can follow my biz plan on a napkin framework and be on your way to
getting the ball rolling this week…instead of working on a 20-page biz plan (not
what I consider a money making activity) because some guru told you that you
can’t start a business without one.


In this guide I am going to share with

you how to ditch the formal biz plan
for the fastest track to 6-figures in your
online business.

How? I’ll teach you how to biz plan on

a napkin through my Elevation
Movement Method (EMM).

The Elevation Movement
The Elevation Movement was born when I realized there were 3 pillars intertwined
into my 7-figure online course and membership. These pillars are naturally woven
through my online medical business and apply here as well. So what are they?

1 Identity 2 Skillset 3 Mentorship

Whether you desire to enter into a new speciality in your medical space or
launch a 6+ figure producing online business, these are the 3 pillars that are
critical to your success.

Refers to who you are being. YOU are in charge of yourself and how you
choose to identify, whether that be a specialist in your space, an online
medical entrepreneur, etc. How you identify, what you choose to specialize
in, who you show up as on a daily basis, is up to you. In turn, how you identify
and thus choose to show up has a direct impact on your success.

This is about acknowledging what we already know and identifying areas
where we can continue to grow our skillset. There is nothing more
dangerous than operating from the mindset that "I know everything and
this is just how we've always done it". We know in the medical field we enter
the space and *should* adopt the mindset of being a lifelong learner.
Regardless, just as it took learning and honing a skillset to get to where you
are today, it will take a certain skillset to generate a 6+ figure online business
the first time you launch one. The cool thing to realize here is you can
monetize your current skillset (more on this later).

Seeking mentorship when getting into a new space is critical. Regardless of
your background in the medical world, we know how critical mentorship is
(even if it can be challenging to access in certain medical spaces). The same
holds true in the online business world. Cozying up to a mentor who has
already paved the path you wish to follow is key. There are so many online
marketers selling a pipe dream that they have not achieved themselves and
this is a sure way to lose time and money. With the right mentor, who has
actually achieved what they are teaching, you can speed up the process
from 0 to 6 figures with 50% less than it took online entrepreneurs just 3
years ago.

Okay so here’s the fun part. Get a napkin. I’m going to walk you through the 3
pillars while you biz plan on a napkin.

This guide is based on personal experience and what I have taught to my 1-on-1
business clients. It works. Trust the process. Stay committed. Surround yourself
with like-minded 6-7 figure online medical entrepreneurs and keep your mind
focused on your desired goal(s).

Afterall, if you are not going for a major loan from a bank YOU DO NOT NEED A

^^^^Read. That. Again.^^^^

At this point most ask me, this sounds great, but why should I listen to you?

Listen to what I have to share… or don’t. That’s up to you. But ask yourself where
you want to be a year from now.

Would you rather be in the same place you are now, which will actually be worse
off (no business/no growth/leaving money on the table) or would you rather have
a thriving online business that’s allowed you to step into alignment with both
your personal and business goals, making the money you desire and serving
those who are most aligned with what you have to offer?

If you’re like most of my clients, they choose the thriving business option.

If we’re on the same page and you want that thriving online business…let’s get
started biz planning on your napkin! As you go through each of the three EMM
pillars, you we will create your biz plan on a napkin. When you complete this
guide, you will know exactly what you need to do to get going with your online

I’m not going to sugar coat this. If you do not work on who you are
being there’s a slim chance you will step into your desired outcomes.

The best way to tackle this head on in a matter of minutes is
by adopting the BE-DO-HAVE method.

Adopt the BE-DO-HAVE method - not have-do-be!

I So many of us work from a backward and broken place of have-do-be

when we should be working from a place of be-do-have!

An example of have-do-be:
When I have the money I can do the things and be the business owner

L I desire to be….

Flip that to:

I am BEing the business owner that runs a 6-figure online business so I
can DO the activities that embody this identity and that will allow me
to HAVE the money desired in my bank account.

L This simple switch both requires us and allows us to start working from
the identity of the person we desire to be a year, 2 years, 5 years from
now. We need to embody that identity, that person TODAY if we want to
actually achieve the financial goals we have set for ourselves.


