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WS 2018/19 13.12.


David Walkers Appeal und seine Wirkung

1. Forschungsfrage
Welche Wirkung hatte David Walkers Appeal auf seine Zeitgenossen und wie bewerteten andere
Abolitionisten sein Pamphlet?
2. Inhalt / Forschungsstand
2.1. Ausgangslage:
Sklaverei in meisten Nordstaaten abgeschafft, ‚Schwarze‘ kommen zu Wort;
Koloniserungsplan → Liberia, Wandel der Abolitionsbewegung(en)
2.2. Walkers Appeal
Forderungen nach Gleichberechtigung, Abschaffung von Sklaverei; gegen Rassismus;
Sklaven soll der Unterdrückung entgegenwirken (wenn es sein muss, mit Gewalt)
3. Quellenanalyse
William Lloyd Garrison Henry Highland Garnet
“Believing, as we do, that men should never do evil „They saw that it was a bold attack upon their
that good may come, that a good end does not idolatry, and that too by a black man who once lived
justify wicked means in the accomplishment of it, among them. It was merely a smooth stone which this
and that we ought to suffer, as did our Lord and his David took up, yet it terrified a host of Goliaths. [...]
apostles, unresistingly—knowing that vengeance He had many enemies, and not a few were his
belongs to God, and he will certainly repay it where brethren whose cause he espoused. They said that he
it is due; [...] We do not preach rebellion—no, but went too far, and was making trouble. So the Jews
submission and peace. [...] ” spoke of Moses. They valued the flesh-pots of Egypt
(Garrison, Walker’s Appeal. No.1, S.6) more than the milk and honey of Canaan.. [...]”
(Garnet, Walker’s Appeal,
kritisch ggü. Walker; Gewalt nicht als Mittel Verteidigt Walker; vergleicht ihn mit David &
zum Zweck (Frieden/Abolitionismus) Moses; kritisert Walkers „brethren“
Teilweise ambivalent.

4. Hypothese: Walkers Pamphlet hat teilweise Zustimmung gefunden (Garnet, Maria W. Stewart),
aber hauptsächlich Ablehnung von Abolitionisten (Garrison, Lundy), Sklaverei-Befürwortern (und
Sklaven auch?).

5. Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis

- Garnet, Henry H.: Walker's Appeal, with a Brief Sketch of His Life. By Henry Highland Garnet. And Also Garneťs
Address to the Slaves of the United States of America, New York 1848, S. vi-vii.
- Garrison, William L.: Walker‘s Appeal. No.1, in: The Liberator Vol.1(2) (1831), S.6.

- Bader-Zaar, Birgitta: Abolitionismus im transatlantischen Raum: Organisationen und Interaktionen der Bewegung zur
Abschaffung der Sklaverei im späten 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. In: Europäische Geschichte Online, online unter: http://ieg-
abolitionismus-im-transatlantischen-raum-abschaffung-der-sklaverei (12.12.2018)
- Eaton, Clement, A Dangerous Pamphlet in the Old South. In: The Journal of Southern History, Vol.2 (3) (1936), S. 323-
- Egerton, Douglas R.: „The American Colonization Society to 1830“. In: Encyclopedia of African American History
1619-1895. From the Colonial Period to the age of Frederick Douglass, Paul Finkelman (Hrsg.), New York 2006, S. 55-57.
- Mulcahy, Judith: „The American Colonization Society through 1895“. In: Encyclopedia of African American History
1619-1895. From the Colonial Period to the age of Frederick Douglass, Paul Finkelman (Hrsg.), New York 2006, S. 57-59.
- Walker, David: Walker's Appeal, in Four Articles; Together with a Preamble, to the Coloured Citizens of the World, but
in Particular, and Very Expressly, to Those of the United States of America. Boston 1829.
WS 2018/19 13.12.2018


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