Sie sind auf Seite 1von 358

Das Jahr 1968 wird gemeinhin mit der Überwindung überkommener

editor / Robert / Lorenz / Gesellschaftsstrukturen und dem Entree des bürgerrechtlichen Fortschritts verbunden.
University of Goettingen, Doch dieses Datum war nicht Ausgangs-, sondern vielmehr Kulminationspunkt
1964 - das Jahr, mit dem "68" Germany | editor / Franz / transcript politischen und sozialen Wandels. Denn vieles von dem, was sich mit der Chiffre "68"
9783839425800 2014-03-15 verbindet, begann schon vorher. 1964 verdichteten sich zahlreiche Ereignisse zu einer Political Science
begann Walter / Institute for Verlag Zäsur, die den gesellschaftlichen Umbruch schon vor 1968 einläutete. Mit dem Blick auf
Democracy Research, unterschiedliche Episoden aus Gesellschaft und Politik hinterfragt dieser Band den
Goettingen, Germany bisherigen Stellenwert von "68" und weist nach, dass ein erheblicher Teil der mentalen
Modernisierung schon viel früher stattfand.

In der politischen Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gilt der Asylkompromiss

editor / Stefan / Luft / von 1992/93 als höchst kontroverse Entscheidung, die bis heute, rund 20 Jahre später,
University of Bremen, Auswirkungen auf die Asylmigration hat. In diesem Band analysieren Wissenschaftler das
Germany | editor / Peter / transcript damalige Flüchtlingsgeschehen, die Interessen der politischen Akteure sowie die
20 Jahre Asylkompromiss 9783839424872 2014-10-15 Europäisierung der Flüchtlingspolitik. Zeitzeugen aus der Politik und Journalisten Political Science
Schimany / BAMF Nürnberg Verlag diskutieren, inwieweit die angestrebten Ziele erreicht wurden oder ob sich die Kritik an
and University of Passau, der Entscheidung als gerechtfertigt erwiesen hat. Vertreter von
Germany Flüchtlingsorganisationen sowie des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge zeigen
Perspektiven des Flüchtlingsschutzes auf.

Radical ideologies may manifest differently at first, but they do follow a similar logic:
truth claims, promises of salvation and a unifying common enemy. In Yemen's transition
process today, the secessionist movement Al-Hirak has summoned the spirit of South
author / Miriam M. / Yemen, the only Marxist state in Arabia. This book meticulously describes how East
A Spectre is Haunting Arabia Müller / Free University of transcript 9783839432259 2015-10-15 Germany supported the implantation of this alien ideology in Yemen through its policy of Political Science
Verlag #on("i")#"Socialist state- and nation-building"#off("i")#. In the same breath, the analysis
Berlin, Germany
captures the GDR's activities in the Middle East and their vital role in Moscow's Cold War
strategy. Last but least, the study provides one of the few compact overviews of East
German foreign policy in the English language of today.

Alles Frankreich oder was? - Die editor / Hans-Jürgen / Mit der Präsentation ihrer "Frankreichstrategie" hat die saarländische Landesregierung
saarländische Lüsebrink / Saarland überregional für Aufsehen gesorgt. Dass das Nachbarland Frankreich für das Saarland
Frankreichstrategie im University | editor / Claudia / politisch und wirtschaftlich eine große Bedeutung hat, ist kaum bestreitbar. Doch wie
europäischen Kontext / "La Polzin-Haumann / Saarland transcript 9783839437551 2017-11-15 realistisch sind die Zielsetzungen der Frankreichstrategie - und was können Wissenschaft
Political Science
France à toutes les sauces?" - La University | editor / Verlag und Gesellschaft dazu beitragen, die Potenziale der Grenzregion auszuschöpfen? Dieser
Band befasst sich mit den vielfältigen Handlungsfeldern der saarländisch-französischen
'Stratégie France' de la Sarre Christoph / Vatter / Saarland Zusammenarbeit und diskutiert die saarländische Frankreichstrategie im Kontext
dans le contexte européen University großregionaler, nationaler, europäischer und globaler Prozesse.

Die Politische Theorie ist gegenwärtig und nicht zuletzt in Reaktion auf veränderte
gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse durch eine angeregte Diskussion über das Politische
geprägt. Brigitte Bargetz greift diese aktuellen Debatten auf und schlägt mit dem Konzept
Ambivalenzen des Alltags author / Brigitte / Bargetz / transcript 9783839425398 2016-08-15 des Alltags einen neuen Weg vor, das Politische zu denken: Im Anschluss an Henri
Political Science
University of Vienna Verlag Lefebvre, Agnes Heller und Lawrence Grossberg entwirft sie eine vielschichtige politische
Theorie des Alltags, die es ermöglicht, Alltag als ambivalenten politischen Kampfplatz
zwischen Herrschaft und Widerstand zu fassen, der den Ausgangspunkt für eine
praxisorientierte Theorie des Politischen auch jenseits des Staates bildet.
Politische Diskurse und sozialwissenschaftliche Debatten ringen gleichermaßen um eine
angemessene Unterscheidung von antiamerikanischen Vorurteilen und legitimer Kritik an
author / Felix / den USA. Felix Knappertsbusch leistet einen innovativen Beitrag zur Überwindung dieser
Antiamerikanismus in Knappertsbusch / Justus- transcript 9783839433881 2016-03-15 Definitionsprobleme, indem er antiamerikanische Sprachgebräuche in Deutschland auf
Deutschland Liebig-University Gießen, Verlag deren Funktionen bei der Herstellung diskriminierender gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse
Germany befragt. Seine detaillierten Analysen von Interview- und Umfragedaten zeigen, wie
Antiamerikanismus bei der Reproduktion nationalistischer Identitätskonstruktionen mit
fremdenfeindlicher, rassistischer und antisemitischer Rhetorik zusammenspielt.

Warum ist es so schwierig, sich als Betroffene gegen Armut und Erwerbslosigkeit sozial zu
engagieren? Ihr Einsatz ist zwar vielfältig - ob bei den Tafeln, in der Beratung oder im
Protest gegen "Hartz IV". Doch auch in der Zivilgesellschaft wirken Mechanismen der
author / Leiv Eirik / Diskriminierung, die dem Anspruch dieser Akteure auf Gleichheit als Bürger
Voigtländer / Europa- transcript entgegenstehen. Leiv Eirik Voigtländer analysiert anhand von qualitativen Interviews
Armut und Engagement 9783839431351 2015-07-15 Sociology
Universität Flensburg, Verlag typische förderliche und hemmende Handlungsbedingungen und trägt so dazu bei, die
Germany soziale Spaltung bürgerschaftlichen Engagements im Kontext erodierender sozialer
Rechte zu verstehen. Dem vorherrschenden Fokus auf die bürgerschaftliche Apathie der
Prekären werden so die Erfahrungen von sozial engagierten Bürgern in Armutslagen

Wie gehen Verwaltungsbehörden mit den oftmals komplexen und eigensinnigen

Geschichten von Flucht und Asyl um, wie wird daraus ein "Fall" und wie entsteht eine
editor / Christian / Lahusen / Entscheidung? Im Kontext europäischer Koordinierungsversuche sind solche Fragen nicht
University of Siegen | nur von wissenschaftlicher, sondern auch von gesellschaftlicher und politischer Relevanz.
Asyl verwalten editor / Stephanie / 9783839433324 2017-02-15 Dieser Band trägt zu einem besseren Verständnis der Strukturen und Veränderungen Sociology
Verlag lokaler Verwaltungspraxis in einem hoch brisanten, umkämpften und folgenreichen
Schneider / University of
Handlungsbereich bei. Er versammelt Beiträge, die sich aus soziologischer,
Siegen sozialanthropologischer und politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive mit behördlichem
Handeln an unterschiedlichen Orten Europas befassen.

editor / Leon / Hempel /

Berlin Institute of Terroranschläge und Kriege, Tsunami, Erdbeben, Vulkanausbrüche, Klimawandel, Ölpest,
Technology, Germany | Finanzkrise - Berichte über "Katastrophen" sind längst medialer Alltag. Offen bleibt
editor / Marie / Bartels / jedoch die Frage, welche Intentionen und Konsequenzen die zunehmende Verwendung
Berlin Institute of transcript des Katastrophenbegriffs durch Politik und Wirtschaft mit sich bringt. Die Beiträge des
Aufbruch ins Unversicherbare Technology, Germany | Verlag 9783839417720 2013-05-15 Bandes fragen daher: Dient der Begriff tatsächlich nur der Beschreibung - oder soll auch Sociology
eine Atmosphäre des Ausnahmezustands geschaffen werden, die eine Anwendung von
editor / Thomas / sonst nicht konsensfähigen Verfahren ermöglicht? Wohin führt es, wenn die Einordnung
Markwart / Literary scholar von Ereignissen in umfassende soziale Prozesse umgangen wird, wenn ihre
and cultural scientist, Wahrnehmung als Konsequenz eingegangener Risiken ausbleibt?

Sport, Künste, Wissenschaft und Personenaustausch stellen zentrale - aber viel zu wenig
beachtete - Aspekte der Nationalstaatlichkeit und der internationalen Politik dar.
author / Patrick / Schreiner / Erstmals wird in diesem Buch in einer "Theorie der Außenkulturpolitik" gezeigt, dass sich
political scientist and transcript Staaten durch Kultur zugleich voneinander differenzieren wie auch in ein positives
Außenkulturpolitik 9783839416471 2011-02-15 Verhältnis zueinander treten können - und sich gerade in dieser Widersprüchlichkeit Political Science
specialist in German studies, Verlag reproduzieren. Auf der methodologischen Grundlage von Umberto Ecos Zeichentheorie
Germany verbindet Patrick Schreiner postklassische Ansätze der Nationalismusforschung mit
poststrukturalistischen Ansätzen der Internationalen Beziehungen, um eine Theorie der
Außenkulturpolitik zu entwickeln.
Öffentlich kaum wahrgenommen schreitet die Veralltäglichung des Militärischen und des
editor / Tanja / Thomas / Krieges voran. Der Begriff "Banal Militarism" lenkt die Aufmerksamkeit auf
Eberhard Karls University unspektakuläre Prozesse, die von den AutorInnen des Bandes anhand historischer wie
Banal Militarism Tübingen | editor / Fabian / transcript 9783839403563 2006-02-15 aktueller Beispiele der Repräsentation, der Inszenierung und Aneignung des Militärischen
Verlag in Literatur, Theater, Kino, (Computer-)Spiel, Mode sowie in der Presse und im
Virchow / University of Alltagsleben analysiert werden. Solche Phänomene in ihrer Wirkungsmächtigkeit auf
Marburg politische Kultur zu thematisieren, theoretisch zu reflektieren und als bedeutsames
Forschungsfeld zu konturieren, ist das zentrale Anliegen des Bandes.

author / Arnaud /
Lechevalier / University of Focussing European borders: The book provides insight into a variety of changes in the
Paris 1, France, and nature of borders in Europe and its neighborhood from various disciplinary perspectives.
European University Viadrina Special attention is paid to the history and contemporary dynamics at Polish and German
Borders and Border Regions in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany | transcript borders. Of particular interest are the creation of Euroregions, mutual perceptions of
9783839424421 2013-06-15 Political Science
Europe Verlag Poles and Germans at the border, EU Regional Policy, media debates on the extension of
author / Jan / Wielgohs the Schengen area. Analysis of cross-border mobility between Abkhazia and Georgia or
(verst.) / European University the impact of Israel's "Security Fence" to Palestine on society complement the focus on
Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Europe with a wider view.

Seit der Jahrtausendwende gibt es auf der bundespolitischen Ebene in Deutschland ein
eigens auf die Engagementförderung fokussiertes Politikfeld. Wie kam es dazu? Wer hat
author / Daniela / diesen Prozess forciert? Diesen Fragen geht Daniela Neumann durch eine Verknüpfung
Neumann / Baden- transcript von Diskurs-, Hegemonie- und Gouvernementalitätstheorie auf den Grund. Anhand der
Das Ehrenamt nutzen Wuerttemberg Foundation, Verlag 9783839432785 2016-02-15 Analyse politisch-medialer Diskurse legt sie den gesellschaftlichen Wandel im Umgang Sociology
Stuttgart, Germany mit Freiwilligenarbeit seit den 1980er Jahren offen und beleuchtet die Deutungs- und
Institutionalisierungskämpfe zwischen verschiedenen Interessengruppen. Es zeigt sich:
Die Herausbildung einer staatlichen Engagementpolitik war keinesfalls zwangsläufig.

editor / Daniel / Gaxie /

University, France | editor / Wurden die Grundeinstellungen europäischer Bürger bisher fast exklusiv durch
Nicolas / Hubé / Pantheon- quantitative Methoden beobachtet und erklärt, so geht die in diesem Buch vorgestellte
international vergleichende Studie einen anderen Weg: Das Ziel der von 2006 bis 2009
Sorbonne University, France durchgeführten Erhebungen war es, genauere qualitative Untersuchungstechniken
| editor / Marine / de transcript einzusetzen, um so die Komplexität und Vielfalt der Wahrnehmungen und Reaktionen
Das Europa der Europäer Lassalle / University of Verlag 9783839416266 2011-03-15 der "Normalbürger" besser wiederzugeben. Ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Vielfalt der Sociology
Strasbourg, France | editor / Einstellungen zu Europa und zur Erklärung der allgemeinen Distanz der meisten Bürger in
Bezug auf die EU.
Jay / Rowell / University of
Strasbourg, France | editor / (aus dem Französischen von Frank Weigand und Markus Merz)
Frank / Weigand | editor /
Markus / Merz
Ökologische Modernisierung gilt als Leitprinzip zeitgemäßer Umweltpolitik. Die
ökomodernen Kernforderungen nach "Sustainable Development" und "Green Economy"
zielen auf eine fortschreitende Entwicklung, die um eine Nachhaltigkeitskomponente
Das Hegemonieprojekt der author / Timmo / Krüger / transcript ergänzt werden soll. Anhand von #on("i")#Carbon Capture and Storage#off("i")# (CCS)
9783839432334 2015-05-15 fragt Timmo Krüger nach den aktuellen Dynamiken in den Kämpfen um die Hegemonie in Political Science
ökologischen Modernisierung Berlin, Germany Verlag der internationalen Klimapolitik. Er zeigt: Da CCS-Technologien auf der fossilen und
zentralisierten Energieinfrastruktur basieren, spitzt sich hier die Frage zu, inwieweit es
zur adäquaten Bearbeitung der ökologischen Krise einer umfassenden Transformation
gesellschaftlicher Strukturen bedarf.

Wie können Menschenrechte im Gesundheitswesen respektiert und umgesetzt werden?

Dieser Band, der aus einer Forschungsgruppe der "Emerging Fields Initiative"
hervorgegangen ist und Ergebnisse einer langjährigen Kooperation von Expert_innen
editor / Andreas / Frewer / vorstellt, legt theoretische Grundlagen für das Recht auf Gesundheit und zeigt praktische
University Erlangen- Anwendungen in nationalen wie auch globalen Zusammenhängen. In Kooperation von
Das Menschenrecht auf Nuremberg, Germany | transcript Autor_innen aus Philosophie, Medizin, Ethik, Recht und Politikwissenschaft sowie unter
9783839434710 2016-05-15 Beachtung internationaler Perspektiven - u.a. aus der Weltgesundheitsorganisation Sociology
Gesundheit editor / Heiner / Bielefeldt / Verlag (WHO) - werden zentrale Fragen an der Schnittstelle von Menschenrechten und
University Erlangen- Medizinethik erörtert. Mit Beiträgen von Heiner Bielefeldt (Erlangen-Nürnberg/Genf),
Nuremberg, Germany Lotta Eriksson (Stockholm), Andreas Frewer (Erlangen-Nürnberg), Christina Heinicke
(Erlangen-Nürnberg), Michael Krennerich (Erlangen-Nürnberg), Amrei Müller (Oslo),
Andreas Reis (Genf), Abha Saxena (Genf), Martina Schmidhuber
(Erlangen-Nürnberg/Salzburg) und

Waffen allein entscheiden nicht über die Schlagkraft einer Armee. Entscheidend ist auch,
wie die Kriegführung die Subjektivität der Soldaten berücksichtigt. In der vorliegenden
Studie zeigt sich diese als ein historisch variables, aber nicht frei konstruierbares
transcript Phänomen. Ausgehend von dem Faktum, dass Soldaten im Krieg die Versehrtheit ihres
Das Militär und seine Subjekte author / Jens / Warburg / - Verlag 9783839408520 2008-02-15 Leibes riskieren, der sich nicht beliebig verändern lässt, wird ihre Subjektivität zwischen Sociology
aktivem Handeln und passivem Erleiden beleuchtet. Das Buch analysiert die Paradoxien,
die sich aus Funktionserweiterungen des soldatischen Handelns bei Auslandseinsätzen
ergeben, sowie die Versuche der avancierten Militärmächte, die Subjektivität durch den
Einsatz modernster Technik zu nutzen.

Der Zivilgesellschaftsdiskurs wurde in der Türkei nach dem Militärputsch von 1980
populär. Anil Al-Rebholz fragt, ob das Aufkommen dieses Diskurses als Hinweis auf die
Herausbildung von Zivilgesellschaft in der Türkei verstanden werden kann. Dabei wird die
author / Anil / Al-Rebholz / politisch-diskursive Praxis vier oppositioneller Gruppen untersucht. In den Interviews mit
Das Ringen um die University of Frankfurt am transcript 9783839417706 2013-01-15 öffentlich bekannten Intellektuellen sowie mit den Protagonistinnen und Protagonisten Political Science
Zivilgesellschaft in der Türkei Verlag dieser Bewegungen wird die Transformation der gesellschaftlichen Wissensproduktion
Main, Germany
und der politischen Praxis aufgezeigt. Jenseits kulturalistischer und orientalistischer
Ansichten wird ein hegemonietheoretischer Ansatz entwickelt, der neue Perspektiven auf
die gesellschaftliche Transformation in der Türkei der letzten 30 Jahre ermöglicht.
Der deutsche Sozialstaat ist in den letzten Jahren in Kritik geraten - und sieht sich trotz
author / Lothar / Böhnisch / seiner Bewährung in den jüngsten Finanzkrisen zum verlängerten Arm des neoliberalen
University of Kapitalismus herabgestuft. Lothar Böhnisch und Wolfgang Schröer zeigen: Wenn es um
Dresden/University of transcript die Diskussion der Zukunft des Sozialen geht, führt eine nur auf den Sozialstaat fixierte
Das Sozialpolitische Prinzip 9783839434598 2016-09-15 Kritik der Sozialpolitik in die Sackgasse. Vielmehr ist es das #on("i")#Sozialpolitische Sociology
Bolzano | author / Verlag Prinzip#off("i")#, von dem die eigentliche Wirkung und Kraft des Sozialen auch in der
Wolfgang / Schröer / Gesellschaft der Zweiten Moderne ausgeht. Dieses Prinzip freizulegen, angesichts der
University of Hildesheim gegenwärtigen Entwicklung zu erweitern und damit den einseitigen Sozialstaatsdiskurs
wieder in ein dialektisches Fahrwasser zu bringen, ist das Anliegen dieses Buches.

Afghanische basisdemokratische und feministische Akteure äußern deutlich ihren

Widerspruch zum externen Peacebuilding - doch sie werden nicht gehört. Ihre Analysen
und Ideen werden von Politik und Wissenschaft weitgehend ausgeschlossen. Darin
author / Mechthild / Exo / schlägt sich, so kann Mechthild Exo zeigen, die koloniale, epistemische Gewalt in der
Das übergangene Wissen Researcher in peace and transcript 9783839438725 2018-03-27 Weltpolitik nieder. Anschaulich und lebendig stellt sie das "unerwünschte Wissen" von
Political Science
Verlag vier afghanischen Organisationen vor, die in der künstlerischen Menschenrechtsarbeit,
conflict studies der feministischen Frauenorganisierung seit den 1970ern mit RAWA, dem Kampf gegen
die Straflosigkeit von Kriegsverbrechern beziehungsweise dem besatzungskritischen
Aufbau demokratischer Strukturen tätig sind. Die Studie ist eine bahnbrechende
Pionierarbeit der dekolonialen Friedensforschung.

Welche Rolle spielt(e) das Utopische im Prozess der Europäischen Integration? Was
bedeutet die Formulierung vom "utopischen Europa" in Zeiten der Wirtschafts- und
Finanzkrise in der EU? Anhand der Analyse juristischer Grundlagentexte zeigt Marcus
Das utopische Europa author / Marcus / Koch / transcript 9783839429587 2015-01-15 Koch, welche Position utopische Vorstellungen in der europäischen Einigung einnahmen
Political Science
Hamburg, Germany Verlag und wie sie sich in der historischen Entwicklung verändert haben. Die Studie verdeutlicht
einmal mehr, dass utopische Vorstellungen eine Triebfeder politischer Prozesse sind, und
trägt zum Diskurs um die Attraktivität und Sinnhaftigkeit der derzeit viel gescholtenen
Europäischen Union bei.

Das Weltsozialforum (WSF) ist #on("i")#das#off("i")# Relikt globalisierungskritischer

Bewegungen der Jahrtausendwende. Auch über ein Jahrzehnt nach dem ersten WSF
2001 in Porto Alegre (Brasilien) ziehen die Protest-Events zehntausende Gegner_innen
author / Christian / neoliberaler Weltordnung an. Mit seiner umfassenden ethnografischen Forschung
Das Weltsozialforum Schröder / University of transcript 9783839429679 2015-03-15 verfolgt Christian Schröder die Spuren des WSF vom Ursprung bis zum WSF 2013 in
Political Science
Luxembourg, Luxembourg Verlag Tunesien. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Frage, wie es dem WSF - anders als vielen
anderen Bewegungen - gelingt, so lange fortzubestehen, ohne seinen
Bewegungscharakter zu verlieren. Basierend auf umfangreichen Analysen wird das
Prinzip der Transpoiesis herausgearbeitet, demzufolge Bewegungen dann überdauern,
wenn sie zwischen Zerfall und Institutionalisierung oszillieren.

editor / Ulrike / Davy / Für die Nachkriegsgenerationen in Deutschland ist Demokratie eine
University of Bielefeld, Selbstverständlichkeit. Doch welche Spielräume hat besonnene demokratische
Germany | editor / Abwägung in Zeiten globalisierter Märkte, Rating-Agenturen und
transcript Expertenkommissionen? Brauchen wir neue Formen demokratischer Teilhabe und
Demokratie morgen Manuela / Lenzen / Center 9783839423875 2013-05-15 Political Science
for Interdisciplinary Research Verlag Entscheidungsfindung? Mit Hauke Brunkhorst, Horst Dreier, Burkhard Hirsch, Julian Nida-
Rümelin und Volker Wulf/Marén Schorch diskutieren renommierte Autoren aus
University of Bielefeld, Wissenschaft und Politik Schwachstellen unserer Demokratie und weisen Wege zu ihrer
Germany Überwindung.
Der Poststrukturalismus dekonstruiert liberal-demokratische Begriffe und lehnt
Letztbegründungen für normative Ordnungen ab. Kritiker werfen ihm daher eine
Unvereinbarkeit mit einer demokratischen Haltung vor. Derrida, Butler, Laclau und
Demokratie ohne Grund - kein author / Luzia / Sievi / transcript Mouffe vertreten dennoch eine zukünftige und radikale Demokratie. Wie ist dieser
9783839437919 2007-02-15 "ethical turn" zu beurteilen? Wie gelangen die Wissenschaftler von einer behaupteten Political Science
Grund für Demokratie? University of Göttingen Verlag Grundlosigkeit zu Gründen für die Demokratie? Luzia Sievi liefert eine detaillierte
Analyse sowohl zu den Kritiken an der Demokratie als auch zu den Demokratieentwürfen
der genannten Denker - und zeigt, welche Werte und Erkenntnisse bewirken, dass aus
scharfen Kritikern starke Verfechter der Demokratie werden.

Demokratische Verfassungsordnungen sind fragil und voraussetzungsreich. Worauf

beruht ihre Gründung und ihr Bestand? Welche Ressourcen werden für ihre
Konstituierung und Stabilisierung in Anspruch genommen? Der Band gibt eine neue
editor / Hans / Vorländer / transcript Antwort auf diese alten Fragen: Obwohl demokratische Ordnungen in ihrer eigenen
Demokratie und Transzendenz Dresden University of 9783839422786 2013-03-15 Wahrnehmung auf Autonomie und Selbstgesetzgebung beruhen, greifen sie zu ihrer Political Science
Technology, Germany Verlag Rechtfertigung auf Geltungsressourcen zurück, über die sie nicht oder nur bedingt
verfügen. Sie leben demnach von Transzendenz, wie an ausgewählten Diskursen und
Praktiken der Ordnungsbegründung vom 15. Jahrhundert bis hin zur Gegenwart gezeigt

Kulturdialog, Interkultureller Dialog, Islamdialog, Transformationsdialog - wer spricht da

eigentlich mit wem und vor allem wie? Vom 11. September 2001 bis zu den Umbrüchen
in der arabischen Welt 2011 gewährt das Buch spannende und ausführliche Einblicke in
Der deutsche "Dialog mit der author / Marcel / Ernst / transcript das Dialogverständnis und die Diskurspraxis der deutschen Auswärtigen Kultur- und
9783839429600 2014-12-15 Bildungspolitik. Anhand der vom Autor geführten Interviews mit Vertretern vom Political Science
islamischen Welt" Stuttgart, Germany Verlag Auswärtigen Amt, dem DAAD und dem Goethe-Institut wird die Diplomatensprache in
bislang einmaliger Form interdisziplinär unter die philologische Lupe genommen.
Vorschläge für einen künftigen Dialog im historisch wie gegenwärtig hochdynamischen
Mittelmeerraum ergänzen die Analysen.

Die weltpolitischen Konsequenzen des Krieges, den die USA und ihre "Koalition der
Willigen" im März/April 2003 gegen den Irak geführt haben, sind noch immer nicht im
Einzelnen abzusehen. Aber eine Folge ist bereits sichtbar: Von niemandem erwartet, ist
eine intensive öffentliche Debatte über die internationale Ordnung und die zukünftige
editor / Helmut / König / Rolle Europas in Gang gekommen. Der Irak-Krieg ist zum Katalysator einer breiten
Der Irak-Krieg und die Zukunft RWTH Aachen | editor / transcript Diskussion über europäische Erneuerung und europäische Identität geworden. Die in
9783839402092 2004-02-02 diesem Band zusammengetragenen Beiträge sind Wortmeldungen in einer Debatte, die Political Science
Europas Manfred / Sicking / RWTH Verlag gerade erst angefangen hat, und sie sind zugleich Interventionen in politische
Aachen Verwerfungen und Entwicklungen, von denen noch niemand genau weiß, wohin sie
gehen werden und wohin sie gehen sollen. Die Beiträge von Ernst-Otto Czempiel, Jürgen
Kocka, Gudrun Krämer, Herfried Münkler, August Pradetto, Emanuel Richter und
Christian Tomuschat entstammen einer Vortragsreihe anlässlich der Verleihung des
Karlspreises an
Was haben Handcreme, Tiefkühlpizza und Waschmittel gemeinsam? Richtig: Sie
enthalten Palmöl – wie bereits die Hälfte aller Supermarktprodukte. Doch wodurch
wurde der atemberaubende Palmölboom mit seinen verheerenden sozialen und
Der Palmölboom in Indonesien author / Alina / Brad / transcript 9783839447574 2019-03-15 ökologischen Folgen in den Produktionsländern ausgelöst? Alina Brad untersucht die
Political Science
Universität Wien, Österreich Verlag politischen und ökonomischen Triebkräfte, die den Aufstieg Indonesiens zum weltweit
führenden Palmölproduzenten ermöglichten. Ausgehend von den historischen und polit-
ökonomischen Bedingungen entschlüsselt sie das komplexe Geflecht von Interessen und
Konflikten um Landkontrolle und Inwertsetzung im indonesischen Palmölsektor.

Seit fast 40 Jahren wird der Sicherheitsdiskurs durch die gegenläufige Bezugnahme von
Innerer Sicherheitspolitik und linker Kritik geprägt. Letztere galt im Sicherheitsdiskurs
über lange Jahre hinweg selbst als Feindbild. Erstmals rückt diese kritische Position nun
author / Thomas / Kunz / in den Mittelpunkt der Forschung. Aus diskursanalytischer Perspektive untersucht der
Darmstadt University of Autor konservative und kritische Positionen zu Innerer Sicherheit - und kommt zu
Der Sicherheitsdiskurs Applied Sciences and transcript 9783839402931 2005-12-15 überraschenden Befunden: Trotz ihrer vordergründigen politischen Gegenläufigkeit sind
Political Science
University of Frankfurt am Verlag auffällige Gemeinsamkeiten und geteilte Grundannahmen feststellbar. Zudem werden
im Sicherheitsdiskurs gegenwärtig sog. Fremde bzw. "kriminelle Ausländer" als
Main Hauptfeindbilder mobilisiert, d.h. Konstruktionen, die wesentlich rassistisch fundiert sind.
Angesichts jener bereits angesprochenen Gemeinsamkeiten lautet deshalb eine weitere
zentrale Frage, ob bzw. inwieweit die heutige Kritik an Innerer Sicherheitspolitik diesen
Feindbildwandel berücksichtigt.

Marcus Otto unternimmt eine systemtheoretisch inspirierte genealogische

author / Marcus / Otto / Wiederbeschreibung eines Metanarrativs der Moderne, das sich als Imperativ politischer
Georg Eckert Institute for Inklusion historisch wirkmächtig an der Figur des Subjekts entfaltete. Dies impliziert die
transcript Dekonstruktion eines übergreifenden Willens zum Subjekt, der bis heute nicht nur in
Der Wille zum Subjekt International Textbook 9783839426395 2014-02-15 Sociology
Research, Braunschweig, Verlag politischen und gesellschaftlichen Selbstbeschreibungen, sondern auch in der
Historiographie vorherrscht. Mithin ist in einem umfassenden Sinne, der sich an der Figur
Germany des Subjekts kristallisiert, also der "Kopf des Königs noch immer nicht gerollt", wie
Foucault einst bezogen auf das politische Denken formuliert hat.

Aktuelle gesellschaftliche Diskurse sind vielfach von Globalisierungsassoziationen

geprägt. Sie gehören zum allgegenwärtigen Argumentationsrepertoire und werden
author / Dirk-Claas / Ulrich / zumeist als Inbegriff einer faktischen Globalisierung idealisiert. In seiner Analyse der
Erich Brost Institute for medialen Darstellung der Vereinten Nationen (UN) geht Dirk-Claas Ulrich den
Die Chimäre einer Globalen International_Journalism, TU transcript 9783839432624 2016-02-15 Verflechtungen von Medien und Öffentlichkeiten nach und klärt, inwieweit sich diese den
Political Science
Öffentlichkeit Dortmund University, Verlag normativen Minimalanforderungen globaler Öffentlichkeitsformationen annähern.
Zugleich widmet er sich der Frage nach einer medial multiplizierten UN-
Germany Legitimationskrise. In der Verknüpfung von Globalisierungs-, Öffentlichkeits- und
Auslandsberichterstattungstheorie leuchtet die Studie die empirische Substanz einer
#on("i")#Global Public Sphere#off("i")# detailliert aus.
Seit den 1990er Jahren durchläuft Entwicklungspolitik eine Wandlung. Die Frage
bewaffneter Konflikte und Kriege in den Peripherien hat "Nachhaltigkeit" als neue und
author / Jan / Pospisil / The zentrale Problemstellung abgelöst. Dieser Prozess verläuft nicht bei allen Akteuren
Die Entwicklung von Sicherheit Austrian Institute for transcript 9783839410776 2009-07-15 gleich. Vielmehr werden spezifische Rationalitäten von Steuerung sichtbar, die sich mit
Political Science
International Affairs and Verlag dem Foucault'schen Begriff der Gouvernementalität fassen lassen. In einem Vergleich
University of Vienna der entwicklungspolitischen Praxis der USA und Deutschlands arbeitet diese Studie die
Unterschiedlichkeiten der Konzepte und institutionellen Ausrichtungen heraus und
analysiert deren Implementierung in Sri Lanka.

Die europäische Integration führt zu einer Schwächung des Staates zugunsten des
Marktes. - Diese These bestimmt seit einigen Jahren den EU-Diskurs. Aber kann man
wirklich von einer Neoliberalisierung durch die EU sprechen? Und wenn ja, war diese
Die EU und der Rückzug des author / Anne / Karrass / transcript 9783839410677 2009-01-15 Entwicklung gewollt oder war sie der Logik supranationaler Zusammenarbeit geschuldet?
Political Science
Staates German Bundestag Verlag Der Band geht diesen Fragen anhand der europäischen Vorgaben für die nationale
Ausgabenpolitik nach. Eine Analyse der Geschichte der Integration seit den Römischen
Verträgen zeigt, dass es Alternativen zur heutigen Dominanz neoliberaler Politik gegeben
hat - und somit auch wieder geben kann.

Die Indigenenbewegung ist trotz ihrer enormen Diversität ein wichtiger sozialer Akteur in
der ecuadorianischen Gesellschaft. Seit einer Sattelzeit zwischen Mitte der 1970er und
author / Philipp / Altmann / Mitte der 1980er Jahre hat sie einen Diskurs herausgebildet, der identitäre mit
Die Indigenenbewegung in Free University of Berlin, transcript 9783839425701 2013-12-15 klassistischen Positionen verbindet und um die politischen Begriffe indigene Nationalität,
Political Science
Ecuador Verlag Territorialität, Plurinationalität, Interkulturalität und Gutes Leben herum aufgebaut ist.
Germany Philipp Altmann zeigt, wie sich dieser Diskurs gegen die koloniale Strukturierung der
Gesellschaft und ihre Auswirkungen - wie etwa Diskriminierung und Ungleichheit -
wendet und daher dekolonial zu verstehen ist.

Wie ist stabile Ordnung möglich? Auf diese Kernfrage der Politikwissenschaft gibt der
Band neue Antworten. Das Spektrum der Beiträge erstreckt sich von der Entfaltung der
editor / Werner J. / Patzelt / Theorie sozialer Wirklichkeitskonstruktion über diskursanalytische Detailstudien zu den
Die Machbarkeit politischer Dresden University of transcript 9783839422472 2013-03-15 politischen Ordnungen Ost-, Westdeutschlands und Europas, die zeigen, wie Rekurse auf
Political Science
Ordnung Verlag Transzendenz der Hervorbringung und Stabilisierung politischer Ordnung dienen, bis hin
Technology, Germany zu fallbezogenen Verbindungen von Theorie und Empirie, die das Scheitern
("Afghanistan"), das Gelingen ("Heimat") sowie die natürlichen Fundamente
("Soziobiologie") sozialer Ordnungskonstruktion in den Blick nehmen.

Deutschland hat sich in internationalen Abkommen dazu bekannt, das Menschenrecht

auf eine medizinische Versorgung zu achten, zu schützen und zu gewährleisten. Dessen
ungeachtet sind in Deutschland Migrantinnen und Migranten ohne Papiere faktisch von
Die medizinische Versorgung von author / Maren / Mylius / der Gesundheitsversorgung ausgeschlossen - Ausnahmen gelten lediglich für
Menschen ohne Papiere in University Erlangen- transcript 9783839434727 2016-07-15 medizinische Notfälle, bestimmte Infektionserkrankungen und Schutzimpfungen. Auf Sociology
Verlag Grundlage erstmals durchgeführter Erhebungen an Gesundheitsämtern und
Deutschland Nuremberg
Krankenhäusern unternimmt Maren Mylius eine Bestandsaufnahme der tatsächlichen
Zugangswege für die Betroffenen und veranschaulicht die Folgen der
#on("i")#exklusiven#off("i")# Regelungen anhand von Fallbeispielen und Interviews.
Gemeinschaft ist wieder Thema. Das gilt gerade auch in den Sozialwissenschaften. Die
nach wie vor ungeklärte Frage lautet jedoch: Warum? Dieses Buch bietet eine bisher
author / Philipp / ausstehende systematische Erklärung zur neuen Gemeinschaftsdiskussion. Grundthese
Die neue Diskussion um Sandermann / University of transcript 9783839411230 2009-03-15 dabei ist, dass die von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern geführte Debatte
Gemeinschaft Trier Verlag weniger als wissenschaftliches denn als ideologisches Phänomen zu sehen ist, welches
insbesondere aus Perspektive des Wohlfahrtssystems eine wichtige Funktion erfüllt und
beobachtbar wird, wenn man die neue Argumentation um Gemeinschaft in Relation zur
bisher dominierenden fordistisch-keynesianischen Wohlfahrtsstaatsdoktrin setzt.

Der "Wutbürger", 2010 zum Wort des Jahres gekürt, hat die Krise demokratischer
Repräsentation in Deutschland auf einen Begriff gebracht: Immer mehr Bürger äußern
author / Felix / Butzlaff / Misstrauen gegenüber der etablierten Politik. Bei einer Betrachtung dieser Krise und
Die neuen Bürgerproteste in Institute for Democracy transcript ihrer Ursachen sind die Vorstellungen der Bürger von einer guten und gerechten
9783839433416 2015-12-15 Political Science
Deutschland Research, Göttingen, Verlag Organisation von Politik, Wirtschaft und Staat zentral. Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit den
Germany Protagonisten der neuen Bürgerproteste - jenen Akteuren also, die ihren Glauben an die
Funktionsfähigkeit unserer Demokratie eingebüßt haben: Wer sind sie, was fordern sie
und welche Demokratie schwebt ihnen vor?

Die Rolle des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) in der internationalen

Finanzarchitektur ist seit seiner Gründung umstritten. Im Zuge der asiatischen
Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise in der zweiten Hälfte der 1990er Jahre erreichte die
author / Christian / Auseinandersetzung eine neue Dimension. Globale Proteststürme und Kritik von Seiten
Die Organisation des Washington Kellermann / Ebert transcript 9783839405536 2006-07-15 prominenter Experten haben die Legitimität des IWF empfindlich gestört - seine Politik Political Science
Consensus Foundation Stockholm Verlag sei krisenverschärfend und einseitig auf Interessen großer Gläubiger ausgerichtet. Mit
dem IWF rückte auch der Washington Consensusals neoliberale Entwicklungs
programmatik verstärkt ins Sichtfeld der Kritiker. Die in Folge unternommenen Versuche,
den Aufgabenbereich des IWF zu reformulieren, blieben jedoch relativ erfolglos.

In den USA stehen sich heute zwei politische Lager - Demokraten und Republikaner,
Liberale und Konservative - in existenzieller Feindschaft gegenüber. Doch was erklärt den
tiefen ideologischen Graben, der das Land durchzieht? In seinem Buch zeigt Torben
author / Torben / Lütjen / transcript Lütjen, wie die USA in ein Land politischer Echokammern zerfielen: virtuelle und soziale
Die Politik der Echokammer 9783839436073 2016-08-15 Räume, die vor allem von Gleichgesinnten bevölkert werden und sich durch das Fehlen Political Science
Universität Göttingen Verlag von Widerspruch ideologisch radikalisiert haben. Der Blick geht dabei vor allem nach
Wisconsin, in den Mittleren Westen der USA: Hier verkörpert sich in zwei extremen
Parteihochburgen von Demokraten und Republikanern paradigmatisch der Konflikt, der
die modernen USA prägt.

Weltweit werden Flüchtlinge langfristig in Flüchtlingslagern untergebracht. Heterogene

Akteure - UNO, NGOs, Regierungsvertreter, aber auch die Flüchtlinge selbst - bringen
author / Katharina / ihre Perspektiven, Interessen, Ressourcen und Außenbeziehungen in die Flüchtlingslager
Die politische Ordnung des Inhetveen / Ludwig transcript 9783839413784 2010-09-15 ein. Deren politische Ordnung konstituiert sich zwischen interner Machtdynamik und
Flüchtlingslagers Maximilians University of Verlag institutioneller Einbettung in das internationale Flüchtlingsregime. Ausgehend von Neo-
Munich, Germany Institutionalismus und Theorien der Kasernierung rekonstruiert Katharina Inhetveen
diese Ordnung am Fall zweier Lager in Sambia. Ein innovativer, empirisch fundierter
Beitrag zur politischen Soziologie des Flüchtlingslagers.
Michel Foucault suchte bereits 1983 nach den Rationalitäten, die unseren
gesundheitlichen Wahlentscheidungen zu Grunde liegen. Diese Frage stellt sich heute
noch dringender, bedenkt man den neoliberalen Wandel von Gesundheitsdiskursen in
author / Irene / Poczka / transcript den letzten Jahrzehnten. Diese Diskurse finden ihre Vorfahren in der religiösen und
Die Regierung der Gesundheit 9783839436950 2017-02-15 bürgerlichen Selbstpraxis sowie in der ärztlichen Praxis der Beratung und Überzeugung. Political Science
University of Tübingen Verlag Irene Poczka betrachtet diese als Regierungsweisen, die schließlich auch die politischen
Techniken beeinflussten, mit denen die Gesundheit der Bevölkerungen reguliert werden
sollte. Sie stellt fest: Im Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts lassen sich überall diskursive
Fragmente einer Genealogie liberalen Regierens von Gesundheit ausmachen.

Die Verabschiedung der UN-Konvention gegen transnationale organisierte Kriminalität im

Jahr 2000 (UNTOC) führte zu einer zunehmenden Institutionalisierung des Politikfeldes
Menschenhandelsbekämpfung durch zahlreiche nationale und internationale Akteure.
author / Bärbel Heide / Uhl / Bärbel Heide Uhl untersucht die politischen und institutionellen
Die Sicherheit der transcript Menschenhandelsdiskurse erstmals in einem Spannungsfeld: Wie konstituieren die als
Expert in Fighting Human 9783839426401 2018-03-27 Political Science
Menschenrechte Verlag gegensätzlich wahrgenommenen politischen Konzepte des Menschenrechtsschutzes und
Trafficking, Berlin, Germany der Sicherheitspolitik Maßnahmen gegen Menschenhandel? Eine kritische Rezeption von
Menschenrechtstheorien und des Begriffs der Sicherheit zeigt sogar eine Komplizenschaft
beider Konzepte auf, in Folge derer die politische und administrative Identität des
"gehandelten Menschen" entsteht.

Es entfaltet sich eine soziale Magie, wenn Stellvertreter durch ihr Reden und Handeln als
politische Repräsentanten in Erscheinung treten. Um politische Repräsentation jenseits
author / Erik / Jentges / von Wahlen verstehen zu können und für nicht-gewählte Interessengruppen nutzbar zu
Die soziale Magie politischer transcript machen, erweitert Erik Jentges bestehende Theorien durch soziologische Konzepte von
University of Zurich, 9783839415757 2010-10-15 Sociology
Repräsentation Switzerland Verlag Weber, Elias, Bourdieu und Canetti. Er zeigt, dass Stellvertretungsfigurationen durch
Charismatisierungsprozesse und Repräsentationsansprüche strukturiert werden - und
dass dabei jene Anerkennung entstehen kann, in der die soziale Magie politischer
Repräsentation zu wirken beginnt.

Diese Studie analysiert das dialogische Zusammenspiel zwischen den europäischen und
türkischen Diskursen um den möglichen EU-Beitritt der Türkei. Die Differenzen stellen in
der Perspektive postkolonialer Theorien ein ambivalentes und formatives Moment für
Die Türkei und das andere author / Bülent / Küçük / transcript die Bildung einer europäischen Identität dar: Die Europäer nehmen die
9783839410127 2008-09-15 Beitrittsverhandlungen zum Anlass, über ihr Selbstverständnis zu reflektieren, wobei Political Science
Europa Sabancà University Istanbul Verlag diverse Ost-West-Repräsentationen kommuniziert und strukturiert werden. Die
muslimischen Migranten in Europa und die Minderheiten in der Türkei fungieren dabei
als interne Symptome, die die Unvollständigkeit der europäischen bzw. türkischen
Identitäten sichtbar machen.

Prostitution wird häufig als moralisches oder rechtliches Problem diskutiert. Sie ist aber
auch eine Herausforderung für die (lokale) Verwaltung: Polizisten bekämpfen
author / Rebecca / Pates / Menschenhandel, Gesundheitsämter fürchten um die öffentliche Hygiene,
Die Verwaltung der Prostitution University of Leipzig | author
transcript Ordnungsbehörden mahnen Kunden auf dem Straßenstrich ab, Bauämter überwachen
9783839411179 2009-02-15 Political Science
/ Daniel / Schmidt / Verlag die Einrichtung von Bordellen, Vereine betreiben Aufklärung und HIV-Prävention. Auf
University of Leipzig welches Wissen sie dabei zurückgreifen und wie sie die Subjekte ihres Tuns herstellen -
das zeigt diese staatsethnografische Studie erstmals am Beispiel deutscher, polnischer
und tschechischer Kommunen.
Die Begriffe "links" und "nicht-antisemitisch" sind längst nicht mehr gleichzusetzen. Dies
zeigt sich auch in Argumentationen von Teilen des globalisierungskritischen Akteurs
author / Holger / Knothe / Attac. Aber worin bestehen eigentlich die Verknüpfungen zwischen
Eine andere Welt ist möglich - Ludwig Maximilians transcript 9783839412411 2009-10-15 globalisierungskritischer Rhetorik und antisemitischen Narrativen? Und wie verhält sich
Political Science
ohne Antisemitismus? Verlag Attac selbst zu dem Argument antisemitischer Affinitäten? Holger Knothe geht diesen
University of Munich Fragen nach und analysiert die Positionierungen von Attac zwischen universalistischem
Anspruch einerseits sowie Erinnerungsabwehr und stereotypen Wahrnehmungen des
Nahostkonfliktes andererseits.