Write down in the space below who you will step into BEing today,
what that will allow you to DO and in the end what goal you will

R HAVE achieved. Tip: work from the BOTTOM up, starting with
“HAVE” first. For example, I am an online medical entrepreneur who

The HAVE and DO are determined by the “BE-ing.” Who do YOU CHOOSE to BE
right NOW? This will determine your results with creating an online business in

the next 90 days! When you identify what you want to HAVE you need to identify
who you need to BE to achieve that goal and choose to BE that person TODAY,
Day 1…not day 90. So take a few minutes and answer who you need to BE below.
Hint: Ask yourself “how would I act? Think? Feel? If I were already BE-ing an
online medical entrepreneur?” or “WHO do I need to BE to accomplish my 90
day goal?”

Write your outcome down in present tense: “it is now [insert goal date] and I have _______.”
DO-ing = the action you need to take. Keep this SIMPLE! Hint: your action could be as simple as
enrolling in a course and completing the modules necessary to jump start your online medical
entrepreneur journey.

Write down at least one specific result for your next 90 days as an online medical entrepreneur.
What is that result for YOU? Let’s set that goal first. This should be something that will have you
KNOW you make REAL progress as an online medical entrepreneur. Hint: it could be as simple as
“I will launch my first online course.”

Transfer your BE-DO-HAVE statements to your napkin.

Beyond adopting be-do-have you also need to respect

yourself and your time.

Protect your time like you protected your PPE
in 2020. In other words, stop wasting it!

P Time seems to be one of those things that many medical

professionals are constantly pressed-for. Afterall, time dictates so
much in the medical field. There are time-based codes, volume
based productivity requirements (hello squeezing as many

I patients into a small time block as possible) and more. This is

what drove me into private-pay private-practice back in 2013,
opening my own practice a year later.

The latest craze in the past few years has been the “work-life

L balance” chatter (which by the way I think is total BS). There’s no

such thing as “balance” when it comes to running a business or
working in certain medical settings (regardless of whether you
are a doctor, dentist, therapist, technician, medical sales, etc).

Replace balance with boundaries and you’ve entered reality.
When we get clear on what we want and we set *boundaries*
around where our time goes, really cool things happen, like
birthing a 6-figure business launch the first go. I’m living proof
that this is possible as I was, at the time, a treating

speech-language pathologist with a caseload, private practice
owner, mom of 2 (toddler and infant back in 2019) turned
podcaster and 7-figure online business owner in 11 months time.
It’s important to note that the success has only continued each
year as well.

R But you first have to believe you are worth this investment in
time. So many of us only feel we are valuable if we are meeting
certain productivity demands or if we are overworking ourselves
to please private-pay patients or clients. Time to shift this
limiting belief. It can be as simple as saying “I am worth the time
investment” over and over until you actually believe it (or trick

1 your brain into believing it for you).

Next, you need to set boundaries around where you spend your time. Beyond
that, it is critical that you commit to actually sticking to your time boundaries,
out of respect for and to be in integrity with yourself.

Have you ever tracked your time outside of your current medical job? There are
all kinds of apps like ‘toggl’ and others that can help you do this. Quite honestly
I’ve done this once or twice to become aware and then never again. (I only share
truths, remember?!)

It’s worth doing for a day to see where you spend your time outside of work. So
many of us get caught up in busy work and appear to be super busy but we’re
actually wasting A LOT of time that could be put toward money-making
activities. And believe me, I’ve been there, feeling super busy yet realizing I was
focused on the wrong things despite non-stop work hours. THAT. STOPS. HERE.


Stop spending time on activities that are not generating revenue or that do not
market your skills. Track your time for a day or longer if it’s your kind of thing (a day
is enough for me).

Create hours for yourself, a plan for how you’ll spend each day:
● Block out work hours
● Block out family hours
● Block out hours to work on your new online business

Recognize that every day may look different. Your work schedule may dictate that
and this may be relatively stable or it may frequently change. Make this work for

And stop giving your time to everyone who asks. Your literally giving your energy
away. And then what’s left for you, your (future) paying clients and your significant
others/friends/family/children/pets… and most importantly YOURSELF.

