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Product: RIDA qLine® Soft

Art. No.: Z9995
Version: 2.2.3

The RIDA qLine Soft is a PC-Software for immunoblot test-calculation.

RIDA qLine Soft was developed by R-Biopharm IT/R&D Departments.

RIDA qLine Soft was validated by R-Biopharm QA/IT/R&D Departments with batches of the
following RIDA qLine Allergy Panels.These batches and products are examples only.

Calculation-Method Art.No. Product Batch

A6142 Panel 1 11428
MRM A6242 Panel 2 11428
(Moving Rectangle Median) A6342 Panel 3 11458
A6442 Panel 4 11428

R-Biopharm AG, Darmstadt, Germany, certifies that this version has been approved by the
Quality Assurance Department and conforms to specifications.

R-Biopharm AG
Quality Assurance Department
sign. N. Stork-Heininger
Quality Control Manager
Date: 2019-02-22


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