Mitmachen, gestalten, sich für andere einsetzen - zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement hat

viele Facetten. Und sie sind alle wichtig, denn die Beteiligung an der Bürgergesellschaft
author / Johanna / Klatt / ist nicht zuletzt Beteiligung an der res publica. Die Form der Bürgergesellschaft hat sich in
Institute for Democracy den letzten Jahren allerdings gewandelt: Informelle und flexible Aktivitäten werden
Research, Göttingen, gegenüber starren Mitgliedschaften bevorzugt. Doch ist bislang kaum versucht worden,
Entbehrliche der transcript die Perspektive sozial Benachteiligter einzunehmen. Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich daher
Germany | author / Franz / 9783839417898 2011-04-15 Political Science
Bürgergesellschaft? Walter / Institute for Verlag mit der Teilhabe von Menschen mit geringem Einkommen und niedrigem Bildungsgrad
an der modernen Bürgergesellschaft und zeigt: Auch hier gibt es zivilgesellschaftliches
Democracy Research, Engagement. Nur anders.
Goettingen, Germany
(unter Mitarbeit von David Bebnowski, Oliver D'Antonio, Ivonne Kroll, Michael Lühmann,
Felix M. Steiner und Christian Woltering)

Gender impact assessment has been both celebrated as a beacon of hope for the cause
of gender equality and criticised as being ineffectual. More than 20 years of gender
mainstreaming have demonstrated that equality governance with and through impact
assessment is an intersectional and still evolving process. Arn T. Sauer's study examines
author / Arn T. / Sauer / the instruments of gendered policy analysis and the conditions under which they are
Equality Governance via Policy Humboldt-Universität zu transcript 9783839443767 2018-10-15 being used by the Canadian federal government and the European Commission. Political Science
Analysis? Verlag Interviews with experts from public administration and instrument designers as well as
Berlin, Deutschland
document analyses reveal benefits and challenges and show that the success of equality
governance depends upon whether knowledge about gendered policy and appropriate
administrative practices are embedded, embodied and entrenched in public

Sind es Geschichte und Kultur, die Europa zur Einheit bestimmen? Zieht Europa in der
globalen Standortkonkurrenz die alte Karte der "kulturellen Errungenschaft" universeller
editor / Moritz / Csáky / Werte? Was als Wirtschaftsunion gegründet wurde, wird heute zunehmend als
Austrian Academy of Wertegemeinschaft definiert. Diese Suche nach einem europäischen Wesen entwickelt
Sciences | editor / transcript Züge einer "Identitätspolitik", die an nationalistische Inklusions- und
Europa - geeint durch Werte? Johannes / Feichtinger / Verlag 9783839407851 2007-10-15 Exklusionsdynamiken erinnert und anzuknüpfen erlaubt. Das neue Sinnbedürfnis Political Science
überblendet nicht nur die Pluralität europäischer Erfahrungs- und
Austrian Academy of Erinnerungs(ge)schichten, es zeugt zugleich von der als Druck wahrgenommenen
Sciences Globalisierung. Mit Beiträgen von Michael Böhler, Michael Borgolte, Moritz Csáky,
Johannes Feichtinger, Georg Kreis, Adolf Muschg, Sabine Offe, Johannes Pollak, Dragan
Prole, Michael Rössner, Shingo Shimada und Moshe Zuckermann.
Die deutsch-polnische Grenze ist seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre Schauplatz
grenzpolizeilicher Kooperationen. Doch warum entschließen sich Nationalstaaten zur
author / Alexandra / Zusammenarbeit in diesem sensiblen Bereich? Und wieso soll ausgerechnet die deutsch-
Europa an der Oder Schwell / Fritz Thyssen transcript 9783839409701 2008-09-15 polnische Variante so erfolgreich sein? Vor welchen Schwierigkeiten stehen deutsche und
Political Science
Foundation Verlag polnische Grenzschützer in der Zusammenarbeit, und wie begegnen sie ihren Kollegen in
der Alltagspraxis? Die deutsch-polnische Grenzschutzkooperation steckt voller
Widersprüche. Warum sie dennoch als Erfolgsmodell für bilaterale Zusammenarbeit
gehandelt wird, ist Gegenstand dieser Studie.

Europa ist in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem dominierenden Thema geworden.

Verantwortlich dafür ist vor allem der Prozess der europäischen Einigung, der zunächst
editor / Roland / Marti / wirtschaftlich, zunehmend aber auch politisch gesehen wurde. Ein kulturell fundiertes
Europa zwischen Fiktion und Saarland University Europa-Verständnis hingegen wird zwar rhetorisch immer wieder ins Spiel gebracht,
transcript bleibt aber eigenartig unscharf. Dieser Band bringt politische, historische und kulturelle
Realpolitik/L'Europe - fictions et Saarbruecken | editor / 9783839414200 2010-07-15 Political Science
réalités politiques Henri / Vogt / University of Verlag Aspekte des modernen Europas zusammen und trägt so zu einem ganzheitlicheren Bild
bei. Sein Titel spielt bewusst mit der Mehrdeutigkeit des Begriffspaars "Fiktion" und
Turku "Realität": Auf der einen Seite kann literarische Fiktion eng mit politischer Realität bzw.
Realitätsdarstellung verbunden sein, andererseits ist "Realpolitik" oft mit "Fiktion" -
Mythen, Stereotypen, Traditionen - durchsetzt.

Die Außengrenzen sind zu einem umkämpften Raum der EU-Politik zwischen

Grenzkontrollen und Flüchtlingsrechten geworden. Silja Klepp stellt diese
Aushandlungskämpfe in einer Ethnographie der Seegrenze dar. Forschungsreisen entlang
der Küsten von Libyen, Italien und Malta verbinden sich zu einem einzigartig dichten Blick
Europa zwischen Grenzkontrolle author / Silja / Klepp / transcript 9783839417225 2018-03-26 auf die Zwänge und Handlungslogiken der Akteure im Grenzraum. Auf der Spur der
Political Science
und Flüchtlingsschutz University of Kiel, Germany Verlag Flüchtlinge von Süden nach Norden werden die Lage der Migrantinnen in Libyen, die
Grenzschutzagentur Frontex und die Verhältnisse auf See sowie schließlich Haftzentren
und andere Grenzeinrichtungen in den Ankunftsorten Malta und Süditalien illustriert und
auf die europäische Politik rückbezogen. Eine intensive Perspektive auf einen
umstrittenen Teil der europäischen Außenpolitik.

editor / Winfried /
Brömmel / Europäische
Horizonte/EUROPE DIRECT Die Einigung Europas ist eine beispiellose Erfolgsgeschichte. Zu ihr gehörten stets auch
Krisen, aus denen das europäische Projekt wieder gestärkt hervorgegangen ist. In der
Informationsbüro Stadt gegenwärtigen Finanz- und Staatsschuldenkrise scheint dies anders. Nun steht in den
Europa, wie weiter? Aachen, Germany | editor / transcript 9783839430101 2015-05-15 Augen vieler das Projekt selbst auf dem Spiel. Die Beiträge des Bandes rekapitulieren
Political Science
Helmut / König / RWTH Verlag entscheidende Antriebskräfte und Etappen aus der Geschichte des europäischen
Aachen, Germany | editor / Einigungsprojekts und beleuchten zentrale Aspekte der gegenwärtigen Lage in Europa.
Der Band skizziert zudem Wege der Erneuerung und Weiterführung des europäischen
Manfred / Sicking / City of Projekts.
Aachen/RWTH Aachen,
Die Gründungsverträge der Europäischen Gemeinschaft wurden am 25. März 1957 in
Rom von Frankreich, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Italien, Belgien, den Niederlanden
editor / Helmut / König / und Luxemburg unterzeichnet. Zwischenzeitlich ist aus dem Europa der sechs ein
Zusammenschluss von nunmehr 27 Staaten geworden. Von der Vision der europäischen
RWTH Aachen | editor / Julia Einigung geleitet, wonach Krieg in Europa nur durch friedlichen Zusammenschluss der
Europas Gedächtnis / Schmidt / initiative transcript 9783839407233 2008-03-15 Völker zu verhindern ist, hat sich in einem langen Integrations- und Vertiefungsprozess
Political Science
European Horizon | editor / Verlag die Europäische Union entwickelt. Fünf Jahrzehnte nach der Gründung des institutionell
Manfred / Sicking / RWTH verfassten gemeinsamen Europa muss die Frage diskutiert werden, ob die Gemeinschaft
auch eine von den Menschen getragene Identität besitzt. Elementarer Bestandteil jeder
Aachen Identität ist das Bewusstsein eines gemeinsamen Gedächtnisses. Gibt es dies in Europa
überhaupt? Was wird erinnert? Nur das halbe Jahrhundert seit den Römischen
Verträgen? Oder existiert ein tiefer reichendes historisches Erinnern der Europäer

Ob auf den Weltmärkten, in der EU oder im Völkerrecht - längst findet eine folgenreiche
Verfassungsbildung jenseits des Staates statt. In diesem postdemokratischen
Konstitutionalismus wird ein marktliberales Programm zum unbefragbaren Konsens
erhoben und mit einem höherrangigen Recht abgestützt. Kolja Möller verbindet
author / Kolja / Möller / systemtheoretische, postmarxistische und demokratietheoretische Ressourcen und zeigt
Formwandel der Verfassung University of Frankfurt, transcript 9783839430934 2015-07-15 an unterschiedlichen Beispielen: Weder eine Rückbesinnung auf die nationale Political Science
Verlag Demokratie noch die Verbreitung individueller Weltbürgerrechte schaffen hier Abhilfe.
Vielmehr braucht es eine destituierende Macht, um die inhaltliche Überformung der
Verfassungsbildung jenseits des Staates zu lösen. Die so entstehende neuartige, kritische
Verfassungstheorie fordert die aktuellen Verfallsdiagnosen zum Zustand der Demokratie

Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung scheinen nationale Grenzziehungen an Bedeutung zu

verlieren. Dennoch wird immer wieder die Forderung nach Eigenstaatlichkeit erhoben -
so auch im spanischen Staat: in Katalonien und im Baskenland. Patrick Eser zeichnet die
author / Patrick / Eser / ideologische und programmatische Entwicklung der katalanischen und baskischen
Fragmentierte Nation - University of Kassel, transcript 9783839423448 2013-03-15 Nationalbewegungen in einer umfangreichen Darstellung nach. Wie schätzen diese
Political Science
globalisierte Region? Germany Verlag Bewegungen die Globalisierung und die europäische Integration ein - als Chance oder als
Bedrohung? Anhand ausgewählter Themenfelder (Europa, Einwanderung, ökonomische
Globalisierung, kulturelle Identität/Metropolen) vermittelt die Studie einen vielfältigen
Einblick in die Realität und jüngste Entwicklung der in den beiden Regionen sehr
virulenten politischen Bewegungen.

Quer durch alle gesellschaftlichen Bereiche besitzt das Konzept der Prävention ein hohes
Maß an Akzeptanz. Das Bedürfnis nach Sicherheit tritt besonders in der kommunalen
author / Verena / Schreiber / Kriminalprävention in Erscheinung und konkretisiert sich dort in Form eines
Fraktale Sicherheiten University of Frankfurt am transcript 9783839418123 2011-06-15 Konglomerats aus diskursiver Wahrheitsproduktion und ortsgebundenen
Political Science
Main, Germany Verlag Alltagspraktiken. Im Anschluss an Michel Foucault und Algirdas Julien Greimas regt
Verena Schreiber zu einem spekulativen Denken über unser Verhältnis zur Prävention an
und spürt jenen Zusammenhängen nach, welche die Kriminalprävention zu einem
Freiheitsversprechen werden lassen, das aus keiner Perspektive mehr in Frage steht.
Die "Europafähigkeit" der Türkei wird in der europäischen und deutschen Öffentlichkeit
seit geraumer Zeit kontrovers diskutiert. Viele Europäer kritisieren
Menschenrechtsverstöße, die unzureichende Demokratisierung und befürchten eine
editor / Helmut / König / Islamisierung Europas. Die Türkei wiederum kann auf Reformen verweisen und ihre
Gehört die Türkei zu Europa? RWTH Aachen | editor / transcript 9783839403280 2005-03-15 geostrategische Bedeutung in der Beitrittsdebatte geltend machen. Ist die Türkei
Political Science
Manfred / Sicking / RWTH Verlag "europareif"? Wie ist es um das Verhältnis zwischen der Türkei und der Europäischen
Aachen Union bestellt? Gehört die Türkei zu einem vereinten Europa? Die in diesem Band
versammelten Beiträge sind Wortmeldungen in einer leidenschaftlich geführten Debatte,
die auch Antworten auf die Frage nach einer europäischen Identität sucht. Mit Beiträgen
u.a. von Claus Leggewie, Herfried Münkler, Faruk Sen und Hans-Ulrich Wehler.

Das Prinzip der Trennung von Religion und Politik, das längst als Standardantwort auf die
Frage nach der Legitimität der religionspolitischen Ordnung im demokratischen
Verfassungsstaat gilt, wird in dieser Studie einer kritischen Überprüfung unterzogen.
Ahmet Cavuldak rekonstruiert die Entstehungsgeschichte der religionspolitischen
Ordnungen Frankreichs, der USA und Deutschlands entlang der wichtigsten
author / Ahmet / Cavuldak / transcript Schwellenepochen und Aushandlungsprozesse. Anhand der Werke von Jean-Jacques
Gemeinwohl und Seelenheil Humboldt University of 9783839429655 2015-01-15 Rousseau, Alexis de Tocqueville und Jürgen Habermas stellt er drei "exemplarische" Political Science
Berlin, Germany Verlag Antworten auf die Frage nach dem rechten Verhältnis von Religion und Politik in der
Demokratie vor. Diese ideengeschichtliche Auseinandersetzung mündet in eine
systematische Diskussion der zur Rechtfertigung der Trennung von Religion und Politik
genannten Gründe. Schließlich wird die Frage aufgeworfen, ob - und wenn ja, inwiefern -
die religionspolitischen Lernprozesse des europäischen, lateinchristlich geprägten

Nationale Ethikkomitees gelten als adäquate Lösung für ethische Probleme

lebenswissenschaftlicher - und zunehmend auch nanotechnologischer - Entwicklungen.
Aber wann, wie und in welchem Kontext setzten sich diese Ethikpolitiken durch? Und
author / Sabine / Könninger / transcript wogegen? Diesen Fragen geht Sabine Könninger am Beispiel Frankreichs nach und zeigt,
Genealogie der Ethikpolitik 9783839432860 2016-08-15 wie sich eine Regierungstechnologie etablierte, in der Kritik an Forschungszielen und - Political Science
Political Scientist Verlag zwecken unerwünscht ist. Die Studie bietet einen kritischen Forschungsbeitrag zu
ethischen Institutionen und Diskursen im Bereich der Science and Technology Studies.
Umfangreich erschließt sie einem deutschsprachigen Publikum die
Auseinandersetzungen um Wissenschaft und Technik in Frankreich.

In den Sozialwissenschaften wird das Verhalten von Menschen oft durch ihre
Zugehörigkeit zu einer Generation erklärt. Seit den 68ern ist jedoch umstritten, ob sich
author / David / Bebnowski / überhaupt noch Generationen bilden und wodurch sie entstehen könnten. Worin liegen
Institute for Democracy transcript die Gründe hierfür? Welche gesellschaftlichen Umstände befördern welches Verhalten
Generation und Geltung 9783839419755 2012-02-15 und warum erhalten nur manche Generationen sozialwissenschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit, Sociology
Research Goettingen, Verlag sodass sie als 'Etablierte' gelten können? Im Vergleich von 45ern, Halbstarken, 68ern,
Germany 78ern, Generation Golf und Generation Praktikum zeigt David Bebnowski, dass vor allem
jene Generationen 'übersehen' werden, von denen radikale politische Opposition
erwartet wird.
Gerechtigkeit gehört zu den zentralen Wertfragen in allen gegenwärtigen europäischen
Gesellschaften. Das Gerechtigkeitskonzept wird jedoch oft inhaltlich zu eindimensional
gefasst und räumlich zu sehr auf die Einzelstaaten begrenzt. Die europäische Integration
editor / Helmut / König / transcript hat heute ein Niveau erreicht, das die Debatte über Gerechtigkeit nur über
Gerechtigkeit in Europa 9783839407684 2008-04-15 Ländergrenzen hinweg sinnvoll macht. Die interdisziplinären Beiträge in diesem Buch Political Science
RWTH Aachen Verlag diskutieren einen neuen europäischen Gerechtigkeitsbegriff, der sich an gegenwärtige
politische Diskurse anschließen lässt. Mit Beiträgen von Christine Chwaszcza, Nancy
Fraser, Otfried Höffe, Wolfgang Kersting, Helmut König und Emanuel Richter sowie Julian

Gewerkschaften sind einflussreiche Akteure, die das Leben einer Vielzahl von Menschen
mitbestimmen. Dennoch befinden sie sich seit längerer Zeit in der Krise. Die Mitglieder,
die sie jährlich verlieren, könnten ganze Fußballstadien füllen. Und dies, obwohl die
author / Robert / Lorenz / Gewerkschaften in Deutschland zahlreiche Schwachstellen erkannt und etliche Reformen
Gewerkschaftsdämmerung University of Goettingen, transcript 9783839422861 2013-02-15 ergriffen haben - allerdings mit zum Teil schwerwiegenden Folgen. Denn viele Political Science
Germany Verlag Modernisierungsversuche riefen neue Probleme hervor, ohne die alten zu lösen. Robert
Lorenz fragt: Kann die "Gewerkschaftsdämmerung" der letzten Zeit noch in eine
Renaissance umschlagen oder handelt es sich um ein anachronistisches Geschöpf einer
vergangenen Epoche?

editor / Elke / Ariëns / Burkas in Frankreich, Moscheebau in Köln, Minarette in der Schweiz - der öffentliche
University representative of Diskurs über die Integration von Muslimen in Deutschland und Europa ist geprägt vom
Konflikt zwischen Religionsfreiheit und der westlichen Trennung von Religion und Politik.
the City of Aachen, Germany Doch wie neutral muss der Staat hier eigentlich sein? Wie können die Errungenschaften
| editor / Helmut / König / transcript der Aufklärung verteidigt werden, ohne dass das Recht auf Religionsausübung verletzt
Glaubensfragen in Europa 9783839417072 2011-11-15 Political Science
RWTH Aachen, Germany | Verlag wird? Und welchen Stellenwert hat Religion in den modernen westlichen Gesellschaften
editor / Manfred / Sicking / noch? Diesen und weiteren Fragen gehen die Beiträge in diesem Band nach. Expertinnen
und Experten aus den Bereichen der Islamwissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft,
City of Aachen/RWTH Rechtswissenschaft und Migrationsforschung beleuchten das Verhältnis von Staatlichkeit
Aachen, Germany und Religion.

Die EU wäre gerne ein "global player", der auf dem Spielfeld von Weltwirtschaft und
Weltpolitik den großen Jungs den Ball abnimmt. In Politik und Medien wollen die meisten
author / Karin / Bischof / die EU als globalen Spieler sehen, und zwar unabhängig von ihrer parteipolitischen und
University of Vienna and weltanschaulichen Positionierung. Doch was bedeutet diese Metapher? Welche
transcript Assoziationen weckt sie und welche Annahmen liegen ihr zugrunde? In ihrer
Global Player EU? Institute of Verlag 9783839431153 2015-05-15 gesellschaftstheoretisch fundierten und multidisziplinären Analyse dechiffriert Karin Political Science
Conflict_Research, Vienna, Bischof den "global player" als Verkörperung neoliberaler Sachzwanglogik und
Austria hegemonialer Männlichkeit und macht "neue" neoliberale Mechanismen von Inklusion
und Exklusion (migrantischer) Anderer sichtbar. Die Metaphernanalyse zeigt: Politische
Rhetorik wirkt - und Metaphern des Politischen sind alles andere als bloßes Ornament.

Seit mehreren Jahrzehnten prägt Globalisierung die Welt - politisch, wirtschaftlich und
sozial. Dies veränderte viele Lebenssachverhalte erheblich, sowohl im Positiven wie im
Negativen. Im Ergebnis entstanden Zwiespältigkeit und eine postglobale Misere, die es zu
Globalisierung im Zwiespalt author / Jürgen / Turek / transcript 9783839437858 2017-03-15 bewältigen gilt. Jürgen Tureks umfangreiche Analyse geht den Gründen für die
Political Science
LMU Munich Verlag Destabilisierung der zivilisatorischen Verhältnisse im Spannungsfeld wirtschaftlicher
Dynamik, sozial-kultureller Aufregung und politischer Unsicherheit nach. Seine
differenzierte Bestandsaufnahme verschafft Orientierung und schlägt konkrete politische
Lösungsstrategien vor.
Wie lässt sich die Wissensgesellschaft angesichts von Kontingenz
#on("i")#regieren#off("i")#? Darauf antworten Diskurse um Partizipation und die
Transformation politischer Souveränität. Partizipation wird zum programmatischen
Gouvernementalität der author / Torsten / Junge / transcript Element. Das Problem der Regierung von Kontingenz und Unsicherheit erzeugendem
9783839409572 2008-07-15 Wissen soll bewältigt werden, indem Laien als mündige und lernfähige Bürger adressiert Sociology
Wissensgesellschaft Sociologist Verlag werden. Vor dem Hintergrund der Foucault'schen Philosophie werden in diesem Buch die
Diskurse der Wissensgesellschaft und die Praktiken der Partizipation als Techniken der
Regierung begriffen und als Strategie innerhalb der neoliberalen Gouvernementalität der
Gegenwart eingeordnet.

editor / Bastian / Lange /

Humboldt University of
Berlin and research and
consultancy office Dieser Band diskutiert aktuelle und zukünftige Steuerungsoptionen der
#on("i")#Kreativwirtschaft#off("i")#. Internationale Experten aus Forschung und Praxis
Multiplicities Berlin | editor / stellen das Orientierungswissen zu neuen Institutionen, Wissensmanagement und
Ares / Kalandides / National vernetzten transnationalen Arbeitsformen vor und problematisieren die Frage der
Governance der Technical University of transcript 9783839409961 2009-05-15 Steuerbarkeit dieses aufstrebenden Handlungsfeldes. Erstmalig für den deutschen Political Science
Kreativwirtschaft Verlag Sprachraum werden substanzielle, passgenaue und tragfähige Verständnisse und
Athens, Greece, and INPOLIS
Perspektiven zur Beförderung der #on("i")#Kreativwirtschaft#off("i")# präsentiert,
GmbH | editor / Birgit / kritisch bewertet sowie in einen übergeordneten fachlichen wie gesellschaftspolitischen
Stöber / Copenhagen Zusammenhang gestellt.
Business School | editor /
Inga / Wellmann / Einstein
Forum Potsdam

Paramilitärs, Kriminalität, Verschwundene - der "Krieg gegen die Drogen" hat in

wirtschaftlichen Boomzonen Kolumbiens und Mexikos Gewaltverhältnisse auf Dauer
author / Alke / Jenss / Alice- gestellt: Illegale und legale Ökonomie sind kaum mehr zu trennen. Alke Jenss bietet
Salomon University of einen differenzierten Blick auf die Rolle des Staates: Bekämpft er die, die er zu
Grauzonen staatlicher Gewalt Applied Verlag 9783839432518 2016-01-15 bekämpfen vorgibt? Stellt der Staat tatsächlich Ordnung her oder produziert er vielmehr Political Science
Sciences/Philipps_University selbst Unsicherheit für Teile der Gesellschaft? Die Studie analysiert erstmals
staatstheoretisch und vergleichend Gewaltdynamiken in beiden Ländern. Sie hinterfragt
Marburg, Germany kritisch, welche gesellschaftlichen Kräfte die Stärkung des Militärs in ihrem eigenen Sinne
vorantreiben und wer von Gewaltpraktiken betroffen ist.
author / Nicolas / Engel /
University of Erlangen,
Germany | author /
Michael / Göhlich /
University of Erlangen,
Germany | author /
Thomas / Höhne / University
of Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Germany | author / Matthias Europa wächst zusammen - so ein gängiger politischer Slogan. Diese Studie zeigt: In
/ Klemm / University of vielen Fällen sind es Organisationen, die in innereuropäischen Grenzregionen die
Erlangen-Nuremberg, konkrete internationale Zusammenarbeit vorantreiben. In diesem Buch untersucht ein
Grenzen der Germany | author / transcript 9783839423967 2013-12-15 Forschungsteam aus Linguisten, Pädagogen und Soziologen, auf welche Weise den
Grenzüberschreitung Verlag Bildungs-, Kultur-, Sozial- und Verwaltungseinrichtungen im bayerisch-böhmischen
Clemens / Kraetsch / Grenzraum die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit gelingt. Die Forscher zeichnen
University of Erlangen- nach, wie Organisationen geisteswissenschaftliche Expertise einsetzen, um zwischen den
Nuremberg, Germany | Kulturen, Sprachen und Rechtsräumen zu "übersetzen".
author / Christoph / Marx /
Bohemicum Regensburg-
Passau, Germany | author /
Marek / Nekula / University
Regensburg, Germany |
author / Joachim / Renn /
University of Muenster,

author / Jennifer /
Schellhöh / Institute for
Advanced Study in the Was macht radikale Weltbilder so attraktiv? Und wie lässt sich die Renaissance des
Humanities in Essen, Extremismus kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlich erklären? Sprach man bis vor Kurzem
Germany | editor / Jo / transcript noch davon, dass Großerzählungen auf dem Schrottplatz der Geschichte liegen, finden sie
Großerzählungen des Extremen 9783839441190 2018-04-19 neuerdings mit der Wiederkehr des Fundamentalismus den Weg zurück in den Diskurs. Political Science
Reichertz / University of Verlag Die Beiträge des Bandes stellen verschiedene Großerzählungen des Extremen vor und
Duisburg-Essen and Institute diskutieren, wie sie sich in Denkfiguren, Rhetoriken, Symboliken und Handlungsweisen
for_Advanced Study in the niederschlagen. Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Claus Leggewie und Susanne Schröter.
Humanities in Essen,

editor / Herfried / Münkler /

Das bisherige institutionell arrangierte Verhältnis von Sicherheit und Risiko ist angesichts
Humboldt University of der massiven Veränderungen der inneren, der sozialen und der äußeren Sicherheit in der
Berlin | editor / Matthias / Krise. Moderne Gesellschaften stehen vor der Frage, wie und in welchen Formen dieses
Handeln unter Risiko Bohlender / University of 9783839412282 2010-07-15 Verhältnis neu bestimmt und auf soziale, rechtliche und politische Weise neu arrangiert Sociology
Verlag werden kann. Der Fokus dieses Bandes zielt auf die Evaluierung politischer, sozialer und
Osnabrück | editor / Sabine /
technischer Umgangsweisen mit Risiko sowie auf die Analyse der gesellschaftlichen
Meurer / Humboldt Imaginationen, die mit diesen unweigerlich verknüpft sind.
University of Berlin
author / Sabine / Klotz /
University Erlangen-
Nuremberg | author / Heiner This book deals with various facets of the human right to health: its normative profile as
/ Bielefeldt / University a universal right, current political and legal conflicts and contextualized implementation
Erlangen-Nuremberg | in different healthcare systems. The authors come from different countries and
Healthcare as a Human Rights transcript disciplines - law, political science, ethics, medicine etc. - and bring together a broad
author / Martina / 9783839440544 2017-11-15 Sociology
Issue Schmidhuber / University Verlag variety of academic and practical perspectives. The volume contains selected
contributions of the international conference "The Right to Health - an Empty Promise?"
Erlangen-Nuremberg | held in September 2015 in Berlin and organized by the Emerging Field Initiative Project
author / Andreas / Frewer / "Human Rights in Healthcare" (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg).
University Erlangen-

Die kontroversen Diskussionen um die politische Entwicklung in Russland seit der

Machtübernahme durch Wladimir Putin im Jahr 2000 reißen nicht ab. Der Abbau
demokratischer Rechte, wirtschaftliches Wachstum und Stabilität werden als
author / Philipp / Casula / Kennzeichen der Putin'schen Herrschaft hervorgehoben. Philipp Casula fokussiert in
Hegemonie und Populismus in transcript
University of Basel, 9783839421055 2018-03-26 seiner Analyse hingegen auf die Genese des politischen Diskurses im Zeitraum 2000-2008 Political Science
Putins Russland Verlag und erarbeitet dessen hegemoniale und populistische Tendenzen mithilfe der Ansätze
von Ernesto Laclau. Die Studie wirft ein neues Licht auf die russische politische
Entwicklung und produziert Erklärungen für die Regime-Stabilität Russlands unter Putin
jenseits üblicher transformationstheoretischer Modelle.

Erst Kosovo, dann Afghanistan - deutsche Soldaten sind im Ausland stationiert,

editor / Michael / Daxner / Deutschland ist wieder im Krieg. Die Einsätze verändern nicht nur die Rolle Deutschlands
Free University of Berlin, in der Weltpolitik, sondern vor allem die Wahrnehmung der Nation von sich selbst. Die
Heimatdiskurs Germany | editor / Hannah / transcript 9783839422199 2018-03-26 Auseinandersetzung mit den Anderen - vor allem den Afghanen und Terroristen, aber Sociology
Verlag auch mit den Heimkehrern, den Gefallenen und den Traumatisierten - ist immer auch
Neumann / Free University
eine Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Identität. Die Beiträge dieses Buches liefern
of Berlin, Germany eine beispielhafte Analyse des Heimatdiskurses in Deutschland zwischen 2000 und 2012.

Als politische Institution des Staates und der Gesellschaft prägt das Militär Soldaten und
Zivilisten - und erzeugt den "Homo militaris". Ulrich vom Hagen widmet sich der
author / Ulrich / vom spezifischen Kultur des Militärs: In Verbindung der Weber'schen Herrschaftstheorie und
Hagen / Social scientist and transcript der Bourdieu'schen Feldtheorie konzipiert er das Militär als gewaltsame Körperschaft
Homo militaris 9783839419373 2012-01-15 und lässt den Homo militaris dabei als soziologische Figur - als eine Gestalt Sociology
ministerial councillor, Verlag institutionalisierter Gewalt - sichtbar werden. Zur Untersuchung des militärischen Feldes
Canada Deutschlands konnten hierfür erstmals Daten einer internen Erhebung der Bundeswehr
genutzt werden. Das Buch macht eine kritische Militärsoziologie an die allgemeine
Soziologie anschlussfähig.
author / Verena / Rothe / Wir werden immer älter. Gleichzeitig gibt es zunehmend Menschen, die mit Demenz
Aktion Demenz e.V., Giessen, altern und nur noch versorgt werden. Klar ist: Wir brauchen Alternativen zu den
Germany | author / eingefahrenen Umgangsweisen. Was tun wir, um Orte zu schaffen, an denen wir Leben
Gabriele / Kreutzner / transcript bleiben können - statt nur Leben? Wie können wir das Lebensumfeld von Menschen mit
Im Leben bleiben 9783839429969 2015-09-15 und ohne Demenz zu "menschenwärmenden Orten" machen? In Deutschland sind Sociology
dementia activist, Stuttgart, Verlag zahlreiche Initiativen im Aufbruch: Engagierte Menschen aus Politik, Kultur und Kirche
Germany | author / Reimer / sind auf kreative Weise unterwegs zu Demenzfreundlichen Kommunen. Die drei
Gronemeyer / University Autor/innen, eng vertraut mit dem Thema, zeigen Suchbewegungen, Stolpersteine und
Giessen, Germany erste Lösungsansätze auf.

How do young people from immigrant families become engaged in politics? Anja
Schmidt-Kleinert examines the case of young Israelis who are actively engaged with the
author / Anja / Schmidt- nationalist Yisra'el Beitenu party, led by the Israeli minister of defence, Avigdor
Inclusion through Exclusion Kleinert / Philipps-Universität 9783839445594 2018-11-15 Lieberman. She explores how the activists present Israeli citizenship in a way that is Political Science
Verlag exclusionary to non-Jewish citizens and analyses their strategy to actively construct a
Marburg, Deutschland
sense of belonging to Israeli society or, more precisely, to the Jewish collective by
(re-)producing the ethno-nationalist discourse.

Was fördert, was hemmt die Integration von Zuwanderern? Welche Konzepte können als
editor / Stefan / Luft / erfolgreich angesehen werden? Vor dem Hintergrund internationaler Erfahrungen
University of Bremen | greifen die Beiträge dieses Bandes zentrale Themen der Debatte auf: Integration durch
Integration von Zuwanderern editor / Peter / Schimany / transcript 9783839414385 2010-07-15 Recht, Multikulturalismus, interkulturelle Öffnung, Eingliederung in den Arbeitsmarkt Sociology
Verlag und Staatsangehörigkeitspolitik. Präzise und kritisch analysieren sie Stärken und
BAMF Nürnberg and
Schwächen bisher verfolgter Ansätze und zeigen Perspektiven für Politik,
University of Passau Integrationsarbeit und Wissenschaft auf.

Left-wing intellectuals in Britain and the US had long repudiated the Soviet regime. Why
was the collapse of the Eastern Bloc experienced as a shock that destabilised their
author / Sebastian / Berg / identities and political allegiances then? What happened to a collective project that had
Intellectual Radicalism after 1989 Ruhr University Bochum, transcript 9783839434185 2016-11-15 started out to formulate a socialist vision different from both really existing socialism and
Germany Verlag social democracy? This study endeavours to answer both questions, focusing on
generational networks rather than individuals and investigating political academic
journals after 1989 to paint the picture of a Left deeply troubled by the triumph of a
capitalism unfettered by any counter-force.

»Frieden schaffen« ist das gemeinsame große Ziel vieler internationaler Akteure in
Kriegs- und Krisengebieten. In der Praxis sind sie jedoch mit unterschiedlichsten
author / Julika / Bake / Aufgaben betraut. Basierend auf qualitativen Interviews mit zurückgekehrten
Interventionsalltag München/Augsburg, transcript 9783839443859 2018-07-15 Praktiker_innen entwickelt Julika Bake ein vielschichtiges, dichtes Bild des
Political Science
Verlag Interventionsalltags. Sie zeigt auf, wie sich Angehörige verschiedener Berufsfelder in
Deutschland ihren Erzählungen über die Arbeit vor Ort positionieren, und geht der Frage nach,
inwieweit die Unterscheidung von Intervenierenden in die Kategorien »zivil« und
»militärisch« zu einem besseren Verständnis von internationalen Interventionen beiträgt.
Karl Marx' (1818-1883) Polemiken gegen das »Genie bürgerlicher Dummheit« Jeremy
Bentham (1748-1832) sind weithin bekannt. Gegenstand seiner strategischen Attacken
author / Gregor / Ritschel / war jedoch weniger die Person Bentham selbst, sondern vielmehr die bürgerliche
Martin-Luther-Universität transcript Marktgläubigkeit der Zeit, zu dessen Stammvater er Bentham als »Urphilister« stilisierte.
Jeremy Bentham und Karl Marx 9783839445044 2018-09-15 Jenseits seiner Polemik kam Marx aber tatsächlich zu einer ambivalenten Einschätzung Political Science
Halle-Wittenberg, Verlag von Benthams Utilitarismus. Beim systematischen Vergleich beider Autoren und deren
Deutschland Kritik an anti-demokratischen Zuständen deckt Gregor Ritschel viele gemeinsame
Themen und Gedanken auf, die zusammengenommen eine neue, komplementäre Lesart

Die Europäische Union ist kein neuer Staat. Sie ist fragmentiert, umkämpft, voll innerer
Widersprüche. In wenigen Bereichen wird dies so deutlich wie im europäischen
editor / Forschungsgruppe / Grenzregime. Dieser Band versammelt die Ergebnisse einer intensiven vierjährigen
Staatsprojekt Europa / transcript Forschungsarbeit. Ausgehend von aktuellen Debatten materialistischer Staatstheorie und
Kämpfe um Migrationspolitik 9783839424025 2014-01-15 kritischer Europaforschung untersuchen die Beiträge mit der Methode der "historisch- Political Science
Frankfurt Institute for Social Verlag materialistischen Politikanalyse" die Kämpfe um europäische Migrationspolitik. Im
Research, Germany Mittelpunkt stehen dabei Konflikte in Deutschland, Spanien und Großbritannien sowie
Auseinandersetzungen über zentrale Projekte der EU-Migrationspolitik: Blue Card,
Frontex und Dublin II.

Die Arbeit untersucht die Identitätspolitik der EU anhand ausgewählter Felder

europäischer Kulturpolitik. Denn im Spannungsfeld zwischen nationalen und
author / Gudrun / Quenzel / supranationalen Identitätsangeboten kristallisiert sich eine zukunftsorientierte
University of Bielefeld and transcript Inszenierung europäischer Identität heraus, die sich weniger gegen die klassischen
Konstruktionen von Europa 9783839404140 2005-09-15 Gegenidentitäten #on("i")#Russland#off("i")# und #on("i")#Türkei#off("i")# abgrenzt, Political Science
Institute for Advanced Study Verlag sondern gegen die eigene kriegerisch-nationalistische Vergangenheit. Die materialreiche
in the Humanities Essen empirische Studie zieht systematisch von EU-Rechtsakten bis zur Tagespresse Daten
unterschiedlichster Art heran, um Diskursverläufe jenseits der etablierten Kategorien zu

editor / Volker / Eick / Free Seit rund zwanzig Jahren sind Städte zu Laboren neoliberaler Kriminalpolitik avanciert.
Das gilt insbesondere für die Metropolen Nordamerikas und Westeuropas, in denen neue
University of Berlin | editor / staatliche Polizeistrategien erprobt, private Sicherheitsdienste beauftragt und elaborierte
Jens / Sambale / Political transcript Kontroll- und Sicherheitstechnologien zum Einsatz gebracht werden. Erstmals fassen hier
Kontrollierte Urbanität 9783839406762 2007-10-15 Political Science
Scientist | editor / Eric / Verlag ausgewiesene Experten theoretische und empirische Ergebnisse zur
Töpfer / Berlin Institute of sicherheitspolitischen Kontrolle des innerstädtischen Raums, von Sportveranstaltungen,
neuen sozialen Bewegungen und sogenannten Randgruppen in vergleichender
Technology Perspektive zusammen.

Universalität der Menschenrechte oder einzelstaatliche Souveränität? Dieser Gegensatz

entfaltet sich bei nahezu allen internationalen Konflikten. Vertreter beider Prinzipien
author / Claas / setzen auf Gewalt als politisches Mittel. In einer Aktualisierung von Hannah Arendts
transcript politischer Philosophie zeigt Claas Christophersen, dass sich die fundamentalen Probleme
Kritik der transnationalen Gewalt Christophersen / University Verlag 9783839412886 2009-10-15 menschlichen Zusammenlebens auf globaler Ebene nur dann lösen lassen, wenn sich die Political Science
of Hamburg Weltgemeinschaft in Richtung einer transnationalen Demokratie weiterentwickelt und
die politische Teilhabe aller Weltbürgerinnen und Weltbürger gewährleistet ist. Ein
innovativer Beitrag zu einer der Schlüsselfragen transnationaler Politik.
editor / Henrique Ricardo / Wer sich gegenwärtig politischen Ideen in kritischer Absicht stellt, ist mit diversen
Otten / University of Applied Problemen konfrontiert, von denen dieser Band einige fokussiert. Ein Teil der Beiträge
Sciences for Public analysiert die populistische Berufung auf das "Volk" und die "kleinen Leute", während
Administration and andere Texte rechtsextremistische Strömungen in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung
transcript stellen - untersucht unter anderem am Beispiel rechter Fußballszenen. Unterschiedliche
Kritik und Leidenschaft Management of North 9783839415900 2011-04-15 Political Science
Verlag Perspektiven auf die Krise und Zukunft der Demokratie bilden einen weiteren
Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Schwerpunkt des Buches, das mit Beiträgen zu den Möglichkeiten ideologiekritischer
| editor / Manfred / Sicking / Ansätze und zur Aktualität von Gesellschaftskritik schließt.
City of Aachen/RWTH
Aachen, Germany (unter Mitarbeit von Julia Schmidt)

editor / Maria / Dammayr / Ob Finanz-, Pflege- oder Bildungskrise - aktuelle Krisen bergen das Potenzial, die
Johannes Kepler University Legitimität von Herrschaft zu verändern. Die Stabilität von Legitimationsmustern ist
gesellschaftlich, politisch und wissenschaftlich umkämpft und historisch jeweils neu zu
Linz, Austria | editor / Doris / reflektieren: Werden Formen der Legitimation etwa von Demokratie, Leistung, sozialen
Legitimität Graß / Johannes Kepler transcript 9783839431818 2015-07-15 Ungleichheiten und Wahrheits- oder Herrschaftsansprüchen brüchig? Entstehen in
University Linz, Austria | Verlag Krisendiskursen neue Deutungshorizonte oder gewinnen bislang als selbstverständlich
editor / Barbara / Rothmüller akzeptierte Rechtfertigungsmuster an neuer Überzeugungskraft? Die Beiträge des
Bandes untersuchen die Herausbildung und den Verlauf von Bruchlinien der
/ University of Luxembourg, Rechtfertigung in so unterschiedlichen Bereichen wie Politik, Wirtschaft und Arbeit,
Luxembourg Bildung, Wissenschaft und Medien.

Der Begriff "Leistung" ist in Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft omnipräsent. Doch auf die
Frage, was Leistung ist, folgt in der Regel Schweigen. Lars Distelhorst geht in seinem
author / Lars / Distelhorst / transcript Essay dieser Leerstelle auf den Grund und vermag so eine tiefgehende Kritik an der
Leistung Hoffbauer Berufsakademie Verlag 9783839425978 2014-01-15 "Leistungsgesellschaft" zu üben. Er zeigt: Jede Rede von Leistung mündet in einen Political Science
Potsdam, Germany unauflösbaren Widerspruch. Was hinter dem Leistungsbegriff liegt, ist nicht weniger als
die Leere einer Gesellschaft, deren Zentrum in der Akkumulationsbewegung des Kapitals
zu suchen ist, während sie die letzten Karten der Ideologie spielt.

Prominente Beispiele des "Aufbegehrens" gegenüber politischen Entscheidungen, wie

etwa jüngst "Stuttgart 21", haben die Frage politischer Partizipation verstärkt in die
öffentliche Diskussion gerückt. Seitens der Politiker wird eine stärkere Beteiligung der
author / Jana / Trumann / Bevölkerung meist mit der Begründung mangelnder politischer Kompetenz abgelehnt.
Lernen in Bewegung(en) University of Duisburg-Essen, 9783839422670 2013-01-15 Jana Trumann geht dieser Unterstellung nach, indem sie politische Lern- Political Science
Germany Verlag Handlungspraxen am Beispiel von Bürgerinitiativen aufgreift und aus
subjektwissenschaftlicher Perspektive lerntheoretisch analysiert. Das Buch stellt einen
vielschichtigen politischen Lern-Handlungsraum vor, der wichtige Aspekte für die
bildungs- und politikwissenschaftliche Diskussion liefert.
Wieso wandelt sich Kooperation in Konflikt? Wie lässt sich der dynamische Wechsel in
der deutsch-amerikanischen Sicherheitsstruktur in Afghanistan und im Irak erklären?
Liebe und Macht in der deutsch- author / Tim / Griebel / Dieses Problem geht weit über den konkreten Gegenstand hinaus, berührt es doch auch
Friedrich-Alexander- transcript grundlegende Fragen: etwa die nach der menschlichen Natur oder jene nach dem
amerikanischen 9783839435878 2016-09-15 Verhältnis von Akteur und Struktur bzw. von Ideen und Materie. Auch die Möglichkeiten Political Science
Sicherheitsbeziehung 2001-2003 University Erlangen- Verlag und Grenzen wissenschaftlicher Analysen bedürfen einer Reflexion. Auf Basis des
Nuremberg #on("i")#Critical Realism#off("i")# stellt sich Tim Griebel diesen Fragen und rekonstruiert
die Dynamik von Liebe und Macht innerhalb einer historischen Sicherheitsstruktur
mithilfe einer korpuslinguistischen kritisch-realistischen Diskursanalyse.

editor / Johanna / Klatt / Politische Manifeste - einst eine Fürsten, Königen und Kaisern vorbehaltene
Kommunikationsform - haben sich zu einem Medium protestierender Bürger gewandelt.
Institute for Democracy Anhand einer Reihe von Porträts unternimmt dieser Band eine Exkursion in die
Research, Göttingen, transcript Geschichte politischer Manifeste. Von Georg Büchner über Werner Heisenberg bis zu
Manifeste 9783839416792 2010-12-15 Political Science
Germany | editor / Robert / Verlag Hans-Peter Dürr soll die "Kraft des Wortes" vom Vormärz bis zur Gegenwart beurteilt
Lorenz / University of werden: Wie entstehen und funktionieren politische Manifeste? Weshalb vermögen es
einige, die Massen zu mobilisieren, während andere nur Randnotizen der Geschichte
Goettingen, Germany bleiben?

Beeinflussen Massenmedien den Gang der internationalen Politik? Alexander Brand gibt
hierauf eine differenzierte Antwort, die Medien weder zu Sündenböcken für
author / Alexander / Brand / fehlgeschlagene politische Projekte macht noch deren eigenständige Wirkmächtigkeit
University of Mainz and transcript abstreitet. Auch widerspricht er einer technologiefixierten Lesart, wie sie bei der Rede
Medien - Diskurs - Weltpolitik 9783839418314 2012-02-15 vom "CNN-Effekt" oder der "Twitter-Revolution" dominiert. Auf der Basis eines Political Science
Dresden University of Verlag modifizierten konstruktivistischen Ansatzes für die Internationalen Beziehungen erläutert
Technology, Germany die Studie, wo genau sich Medieneffekte in internationalen politischen Dynamiken
niederschlagen - und zeigt, dass dies weder einseitig gerichtet noch mit durchweg
erwartbaren Konsequenzen geschieht.

author / Felix / Hadwiger /

Wilke Maack GmbH,
Hamburg, Germany |
author / Brigitte / Hamm / Internationale Arbeitnehmerrechte gewinnen durch die voranschreitende Globalisierung
University of Duisburg-Essen weiter an Bedeutung. Basierend auf Fallstudien und Experteninterviews diskutieren die
Menschenrechte im transcript Autorinnen und Autoren die UN-Leitprinzipien für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte.
Unternehmen durchsetzen | author / Katrin / Vitols / Verlag 9783839441794 2017-11-15 Dabei stellen sie Anknüpfungspunkte für Gewerkschaften und Betriebsräte heraus und Sociology
Wilke Maack GmbH, zeigen Strategien, Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten und Instrumente für die Sicherung von
Hamburg, Germany | Arbeitnehmerrechten in Unternehmen weltweit auf.
author / Peter / Wilke /
Wilke Maack GmbH,
Hamburg, Germany
Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar - dieses unbedingte Recht ist völker-, europa-
und verfassungsrechtlich verbürgt. Dass die Würde des Menschen jedoch auch im
säkularisierten sozialen Rechtsstaat letztendlich eine heilige Ordnung ist, kollektiv religiös
author / Frank / Schulz- geglaubt werden muss und sich nicht in einem rationalen Diskurs hinreichend
Menschenwürde als heilige Nieswandt / University of transcript 9783839439418 2017-08-15 wahrheitsfähig erweist, zeigt Frank Schulz-Nieswandt im Rekurs auf Böckenförde, Sociology
Ordnung Cologne Verlag Habermas, Joas und Agamben. Im Anschluss daran entfaltet er die Idee einer gottlosen
Ontotheologie eines existenzialen personalistischen Humanismus, den er mit Verweis auf
Paul Tillich und Romano Guardini zugleich gegen jeden Übergriff einer autoritären Theo-
Dogmatik supranaturalistischer Art verteidigt.