Say this outloud - ideally in the mirror: “I will create 6 figures/grow
by 6-figures in my business when I spend 100% of the little time I do
have on activities that produce money. Effective today, I respect my
boundaries and schedule I am setting for myself and my business.”
My working days/hours and “off work days” are as follows:








How many hours have you committed to working on your online business? Jot
that total number on your napkin and the days/times you plan to focus *solely*
on building your business.

Massive debt is NOT required to start 3
your business. Stop wasting your money!

P As I shared, I made my first 6 figures in private practice in 8

months. I had zero debt. I was able to replicate this in my online
business with 7 figures in the first year with 1 flagship course. I
have replicated this in more than one niche medical market with

other online products (membership, course, certification) in my
online business. Once you know HOW to do this it becomes

But here’s the thing, just like you need to recognize you are worth
the time, you also need to identify as someone who values money

L and who is worth the financial investment. And no, you don’t have
to invest 50k like I did out the gate, I can literally show you how to
do this for half that amount.

If you already value money and know you are worth the

L investment, awesome.

If you aren’t there yet, sit with this: Your net worth is tied to your
self-worth. You need to learn to love yourself and respect what
you desire for yourself in order to ultimately value yourself, attract

A the right clients and make money online.

Let’s update our earlier mantra to “I am worth the time AND

money.” This may seem basic but it’s critical to your success.

Let’s dive into some quick financials.


Write down the amount you have available in your bank account

to invest.

Now write down how much you believe you need to invest. And write
why/where you feel that money is needed (e.g., the expenses to launch your

Reread what you just wrote. If you have a short list and little to no investments
required it sounds like you’re on your way. If you have a never ending list of
expenses, narrow down to the top 1-3 you absolutely need to launch and shift
others to a “maybe invest” or “invest later” column.

Write your top 1-3 investments needed to launch your business. Ask again, are
each of these required? If yes, proceed. If no, move the no to the maybe or
invest later column.

Now you know what you believe you need to get started with. As shared, I started
on a larger budget, investing 50k into my online business in 2019 but my first
launch made 95k, just shy of my 100k goal. I see that as a huge win. I came out 45k
ahead of where I started (and each re-launch thereafter of the same course was
multiple 6-figures). What is the dollar amount YOU want to generate in your first
online business launch? Write it down.

Now the cool part is, I have put together a system, used by myself and my clients,
that helps you do the same thing for 25k (yes, 50% LESS than what I spent to get
started). And if I can offer up another piece of advice, work with what YOU’VE got
and don’t compare to others. What is right for YOU based on what YOU have
available financially. Work within that budget and don’t go broke doing it.

Get your napkin and transfer this information from the above questions: (a) the
amount of $ you plan to invest (e.g., 25k) directly into your online business and (b)
the dollar amount you want to generate in your first launch (e.g., $110k).

Now that we’ve addressed identity, one of the key ingredients to success, that most
are missing when launching an online business, let’s move on to the second pillar in
our methodology: SKILLSET.

Remember, just as it took learning and honing a skillset to get to
where you are today, it will take a certain skillset to generate a 6+

figure online business the first time you launch one. The cool thing to
realize here is you can monetize your current skillset (remember I said
we’d circle back to this).

Before we jump into that, one skillset you do NOT need is learning
how to create a formal business plan. Hopefully, we’ve established that

I by now. But just in case…

Ditch the formal biz plan and Biz Plan on a 1

Napkin. Yes, seriously. This is how I have always done it and

L when I tell you it works, it works.

In order to do this we need to think ahead to what you want in the

next 12 months, 3 years from now and 5 years from now.

L If you’re like me the first time I was asked this question, it was met
with so much resistance. Why would I lock myself into specifics
and waste time writing this down when I have no freaking clue
where I’ll be 3 or 5 years from now. I mean, if we’re being honest I
don’t even know what I’m eating for dinner tonight. 🤣

A But… this activity allowed me to think expansively. And I allowed

myself to have fun with it. I went from doubling income to tripling
income in one year on my plan, and my husband thought I was
completely out of my mind! Well guess who wrote these numbers

on a napkin and stuck them in my desk drawer? Then guess who
met these goals… and faster than I had planned? Me!

I put numbers on the napkin next to 1 year, 3 year, 5 years. They

were specific and measurable. I believed they were attainable and
realistic (despite what my husband thought, it didn’t sway my

2 I even did this to sell our 2-year-young new-build home for an

all-cash overask offer. I did it again to find an off-market rental
property in a coveted neighborhood in South Florida in an
impossible market as we decided to move a year earlier than
originally planned.