Was ist die Mitte der Gesellschaft und was erwartet sie von der Zukunft? Wie bewertet
author / Stine / Marg / sie Politik im Allgemeinen sowie Politiker, politische Prozesse und Entscheidungen im
Institute for Democracy transcript Besonderen? Anhand welcher Maßstäbe fällt sie ihre Urteile? Auf Basis einer
Mitte in Deutschland 9783839427286 2014-06-15 umfangreichen qualitativen Erhebung wird die soziale Mitte in dieser Studie erstmals Political Science
Research, Goettingen, Verlag systematisch analysiert. Stine Marg erörtert nicht nur die Fokusgruppe als Methode der
Germany Sozialwissenschaft, sondern präsentiert ebenso überraschende Erkenntnisse über die
Wertvorstellungen und Erwartungen "der Mitte".

editor / Elke / Ariëns / Die "multikulturelle Gesellschaft" führt regelmäßig zu heftigen Reaktionen in der
University representative of öffentlichen Diskussion. Für die einen Ausdruck einer Vision des bereichernden
the City of Aachen, Germany Zusammenlebens verschiedener Kulturen, ist sie für die anderen Symbol einer
| editor / Emanuel / Richter / Gesellschaft ohne nationale Identität. Ein konfliktfreies multikulturelles Miteinander
Multikulturalität in Europa RWTH Aachen University, transcript 9783839420966 2018-03-26 voller Harmonie scheint illusorisch. Realistisch ist jedoch der Anspruch, Chancen und
Political Science
Germany | editor / Verlag Güter nicht nach ethnischen Kriterien zu verteilen. Eine gerechte Welt kann nur über
Solidarität unter Gleichwertigen gestaltet werden - ohne Anschauung der ethnischen
Manfred / Sicking / City of Zugehörigkeit. Der Band geht der Frage nach, wie dies gelingen kann.
Aachen/RWTH Aachen,
Germany (unter Mitarbeit von Eva Onkels und Philip Röhr)

In der Auseinandersetzung um die Präsenz des Islams in Deutschland und anderen

europäischen Ländern steht immer auch die Frage zur Debatte, wie Muslime sich zum
säkularen Staat verhalten. Auf der Grundlage der Religionsfreiheit rekonstruiert Heiner
author / Heiner / Bielefeldt / Bielefeldt zunächst einen freiheitlichen Begriff von rechtsstaatlicher Säkularität.
Muslime im säkularen University Erlangen- transcript 2003-03-15 Anschließend diskutiert er verschiedene muslimische Positionen gegenüber dem
Political Science
Rechtsstaat Verlag säkularen Staat, die von kämpferischer Distanzierung über pragmatische Arrangements
Nuremberg in der Diaspora bis hin zu theologisch begründeten SäkularisierungsÝ forderungen
reichen. Zu den aktuellen Themen, die der Band aufgreift, gehören die Frage, inwieweit
Muslime im Rahmen des Grundgesetzes nach der Scharia leben können, sowie die
Kontroverse um den islamischen Religionsunterricht.
Global is everywhere - recent years have seen a significant proliferation of the adjective
author / Sabine / Selchow / "global" across discourses. But what do social actors actually do when using this term?
London School of Economics, Written from within the political studies and International Relations disciplines, and with
Negotiations of the "New World" UK and Ludwig-Maximilians- transcript 9783839428962 2016-11-15 a particular interest in the US, this book demonstrates that the widespread use of
Political Science
Universität Munich, Verlag "global" is more than a linguistic curiosity. It constitutes a distinct political phenomenon
of major importance: the negotiation and reproduction of the "new world". As such, the
Germany analysis of the use of "global" provides fascinating insights into an influential and
politically loaded aspect of contemporary imaginations of the world.

Das Europa nach 1989 ist geprägt von neuen Mustern der kulturellen und ethnischen
editor / Gesine / Drews- Exklusion sowie des Rechtsextremismus: Neue Konstellationen von (Alltags-)Rassismen
Sylla / University of sind die Folge der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen der letzten 20 Jahre
Tuebingen, Germany | editor transcript - etwa des Zerfalls der Sowjetunion und des Ostblocks, der Erweiterung der Europäischen
Neue alte Rassismen? 9783839423646 2015-05-15 Union und der Migration vom Osten und Süden nach Westen und Norden. In diesem Sociology
/ Renata / Makarska / Verlag Buch werden interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur Rassismusforschung, einzelne Fallstudien (vor
University of Mainz, allem aus Deutschland und dem östlichen Europa) sowie praktische Beispiele aus der
Germany Rassismusprävention vereint, die den veränderten gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen
Rechnung tragen.

Im östlichen Europa leben in den letzten Jahrzehnten historische Mythen wieder auf:
"Volkskultur" oder religiöse Traditionen tragen genauso zu einer nationalen
editor / Irene / Götz / LMU Identitätspolitik bei wie jüngere Erinnerungsorte, beispielsweise aus dem Kontext Sport
Neuer Nationalismus im Munich | editor / Klaus / transcript oder der Populärkultur. Mit Blick auf Polen, Tschechien, Russland, Bulgarien, Ungarn,
Roth / LMU Munich | 9783839439623 2018-03-26 Kroatien, die Slowakei sowie die Ukraine ethnografieren die Beiträge des Bandes diese Political Science
östlichen Europa editor / Marketa / Spiritova / Verlag Wiederentdeckung des Nationalen aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Sie
beleuchten die Ursachen und Spezifika dieser aktuellen Entwicklungen in den
LMU Munich postsozialistischen Ländern und gehen den Folgen für den europäischen
Einigungsprozess nach.

Mit der Globalisierungsthematik sind seit den 1990er Jahren

Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs) in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses sowohl der
Politik als auch der Sozialwissenschaften gerückt. Oftmals wurden NGOs dabei als Träger
der Hoffnungen auf Entfaltung zivilgesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen in der
Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Weltgesellschaft betrachtet. Die vorliegende Studie analysiert die inzwischen
author / Armin / Stickler / transcript ausdifferenzierte Debatte um NGOs und zeigt kritisch deren theoretische Defizite auf,
soziale Bewegungen und Global 9783839404072 2005-08-15 Political Science
Advisor for Education Verlag indem verschiedene Theorien der Weltgesellschaft sowie der herrschaftskritischen
Governance Organisationstheorie auf innovative Weise zusammengeführt werden. NGOs erscheinen
so eben nicht als Gegenspieler der Globalisierung, sondern als Vermittler der
universalistisch-rationalistischen Grundstruktur der Moderne. Ihre Einbettung in das
hegemoniale Doppelkonzept von "dialogischen Verfahren" und "formaler Organisierung"
verhindert, dass emanzipatorische Alternativen auf globaler Ebene relevant werden.
Plötzlich war sie mit ihren Zelten da: Die Occupy-Bewegung formierte sich 2011
scheinbar über Nacht, besetzte weltweit öffentliche Plätze und protestierte gegen
author / Lars / Geiges / Bankenmacht. Auch in Deutschland entstanden Occupy-Gruppen, die teils mehrmonatige
Institute for Democracy transcript Camps in den Stadtzentren errichteten. Von hier aus sollte sich ihr Protest entfalten -
Occupy in Deutschland 9783839429464 2014-11-15 offen, basisdemokratisch, vielstimmig. Was bewegte die Aktivisten und wie blickten sie Political Science
Research, Goettingen, Verlag auf Politik, Staat und Gesellschaft? Wie organisierten sie sich? Und was könnte von
Germany Occupy bleiben? Anhand von Beobachtungen, Interviews und Diskussionsrunden mit
Occupyern eröffnet Lars Geiges einen materialreichen Blick auf das junge und kaum
erforschte Protestphänomen.

In The Eyes of the People entwickelt der Politikwissenschaftler Jeffrey Edward Green
editor / Dominik / Hammer / unter der Bezeichnung "Okulare Demokratie" eine grundlegend neue Theorie
Catholic Adult Education demokratischer Teilhabe. Dabei wird der Blick der Bürger_innen als Instrument
Lower Saxony | editor / transcript demokratischer Kontrolle hervorgehoben, in dessen Fokus nicht Inhalte, sondern die
Okulare Demokratie 9783839440049 2017-09-15 öffentliche Performance von Spitzenpolitiker_innen steht. Der Band stellt diese Political Science
Marie-Christine / Kajewski / Verlag Demokratietheorie vor und macht den Ansatz sowie die Diskussion um ihn erstmals für
Catholic Adult Education den deutschen Diskurskontext zugänglich. Die Beiträger_innen greifen dabei die Debatte
Lower Saxony um die Krise der repräsentativen Demokratie auf und untersuchen die Potenziale einer
plebiszitären Zuschauerdemokratie.

Wir leben in einer verflochtenen und dennoch geteilten Welt: Asymmetrien,

Grenzziehungen und Politiken der Differenz bringen gleichzeitig die Trennlinien und den
gemeinsamen Kontext für globales Zusammenleben hervor. Diese Ambivalenz schlägt
sich auch in der deutschen Auswärtigen Kulturpolitik nieder, die sich ursprünglich an den
Ordnungen des Nationalen und author / Jens / Adam / transcript Ordnungen des Nationalen orientiert hat, seit der Jahrtausendwende aber zunehmend
Humboldt University of 9783839442623 2018-02-15 auch geopolitische Bruchlinien und Konflikte als ihre Arbeitsfelder begreift. Basierend auf Political Science
die geteilte Welt Berlin, Germany Verlag Feldforschungen in Berlin, Ramallah, Sarajevo, Tel Aviv und Jerusalem zeichnet Jens
Adam Formierungs- und Übersetzungsprozesse einer neuen Policy nach. Er eröffnet
damit Einblicke in translokale Wissens- und Handlungsräume, in denen sich Ordnungen
des Nationalen und Potenziale der Kosmopolitisierung kreuzen. Ausgezeichnet mit dem
ifa-Forschungspreis Auswärtige Kulturpolitik 2016.

editor / Friedrich / Arndt /

Transidis e.V. | editor / Ordnung muss sein! So lässt sich das zentrale Strukturprinzip der Moderne
Carmen / Dege / Transidis zusammenfassen. Heutige soziale, politische, wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Ordnungen
e.V. | editor / Christian / erscheinen dagegen immer weniger eindeutig. Ziel dieses Bandes ist es, den Blick
Ellermann / Transidis e.V. | transcript transdisziplinär für alternative Konzeptionen von Wirklichkeit zu öffnen. Dabei wird
Ordnungen im Wandel 9783839407837 2008-01-15 gefragt: Welche Ordnungen institutionalisieren sich jenseits von Demokratie, Nation und Political Science
editor / Maximilian / Mayer / Verlag Staat? Inwiefern bestehen Ordnungen nebeneinander fort und überlagern sich in Zeit
Transidis e.V. | editor / David und Raum? Die Beiträge eröffnen eine Debatte, die moderne Paradigmen hinterfragt und
/ Teller / Transidis e.V. | die Eindimensionalität und Statik traditioneller sozialwissenschaftlicher Konzepte
editor / Lisbeth / herausfordert.
Zimmermann / Transidis e.V.
editor / Margarete / Flüchtlinge stehen vor vielen Problemen, die nicht nur in ihren Heimatländern entstehen,
sondern häufig durch die Politik anderer Staaten und internationaler Organisationen
Misselwitz / social scientist verursacht werden. Flüchtlinge leben in unentschiedenen Zuständen. Obwohl die Flucht
Politik der Unentschiedenheit and M.P.S. (Master of Peace transcript 9783839413104 2010-03-15 vor kriegerischer Gewalt seit Jahrzehnten prominentes Thema der internationalen Politik
Political Science
and Security Studies) | editor Verlag ist, weist die globale Flüchtlingspolitik erhebliche Lücken auf. Dieser Band zeigt durch
/ Klaus / Schlichte / Fallstudien zu palästinensischen Flüchtlingen, zu Flüchtlingen aus Sri Lanka, Liberia,
Kolumbien, Kosovo und anderen Regionen, wie Politik mit Flüchtlingen gemacht wird und
University of Magdenburg welche Folgen die Politik der Unentschiedenheit für sie hat.

editor / Sigrid / Baringhorst /

University of Siegen |
editor / Veronika / Kneip / Eine gegenseitige Durchdringung von Zivilgesellschaft und Markt manifestiert sich in der
Politisierung des Konsums und der Selbstinszenierung von Unternehmen als sozial
project »Changing Protest verantwortliche Bürger. Dies wirft grundlegende Fragen zur Neubestimmung von
and Media Cultures« | editor transcript Bürgerschaftskonzepten und zur Erweiterung des Handlungsrepertoires von
Politik mit dem Einkaufswagen / Annegret / März / Verlag 9783839406489 2007-10-15 Protestakteuren in spätmodernen Konsumgesellschaften auf. Dabei fungieren (neue) Political Science
University of Siegen | Medien sowohl als Vermittler unternehmerischen Engagements als auch als Plattform für
die Ausbildung neuer Protestformen. Der Band liefert einen Beitrag zur aktuellen
editor / Johanna / Niesyto / Diskussion und versammelt Perspektiven von Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern.
project »Changing Protest
and Media Cultures«

Politische Beteiligung wandelt sich. Der sozialwissenschaftliche Diskurs weist immer

wieder auf eine Hinwendung der Bürger_innen zu neuen Formen des Engagements hin,
die außerhalb der Einflusskanäle des repräsentativen Systems liegen. Dem Social Web
author / Katharina / kommt in diesem Prozess eine besondere Bedeutung zu, da es potenziell einen Raum für
Politische Konsumentinnen im transcript
Social Web Witterhold / University of Verlag 9783839437100 2017-03-15 bürgerschaftliche Bildungsprozesse darstellt. Katharina Witterhold untersucht die dieser Sociology
Siegen Entwicklung zugrunde liegenden Bedingungen am Beispiel politischer Konsumentinnen.
Mit dem Blick auf Frauen als Wegbereiterinnen eines neuen Politikstils sowie mit der
Entwicklung einer praxeologischen Analyseperspektive auf Alltagspolitik betritt ihre
Studie auch theoretisch Neuland.

author / Wolfgang /
Bergem / Universität Siegen, Die Prozesse kultureller Transformation in den gegenwärtigen Demokratien lassen sich
mit den traditionellen Ansätzen der politischen Kulturforschung, bei denen vor allem
Deutschland | author / Paula politische Präferenzen untersucht werden, nicht mehr adäquat erfassen. Um die
Politische Kulturforschung / Diehl / Christian-Albrechts- transcript Wirksamkeit kultureller Dispositionen der Wahrnehmung und Beurteilung des Politischen
reloaded Universität zu Kiel, Verlag 9783839447475 2019-07-15 sowie politischen Entscheidens und Handelns heute verstehen und analysieren zu Political Science
Deutschland | author / Hans können, bedarf es neuer Konzepte. Dieser Band versammelt Beiträge mit Befunden
aktueller Forschung zu den politischen Dimensionen von Kultur und den kulturellen
J. / Lietzmann / Bergische Dimensionen von Politik sowie mit innovativen theoretischen, programmatischen und
Universität Wuppertal, methodischen Ansätzen.
Wie entstehen dominante politische Sprach- und Denkmuster und wie hängen sie mit
den gesellschaftlichen Machtverhältnissen zusammen? Diesen Fragen nach dem
Funktionieren diskursiver Hegemonien will der vorliegende Band unter der Verknüpfung
Politischer Diskurs und author / Martin / Nonhoff / transcript von Politik- und Diskurswissenschaft auf den Grund gehen. Anhand der Untersuchung
9783839404249 2006-06-15 des hegemonialen Projekts "Soziale Marktwirtschaft" werden die politisch-diskursiven Political Science
Hegemonie University of Bremen Verlag Charakteristika und Strategien erfolgreicher Hegemonien rekonstruiert. Zudem
veranschaulicht die exemplarische Analyse des westdeutschen wirtschaftspolitischen
Diskurses der Nachkriegsjahre, wie die Politikwissenschaft von diskurswissenschaftlicher
Forschung profitieren kann.

Ausgehend von den anhaltenden Debatten um das islamische Kopftuch in staatlichen

Bildungseinrichtungen Deutschlands und Frankreichs analysiert Schirin Amir-Moazami
die Logiken der Diskursproduktion über den Islam und bringt die Argumente der Kritiker
author / Schirin / Amir- mit den Stimmen Kopftuch tragender junger Musliminnen ins Gespräch. Die Studie
transcript zeichnet nach, wie die wachsende Partizipation sichtbarer Muslime, hier symbolisiert
Politisierte Religion Moazami / Freie Universität 9783839404102 2007-04-15 Sociology
Verlag durch das Kopftuch, im dominanten Diskurs beider Länder Abwehrreaktionen provoziert
Berlin und der Islam mehrheitlich als Gegenkategorie zu jeweils national geprägten
Säkularitätskonzepten begriffen wird. Zugleich zeigt sie, wie die jungen Frauen in die
Diskurstraditionen beider Länder eingebettet sind und sich in komplexen
Aushandlungsprozessen engagieren.

Der Zerfall der sowjetischen Organisationsgesellschaft hat vielfältige Veränderungen in

Gang gesetzt. Evelyn Moser perspektiviert diese Veränderungen mithilfe der
Postsowjetische author / Evelyn / Moser / Differenzierungstheorie und der Theorie der Weltgesellschaft. Auf der Grundlage
Forum Internationale transcript ethnographischer Feldforschung untersucht sie die Umstellungen und Neuordnungen,
Transformationen in der 9783839431016 2015-08-15 die sich im Kontext von politischer Dezentralisierung und landwirtschaftlicher Sociology
Wissenschaft, University of Verlag Privatisierung vollziehen und die Transformationsgesellschaft im ländlichen Russland
Bonn, Germany kennzeichnen. Zu beobachten ist lokale Kontingenz im Horizont der Weltgesellschaft:
Änderungsabsichten müssen Engpässe passieren, Normalitätserwartungen verschieben
sich und neue Anschlussmöglichkeiten entstehen.

Power is the essence of politics. Whoever seeks to understand and master it must
understand its logic. Drawing on two decades of international experience in political
consulting, Dominik Meier and Christian Blum give profound and honest insights into the
Power and its Logic author / Dominik / Meier | transcript 9783839444979 2019-07-15 inner workings of power. Introducing their Power Leadership Approach, the authors
Political Science
author / Christian / Blum Verlag provide a conceptual analysis of power and present the tools to successfully exercise it in
the political domain. "Power and its Logic" is a guidebook for politicians, business
leaders, civil society pioneers, public affairs consultants and for every citizen who wants
to understand the unwritten rules of politics.

Dieses Buch analysiert die Praxis der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung mit den Mitteln
der Theorie der Interaktionssysteme und der Professionssoziologie. Dazu wird das
Professionalisierung der beratende Handeln als soziale Beziehung gefasst, die sich als ein
wissenschaftlichen author / Kai / Buchholz / transcript 9783839409367 2008-10-15 professionalisierungsbedürftiges Arbeitsbündnis darstellt. Die Studie macht zum einen
Berlin Social Research Center Verlag die strukturellen Probleme dieser Praxis deutlich und zeigt zum anderen, wie mit diesen
Politikberatung? Schwierigkeiten umgegangen werden kann, so dass die wissenschaftliche Beratung
erfolgreich verläuft. Sie trägt zur Klärung des Beratungs-Begriffs ebenso bei wie zu einem
besseren Verständnis der Praxis wissenschaftlicher Politikberatung.
Prostitution und Menschenhandel sind Gegenstand vielfältiger staatlicher und
zivilgesellschaftlicher Aktivitäten. Die individuellen Wahrnehmungs- und
Prostitution und Handlungsmuster der Polizisten, Sozialarbeiter, Gesundheits- und Ordnungsbeamten sind
Menschenhandel als author / Claudia / Vorheyer / transcript 9783839414125 2010-06-15 dabei von entscheidender Bedeutung. In einer bisher einzigartigen
University of Zurich Verlag Perspektivenverschränkung zeigt Claudia Vorheyer die Dynamik der Verwaltungsarbeit
Verwaltungsproblem auf und fragt, wie die beteiligten Akteure ihre Handlungsspielräume für unterschiedliche
Prostitutionspolitiken nutzen: Wie deuten sie das Problem? Welche Aufgaben und
Strategien leiten sie daraus ab? Und wie gestalten sie die Zusammenarbeit mit Dritten?

Im Frühjahr 1957 bedienten sich 18 Kernphysiker einer uralten Methode, Politik zu

machen. Sie verfassten ein politisches Manifest: die "Göttinger Erklärung", mit der sie zu
author / Robert / Lorenz / Ikonen der friedensbewegten Anti-Atomwaffenproteste avancierten. Robert Lorenz geht
transcript den politischen Wesenszügen der erklärten Nichtpolitiker nach, untersucht ihre Motive
Protest der Physiker University of Goettingen, 9783839418529 2011-06-15 Political Science
Verlag und Wirkung. Er fragt, weshalb ehrwürdige Nobelpreisträger wie Max Born, Otto Hahn
Germany und Werner Heisenberg öffentlich die Bundesregierung angriffen, und beleuchtet, wie
der Physiker Carl Friedrich v. Weizsäcker zum prominenten "Friedensphilosophen"
aufsteigen konnte.

Wie entstehen und reproduzieren sich soziale Bewegungen? Was ist das Verhältnis
author / Luca / Tratschin / sozialer Bewegungen zu anderen Typen sozialer Systeme wie z.B. Organisationen, dem
Protest und Selbstbeschreibung University of Lucerne, transcript 9783839436912 2016-11-15 Wirtschaftssystem oder der Gesellschaft? Luca Tratschin präsentiert eine
Political Science
Switzerland Verlag kommunikationstheoretische Antwort auf diese Fragen und zeigt, wie soziale
Bewegungen durch die kontingente Entdeckung von Gemeinsamkeiten vieler raum-
zeitlich verankerter Protestkommunikationen entstehen können.

Sowohl der "Arabische Frühling" als auch das Erstarken der dschihadistischen
Kampfgruppe "Islamischer Staat" haben die diversen islamistischen Bewegungen in den
Fokus der medialen und publizistischen Aufmerksamkeit rücken lassen. Auf der Basis der
author / Thorsten / Hasche / Gesellschaftstheorie der Politik Niklas Luhmanns untersucht Thorsten Hasche mit der
Quo vadis, politischer Islam? Department for Political transcript 9783839431207 2018-04-15 AKP, der al-Qaida und der Muslimbruderschaft drei zentrale Bewegungen des Political Science
Science, Germany Verlag sunnitischen Islamismus. Historisch und vergleichend nimmt er dabei ihre Vordenker,
ihre politischen Ideologien und ihre Strukturen in den Blick. Es wird deutlich: Der
sunnitische politische Islam wird auch mittelfristig ein wirkmächtiger Bestandteil des
weltpolitischen Systems bleiben.

Moderne Gesellschaften beruhen auf dem Selbstverständnis, Gewalt einzuhegen,

zugleich sind das Recht und die Pflicht zur Gewaltanwendung Grundprinzipien moderner
Staatlichkeit. Gewalt, Ordnung und Staatlichkeit sind demnach konstitutiv aufeinander
editor / Susanne / bezogen, doch ihr prekäres Verhältnis erscheint zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts
Krasmann / University of transcript umstrittener denn je. Konzepte wie Rettungsfolter, gerechte Kriege, Ausnahme oder
Rationalitäten der Gewalt Hamburg | editor / Jürgen / 9783839406809 2007-09-15 Sicherheit verweisen zugleich auf neue Rationalitäten staatlicher Gewalt. Der Band bietet Political Science
Martschukat / University of Verlag interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf historische Kontinuitäten und Brüche staatlicher
Neuordnungen von Gewalt in der Gegenwart. Mit Beiträgen von David Garland, Christian
Erfurt Geulen, Sven Kramer, Susanne Krasmann, Alf Lüdtke, Jürgen Martschukat, Andrew W.
Neal, Günter Riederer, Ruth Stanley und Anja Feth, Frank Schumacher, Klaus Weinhauer
sowie einen bisher im Deutschen unveröffentlichten Text von Judith Butler.
Der Schutz nationaler Minderheiten bildet eine wichtige Herausforderung der staatlichen
Innenpolitik, Außenpolitik und nicht zuletzt der Europapolitik. Obwohl in jüngerer Zeit
editor / Heiner / Bielefeldt / sowohl auf der Ebene der Vereinten Nationen als auch im Rahmen des Europarats und
University Erlangen- der OSZE Instrumente zur Stärkung von Minderheitenrechten diskutiert bzw. geschaffen
Rechte nationaler Minderheiten Nuremberg | editor / Jörg / transcript 9783839402412 2004-04-15 worden sind, besteht nach wie vor Unsicherheit über Reichweite, Anspruchsinhalte und
Political Science
Verlag Grenzen von Minderheitenrechten. Der Band, der aus einem von der Deutschen
Lüer / German Comission for Kommission Justitia et Pax (Gerechtigkeit und Frieden) organisierten interdisziplinären
Justice and Peace Gesprächskreis hervorgegangen ist, reflektiert diese Situation und legt Beiträge zur
ethischen Begründung, rechtlichen Verankerungen und zu historischen Erfahrungen mit
Minderheitenrechten vor.

Wie können irreguläre Migranten und Migrantinnen ihre Interessen vertreten, obgleich
ihre Einreise und ihr Aufenthalt als unerwünscht gelten? Die Studie zeichnet die Spuren
von Protest, Organisierung und Lobbying in der EU nach. Dabei wird der Blick an die
author / Helen / Grenzen Europas wie auch auf das lobbypolitische Zentrum Brüssel gelenkt. Die Studie
Rechtlos, aber nicht ohne Schwenken / University of transcript 9783839405161 2006-09-15 zeigt auf, inwiefern sich auf europäischer Ebene überraschende und unkonventionelle Political Science
Stimme Kassel Verlag Ansatzpunkte ergeben - nicht zuletzt durch geschlechterpolitische Allianzen und
eigensinnige Praxen der Migrierenden. Das Buch trägt zur sozialwissenschaftlichen
Diskussion um "schwache Interessen" und zum gesellschaftlichen Diskurs um "illegale"
Migration bei.

Die Schweizerische Volkspartei ist binnen 25 Jahren von einer braven Klientelpartei zum
politischen Taktgeber avanciert. Sie ist nicht nur die stärkste politische Kraft des Landes,
Rechtspopulismus und author / Marius / Hildebrand transcript sondern auch ein Vorbild des europäischen Rechtspopulismus. Marius Hildebrand
9783839437124 2017-01-15 beleuchtet die Karriere der SVP mithilfe der formalen Populismustheorie Ernesto Laclaus. Political Science
Hegemonie / University of Hamburg Verlag Im Unterschied zu sozialstrukturellen und ideologiekritischen Analysen, die den
Populismus als Anomalie perspektivieren, wird er hier als Effekt einer diskursiven
Transformation der politischen Schweiz betrachtet.

Jürgen Habermas' Modell der deliberativen Demokratie gilt als zentrales Paradigma der
politischen Theorie. Die kommunikationstheoretischen Annahmen über Diskurse werden
author / Steffen / Albrecht / allerdings durch die zunehmend alltägliche Onlinekommunikation in Frage gestellt.
Dresden University of transcript Welche Strukturen der Partizipation entstehen in politischen Diskursen im Internet? Und
Reflexionsspiele 9783839415221 2010-06-15 welche Dynamik prägt die Diskussion? Diesen Fragen geht der Autor in einem Political Science
Technology and Zebralog Verlag empirischen Vergleich von neun Onlinediskursen nach. Die Ergebnisse der explorativen
Berlin Studie führen zu einer Neubestimmung des Zusammenhangs von diskursiver
Kommunikation und ihren Wirkungen, der als "Reflexionsspiel" gefasst und ausgearbeitet

Szenen einer missvergnügten Ehe - dieses bürgerliche Trauerspiel wird derzeit auf den
politischen Bühnen westlicher Demokratien gegeben. Es führt vor, wie weit sich
Regierende und Regierte auseinander gelebt haben. Von heute auf morgen passiert so
Regieren: Die Geschichte einer author / Wolfgang / Fach / transcript etwas nicht. Der Band lässt die wechselvolle Geschichte des Regierens Revue passieren
Zumutung Wolfgang Fach Verlag 9783839436066 2016-09-15 und zeigt, wie angespannt das Verhältnis seit jeher gewesen ist. Dass Kanzler Könige und Political Science
Bürger Bauern abgelöst haben, hat daran nichts geändert. Andererseits hält diese
Mesalliance erstaunlich viel aus - selbst nach blutigen Konflikten arrangiert man sich
wieder und findet ein neues Gleichgewicht der Frustration. Die Hoffnung, es gehe trotz
allem stetig aufwärts, muss derzeit wieder einmal begraben werden.
Sie sind weltweit vernetzt, technisch auf der Höhe der Zeit und attackieren entlang einer
religiösen Geopolitik. Um zu begreifen, was Bin Laden, Zawahiri und Atta antreibt, wie sie
author / Elisabeth / denken und fühlen und warum sie sich die moderne Alltagstechnik als Schlachtfeld
Sakrale Geographie Heidenreich / University of transcript 9783839416044 2010-10-15 ausgesucht haben, müssen wir ihnen nahe kommen. In diesem Buch werden zum ersten
Verlag Mal die technischen, sakralen und seelischen Räume islamistischer Terroristen
the Aegean, Greece erschlossen. Mit phänomenologischen und psychoanalytischen Mitteln zeigt Elisabeth
Heidenreich, zu welchen geopolitischen Implikationen die sakrale Geographie des
islamistischen Terrorismus führt.

Diverse Islamic groups have triggered a "revival of Islam" in Central Asia in the last
decades. As a result, there has been a general securitization of Islam by the governments:
author / Kathrin / Lenz- not only do they combat the terrorist Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan but also outlaw
Securitization of Islam: A Vicious transcript popular groups such as the Gülen movement. However, strong repression of religion
Raymann / University of 9783839429044 2014-12-15 Political Science
Circle Verlag might lead to radicalization. Kathrin Lenz-Raymann tests this hypothesis with an agent-
Zurich, Switzerland based computer simulation and enriches her study with interviews with international
experts, leaders of political Islam and representatives of folk Islam. She concludes that
ensuring religious rights is essential for national security.

Muss ein Staat seine Untaten bereuen, um außenpolitische Legitimität zu erhalten? Was
bedeutet es, Kriegsverbrechen aufzuarbeiten? Und wie agieren und kommunizieren
Politiker, die unter internationalem Druck aufarbeiten müssen? Am Beispiel des
Serbische author / Daniela / Mehler / transcript serbischen Umgangs mit während der Jugoslawienkriege begangener Kriegsverbrechen
9783839428504 2015-09-15 Political Science
Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung Frankfurt on Main, Germany Verlag sucht Daniela Mehler Erklärungen für Politikwandel und Ambivalenzen. Sie rekonstruiert
die serbischen Aufarbeitungsdebatten vom Beginn der Jugoslawienkriege bis zur
Verhaftung von Ratko Mladic und stellt die Positionen und Norminterpretationen der
serbischen Akteure vor.

editor / Herfried / Münkler /

Die umfassende gesellschaftspolitische Problematik von Sicherheit und Risiko in den
Humboldt University of globalisierten westlichen Gesellschaften ist nicht erst seit "9/11" oder der aktuellen
Berlin | editor / Matthias / Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise virulent. Dieser Band versammelt die wichtigsten Stimmen
Sicherheit und Risiko Bohlender / University of Verlag 9783839412299 2010-03-15 der sozial-, kultur- und humanwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, um nicht nur grundlegend Sociology
Osnabrück | editor / Sabine / in die Thematik einzuführen, sondern auch, um Antworten zu geben auf die Frage nach
dem rasanten Wandel unseres Verständnisses von Gefahr, Bedrohung, Unsicherheit und
Meurer / Humboldt riskantem Verhalten.
University of Berlin

Was ist "solidarische Ökonomie"? In der Begegnung mit verschiedenen Akteuren der
editor / Bastian / Ronge / Bewegung in Berlin identifizieren und thematisieren die Beiträge des Bandes zentrale
Solidarische Ökonomie als transcript Fragen und Probleme der solidarischen Ökonomie. Sie vermitteln einen lebendigen
Lebensform Humboldt Universität zu Verlag 9783839436622 2016-10-15 Eindruck von der Welt des alternativen Wirtschaftens, ohne dass dabei die theoretische Sociology
Berlin Reflexion zu kurz kommt. Ein Buch, das sowohl zum Nachdenken über alternative
Formen des Wirtschaftens als auch zum Nach- und Mitmachen animiert.
Der Begriff der Solidarität, der in der Zeit nach der Französischen Revolution geprägt
wurde, steht in einer spezifischen Spannung zu den liberalen Sozialtheorien des 18.
Jahrhunderts. Während er in den Sozialwissenschaften, bei Comte und Durkheim, als
author / Hermann-Josef / zentrale Beschreibungskategorie arbeitsteiliger Gesellschaften fungiert, avanciert er im
Solidarität und Solidarismus Große Kracht / Technical transcript 9783839441817 2018-03-27 Solidarismus der Jahrhundertwende (u.a. bei Léon Bourgeois) zum republikanischen Sociology
University of Darmstadt Verlag Legitimationskonzept des entstehenden Wohlfahrtsstaates. Im 20. Jahrhundert erlebt er
dann jedoch theoretisch und programmatisch einen eigentümlichen Niedergang.
Hermann-Josef Große Kracht wirft in seiner Ideengeschichte des Solidaritätsbegriffes die
Frage nach einem 'Neustart solidaristischer Vernunft' auf.

Das neuartige Arbeitsmarktinstrument "Soziale Aktivierung" versammelt Maßnahmen,

deren Wirkungen über die dominierenden Ziele der direkten und zeitnahen Integration in
den Arbeitsmarkt hinausgehen sollen. Anhand von Fallbeispielen wie Kung-Fu-Kursen
author / Carolin / Freier / oder Theatergruppen rekonstruiert Carolin Freier, wie Langzeitarbeitslose und andere
Soziale Aktivierung von Institute of Employment transcript 9783839435489 2016-11-15 arbeitsmarktferne Personen hierdurch "sozial aktiviert" und zur sozialen Teilhabe Sociology
Arbeitslosen? Research Verlag befähigt werden sollen, u.a. durch das (Wieder-)Erlernen von Alltagskompetenzen. Die
Studie zeichnet nach, wie diese Maßnahmen in der täglichen Praxis der
Arbeitsvermittlung entstanden, auf welche Strategien sie sich zurückführen lassen und
welche Folgen sich für die Arbeitslosen ergeben.

Auch Sozialpolitik globalisiert sich. Das Buch zeigt, dass sozialhilfe- und rentenartige
author / Lutz / Leisering / Grundsicherungssysteme nicht nur in entwickelten, sondern auch in Entwicklungs- und
University of Bielefeld | Übergangsgesellschaften wirksame Instrumente der Armutsbekämpfung sein können.
Soziale Grundsicherung in der author / Petra / Buhr / transcript Direkte Geldleistungen etwa an von AIDS betroffene Familien, alleinerziehende Frauen
9783839404607 2006-09-15 und Alte können auch entwicklungspolitisch produktiv sein. Das Buch gibt erstmals einen Sociology
Weltgesellschaft University of Bremen | Verlag weltweiten Überblick über monetäre Grundsicherungssysteme. Die
author / Ute / Traiser-Diop / Grundsicherungsstrategie markiert einen Paradigmenwechsel in der Entwicklungspolitik
Ute Traiser-Diop und stützt die These John W. Meyers einer sich verbreitenden universalistischen

Seit den späten 1980er Jahren hat sich in Europa ein Planungsansatz etabliert, der mit
quartiersbezogenen Strategien versucht, der sozialräumlichen Segregation in den
author / Simon / Güntner / Großstädten entgegenzuwirken. Die Studie rekonstruiert die Entwicklung dieser Politik
Soziale Stadtpolitik european cities' network transcript 9783839406229 2007-04-15 von frühen Diskursen bis hin zu politischen Beschlüssen und der Umsetzung in
Political Science
Verlag Förderprogrammen und Projekten. Sie zeigt, wie es im Politikprozess zu der jeweiligen
EUROCITIES Kopplung von Problemdeutung und Instrumentierung kam. Als Beispiele werden die EU-
Gemeinschaftsinitiativen URBAN I und II, das Bund-Länder-Programm "Soziale Stadt" und
die "Sozialorientierte Stadtentwicklung" in Berlin betrachtet.

Was ist Beratung und wie funktioniert sie? Adrian Steiner gibt Antwort auf diese Fragen,
author / Adrian / Steiner / indem er die formalen und funktionalen Merkmale einer idealtypischen Beratung festhält
IPMZ – Institute of Mass transcript und dadurch den Blick auf die Qualität realer Beratungen ermöglicht. Wie beratend ist
System Beratung Communication and Media Verlag 9783839412312 2008-08-15 die Beratungspraxis tatsächlich? Diese Frage wird am Beispiel der Politikberatung Political Science
ausführlich diskutiert. "Beratung" erweist sich als hochgradig neurotischer Begriff, der
Research University of Zurich den fundamentalen Konflikt zwischen Anspruch (Reflexion) und Realität (Legitimation)
Die wohltätige Verteilung von Lebensmitteln steht für eine neue Polarisierung in den
Überflussgesellschaften. Während Überangebot und individuelle Konsumentscheidungen
systematisch Überschüsse hinterlassen, sind zugleich Menschen von Arbeit und Konsum
editor / Stephan / Lorenz / transcript so weit ausgeschlossen, dass sie nehmen, was die Tafeln und ähnliche Initiativen gerade
TafelGesellschaft 9783839415047 2010-08-15 verteilen können. Der transdisziplinäre Diskussionsband versammelt empirisch fundierte Sociology
University Jena, Germany Verlag Analysen, theoretische Einsichten und politische Stellungnahmen zu dieser noch jungen
Entwicklung. Ein breites Spektrum an Perspektiven auf ein aktuelles sozialpolitisches
Phänomen, mit Beiträgen u.a. von Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Regina Görner, Gabriele
Goettle, Marianne Gronemeyer, Fabian Kessl und Matthias Möhring-Hesse.

Tafeln und ähnliche Initiativen sammeln die systematisch anfallenden

Lebensmittelüberschüsse der Überflussgesellschaft, um sie wohltätig zu verteilen. Sie
fügen sich damit in einen transnationalen Trend, der eine lokale Charity-Initiative
author / Stephan / Lorenz / transcript innerhalb von vier Jahrzehnten zu einem global vernetzten Phänomen expandieren ließ.
Tafeln im flexiblen Überfluss 9783839420317 2012-01-15 Stephan Lorenz zeigt, dass die Flexibilisierung der Überflussgesellschaft sowohl soziale Sociology
University Jena, Germany Verlag Ausgrenzung und Polarisierung als auch die Übernutzung von Ressourcen verstärkt. Seine
empirische Analyse gewährt Einblicke in die Etablierung eines zivilgesellschaftlichen
Engagements, das weniger ein Beitrag zur Überwindung der Probleme ist als vielmehr ein
Symptom ihrer Verfestigung.

author / Suzi / Mirgani / This book explores the points of convergence between corporate capitalist and terrorist
Target Markets - International Center for International and practice. Assessing an increase in the number of terrorist attacks directed at commercial
transcript entities in urban areas, with an emphasis on the shopping mall in general and Nairobi's
Terrorism Meets Global Regional Studies, 9783839433522 2016-11-15 Political Science
Verlag Westgate Mall in particular, Suzi Mirgani offers a fascinating and disturbing perspective
Capitalism in the Mall Georgetown University, on the spaces where the most powerful forces of contemporary culture - the most
Doha, Qatar mainstream and the most extreme - meet on common ground.

Der Begriff "Terrorismus" ist definitorisch uneindeutig - und das macht jeden Akteur zu
einem bestimmten Grad zum Terroristen. Dieses Paradox zieht Eva-Maria Heinke als
Ausgangspunkt für eine tiefgreifende Analyse der Strategien moderner Kriegsführung
Terrorismus und moderne author / Eva-Maria / Heinke / transcript heran und löst es durch die gegenwärtig einmalige Verwendung von sogenannten Fuzzy-
9783839433263 2016-01-15 Inferenzsystemen zum Zwecke der Typisierung politischer Gewalt auf. Die intensive Sociology
Kriegsführung Aachen, Germany Verlag Verbindung von soziologischer Gewaltforschung mit der Mathematik unscharfer Mengen
macht den Grad der Verwendung politischer Gewaltstrategien erstmalig berechenbar -
und ermöglicht somit einen völlig neuartigen Blick auf den strategischen Kontext des
Handelns politischer Gewaltakteure.

To Be Unfree is a collection of essays investigating how political unfreedom has been and
author / Christian / Dahl / can be articulated within the republican tradition of political thought. The book combines
University of Copenhagen, a theoretical discussion of how freedom and its opposites have been conceptualized in
To Be Unfree Denmark | author / Tue transcript 9783839421741 2014-09-15 the republican tradition with a broader perspective on this tradition's impact on the Political Science
Verlag representation of unfreedom in Western literature and cultural history. It thus
Andersen / Nexø / University
complicates our understanding of what it means to be unfree and unveils a series of
of Copenhagen, Denmark distinctions which also shape our modern notions of freedom.
Transnational organized crime interferes with the everyday lives of more and more
people - and represents a serious threat to democracy. By now, organized crime has
become an inherent feature of economic globalization, and the fine line between the
legal and illegal operation of business networks is blurred. Additionally, few experts could
author / N/A / Heinrich-Böll- claim to have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the laws and regulations
Stiftung / Heinrich-Böll- governing the international flow of trade, and hence of the borderline towards criminal
Stiftung, foundation, transcript transactions. This book offers contributions from 12 countries around the world
Transnational Organized Crime 9783839424957 2013-06-15 authored by 25 experts from a wide range of academic disciplines, representatives from Political Science
Germany | author / Regine / Verlag civil society organizations and private industry. Recognizing the complexity of the issue,
Schönenberg / Regine this publication provides a cross cultural and multi-disciplinary analysis of transnational
Schönenberg, Deutschland organized crime.

(Conception: Regine Schönenberg and Annette von Schönfeld)

Wie können transnationale Öffentlichkeiten untersucht werden? Ob in Zusammenhang

editor / Caroline / Schmitt / mit der globalen AIDS-Epidemie, in migrantischen Organisationen, im Umfeld der
Johannes Gutenberg- pentekostalen Kirche oder im Zuge der neuen sozialen Bewegungen: Weltweit entstehen
Transnationalität und University Mainz, Germany | transcript diskursive Arenen und Formen zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements, deren
9783839421543 2014-06-15 Handlungsspektrum und politische Wirksamkeit die Grenzen von Nationalstaaten Sociology
Öffentlichkeit editor / Asta / Vonderau / Verlag überschreiten und das traditionelle Verständnis von Öffentlichkeit in Bewegung bringen.
University of Mainz, Solche empirisch beobachtbaren Knotenpunkte transnationalen Kommunizierens und
Germany Handelns werden in diesem Band von einer multidisziplinären Beiträgerschaft als
situative und temporäre Öffentlichkeiten betrachtet und analysiert.

Transstaatliche Räume sind verdichtete und relativ stabile ökonomische, politische,

soziale und kulturelle Beziehungen zwischen Personen, Netzwerken und Organisationen,
die Grenzen von Nationalstaaten überschreiten. Am Beispiel der Verflechtungen
editor / Thomas / Faist / zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei beantworten die Beiträge folgende Fragen: Welche
Transstaatliche Räume Bremen University of Applied 9783839400548 2000-07-15 Formen grenzüberschreitender Tätigkeiten können wir bei Unternehmern, sozialen Political Science
Verlag Bewegungen, Familien, religiösen Gemeinschaften und politischen OrgaÝ nisationen
beobachten? Welche Konsequenzen haben dichte transstaatliche Netze für die
Integration von ImmigrantInnen in DeutschÝ land und in der Türkei, für die
Zivilgesellschaften und die beteiligten Staaten?

The police can be seen as a governmental institution or as an organizational body, where

especially the work - effectiveness, or fairness in encounters - is valued. Through the
combination of these approaches and the inclusion of social trust and criminal
Trusting the Police author / Silvia / Staubli / transcript 9783839437827 2017-03-15 victimization, Silvia Staubli offers an understanding beyond existing literature on
University of Fribourg Verlag institutional trust and procedural fairness. Moreover, due to analyses for Eastern and
Western Europe, she addresses experts from sociology, political science, criminology, and
social anthropology equally. Beyond, the study offers an insight to the public on how
public opinions towards institutions are shaped.
Fragen zur Handlungsfähigkeit des Staates sind zentraler Bestandteil der
gesellschaftlichen Debatten. Angesichts der im deutschen politischen System wirkenden
institutionellen Schranken wird insbesondere problematisiert, wie Reformblockaden
author / Hendrik / Meyer / transcript überwunden werden können. In diesem Kontext lohnt sich ein Blick auf die Renten- und
Was kann der Staat? 9783839423127 2013-02-15 Arbeitsmarktreformen der rot-grünen Regierung unter Gerhard Schröder. Ihre Sociology
Political Scientist, Germany Verlag Untersuchung bietet sich vor allem deshalb an, weil das Zustandekommen der
Sozialreformen überraschen muss. Anhand einer Analyse der Entscheidungsprozesse
zeigt Hendrik Meyer auf, was die wesentlichen Bedingungen staatlicher
Handlungsfähigkeit im deutschen Sozialstaat sind.