The key here is when you do this, you have to focus on what YOU desire (this comes
from inside, not from what you believe society, a friend, a significant other, etc
thinks you should have). AND you need to be crystal clear in understanding what
you want, why you want it and steadfast in the belief that you deserve and will earn


Write down 3-5 topics you passionate about.

Ask yourself: where will I be

financially/career-wise/income-wise/family-wise/health-wise/etc (expand on this
based on your values and what you desire in your life)…

1 year from now?

3 years from now?

5 years from now?

Remember to keep this simple and don’t overthink. Write down the first number
that comes to mind and don’t second guess yourself! The bigger and scarier it is,
the better!

Now transfer this to your biz plan on a napkin and stick it in your desk drawer (yes,

Stand out in the noise. First, you need to
determine what skillset you have and plan to teach. Most will
choose what they are most passionate about and can talk about in

their sleep. When it is second nature to you or something you are
passionate about, it shows, it’s genuine, and you attract the right
audience, for YOU and your business. When your audience feels
like they know, like and trust you, they buy from you.

Once you stand out, it’s time to then focus on what positions you
as either the expert and person everyone should listen to or the
one that has a unique angle, method or way of teaching that will
stand out.


Write down 3-5 topics you’re passionate about. What’s missing in

L education of other professionals in your space (e.g., something you

wish you had when getting started or even at this point in your

A Or if you plan to teach something unrelated to your current profession,

what is it?

2 Do you believe you can teach others about the topic?

Be creative. Be you and speak your truth. Don’t be afraid to
talk about controversial topics and be polarizing.

Open space to sit and think about this for a few minutes. If you feel

P blocked, set a calendar reminder and come back to this when you
have more time later today or this week.

Transfer your final course topic/idea To your biz plan on a napkin. It

doens’t need to have a name or be all tied up with a pretty bow

I quite yet. For example, mine was 3 words: “ped feeding course” and I
knew that it meant I wanted to create the course that I always wish I
had when I was starting out.

Okay, so now that we have addressed what you can create that will

L stand out in the noise. Now we need to know how to monetize it.
That’s where marketing comes in.

L Be a smart marketer. Hope marketing doesn’t
work. Stop throwing spaghetti noodles at the wall. Spoiler alert:
They don’t stick (not even those super gummy gluten-free ones)!

A Expanding your marketing skillset will serve you well (like 6-7
figures well). And marketing can be fun once you get in the swing
of it. Even if/when you hire others to do your marketing for you, it
needs to be YOUR voice. Good copywriters and marketing teams
craft your message from what you share, your lived experience(s)

and the responses to the questions they pose that you answer.

When I think back to my first marketing call in 2019, I felt lost. I

hired an amazing marketing and copywriting team but my
brain…felt like a blank slate. I didn’t know how to answer certain
questions, even though I was once the ideal client I was now

marketing to. Good news is, within months this changed.

Figure out who your target market is (more to follow) and and ASK
them for input. As your list grows, it’s easier to get feedback in
super efficient ways; until then be sure you start having

P conversations with peers in your target market. They’ll tell you

much of what you need in order to get started speaking to them.

A Here are 8 steps to be a smart marketer:









S T E P 0 1.
You can’t sell if without someone to sell to. You can’t create without
someone to create for. But before we even get there we have to
figure out who that person is. Write down who the person is that
you want to help. Describe them, their struggles, their desires,
what they’re good at, where they want to go. Paint a picture of this
person through words on paper. This person is the avatar that you
will always speak to when creating a course, writing an email,
teaching a module in your course…you get the idea. If you keep this
avatar in mind, it becomes much clearer what you need to create
and what your target audience needs to succeed.

S T E P 0 2.
Speak to your avatar ALL the time. Speak their language: what
words do they use? Are they speaking in acronyms and fancy
medical terminology or is that intimidating to them even though
they may be in the medical space? Be sure to also speak to the
transformation they desire and how what you are offering will
take them from where they are to where they want to be. This
message should be at the heart of your marketing strategy.