Wie ordnen sich gesellschaftliche Verhältnisse nach kriegerischer Gewalt neu? Und wie
gehen Betroffene und Beteiligte mit weiterhin bestehenden unfriedlichen Beziehungen
um? Am Fallbeispiel Sierra Leone untersucht Anne Menzel die Trennlinie zwischen der
author / Anne / Menzel / Zivilbevölkerung und (ehemaligen) Kämpfern, die sowohl in der Forschung zu
Was vom Krieg übrig bleibt Free University Berlin, 9783839427798 2015-01-15 Nachkriegsgesellschaften als auch in der Peacebuilding-Praxis meist als gegeben Political Science
Verlag angesehen und ganz selbstverständlich gezogen wird. Ihre Studie eröffnet neue und
überraschende Perspektiven, indem sie Einblick in das Entstehen und in die andauernde
Praxis einer lokalen "Ästhetik der Gefährlichkeit" gibt, in der sich gerade keine eindeutige
Trennung von Exkombattanten und Zivilbevölkerung ausmachen lässt.

Das Terrain des europäischen Migrationsrechts ist von Kämpfen um Hegemonie geprägt.
Den damit einhergehenden Prozessen des Re-Borderings - die Schaffung eines Bereichs
Welcome to Europe - Die author / Sonja / Buckel / unbeschränkter innerer Mobilität, die zugleich an massive Außengrenzen gekoppelt ist -
Grenzen des europäischen University of Kassel, transcript 9783839424865 2013-09-15 widmet Sonja Buckel zwei Fallstudien. Sie zeigen, dass in diesen Auseinandersetzungen
Political Science
Migrationsrechts Germany Verlag wesentliche Elemente eines europäischen Staatsprojekts verhandelt werden. Während
die erste Fallstudie die Herausbildung transnationaler sozialer Rechte untersucht,
fokussiert die zweite die juridischen Kämpfe um die südliche europäische Seegrenze und
um die Aufrechterhaltung einer imperialen Lebensweise.

Entwicklung wird unter den Bedingungen der globalisierten Wissensgesellschaft

unweigerlich zu einem reflexiven kommunikativen Prozess. Nachdem man erkennen
musste, dass es keinen Königsweg hin zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung gibt, werden neue
Wege der Zusammenarbeit beschritten, bei denen globales und lokales Wissen in eine
WeltWissen editor / Markus / Kaiser / transcript 9783839401125 2003-01-15 fruchtbare Beziehung zueinander gebracht werden. Für die hier tätigen Experten
Political Science
University of Bielefeld Verlag bedeutet dies, dass sie in erster Linie als Berater, Vermittler und Übersetzer agieren. Der
Band portraitiert die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit anhand vieler Beispiele aus der Praxis
(Politikberatung, Demokratieförderung, #on("i")#good governance#off("i")#,
Umweltprojekte u.a.) als einen Bereich, in dem ständig neues global-lokal verankertes
Weltwissen produziert und kommuniziert wird.
author / Christoph / Hoeft /
Institute for Democracy
Research Göttingen,
Germany | author /
Johanna / Klatt / Institute for
Democracy Research,
Göttingen, Germany | author
/ Annike / Klimmeck /
Institute for Democracy Auch wenn die Zivilgesellschaft in sozial benachteiligten Stadtvierteln häufig kaum
Research, Göttingen, sichtbar ist, gibt es wichtige Ausnahmen: Viertelgestalter_innen sind mit unermüdlicher
Germany | author / Julia / Tatkraft bürgerschaftlich aktiv. Im Buch werden acht dieser außergewöhnlichen
Wer organisiert die Kopp / University of transcript Menschen in ausführlichen Portraits vorgestellt. Wie kamen sie zu ihrer Rolle, welche
9783839427316 2014-04-15 Motive treiben sie in ihrem Engagement an, welche Wertvorstellungen vertreten sie? Die Political Science
"Entbehrlichen"? Goettingen, Germany | Verlag Studie ermöglicht detaillierte Einblicke in die Funktionsweise von Zivilgesellschaft in
author / Sören / Messinger- sozial schwachen Stadtteilen. Sie benennt Hindernisse und Schwierigkeiten für die
Zimmer / Institute for Aktiven - zeigt aber auch Perspektiven, wie das partizipative Versprechen der modernen
Democracy Research Bürgergesellschaft für sozial Benachteiligte eingelöst werden könnte.
Göttingen, Germany | author
/ Jonas / Rugenstein /
Institute for Democracy
Research, Göttingen,
Germany | author / Franz /
Walter / Institute for
Democracy Research,
Goettingen, Germany

Ob "Twitter-Revolution" oder "Cyberdemokratie" - häufig prägen Schlagworte die

Debatte zum politischen Potenzial des Internets. Jenseits von Mythisierungen untersucht
Marcus Michaelsen die Nutzung neuer Medien durch Opposition und Zivilgesellschaft im
author / Marcus / Iran - angefangen von den ersten Reformwebseiten über die Blogs von Journalisten und
Wir sind die Medien Michaelsen / University of transcript 9783839423110 2013-04-15 Frauenrechtlerinnen bis hin zu den sozialen Medien der Grünen Bewegung. Durch die Political Science
Verlag Verknüpfung präziser Landeskenntnis mit Theorien der Politik- und
Erfurt, Germany
Kommunikationswissenschaft entsteht eine ebenso fundierte wie anschauliche Analyse
der Leistungen und Grenzen von Internetanwendungen in Prozessen des politischen

Die individuelle Möglichkeit, Notwendigkeit sowie Art und Weise, die eigene Arbeitskraft
zur Existenzsicherung zu verkaufen, werden von staatlicher Sozialpolitik geformt. Neu an
author / Christian / Brütt / einer Workfare-Politik ist nicht, dass Einzelne ihre Arbeitskraft verkaufen (müssen). Neu
Workfare als Mindestsicherung German Bundestag, 9783839415092 2011-06-15 an Workfare sind vielmehr die Rahmenbedingungen, die mit sozialpolitischen Sociology
Verlag Maßnahmen gesetzt werden. Anhand der Entwicklung der Mindestsicherung zeichnet
das Buch die Ursprünge, Ansätze und Ausdehnung der Workfare-Logik in der deutschen
Sozialhilfe von 1962 bis zu deren voller Blüte im SGB II alias Hartz-IV-Gesetz nach.
Das "Sozialhilfeproblem" scheint in den USA - anders als in Europa - gelöst, worauf
anhaltend hohe Beschäftigungsquoten verweisen. Die Studie stellt diesen Konsens in
Frage. Sie untersucht die bislang nur unzureichend verstandenen Hintergründe und
author / Britta / Grell / transcript Konsequenzen der US-Sozialhilfereform von 1996, die einen radikalen Arbeitszwang für
Workfare in den USA 9783839410387 2008-11-15 alle Bedürftigen einführte. Es wird erklärt, warum sich mit dieser 'Workfare-Politik' die Sociology
INURA Verlag Armut noch verschärft hat. Zudem wird gezeigt, wie Gewerkschaften und soziale
Bewegungen auf diese Politik reagiert haben und vor welchen sozialpolitischen
Herausforderungen Städte wie New York und Los Angeles zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts

editor / Peter / Zoche /

Fraunhofer Institute for
Systems and Innovation Terrorismus, Kriminalität oder Katastrophen - Gefährdungen, Bedrohungen und Risiken
Research Karlsruhe, heterogener Herkunft werden zunehmend 'auf einer Linie' gedacht. Diese unter dem
Germany | editor / Stefan / Schlagwort "Zivile Sicherheit" firmierende Rationalität ist zu einem Kernkonzept
Kaufmann / University of transcript sicherheitspolitischer Strategie avanciert. Der Band nimmt Fragen nach den
Zivile Sicherheit 9783839414354 2010-12-15 Voraussetzungen, Bedeutungen und Folgen dieser Sicherheitsstrategie auf. Aus Sociology
Freiburg, Germany | editor / Verlag unterschiedlichen disziplinären Perspektiven werden grundlegende Aspekte der
Rita / Haverkamp / Max Konstitution und des Wandels im Sicherheitsbewusstsein, der Transformation der
Planck Institute for Sicherheitsarchitektur sowie der Ambivalenzen einer Technisierung von Sicherheit
Comparative Public Law and dargelegt und kritisch diskutiert.
International Law Freiburg,

Mit Blick auf die vielfach postulierten hohen Kosten des Gesundheitswesens steht bei
Allokationsentscheidungen nicht zuletzt die ethische Bewertung von Maßnahmen zur
Zuteilungskriterien im editor / Kathrin / Dengler / Förderung des Wohlergehens - des Einzelnen ebenso wie der Gesellschaft - im
University of Ulm, Germany | transcript Mittelpunkt. Dieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in ausgewählte gesundheitsökonomische
Gesundheitswesen: Grenzen und 9783839422908 2013-10-15 Bewertungssysteme, die von der reinen Kostenanalyse bis hin zu Nutzwert-Vergleichen Sociology
editor / Heiner / Fangerau / Verlag reicht. Die Bewertungsmodelle werden multiperspektivisch u.a. mit Rückgriff auf
Alternativen University of Ulm, Germany Gerechtigkeitstheorien, Konzeptionen der Lebensqualität sowie aus individual- und
sozialethischer Sicht diskutiert - mit dem Ziel, Grenzen und Alternativen zur Bewertung
von Zuteilungskriterien im Gesundheitswesen neu zu verorten.

Das Buch vergleicht drei multiethnische Gesellschaften Süd- und Südostasiens - die
author / Peter / Kreuzer / Philippinen, Sri Lanka und Malaysia - in Bezug auf deren Fähigkeit, interethnische
Peace Research Institute Konflikte gewaltarm zu bearbeiten. Gezeigt wird, dass weder Multiethnizität Gewalt
Zwischen Bürgerkrieg und transcript befördert, noch dass eine demokratische Regierungsform als Allheilmittel zur Zivilisierung
friedlicher Koexistenz Frankfurt | author / Mirjam / Verlag 9783839407585 2017-08-15 des interethnischen Konfliktaustrags gelten kann. Vielmehr kommt dem Faktor Kultur Political Science
Weiberg-Salzmann / eine zentrale Rolle sowohl für die Wege in die Gewalt als auch für deren Vermeidung zu.
University of Rostock Ethnizität und politische Institutionen können in Abhängigkeit von kulturellen Mustern
sowohl konfliktverschärfend als auch -zivilisierend wirken.
Die Schweiz unterliegt seit zwei Jahrzehnten starken Urbanisierungstendenzen, die sich
vor allem zwischen den großen Kernstädten abspielen. Um Herausforderungen des
gesteigerten Flächenverbrauchs wie der Zersiedelung zu begegnen, ist eine Analyse der
author / Lineo Umberto / heutigen kommunalen Entscheidungsprozesse und -logiken überfällig. Lineo Umberto
Zwischenstadtland Schweiz Devecchi / University of transcript 9783839435946 2016-09-15 Devecchi thematisiert Fragen hinsichtlich der kommunalen Steuerung raumwirksamer Political Science
Zurich Verlag Prozesse und deren Auswirkungen auf die Gestaltung des suburbanen Raums. Die
theoretisch abgestützten Erklärungen sowie die nachvollziehbaren Fallstudien sind nicht
nur für ein interdisziplinäres akademisches Publikum, sondern auch für Praktiker_innen
aus Planung und Architektur von Interesse.

Almost one-quarter of the world's languages are (or were) spoken in the Pacific, making
it linguistically the most complex region in the world. Although numerous technical books
on groups of Pacific or Australian languages have been published, and descriptions of
individual languages are available, until now there has been no single book that attempts
author / John / Lynch / a wide regional coverage for a general audience. Pacific Languages introduces readers to
Pacific Languages University of the South University of 9780824842581 2018-11-19 the grammatical features of Oceanic, Papuan, and Australian languages as well as to the
Pacific Hawai'i Press semantic structures of these languages. For readers without a formal linguistic
background, a brief introduction to descriptive linguistics is provided.

In addition to describing the structure of Pacific languages, this volume places them in
their historical and geographical context, discusses the linguistic evidence for the
settlement of the Pacific, and speculates on the reason for the region's many languages.

The University of North Carolina CBE Summit 2017 offered faculty and staff from around
the country an opportunity to learn about competency-based education (CBE) models.
CBE enables students to earn academic credit based on content proficiency rather than
editor / Michelle / Solér / University of the amount of time spent enrolled in a course. For the 300 participants at the Summit,
Proceedings of the UNC CBE the sessions focused on broad challenges to implementing CBE into established higher
The University of North North Carolina 9781469641935 2017-11-22 Sociology
Summit 2017 education systems. Nearly sixty national experts covered a broad range of topics as they
Carolina System Press engaged with teams from UNC’s seventeen campuses, the University System of Georgia,
and representatives from community colleges and other higher education institutions,
discussing the latest trends in competency-based instruction and delivery models. The six
essays in this volume were adapted from presentations given at the 2017 Summit.

"“Should feminists clone?” “What do neurons think about?” “How can we learn from
bacterial writing?” These and other provocative questions have long preoccupied
neuroscientist, molecular biologist, and intrepid feminist theorist Deboleena Roy, who
takes seriously the capabilities of lab “objects”—bacteria and other human, nonhuman,
University of organic, and inorganic actants—in order to understand processes of becoming.
Molecular Feminisms author / Deboleena / Roy Washington 9780295744117 2018-11-04 In Molecular Feminisms, Roy investigates science as feminism at the lab bench, engaging Sociology
Press in an interdisciplinary conversation between molecular biology, Deleuzian philosophies,
posthumanism, and postcolonial and decolonial studies. She brings insights from feminist
theory together with lessons learned from bacteria, subcloning, and synthetic biology,
arguing that renewed interest in matter and materiality must be accompanied by a
feminist rethinking of scientific research methods and techniques.
editor / E. Paul / Gambling Debt is a game-changing contribution to the discussion of economic crises and
Durrenberger / University of neoliberal financial systems and strategies. Iceland’s 2008 financial collapse was the first
Iowa and Penn State University Press case in a series of meltdowns, a warning of danger in the global order. This full-scale
Gambling Debt 9781607323358 2014-12-01 anthropology of financialization and the economic crisis broadly discusses this Anthropology
University | editor / Gisli / of Colorado momentous bubble and burst and places it in theoretical, anthropological, and global
Palsson / University of historical context through descriptions of the complex developments leading to it and
Iceland the larger social and cultural implications and consequences.

editor / Jago / Cooper /

Institute for Archaeology, Archaeologists have long encountered evidence of natural disasters through excavation
Surviving Sudden Environmental University College London | University Press and stratigraphy. In Surviving Sudden Environmental Change, case studies examine how
9781607321682 2012-04-15 eight different past human communities—ranging from Arctic to equatorial regions, from Archaeology
Change editor / Payson / Sheets / of Colorado tropical rainforests to desert interiors, and from deep prehistory to living memory—
University of Colorado faced and coped with such dangers.

Der Blick zurück auf den Antisemitismus im 19. Jahrhundert zeigt seine internationale
Verflechtung und erleichtert zugleich das Verständnis des Antisemitismus im 20.
Jahrhundert und in der Gegenwart. Denn das 19. Jahrhundert war konstitutiv für die
Antisemitismus im 19. Entstehung einer neuartigen Judenfeindschaft und wurde zu einem Experimentierfeld
editor / Mareike / König | von Antisemiten in verschiedenen Ländern. Diese standen untereinander in Verbindung
Jahrhundert aus internationaler V&R unipress 9783737009775 2019-05-20 History
editor / Oliver / Schulz und strebten zeitweise sogar die Errichtung einer »antisemitischen Internationale« an.
Perspektive Die Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger befassen sich mit dieser lange vernachlässigten
internationalen Dimension und nehmen die politischen, wirtschaftlichen,
gesellschaftlichen sowie kulturellen Aspekte des Antisemitismus im »langen« 19.
Jahrhundert in den Blick.

Das Schicksal von in der NS-Zeit entzogenem Kulturgut ist seit den 1990er Jahren
verstärkt Gegenstand von Provenienzforschung. Dieser Band vereint neueste
Erkenntnisse der Provenienzforschung in Bibliotheken und liefert Beiträge zur
editor / Stefan / Alker- Bibliotheksgeschichte in der NS-Zeit.Über Provenienzforschung wird in die Medien fast
Windbichler | editor / nur berichtet, wenn sie wertvolle Kunstobjekte betrifft. Bei Büchern ist sie relativ
Bibliotheken in der NS-Zeit V&R unipress 9783737097840 2019-09-30 schwierig: Meist geht es um Massenware ohne großen materiellen Wert und die Bücher History
Christina / Köstner-Pemsel | sind oft nach schwer nachweisbaren Odysseen an ihre Standorte gelangt. Dennoch
editor / Markus / Stumpf setzen sich immer mehr Bibliotheken mit ihrer NS-Vergangenheit auseinander. Der
Bibliothekshistoriker Jürgen Babendreier bringt es auf den Punkt: »In den geraubten
Büchern wirkt Geschichte nach, lebt unsichtbar Erinnerung fort, wird historische
Verantwortung präsent.«

Der Einzug digitaler Techniken in die geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung bringt neue

Chancen, aber auch Herausforderungen mit sich. Dieser Band beleuchtet, welche
Projekte das Georg-Eckert-Institut entwickelt, um die Potentiale der Digital Humanities
Digital Humanities in der editor / Maret / Nieländer | für die Schulbuchforschung zu erkunden und nutzbar zu machen. Wie werden Daten
internationalen editor / Ernesto William / De V&R unipress 9783737009539 2018-12-03 akquiriert und aufbereitet? Wie Informationen daraus gewonnen? Wie werden diese Media & Communications
Schulbuchforschung Luca zugänglich gemacht und zur Nachnutzung zur Verfügung gestellt? Zu Wort kommen
neben den Entwicklerinnen und Entwicklern digitaler Forschungsinfrastrukturen auch
diejenigen, die die Anwendungen nutzen.
Sich mit Briefmarken zu befassen, sie zu sammeln, zu sichten und zu besprechen, gilt
auch heute noch als eines der Standardbeispiele für das, was im alltäglichen
Sprachgebrauch als Hobby bezeichnet wird. Den Status einer anerkannten
Hilfswissenschaft der Geschichtswissenschaft hat die Philatelie, im Gegensatz zur
editor / Pierre / Smolarski | Numismatik oder Heraldik, nie erreicht. Und obgleich mehrere Turns der
editor / René / Smolarski | Wissenschaftslandschaft diese doch hätten erfassen müssen, man denke etwa an den
Gezähnte Geschichte V&R unipress 9783737009379 2018-12-03 History
editor / Silke / Vetter- Iconic Turn, den Material Turn oder auch die entstehende Visual History, blieb die
Schultheiß Philatelie und insbesondere die Briefmarke und deren Wert für die
Geschichtswissenschaft bis heute nahezu unbeleuchtet. Der vorliegende Band versucht,
dies zu ändern und führt in exemplarischen Analysen vor, wovon diese
Kommunikationsmittel Zeugnis ablegen.

Ausgezeichnet mit dem Kardinal-Innitzer-Förderungspreis 2017.

Wie ist es möglich, dass Lesende in literarische Texte einsteigen und diese »hautnah«
miterleben? Von dieser Frage ausgehend erforscht Sigrid Eder die faszinierende
Identifikationspotenziale in den Unmittelbarkeit der Psalmen, die bisher weder methodisch operationalisiert noch
author / Sigrid / Eder V&R unipress 9783737009805 2019-02-18 systematisch analysiert wurde. Unmittelbarkeit wird dadurch ausgelöst, dass sich Theology & Religion
Psalmen Lesende mit den in den Psalmen erzählten Situationen, Bewegungen, Emotionen und
Erfahrungen identifizieren können. Der Band nimmt das Forschungsdesiderat hinsichtlich
textueller Identifikationspotenziale in den Psalmen zum Ausgangspunkt und eruiert
Textstrategien, die Lesern und Leserinnen Identifikation ermöglichen.

Why is it so diffcult for companies like Schlecker to leave once chosen paths of strategic
development at the right time, and to rearrange their strategies when faced with new
environmental challenges? This paper shows with a perspective on organizational path
dependence theory how economic und social mechanisms might favour the reproduction
Pfade in die Krise author / Thomas / Treiber V&R unipress 2018-06-07 of established strategies - and at the same time complicate leaving the strategical Languages
development paths even more. The part of familial influence on decision processes is
researched and the factor of family in the formation of strategic path dependence is
inquired based on qualitative case studies.

Wie wird Religion in Bildung und Schulbüchern präsentiert? Religionsbezogene Analysen

in Geschichts-, Ethik und Religionsschulbüchern unterschiedlicher Länder ergeben
hinsichtlich der Konstruktion religiöser Vielfalt ein disparates Bild. Deutlich wird
allerdings, dass alle Schulfächer im Hinblick auf religiöse und weltanschauliche Vielfalt
Schulbuch und religiöse Vielfalt editor / Zrinka / Štimac | V&R unipress 2018-10-01 vor ähnlichen Herausforderungen stehen. Eine Reihe von Beiträgen zeigt, dass Religionen
Theology & Religion
editor / Riem / Spielhaus in Bildungsmedien bisher nicht in ihren Wandlungen in den Blick genommen werden und
die Grenzziehung zwischen Religion und »Nicht-Religion« unterbestimmt bleibt. Klar wird
auch, dass die Debatte um den angemessenen Bildungszugang zu Religion in
demokratischen Gesellschaften wieder an Dynamik gewonnen hat.
Soldgeschäfte waren eine grundlegende Komponente schweizerischer und europäischer
Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit. Sie förderten einerseits den Klientelismus und
provozierten andererseits Korruptionskritik. Die Autoren und Autorinnen untersuchen
vor diesem Hintergrund die wirtschaftlichen und politischen Aktivitäten der 1799
editor / Kaspar / von Greyerz ausgestorbenen Zuger Familie Zurlauben. Gleichzeitig veranschaulichen einzelne Beiträge
Soldgeschäfte, Klientelismus,
| editor / André / Holenstein V&R unipress 9783737008594 2018-08-13 zu Klientelismus, Patronage und Korruptionskritik und zu den länderübergreifenden History
Korruption in der Frühen Neuzeit Gewaltmärkten des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts die europäischen Aspekte der Thematik in
| editor / Andreas / Würgler
ihren unterschiedlichen ökonomischen, politischen und sozialen Dimensionen. Der
vorliegende Band erscheint im Zusammenhang mit dem Abschluss der Edition der Acta
Helvetica der Familie Zurlauben.

Aktuelle Diskurse zelebrieren Zweisprachigkeit als Wirtschaftsgut und Schlüssel zum

Erfolg auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Anhand der ethnographischen Untersuchung der
wirtschaftlichen Nutzung der lokalen Zweisprachigkeit in der Tourismusindustrie der
Stadt Murten an der deutsch-französischen Sprachgrenze in der Schweiz geht die Autorin
diesen Diskursen empirisch auf den Grund. Aus einer kritischen soziolinguistischen
Sprache, politische Ökonomie author / Larissa / Semiramis Perspektive beleuchtet sie die Sprachensituation in touristischen Marketingdiskursen
V&R unipress 9783737008853 2018-08-13 Languages
und Legitimität Schedel sowie die Bedeutung von Zweisprachigkeit im touristischen Arbeitsmarkt und in
Stadtführungen. Dieser Band zeigt die variable (De-)Konstruktion geopolitischer
Sprachgrenzen sowie sozialer Kategorien von SprecherInnen. Die Arbeit eröffnet neue
Perspektiven auf die Dynamik der Politökonomie von Sprache(n) und der Legitimität ihrer
SprecherInnen im Kontext der Neuen Wirtschaft.

Die Geschichte der medizinischen Forschung und Praxis in Wien wird erst im Kontext
ihrer Strukturen und Netzwerke verständlich. Die Analyse der lokalen und
internationalen Beziehungen der »Wiener Medizin« im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert und ihrer
editor / Daniela / Angetter | Netzwerkstrukturen stellt seit langem ein Forschungsdesiderat dar. Dieser Band erforscht
editor / Birgit / Nemec | diese Beziehungen mit dem Ziel, die Geschichte medizinischer Forschung und Praxis zu
re-kontextualisieren. Die Beiträge beleuchten Mobilität, Wissenstransfers, Standards und
Strukturen und Netzwerke editor / Herbert / Posch | V&R unipress 2018-12-03 Richtlinien, soziale und berufliche Netzwerke, Transformationen politischer und History
editor / Christiane / Druml | kultureller Konzepte zwischen Zentren der Medizin, wie auch Formen des Austauschs
editor / Paul / Weindling zwischen künstlerischen und medizinischen Sphären und Memorialformen – als
transnationale Phänomene sowie in ihrer Prägekraft für medizinische Forschung und
Praxis in Wien.

This is the first systematic study of the succession process of Chinese family businesses
which reveals what is truly happening during the time of hand-over. In explaining the
features of the Chinese way of succession, special attention is paid to the transfer of
Succession and the Transfer of social capital and guanxi, among other cultural and socioeconomic contexts, which could
impact the behaviours and decisions of the family business stakeholders. Carefully
Social Capital in Chinese Family author / Xing / Ke V&R unipress 2018-10-01 selected 63 cases of family firms and the authentic words and experiences of the Economics
Businesses founders and their second generation are of high relevance in helping the readers to
understand Chinese family businesses and their successions as well as to learn from their
successes or failures.
This volume is critical to the two dominant historiographical paradigms on the topic of
Balkan revolutions. This new treatment does not adopt a description of the national
movements resulting from the dissolution of the territories of the “Sick man of Europe”
from the Great European Powers (Eastern Question Paradigm). Nor is it based on the
The Eastern Question or Balkan author / Dimitris / autonomous process of repetitive awakenings of sleeping Nations, drugged from the
V&R unipress 9783737008303 2018-09-10 Oriental influence of their ruler (Balkan Nationalism Paradigm). Instead, the author History
Nationalism(s) Stamatopoulos attempts a classification as well as a new description of the Balkan national movements
as a continuous feedback with the internal sociopolitical schisms in Western Europe, as
expressed in the great revolutionary crises from the end of the eighteenth to the
beginning of the twentieth century.

This volume addresses the role and importance of education for processes of transitional
justice. In the aftermath of conflict and mass violence, education has been one of the
tools with which societies have sought to achieve positive transformation. While
editor / Clara / Ramirez- education has the potential to trigger, maintain, and exacerbate conflict, it has also been
Transitional Justice and Barat | editor / Martina / V&R unipress 9783737008372 2018-07-16 designed to promote a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the past and to advance
Political Science
Education reconciliation, peacebuilding, and prevention. The original contributions in the book
Schulze reflect on lessons learned from education policies of the past in post-conflict societies
and seek innovative, sustainable, and context-sensitive grassroots approaches, designed
to advocate critical thinking, values of inclusion and tolerance, and ultimately a culture of

Die Geschichte der großen Reiche im östlichen Europa und im Vorderen Orient war
sowohl von konfliktträchtiger Konkurrenz als auch von übergreifendem Austausch
geprägt, die intensive Verzahnungen hervorbrachten. Vom 16. bis zum Beginn des 20.
Jahrhunderts lassen sich zwischen Polen-Litauen, dem Zarenreich, dem Osmanischen
Transottomanica – editor / Stefan / Rohdewald Reich und Persien eine Vielzahl gesellschaftlicher und kultureller Verflechtungen
| editor / Stephan / nachzeichnen. Getragen von verschiedenen Gruppen und Individuen wie Kaufleuten,
Osteuropäisch-osmanisch- V&R unipress 9783737008860 2019-01-21 History
Conermann | editor / Gelehrten, Diplomaten, Migranten, Militärs oder Sklaven kam es zu einem regen
persische Mobilitätsdynamiken Austausch von Menschen, Waren und Ideen. Daraus erwuchsen zu verschiedenen Zeiten
Albrecht / Fuess und in verschiedenen sozialen Räumen »transosmanische« Interaktionszusammenhänge.
Der vorliegende Band gibt neben knappen methodischen Skizzen einen
Forschungsüberblick über solche transregionalen Verflechtungen und »Flüsse«, die
bisher noch nicht in systematischer Form untersucht worden sind.

This book examines how the intensive discussions about the issue of juvenile delinquency
in the new international organizations (United Nations, World Health Organization,
Council of Europe), which emerged after the end of the Second World War,
When Juvenile Delinquency internationalized the anxieties generated in the fifties and sixties by its purported
increase in Europe and beyond. Greece, a regular member-state, anxious to ensure
Became an International Post- author / Efi / Avdela V&R unipress 2018-12-03 international legitimacy in the aftermath of the Civil War, presented abroad an Political Science
War Concern embellished picture of the measures undertaken at home for the prevention and
containment of juvenile delinquency, sidestepping the strong moralism and the juridical
formalism that dominated both official and unofficial approaches.
This volume explores aspects of yoga over a period of about 2500 years. In its first part, it
investigates facets of the South Asian and Tibetan traditions of yoga, such as the
evolution of posture practice, the relationship between yoga and sex, yoga in the theistic
context, the influence of Buddhism on early yoga, and the encounter of Islam with
editor / Karl / Baier | editor / classical yoga. The second part addresses aspects of modern globalised yoga and its
Yoga in Transformation Philipp André / Maas | editor V&R unipress 9783737008624 2018-09-10 historical formation, as for example the emergence of yoga in Viennese occultism, the Theology & Religion
/ Karin / Preisendanz integration of yoga and nature cure in modern India, the eventisation of yoga in a global
setting, and the development of Patañjali’s iconography. In keeping with the current
trend in yoga studies, the emphasis of the volume is on the practice of yoga and its
theoretical underpinnings.

Die Bibliothek und das Schrifttum Guido Adlers (1855–1941), des prominentesten
Vertreters der Musikwissenschaft der Universität Wien, wurde von den
editor / Markus / Stumpf | V&R unipress Nationalsozialisten unter reger Beteiligung von Mitarbeitern der Universität Wien
Guido Adlers Erbe editor / Herbert / Posch | 2017-01-01 geraubt und später nur zum Teil zurückgegeben. Im Rahmen der NS- Political Science
editor / Oliver / Rathkolb GmbH Provenienzforschung an der Universitätsbibliothek Wien konnten Restbestände der
Bibliothek Guido Adlers festgestellt werden. Auch ein Nachlassfragment wurde als
bedenklich identifiziert und mit den Buchbeständen 2012/13 restituiert.

Literaturwissenschaft und Bibliotheken haben ein besonderes Verhältnis zueinander, ist

doch die Literaturwissenschaft hauptsächlich in der Bibliothek an der Arbeit. Zugleich war
das Nachdenken über Bibliotheken immer wieder von literaturwissenschaftlichen
Entwürfen bestimmt. Doch wie sieht das Verhältnis heute aus? Der Sammelband sucht
Literaturwissenschaft und editor / Stefan / Alker | V&R unipress Antworten in Bereichen wie Literatur- und Bibliothekstheorie, Mediologie,
2015-01-01 Information Science
Bibliotheken editor / Achim / Hölter GmbH literaturwissenschaftlicher Bibliotheksforschung, bibliothekarischer Literaturvermittlung
und -versorgung oder der Forschung zu Bibliothekssujets und -metaphern. Mit der
Thematisierung von Wissensordnung, Forschungsinfrastrukturen und philologischen
Lehrbüchern gerät auch die tägliche Praxis literaturwissenschaftlicher Arbeit als
Selbstbeobachtung moderner Geisteswissenschaften in den Blick.

Die Frage nach dem Umgang mit »treuhänderisch« verwahrtem Kulturgut bzw. Raubgut
betrifft Bibliotheken, Archive und Museen sowie jüdische Institutionen. Während die
gängigen Erwerbungsarten in Kultureinrichtungen wie Kauf, Geschenk, Pflicht und Tausch
editor / Olivia / Kaiser | übliche Geschäftsvorgänge darstellen und im Rahmen der NS-Provenienzforschung
Treuhänderische Übernahme editor / Christina / Köstner- V&R unipress kritisch untersucht werden, sind mit Auflagen versehene Übernahmen und
2018-01-01 Verwahrungen wie Treuhand, Leihgaben oder Legate, aber auch staatliche Zuweisungen Political Science
und Verwahrung Pemsel | editor / Markus / GmbH im Kontext von NS-Kulturgutraub und staatlichen Transformationsprozessen bislang
Stumpf wenig beachtet worden. Neben der Darstellung der bisherigen Handhabung
»treuhänderisch« übernommener Kulturgüter werden hier strukturierte
Vorgehensweisen sowie die Anforderungen, Chancen und Grenzen eines adäquaten
Umgangs interdisziplinär erörtert.
Die Frage, ob, wann und wie die internationale Gemeinschaft auf Verletzungen
humanitärer Normen und damit verbundene humanitäre Krisen reagieren soll, gehört
zweifellos zu den vieldiskutierten Themen auf der Agenda der heutigen internationalen
Politik. Allerdings tauchte diese Problematik nicht erst am Ende des 20. und zu Beginn
des 21. Jahrhunderts plötzlich aus dem Nichts auf, sondern bereits im Verlauf des
Vandenhoeck & »langen 19. Jahrhunderts« setzte man sich kontrovers mit dieser Problematik
»In the Cause of Humanity« author / Fabian / Klose 9783666370847 2019-06-17 auseinander. History
Ruprecht Anhand ausgewählter Fallbeispiele wie dem Kampf gegen den Sklavenhandel (1807–
1890), den Militärinterventionen der europäischen Großmächte zur humanitären
Nothilfe für christliche Minderheiten im Osmanischen Reich (1827–1878) oder dem
Eingreifen der Vereinigten Staaten in den kubanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg (1898)
untersucht Fabian Klose die militärische Praktik und die völkerrechtlichen Debatten zum
Schutz humanitärer Normen gewaltsam einzugreifen.

Der Antiklerikalismus verfolgte im 19. Jahrhundert eine grundlegende Neuordnung des

Verhältnisses von Staat, Gesellschaft, Kirchen und Religion. Lisa Dittrich erörtert erstmals
Vandenhoeck & anhand dreier Länder vergleichend die europäischen Dimensionen der Kirchenkritik und
Antiklerikalismus in Europa author / Lisa / Dittrich 9783666310232 2019-04-15 ihre nationalen Spielarten in Presse, Publizistik und persönlichen Netzwerken. Sie zeigt, History
Ruprecht dass die zentrale Forderung der Antiklerikalen nach Säkularisierung nicht in einem
einfachen Gegensatz zu Religion und Kirchen aufging, und liefert damit eine neue Lesart
der europäischen Kulturkämpfe des 19. Jahrhunderts.

Anna Jurascheks Buch befasst sich mit der Idee des Bildes im Werk des polnisch-
jüdischen Künstlers, Schriftstellers und Essayisten Bruno Schulz, der sein Hauptwerk in
der Zwischenkriegszeit in polnischer Sprache verfasst hat. Im Kontext der
gesellschaftlichen und technischen Veränderungen um die Jahrhundertwende untersucht
Vandenhoeck & die Autorin Bruno Schulz` auffälligen und eigenwilligen Umgang mit Bildern, der sich
Die Rettung des Bildes im Wort author / Anna / Juraschek 9783666300851 2016-01-01 History
Ruprecht sowohl im plastischen als auch im literarischen Werk sowie in der Verflechtung beider
Ausdrucksmittel zeigt. Zur Analyse und Bewertung werden einerseits Untersuchungen zu
Bildern und ihrer kulturellen Funktion in der Zwischenkriegszeit herangezogen, wie die
wegweisenden Aufsätze von Walter Benjamin und Gisèle Freund, andererseits neuere
bildwissenschaftliche Theorien wie jene von Hans Belting und Gottfried Boehm.

Dieses Buch schreibt die Geschichte der litauischen Erinnerungskultur auf eine neue und
unkonventionelle Art und Weise. Durch den Fokus auf die Geschichte der Gedenkstätten
und Denkmale des Zweiten Weltkrieges werden vielfältige Akteure, Erinnerungspraktiken
und historische Diskurse umfassend ausgeleuchtet. Hatten die ersten Kriegsdenkmale
und Museen die Funktion, auf die Präsenz der Sowjetmacht hinzuweisen, wurde in den
Erinnerungen an den Krieg – author / Ekaterina / Vandenhoeck & 2018-12-03 1960er Jahren das Motiv des litauischen Heldenmutes und Widerstandes zentral. Diese
Krieg der Erinnerungen Makhotina Ruprecht Nationalisierung des Widerstandes ging auf Kosten der jüdischen Untergrundkämpfer;
und auch für jüdische Opfer der Massenvernichtung während der deutschen Besatzung
war in der sowjetischen Erinnerungspolitik kaum Platz. Nach dem politischen Umbruch
und der Wiedererlangung der Staatssouveränität im Jahr 1990 bekam die »erlebte«
Geschichte – und vor allem die Erfahrung der Opfer des stalinistischen Terrors – einen
zentralen Platz in der öffentlichen Geschichtspräsentation. Fast alle Erinn
Welche Bedeutung besaßen Herkunft und Religion eines frühneuzeitlichen Kaufmanns
für seinen Handel? Worin unterschied sich die Tätigkeit eines Hansekaufmanns von der
eines iberischen oder niederländischen Kaufmanns? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten,
vergleicht Jorun Poettering die drei wichtigsten Kaufmannsgruppen, die im 17.
Jahrhundert am Handel zwischen Hamburg und Portugal beteiligt waren: die Hamburger,
Vandenhoeck & Portugiesen und Niederländer. Sie untersucht die wirtschaftlichen, politischen und
Handel, Nation und Religion author / Jorun / Poettering 9783666310225 2019-05-15 History
Ruprecht rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen von Migration und Fernhandel, betrachtet die
geografische und soziale Mobilität der Kaufleute und vergleicht ihre Umsätze, Vermögen
und Warenspezialisierungen. Sie beleuchtet ihre Integration in verschiedene
Organisationen und die Bedeutung von Familie und religiöser Gemeinschaft für ihren
Handel. Die Autorin liefert damit neue Erkenntnisse zur Geschichte von Migration und
interkultureller Begegnung im Zuge der frühmodernen Globalisierung.

This volume investigates the development of the concepts and practices of “humanity”
from the sixteenth century up to the present. By taking a comparative and
editor / Fabian / Klose | Vandenhoeck & interdisciplinary approach, the contributers focus on Europe as well as Europe’s relations
Humanity 9783666101458 2016-01-01 History
editor / Mirjam / Thulin Ruprecht to other world regions in the process that shaped “humanity”. They show how this
emerging concept led to the overcoming of fundamental divisions in many spheres on
the one hand and the formation of new hierarchies on the other.

Seit Marc Bloch und Ernst Kantorowicz ist vieles über die religiöse Legitimierung
politischer Gewalt geschrieben worden, doch die Geschichte der Entscheidungsfindung
ist von diesem Trend weitgehend unberührt geblieben. Wie aber lassen sich Einflüsse
religiöser Vorstellungen auf die Politik untersuchen? Dieses Buch analysiert die
Mit Gott rechnen author / Damien / Tricoire Vandenhoeck & 9783666310188 2013-01-01 Einflussnahme der Katholischen Reform auf das politische Kalkül in der ersten Hälfte des History
Ruprecht 17. Jahrhunderts. Es behandelt den Widerstand gegen die antispanische Kriegspolitik in
Frankreich, die bayerische Politik im Dreißigjährigen Krieg und das Scheitern der
polnischen Monarchie im 17. Jahrhundert. Damien Tricoire eröffnet mit diesem Buch
neue Sichtweisen auf die Verbindung von Politik und Religion in der Vormoderne.

Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht die Frage nach den Loyalitäten und Lebenswelten des
Prager jüdischen Großbürgertums zwischen 1800 und 1867. Aufgrund seines enormen
wirtschaftlichen Erfolges nahm es innerhalb der jüdischen Bevölkerung Böhmens eine
Sonderstellung ein. Anhand von fünf Prager Familien zeigt Martina Niedhammer jedoch,
author / Martina / Vandenhoeck & dass sich die gesellschaftlichen Bestrebungen des jüdischen Großbürgertums nicht in
Nur eine »Geld-Emancipation«? Niedhammer Ruprecht 9783666310201 2018-12-03 sozialem Aufstieg um jeden Preis erschöpften. Dies belegen die vielfältigen Anbindungen History
der jüdischen Oberschicht an nationalpolitisch, ethnisch und religiös unterschiedlich
konnotierte Orte im Prager Stadtraum. Entlang dieser Orte werden ihr ökonomischer
Aufstieg, religiöses Leben, soziales und politisches Engagement sowie familiäres
Selbstverständnis in den Blick genommen.
Der »Mauerfall« brachte die Frage der »Wiedervereinigung« überraschend rasch zurück
auf die Tagesordnung der internationalen Politik. Dies galt auch für die österreichische
Diplomatie und Politik, wie die 180 in dieser Edition erstmals veröffentlichten
Dokumente zeigen. Das Verhältnis des neutralen Landes zu beiden deutschen Staaten
hatte sich von 1949 bis 1989/90 kontinuierlich entwickelt. Zur Bundesrepublik bestanden
Österreich und die deutsche editor / Michael / Gehler | Vandenhoeck & aufgrund des Außenhandels und der Westorientierung Österreichs weit engere und
2018-10-01 intensivere wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Beziehungen. Abwartend und weit weniger History
Frage 1987–1990 editor / Maximilian / Graf Ruprecht intensiv war das Verhältnis zum ostdeutschen Staat. Nichtsdestotrotz waren die Kontakte
zur DDR nach Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen 1972 von schrittweiser
Normalisierung, wechselseitiger Besuchsdiplomatie und gut entwickelten
Wirtschaftsbeziehungen gekennzeichnet, die allerdings hinter der Stärke von jenen mit
der Bundesrepublik zurückblieben. Österreich verfolgte in dieser Zeit als kritischer
Beobachter au

Håkon Naasen Tandberg explores how, when, and why humans relate to the non-human
world. Based on two ethnographic fieldworks among the Parsis in Mumbai, the research
focuses on the role of temple fires in the lives of present-day Parsi Zoroastrians in India
as an empirical case. Through four ethnographic portraits, the reader will get a deeper
author / Håkon / Naasen Vandenhoeck & look into the lives of four Parsi individuals, and how their individual biographies,
Relational Religion 9783666564741 2019-07-15 personalities, and interhuman relationships, along with religious identities and roles, Theology & Religion
Tandberg Ruprecht shape—and to a certain extent are shaped by—their personal relationships with non-
human entities. The book combines affordance theory, exchange theory, and social
support to analyze such relationships, and offers suggestive evidence that relationships
with non-human entities—in this case the Zoroastrian temple fires—can be experienced
as no less real, important, or meaningful than those with other human beings.

Im Sommer 1914 schickte der russische Agrarwissenschaftler und Bodenkundler

Konstantin Glinka ein Manuskript nach Berlin. Es enthielt die erste an eine ausländische
Leserschaft gerichtete Darstellung der russischen Bodenkunde, einer frühökologischen
Lehre vom Boden, die auf der Erforschung der Schwarzerde fußte. Dies war der Beginn
einer Erfolgsgeschichte: Die russische Bodenkunde reüssierte in der Zwischenkriegszeit in
Russlands Bodenkunde in der Vandenhoeck & Europa und den USA. Nach 1945 wurde sie zu einem Klassiker der modernen Agrar- und
author / Jan / Arend 9783666301124 2019-09-16 Umweltwissenschaften.Jan Arend erzählt die Geschichte eines Wissenstransfers von Ost History
Welt Ruprecht nach West. Er folgt Wissenschaftlern, Manuskripten und Begriffen – von den
Schwarzerde-Provinzen des Russischen Reichs über die Podien internationaler
Konferenzen bis in die Kabinette von amerikanischen Agrarplanern und Bodenschätzern
in NS-Deutschland. Das Buch führt dabei in anschaulicher Weise vor Augen, wie sich
Wissen in Form und Inhalt transformiert, wenn es übersetzt, vermittelt und in neue
Sport was an integral part of life in camps during the twentieth century, even in Nazi
concentrations camps or in the Soviet Gulag. Traditionally perceived as a symbol of
equality, play, and peacefulness, sport under such unexpected circumstances irritates
most observers, back then and today. This volume studies the irritating fact of sport in
editor / Gregor / Feindt | penal and internment camps as an important insight into the history of camps. The
Sport under Unexpected Vandenhoeck &
editor / Anke / Hillbrenner | 2018-08-13 authors enquire into case studies of sport being played in different forms of camps History
Circumstances Ruprecht around the globe and throughout the twentieth century. They challenge our
editor / Dittmar / Dahlmann
understanding of camps, question the dichotomy of insiders and outsiders, inner-camp
hierarchies, and the everyday experience of violence. This fresh perspective
complements the existing camp studies and gives way for the subjectivity of camp
inmates and their action.

Mit der Durchsetzung der Nationalstaatsidee seit dem ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert
geriet die traditionelle jüdische Gemeinschaft in Europa in eine Krise. Die jüdische
Gemeindeautonomie wurde sukzessive abgeschafft, die Juden sollten jedes ethnische
Vandenhoeck & Bewusstsein ablegen und sich nur noch als »Glaubensgemeinschaft« verstehen. Während
Volk oder Religion? author / Philipp / Lenhard 9783666310256 2016-01-01 History
Ruprecht ein Teil der aufgeklärten jüdischen Elite daraufhin das Judentum in eine reine »Religion«
zu transformieren versuchte, stellten andere dieser Reduktion bewusst ethnische
Konzeptionen gegenüber. Die Studie untersucht die Entstehung dieser modernen
jüdischen Ethnizität in Frankreich und Deutschland.

This publication gives an overview of central aspects of adult and continuing education in
Belarus. Galina Veramejchyk presents a range of data and information regarding adult
W. and continuing education institutions, ¿nancing, provision, participation, staff and
Adult and Continuing Education author / Galina / international relationships. She describes adult and continuing education in Belarus
Bertelsmann 2017-09-20 Sociology
in Belarus Veramejchyk Verlag
taking into consideration the political, geographical, and cultural context as well as the
current economic situation.
This book offers a brief and systematic introduction and guides the reader through the
system of adult and continuing education in Belarus.

The volume offers a current stock-take of central areas of adult education in Cyprus.
Maria Gravani and Alexandra Ioannidou have compiled large amounts of data and
author / Maria / Gravani | W. information on institutions, financing, offers, participation, personnel, quality assurance
Adult and Continuing Education author / Alexandra / Bertelsmann 2014-07-08 and certification. The authors furthermore take into account the political, geopolitical
in Cyprus and cultural context which influences developments in adult education, as well as the
Ioannidou Verlag economic situation of the island state Cyprus. This book offers a great starting point and
good orientation for getting to know the Cypriotic system for adult and vocational
further education.

"The English language volume offers a current stock-take of central areas in adult and
vocational further education in France. The author Silke Schreiber-Barsch bases her work
on various types of data and information. Beginning with historical developments,
W. Schreiber-Barsch covers the topics of political, financial and institutional framework
Adult and Continuing Education author / Silke / Schreiber- conditions, as well as offer, participation and teaching personnel. In closing, she outlines
in France Barsch Bertelsmann 2015-12-03 the current research status in terms of adult education and its role in the third level Sociology
Verlag education system.

The regional portrait offers well founded starting point and good orientation for getting
to know the French system for adult and vocational further education."
The European arena of lifelong learning offers rich country-specific portfolios of historical
trajectories, policy frameworks and practical evidence of adult and continuing education.
This book provides an introduction to the case of Norway and outlines the key features
Adult and Continuing Education W. of the Norwegian system alongside issues such as political and legal agendas, schemes of
author / Sturla / Bjerkaker Bertelsmann 2016-07-29 participation, provision and financing or trends in professionalization, research areas and Sociology
in Norway Verlag transnational linkages. Through the lens of adult and continuing education, the author
invites researchers, practitioners, students and persons interested in international-
comparative perspectives to a tour d'horizon of the Norwegian lifelong learning

What are the effects of migration into Germany on growth and employment? Can
immigrants close the skilled worker gap? Is Germany an immigration country? The study
develops an empirically founded profile of changes in the economy and society in
Arbeitsmarkt 2030 - Die author / Kurt / Vogler- W. Germany until 2030. It identifies skilled worker bottlenecks and offers recommendations
Bedeutung der Zuwanderung für Ludwig | author / Nicola / Bertelsmann 2015-03-12 for ensuring a sufficient supply of workers. That includes the integration of migrants, an Sociology
Beschäftigung und Wachstum Düll | author / Ben / Kriechel Verlag expansion of the adult education system and a long-term, forward-looking family policy
on the basis of an improved compatibility of family and work life. The study was
commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium
für Arbeit und Soziales).

The analyses and results included in the technical assessment complement the third main
study "The German Labour Market in 2030 - Economy and Labour Market in the Digital
W. Age - Forecast 2016" (Original title: Arbeitsmarkt 2030 - Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt im
Arbeitsmarkt 2030 - editor / Nicola / Düll Bertelsmann 2016-09-16 digitalen Zeitalter; Prognose 2016). The authors examine the implications of digitalisation Sociology
Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt Verlag on today's work by means of different individual assessments, taking into account
economic, sociological and organisational aspects. Moreover, they provide an overview
of existing or planned measures to support digitalisation.

"The third long-term forecast by Economix estimates the implications of the recent influx
of refugees on the German labour market as well as the qualification structure among
the employees. At the same time, it forecasts the opportunities and risks of digitalisation.
All analyses come to the conclusion that the integration of refugees into the labour
market represents the primary task of the coming five to ten years. Indeed, the
Arbeitsmarkt 2030 - Wirtschaft author / Kurt / Vogler- W. immigration of refugees rejuvenates the population. However, it also causes a decline in
und Arbeitsmarkt im digitalen Ludwig | author / Nicola / Bertelsmann 2016-09-29 the qualification structure of labour supply. The authors emphasise both the necessity of Sociology
Zeitalter Düll | author / Ben / Kriechel Verlag extensive and systematic further education programs for all employees as well as the
importance of developing educational services for refugees and encouraging them to
participate in vocational education.

The digitalisation scenario shows considerable increases in growth and employment as a

consequence of the use of digital technologies. However, this positive development
"Arbeitsmarkt kompakt" bietet eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme des deutschen
Arbeitsmarkts für Wissenschaftler und Praktiker. Kurzgefasste, mit zahlreichen
Infografiken versehene Texte erlauben einen schnellen Überblick über einschlägige
Forschungsbefunde des IAB.
Der Band befasst sich mit folgenden Themenfeldern:
- Standortbestimmung: Herausforderungen am Arbeitsmarkt
- Demografie und Erwerbsbeteiligung
W. - Beschäftigungsformen
Arbeitsmarkt Kompakt editor / Joachim / Möller | Bertelsmann 2017-04-05 - Arbeitslosigkeit und Leistungsbezug Sociology
editor / Ulrich / Walwei Verlag - Löhne und Lohnstruktur (mit einem Schwerpunkt auf dem Thema "Mindestlohn")
- Bildung und Beruf
- Digitalisierung
- Migration und Integration
- Arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahmen

Begleitend zum Buch steht im Internet ein Datenanhang mit unterschiedlichsten

Arbeitsmarktindikatoren zum Download zur Verfügung (

The separation of academic and vocational training has a long tradition in Germany. The
introduction of third level study courses without A level prerequisite was supposed to
make the education system less exclusive. Against a background of increasing academic
focus in the business world, however, interest in "studies on the basis of existing
W. professional qualifications" is on the rise. The articles contained in the volume offer
Beruflich Qualifizierte im
editor / Uwe / Elsholz Bertelsmann 2015-11-06 information about current studies, present the current status quo of research and follow Sociology
Studium up on biographies of students who chose "third chance education". The volume deals
with challenges in education policy, with didactic-curricular and theoretical aspects, as
well as with to date unanswered questions regarding research and development. Interest
is not only focused on third level education - the entire traditional German education
system is currently undergoing change.

editor / Peter / Schlögl | The potential role of vocational education in Austria, Germany and Switzerland was the
editor / Michaela / Stock | W. topic of the Fifth Austrian Conference on Vocational Education and Training Research
2016 (5. Österreichische Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz 2016). The debate revolved
Berufsbildung, eine Renaissance? editor / Daniela / Moser | Bertelsmann 2017-04-04 around the expectations of vocational education, for example whether it promotes social Sociology
editor / Kurt / Schmid | Verlag integration and mobility, if it can be understood as a driver of innovation and whether it
editor / Franz / Gramlinger is capable of providing employment impulses.

The focus of the study is the performance of the education systems in the 35 OECD
countries, and some non-member states such as Costa Rica and Lithuania. A system of
indicators developed by the OECD allows a comparison of the level and conditions of
W. education in the participating countries. The main aspects of the study are participation
Bildung auf einen Blick 2017 editor / Paris / OECD Bertelsmann 2017-09-12 in the education system, educational expenses, operational data in the education system Sociology
Verlag and which results are achieved. The educational status quo within the participating
countries is visualised in more than 180 figures and tables. The current edition analyses
for the first time success rates at the secondary level and admission criteria for the
tertiary level. A new chapter addresses the educational policy goal of the 2030 agenda.
"In the long-term observation of the German education system, the authors proceeded
to analyse the known indicators of the study. A key topic is the influence of migration
W. experiences on educational biography.
Bildung in Deutschland 2016 author / Autorengruppe / Bertelsmann 2016-06-16 Sociology
Bildungsberichterstattung Every two years, the report delivers a survey of the German education system and
Verlag examines framework conditions, such as costs and requirements, educational institutions
like nurseries and schools, vocational training and university education, further education
at an adult age and educational effects and returns."

This report provides the reader with empirical findings on junior researchers in Germany.
The reconciliation of family and an academic career constitutes the central issue of the
report. Other topics are work and employment conditions, qualification conditions during
the doctoral phase, as well as career paths and perspectives, particularly during the post
Bundesbericht author / Konsortium / W. doctoral phase. Topics such as mobility behaviour and contributions to the research,
Bundesbericht teaching, and transfer of junior scientists as well as the educational returns of a doctoral
Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs Bertelsmann 2017-02-16 Sociology
2017 Wissenschaftlicher Verlag
degree are also addressed. The report is primarily based on data from official statistics
Nachwuchs and surveys conducted on a regular basis. At the same time, the paper examines the
collected data with greater emphasis on the comparability and classification of the
findings. In doing so, the report provides universities, research institutes, interest groups,
funding agencies, and decision makers at federal and state level with essential
knowledge on the topic.

Who is employed in further education programmes? What are their qualifications?

Under which conditions do they work and how satisfied are they with their work? It is the
first study to provide representative data on the qualifications, employment situations
W. and working conditions of employees in the adult and further education industry. The
Das Personal in der author / Autorengruppe / data of this two-step personnel survey was collected in 2014. More than 6,000 adult
Bertelsmann 2016-12-31 Sociology
Weiterbildung wb-Personalmonitor Verlag
educators from more than 1,800 training institutions participated in the survey. This
study serves as a supplement to educational reporting in Germany, which has hitherto
rather been focussed on providers, offers and participation. Furthermore, it offers a
reliable basis for assessments regarding the professionalisation of adult and further
education. Moreover, the collected data may be used for further research.

"The study presents a cartographic overview of the offering of and demand for adult
education in Germany.
The authors have developed indicators from a variety of data sources, which allow an
editor / Andreas / Martin | W.
extensive and detailed view of the participation in adult education. With a view of the
editor / Klaus / Schömann | regions as reference frame, trend influences are developed and factors for adult
Deutscher Weiterbildungsatlas Bertelsmann 2015-05-16 education advantages and disadvantages are made visible. Sociology
editor / Josef / Schrader |
editor / Harm / Kuper Some regions show abnormalities in the adult education behaviour. Results of regional
case studies show that there are conductive as well as inhibiting factors for adult
education opportunities. Here, the differences in adult education behaviour with regards
to regionally varying levels and offers of further education become apparent."
author / Peer / Pasternack |
author / Benjamin / W. The study analyses the quality development of teaching staff at schools. It looks at all
Drei Phasen Baumgarth | author / Anke / Bertelsmann 2017-11-11 three phases of training: Study, probation and further training. The expert's report
Burkhardt | author / Sabine / therefore gives a comprehensive overview of the structure of further training for
Verlag teachers in the Federal Republic of Germany's federal education system.
Paschke | author / Nurdin /

"Competence in the handling of money is an essential, every-day competence. Until now,

however, there were no didactic concepts for the area of basic financial education.

The handout provided here introduces a competence model that systematises and
W. describes the (action) requirements for handling money. Various practical applications
Finanzielle Grundbildung author / Ewelina / Mania | Bertelsmann 2015-10-12 are illustrated and concrete offering formats are presented. Sociology
author / Monika / Tröster On the basis of three good practice examples, practice-oriented aids complete with
exercises and checklists for the development and implementation of study offers are
The handout is rounded off with strategies for the successful address and acquisition of
target group members."

The reader is presented with 20 case examples, so-called Critical Incidents (CIs), which
explain how to ensure a smooth encounter between Germany and Russia. The CIs
promote empathy and the ability to switch perspectives. At the same time, they allow for
new viewpoints in the context of German-Russian interactions. The publication addresses
W. topics such as hospitality and welcoming culture, the expression of frustration and
Interkulturelle Kompetenz author / Bettina / Franzke | Bertelsmann 2017-02-20 criticism, action processes, professional collaboration, external image, linguistic Sociology
Deutschland-Russland author / Romy / Henfling exchange, and approaches to overcome language barriers. Each of the 20 case examples
from everyday life, school, and university are described by means of questions and
possible solutions, which participants in language courses and exchange programmes as
well as employees of international organisations can use to prepare themselves for short
or long-term stays in Germany or Russia.

"What motivates international scientists to research and teach at German Universities?

How successful is their professional and social integration? What are their long-term
career objectives?
Internationale W. The MIND study at GATE-Germany (a consortium for international university marketing
funded by DAAD and HRK) comprehensively surveyed international post-doctoral
Nachwuchswissenschaftler in author / Antje / Wegner Bertelsmann 2016-03-24 academics for the first time on their decision motivation, organisational challenges and Sociology
Deutschland Verlag their professional and social integration across all participating universities. The resulting
quantitative data delivers empirical information about needs and decision criteria of
young, post-doctoral academics and therefore expands the experience knowledge of the
A new training concept for teaching at vocational schools was developed, tested and
analysed at TU Dresden. The innovative study model combines academic and vocational
training. The publication introduces the model, the findings of the accompanying
editor / Manuela / W. scientific study and recommendations for a practise-oriented teacher training for
Kooperative Ausbildung im Niethammer | editor / Bertelsmann 2015-08-07 vocational schools. The cooperative study course brings together traditional studies with
technischen Lehramt Martin D. / Hartmann Verlag
professional practice. Students have the option of obtaining a skilled worker certification
in this course of study. 71 companies, four education providers and 66 students took part
in the model project "Cooperative training for technical teaching" (Kooperative
Ausbildung im technischen Lehramt - KAtLA), which was financed by the European Social

"Over the past few years, narrative research as central method for empirical social
research has broadened the view of interdisciplinary approaches. This also benefits the
adult education research, as for example within the areas of literacy and basic education.
W. The exploration of (auto)biographical narrative styles and structures contributes greatly
Leben erzählen - Leben author / Marianne / Horsdal Bertelsmann 2013-06-13 to the understanding of learning biographies. In this book the author combines several Sociology
verstehen Verlag international studies and links them to issues from within adult education research. The
studies thereby capture neurobiological, philosophical and pedagogical perspectives of
narrative structures. They reveal links between biographies and educational processes
and allow for the initiation of new teaching/learning settings."

"The EUROSTUDENT V - Synopsis of Indicators is the central publication of the

EUROSTUDENT project and the result of the collaboration of a European-wide network
including researchers, data collectors, representatives of national ministries, and other
author / Kristina / Hauschildt W. stakeholders. It comprises data from student surveys conducted in 29 countries in the
Social and Economic Conditions | author / Christoph / Gwosc Bertelsmann 2015-02-25 European Higher Education Area during the fifth round of the EUROSTUDENT project.
of Student Life in Europe | author / Nicolai / Netz |
Verlag Adopting a broad, comparative perspective, the EUROSTUDENT V - Synopsis of Indicators
author / Shweta / Mishra provides information on topic areas such as access to higher education, study conditions,
as well as international student mobility, assessment of studies, and future plans with the
aim of inspiring policy debates and laying the ground for further research."

There is a rising demand for specialist workers in several countries of Sub-Saharan Africa
(SSA). The area still lacks a consistent system of professional training and further
education. The conference transcript comprises practical knowledge collected by the
authors to depict the current state of professional training within the Sub-Saharan
Vocational Education and author / Friedhelm / Eicker | W. African countries. The paper also introduces the reader to concepts for the development
author / Gesine / Haseloff | Bertelsmann 2017-03-16 of a professional training system and provides an overview of the strategies and plans of Sociology
Training in Sub-Saharan Africa author / Bernd / Lennartz Verlag different countries and institutions. The included articles were written within the
framework of a symposium on the status quo and the perspective of professional training
and further education. This gathering took place in Namibia in August 2016 and brought
together researchers and business actors from the Sub-Saharan states, Europe, Australia,
and Asia.
The author asks about the institutional and personal conditions under which academic
writing centres can be established in the long term. As an example, she analyses the
situation at universities in the USA, where problems are similar to those in Germany: lack
W. of acceptance, lack of financial provision and unclear expectations. Expert interviews with
Von der Innovation zur author / Katrin / Girgensohn Bertelsmann 2017-10-26 directors of writing centres serve as the empirical basis. The focal point of the
Institution investigation is institutionalisation work at management level that is equally
Verlag characterised by intentional and accidental actions, successes and failures. The result is a
model for institutionalisation work by writing centre directors, as well as
recommendations for actions that are transferrable to the establishment of writing
centres and other innovative institutions at German universities.

The anthology offers an examination of the structures, functions and operations of the
German Association for University Continuing and Distance Education (Deutsche
W. Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Fernstudium e.V. - DGWF). The
Weiterbildung an Hochschulen editor/ /Wolfgang
Beate / Hörr | editor
/ Jütte Bertelsmann 2017-01-27 papers analyse the history of this expert association as well as the thematic priorities of
the twelve sections (four work groups and eight national groups). The volume is Sociology
Verlag complemented by an overview of cross-border activities and influential articles on the
current status of scientific further education at universities, which is actually a relatively
young academic discipline.

"The study presents examples of good practice in the use of digital tools for international
university marketing. This includes websites, apps, social media, webinars, virtual fairs,
Weltweit und virtuell - W. digital learning and teaching formats and a customer relationship management system.
Praxisbeispiele aus dem digitalen editor / Germany / GATE Bertelsmann 2016-07-27 Sociology
Hochschulmarketing Verlag The presented projects from Germany and other countries in Europe offer innovative
models and recommended actions that universities can adapt for their own international

The Baltic Sea Region is an important example of the regionalisation of international

academic cooperation. This is the conclusion of the 17th DAAD study on international
scientific mobility. On an annual basis, the paper documents the status quo as well as
developments in the internationality of German science and universities. The study also
W. examines other countries such as the USA, China, and Great Britain. The emphasis of this
Wissenschaft Weltoffen 2017 editor / Referat Forschung Bertelsmann 2017-07-13 issue lies on academic mobility and cooperation within the Baltic Sea Region. Among
und Studien / DAAD other sources, the included mobility analyses by scientists, students, and doctoral
Verlag students are based on international data by the OECD and UNESCO as well as on national
data by the German Federal Statistical Office. In combination with other indicators, this
data offers a valid foundation for long-term analyses. "Cosmopolitan Academia"
(Wissenschaft Weltoffen) is published as a bilingual German/English issue. The study text
and diagrams are available for free download at wbv

The transcript comprises different views and options for action within educational and
vocational guidance and counselling in the face of social, economic and labour-market
changes. Professional theory and practical occupational approaches constitute the
editor / Marika / Hammerer emphasis of this paper. Furthermore, the authors address the role of educational and
| editor / Erika / Kanelutti- W. vocational guidance and counselling as well as the execution and interpretation of the
Zukunftsfeld Bildungs- und Chilas | editor / Gerhard / Bertelsmann 2017-06-02 same by the counsellors - both individual and as an occupational group. The Sociology
Berufsberatung IV contributions are divided into four central issues: What determines the daily work of the
Krötzl | editor / Ingeborg / Verlag
counsellors and how do they handle it? Which challenges does migration entail? How can
Melter the professional theory of educational and vocational guidance and counseling be
differentiated and developed further? How can potentials and resources be identified
and extended?
Fighting for a Living investigates the circumstances that have produced starkly different
systems of recruiting and employing soldiers in different parts of the globe over the last
500 years. It does so on the basis of a wide range of case studies taken from Europe,
Africa, America, the Middle East and Asia. The novelty of "Fighting for a Living" is that it
Amsterdam is not military history in the traditional sense (concentrating at wars and battles or on
Fighting for a Living author / Erik-Jan / Zürcher 9789089644527 2013-01-01 military technology) but that it looks at military service and warfare as forms of labour, History
University Press and at the soldiers as workers. Military employment offers excellent opportunities for
this kind of international comparison. Where many forms of human activity are restricted
by the conditions of nature or the stage of development of a given society, organized
violence is ubiquitous. Soldiers, in one form or another, are always part of the picture, in
any period and in every region.

Collection of essays on twenty-first century Chinese cinema and moving image culture.
This innovative collection of essays on twenty-first century Chinese cinema and moving
image culture features contributions from an international community of scholars, critics,
and practitioners. Taken together, their perspectives make a compelling case that the
author / Matthew D. / past decade has witnessed a radical transformation of conventional notions of cinema.
Johnson | author / Keith B. / Bloomsbury Following China's accession to the WTO in 2001, personal and collective experiences of
China's iGeneration 9781623563127 2014-05-01 Media & Communications
Wagner | author / Tianqui / Academic changing social conditions have added new dimensions to the increasingly diverse
Yu | author / Luke / Vulpiani Sinophone media landscape, and provided a novel complement to the existing edifice of
blockbusters, documentaries, and auteur culture. The numerous 'iGeneration'
productions and practices examined in this volume include 3D and IMAX films,
experimental documentaries, animation, visual aides-mémoires, and works of pirated

Combines an overview of the key theoretical models of democracy and human rights
with a state-of-the-art survey which reports on trade-offs between achievements, set-
backs and challenges in some of the world's 'hotspots'. The 20th century has been
described as the bloodiest in human history, but it was also the century in which people
around the world embraced ideas of democracy and human rights as never before,
Human Rights and Democracy author / Todd / Landman Bloomsbury 9781849663458 2013-09-01 constructing social, political and legal institutions seeking to contain human behaviour.
Political Science
Academic Todd Landman offers an optimistic, yet cautionary tale of these developments, drawing
on the literature, from politics, international relations and international law. He
celebrates the global turn from tyranny and violence towards democracy and rights but
also warns of the precariousness of these achievements in the face of democratic
setbacks and the undermining of rights commitments by many countries during the so-
called ‘War on Terror'.

On Global Citizenship develops James Tully's distinctive and influential approach to

political philosophy, first outlined in his 2008 two-volume work Public Philosophy in a
New Key, and applies it to the field of citizenship. The second part of the book contains
Bloomsbury responses from influential interlocutors including Bonnie Honig and Marc Stears, David
On Global Citizenship author / James / Tully Academic 2014-06-01 Owen and Adam Dunn, Aletta Norval, Antony Laden, and Duncan Bell. These provide a Political Science
commentary not just on the ideas contained in this volume, but on Tully's approach to
political philosophy more generally, thus making the book an ideal first source for
academics and students wishing to engage with Tully's work. The volume closes with a
response from Tully to his interlocutors.
Cynthia Skenazi explores in this book a shift in attitudes towards aging and provides a
historical perspective on a crucial problem of our time. In Aging Gracefully in the
Renaissance: Stories of Later Life from Petrarch to Montaigne Cynthia Skenazi explores a
shift in attitudes towards aging and provides a historical perspective on a crucial problem
Aging Gracefully in the of our time. From the late fourteenth to the end of the sixteenth centuries, the elderly
author / Cynthia / Skenazi Brill 9789004255722 2013-11-01 subject became a point of new social, medical, political, and literary attention on both Literature
Renaissance sides of the Alps. A movement of secularization tended to dissociate old age from the
Christian preparation for death, re-orienting the concept of aging around pragmatic
matters such as health care, intergenerational relationships, and accrued insights one
might wish to pass along. Such changes were accompanied by an increasing number of
personal accounts of later life.

Identifies and investigates a corpus of twenty-one anonymous Middle English recipes for
the philosophers' stone dating from the fifteenth century. Verse and Transmutation: A
Corpus of Middle English Alchemical Poetry identifies and investigates a corpus of
twenty-one anonymous recipes for the philosophers’ stone dating from the fifteenth
century. These were circulated and received in association with each other until the mid-
seventeenth century, when a number of them appeared in Elias Ashmole’s Theatrum
Verse and Transmutation author / Anke / Timmermann Brill 9789004254831 2013-11-01 Chemicum Britannicum. These editions are the first to make this previously unidentified History
corpus available to researchers. The accompanying studies discover the complex histories
of these alchemica, in plain and illuminated manuscripts, as anonyma and in attribution
to famous authors, and in private and institutional, medical and academic book
collections. Together, they offer novel insights into the role of alchemy and poetry in late
medieval and early modern England.

Jacqueline Best argues that the changes in International Monetary Fund, World Bank and
donor policies in the 1990s, towards what some have called the 'Post-Washington
Consensus,' were driven by an erosion of expert authority and an increasing
preoccupation with policy failure. Failures such as the Asian financial crisis and the
decades of despair in sub-Saharan Africa led these institutions to develop governance
Governing Failure author / Jacqueline / Best Cambridge 2014-01-01 strategies designed to avoid failure: fostering country ownership, developing global
University Press standards, managing risk and vulnerability and measuring results. In contrast to the
structural adjustment era when policymakers were confident that they had all the
answers, the author argues that we are now in an era of provisional governance, in which
key actors are aware of the possibility of failure even as they seek to inoculate
themselves against it. This book considers the implications of this shift, asking if it is a
positive change and whether it is sustainable.

Do ties between political parties and businesses harm or benefit the development of
market institutions? The post-communist transition offers an unparalleled opportunity to
explore when and how networks linking the polity and the economy support the
development of func-tional institutions. A quantitative and qualitative analysis covering
eleven post-socialist countries combined with detailed case studies of Bulgaria, Poland,
Networks and institutions in Cambridge and Romania documents how the most successful post-communist countries are those in
Europe's emerging markets author / Roger / Schoenman University Press 9781139381628 2018-05-05 which dense networks link polit-icians and businesspeople, as long as politicians are Political Science
constrained by intense political competition. The comparison of original network data
sets shows how this combination allowed Poland to emerge with stable institutions.
Bulgaria, marred by weak institutions, corruption, and violence, cautions us that in
developing economies intense political competition alone is harmful in the absence of
dense personal and ownership networks.
Addressing the history of the production and reception of the great medieval poem, Piers
Plowman, Lawrence Warner reveals the many ways in which scholars, editors and critics
over the centuries created their own speculative narratives about the poem, which
gradually came to be regarded as factually true. Warner begins by considering the
Cambridge possibility that Langland wrote a romance about a werewolf and bear-suited lovers, and
The Myth of Piers Plowman author / Lawrence / Warner 2014-03-01 he goes on to explore the methods of the poem's localization, and medieval readers' Literature
University Press particular interest in its Latinity. Warner shows that the 'Protestant Piers' was a reaction
against the poem's oral mode of transmission, reveals the extensive eighteenth-century
textual scholarship on the poem by figures including the maligned Chaucer editor John
Urry, and contextualizes its first modernization by a literary forger inspired by the 1790s
Shakespeare controversies.

The oath was an institution of fundamental importance across a wide range of social
author / Alan H. / interactions throughout the ancient Greek world, making a crucial contribution to social
Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Sommerstein | author / De Gruyter 2014-06-01 stability and harmony; yet there has been no comprehensive, dedicated scholarly study
Greece Isabelle C. / Torrance
of the subject for over a century. This volume of a two-volume study explores the nature
of oaths as Greeks perceived it, the ways in which they were used (and sometimes
abused) in Greek life and literature, and their inherent binding power.

Drawing on hitherto neglected archival materials, Zohar Segev sheds new light on the
policy of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) during the Holocaust. Contrary to popular
belief, he can show that there was an impressive system of previously unknown rescue
efforts. Even more so, there is evidence for an alternative pattern for modern Jewish
The World Jewish Congress existence in the thinking and policy of the World Jewish Congress. WJC leaders supported
author / Zohar / Segev De Gruyter 9783110320268 2014-06-01 the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine but did not see it as an end in itself. They History
During The Holocaust strove to establish a Jewish state and to rehabilitate Diaspora Jewish life, two goals they
saw as mutually complementary. The efforts of the WJC are put into the context of the
serious difficulties facing the American Jewish community and its representative
institutions during and after the war, as they tried to act as an ethnic minority within
American society.

This book explores the phenomenon of the Third Reich from a philosophical perspective.
It concentrates on the ways in which the subjects and experiences of Nazi Germany, the
Holocaust and Anti-Semitism are conceived by eight German thinkers from the
Continental tradition. These eight intellectuals include Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt,
Karl Löwith, Carl Schmitt, Ernst Jünger, Jean Améry, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and Jan
Thinking and Killing author / Alon / Segev De Gruyter 9781614511014 2013-10-01 Assmann. Based on careful philosophical examinations of both known and unknown texts Philosophy
of these eight thinkers (including an English translation of two forgotten texts by Schmitt
and Jünger), this study exposes and then explores the tension between ideology and
philosophy, between submission to authority and genuine critical thinking, all of which
constitute the essence of the Continental philosophical tradition.
Thirty-five years after its initial success as a form of technologically assisted human
reproduction, and five million miracle babies later, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has become
a routine procedure worldwide. In Biological Relatives, Sarah Franklin explores how the
normalization of IVF has changed how both technology and biology are understood.
Biological Relatives author / Sarah / Franklin / Duke University 2013-11-01 Drawing on anthropology, feminist theory, and science studies, Franklin charts the
University of Cambridge Press evolution of IVF from an experimental research technique into a global technological
platform used for a wide variety of applications, including genetic diagnosis, livestock
breeding, cloning, and stem cell research. She contends that despite its ubiquity, IVF
remains a highly paradoxical technology that confirms the relative and contingent nature
of biology while creating new biological relatives.

Known for much of the nineteenth century as "the ever-faithful isle," Cuba did not earn
its independence from Spain until 1898, long after most American colonies had achieved
emancipation from European rule. In this groundbreaking history, David Sartorius
explores the relationship between political allegiance and race in nineteenth-century
Cuba. Challenging assumptions that loyalty to the Spanish empire was the exclusive
Ever Faithful author / David / Sartorious Duke Press
University 2014-05-01 province of the white Cuban elite, he examines the free and enslaved people of African History
descent who actively supported colonialism. By claiming loyalty, many black and mulatto
Cubans attained some degree of social mobility, legal freedom, and political inclusion in a
world where hierarchy and inequality were the fundamental lineaments of colonial
subjectivity. Sartorius explores Cuba's battlefields, plantations, and meeting halls to
consider the goals and limits of loyalty.

Chronicling the dramatic history of the Brazilian Amazon during the Second World War,
Seth Garfield provides fresh perspectives on contemporary environmental debates. His
multifaceted analysis explains how the Amazon became the object of geopolitical
rivalries, state planning, media coverage, popular fascination, and social conflict. In need
Duke University of rubber, a vital war material, the United States spent millions of dollars to revive the
In Search of the Amazon author / Seth / Garfield 2013-01-01 History
Press Amazon's rubber trade. In the name of development and national security, Brazilian
officials implemented public programs to engineer the hinterland's transformation.
Migrants from Brazil's drought-stricken Northeast flocked to the Amazon in search of
work. In defense of traditional ways of life, longtime Amazon residents sought to temper
outside intervention.

David A. McDonald rethinks the conventional history of the Palestinian crisis through an
ethnographic analysis of music and musicians, protest songs, and popular culture.
Charting a historical narrative that stretches from the late-Ottoman period through the
My Voice Is My Weapon author / David A. / McDonald Duke University 9780822378280 2013-05-01 end of the second Palestinian intifada, McDonald examines the shifting politics of music
Press in its capacity to both reflect and shape fundamental aspects of national identity.
Drawing case studies from Palestinian communities in Israel, in exile, and under
occupation, McDonald grapples with the theoretical and methodological challenges of
tracing "resistance" in the popular imagination, attempting to reveal the nuanced ways in
which Palestinians have confronted and opposed the traumas of foreign occupation.
Provides a new account of the emergence of Irish gothic fiction in mid-eighteenth
century. This book provides a robustly theorised and thoroughly historicised account of
the ‘beginnings’ of Irish gothic fiction, maps the theoretical terrain covered by other
critics, and puts forward a new history of the emergence of the genre in Ireland. The
The Emergence of Irish Gothic Edinburgh main argument the book makes is that the Irish gothic should be read in the context of
author / Jarlath / Killeen 9780748690800 2013-12-01 the split in Irish Anglican public opinion that opened in the 1750s, and seen as a fictional Literature
Fiction University Press instrument of liberal Anglican opinion in a changing political landscape. By providing a
fully historicized account of the beginnings of the genre in Ireland, the book also
addresses the theoretical controversies that have bedevilled discussion of the Irish gothic
in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. The book gives ample space to the critical debate, and
rigorously defends a reading of the Irish gothic as an Anglican, Patriot tradition.

Edinburgh Develops generalised just war principles that can be applied to all forms of armed
The Ethics of Armed Conflict author / John W. / Lango University Press 9780748645756 2014-03-01 conflict. Political Science

A critical exploration of travel, animals and shape-changing in fin de siècle literature.

Bats, beetles, wolves, butterflies, bulls, panthers, apes, leopards and spiders are among
the countless creatures that crowd the pages of literature of the late nineteenth century.
Liverpool Whether in Gothic novels, science fiction, fantasy, fairy tales, journalism, political
Beastly Journeys author / Tim / Youngs University Press 9781846319587 2013-11-01 discourse, realism or naturalism, the line between the human and the animal becomes Literature
blurred. Beastly Journeys examines these bestial transformations across a range of well-
known and less familiar texts and shows how they are provoked not only by the
mutations of Darwinism but by social and economic shifts that have been lost in
retellings and readings of them.

Describes the formation and operation of a category of Palestinian and Israeli 'world
literature' whose authors actively respond to the expectation that their work will
'narrate' the nation, invigorating critical debates about the political and artistic value of
national narration as a literary practice. The crisis in Israel/Palestine has long been the
Liverpool world’s most visible military conflict. Yet the region’s cultural and intellectual life remains
Rhetorics of Belonging author / Anna / Bernard 9781846319433 2018-05-05 all but unknown to most foreign observers, which means that literary texts that make it History
University Press into circulation abroad tend to be received as historical documents rather than aesthetic
artefacts. Rhetorics of Belonging examines the diverse ways in which Palestinian and
Israeli world writers have responded to the expectation that they will ‘narrate’ the
nation, invigorating critical debates about the political and artistic value of national
narration as a reading and writing practice.

Exploring the significance of visual things that are 'under construction' in works by
playwrights. Illustrated with examples, it opens up new interpretations of the place of
aesthetic form in the early modern imagination. Why are early modern English
dramatists preoccupied with unfinished processes of ‘making’ and ‘unmaking’? And what
did ‘finished’ or ‘incomplete’ mean for spectators of plays and visual works in this
Making and Unmaking in Early Manchester period? Making and unmaking in early modern English drama is about the prevalence
author / Chloe / Porter 9780719084973 2014-02-01 Literature
Modern English Drama University Press and significance of visual things that are ‘under construction’ in early modern plays.
Contributing to challenges to the well-worn narrative of ‘iconophobic’ early modern
English culture, it explores the drama as a part of a lively post-Reformation visual world.
Interrogating the centrality of concepts of ‘fragmentation’ and ‘wholeness’ in critical
approaches to this period, it opens up new interpretations of the place of aesthetic form
in early modern culture.
Examines the exercise of power in the Stalinist music world as well as the ways in which
composers and ordinary people responded to it. A comparative inquiry into the
relationship between music and politics in the German Democratic Republic and Poland
from the aftermath of World War II through Stalin's death in 1953, concluding with the
Composing the Party Line author / David G. / Tompkins Purdue 9781557536471 2013-09-01 slow process of de-Stalinization in the mid-to-late 1990s. This book examines the exercise
University Press of power in the Stalinist music world as well as the ways in which composers and
ordinary people responded to it. It presents a comparative inquiry into the relationship
between music and politics in the German Democratic Republic and Poland from the
aftermath of World War II through Stalin’s death in 1953, concluding with the slow
process of de-Stalinization in the mid- to late-1950s.

Central issues in global energy are discussed through interdisciplinary dialogue between
experts from both North America and Europe with overview from historical, political, and
socio-cultural perspectives, outlining the technology and policy issues facing the
development of major conventional and renewable energy sources. We are facing a
global energy crisis caused by world population growth, an escalating increase in
Understanding the Global Energy author / Eugene D. / Coyle | Purdue demand, and continued dependence on fossil-based fuels for generation. It is widely
author / Richard A. / 9781557536617 2014-03-01 Political Science
Crisis Simmons University Press accepted that increases in greenhouse gas concentration levels, if not reversed, will
result in major changes to world climate with consequential effects on our society and
economy. This is just the kind of intractable problem that Purdue University’s Global
Policy Research Institute seeks to address in the Purdue Studies in Public Policy series by
promoting the engagement between policy makers and experts in fields such as
engineering and technology.

Electronic Iran introduces the concept of the Iranian Internet, a framework that captures
interlinked, transnational networks of virtual and offline spaces. Taking her cues from
early Internet ethnographies that stress the importance of treating the Internet as both a
site and product of cultural production, accounts in media studies that highlight the
continuities between old and new media, and a range of works that have made critical
Electronic Iran author / Niki / Akhavan Rutgers 9780813561929 2013-12-01 interventions in the field of Iranian studies, Niki Akhavan traces key developments and
University Press confronts conventional wisdom about digital media in general, and contemporary Iranian
culture and politics in particular. Akhavan focuses largely on the years between 1998 and
2012 to reveal a diverse and combative virtual landscape where both geographically and
ideologically dispersed individuals and groups deployed Internet technologies to
variously construct, defend, and challenge narratives of Iranian national identity, society,
and politics.l

The standing of French Muslims is undercut by a predominant and persistent elite public
discourse that frames Muslims as failed and incomplete French citizens. This situation
fosters the very separations, exclusions, and hierarchies it claims to deplore as Muslims
face discrimination in education, housing, and employment. In Constructing Muslims in
France, Jennifer Fredette provides a deft empirical analysis to show the political diversity
Temple and complicated identity politics of this relatively new population. She examines the
Constructing Muslims in France author / Jennifer / Fredette University Press 9781439910283 2014-02-01 public identity of French Muslims and evaluates images in popular media to show how Political Science
stereotyped notions of racial and religious differences pervade French public discourse.
While rights may be a sine qua non for fighting legal and political inequality, Fredette
shows that additional tools such as media access are needed to combat social inequality,
particularly when it comes in the form of unfavorable discursive frames and public
It is commonly believed that a state facing a terrorist threat responds with severe
legislation that compromises civil liberties in favour of national security. Roger Douglas
compares responses to terrorism by five liberal democracies— the United States, the
United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand— over the past 15 years. He
Law, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of University of examines each nation’s development and implementation of counterterrorism law,
author / Roger / Douglas 2014-07-01 specifically in the areas of information gathering, the definition of terrorist offenses, due Political Science
Terrorism Michigan Press process for the accused, detention, and torture and other forms of coercive questioning.
Douglas finds that terrorist attacks elicit pressures for quick responses, which often allow
national governments to accrue additional powers. But emergencies are neither a
necessary nor a sufficient condition for such laws, which may persist even after fears
have eased.

Engstrom evaluates redistricting plans and their electoral results from all states from
1789 through the 1960s, revealing that districting practices systematically affected the
competitiveness of congressional elections; shaped the partisan composition of
Partisan Gerrymandering and the congressional delegations; and, on occasion, determined control of the House of
University of Representatives. Erik J. Engstrom offers a historical perspective on the effects of
Construction of American author / Erik J. / Engstrom 9780472119011 2013-09-01 Political Science
Democracy Michigan Press gerrymandering on elections and party control of the U.S. national legislature. Aside from
the requirements that districts be continuous and, after 1842, that each select only one
representative, there were few restrictions on congressional districting. Unrestrained,
state legislators drew and redrew districts to suit their own partisan agendas. With the
rise of the “one-person, one-vote” doctrine and the implementation of the Voting Rights
Act of 1965, however, redistricting became subject to court oversight.

Beginning with Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, Passionate Amateurs tells a new story about
modern theater: the story of a romantic attachment to theater’s potential to produce
surprising experiences of human community. Ridout argues that theater in modern
University of capitalism can help us think afresh about notions of work, time, and freedom. Passionate
Passionate Amateurs author / Nicholas / Ridout Michigan Press 9780472119073 2013-10-01 Amateurs tells a new story about modern theater: the story of a romantic attachment to Literature
theater’s potential to produce surprising experiences of human community. It begins
with one of the first great plays of modern European theater—Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya in
Moscow—and then crosses the 20th and 21st centuries to look at how its story plays out
in Weimar Republic Berlin, in the Paris of the 1960s, and in a spectrum of contemporary
performance in Europe and the United States.

This advanced textbook and reference is the first comprehensive and systematic review
of all methods used for the measurement, correction, and control of the beam dynamics
author / Michiko / Minty / of modern particle accelerators. Based on material presented in several lectures at the
DESY - MDE, Hamburg, US Particle Accelerator School, the text is intended for graduate students starting
Measurement and Control of Germany | author / Frank / research or work in the field of beam physics. Relativistic beams in linear accelerators
Springer 9783662085813 2003-05-21 and storage rings provide the focus. After a review of linear optics, the text addresses Physics
Charged Particle Beams Zimmermann / AB Division, basic and advanced techniques for beam control, plus a variety of methods for the
ABP Group, CERN, Geneva manipulation of particle-beam properties. In each case, specific procedures are
23, Switzerland illustrated by examples from operational accelerators, e.g., CERN, DESY, SLAC, KEK, LBNL,
and FNAL. The book also treats special topics such as injection and extraction methods,
beam cooling, spin transport, and polarization. Problems and solutions enhance the
book’s usefulness in graduate courses.
This book by Helmut Wiedemann is a well-established, classic text, providing an in-depth
and comprehensive introduction to the field of high-energy particle acceleration and
beam dynamics.

The present 4th edition has been significantly revised, updated and expanded. The newly
author / Helmut / conceived Part I is an elementary introduction to the subject matter for undergraduate
Particle Accelerator Physics Wiedemann / Stanford Springer 9783319183176 2015-01-01 students. Part II gathers the basic tools in preparation of a more advanced treatment, Physics
University summarizing the essentials of electrostatics and electrodynamics as well as of particle
dynamics in electromagnetic fields. Part III is an extensive primer in beam dynamics,
followed, in Part IV, by an introduction and description of the main beam parameters and
including a new chapter on beam emittance and lattice design. Part V is devoted to the
treatment of perturbations in beam dynamics. Part VI then discusses the details of
charged particle acceleration.

This volume presents a series of critical essays on the accentuation, rhythm, and
author / Albert / Di Cristo / intonation of contemporary French which offer new insight into the formal and
Les musiques du français parlé Aix-Marseille Université | De Gruyter 9783110479645 2016-01-01 functional characteristics of French prosody from three different perspectives (historical, Modern Languages and
epistemological, descriptive). These properties are interpreted in the context of the latest Linguistics
editor / Franck / Neveu research into the prosody of languages.

author / Angela Daiana / Molière, often considered the ‘godfather of Arab theatre’, was first introduced to the
Langone / Università degli Arab world in 1847 by Marun Naqqaš and his adaptation of The Miser. Since then, Modern Languages and
Molière et le théâtre arabe Studi di Cagliari | editor / De Gruyter 9783110436846 2016-01-15 Molière has never ceased to influence Arab dramaturgy. Discussing a series of plays by
authors from Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, this study aims at defining Molière’s
Ottmar / Ette role in the development of a national Arab theatre.

The future of area studies lies in opening out into TransArea studies, which tie together
author / Ottmar / Ette / area-connected competencies with transdisciplinary research practices. It is one of the
TransArea Universität Potsdam, Institut De Gruyter 9783110480177 2016-07-11 loftiest and most urgent duties of philology to lift up this treasure in the awareness of the Modern Languages and
special relevance of literature, and to make it democratically available to the broadest Linguistics
für Romanistik possible sections of the population.

Esta antología del cine mexicano presenta 31 películas emblemáticas de todas las épocas
del cine del país, desde la llamada Época de Oro de los años treinta y cuarenta hasta el
cine actual, e incluye tanto obras canónicas de Sergej Eisenstein, Fernando de Fuentes,
Alejandro Galindo, Luis Buñuel y Arturo Ripstein como trabajos de realizadores actuales,
Iberoamericana como Jorge Fons, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Jorge Fons, Alfonso Cuarón y Fernando Modern Languages and
Clásicos del cine mexicano editor / Christian / Wehr 9783954878543 2016-03-03 Eimbcke. El objetivo que se ha perseguido es el de ofrecer el desarrollo histórico del cine
Vervuert mexicano durante 80 años, así como también el de dar a conocer la riqueza de los temas Linguistics
y géneros que caracteriza la producción cinematográfica de México.
Al panorama que se ofrece aquí han contribuido renombrados especialistas que realizan
un detallado análisis con los contextos políticos, sociales, culturales y estéticos que
influyen en las respectivas películas que analizan.
Aunque la palabra pluri- o policentrismo aún no figura en el Diccionario de la Real
Academia Española, el concepto ya está integrado en la política lingüística panhispánica
de las instituciones académicas. Según la RAE, “se consideran plenamente legítimos los
editor / Franz / Lebsanft | diferentes usos de las regiones lingüísticas, con la única condición de que estén
El español, ¿desde las variedades editor / Wiltrud / Mihatsch | Iberoamericana 9783954870219 2012-05-03 generalizados entre los hablantes cultos de su área y no supongan una ruptura del Modern Languages and
a la lengua pluricéntrica? editor / Claudia / Polzin- Vervuert sistema en su conjunto”. Sin embargo, a la hora de valorar en este sentido la variación Linguistics
Haumann lingüística del español, se termina el consenso y se abre la discusión. Este volumen ofrece
un panorama amplio de las diferentes posiciones para saber qué se entiende
exactamente por “pluricentrismo” en la teoría lingüística y hasta qué punto las normas
ejemplares del español se elaboran y se modernizan sobre la base de este concepto.

El ruido y la furia recoge una serie de conversaciones con Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
mantenidas a lo largo de varios años por José Colmeiro, reconocido experto en la obra
del autor y periodista catalán. La temática gira en torno a la obra literaria y ensayística
del autor, la discusión del contexto histórico y cultural contemporáneo, la recuperación
Iberoamericana de la memoria y la búsqueda de respuestas por parte del intelectual a los retos del Modern Languages and
El ruido y la furia author / José / Colmeiro 9783954872251 2013-10-15 presente. El libro ofrece un amplio panorama del pensamiento crítico del autor que
Vervuert permite dilucidar importantes claves de enorme interés sobre su vasta producción Linguistics
intelectual. Las conversaciones revelan una radiografía inusual de la evolución de sus
preocupaciones y reflexiones sobre la realidad española contemporánea, así como el
contexto internacional de la globalización neoliberal, desde una posición de resistencia
crítica que ilumina las sombras de la cueva en el planeta de simios globalizados.

Ce recueil d’articles regroupe une sélection des communications présentées au colloque

international et pluridisciplinaire tenu à Oxford en janvier 2013, que complètent
quelques contributions d’éminents chercheurs sur l’évolution du français, depuis ses
editor / Michael / Abecassis / Peter Lang origines jusqu’à ses développements liés à l’influence d’Internet. Les auteurs de ce
De la genèse de la langue à University of Oxford | International 9783035307016 2015-03-26 volume s’intéressent à la langue française sous toutes ses formes et dans toutes ses Modern Languages and
Internet editor / Gudrun / Ledegen / Academic représentations, dans le cinéma ou dans la littérature, et l’abordent aussi bien à travers Linguistics
University of Rennes Publishers sa syntaxe, son lexique, sa phonologie, que dans ses modalités orales ou écrites. De la
rencontre de ces différents éclairages émerge un portrait de la langue française du XXIe
siècle, telle qu’elle est étudiée actuellement, dans les recherches, dans ses modes
d’écriture contemporains, sur les terrains plurilingues de différentes villes.