S T E P 0 3.
An email list is a great place to start. You own your email list; you don’t
own your social media Following. Social media accounts get shut down
every day, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. It’s also Worth noting
that the size of your social media presence does NOT directly correlate
with ones income. There are many social media influences with
100,000-1 Million followers who are broke, while others have
3,000-20,000 followers and make 7 figures online. Using social media
strategically to build your list and get your name out there is smart. But
all roads should lead back to the email list.

How to build a list? Create an offer.

S T E P 0 4.
You may be creating a course for example, but what you are selling is
the *offer.* Your offer should always speak to the transformation your
target market desires. What is the journey you are taking them on?
They know where they stand today and they know where they want to
be…how will you convey to them, through your marketing, that you will
help them on their journey to their desired destination?

This works the same regardless of whether you have a free offer or a
paid offer. Whether it’s a lead magnet, a podcast, a course, a
membership…you get the idea. And this leads me to my next point…

(whether it is a “free” offer to get a lead to opt into your email list or a
“paid” offer to enroll someone into your product)

S T E P 0 5.
Be CLEAR throughout your marketing. Be clear in identifying
who your ideal client is, in crafting your offer, when writing your
copy (emails, sales pages, social media, ads, etc) and when
speaking to your audience in audio/visual or written form.
Complexity leads to confusion and confused people DO NOT BUY.
Always be clear.

S T E P 0 6.
Position yourself as authority in your space. Whether you like it or
not, people need to see you as an authority figure in order to want
to learn from you. So how do you do this? Find your niche, focus
your attention on a few ways to build your email list (e.g., start a
newsletter or a podcast), provide consistent quality content,
connect with other leaders and authority figures in your space all
while welcoming in your target audience to learn from you.

S T E P 0 7.
I once had a mentor tell me that I needed to repeat myself to the point
of boredom. Another told me I wasn’t in business to entertain myself,
which was a perspective shift but an important one. So while repeating
yourself may feel boring to you, its necessary to nurture your audience.
They often need to hear the same message many times. It’s also human
nature to interpret the same message differently based on ones season
of life. You might be saying the exact same words (they may even be a
single recording) and the interpreted meaning today may be
completely different than the meaning it carries for the same person 3
months from now. But it shows consistency. Consistency just like clarity,
breeds trust. And again trust breeds sales.

Put your audience’s needs before your own. You may get bored
teaching or saying the same thing over and over, but there are always
people who will need to hear it again…and again…and again.

S T E P 0 8.
OUTSOURCE for the skillsets
you don’t care to learn.
This one sounds simple but may enter fear of hiring others, giving up
control, investing money, the list goes on. You can’t learn without trying.
And you certaining cannot do it all yourself. A team may consist of you
and one part-time virtual assistant initially. My teams have built as the
need arose in the business. Very organically and lean with high profit
margins. But there was always a team, from day 1, even when that team
was just a few of us. Now, could you make 6 figures without a team,
sure…but do you want to sleep? Do you want to drive yourself into the
ground? What is your goal for creating this business? Circle back to why
you want to do this in the first place and make sure you stay in alignment
with that. That may help jump into hiring your first virtual assistant. I
speak from experience when I say, hiring for the skillset you don’t want to
learn can make or break your momentum and ultimately your online

Remember to be CLEAR and create your avatar. This is the last piece of
the puzzle that we want added to your biz plan on a napkin.

P 1
Know who you are marketing to. Who is your IDEAL client?
Write that here.

L 2 What transformation do they desire? Where are they today
and where do they want to be?

A 3 Can you create a product to help them in this journey to where
they desire to BE? Have ideas for what you could create
beyond the topic you want to teach?

After you take notes here; transfer this last but extremely important
piece of the puzzle to your biz plan on a napkin.

Engage in authentic selling. While your
business will exist online, people still want human connection.

P Especially, in the fast paced online world of noise, artificial

intelligence and bots…people are missing human interaction. And
while AI is getting really good at echoing some of our voices,
humans are getting really good at knowing whats an AI bot and
what’s not. The crave and desire for human connection is strong

I right now and this can stand out in the world of online sales. Be a
human in a sea of AI bots. It will serve you well.