Este volumen constituye la primera monografía que aborda el haz entero de

editor / Carlota / de Benito construcciones en las que, a lo largo de la historia, ha participado el auxiliar más
conocido del español, HABERE > haber. Catorce especialistas de universidades europeas y
Moreno / University of Peter Lang americanas trazan, desde muy diversas ópticas teóricas (lingüística de área, gramática
En torno a ‘haber’ Zurich | editor / Álvaro S. International 9783653060997 2016-09-14 formal, gramática de construcciones, sociolingüística, dialectología o gramaticalización), Modern Languages and
Octavio / de Toledo y Academic una perspectiva de conjunto, exhaustiva en los detalles y novedosa en sus hipótesis, Linguistics
Huerta / University of Publishers sobre los distintos caminos que históricamente ha emprendido el verbo ‘haber’ y hoy
caracterizan su comportamiento en español (y otras lenguas románicas aquí abordadas:
Munich catalán, francés, portugués...), adentrándose igualmente en aspectos generales de la
variación y el cambio morfosintácticos.
Archivo, memoria, cine, literatura y política. Desde una perspectiva intermedial, los
ensayos reunidos en el libro analizan las relaciones entre estos campos en Argentina y
Chile durante las últimas décadas. Un eje aborda las estrategias de (anti)memoria en
Interferencias del archivo: Cortes author / Wolfgang / Peter Lang dictadura, postdictadura y las democracias neoliberales, entre los años 80 y la actualidad;
estéticos y políticos en cine y Bongers / Pontificia International 9783653055689 2016-02-22 otro eje reflexiona sobre las nuevas coordenadas del cine argentino como territorio Modern Languages and
literatura Universidad Católica de Chile Academic paradigmático del arte contemporáneo. Se articulan textos y films de los chilenos Linguistics
Publishers Gonzalo Justiniano, Pablo Larraín, Enrique Lihn, Germán Marín, Gonzalo Millán, Pablo
Perelman y varias documentalistas chilenas; y films de los argentinos Lisandro Alonso,
Anahí Berneri, Albertina Carri, Santiago Loza, Lucrecia Martel, Santiago Mitre y Celina

Coincidiendo con el ochenta aniversario del comienzo de la Guerra Civil Española, la

publicación La memoria transgeneracional se plantea observar la transmisión
transgeneracional, en España, de la memoria del conflicto de 1936–1939, a través de la
Peter Lang mirada proporcionada por la literatura de tercera generación. Su primera sección se
La memoria transgeneracional author / Maura / Rossi / International 9781787071049 2017-12-15 centra alrededor de un acercamiento interdisciplinar a la «memoria» como objeto de Modern Languages and
University of Padua Academic estudio, y de la contextualización de la memoria traumatizada en España a partir del año Linguistics
Publishers 1939. Por medio de la observación de un corpus de novelas recién publicadas, el objetivo
principal de la investigación es la formulación de pautas interpretativas que ayuden a
parcelar la rápida evolución del panorama literario de la España actual en lo que se
refiere a la representación del pasado conflictivo de la nación.

Reescribir la violencia supone un acercamiento al conflicto armado en Colombia desde la

obra de escritoras que narran las experiencias de víctimas de la guerra. Diarios,
autobiografías, historias de vida, entrevistas y narrativa testimonial serán los cauces de
expresión más idóneos para la perpetuación de la memoria de mujeres asediadas por la
Peter Lang violencia.
Reescribir la violencia author / Virginia / Capote International 9782807600386 2016-09-30 El presente volumen recoge un análisis de la obra híbrida, entre el periodismo y la ficción, Modern Languages and
Díaz / University of Granada Academic Linguistics
Publishers de Silvia Galvis, Patricia Lara, Elvira Sánchez-Blake y Laura Restrepo, basado en la manera
en la que estas escritoras llevan a cabo la resemantización de eventos históricos y el
rescate del olvido de experiencias individuales, desde una perspectiva diferente a la

Borderland Cities in New India explores contemporary urban life in two cities in India’s
Northeast borderland at a time of dramatic change. Social and economic transformation
from India’s embrace of neoliberalism and globalisation, often referred to as ‘new’ India,
has become a popular subject for academic analysis in the last decade. This is epitomised
Amsterdam by focus on so-called ‘mega-cities’, reflecting a general trend in scholarship on other
Borderland City in New India author / Duncan / McDuie-Ra 9789048525362 2016-01-01 Anthropology
University Press parts of Asia. However, far less attention has been afforded to borderland regions and to
the provincial cities of ‘new’ India. Using ethnographic material, this book focuses on two
cities in India’s Northeast borderland: Aizawl and Imphal. Both cities have been
profoundly affected by armed conflict, militarism, displacement, and inter-ethnic
If Dutch cinema is examined in academic studies, the focus is usually on pre-war films or
on documentaries, but the post-war fiction film has been sporadically addressed. Many
popular box-office successes have been steeped in jokes on parochial conflicts, vulgar
behavior and/or on sexual display, towards which Dutch people have often felt
ambivalent. At the same time, something like a 'Hollandse school', a term first coined in
Humour and Irony in Dutch Post- Amsterdam the 1980s, has manifested itself more firmly, with the work of Alex van Warmerdam,
author / Peter / Verstraten 9789048528370 2016-01-01 Media & Communications
war Fiction Film University Press pervaded in deadpan irony as its biggest eye-catcher. Using seminal theories of humor
and irony as an angle, this study scrutinizes a great number of Dutch films on the basis of
categories such as low-class comedies; neurotic romances; deliberate camp; cosmic
irony, or grotesque satire. Hence, Humour and Irony in Dutch Post-war Fiction Film
makes surprising connections between films from various decades: Flodder and New Kids
Turbo; Spetters and Simon; Rent a Friend and Ober;

The Conscience of Cinema is not only a history of a rich and varied personal oeuvre by a
prolific documentary maker who worked on every continent and through seven decades,
from the 1920s to the 1980s. It is also the history of the aspiration to use documentary
film to change the world by a committed leftist, as well as a microcosmic history of
Amsterdam documentary form, technology and culture, and its place within world cinema as a whole
The Conscience of Cinema author / Thomas / Waugh University Press 9789048525256 2016-01-01 throughout the twentieth century. Ivens worked in almost every genre of documentary, Media & Communications
including the essay, compilation, hybrid dramatization, direct cinema, social observation,
the solidarity film, socialist realism, agitprop activism. In this book, detailed filmic analysis
is enriched by a profound historical understanding of the contexts in which Ivens carried
out his vision, from his native Netherlands to the Soviet bloc, USA, France, Latin America,
Vietnam and finally China.

Never before have all twenty-nine illustrated copies of the Beatus Commentaries on the
Apocalypse been brought together for comparative analysis in a single volume. John
Williams, renowned expert on the Commentaries, offers here his updated considerations
on the material, revising and summing up a lifetime of study on these strikingly
Visions of the End in Medieval author / John / Williams | Amsterdam illuminated manuscripts. Dating from the early to central Middle Ages, the Spanish
9789048530014 2017-04-06 phenomenon of the Commentary on the Apocalypse responded to differing monastic History
Spain editor / Therese / Martin University Press needs within the shifting context of the Middle Ages. The volume also presents an in-
depth study of the recently discovered Geneva Beatus. One of only three Commentaries
written outside the Iberian Peninsula, this manuscript closely follows a Spanish model but
was written in a Beneventan script and painted in a style dramatically different from the

Focusing on the lived experience of immigration policy and processes, this volume
provides fascinating insights into the deportation process as it is felt and understood by
those subjected to it. The author presents a rich and innovative ethnography of
Berghahn deportation and deportability experienced by migrants convicted of criminal offenses in
Enduring Uncertainty author / Ines / Hasselberg 9781785333729 2016-03-01 Political Science
Books England and Wales. The unique perspectives developed here – on due process in
immigration appeals, migrant surveillance and control, social relations and sense of self,
and compliance and resistance – are important for broader understandings of border
control policy and human rights.
Examining context-specific conditions in which girls live, learn, work, play, and organize
deepens the understanding of place-making practices of girls and young women
worldwide. Focusing on place across health, literary and historical studies, art history,
communications, media studies, sociology, and education allows for investigations of
Girlhood and the Politics of Place author / Claudia / Mitchell | Berghahn 9781785333743 2016-01-01 how girlhood is positioned in relation to interdisciplinary and transnational research Political Science
author / Carrie / Rentschler Books methodologies, media environments, geographic locations, historical and social spaces.
This book offers a comprehensive and authoritative reading of this emerging field and
how girlhood scholars construct and deploy research frameworks that directly engage
girls in the research process.

In Southeast Europe, the Balkans, and Middle East, scholars often refer to the “peaceful
coexistence” of various religious and ethnic groups under the Ottoman Empire before
Berghahn ethnonationalist conflicts dissolved that shared space and created legacies of division.
Post-Ottoman Coexistence author / Rebecca / Bryant 9781785333750 2016-03-01 "Post-Ottoman Coexistence", interrogates ways of living together and asks what practices Political Science
Books enabled centuries of cooperation and sharing, as well as how and when such sharing was
disrupted. Contributors discuss both historical and contemporary practices of coexistence
within the context of ethno-national conflict and its aftermath.

For centuries, Africa’s Upper Guinea Coast region has been the site of regional and global
interactions, with societies from different parts of the African continent and beyond
engaging in economic trade, cultural exchange, and various forms of conflict. This book
The Upper Guinea Coast in author / Jacqueline / Knörr | Berghahn provides a wide-ranging look at how such encounters have continued into the present
9781785333736 2016-01-01 day, identifying the disruptions and continuities in religion, language, economics, and Anthropology
Global Perspective author / Christoph / Kohl Books various other social phenomena that have resulted. These accounts show a region that,
while still grappling with the legacies of colonialism and the slave trade, is both shaped
by and an important actor within ever-denser global networks, exhibiting consistent
transformation and creative adaptation.

In Hitchcock’s Appetites, Casey McKittrick offers the first book-length study of the
relationship between Hitchcock’s body size and his cinema. Whereas most critics and
biographers of the great director are content to consign his large figure and larger
appetite to colorful anecdotes of his private life, McKittrick argues that our
Hitchcock's Appetites author / Casey / McKittrick Bloomsbury 2016-07-01 understanding of Hitchcock’s films, his creative process, and his artistic mind are
Media & Communications
Academic incomplete without considering his lived experience as a fat man. Using archival research
of his publicity, script collaboration, and personal communications with his producers, in
tandem with close textual readings of his films, feminist critique, and theories of
embodiment, Hitchcock’s Appetites produces a new and compelling profile of Hitchcock's
creative life, and a fuller, more nuanced account of his auteurism.

From the 19th century onwards, famous literary trials have caught the attention of
readers, academics and the public at large. Indeed it is striking that more often than not,
it was the texts of renowned writers that were dealt with by the courts, as for example
Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary and Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal in France,
Bloomsbury James Joyce's Ulysses and Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer in the US, D.H. Lawrence's Lady
Literary Trials author / Ralf / Grüttemeier Academic 9781501303197 2016-01-01 Chatterley's Lover in Great-Britain, up to the more recent trials on Klaus Mann's Literature
Mephisto and Maxim Biller's novel Esra in Germany. By bringing together international
leading experts, Literary Trials represents the first step towards a systematic discussion
of literary trials on a global scale. Beginning by first reassessing some of the most famous
of these trials, it also analyses less well-known but significant literary trials.
Following the Balfour Declaration and the British conquest of Palestine (1917-1918), the
small Jewish community that lived there wanted to establish an elected assembly as its
representative body. The issue that hindered this aim was whether women would be part
of it. A group of feminist Zionist women from all over the country created a political party
that participated in the elections, even before women's suffrage was enacted. This
Girls of Liberty author / Margalit / Shilo Brandeis 9781611689280 2016-04-01 unique phenomenon in Mandatory Palestine resulted in the declaration of women's
University Press equal rights in all aspects of life by the newly founded Assembly of Representatives.
Margalit Shilo examines the story of these activists to elaborate on a wide range of
issues, including the Zionist roots of feminism and nationalism; the ultra-Orthodox Jewish
sector's negation of women's equality; how traditional Jewish concepts of women
fashioned rabbinical attitudes on the question of women's suffrage; and how the fight for
women's suffrage spread throughout the country.

This book examines the administration of justice in the small northern Italian town of
Reggio Emilia at the end of the fourteenth century. Through an examination of material
from the judicial archives from the period 1371-1409, this study investigates the
Public Justice and the Criminal development of public justice, inquisition procedure, and dispute resolution in late
author / Joanna / Carraway Brill 9789004311350 2016-02-01 medieval Reggio Emilia, also incorporating comparative material, especially archival History
Trial in Late Medieval Italy material from Bologna at the end of the fourteenth century. This study seeks to add to
the discussion on dispute resolution and court processes in late medieval Europe, moving
the discussion outside the major urban centers of late medieval Italy to the periphery of
urban life.

This study undertakes to examine the problem of the tenses in Classical Arabic. While
aware of the long tradition which shaped the discussion of this subject, and building, in
Tense and Text in Classical Arabic author / Michal / Brill 9789004310483 2018-05-06 fact, on some important insights offered by medieval and modern grammarians, this
Marmorstein study attempts to redefine the discussion and propose a new analysis of the tenses,
based on a functional text-oriented investigation of a large corpus of Classical Arabic

A study of the genesis of ‘European civilisation’ as a concept of 20th-C EU political

European Elites and Ideas of Cambridge practice & as a specific project of a transnational network of EU elites, examining how
author / Dina / Gusejnova 2016-06-01 they History
Empire, 1917-1957 University Press sought to rehabilitate EU identity as a response to a crisis of belonging following the
1917-1920 revolutions & the collapse of the Hohenzollern, Habsburg & RU Empires.

Literary Coteries and the Making of Modern Print Culture, 1740-1790 offers the first
study of manuscript-producing coteries as an integral element of eighteenth-century
Britain’s literary culture. As a corrective to literary histories assuming that the dominance
of print meant the demise of a vital scribal culture, the book profiles four interrelated
Literary Coteries and the Making author / Betty / Schellenberg Cambridge and influential coteries, focusing on each group’s deployment of traditional scribal
2016-06-01 practices, on key individuals who served as bridges between networks, and on the Literature
of Modern Print Culture University Press aesthetic and cultural work performed by the group. Literary Coteries also explores
points of intersection between coteries and the print trade, whether in the form of
individuals who straddled the two cultures; publishing events in which the two media
regimes collaborated or came into conflict; literary conventions adapted from manuscript
practice to serve the ends of print; or simply poetry hand-copied from magazines.
Jon Mee explores the popular democratic movement that emerged in the London of the
1790s in response to the French Revolution. Central to the movement’s achievement was
the creation of an idea of ‘the people’ brought into being through print and publicity.
Radical clubs rose and fell in the face of the hostile attentions of government. They were
Print, Publicity and Radicalism in Cambridge sustained by a faith in the press as a form of ‘print magic,’ but confidence in the
author / Jon / Mee 9781316459935 2016-06-01 liberating potential of the printing press was interwoven with hard-headed deliberations Literature
the 1790s University Press over how best to animate and represent the people. Ideas of disinterested rational
debate were thrown into the mix with coruscating satire, rousing songs, and republican
toasts. Print personality became a vital interface between readers and print exploited by
the cast of radicals returned to history in vivid detail by Print, Publicity, and Popular

This fascinating book explores Beat Generation writing from a transnational perspective,
using the concept of worlding to place Beat literature in conversation with a far-reaching
network of cultural and political formations. Countering the charge that the Beats abroad
were at best naïve tourists seeking exoticism for exoticism's sake, World Beats finds that
these writers propelled a highly politicized agenda that sought to use the tools of the
World Beats author / Jimmy / Fazzino Dartmouth 9781611689297 2016-04-01 earlier avant-garde to undermine Cold War and postcolonial ideologies and offer a new
College Press vision of engaged literature. With fresh interpretations of central Beat authors Jack
Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William Burroughs - as well as usually marginalized writers
like Philip Lamantia, Ted Joans, and Brion Gysin - World Beats moves beyond national,
continental, or hemispheric frames to show that embedded within Beat writing is an
essential universality that brought America to the world and the world to American

The debate on Facebook raises questions about the use and users of this information
service. This collected volume gathers a broad spectrum of social science and information
science articles about Facebook.Facebook has many facets, and we just look forward
above all to the use and users. The facet of users has sub-facets, such as different age,
author / Kathrin / Knautz | sex, and culture. The facet of use consists of sub-facets of privacy behavior after the
Facets of Facebook: Use and
author / Baran S. / De Gruyter 9783110418163 2016-08-01 Snowden affair, dealing with friends, unfriending and becoming unfriended on Facebook, Media & Communications
Users and possible Facebook addiction. We also consider Facebook as a source for local
temporary history and respond to acceptance and quality perceptions of this social
network service, as well. This book brings together all the contributions of research
facets on Facebook. It is a much needed compilation written by leading scholars in the
fields of investigation of the impact of Web 2.0.

Women in the Ancient Near East offers a lucid account of the daily life of women in
Mesopotamia from the third millennium BCE until the beginning of the Hellenistic period.
Women in the Ancient Near East author / Marten / Stol De Gruyter 9781614512639 2016-08-01 The book systematically presents the lives of women emerging from the available History
cuneiform material and discusses modern scholarly opinion. Stol’s book is the first full-
scale treatment of the history of women in the Ancient Near East.
In a wide-ranging and in-depth study of the recent history of anthropology, David Price
offers a provocative account of the ways anthropology has been influenced by U.S.
imperial projects around the world, and by CIA funding in particular. DUAL USE
Duke University ANTHROPOLOGY is the third in Price’s trilogy on the history of the discipline of
Cold War Anthropology author / David H. / Price 2016-01-01 anthropology and its tangled relationship with the American military complex. He argues Anthropology
Press that anthropologists’ interactions with Cold War military and intelligence agencies
shaped mid-century American anthropology and that governmental and private funding
of anthropological research programs connected witting and unwitting anthropologists
with research of interest to military and intelligence agencies.

The academic field of Dalit studies is relatively new, emerging since the 1990s in South
Asia and in diasporic communities. Dalit intellectuals theorize Indian historiography and
social sciences through the lenses of humiliation and dignity, pointing to the painful
author / Ramnarayan S. / history of Dalit groups (formerly called untouchables) and the contemporary
Dalit Studies Rawat | author / K. / Duke University 9780822374312 2016-04-01 perpetuation of caste inequality. As part of a challenge to high-caste Hindu intelligentsia
Press with privileged upbringings, DALIT STUDIES includes a high proportion of Dalit scholars
Satyanarayana from non-elite social and institutional backgrounds. Contributors analyze the work of
Dalit activists across colonial and postcolonial periods, countering a tradition of viewing
them as passive victims and objects of reform. This title was made Open Access by
libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched.

Diaspora and Trust charts changing Sino-Latin relations at the outset of the 21st century.
Combining political-economic analysis with ethnography, the book examines the
responses of Cuba and Mexico to China’s growing global influence. Despite opposite
economic policy orientations, neither Latin American country has successfully adapted to
author / Adrian H. / Hearn Duke Press
University new conditions of cooperation and competition with China. Furthermore, Cuba and
Diaspora and Trust 9780822374589 2016-03-01 Mexico both struggle with uncertain relationships to the Chinese diaspora communities Political Science
within their borders. TRUST AND DIASPORA draws on fieldwork in all three countries,
providing a rich account of personal experiences at the intersection of global and local
affairs. In the process, author Adrian H. Hearn advocates a paradigm for international
relations and economic development predicated on the idea of trust.

In DISCIPLINARY INTERVENTIONS, Ricardo Salvatore argues that the foundation of the

discipline of Latin American studies, pioneered between 1900 and 1945, was linked to
the United States’s business and financial interests and informal imperialism. In contrast,
the consolidation of Latin American studies has traditionally been placed in the 1960s, as
a reaction to the Cuban Revolution. Focusing on five representative U.S. scholars of South
Disciplinary Conquest author / Ricardo / Salvatore Duke University 9780822374503 2016-04-01 America—historian Clarence Haring, geographer Isaiah Bowman, political scientist Leo
Press Rowe, sociologist Edward Ross, and archaeologist Hiram Bingham -- Salvatore
demonstrates how their search for comprehensive knowledge about South America can
be understood as a contribution to hemispheric hegemony, an intellectual conquest of
the region. U.S. economic leaders, diplomats, and foreign-policy experts needed
knowledge about the region to expand investment and trade, as well as the U.S.’s
international influence
In Gesture and Power Yolanda Covington-Ward examines the everyday embodied
practices and performances of the BisiKongo people of the lower Congo to show how
their gestures, dances, and spirituality are critical in mobilizing social and political action.
Conceiving of the body as the center of analysis, a catalyst for social action, and as a
author / Yolanda / Duke University conduit for the social construction of reality, Covington-Ward focuses on specific
Gesture and Power 9780822374848 2018-05-04 flashpoints in the last ninety years of Congo's troubled history, when embodied Anthropology
Covington-Ward Press performance was used to stake political claims, foster dissent, and enforce power. In the
1920s Simon Kimbangu started a Christian prophetic movement based on spirit-induced
trembling, which swept through the lower Congo, subverting Belgian colonial authority.
Following independence, dictator Mobutu Sese Seko required citizens to dance and sing
nationalist songs daily as a means of maintaining political control.

In Gesture and Power Yolanda Covington-Ward examines the everyday embodied

practices and performances of the BisiKongo people of the lower Congo to show how
their gestures, dances, and spirituality are critical in mobilizing social and political action.
author / Catherine / Duke University Conceiving of the body as the center of analysis, a catalyst for social action, and as a
Making Refuge 9780822374725 2016-01-01 conduit for the social construction of reality, Covington-Ward focuses on specific Anthropology
Besteman Press flashpoints in the last ninety years of Congo's troubled history, when embodied
performance was used to stake political claims, foster dissent, and enforce power. In the
1920s Simon Kimbangu started a Christian prophetic movement based on spirit-induced
trembling, which swept through the lower Congo, subverting Belgian colonial authority.

In Metroimperial Intimacies Victor Román Mendoza combines historical, literary, and

archival analysis with queer-of-color critique to show how U.S. imperial incursions into
the Philippines enabled the growth of unprecedented social and sexual intimacies
between native Philippine and U.S. subjects. The real and imagined intimacies—whether
Metroimperial Intimacies author / Victor / Mendoza Duke Press
University 9780822374862 2016-01-01 expressed through friendship, love, or eroticism—threatened U.S. gender and sexuality History
norms. To codify U.S. heteronormative behavior the colonial government prohibited
anything loosely defined as perverse, which along with popular representations of
Filipinos, regulated colonial subjects and depicted them as sexually available, diseased,
and degenerate.

Nigeria is famous for "419" emails asking recipients for bank account information and for
scandals involving the disappearance of billions of dollars from government coffers.
Moral Economies of Corruption author / Steven / Pierce Duke University 9780822374541 2016-01-01 Corruption permeates even minor official interactions, from traffic control to university
Press admissions. In Moral Economies of Corruption Steven Pierce provides a cultural history of
the last 150 years of corruption in Nigeria as a case study for considering how corruption
plays an important role in the processes of political change in all states.
In Negro Soy Yo Marc D. Perry explores Cuba’s hip hop movement as a window into the
racial complexities of the island’s ongoing transition from revolutionary socialism toward
free-market capitalism. Centering on the music and lives of black-identified raperos
(rappers), Perry examines the ways these young artists craft notions of black Cuban
identity and racial citizenship, along with calls for racial justice, at the fraught confluence
Duke University of growing Afro-Cuban marginalization and long held perceptions of Cuba as a non-racial
Negro Soy Yo author / Marc D. / Perry 9780822374954 2018-05-04 Anthropology
Press nation. Situating hip hop within a long history of Cuban racial politics, Perry discusses the
artistic and cultural exchanges between raperos and North American rappers and
activists, and their relationships with older Afro-Cuban intellectuals and African American
political exiles. He also examines critiques of Cuban patriarchy by female raperos, the
competing rise of reggaetón, as well as state efforts to incorporate hip hop into its
cultural institutions.

In Sexual States Jyoti Puri uses the example of the efforts to decriminalize homosexuality
in India to show how the regulation of sexuality is fundamentally tied to the creation and
enduring existence of the state. Between 2001 and 2013 activists attempted to rewrite
section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which outlaws homosexual behavior. Having
interviewed activists and NGO workers throughout five metropolitan centers,
Sexual States author / Jyoti / Puri Duke University 9780822374749 2016-01-01 investigated crime statistics at the National Crime Records Bureau, visited various state
Press institutions, and met with the police, Puri found that section 377 is but one element of
the large and complex systems of laws, practices, policies, and discourses that regulate
Indian sexuality. Intended to mitigate sexuality's threat to the social order, this regulation
works to preserve the views of the state as inevitable, legitimate, and indispensable. By
highlighting the various means through which the regulation of sexuality constitutes
India's heterogeneous and fragmented

Sir Walter Scott is often regarded as the first historical novelist. Reinventing Liberty
challenges this view by returning us to the rich range of historical fiction written in the
late 18th and early 19th century. For the first time placing these works in the context of
British politics and British history writing, this book redefines the historical novel,
Edinburgh revealing a genre which seeks to manage political change through historiographical
Reinventing Liberty author / Fiona / Price 9781474402972 2016-03-01 experimentation. It explores how historical novelists participated in a contentious debate Literature
University Press concerning the nature of commercial modernity, the formulation of political progress
and British national identity. Ranging across well-known writers, like William Godwin,
Horace Walpole and Frances Burney, to lesser-known figures, such as Cornelia Ellis Knight
and Jane Porter, Reinventing Liberty uncovers how history becomes a site to rethink
Britain as Ôland of libertyÕ.

This book traces the origins, history, and memory of the Jalayirid dynasty, a family that
succeeded the Mongol Ilkhans in Iran and Iraq in the 14th and early 15th centuries. The
story of how the Jalayirids came to power is illustrative of the political dynamics that
shaped much of the Mongol and post-Mongol period in the Middle East. The Jalayirid
The Jalayirids author / Patrick / Wing Edinburgh 9781474402262 2016-01-01 sultans sought to preserve the social and political order of the Ilkhanate, while claiming
University Press that they were the rightful heirs to the rulership of that order. Central to the Jalayirids'
claims to the legacy of the Ilkhanate was their attempt to control the Ilkhanid heartland
of Azarbayjan and its major city, Tabriz. Control of Azarbayjan meant control of a
network of long-distance trade between China and the Latin West, which continued to be
a source of economic prosperity through the 8th/14th century.
Assessing the transformation of Russian nationalist discourse in the 21st century Russian
nationalism, previously dominated by ‘imperial’ tendencies – pride in a large, strong and
multi-ethnic state able to project its influence abroad – is increasingly focused on ethnic
Edinburgh issues. This new ethno-nationalism has come in various guises, like racism and
The New Russian Nationalism author / Pal / Kolstø | author University 9781474410434 2016-03-01 xenophobia, but also in a new intellectual movement of ‘national democracy’
Political Science
/ Helge / Blakkisrud deliberately seeking to emulate conservative West European nationalism. Russia’s
Press, annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the subsequent violent conflict in Eastern Ukraine
utterly transformed the nationalist discourse in Russia. This book provides an up-to-date
survey of Russian nationalism as a political, social and intellectual phenomenon by
leading Western and Russian experts in the field of nationalism studies.

During the second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth,
insurgencies erupted in imperial states and colonies around the world, including Britain’s.
As Nicole Rizzuto shows, the writings of Ukrainian-born Joseph Conrad, Anglo-Irish
Rebecca West, Jamaicans H. G. de Lisser and V. S. Reid, and Kenyan Ng gi wa Thiong’o
testify to contested events in colonial modernity in ways that question premises
Insurgent Testimonies author / Nicole / Rizzuto Fordham 9780823274857 2016-01-01 underlying approaches in trauma and memory studies and invite us to reassess divisions
University Press and classifications in literary studies that generate such categories as modernist, colonial,
postcolonial, national, and world literatures. Departing from tenets of modernist studies
and from methods in the field of trauma and memory studies, Rizzuto contends that
acute as well as chronic disruptions to imperial and national power and the legal and
extra-legal responses they inspired shape the formal practices of literatures from the
modernist, colonial, and postcolonial periods.

This collection is the first to offer a genuinely interdisciplinary approach to Krzysztof

Kieslowski’s Decalogue, a ten-film cycle of modern tales that touch on the ethical
dilemmas of the Ten Commandments. The cycle’s deft handling of moral ambiguity and
inventive technique established Kie?lowski as a major international director. Kie?lowski
author / Eva / Badowska | once said, “Both the deep believer and the habitual skeptic experience toothaches in
Of Elephants and Toothaches author / Francesca / Fordham 2016-01-01 exactly the same way.” Of Elephants and Toothaches takes seriously the range of
Media & Communications
Parmeggiani University Press thought, from theological to skeptical, condensed in the cycle’s quite human tales.
Bringing together scholars of film, philosophy, literature, and several religions, the
volume ranges from individual responsibility, to religion in modernity, to familial bonds,
to human desire and material greed. It explores Kie?lowski’s cycle as it relentlessly
solicits an ethical response that stimulates both inner disquiet and interpersonal

Benjamin Christensen’s Häxan (The Witch, 1922) stands as a singular film within the
history of cinema. Deftly weaving contemporary scientific analysis and powerfully staged
historical scenes of satanic initiation, confession under torture, possession, and
persecution, Häxan creatively blends spectacle and argument to provoke a humanist re-
evaluation of witchcraft in European history as well as the contemporary treatment of
Realizing the Witch author / Richard / Baxstrom Fordham 2016-01-01 female “hysterics” and the mentally ill. In Realizing the Witch, Baxstrom and Meyers
Media & Communications
| author / Todd / Meyers University Press show how Häxan opens a window onto wider debates in the 1920s regarding the
relationship of film to scientific evidence, the evolving study of religion from historical
and anthropological perspectives, and the complex relations between popular culture,
artistic expression, and concepts in medicine and psychology. Häxan is a film that travels
along the winding path of art and science rather than between the narrow division of
“documentary” and “fiction.”
Technicians of Human Dignity traces the extraordinary rise of human dignity as a defining
concern of religious, political, and bioethical institutions over the last half century and
offers original insight into how human dignity has become threatened by its own success.
The global expansion of dignitarian politics has left dignity without a stable set of
Fordham meanings or referents, unsettling contemporary economies of life and power. Engaging
Technicians of Human Dignity author / Gaymon / Bennett 9780823274888 2016-01-01 anthropology, theology, and bioethics, Bennett grapples with contemporary efforts to Anthropology
University Press mobilize human dignity as a counter-response to the biopolitics of the human body, and
the breakdowns this has generated. To do this, he investigates how actors in pivotal
institutions —the Vatican, the United Nations, U.S. Federal Bioethics—reconceived
human dignity as the bearer of intrinsic worth, only to become frustrated by the
Sisyphean struggle of turning its conceptions into practice.

After violent protests all over the country had forced President Suharto to step down in
1998, Indonesia successfully made the transition from an authoritarian state to a
author / Kees / van Dijk | Leiden democracy. In this book Indonesian scholars attached to Islamic universities and Dutch
Islam, Politics and Change 9789087282493 2016-01-01 Political Science
author / Nico J.G. / Kaptein University Press researchers investigate what happened since and what the consequences are of the
growing influence of orthodoxy and radicalism, which already visible before 1998, only
got stronger.

This books investigates the background and nature of the Ottoman Jihad proclamation,
but also its effects in the wider Middle East. It looks at the German hopes and British
Jihad and Islam in World War I Leiden
author / Erik-Jan / Zürcher University 9789087282509 2016-01-01 fears of a worldwide rising of Muslims in the colonial empires. It also discusses the fierce
Press academic debates caused by the Jihad proclamation, in which the 1915 manifesto of
Leiden Islam scholar Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (“Holy War Made in Germany”) played
a key role.

Terraforming is the process of making other worlds habitable for human life. Its
Terraforming: Ecopolitical counterpart on Earth – geoengineering – is receiving serious consideration as a way to
Transformations and Liverpool address climate change. Contemporary environmental awareness and our understanding
author / Chris / Pak 9781781384541 2016-03-01 of climate change is influenced by science fiction, and terraforming in particular has Literature
Environmentalism in Science University Press offered scientists, philosophers, and others a motif for thinking in complex ways about
Fiction our impact on planetary environments. This book asks how science fiction has imagined
how we shape both our world and other planets and how stories of terraforming reflect
on science, society and environmentalism.

Drawing on a range of canonical and non-canonical literary, cinematic and social scientific
texts produced in post-Unification Italy, Vital Subjects: Race and Biopolitics in Italy is an
interdisciplinary study of how racial and colonial discourses shaped the “making” of
Italians as modern political subjects in the years between its administrative unification
(1861-1870) and the end of the First World War (1919). The book includes readings of
Vital Subjects: Race and author / Rhiannon Noel / Liverpool 9781781384558 2016-03-01 texts by Italian thinkers such as Leopoldo Franchetti and Paolo Mantegazza and it offers
Political Science
Biopolitics in Italy Welch University Press new readings of well- and lesser-known texts by a writer who has become Italy’s most
infamous precursor to Mussolini: poet, novelist, and political provocateur Gabriele
D’Annunzio. Vital Subjects concludes with an original analysis of an early film that figures
prominently in the history of cinema: Giovanni Pastrone’s 1914 silent film Cabiria--
produced in the wake of the Italian invasion of Libya (1911-12) and celebrating ancient
Roman imperialism.
This book informs debates about worker participation in the workplace or worker voice
by analysing comparative historical data relating to these ideas during the inter-war
period in Australia, Canada, Germany, the UK and the US. The issue is topical because of
the contemporary shift to a workplace focus in many countries without a corresponding
Liverpool development of infrastructure at the workplace level, and because of the growing
Worker Voice author / Greg / Patmore 9781781384312 2016-02-01 ‘representation gap’ as union membership declines. Some commentators have called for History
University Press the introduction of works councils to address these issues. Other scholars have gone back
and examined the experiences with the non-union Employee Representation Plans (ERPs)
in Canada and the US. This book will test these claims through examining and comparing
the historical record of previous efforts of five countries during a rich period of
experimentation between the Wars.

Royal tourists, colonial subjects Examines the nineteenth-century royal tour from the perspectives of various historical
and the making of a British author / Charles / Reed Manchester 9781784996260 2018-07-06 actors – including royals, politicians and indigenous people – in order to demonstrate
University Press how a multi-valent British culture was created throughout the empire.
world, 1860–1911

Moving images of the British monarchy, in fact and fiction, are almost as old as the
moving image itself, dating back to an 1895 American drama, The Execution of Mary
Queen of Scots. British monarchs even appeared in the new ‘animated photography’
from 1896, led by Queen Victoria. Half a century later, the 1953 coronation of Elizabeth II
Manchester was a milestone in the adoption of television, watched by 20 million Britons and 100
The British Monarchy On Screen author / Mandy / Merck 9781526113047 2016-02-01 Media & Communications
University Press million North Americans. At the century’s end, Princess Diana’s funeral was viewed by 2.5
billion worldwide. In the first book-length examination of film and television
representations of this enduring institution, distinguished scholars of media and political
history analyse the screen representations of royalty from Henry VIII to ‘William and

The geek is male. Or so it seems. As is well documented, there is a distinct under-

author / Julie / Fisher | representation of girls studying computing at high school level and, correspondingly,
author / Catherine / Lang | Monash going on to have careers in IT. To address this problem, in 2007 the authors of this book,
with backgrounds in secondary teaching or IT, trialled a new and revolutionary program
Digital Divas author / Annemieke / Craig | University 9781922235879 2016-01-01 in schools: ‘Digital Divas’. The Digital Divas program, based on the idea that it was Media & Communications
author / Helen / Forgasz | Publishing possible to change girls’ perceptions of IT careers with educationally sound materials that
author / Amber / McLeod tapped into their interests and were delivered in all-girl classes within the school
curriculum, was a great success.

Among Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s chief preoccupations was the problem of self-interest

implicit in all social relationships. A person with divided loyalties (i.e., to both himself and
his cohorts) was, in Rousseau’s thinking, a divided person. According to John Warner’s
Rousseau and the Problem of Human Relations, not only did Rousseau never solve this
Rousseau and the Problem of Penn State
author / John M. / Warner University 9780271074641 2018-05-06 problem, he believed it was fundamentally unsolvable: social relationships could never
Political Science
Human Relations Press restore wholeness to a self-interested human being. Warner traces his argument through
the contours of Rousseau’s thought on three distinct types of relationships—sexual love,
friendship, and civil or political association. Warner concludes that none of these,
whether examined individually or together, provides a satisfactory resolution to the
problem of human dividedness located at the center of Rousseau’s thinking.
From the monarchical terror of the Middle Ages to the mangled Europe of the Twenty-
first Century, A People's History of Modern Europe tracks the history of the continent
through the deeds of those whom mainstream history tries to forget. Europe provided
the perfect conditions for a great number of political revolutions from below. The
A People's History of Modern German peasant wars of Thomas Müntzer, the bourgeoisie revolutions of the eighteenth
author / William A. / Pelz Pluto Press 9781783717675 2016-05-01 century through to the rise of the industrial worker in England and the turbulent journey History
Europe of the Russian Soviets, the role of the European working class throughout the Cold War,
students in 1968 and through to the present day, where we continue to fight to forge an
alternative to the barbaric economic system. With sections focusing on the role of
women, this history sweeps away the tired platitudes of the privileged which our current
understanding is based upon, and provides an opportunity to see our history differently.

A world-famous singer and actor, a trained lawyer, an early star of American professional
football and a polyglot who spoke over a dozen languages. These could be the crowning
achievements of a life well-lived, yet for Paul Robeson the higher calling of social justice
led him to abandon both the NFL and Hollywood and become one of the most important
political activists of his generation - battling both Jim Crow and Joseph McCarthy. Gerald
Paul Robeson author / Gerald / Horne Pluto Press 9781783717552 2016-01-01 Horne's new biography uses Robeson's remarkable and revolutionary life to tell the story History
of the 20th Century's great political struggles: against racism, against colonialism, and for
international socialism. This critical and searching account provides an opportunity for
readers to comprehend the triumphs and tragedies of the revolutionary progressive
movement of which he was not just a part, but, perhaps, its most resonant symbol.

The War Correspondent looks at the role of the war reporter today: the attractions and
the risks of the job; the challenge of objectivity and impartiality in the war zone; the
danger that journalistic independence is being compromised by military control,
censorship and public relations; as well as the commercial and technological pressures of
an intensely concentrated, competitive news media environment. This new edition
The War Correspondent author / Greg / McLaughlin Pluto Press 9781783717583 2016-02-01 substantially updates the original, ending with an extended section on the return of Media & Communications
history and ideology to the reporting of international conflict. It examines the ‘war on
terror’ framework that dominated the first decade of the 21st Century and, as Russia
imposes itself once again on the international stage, asks if it might well give way to a
new, Cold War framework. If so, what will that mean for the new generation of war
correspondents, attuned not to history or ideology but the politics of the next conflict?

Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries examines the library’s
role in the development, implementation, and instruction of successful digital humanities
projects. It pays special attention to the critical role of librarians in building sustainable
author / John W. / White | Purdue programs. It also examines how libraries can support the use of digital scholarship tools
Laying the Foundation 9781557537515 2016-03-01 and techniques in undergraduate education. Academic libraries are nexuses of research Media & Communications
author / Heather / Gilbert University Press and technology; as such, they provide fertile ground for cultivating and curating digital
scholarship. However, adding digital humanities to library service models requires a clear
understanding of the resources and skills required. Integrating digital scholarship into
existing models calls for a reimagining of the roles of libraries and librarians.
In Reconsidering the Emergence of the Gay Novel in English and German, James P. Wilper
examines a key moment in the development of the modern gay novel by analyzing four
novels by German, British, and American writers. Wilper studies how the texts are
Reconsidering the Emergence of influenced by and respond and react to four schools of thought regarding male
the Gay Novel in English and author / James P. / Wilper Purdue 9781557537508 2016-02-01 homosexuality in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The first is legal
University Press codes criminalizing sex acts between men and the religious doctrine that informs them.
German The second is the ancient Greek erotic philosophy, in which a revival of interest took
place in the late nineteenth century. The third is sexual science (or “sexology”), which
offered various medical and psychological explanations for same-sex desire and was
employed variously to defend, as well as to attempt to cure, this "perversion."

Globalisation has adversely affected working-class organisation and mobilisation; but

international labour movement demobilisation is not necessarily an irreversible trend.
Globalisation has prompted workers and their organisations to find new ways to
mobilise. This book examines international labour movement opposition to globalisation.
Globalization and Labour in the It chronicles and critically scrutinizes the emergence of distinctively new forms of labour
author / Verity / Burgmann Routledge 2016-02-01 Political Science
Twenty-First Century movement organisation and mobilisation that constitute creative initiatives on the part
of labour, which present capitalism with fresh challenges. The author identifies eight
characteristics of globalisation that have proven problematic to workers and their
organisations and describes and analyses how they have responded to these challenges
since 1990 and especially in the past decade.

This work examines concept of sincerity in politics and international relations in order to
discuss what we should expect of politicians, within what parameters should they work,
and how their decisions and actions could be made consistent with morality. The
Sincerity in Politics and editor / Sorin / Baiasu | collection features an international cast of authors who specialize in the topic of sincerity
Routledge 9780203762257 2017-11-27 in politics and international relations. Each chapter will be focused on a contemporary Political Science
International Relations editor / Sylvie / Loriaux issue in politics and international relations, including corruption, public hypocrisy,
cynicism, trust, security, policy formulation and decision-making, political apology, public
reason, denial and self-deception,and will argue against the background of a Kantian
view of sincerity as unconditional. Focusing on sincerity bearing on political actions,
practices, and institutions at national and international level.

Why has the US so dramatically failed in Afghanistan since 2001? Dominant explanations
have ignored the bureaucratic divisions and personality conflicts inside the US state. This
book rectifies this weakness in commentary on Afghanistan by exploring the significant
role of these divisions in the US’s difficulties in the country that meant the battle was
US Nation Building in author / Conor / Keane Routledge 9781472474841 2016-11-01 virtually lost before it even began. The main objective of the book is to deepen readers’
Political Science
Afghanistan understanding of the impact of bureaucratic politics on nation-building in Afghanistan,
focusing primarily on the Bush administration. It rejects the ‘rational actor’ model,
according to which the US functions as a coherent, monolithic agent. Instead, internal
divisions within the foreign policy bureaucracy are explored, to build up a picture of the
internal tensions and contradictions that bedevilled US nation-building efforts.
Urban anthropologist Kristin Monroe takes urban anthropology in a new and meaningful
direction—the story of traffic in the Middle East, focusing on Beirut. As bombs
reappeared recently following an impasse between competing political groups and their
international backers, residents of the city were forced to contend with many forms of
Rutgers insecurity, forging their lives amid a contentious, often violent, political and economic
The Insecure City author / Kristin V. / Monroe 9780813574653 2016-03-01 landscape. Images and headlines in the news media tracked the dramatic events that Anthropology
University Press characterized this unstable situation, but they did not provide a picture of what ordinary
life was like for urban dwellers in a city terrorized by political sectarianism and the treat
of bombs. The Insecure City is an ethnographic exploration of the experiences of moving
through Beirut. Driving is characterized by precariousness, the anticipation of violence,
and the constant presence of class, political, and state power.

The book challenges the popular notion of a clash of cultures pitting Muslim and non-
Muslim Europeans against one another. The study finds instead vehement conflict among
three longstanding European public philosophies: liberalism, nationalism, and
postmodernism. The consequential differences of outlook are demonstrated in four
Temple policy areas: 1) citizenship requirements, 2) the headscarf debate, 3) mosque-state
The Muslim Question in Europe author / Peter / O'Brien 9781439912782 2016-02-01 relations and 4) counter-terrorism. The book reaches three important conclusions. First, Political Science
University Press Muslim Europeans do not represent a monolithic anti-Western bloc -- a Trojan Horse --
within Europe. They vehemently disagree among themselves but along the same basic
liberal, nationalist, and postmodern contours as non-Muslim Europeans. Second,
ideological discord significantly contributes to policy “messiness,” that is, to inconsistent,
contradictory policies.

Following independence from Ethiopia, Eritrea’s leaders were praised for their success at
building a coherent nation, but over the last two decades the government has
increasingly turned to coercion particularly by forcing citizens into endless military
service. The Struggling State: Teachers, Mass Militarization and the Reeducation of
Eritrea is an ethnographic exploration of how citizens’ redefined their relationship with
The Struggling State author / Jennifer / Riggan Temple 9781439912720 2016-03-01 the nation in response to the state’s increased authoritarianism and use of force.
University Press Extremes of coercion and control led Eritreans’ to imagine the once-heroic ruling party as
turning against them, which, in turn unraveled the legitimacy of state-produced
imaginaries of the nation. The book focuses on teachers, who were situated to do the
work of hyphenating, or gluing, nation to state but instead had to navigate between their
devotion to educating the nation and their discontent with their role in the government
program of mass militarization.

We Shall Not Be Moved: The Trail Blazed by a Song from the U.S. South to Spain and
South America details the history of "We Shall Not Be Moved" from its birth as a slave
spiritual in the U.S. South and its subsequent adoption as a standard hymn by the U.S.
We Shall Not Be Moved/No nos Temple labor, civil rights, and farmworker movements, to its singing in the student movement
moverán author / David / Spener University Press 9781439912997 2016-03-01 opposing the Franco dictatorship in Spain in the 1960s, and finally to its arrival in the Anthropology
South American country of Chile during its experiment with democratic socialism in the
early 1970s. The book outlines the role the song has played in each of the movements in
which it has been sung and analyzes its dissemination, function, and meaning through a
number of different sociological and anthropological lenses.
This volume, edited by the organizers of the “Digital Classicist” seminars series, presents
research in classical studies, digital classics and digital humanities, bringing together
scholarship that addresses the impact of the study of classical antiquity through
computational methods on audiences such as scientists, heritage professionals, students
Digital Classics Outside the Echo- author / Gabriel / Bodard | Ubiquity Press 9781909188471 2016-01-01 and the general public. Within this context, chapters tackle particular aspects, from
Chamber author / Matteo / Romanello epigraphy, papyrology and manuscripts, via Greek language, linguistics and literature, to
imaging and modelling of artefacts, architecture, and technologies and methods in digital
classics research. The book is aimed for scholars in the various fields of history, classical
studies, digital humanities and archaeology. It will also be of interest to researchers in
library and information sciences, informatics and pedagogy.

Exciting new scholarship has been emerging as performance studies scholars begin to
turn their attention to the performance of politics, nationhood, and jurisprudence.
Branislav Jakovljevic’s project on the history and eventual demise of the former
Yugoslavia demonstrates how fruitful this approach can be. Jakovljevic considers the
author / Branislav / University of concept of theatricality as central to understanding the events that took place in
Alienation Effects 2016-07-01 Yugoslavia. He examines the country’s trials, state ceremonies and festivals, army Literature
Jakovljevic Michigan Press maneuvers, propaganda, and pop culture as “rehearsals and temporary enactments of an
ideologically formulated future.” His first chapter reveals the surrealist, avant-garde
origins of key members of the Yugoslav bureaucracy after WWII, suggesting that those
connections helped the culture of socialist Yugoslavia become a performance-centered

The Breslau arts scene during the Weimar period was one of the most vibrant in all of
Beyond the Bauhaus author / Deborah Ascher / University of 2016-07-01 Germany, yet it has disappeared from memory and historiography. 'Beyond the Bauhaus'
Barnstone Michigan Press explores the polyvalent and contradictory nature of cultural production in Breslau in
order to expand the cultural and geographic scope of Weimar history.

Dreams for Dead Bodies: Blackness, Labor, and the Corpus of American Detective Fiction
offers new arguments about the origins of detective fiction in the United States, tracing
the lineage of the genre back to unexpected texts and uncovering how authors such as
Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Pauline Hopkins, and Rudolph Fisher made use of the
author / M. Michelle / University of genre’s puzzle-elements to explore the shifting dynamics of race and labor in America.
Dreams for Dead Bodies 2016-04-01 The author constructs an interracial genealogy of detective fiction to create a nuanced Literature
Robinson Michigan Press picture of the ways that black and white authors appropriated and cultivated literary
conventions that coalesced in a recognizable genre at the turn of the twentieth century.
These authors tinkered with detective fiction’s puzzle-elements to address a variety of
historical contexts, including the exigencies of chattel slavery, the erosion of working-
class solidarities by racial and ethnic competition, and accelerated mass production.
Lucinda Cole’s Imperfect Creatures offers the first full-length study of the shifting,
unstable, but foundational status of “vermin” as creatures and category in the early
modern literary, scientific, and political imagination. In the space between theology and
University of an emergent empiricism, Cole’s argument engages a wide historical swath of canonical
Imperfect Creatures author / Lucinda / Cole 9780472900633 2016-02-01 early modern literary texts—William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Christopher Marlowe’s The Literature
Michigan Press Jew of Malta, Abraham Cowley’s The Plagues of Egypt, Thomas Shadwell’s The Virtuoso,
the Earl of Rochester’s “A Ramble in St. James’s Park,” and Daniel Defoe’s Robinson
Crusoe and Journal of the Plague Year—alongside other nonliterary primary sources and
under-examined archival materials from the period, including treatises on animal trials,
grain shortages, rabies, and comparative neuroanatomy.

Reformers have promoted mixed-member electoral systems as the “best of both

worlds.” In this volume, internationally recognized political scientists evaluate the ways in
which the introduction of a mixed-member electoral system affects the configuration of
Mixed-Member Electoral author / Nathan F. / Batto | political parties. The contributors examine several political phenomena, including cabinet
author / Chi / Huang | University of post allocation, nominations, preelectoral coalitions, split-ticket voting, and the size of
Systems in Constitutional 9780472900626 2016-05-01 party systems and faction systems. Significantly, they also consider various ways in which Political Science
Context author / Tan C. / Tan | Michigan Press the constitutional system—especially whether the head of government is elected directly
author / Gary W. / Cox or indirectly—can modify the incentives created by the electoral system. The findings
presented here demonstrate that the success of electoral reform depends not only on
the specification of new electoral rules per se but also on the political context—and
especially the constitutional framework—within which such rules are embedded.

The legal definition of child pornography is, at best, unclear. In part because of this
ambiguity and in part because of the nature of the crime itself, the prosecution and
sentencing of perpetrators, the protection of and restitution for victims, and the means
for preventing repeat offenses are deeply controversial. In an effort to clarify the
Refining Child Pornography Law author / Carissa Byrne / University of 9780472900640 2016-05-01 questions and begin to formulate answers, in this volume, experts in law, sociology, and
Hessick Michigan Press social examine child pornography law and its consequences. Focusing on the roles of
language and crime definition, the contributors present a range of views about the
increasingly visible role that child pornography plays in the national conversation on child
safety, as well as the wisdom of the punishment of those who produce, distribute, and
possess materials which may be considered child pornography.

The Resonance of Unseen Things offers an ethnographic meditation on the “uncanny”

persistence and cultural freight of conspiracy theory. The project is a reading of
conspiracy theory as an index of a certain strain of late 20th-century American
despondency and malaise, especially as understood by people experiencing downward
University of social mobility. Written by a cultural anthropologist with a literary background, this
Resonance of Unseen Things author / Susan / Lepselter 9780472900657 2016-03-01 deeply interdisciplinary book focuses on the enduring American preoccupation with Anthropology
Michigan Press captivity in a rapidly transforming world. Captivity is a trope that appears in both
ordinary and fantastic iterations here, and Susan Lepselter shows how multiple troubled
histories—of race, class, gender, and power—become compressed into stories of
uncanny memory. “We really don’t have anything like this in terms of a focused,
sympathetic, open-minded ethnographic study of UFO experiencers.
'Risk Criticism: Reading in an Age of Manufactured Uncertainties' is a study of literary and
cultural responses to global environmental risk that offers an environmental humanities
approach to understanding risk in an age of unfolding ecological catastrophe. 'Risk
Criticism: Reading in an Age of Manufactured Uncertainties' is a study of literary and
University of cultural responses to global environmental risk that offers an environmental humanities
Risk Criticism author / Molly / Wallace 9780472900671 2016-05-01 approach to understanding risk in an age of unfolding ecological catastrophe. In 2015, Literature
Michigan Press the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists re-set its iconic Doomsday Clock to three minutes to
midnight, as close to the apocalypse as it has been since 1953. What pushed its hands
was, however, not just the threat of nuclear weapons, but also other global
environmental risks that the Bulletin judged to have risen to the scale of the nuclear,
including climate change and innovations in the life sciences.

"How can people in the spotlight control their self-representations when the whole world
seems to be watching? The question is familiar, but not new. Julia Fawcett examines the
stages, pages, and streets of eighteenth-century London as England's first modern
celebrities performed their own strange and spectacular self-representations. They
University of include the enormous wig that actor Colley Cibber donned in his comic role as Lord
Spectacular Disappearances author / Julia H. / Fawcett 9780472900619 2016-05-01 Foppington--and that later reappeared on the head of Cibber's cross-dressing daughter, History
Michigan Press Charlotte Charke. They include the black page of Tristram Shandy, a memorial to the
parson Yorick (and author Laurence Sterne), a page so full of ink that it cannot be read.
And they include the puffs and prologues that David Garrick used to heighten his
publicity while protecting his privacy; the epistolary autobiography, modeled on the
sentimental novel, of Garrick's protégée George Anne Bellamy;

Patrizia McBride’s study, 'The Chatter of the Visible,' examines the paradoxical narrative
features of the photo montage aesthetics of artists associated with Dada, Constructivism,
and the New Objectivity. While montage strategies have commonly been associated with
the purposeful interruption of and challenge to narrative consistency and continuity,
McBride offers an historicized re-appraisal of 1920s and 1930s German photo montage
The Chatter of the Visible author / Patrizia C. / McBride University of 9780472900664 2016-03-01 work to show that its peculiar mimicry was less a rejection of narrative and more an History
Michigan Press extension or permutation of it; a means for thinking in narrative textures exceeding
constraints imposed by “flat” print media (especially the novel and other literary genres).
According to McBride, “a close engagement with montage procedures going back to
Cubism” reveals explicit inquiry into the status of objects as complex signifying entities
whose “material qualities are inextricably bound up with linguistic dynamics.”

"Fact and Fiction explores the intersection between literature and the sciences, focusing
on German and British culture between the eighteenth century and today. Observing
that it was in the eighteenth century that the divide between science and literature as
disciplines first began to be defined, the contributors to this collection probe how
University of authors from that time onwards have assessed and affected the relationship between
Fact and Fiction author / Christine / Lehleiter Toronto Press 9781487511401 2016-01-01 literary and scientific cultures. Fact and Fiction’s twelve essays cover a wide range of Literature
scientific disciplines, from physics and chemistry to medicine and anthropology, and a
variety of literary texts, such as Erasmus Darwin’s poem The Botanic Garden, George
Eliot’s Daniel Deronda, and Goethe’s Elective Affinities. The collection will appeal to
scholars of literature and of the history of science, and to those interested in the
connections between the two."
Mind, Body, Motion, Matter investigates the relationship between the eighteenth
century’s two predominant approaches to the natural world – mechanistic materialism
and vitalism – in the works of leading British and French writers such as Daniel Defoe,
author / Mary Helen / William Hogarth, Laurence Sterne, the third Earl of Shaftesbury and Denis Diderot.
Mind, Body, Motion, Matter McMurran | author / Alison / University of 9781487511418 2016-04-01 Focusing on embodied experience and the materialization of thought in poetry, novels,
Conway Toronto Press art, and religion, the literary scholars in this collection offer new and intriguing readings
of these canonical authors. Informed by contemporary currents such as new materialism,
cognitive studies, media theory, and post-secularism, their essays demonstrate the
volatility of the core ideas opened up by materialism and the possibilities of an aesthetic
vitalism of form.

" Continuing the analysis of contemporary issues through the lens of ancient theories
beyond the themes of Enduring Empire and the award-winning On Oligarchy, On Civic
Republicanism explores the enduring relevance of the ancient concepts of republicanism
and civic virtue to modern questions about political engagement and identity. Examining
author / Geoffrey / Kellow | University of both ancient and early modern conceptions of civic republicanism, the contributors
On Civic Republicanism 9781487511395 2016-02-01 respond to the work of thinkers ranging from Plato and Aristotle to Machiavelli, Political Science
author / Neven / Leddy Toronto Press Montesquieu, and Wollstonecraft. A testament to the continuing influence of the
concept and the ongoing scholarly debate which surrounds it, On Civic Republicanism
addresses fundamental questions regarding democratic participation, liberal democracy,
and the public good. Its essays speak to the many ways in which the idea of the republic
still challenges us today."

Wolfgang Capito (1478–1541), a leading Christian Hebraist and Catholic churchman who
converted to Protestantism, was a pivotal figure in the history of the Reformation. After
serving as a professor of theology in Basel and adviser to the archbishop of Mainz, he
moved to Strasbourg, which became, largely due to his efforts, one of the most
The Correspondence of author / Wolfgang / Capito | University of important centres of the Reformation movement after Wittenberg. This penultimate
9781487511425 2016-01-01 volume in the series is a fully annotated translation of Capito’s existing correspondence History
Wolfgang Capito author / Erika / Rummel Toronto Press covering the years 1532–36 and culminating in the Wittenberg Concord between the
Lutheran and Reformed churches. The correspondence includes Capito’s efforts,
alongside those of his colleague Martin Bucer, to negotiate that compromise. Other
letters deal with local, political, financial, and doctrinal questions, as well as Capito’s
personal life.

In the early nineteenth century, critics like Zebulon Pike and Washington Irving viewed
the West as a “dumping ground” for free blacks and Native Americans, a place where
they could be segregated from the white communities east of the Mississippi River. But
as immigrant populations and industrialization took hold in the East, white Americans
began to view the West as a “refuge for real whites.” The West had the most diverse
Making the White Man's West author / Jason E. / Pierce University Press 9781607325635 2016-01-01 population in the nation with substantial numbers of American Indians, Hispanics, and
of Colorado Asians, but Anglo-Americans could control these mostly disenfranchised peoples and
enjoy the privileges of power while celebrating their presence as providing a unique
regional character. The first comprehensive study to examine the construction of white
racial identity in the West, Making the White Man’s West shows how these two visions of
the West shaped the history of the region and influenced a variety of contemporary
social issues in the West today.
MIXTEC EVANGELICALS is a comparative ethnography of four Mixtec communities in
Oaxaca, detailing the process by which economic migration and religious conversion
combine to change the social and cultural makeup of predominantly folk-Catholic
communities. The book describes the effects on the home communities of the Mixtecs
who travel to northern Mexico and the United States in search of wage labor and return
Mixtec Evangelicals author / Mary I. / O'Connor University Press 9781607325642 2016-09-01 having converted from their rural Catholic roots to Evangelical Protestant religions.
of Colorado O’Connor demonstrates the ways that neoliberal policies have forced Mixtecs to migrate
and how migration provides the contexts for conversion. Converts challenge the set of
customs governing their Mixtec villages by refusing to participate in the Catholic
ceremonies and social gatherings that are at the center of traditional village life. Home
communities have responded in a number of ways—ranging from expulsion of converts
to partial acceptance and adjustments within the village.

New data from a variety of well-known scholars in Mesoamerican archaeology reveal the
creation, perpetuation, and contestation of politically authoritative relationships
between rulers and subjects and between nobles and commoners. The contributions
span the geographic breadth and temporal extent of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica—from
Preclassic Oaxaca to the Classic Petén region of Guatemala to the Postclassic Michoacán
Political Strategies in Pre- author / Sarah / Kurnick | University Press —and the contributors weave together archaeological, epigraphic, and ethnohistoric
9781607325659 2016-01-01 Anthropology
Columbian Mesoamerica author / Joanne / Baron of Colorado data. Grappling with the questions of how those exercising authority convince others to
follow and why individuals often choose to recognize and comply with authority, Political
Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica discusses why the study of political authority is
both timely and significant, reviews how scholars have historically understood the
operation of political authority, and proposes a new analytical framework to understand
how rulers rule.

During the Victorian era, new laws allowed more witnesses to testify in court cases. At
the same time, an emerging cultural emphasis on truth-telling drove the development of
new ways of inhibiting perjury. Strikingly original and drawing on a broad array of
Engines of Truth author / Wendie Ellen / Yale University 9780300216554 2016-01-01 archival research, Wendie Schneider’s examination of the Victorian courtroom charts this
Schneider Press period of experimentation and how its innovations shaped contemporary trial procedure.
Blending legal, social, and colonial history, she shines new light on cross-examination, the
most enduring product of this time and the “greatest legal engine ever invented for the
discovery of truth.”

Michael Peppard provides a historical and theological reassessment of the oldest

Christian building ever discovered, the third-century house-church at Dura-Europos.
Contrary to commonly held assumptions about Christian initiation, Peppard contends
that rituals here did not primarily embody notions of death and resurrection. Rather, he
The World's Oldest Church author / Michael / Peppard Yale University 9780300216516 2016-01-01 portrays the motifs of the church’s wall paintings as those of empowerment, healing, History
Press marriage, and incarnation, while boldly reidentifying the figure of a woman formerly
believed to be a repentant sinner as the Virgin Mary. This richly illustrated volume is a
breakthrough work that enhances our understanding of early Christianity at the nexus of
Bible, art, and ritual.
This book argues that Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill are the two primary
architects of the modern theory of women’s rights as human rights. It only through
addressing women’s rights, Botting argues, that the idea of human rights was given
Wollstonecraft, Mill, and author / Eileen Hunt / Yale University 9780300186161 2016-04-01 universal scope and application. Botting describes the development of the idea of
Political Science
Women's Human Rights Botting Press women’s human rights beginning with the work of Wollstonecraft and Mill, and gives an
account of their reception in both western and nonwestern contexts. Her goal is to strip
liberal feminism of its Eurocentric bias and offer the theory that remains as a resource
for thinking about women’s human rights globally.

This rich study provides a comprehensive introduction to media philosophy while offering
a new perspective on the concept and function of transmission media in all systems of
exchange. Krämer uses the figure of the messenger as a key metaphor, examining a
Medium, Messenger, author / Sybille / Krämer / Amsterdam diverse range of transmission events, including the circulation of money, translation of Media and
9789048524990 2015-03-20 languages, angelic visitations, spread of infectious diseases, and processes of
Transmission Freie Universität Berlin University Press transference and counter-transference that occur during psychoanalysis. Communications
"'An interesting read, with an incorporated overview of media theory." - Ana Peraica,
Leonardo Reviews

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, colonial powers clashed over much of Central and East
Asia: Great Britain and Germany fought over New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, Fiji,
and Samoa; France and Great Britain competed over control of continental Southwest
Asia; and the United States annexed the Philippines and Hawaii. Meanwhile, the possible
disintegration of China and Japan’s growing nationalism added new dimensions to the
author / Kees / van Dijk / Amsterdam
Pacific Strife 9789048516193 2015-03-13 Surveying these and other international developments in the Pacific basin during the History
Leiden University University Press three decades preceding World War I, Kees van Dijk traces the emergence of
superpowers during the colonial race and analyzes their conduct as they struggled for
territory. Extensive in scope, 'Pacific Strife' is a fascinating look at a volatile moment in

"Van Dijk's work will richly reward readers of nearly any interest level." -J. Rogers in
Choice Magazine

This book offers a new perspective on the connected histories of Spain, China, and Japan
as they emerged and developed following Manila’s foundation as the capital of the
Spanish Philippines in 1571. Examining a wealth of multilingual primary sources, Birgit
Spain, China, and Japan in author / Birgit / Tremml- Amsterdam Tremml-Werner shows that crosscultural encounters not only shaped Manila’s
9789048526819 2015-06-11 development as a “Eurasian” port city, but also had profound political, economic, and History
Manila, 1571-1644 Werner / University of Tokyo University Press social ramifications for the three premodern states. Combining a systematic comparison
with a focus on specific actors during this period, this book addresses many long-held
misconceptions and offers a more balanced and multifaceted view of these nations’
This book reflects on the innovations that central banks have introduced since the 2008
collapse of Lehman Brothers to improve their modes of intervention, regulation and
editor / Charles / Goodhart | resolution of financial markets and financial institutions. Authors from both academia
editor / Daniela / Gabor | Anthem Press and policy circles explore these innovations through four approaches: ‘Bank Capital
Central Banking at a Crossroads 2014-12-01 Regulation’ examines the Basel III agreement; ‘Bank Resolution’ focuses on effective Economics
editor / Jakob / Vestergaard regimes for regulating and resolving ailing banks; ‘Central Banking with Collateral-Based
| editor / Ismail / Ertürk Finance’ develops thought on the challenges that market-based finance pose for the
conduct of central banking; and ‘Where Next for Central Banking’ examines the
trajectory of central banking and its new, central role in sustaining capitalism.

With a clear statement of the theoretical issues in the debates about secularization and
post-secularism, ‘Religion and the State: A Comparative Sociology’ considers a number of
editor / Jack / Barbalet | major case studies – from China, Europe, Singapore and South Asia – in order to
Religion and the State editor / Adam / Possamai | Anthem Press 2011-12-15 understand the rise of public religions in the modern state. By distinguishing between Political Science
editor / Bryan / S. Turner political secularization – the separation of state and religion – and social secularization –
the transformation of the everyday practice of religion – this volume offers an integrating
framework within which to analyze these different societies.

The monograph Judging Q and Saving Jesus is characterised by careful textual analysis,
showing a piercing critical eye in its impressive engagement with the secondary
literature, and sharp and insightful critique. The target audience are specialists in the
field of research on the Sayings Source Q (the hypothetical source of certain sayings of
Jesus common to Matthew and Luke), historical Jesus, and early Christian theology. The
Judging Q and Saving Jesus author / Llewellyn / Howes / AOSIS 2015-12-18 book takes the stance that the hypothetical document Q can be reconstructed with
University of Pretoria sufficient precision and that this enables biblical scholars to study with confidence its
genre and its thematic and ideological profile. The genre issue is central to the book
overall structure and the alternative proposals are discussed at length and with
sophistication. The author’s inference is that Q’s macrogenre is sapiential with occasional
insertions of apocalyptic microstructures and motifs. This finding embodies progress in
Historical Jesus studies.

With six Academy Awards, four entries on the American Film Institute’s list of 100
greatest American movies, and more titles on the National Historic Register of classic
films deemed worthy of preservation than any other director, Billy Wilder counts as one
of the most accomplished filmmakers ever to work in Hollywood. Yet how American is
A Foreign Affair author / Gerd / Gemünden / Berghahn 9781785334757 2008-04-01 Billy Wilder, the Jewish émigré from Central Europe? This book underscores this complex Media and
Dartmouth Books issue, unpacking underlying contradictions where previous commentators routinely Communications
smoothed them out. Wilder emerges as an artist with roots in sensationalist journalism
and the world of entertainment as well as with an awareness of literary culture and the
avant-garde, features that lead to productive and often highly original confrontations
between high and low.
Postcolonial theory is central to many scholarly debates around the world. Some of these
debates have become rather sterile and are characterized by a repetitive reworking of
old issues, focusing on cultural questions of language and identity in particular. Margaret
A. Majumdar investigates the causes of the apparent stagnation of postcolonial theory in
author / Margaret A. / some circles, and provides an overview of the divergence between Anglophone and
Postcoloniality Majumdar / University of 9781785334764 2007-07-01 Francophone approaches to the postcolonial. Outlining in particular the contribution of Political Science
Books thinkers such as Césaire, Senghor, Memmi, Sartre and Fanon to the worldwide
development of anti-imperialist ideas, she offers a critical perspective on the ongoing
difficulties of France’s relationship with its colonial and postcolonial Others and suggests
new lines of thought that are currently emerging in the Francophone world, which are
sure to enliven Anglophone discussion and debates.

Deportations by train were critical in the Nazis’ genocidal vision of the “Final Solution of
the Jewish Question.” Historians have estimated that between 1941 and 1944 up to
three million Jews were transported to their deaths in concentration and extermination
camps. In his writings on the “Final Solution,” Raul Hilberg pondered the role of trains:
author / Simone / Gigliotti / “How can railways be regarded as anything more than physical equipment that was used,
Berghahn when the time came, to transport the Jews from various cities to shooting grounds and
The Train Journey Victoria University, New 9781785334771 2009-07-01 History
Zealand Books gas chambers in Eastern Europe?” This book explores the question by analyzing victims’
experiences at each stage of forced relocation: the round-ups and departures from the
ghettos, the captivity in trains, and finally, the arrival at the camps. Utilizing a variety of
published memoirs and unpublished testimonies, the book argues that victims
experienced train journeys as mobile chambers, comparable in importance to fixed
locations of persecution such as ghettos and camps.

author / Cornelia / Isler- An interpretation of the god Dionysos as seen by Greek vase painters before the golden
Dionysos in Archaic Greece Brill 9789047418825 2006-01-01 age of classical culture, which will help understand his wide popularity beyond wine Classics
Kerényi consumption, which lasted until the end of antiquity.

Early Buddhist Transmission and author / Jason / Neelis / This book examines catalysts for Buddhist formation in ancient South Asia and expansion
Brill 9789004194588 2011-01-01 throughout and beyond the northwestern Indian subcontinent to Central Asia by Theology
Trade Networks Wilfird Laurier University investigating symbiotic relationships between networks of religious mobility and trade.

Greek Medicine from author / Jacques / Jouanna / This volume makes available in English translation a selection of Jacques Jouanna's
Hippocrates to Galen Université de Paris-Sorbonne Brill 9789004232549 2012-01-01 papers on Greek and Roman medicine, ranging from the early beginnings of Greek Classics
medicine to late antiquity.

The book examines the genesis and development of environmental rights (or the Right to
Human Rights and the author / Linda / Hajjar Leib / Brill 9789004189935 2011-01-01 Environment) in international law and discusses their philosophical, theoretical and legal
Political Science
Environment Macquarie University;ll underpinnings in the context of sustainable development and the notion of solidarity

Sexual violence is a particular brand of evil that women have endured—more than men
—during armed conflicts, through the ages. It is a menace that has continued to
International Law and Sexual challenge the conscience of humanity—especially in our times. At the international level,
author / Chile / Eboe-Osuji Brill 9789004227224 2012-01-01 basic laws aimed at preventing it are not in short supply. What is needed is a more Political Science
Violence in Armed Conflicts conscious determination to enforce existing laws. This book explores ways of doing just
that; thereby shoring up international legal protection of women from sexual violence in
armed conflicts.

Drawing on newly-discovered archival materials, the study offers a comprehensive and

Islamic Reformism and author / Umar / Ryad / critical reading of the polemics of Sheikh Rashīd Riḍā and his associates on Christianity in
Christianity University of Leiden Brill 9789047441465 2009-01-01 al-Manār, and their fascinating encounters with Arab Christians and Christian missionary Theology
Power and Religion in Baroque author / Peter / Rietbergen / This study analyzes the ways in which a variety of cultural manifestations were the
Brill 9789047417958 2006-01-01 necessary preconditions for (religious) policy and power in the Rome of Urban VIII (1623- History
Rome Radboud University 1644). Precisely their interaction created what we now call ‘Baroque Culture’.

author / Farhad / Malekian / The goal of this book is to minimize the misunderstandings and conflicts between
Principles of Islamic International Institute of International Brill 9789004203976 2011-01-01 International law and Islamic law. The objective is to bring peace into justice and justice
Political Science
Criminal Law into peace for the prevention of violations of human rights law, humanitarian law,
Criminal Law, Sweden international criminal law, and impunity.

author / Michael / Lipka / Drawing exclusively on the evidence from urban Rome up to the age of Constantine, the
Roman Gods University of Patras in Brill 9789047428480 2009-01-01 book analyzes the pagan, Jewish, and Christian concepts of 'god' along the lines of space, Classics
Greece time, personnel, function, iconography and ritual.

Using recent insights into the nature of early Christian communities as religious
The Earliest History of the author / Valeriy / A. Alikin / associations, this book offers a new reconstruction of the origins and development of the
Brill 9789004190702 2010-01-01 Theology
Christian Gathering Leiden University weekly Christian gathering and its constitutive elements; based on an analysis of all
available evidence from the first three centuries.

A new interpretation of the Jesuit mission to New France is here proposed by using, for
comparison and contrast, the earlier Jesuit experience in Japan. In order to present
author / Takao / Abé / revisionist perspectives of the Jesuit missions based on a broader international
The Jesuit Mission to New France Brill 9789004209657 2011-01-01 History
University of Leeds framework beyond North America, the existing historical paradigms of the Jesuit
missionary activity to Amerindians based on the limited regional history of New France
are re-examined.

In The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews the author explains how Christians with
The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue author / Robert Aleksander / Jewish ancestry went within less than forty years from having a leading role in the
Brill 9789047444114 2009-01-01 History
of Jews Maryks / Fordham University foundation and development of the Society of Jesus to being prohibited from
membership in it.

In the thirteenth century, the Armenians of Greater Armenia and of the Armenian
Kingdom in Cilicia were invaded by Mongol nomads of the Inner Asian steppe. The
ensuing Mongol-Armenian relations were varied. The Greater Armenians became
author / Bayarsaikhan / subjects of the Mongol Empire, whereas the Cilician Armenians, by entering into
The Mongols and the Armenians Dashdondog / University of Brill 9789004192119 2011-01-01 vassalage, became allies and furthered the Mongol conquests. In order to enhance our History
(1220-1335) understanding of this turning point in medieval history, the effects of long distance
military raids, missions, diplomacy, collaboration, administrative assistance and
confrontation as well as the reasons for invading Greater Armenia and motives for
establishing an alliance, are considered.

The Ottoman Crimean War author / Candan / Badem / This book analyzes the Crimean War from the Ottoman perspective based mainly on
(1853-1856) Tunceli University Brill 9789004190962 2010-01-01 Ottoman and Russian primary sources, and includes an assessment of the War’s impact History
on the Ottoman state and Ottoman society.

The Social Structure of the First author / Conor / Kostick / This books provides a detailed analysis of the social structure of the First Crusade (1096 –
Brill 9789047445029 2008-01-01 1099) along with an original assessment of the sociology of its contemporary or near History
Crusade Trinity College Dublin contemporary sources.

author / Jonathan B. / Using the example of Eichstätt, this book challenges current witchcraft historiography by
Witchcraft, Gender and Society
Durrant / University of Brill 9789047420552 2007-01-01 arguing that the gender of the witch-suspect was a product of the interrogation process History
in Early Modern Germany and that the stable communities affected by persecution did not collude in its escalation.
Winner of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies' Reginald Zelnik
Book Prize in History.

Through close study of Russian, Eurasian, and Central Asian ethnographic, administrative,
literary, and missionary sources, this book shows how traditional Islamic education
author / Agnes Nilufer / among the people of Tsarist Russia's Middle Volga region (today's Tatarstan) helped to
Becoming Muslim in Imperial Kefeli / Arizona State Cornell 9780801454769 2014-09-04 Islamize the area's Turkic peoples, setting the stage for the development of modernist
Russia University Press Islam in Russia.
"Agnes Nilufer Kefeli's thorough and imaginative use of sources is notable. She makes use
of Russian official sources from the State Archives of Tatarstan and elsewhere, but she
also consults a broad range of nonarchival Islamic sources, including Tatar-language
Arabic-script popular literature. This makes the book highly original and important to
both Russian history and Islamic studies."—Allen Frank

Exploring the everyday experiences of workers from India who have migrated to Bahrain,
this study contributes significantly to our understanding of politics and society among the
Persian Gulf states and of the migrant labor phenomenon that is an increasingly
important aspect of globalization.

author / Andrew M. / "Andrew M. Gardner expertly combines in-depth ethnography with theoretical
Cornell sophistication in this important look at the complex linkages between labor, migration,
City of Strangers Gardner / University of Puget University 9780801462207 2010-07-02 Anthropology
Sound Press globalization, and the structural violence that accompanies the new world economic
order. Gardner follows the labyrinthine paths of migrant workers in the Gulf, drawing on
powerful qualitative data to complicate existing assumptions about the lives of skilled
and unskilled workers in the Middle East's fastest growing region. Beautifully written and
compelling, the book sheds light on a population and area of the world that remains
understudied despite its rapid emergence onto the global market."—Pardis Mahdavi,
Pomona College

Cowinner of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology’s Edward Sapir Book Prize

Since the early 1990s hundreds of thousands of Tamil villagers in southern India have
participated in literacy lessons and other events designed to transform them into active
citizens with access to state power. These efforts are part of a movement known as the
Arivoli Iyakkam (the Enlightenment Movement), one of the most successful mass literacy
author / Francis / Cody / Cornell movements in recent history. This rich ethnographic account of highlights the paradoxes
The Light of Knowledge 9780801469022 2013-09-13 Anthropology
University of Toronto University Press inherent in such movements that seek to emancipate people through literacy.

“A work of linguistic anthropology that makes crucial contributions to the study of

literacy and language ideologies. It is also a broadly ranging work of social theory that
will be of interest to students and scholars of the postcolonial state and neoliberal
governmentality in South Asia and beyond, and of activism and social movements more
generally.”—Anthropological Quarterly
Cowinner of the International Studies Association’s Chadwick F. Alger Prize, Winner of
the American Political Science Association’s Comparative Democratization Section Best
Book Award, and Cowinner of the Yale University MacMillan Center’s Gustav Ranis
International Book Prize.

author / Susan D. / Hyde / Cornell Why did election monitoring become an international norm? Why do "pseudo-
The Pseudo-Democrat's Dilemma 9780801460777 2011-04-21 democrats" (undemocratic leaders who present themselves as democratic) invite Political Science
Yale University University Press international observers, even when they are likely to be caught manipulating elections? Is
election observation an effective tool of democracy promotion, or is it simply a way to
legitimize electoral autocracies? This book uses cross-national data on election
observations since 1960 and case studies of Armenia, Indonesia, Haiti, Peru, Togo, and
Zimbabwe to explain international election monitoring with a new theory of international

Shortlisted for the Phi Beta Kappa Society’s Christian Gauss Award.

The poet Langston Hughes was a tireless world traveler and a prolific writer, translator,
and editor. Translations of his own writings traveled even more widely than he did,
earning him adulation throughout Europe, Asia, and especially the Americas. This study
contends that, for writers who are part of the African diaspora, translation is more than
The Worlds of Langston Hughes author
/ Vera M. / Kutzinski / Cornell just a literary practice: it is a fact of life and a way of thinking.
9780801466250 2012-10-30 Literature
Vanderbilt University University Press
“Kutzinski has given us one of the very best analyses and evaluations of Hughes's seminal
texts. We observe him at work translating, but we also see his works being translated.
Kutzinski, a preeminent polylingual comparativist who knows the literatures of the
African diaspora as well as anyone, brings a keen understanding of both race and
ethnicity to her overarching discussion. She has written an exemplary work, which will be
widely influential."—John Lowe, Louisiana State University

Although many researchers have taken a critical stance towards the theses on the history
Childhood in the Middle Ages of childhood developed by Philippe Ariès in 1960, this volume is the first comprehensive
author / Albrecht / Classen De Gruyter 9783110895445 2005-07-18 collection of studies with a psychological and emotional historical orientation to Literature
and the Renaissance demonstrate convincingly the extent to which the relationship between parents and
children was a fundamental element of European society in pre-modern times.

The notion of "self" and "other" and its representation in artwork and literature is an
important theme in current cultural sciences as well as in our everyday life in
contemporary Western societies. Moreover, the concept of "self" and "other" and its
Contemporary Jewish Reality in author / Claudia Simone / imaginary dichotomy is gaining more and more political impact in a world of resurfacing
Germany and Its Reflection in Dorchain | author / Felice De Gruyter 9783110265132 2012-12-06 ideology-ridden conflicts. The essays deal with Jewish reality in contemporary Germany History
Film Naomi / Wonnenberg and its reflection in movies from the special point of view of cultural sciences, political
sciences, and religious studies. This anthology presents challengingly new insights into
topics rarely covered, such as youth culture or humor, and finally discusses the images of
Jewish life as realities still to be constructed.
The thoroughly contemporary question of the relationship between emotion and reason
was debated with such complexity by the philosophers of the 17th century that their
concepts remain a source of inspiration for today`s research about the emotionality of
Emotional Minds author / Sabrina / De Gruyter 9783110260922 2012-07-16 the mind. The analyses of the works of Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, and many other
Ebbersmeyer thinkers collected in this volume offer new insights into the diversity and significance of
philosophical reflections about emotions during the early modern era. A focus is placed
on affective components in learning processes and the boundaries between emotions
and reason.

The idea that there is such a thing as a human right to health has become pervasive. It
has not only been acknowledged by a variety of international law documents and thus
entered the political realm but is also defended in academic circles. Yet, despite its
prominence the human right to health remains something of a mystery - especially with
respect to its philosophical underpinnings. Addressing this unfortunate and intellectually
Health, Rights and Dignity author / Christian / Erk De Gruyter 9783110319712 2010-12-09 dangerous insufficiency, this book critically assesses the stipulation that health is a Philosophy
human right which - as international law holds - derives from the inherent dignity of the
human person. Scrutinising the concepts underlying this stipulation (health, rights,
dignity), it shall conclude that such right cannot be upheld from a philosophical

Holocaust Denial: The Politics of Perfidy provides a graphic and compelling global
panorama of past and present variations on this toxic phenomenon. The volume
examines right and left wing French negationism, post-Communist Holocaust deniers in
Holocaust Denial author / Robert S. / Wistrich De Gruyter 9783110288216 2012-09-14 Eastern-Europe, the spread of denial to Australia, Canada, South-Africa and even to History
Japan. Leading scholarly experts also explore the close connection between Holocaust
denial, global conspiracy theories, antisemitism and radical anti-Zionism, especially in
Iran and the Arab world.

In the 20th century, the role of the unconscious in Kant`s philosophy has been in great
author / Piero / Giordanetti | part neglected by Kant scholars. Nevertheless, the unconscious, the other of
Kant's Philosophy of the consciousness, is a key problem of the critical philosophy. The purpose of the volume is
author / Riccardo / Pozzo | De Gruyter 9783110265408 2012-04-16 Philosophy
Unconscious author / Marco / Sgarbi
to fill a substantial gap in Kant research and to offer a complete survey of the topic in
different areas of research, such as history of philosophy, philosophy of mind, aesthetics,
moral philosophy, and anthropology.

The alphabetic script is part of the lasting heritage of the ancient Near East. It unites a
number of newly-emerging civilizations in ancient Syria-Palestine, which together
Languages From the World of constitute the immediate background of the Hebrew Bible. Transformed by the impact of
author / Holger / Gzella De Gruyter 9781934078631 2011-12-19 Hellenism, they also shaped the social-historical and cultural setting of the New History
the Bible Testament. This work presents fresh and concise yet thorough overviews of the relevant
languages and their interaction. They are informed by the most recent scholarship and
share a clear historical framework.

Over the past years global justice has established itself as one of the new and most
promising frontiers of political theory. Sovereign Justice collects valuable contributions
author / Diogo / Aurelio | from scholars of both continental and analytic tradition, and aims to investigate into the
Sovereign Justice author / Gabriele / Angelis | De Gruyter 9783110245745 2010-12-14 relationship between global justice and the nation state. It deals with the moral Philosophy
author / Regina / Queiroz relevance of national boundaries and cosmopolitanism, and takes into account the most
influential traditions that shape current approaches to the subject, especially those
descending from Rawls and Kant.
The notion of "human rights" is widely used in political and moral debates. The core idea,
that all human beings have some inalienable basic rights, is appealing and has an
author / Gerhard / Ernst | important practical function: It allows moral criticism of various wrongs and calls for
action in order to prevent them. The articles in this collection take up a tension between
The Philosophy of Human Rights author / Jan-Christoph / De Gruyter 9783110263886 2011-11-17 the wide political use of human rights claims and some intellectual skepticism about Philosophy
Heilinger them. In particular, three major issues call for clarification: the questions of how to justify
human rights, how to determine their scope and the corresponding obligations, and how
to overcome the tension between universal normative claims and particular moralities.

The study discusses the history of the Jewish refugees within the Shanghai setting and its
Wartime Shanghai and the relationship to the two established Jewish communities, the Sephardi and Russian Jews.
Jewish Refugees from Central author / Irene / Eber De Gruyter 9783110268188 2012-04-02 Attention is also focused on the cultural life of the refugees who used both German and History
Europe Yiddish, and on their attempts to cope under Japanese occupation after the outbreak of
the Pacific War.

In almost every part of the world, minority languages are being threatened with
extinction. At the same time, dedicated efforts are being made to document endangered
languages, to maintain them, and even to revive once-extinct languages. The book
Language Endangerment and author / Tasaku / Tsunoda De Gruyter 9783110896589 2006-02-21 presents a comprehensive overview of language endangerment and revitalization.
Language Revitalization Mouton Among the examined aspects are: degrees of endangerment, definitions of language
death, causes of endangerment, types of speakers in endangerment situations, methods
of documentation. The book is of interest to a wide readership, including linguists,
anthropologists, sociologists, and educators.

The eighteenth century is an important period both in the history of science and in the
Languages of Science in the author / Britt-Louise / De Gruyter history of languages. In this volume, seventeen authors explore, from a variety of angles,
9783110255065 2011-10-17 the construction of a scientific language and discourse. The chapters explore the forming Linguistics
Eighteenth Century Gunnarsson Mouton of scientific communities, the emergence of new languages of science, the spread of
scientific ideas, and the development of scientific writing.

This volume provides, for the first time, a pan-European view of the development of
written languages at a key time in their history: that of the 16th century. The major
Orthographies in Early Modern author / Susan / Baddeley | De Gruyter cultural and intellectual upheavals that affected Europe at the time - Humanism, the
9783110288179 2012-07-16 Reformation and the emergence of modern nation-states - were not isolated Linguistics
Europe author / Anja / Voeste Mouton phenomena, and the evolution of the orthographical systems of European languages
shows a large number of convergences, due to the mobility of scholars, ideas and
technological innovations throughout the period.

60 years after the trials of the main German war criminals, the articles in this book
attempt to assess the Nuremberg Trials from a historical and legal point of view, and to
The Nuremberg Trials: author / Herbert R. / illustrate connections, contradictions and consequences. In view of constantly
De Gruyter reoccurring reports of mass crimes from all over the world, we have only reached the
International Criminal Law Since Reginbogin | author / 9783110944846 2006-08-08 History
Saur halfway point in the quest for an effective system of international criminal justice. With
1945 Christoph / Safferling the legacy of Nuremberg in mind, this volume is a contribution to the search for answers
to questions of how the law can be applied effectively and those committing crimes
against humanity be brought to justice for their actions.
'A Certain Age' is an unconventional, evocative work of history and a moving reflection
on memory, modernity, space, time, and the limitations of traditional historical
narratives. Rudolf Mrázek visited Indonesia throughout the 1990s, recording lengthy
interviews with elderly intellectuals in and around Jakarta. With few exceptions, they
were part of an urban elite born under colonial rule and educated at Dutch schools. From
author / Rudolf / Mrazek / Duke University the early twentieth century, through the late colonial era, the national revolution, and
A Certain Age 9780822392682 2010-03-01 well into independence after 1945, these intellectuals injected their ideas of modernity, History
Univ. of Michigan Press progress, and freedom into local and national discussion.

When Mrázek began his interviews, he expected to discuss phenomena such as the
transition from colonialism to postcolonialism. His interviewees, however, wanted to
share more personal recollections. Mrázek illuminates their stories of the past with
evocative depictions of their late-twentieth-century surroundings.

Peru's Truth and Reconciliation Commission not only documented the political violence
of the 1980s and 1990s but also gave Peruvians a unique opportunity to examine the
causes and nature of that violence. In Art from a Fractured Past, scholars and artists
expand on the commission's work, arguing for broadening the definition of the
testimonial to include various forms of artistic production as documentary evidence.
author / Cynthia / Milton / Duke University Their innovative focus on representation offers new and compelling perspectives on how
Art from a Fractured Past 9780822377467 2013-11-01 History
University of Montreal Press Peruvians experienced those years and how they have attempted to come to terms with
the memories and legacies of violence. Their findings about Peru offer insight into
questions of art, memory, and truth that resonate throughout Latin America in the wake
of "dirty wars" of the last half century. Exploring diverse works of art, the contributors
show that art, not constrained by literal truth, can generate new opportunities for
empathetic understanding and solidarity.

This book provides valuable new ethnographic insights into life along some of the most
contentious borders in the world. The collected essays portray existence at different
points across India's northern frontiers and, in one instance, along borders within India.
Whether discussing Shi'i Muslims striving to be patriotic Indians in the Kashmiri district of
Kargil or Bangladeshis living uneasily in an enclave surrounded by Indian territory, the
Borderland Lives in Northern editor / David / Gellner / Duke University contributors show that state borders in Northern South Asia are complex sites of
9780822377306 2014-03-03 History
South Asia Universty of Oxford Press contestation. India's borders with Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma/Myanmar, China, and
Nepal encompass radically different ways of life, a whole spectrum of relationships to the
state, and many struggles with urgent identity issues. Taken together, the essays show
how, by looking at state-making in diverse, border-related contexts, it is possible to
comprehend Northern South Asia's various nation-state projects without relapsing into
conventional nationalist accounts.

How did the imperial logic underlying British and Indian film policy change with the
British Empire’s loss of moral authority and political cohesion? Were British and Indian
films of the 1930s and 1940s responsive to and responsible for such shifts? Cinema at the
author / Priya / Jaikumar / Duke University End of Empire illuminates this intertwined history of British and Indian cinema in the late
colonial period. Challenging the rubric of national cinemas that dominates film studies, Media and
Cinema at the End of Empire University of Southern 9780822387749 2005-01-01
California Press Priya Jaikumar contends that film aesthetics and film regulations were linked expressions Communications
of radical political transformations in a declining British empire and a nascent Indian
nation. As she demonstrates, efforts to entice colonial film markets shaped Britain’s
national film policies, and Indian responses to these initiatives altered the limits of
colonial power in India.
Brazilian popular music is widely celebrated for its inventive amalgams of styles and
sounds. Cariocas, native residents of Rio de Janeiro, think of their city as particularly
conducive to musical mixture. Contemporary Carioca introduces a generation of Rio-
based musicians who collaboratively have reinvigorated Brazilian genres, such as samba
and maracatu, through juxtaposition with international influences, including rock,
author / Frederick / Moehn / Duke University techno, and funk. He describes how these artists manage their careers, having reclaimed
Contemporary Carioca 9780822394884 2012-03-01 Music
Kings College London Press some control from record labels. Examining the specific meanings that their fusions have
in the Carioca scene, he explains that musical mixture is not only intertwined with
nationalist discourses of miscegenation, but also with the experience of being middle-
class in a country confronting neoliberal models of globalization. Moehn offers vivid
depictions of Rio musicians as they creatively combine and reconcile local realities with
global trends and exigencies.

This book delves into the politics of contemporary archaeology in an increasingly

complex international environment. Describing various forms of cosmopolitan
engagement, the contributors explore the implications of applying the cosmopolitan
ideals of obligation to others and respect for cultural difference to archaeological
practice, showing that those ethics increasingly demand the rethinking of research
Cosmopolitan Archeologies editor / Lynn / Meskell / Duke University 9780822392422 2009-03-02 agendas. While cosmopolitan archaeologies must be practiced in contextually specific
Stanford Univ. Press ways, what unites and defines them is archaeologists’ acceptance of responsibility for the
repercussions of their projects, as well as their undertaking of heritage practices
attentive to the concerns of the living communities with whom they work. These
concerns may require archaeologists to address the impact of war, the political and
economic depredations of past regimes, the livelihoods of those living near
archaeological sites, or the incursions of transnational companies and institutions.

Drawing on methods and approaches from anthropology, media studies, film theory, and
cultural studies, the contributors to Media, Erotics, and Transnational Asia examine how
mediated eroticism and sexuality circulating across Asia and Asian diasporas both reflect
and shape the social practices of their producers and consumers. The essays in this
editor / Purnima / volume cover a wide geographic and thematic range, and combine rigorous textual
Mankekar / Univ. of analysis with empirical research into the production, circulation, and consumption of
Media, Erotics, and California - Los Angeles | Duke University 9780822391326 2012-10-01 various forms of media. Taken together, the essays offer fresh insights into research on
Media and
Transnational Asia Press gender, erotics, media, and Asia transnationally conceived. Communications
editor / Louisa / Schein /
Rutgers Univ. Contributors. Anne Allison, Tom Boellstorff, Nicole Constable, Heather Dell, Judith
Farquhar, Sarah L. Friedman, Martin F. Manalansan IV, Purnima Mankekar, Louisa Schein,
Everett Yuehong Zhang.
This book adopts a biographical approach to understanding the culture surrounding the
Mexico City youth rebellion of the 1960s. Mary Kay Vaughan's chronicle of the life of
painter Pepe Zúñiga counters a literature that portrays post-1940 Mexican history as a
series of uprisings against state repression, injustice, and social neglect that culminated
author / Mary Kay / Vaughan Duke University in the student protests of 1968. Rendering Zúñiga's coming of age on the margins of
Portrait of a Young Painter 9780822376125 2014-10-01 formal politics, Vaughan depicts midcentury Mexico City as a culture of growing History
/ University of Maryland Press prosperity, state largesse, and a vibrant, transnationally-informed public life that
produced a multifaceted youth movement brimming with creativity and criticism of
convention. By discussing the influences that shaped Zuniga's worldview, she historicizes
the process of subject formation and shows how doing so offers new perspectives on the
events of 1968.