Now don’t get me wrong, you can automate things and use AI
strategically in your business… and, no, you do not need to be tied

to a smartphone or computer at all times. But you should make a
genuine effort to connect with your audience, build relationships
online and deliver what your market tells you they feel is missing.
When you take a human and authentic approach, selling is fun
and easy.

L I spend time nurturing my audience and providing value,

especially when they are new to my email list, before I ever sell
anything to them. I work on keeping my message clear and
speaking to that single avatar in all that I do, because that’s what
attracts the right people to your list, your offer and ultimately you

A and your business. Equally important is building a quality product

that actually helps your clients on the transformative journey they
are seeking.

Remembering to be human and knowing how to articulate who

R your avatar is, what you do and what you are selling will be key in
breeding clarity and ultimately making sales.

So you know what we need to do but you may not know all of the
in’s and out’s on how to do it. That’s where mentorship comes in.

Mentorship is critical. We know this to be true in the medical world.
The same truth holds in the business world. Every successful business

P owner has had at least one mentor.

The research shows that people with mentors perform better.

Mentorship is a learning tool that speeds up ones success and has
even been reported to lead to greater happiness in work and business.

I That said, while many believe mentorship is critical, most don’t seek it
out or struggle to find the right mentor.

Aside from struggling to find the right mentor, mentors usually come
at a major investment (we’re talking multiple 5 to 6 figure kind of

L investment). So much of what you need to know to be successful is

kept behind paywalls that are often unattainable for those starting

So how do you find a mentor that will actually help you? The right

mentor is someone who has already achieved what you desire to
achieve. They should have the evidence to prove it and the desire and
ability to mentor you along your journey.

At the end of the day, the right
mentor is the person who you can
learn from and who’s mentorship
speeds up your road to success.
This person will also hold the key to

many life lessons learned that they
can share with you to spare you the
same headaches, lost time, lost
money and endless lessons they
endured. We all need to live and
learn, but we don’t need to go it
alone and we certainly dont need

3 to reinvent the wheel. The fastest

way to success is learning through
mentors and their experiences as
they have already walked the path
you are heading down.

There are 3 last truths that I will leave you with today. They
were lessons learned from working with several of my mentors
who were a critical part of my success in the online business

1. Money is a tool.
2. Hustle is a dirty word.
3. Failure is your greatest educator.

We have been taught that money is the root of all evil, it’s not. If you work or
have worked in a 1:1 business model where you must see a patient or client in
order to get paid, your trading time for dollars. What’s the point of a 6-7 figure
income if you don’t have the time or energy to enjoy it? In trying to help others,
many in the medical world drive themsevles into the ground, to the point of
chronic illness. The exact thing many medical professions work day in and day
out to treat. Ironic, huh?

So, let’s reframe this. Money is a tool. Money allows us to put food on the table,
buy the house, the car, the designer shoes, start a new hobby or take the
vacation. It is also makes it a whole lot easier to start a business. It is a means to
an end, not the end goal itself.

So many focus on money as the end goal. When I talk to clients in the medical
field and/or online business space many have the same goals: financial
freedom/security. From experience, the best way to achieve this is 2 fold, you
must: (1) be/show up today as the person you want to be a year from today (hello
pillar #1: identity) , and (2) learn the skillset that will guarantee you know how to
generate more money regardless of what happens today or tomorrow (hello
pillar #2: skillset). This is what I teach in my online medical entrepreneur course
and it’s the thing that helps me sleep well at night: knowing that no matter what
happens I have the skill set to generate 6-7 figures again and again and
again…just as I have done again and again and again.

After going through this guide, hopefully you see that while money can be a
driving force and something we absolutely need to welcome into our lives (be sure
you aren’t repelling it!), it is a tool that helps us along our journey to success. And
as I just shared, once you know how to make it (hello, skillset) you will never be
without it again.

That brings me to the next truth…


Ditch everything you know about hustle culture. Usually those teachings come
from people who are broke. Hustle culture is not sustainable (remember…chronic
illness is what we want to eliminate, not create more of). This is different than riding
the momentum wave. Momentum is not born out of hustle, it’s born out of clarity,
peace and creativity.

Hard work doesn’t equate to making money despite what you were taught growing
up. Working hard has become the epitome of the overworked American who
doesn’t sleep, doesn’t have time to care for themselves or see their family and
needs their paid time off to recover from how burnt out they are from work. Is every
American who works endless jobs/hours wealthy? No, they’re not, more than
55-60% of people in the United States work pay check to pay check and this holds
true for those who make over 100k per year.

Is this what you desire for yourself? Is this why you got into the medical
profession? To help others at the expense of yourself?

It’s also true that over 51% over American’s have one of the top 10 chronic
illnesses with over 27% having more than one chronic illness.

Look, I come from the medical field where I was this burnt out person and I
wasn’t even getting paid well for it. Sometimes when the payout is higher,
people stick around longer because their identity is wholly tied to their
medical degree. You worked hard for it and I will never tell you to give it up.
BUT, I will tell you that you can shape shift your reality to match what you
desire in your life. AND you are not your profession. Sit with that.

I used money as a tool, when making less than $52k per year as a new
gradudate to generate more money. I did that again 4 years later on a
shoestring budget to launch my private practice which quickly generated
6-figures. But that practice either required i trade time for money or I hire
people to. It’s always been a “successful” business as I have never been in
the red, but it doesn’t hold a torch to what I was able to create in my
online business. And to do that, I again used money as a tool by investing
from my first business into my second business, a strategy I have now
used again in generating more than one online business. Having the
money was never my end goal, the end goal is what the money allows
me to do. The actual financial freedom to live my life the way I desire.
Both in my business and in my personal life.

Truly anything is possible and you are in control of the choices you make.
I pass no judgment if you choose to stay put and make no changes. But if
you’re someone who is sick of the hustle and wants change, you’re in the
right place.

I also want to challenge you to take action if that’s what you desire. So
many tell me how burnt out they are and all the big plans of what they
want to learn or do to make change for themselves, but many never take
the action as they fear failure.

That brings me to my third truth…


Can you think of a time where you failed? What happened after
that? If you’re like most, experiencing failure, while uncomfortable in
the moment, most likely taught you something that helped you to
succeed going forward.

I took a course way back in college that dove into the different types
of failure and the science around it. Aside from it being very
fascinating, I left that course with reframed thinking around failure.
Instead of avoiding it, I was excited for it. And I want you to reframe
your thinking around it today, too.

We fail often throughout life and don’t even realize it. Failure just
means you weren’t successful at something. Stop putting so much
weight on it. Now I get it, in the medical field our failures can impact
someones life; I’m not downplaying that. BUT, failure is part of being
human. No one bats 1,000 100% of the time. You don’t have to like it
but it’s fact.

The sooner we start to come to terms with this and realize
that failures teach us life lessons we will never fully
understand without first failing, we start to look at these
failed experiences differently. And some of us even welcome
more of these experiences as those who take action have
more opportunities to fail and get back up again. They
ultimately get to where they desire to be faster.

Those who sit around waiting are not just in the same place
they were yesterday or a year ago...they are worse off...they
have officially lost a year of their life, lost opportunities to fail
and learn and have left money sitting on the table.

Look, being successful is not always comfortable. It will

stretch you and shape you in ways you didn’t know were
possible. But this is all part of the experience and from being
on this never-ending journey, I can speak from experience
when I say achieving the desired success is worth it.

So with that, what do you choose? Do

you choose to take action today or put
it off to the never-coming tomorrow?
If you have read this far, I am guessing
you are an action taker. So let’s put
that into action today.

Some of you have heard about my new course for medical
entrepreneurs who want to create online businesses going from 0-6
figures in your first launch. Some of you have asked how much the
investment is while others don’t care and have said sign me up
regardless of the investment! Let’s discuss this…

The course is an investment. As such it will not be accessible to

everyone. Why? Because this helps us separate the action takers
that actually want to become an online medical entrepreneur from
those who desire it but aren’t serious about it, right now.

Some have asked if this is for beginners. This is for anyone who is
new to the online business world or who has tried to DIY it and has
not yet had success.

If your goal is to have your first 6-figure online launch, this is also for
you. If you are serious about achieving a new level of success for
yourself and/or your business, complete the intake below to
schedule a call with Hallie.

How do you know if you’re the right fit?

The first step is completing the intake. Our team will review it and if
you are the right fit they will send you a link to book a call.

Wishing you all the success you desire. Can’t wait to connect!


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