Cuba's first republican era (1902–1959) is principally understood in terms of its failures
and discontinuities, its first three decades and the overthrow of Machado seen at best as
editor / Steven / Palmer / a prologue to the "real" revolution of 1959. This book brings together scholars from
North America, Cuba, and Spain to challenge this narrative, presenting republican Cuba
Univ. of Windsor | editor / instead as a time of meaningful engagement—socially, politically, and symbolically.
José Antonio / Piqueras / Duke University Addressing a wide range of topics—civic clubs and folkloric societies, science, public
State of Ambiguity 9780822376842 2014-03-03 History
Universitat Jaume I | editor / Press health and agrarian policies, popular culture, national memory, and the intersection of
Amparo Sánchez / Cobos / race and labor—the contributors explore how a broad spectrum of Cubans embraced a
political and civic culture of national self-realization. These essays recast the first republic
Universitat Jaume I as a time of deep continuity in processes of liberal state- and nation-building that were
periodically disrupted—but also reinvigorated—by foreign intervention and profound

Beginning in the 1870s, a great many Bretons began arriving in Paris. Every age has its
pariahs, and in 1900, the “pariahs of Paris” were the Bretons, the last distinct group of
provincials to come en masse to the capital city. The pariah designation took hold in
Paris, in Brittany, and among historians. Yet the derision of recent migrants can be
temporary. Tracing the changing status of Bretons in Paris since 1870, Leslie Page Moch
The Pariahs of Yesterday author / Leslie Page / Moch / Duke University 9780822395034 2012-03-01 demonstrates that state policy, economic trends, and the attitudes of established
Michigan State Univ. Press Parisians and Breton newcomers evolved as the fortunes of Bretons in the capital
improved. Drawing on demographic records and the writings of physicians, journalists,
novelists, lawyers, and social scientists, Moch connects internal migration with national
integration. As the pariahs of yesterday, Bretons are an example of successful integration
into Parisian life. At the same time, their experiences show integration to be a
complicated and lengthy process.
This book is a compelling ethnographic analysis of folksongs sung primarily by lower-
caste women in north India, in the fields, at weddings, during travels, and in other
settings. Smita Tewari Jassal uses these songs to explore how ideas of caste, gender,
sexuality, labor, and power may be strengthened, questioned, and fine-tuned through
music. At the heart of the book is a library of songs, in their original Bhojpuri and in
author / Smita Tewari / English translation, framed by Jassal's insights into the complexities of gender and power.
Unearthing Gender Jassal / Middle East Technical Duke University 9780822394792 2012-03-01 Anthropology
Press The significance of these folksongs, Jassal argues, lies in their suggesting and hinting at
University - Ankara
themes, rather than directly addressing them: women sing what they often cannot talk
about. Women's lives, their feelings, their relationships, and their social and familial
bonds are persuasively presented in song. For the ethnographer, the songs offer an entry
into the everyday cultures of marginalized groups of women who have rarely been the
focus of systematic analytical inquiry.

Did you know that many of the greatest and most colourful Ottoman statesmen and
literary figures from the 15th to the early 20th century considered plague as a grave
threat to their empire? And did you know that many Ottomans applauded the
Plague, Quarantines and establishment of a quarantine against the disease in 1838 as a tool to resist British and
author / Birsen / Bulmus / Edinburgh French political and commercial penetration? Or that later Ottoman sanitation effort to
Geopolitics in the Ottoman 9781474423397 2005-01-01 History
Appalachian State University University Press prevent urban outbreaks would help engender the Arab revolt against the empire in
Empire 1916? Birsen Bulmus explores these facts in an engaging study of Ottoman plague
treatise writers throughout their almost 600-year struggle with this epidemic disease.
Along the way, she addresses the political, economic and social consequences of the
methods they used to combat it.

Shakespeare's History Plays boldly moves criticism of Shakespeare's history plays beyond
anti-humanist theoretical approaches.

This important intervention in the critical and theoretical discourse of Shakespeare

studies summarises, evaluates and ultimately calls time on the mode of criticism that has
author / Neema / Parvini / Edinburgh prevailed in Shakespeare studies over the past thirty years. It heralds a new, more
Shakespeare's History Plays 9781474423540 2012-03-21 dynamic way of reading Shakespeare as a supremely intelligent and creative political Literature
University of Surrey University Press thinker, whose history plays address and illuminate the very questions with which
cultural historicists have been so preoccupied since the 1980s. In providing bold and
original readings of the first and second tetralogies ( Henry VI, Richard III, Richard II and
Henry IV, Parts 1 & 2), the book reignites old debates and re-energises recent bids to
humanise Shakespeare and to restore agency to the individual in the critical readings of
his plays.

The first major interpretation of recent South Asian diasporic writing in specifically
transatlantic terms.

The book is organised around four key themes: home and nation; travel and return; racial
South Asian Atlantic Literature, author / Ruth / Maxey / Edinburgh mixing; and food and eating. Ruth Maxey offers readings of canonical and less well-
1970-2010 University of Nottingham University Press 9781474423557 2011-11-30 known South Asian American and British Asian writers and texts and of key cinematic Literature
works. She explores the formal and thematic tendencies of the works, relating them to
gender politics, the marketplace, and issues of literary value and historical change. The
book engages with established debates, while intervening in new ways in transatlantic
studies, postcolonial literary studies and Asian American cultural studies.
The movies and the masses erupted on the world stage together. In a few decades
around the turn of the twentieth century, millions of persons who rarely could afford a
night at the theater and had never voted in an election became regular paying customers
at movie palaces and proud members of new political parties. The question of how to
represent these new masses fascinated and plagued politicians and filmmakers alike.
author / Michael / Tratner / Fordham Media and
Crowd Scenes 2008-04-30
Bryn Mawr College University Press Michael Tratner examines the representations of masses—the crowd scenes—in Communications
Hollywood films from The Birth of a Nation through such popular love stories as Gone
with the Wind, The Sound of Music, and Dr. Zhivago. He then contrasts these with similar
scenes in early Soviet and Nazi films. What emerges is a political debate being carried out
in filmic style. In both sets of films, the crowd is represented as a seething cauldron of

Panourgia and Marcus bring together anthropologists working in various parts of the
world (Greece, Bali, Taiwan, the United States) with classicists, historians, and scholars in
author / Neni / Panourgia / cultural studies. The volume takes into account global realities such as 9/11 and the
Columbia University | author opening of the Cypriot Green Line and explores the different ways in which Geertz’s
Fordham anthropology has shaped the pedagogy of their disciplines and enabled discussions
Ethnographica Moralia / George / Marcus / 2008-06-16 Anthropology
University Press among them. Focusing on place and time, locations and temporalities, the essays in this
University of California, volume interrogate the fixity of interpretation and open new spaces of inquiry. The
Irvine volume addresses a wide audience from the humanities and the social sciences—anyone
interested in the development of a new humanism that will relocate the human as a
subject of social action.

The volume reconstructs the work of the great philosophical and literary figures of the
editor / Susannah / Radstone last two centuries who recast the concept of memory and brought it into the forefront of
/ University of East London | Fordham the modernist and postmodernist imagination—among them, Bergson, Halbwachs,
Memory 9780823232611 2010-07-08 Freud, Proust, Benjamin, Adorno, Derrida, and Deleuze. Drawing on recent advances in Philosophy
editor / Bill / Schwarz / University Press the sciences and in the humanities, the contributors address the question of how
University of London memory works, highlighting transactions between the interiority of subjective memory
and the larger fields of public or collective memory.

This book takes seriously the transformation of art into philosophy, focusing upon the
systematic interest that so many European philosophers take in modernism. Among the
philosophers Gerald Bruns discusses are Theodor W. Adorno, Maurice Blanchot, Arthur
Danto, Stanley Cavell, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Felix
On the Anarchy of Poetry and author / Gerald L. / Bruns / Fordham Guattari, Jacques Derrida, Jean-François Lyotard, Jean-Luc Nancy, Philippe Lacoue-
2007-01-15 Labarthe, and Emmanuel Levinas. As Bruns demonstrates, the difficulty of much modern Philosophy
Philosophy University of Notre Dame University Press and contemporary poetry can be summarized in the idea that a poem is made of words,
not of any of the things that we use words to produce: meanings, concepts, propositions,
narratives, or expressions of feeling. Many modernist poets have argued that in poetry
language is no longer a form of mediation but a reality to be explored and experienced in
its own right.
The acceleration in science, technology, communication, and production that began in
the second half of the twentieth century— developments which make up the concept of
the “digital”—has brought us to what might be the most contradictory moment in
human history. The digital revolution has made it possible not only to imagine but to
author / Rob / Wilkie / actually realize a world in which social inequality and poverty are vanquished. But instead
Fordham Media and
The Digital Condition University of Wisconsin - La 2011-10-03 these developments have led to an unprecedented level of accumulation of private
University Press profits. Rather than the end of social inequality we are witness to its global expansion. In Communications
The Digital Condition, Rob Wilkie advances a groundbreaking analysis of digital culture
which argues that the digital geist—which has its genealogy in such concepts as the
“body without organs,” “spectrality,” and “différance”—has obscured the implications of
class difference with the phantom of a digital divide.

This unique book offers a Catholic view of the Holy Land in the debate that rages among
Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Alain Marchadour and David Neuhaus, two biblical
scholars and priests living in Jerusalem, clearly analyze the Promised Land—as concept,
author / Alain / history, and contested terrain—in Catholic teaching and doctrine. They offer an analytical
Marchadour / Saint Peter in reading of the entire Christian Bible (Old and New Testaments) with reference to the idea
Fordham of the Land promised by God. They explore early and medieval attitudes, especially with
The Land, the Bible, and History Gallicantu, Jerusalem | 2007-02-01 History
author / David / Neuhaus / University Press
regard to the Holy Places and the Jewish people. Moving carefully to the present day,
they focus on anti-Semitism, the tragedy of the Shoah, Western colonialism in the Middle
Bethlehem University East, the creation of the State of Israel, and the birth of the Palestinian refugee problem
as they examine Catholic reactions to the tumultuous events of the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries, particularly the renewal of Catholic thought in the aftermath of the
Second Vatican Council.

This is the first book-length study of the narratology of film music, and an indispensable
resource for anyone researching or studying film music or film narratology. It surveys the
so far piecemeal discussion of narratological concepts in film music studies, and tries to
(cautiously) systematize them, and to expand and refine them with reference to ideas
from general narratology and film narratology (including contributions from German-
Music and Levels of Narration in author / Guido / Heldt / Intellect 9781783202096 2013-05-13 language literature less widely known in Anglophone scholarship). Media and
Film University of Bristol Communications
The book goes beyond the current focus of film music studies on the distinction between
diegetic and nondiegetic music (music understood to be or not to be part of the
storyworld of a film), and takes into account different levels of narration: from the
extrafictional to ‘focalizations’ of subjectivity, and music’s many and complex movements
between them.
This monograph presents a view on grammaticalisation radically different from standard
views centering around the cline of grammaticality. Grammar is seen as a complex sign
author / Jens / Nørgård- system, and, as a consequence, grammatical change always comprises semantic change.
What unites morphology, word order, constructional syntax and other grammatical
Sørensen / University of John Benjamins subsystems is their paradigmatic organisation. The traditional concept of an inflexional
Connecting Grammaticalisation Copenhagen | author / Lars / Publishing 9789027284136 2011-12-21 paradigm is generalised as the structuring principle of grammar. Grammatical change
Heltoft / Roskilde University Company
involves paradigmatic restructuring, and in the process of grammatical change
| author / Lene / Schøsler / morphological, topological and constructional paradigms often connect to form complex
paradigms. The book introduces the concept of connecting grammaticalisation to
University of Copenhagen describe the formation, restructuring and dismantling of such complex paradigms.
Drawing primarily on data from Germanic, Romance and Slavic languages, the book
offers both a broad general discussion of theoretical issues and three case studies.

Gestures convey information about culture, discourse, thought, intentionality, emotion,

intersubjectivity, cognition, and first and second language acquisition. Additionally, they
editor / Gale / Stam / are used by non-human primates to communicate with their peers and with humans.
Consequently, the modern field of gesture studies has attracted researchers from a
National Louis University, IL | John Benjamins number of different disciplines such as anthropology, cognitive science, communication,
Integrating Gestures editor / Mika / Ishino / Publishing 9789027287205 2011-06-30 neuroscience, psycholinguistics, primatology, psychology, robotics, sociology and
Kansai Gaidai University, Company
semiotics. This volume presents an overview of the depth and breadth of current
Kobe University and research in gesture. Its focus is on the interdisciplinary nature of gesture. The chapters
included in the volume are divided into six themes: the nature and functions of gesture,
University of Hyogo first language development and gesture, second language effects on gesture, gesture in
the classroom and in problem solving, gesture aspects of discourse and interaction, and
gestural analysis of music and dance.

This interdisciplinary study presents the cutting-edge state of theoretical and applied
research in phraseology. The author elaborates key terminology and theoretical concepts
of phraseology, while challenging some prevailing assumptions. Exploration of
phraseological meaning across sentence boundaries is supported by ample textual
John Benjamins illustrations of stylistic use ranging from Old English to Modern English. The book
Stylistic Use of Phraseological author / Anita / Naciscione Publishing 9789027287694 2010-09-09 contains innovative research in the discourse-level features of phraseological units from
Units in Discourse Company
a cognitive perspective, along with creative use of phraseological metaphor, metonymy
and allusion, including multimodal discourse. The author argues for the need to raise
stylistic awareness among teachers and learners, translators, lexicographers and
advertisers. This is the revised and extensively expanded new edition of 'Phraseological
Units in Discourse: Towards Applied Stylistics' (2001). It received honourable mention at
the ESSE Book Award 2012.

Corporate memory' is the body of information that an organization needs to keep for re-
use. It is the active and historical information that an organization has that is worth
sharing, managing and preserving to enable it to function effectively. This book is aimed
Corporate Memory author / Kenneth A. / Megill K. G. Saur 9783598440113 2005-05-20 at records managers and archivists, who are responsible for maintaining and managing Information Science
information within an organization. It describes fully the most up-to-date methods and
approaches to this essential function. In addition, it also discusses the adoption of an
international standard for record management.
The further rise of electronic publishing has come to change the scale and diversity of
grey literature facing librarians and other information practitioners. This compiled work
Grey Literature in Library and author / Dominic / Farace | brings together research and authorship over the past decade dealing with both the
K. G. Saur 9783598441493 2010-09-17 supply and demand sides of grey literature. While this book is written with students and Information Science
Information Studies author / Joachim / Schöpfel instructors of Colleges and Schools of Library and Information Science in mind, it likewise
serves as a reader for information professionals working in any and all like knowledge-
based communities.

Abu ‘Abdollâh’ Jafar ibn Mohammad Rudaki (c. 880 CE-941 CE) was a poet to the
Samanid court which ruled much of Khorâsân (northeastern Persia) from its seat in
Bukhara. He is widely regarded as the father of Persian poetry, for he was the first major
poet to write in New Persian language, following the Arab conquest in the seventh and
Leiden eighth centuries, which established Islam as the official religion, and made Arabic the
Father of Persian Verse author / Sassan / Tabatabai University 9789087282851 2010-01-01 Literature
Press predominant literary language in Persian-speaking lands for some two centuries. This
book presents Rudaki as the founder of a new poetic aesthetic, which was adopted by
subsequent generations of Persian poets. Rudaki is credited with being the first to write
in the rubâi form; and many of the images we first encounter in Rudaki’s lines have
become staples of Persian poetry.

Photography is clearly not a mirror of daily life: that images are constructions is
especially obvious in19th-century studio portrait photography. This book explores how
indigenous Iranian photographers constructed their own realities in contrast to how
author / Carmen / Pérez Leiden foreign photographers constructed Iranians’ realities. Through an in-depth comparative
Local Portraiture González University Press 9789087282837 2012-01-01 visual analysis of 19th-century Iranian portrait photography and Persian painting, the History
author arrives at the insight that aesthetic preferences correlate with socio-cultural
habits and practices in writing, reading and looking. Subsequently, she advocates for a
place in a global history of photography for those unknown, local photo histories (such as
the Iranian one) and for the indigenous photographers who produced them.

“One Word – Yak Kaleme” is one of the first treatises in the Middle East to demonstrate
that Islam is compatible with modern western forms of government, and specifically that
sharia principles can be incorporated in a codified law comparable to that found in
editor / Asghar / Seyed- Leiden Europe. Unlike many fellow Oriental travellers, the author observed that European
One Word - Yak Kaleme 9789087282844 2010-01-01 dominance is not derived from a few technological advances, but primarily from the History
Gohrab / Leiden University University Press organization of society. In “One Word”, the author argues that the principles underlying
constitutional government can be found in Islamic sources. “One Word” is a significant
text during the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1906, but its message is relevant

The ancient Persian storytelling tradition has survived until the present day among the
Tajik villages in the Gissar mountains of Uzbekistan. This book explores the story of Barzu
and demonstrates that the historical Transoxania, since the time of Alexander the Great,
editor / Ravshan / Rahmoni | has always been a melting pot of diverse shared cultures. In the village of Pasurxi, near
Leiden Boysun in the Surxandaryo region of contemporary Uzbekistan, a vivid oral tradition
The Story of Barzu editor / Gabrielle / van den University Press 9789087282868 2013-01-01 exists on the basis of stories from the Persian Book of Kings or Šohnoma (Shahnama), Literature
Berg composed more than a thousand years ago by the poet Firdavsi (Ferdowsi). These stories
deal with the hero Barzu. The storytellers Jura Kamol and Mullo Ravšan composed two
different versions of the story of Barzu in the Tajik as spoken in the Surxandaryo region.
They used to tell their stories during evening gatherings in the village.
The Francophone Caribbean and the American South are sites born of the plantation, the
common matrix for the diverse nations and territories of the circum-Caribbean. This
book takes as its premise that the basic configuration of the plantation, in terms of its
author / Martin / Munro / physical layout and the social relations it created, was largely the same in the Caribbean
American Creoles Florida State University | Liverpool 9781781386095 2012-05-25 and the American South. Essays written by leading authorities in the field examine the
author / Celia / Britton / University Press cultural, social, and historical affinities between the Francophone Caribbean and the
University College London American South, including Louisiana, which among the Southern states has had a quite
particular attachment to France and the Francophone world. The essays focus on issues
of history, language, politics and culture in various forms, notably literature, music and

Colonialism created exclusive economic and segregatory social spaces for the
exploitation and management of natural and human resources, in the form of
plantations, ports, mining towns, hill stations, civil lines and new urban centres for
Europeans. Contagion and Enclaves studies the social history of medicine within two
author / Nandini / intersecting enclaves in colonial India; the hill station of Darjeeling which incorporated
Liverpool the sanitarian and racial norms of the British Raj; and in the adjacent tea plantations of
Contagion and Enclaves Bhattacharya / University of University 9781781386361 2012-11-20 History
Leicester Press North Bengal, which produced tea for the global market. It establishes the vital link
between medicine, the political economy and the social history of colonialism. It
demonstrates that while enclaves were essential and distinctive sites of articulation of
colonial power and economy, they were not isolated sites. The book shows that the
critical aspect of the enclaves was in their interconnectedness; with other enclaves, with
the global economy and international medical research.

Creolizing Europe critically interrogates creolization as the decolonial, rhizomatic thinking

necessary for understanding the cultural and social transformations set in motion
through trans/national dislocations. Exploring the usefulness, transferability, and
author / Encarnación / limitations of creolization for thinking post/coloniality, raciality and othering not only as
Gutiérrez Rodríguez / Justus- historical legacies but as immanent to and constitutive of European societies, this volume
Creolizing Europe Liebig University, Giessen | Liverpool 9781781384633 2015-06-25 develops an interdisciplinary dialogue between the social sciences and the humanities. Languages
author / Shirley Anne / Tate / University Press While not all the contributions in this volume explicitly address Edouard Glissant’s
approach to creolization, they all engage with aspects of his thinking. All of the chapters
University of Leeds explore the usefulness, transferability, and limitations of creolization to the European
context. As such, this edited collection offers a significant contribution and intervention
in the fields of European Studies, Postcolonial Studies, and Cultural Studies on two levels.

Disability Studies and Spanish Culture is the first book to apply the tenets of Disability
Studies to the Spanish context. In particular, this work is an important corrective to
existing cultural studies of disability in Spain that tend to largely ignore intellectual
disabilities. Taking on the representation of Down syndrome, autism, alexia/agnosia as
well as childhood disability, its chapters combine close readings of a number of Spanish
Disability Studies and Spanish author / Benjamin / Fraser / Liverpool cultural products (films, novels, the comic/graphic novel and the public exhibition) with a
Culture College of Charleston University Press 9781781386415 2013-03-19 broader socio-cultural take on the state of disability in Spain. While researchers and Languages
students of cinema will be particularly interested in the book’s detailed analyses of the
formal aspects of the films, comics, and novels discussed, readers from backgrounds in
history, political science and sociology will all be able to appreciate discussions of
contemporary legislation, advocacy groups, cultural perceptions, models of social
integration and more.
French Cycling: a Social and Cultural History aims to provide a balanced and detailed
analytical survey of the complex leisure activity, sport, and industry that is cycling in
France. Identifying key events, practices, stakeholders and institutions in the history of
French Cycling author / Hugh / Dauncey / Liverpool 9781781386590 2012-11-21 French cycling, the volume presents an interdisciplinary analysis of how cycling has been
Newcastle University University Press significant in French society and culture since the late Nineteenth century. Based on a
very wide range of primary and secondary sources, the volume aims to present in clear
language an explanation of the varied significance of cycling in France over the last
hundred years.

The consequences of Englishes spread have become increasingly clear to its diverse
speakers. Sometimes associated with a standardization leading to homogenization, often
also with imperialism, English is increasingly understood to have no necessary connection
with any country or group of countries. The willingness to accept that English has
author / David / Huddart / become Englishes might be less evident among so-called native speakers, but their
Involuntary Associations Chinese University of Hong 9781781385982 2014-05-28 authority is weaker than it seemed. This book puts examples from World Englishes into Literature
University Press dialogue with postcolonial studies. The dialogue will correct misconceptions and
misapprehensions in postcolonial studies, with World Englishes offering renewal for
postcolonial studies. At the same time, the dialogue will also apply postcolonial studies'
political and philosophical ideas to World Englishes, resulting in a postcolonial
perspective on English today.

This is the first critical study in English to focus exclusively on the work of Marie NDiaye,
born in central France in 1967, winner of the Prix Femina (2001), the Prix Goncourt
(2009), shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize (2013), and widely considered
to be one of the most important French authors of her generation. Andrew Asibong
author / Andrew / Asibong / argues that at the heart of NDiaye’s world lurks an indefinable ‘blankness’ which makes it
Liverpool impossible for the reader to decode narrative at the level of psychology or event.
Marie NDiaye Birkbeck, University of 9781781385678 2013-10-28 Languages
London University Press Considering each of NDiaye’s works (including her novels, theatre, short fiction and
writing for children), Asibong assesses the aesthetic, emotional and political stakes of
NDiaye’s portraits of impenetrable selfhood. His book provides an original and
provocative framework within which to read NDiaye as a simultaneously hybrid and
hyper-French cultural figure, fascinating and fantastical practitioner of the postmodern –
and reluctantly postcolonial – ‘blank arts’.

Michel Houellebecq is perhaps the single most successful and controversial of all
contemporary novelists writing in French. Houellebecq has become a global publishing
phenomenon: his books have been translated worldwide, three film adaptations of his
work have been produced, and the author has been the subject of million-euro
Michel Houellebecq author / Douglas / Morrey / Liverpool 9781781387665 2013-03-19 publishing deals and of successive media scandals in France. His novels narrate a
University of Warwick University Press metaphysical mutation or paradigm shift through which humanity as we know it ceases
to be the over-riding value or focus of our world when it comes into conflict with a
competitor in the form of a post-human or neo-human species. It is the aim of this book
to appraise the global significance of Houellebecq’s novelistic visions while at the same
time situating them within the context of French literature, culture and society.
“It is strange,” Proust wrote in 1909, “that, in the most widely different departments . . .
there should be no other literature which exercises over me so powerful an influence as
English and American.” In the spirit of Proust’s admission, this engaging and critical
author / Michael / Murphy / Liverpool volume offers the first comparative reading of the French novelist in the context of
Proust and America 9781846313875 2007-12-01 American art, literature, and culture. In addition to examining Proust’s key American Literature
Nottingham Trent University University Press influences—Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar Allen Poe, and James McNeill Whistler—Proust
and America investigates the previously overlooked influence of the American
neurologist George Beard, whose writings on neurasthenia and “American nervousness”
contributed to the essential modernity of the author’s work.

The experience of the South African War sharpened the desire to commemorate for a
number of reasons. An increasingly literate public, a burgeoning populist press, an army
reinforced by waves of volunteers and, to contemporaries at least, a shockingly high
death toll embedded the war firmly in the national consciousness. In addition, with the
Remembering the South African author / Peter / Donaldson / Liverpool fallen buried far from home those left behind required other forms of commemoration.
9781781385722 2013-08-08 For these reasons, the South African War was an important moment of transition in History
War University of Kent University Press commemorative practice and foreshadowed the rituals of remembrance that engulfed
Britain in the aftermath of the Great War. This work provides the first comprehensive
survey of the memorialisation process in Britain in the aftermath of the South African
War. By uncovering the themes and myths that underpinned these interpretations of the
war, shifting patterns in how the war was represented and conceived are revealed.

Roland Barthes at the Collège de France studies the four lecture courses given by Barthes
in Paris between 1977 and 1980. This study, the first full-length account of this material,
places Barthes’s teaching within institutional, intellectual and personal contexts.
Analysing the texts and recordings of Comment vivre ensemble, Le Neutre and La
Préparation du roman I et II in tandem with Barthes’s 1970s output, the book brings
Roland Barthes at the Collège de author / Lucy / O'Meara / Liverpool together for the first time all the strands of Barthes’s activity as writer, teacher and
9781781388273 2012-12-07 Languages
France University of Kent University Press public intellectual. Theoretically wide-ranging in scope, Lucy O’Meara’s study focuses
particularly on Barthes’s pedagogical style, addressing how his wilfully un-magisterial
teaching links to the anti-systematic, anti-dogmatic goals of the rest of his work. Roland
Barthes at the Collège de France reassesses the critical and ethical priorities of Barthes’s
work in the decade before his death, demonstrating the vitally affirmative core of
Barthes’s late thought.

Destruction and human remains investigates a crucial question frequently neglected in

academic debate in the fields of mass violence and genocide studies: what is done to the
bodies of the victims after they are killed? In the context of mass violence, death does
editor / Élisabeth / Anstett / not constitute the end of the executors' work. Their victims' remains are often treated
Centre National de la and manipulated in very specific ways, amounting in some cases to true social
engineering, often with remarkable ingenuity. To address these seldom-documented
Destruction and Human Remains Recherche Scientifique |
9781526125002 2014-09-30 phenomena, this volume includes chapters based on extensive primary and archival History
editor / Jean-Marc / University Press research to explore why, how and by whom these acts have been committed through
Dreyfus / University of recent history.
Interdisciplinary in scope, Destruction and human remains will appeal to readers
interested in the history and implications of genocide and mass violence, including
researchers in anthropology, sociology, history, politics and modern warfare.
This book takes enthusiasm to be a defining feature of American literature, showing how
successive major writers – Melville, Thoreau, Pound, Moore, Frank O’Hara and James
Schuyler – have modernized and re-modeled Emerson’s founding sense of enthusiasm.
The book presents the writer as enthusiast, showing how enthusiasm is fundamental to
the composition and the circulation of literature. Enthusiasm, it is argued, is the way
author / David / Herd / Manchester literary value is passed on.
Enthusiast! 9781526125118 2007-09-01 Literature
University of Kent University Press Starting with a brief history of enthusiasm from Plato to Kant and Emerson, the book
features chapters on each of Melville, Thoreau, Pound, Moore, O’Hara, and Schuyler.
Each chapter presents an aspect of the writer as enthusiast, the book as a whole charting
the changing sense of literary enthusiasm from Romanticism to the present day. Lucidly
written and combatively argued, the book will appeal to readers of American Literature
or Modern Poetry, and to all those interested in the circulation of literary work.

Human Remains and Identification presents a pioneering investigation into the practices
and methodologies used in the search for and exhumation of dead bodies resulting from
mass violence. Previously absent from forensic debate, social scientists and historians
editor / Élisabeth / Anstett / here confront historical and contemporary exhumations with the application of social
Centre National de la context to create an innovative and interdisciplinary dialogue, enlightening the political,
Human Remains and Recherche Scientifique | Manchester social and legal aspects of mass crime and its aftermaths.
9781526125019 2015-07-01 History
Identification editor / Jean-Marc / University Press Through a ground-breaking selection of international case studies, Human Remains and
Dreyfus / University of Identification argues that the emergence of new technologies to facilitate the
Manchester identification of dead bodies has led to a "forensic turn", normalising exhumations as a
method of dealing with human remains en masse. However, are these exhumations
always made for legitimate reasons?

This book outlines for the first time in a single volume the theoretical and methodological
tools for a study of human remains resulting from episodes of mass violence and
genocide. Despite the highly innovative and contemporary research into both mass
violence and the body, the most significant consequence of conflict - the corpse - remains
editor / Jean-Marc / absent from the scope of existing research.
Dreyfus / University of
Human Remains and Mass Manchester | editor / Manchester Why have human remains hitherto remained absent from our investigation, and how do
9781526125026 2014-12-30 historians, anthropologists and legal scholars, including specialists in criminology and Sociology
Violence Élisabeth / Anstett / Centre University Press political science, confront these difficult issues? By drawing on international case studies
National de la Recherche including genocides in Rwanda, the Khmer Rouge, Argentina, Russia and the context of
Scientifique post-World War II Europe, this ground-breaking edited collection opens new avenues of

Multidisciplinary in scope, this volume will appeal to readers interested in an

understanding of mass violence's aftermath.
author / Alexis / Heraclides /
Professor of International
Relations and Conflict This book is a comprehensive presentation of humanitarian intervention in theory and
practice during the course of the nineteenth century. Through four case studies, it sheds
Resolution at the new light on the international law debate and the political theory on intervention, linking
Department of Political them to ongoing issues, and paying particular attention to the lesser known Russian
Science and History of the dimension.
Humanitarian Intervention in the Panteion University of Social Manchester
9780719098598 2015-06-01 The book begins by tracing the genealogy of the idea of humanitarian intervention to the History
Long Nineteenth Century and Political Sciences, Athens University Press Renaissance, evaluating the Eurocentric gaze of the civilisation-barbarity dichotomy, and
| author / Ada / Dialla / elucidates the international legal arguments of both advocates and opponents of
Assistant Professor of intervention, as well as the views of major political theorists. It then goes on to examine
European History at the four cases as humanitarian interventions: the Greek War of Independence (1821-31), the
Lebanon and Syria (1860-61), the Bulgarian atrocities (1876-78), and the U.S.
Department of Theory and intervention in Cuba (1895-98).
History of Art, Athens School
of Fine Arts

editor / John / Callaghan /

Professor of Politics and
Contemporary History at the
University of Salford |
editor / Nina / Fishman / Focusing on the social democratic heartland of Western Europe, In search of social
Honorary Research Professor democracy gives the first detailed assessment of how the new social democratic
in the History Department at revisionism has fared in government. The book begins by considering the causes of the
Swansea University | editor / end of social democracy’s golden age and the magnitude of the challenges faced by social
democratic parties after the 1970s. It then examines detailed case studies of how
Ben / Jackson / University particular social democratic parties responded to this changed political terrain. Finally, it
Lecturer and Tutorial Fellow Manchester contributes to a broader conversation about the future of social democracy by
In Search of Social Democracy 9781526125095 2009-09-01 Political Science
in Modern History at University Press considering ways in which the political thought of ‘third way’ social democracy might be
University College, Oxford | radicalised for the twenty-first century.
editor / Martin / McIvor / The contributors offer a variety of perspectives, but are united by the conviction that the
Martin McIvor is editor of themes addressed in this book are crucial to determining the feasibility of more
Renewal: a journal of social egalitarian and democratic social outcomes than have been possible in the era of neo-
democracy, and works on liberalism.
research and policy
development for the public
services trade union,
This volume explores the meaning of republicanism in contemporary Ireland. While this
has often been identified simply with nationalism, the book examines the connections,
comparisons and contrasts between Irish republicanism and other strands of republican
politics: the ideology and practice of official French republicanism, the broader European
author / Scott / Brewster / and American civic republican tradition and the contemporary revival of this tradition of
University of Salford | author citizenship.
Irish Literature Since 1990 / Michael / Parker / Manchester 9781847795052 2011-06-01 History
University of Central University Press Academics from different disciplines, along with statesmen and politicians from different
political perspectives, are brought together to examine the relationship of historical and
Lancashire contemporary Irish republicanism to the wider republican theoretical tradition. The book
analyses political positions among those parties describing themselves as republican in
Ireland in the twenty-first century and examines the possible relevance of the ideas of
the broader republican tradition for future politics in Ireland.

Pageantry and Power is the first full and in-depth cultural history of the Lord Mayor’s
Show in the early modern period. It provides new insight into the culture and history of
the London of Shakespeare’s time and beyond.

Central to the cultural life of London, the Lord Mayor’s Shows were high-profile and
lavish entertainments produced by some of the most talented writers of the time.
Employing an interdisciplinary approach, Pageantry and Power explores various
author / Tracey / Hill / Bath Manchester important factors, including the relationship between the printed texts of the Shows and
Pageantry and Power 9781526125101 2011-10-28 actual events. Literature
Spa University University Press
This full-scale study of the civic works of important writers enhances our understanding
of their other, often better-known, dramatic works contributing to a fuller estimation of
their literary careers.
This book is an invaluable resource for scholars and students of early modern literature,
drama, history, civic culture, pageantry, urban studies, cultural geography, book history,
as well as the interested general reader.

Elleke Boehmer's work on the crucial intersections between independence, nationalism

and gender has already proved canonical in the field. 'Stories of women' combines her
keynote essays on the mother figure and the postcolonial nation, with incisive new work
on male autobiography, 'daughter' writers, the colonial body, the trauma of the post-
colony, and the nation in a transnational context. Focusing on Africa as well as South
Asia, and sexuality as well as gender, Boehmer offers fine close readings of writers
Stories of Women author / Elleke / Boehmer / Manchester 9781847792723 2009-06-01 ranging from Achebe, Okri and Mandela to Arundhati Roy and Yvonne Vera, shaping
University of Oxford University Press these into a critical engagement with theorists of the nation like Fredric Jameson and
Partha Chatterjee.

This new paperback edition will be of interest to readers and researchers of postcolonial,
international and women's writing; of nation theory, colonial history and historiography;
of Indian, African, migrant and diasporic literatures, and is likely to prove a landmark
study in the field.
Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand has been experiencing something of a ‘golden
age’. Within this, the richness of Australasia’s philosophical past, though less well known,
should not be forgotten: Australasian philosophy includes much distinctive and highly
original work. The Companion contains a wide range of articles by prominent
author / Graham / Oppy /
A Companion to Philosophy in Monash Monash philosophers and scholars, as well as important contributions by those outside academia.
University | author / As well as longer essays on selected philosophers, philosophical topics and controversies,
Australia and New Zealand University 9781925495263 2014-04-01 Philosophy
(Second Edition) N. N. / Trakakis / Australian Publishing
there are shorter entries on associations, research centres, departments, journals,
Catholic University pedagogy and international links. Philosophy’s recent inroads into the wider community
are also highlighted. A Companion to Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand provides
scholars and the wider community with a greater appreciation of the philosophical
heritage of this region, and will be a standard work of reference for many years to come.
“Judicious and authoritative” – Graham Priest

Education in Asia Pacific countries is being transformed by globalisation and the market
economy. Most economies within the region have flourished due to increased regional
capital flow, trade and other forms of economic and political interaction. The Asia Pacific
also has rich and unique traditions, which create cultural diversity as well as common
Monash challenges, including obstacles of language and geographical separation. Additionally,
author / Philip Wing Keung / there is a growing reaction to the predominance of Western social theories that is
Asia Pacific Education University 9781921867415 2012-08-01 Languages
Chan / Monash University Publishing
fuelling recognition of and movement towards theories that reference the wide range of
contextual and cultural perspectives available in the East.
Contributors offer Eastern-oriented perspectives on teacher education, parent
participation, government withdrawal, textbook content, uses of modern technology, the
challenges of migrating families and tertiary students who travel from overseas for study.
Their commentaries highlight issues of equity, identity and social justice.

What woman forgets discovering her first period? First Blood examines the ways in which
women from various countries – India, Sri Lanka, England, the Philippines, Greece, Italy,
Uganda, Indonesia, Fiji, Chile, Ukraine, Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong – recall this
moment of menarche and what it meant to them, their families, and their societies.
Monash What is the mystique of women’s first blood? Blood is blood – or is it? What is the history
First Blood author / Sally / Dammery / University 9781876924836 2015-12-31 of menstruation, and does this history belong to women? Who created the meanings
Monash University Publishing
associated with menarche, and why? Are there marked cultural differences? Have
meanings changed over time? First Blood answers these questions and investigates
beliefs and traditions surrounding menarche, including the concepts of uncleanness,
ceremony, secrecy, and lore still existing in many parts of the world. The influence of the
sanitary hygiene industry is also explored, as is the role of the pharmaceutical industry in
making menstruation optional.
Muslims in Kenyan Politics explores the changing relationship between Muslims and the
state in Kenya from precolonial times to the present, culminating in the radicalization of
a section of the Muslim population in recent decades. The politicization of Islam in Kenya
is deeply connected with the sense of marginalization that shapes Muslims’
understanding of Kenyan politics and government policies.
author / Hassan / Ndzovu / Northwestern
Muslims in Kenyan Politics 9780810167872 2014-09-30 History
Moi University University Press Kenya’s Muslim population comprises ethnic Arabs, Indians, and black Africans, and its
status has varied historically. Under British rule, an imposed racial hierarchy affected
Muslims particularly, thwarting the development of a united political voice. Drawing on a
broad range of interviews and historical research, Ndzovu presents a nuanced picture of
political associations during the postcolonial period and explores the role of Kenyan
Muslims as political actors.

Will the future be one of economic expansion, greater tolerance, liberating inventions,
and longer, happier lives? Or do we face stagnation, declining quality of life, and a techno­
logically enhanced totalitarianism worse than any yet seen? The Fabulous Future? draws
its inspi­ration from a more optimistic time, and tome, The Fabulous Fu­ture: America in
author / Gary / Morson / 1980, in which Fortune magazine celebrated its anniversary by publishing the predictions
The Fabulous Future? Northwestern University | Northwestern 9780810131972 2015-05-05 of thought leaders of its time. In the present volume, the world’s leading specialists
author / Morton / Schapiro / University Press project developments in their areas of expertise, from religion and the media to the
Northwestern University environment and nanotechnology. Will we be happier, and what does happiness have to
do with our economic future? Where is higher education heading and how should it
develop? And what is the future of prediction itself? These exciting essays provoke
sharper questions, reflect unexpectedly on one another, and testify to our present
anxieties about the surprising world to come.

Focusing on Stendhal, Gérard de Nerval, George Sand, Émile Zola, and Marcel Proust, The
Novel Map: Mapping the Self in Nineteenth-Century French Fiction explores the ways
that these writers represent and negotiate the relationship between the self and the
world as a function of space in a novel turned map.

author / Patrick / Bray / Ohio Northwestern With the rise of the novel and of autobiography, the literary and cultural contexts of
The Novel Map 9780810166387 2013-01-31 nineteenth-century France reconfigured both the ways literature could represent Literature
State University University Press subjects and the ways subjects related to space. In the first-person works of these
authors, maps situate the narrator within the imaginary space of the novel. Yet the time
inherent in the text’s narrative unsettles the spatial self drawn by the maps and so
creates a novel self, one which is both new and literary. The novel self transcends the
rigid confines of a map. In this significant study, Patrick M. Bray charts a new direction in
critical theory.

Intervening in the multidisciplinary debate on emotion, Tropes of Transport offers a fresh

analysis of Hegel’s work that becomes an important resource for Pahl’s cutting-edge
theory of emotionality. If it is usually assumed that the sincerity of emotions and the
author / Katrin / Pahl / Johns Northwestern force of affects depend on their immediacy, Pahl explores to what extent mediation—
Tropes of Transport 9780810165670 2012-02-29 and therefore a certain degree of manipulation but also of sympathy—is constitutive of Philosophy
Hopkins University University Press emotionality. Hegel serves as a particularly helpful interlocutor not only because he
offers a sophisticated analysis of mediation, but also because, rather than locating
emotion in the heart, he introduces impersonal tropes of transport, such as trembling,
release, and shattering.
In her provocative book, Brooke Kroeger argues for a reconsideration of the place of oft-
maligned journalistic practices. While it may seem paradoxical, much of the valuable
journalism in the past century and a half has emerged from undercover investigations
that employed subterfuge or deception to expose wrong. Kroeger asserts that
Undercover Reporting author / Brooke / Kroeger / Northwestern 2012-08-31 undercover work is not a separate world, but rather it embodies a central discipline of Media and
New York University University Press good reporting—the ability to extract significant information or to create indelible, real- Communications
time descriptions of hard-to-penetrate institutions or social situations that deserve the
public’s attention. Together with a companion website that gathers some of the best
investigative work of the past century, Undercover Reporting serves as a rallying call for
an endangered aspect of the journalistic endeavor.

Cultural Revolutions argues that reason itself is cultural, but no less reasonable for it.
Lawrence Cahoone systematically defines culture and gauges the consequences of the
ineradicably cultural nature of cognition and action, yet argues that none of this implies
relativism. Cahoone offers a definition of culture as teleologically organized practices,
artifacts, and narratives and analyzes the notion of cultural membership in relation to
author / Lawrence / Cahoone Penn State race, ethnicity, and “primordialism.” He provides a theory of culture’s role in how we
Cultural Revolutions 9780271030241 2005-04-01 form our sense of reality and argues that the proper conception of culture dissolves “the Philosophy
/ College of the Holy Cross University Press problem” of cultural relativism.

Applying this perspective to Islamic fundamentalism, Cahoone identifies its conflict with
the West as representing the break between two of three historically distinctive forms of
reason. Rather than being “irrational,” he shows, fundamentalism embodies a rationality
only recently devalued—but not entirely abandoned—by the West.

Do Americans live in a liberal capitalist society, or a society in which big money, private
security, and personal relations determine key social outcomes? Shlapentokh and Woods
argue that the answer to these questions cannot be found among the conventional
models. Offering a new analytical tool, the authors present a provocative explanation of
author / Vladimir / the nature of contemporary society by comparing its essential characteristics to those of
Shlapentokh / Michigan medieval European societies.
Penn State
Feudal America State University | author / 2011-01-28 History
University Press Their feudal model emphasizes five elements: the weakness of the state to protect its
Joshua / Woods / West
citizens, conflict and collusion between and within organizations that involve corruption
Virginia University and other forms of illegal or semilegal actions, the dominance of personal relations in
political and economic life, the prevalence of an elitist ideology, and the use of private
agents and organizations to provide safety and security. Feudal America urges readers to
look for explanations of contemporary social problems in medieval European history.
In Friendship and Politics in Post-Revolutionary France, Horowitz brings together the
political and cultural history of post-revolutionary France to show how French society
responded to and recovered from the upheaval of the French Revolution. The Revolution
led to a heightened sense of distrust and divided the nation along ideological lines. In the
author / Sarah / Horowitz / wake of the Terror, many began to express concerns about the atomization of French
Friendship and Politics in Post- Penn State society. Friendship was regarded as one bond that could restore trust and cohesion.
Washington and Lee 2014-01-02 History
Revolutionary France University University Press Because trust and cohesion were necessary to post-revolutionary parliamentary life,
politicians turned to friends and ideas about friendship to create solidarity. Relying on
detailed analyses of politicians’ social networks, new tools from the digital humanities,
and examinations of behind-the-scenes political transactions, Horowitz makes clear the
connection between politics and emotions in the early nineteenth century, and
reevaluates the role of women in political life.

This volume takes a fresh look at climate change as a threat to peace and its impacts on
cultural heritage and cultural diversity. It proceeds under the assumption that the
impacts of climate change on cultural heritage and cultural diversity may challenge
editor / Sabine von / Peter Lang sustainable global peace. As innovative feature, the interdisciplinary nexus between
Climate Change as a Threat to cultural heritage and peace is explicitly taken account of. Accordingly, corresponding
Peace Schorlemer | editor / Sylvia / International
Academic 9783653052053 2015-02-12 threats on climate change and conflict on the one hand, and protection of cultural Political Science
Maus property and climate change on the other, are pulled together into one conceptual
Publishers triangle. While the importance of the protection of cultural heritage in armed conflicts
tends to become more and more recognized, the crucial role of cultural policy as a
reconciliatory, proactive element of building and securing of sustainable peace has so far
been largely underestimated.

editor / Christ'l / De This book examines the state of print and electronic media in the United States of
Landtsheer | editor / Russell America, Europe, and China. The latest mass communication advances demonstrate that
F. / Farnen | editor / Daniel Peter Lang we live in an increasingly media-centric world. The chapters include theoretical and
E-Political Socialization, the Press B. / German | editor / Henk / International empirical studies that shed light on the meaning of this development. The trajectory of
9783653019711 2014-05-26 people’s move to electronic communication is a global phenomenon affecting their daily Political Science
and Politics Dekker | editor / Heinz / Academic life. Does this trend aid or impede democracy? Is there an emerging digital divide
Sünker | editor / Yingfa / Publishers contributing to an increasing gap between the rich and poor people and nations? The
Song | editor / Hongna / four parts of this book explore various aspects of political socialization and its
Miao relationship with different media, including print, broadcasting, and the Internet.

From Supernanny to Gilmore Girls, from Katie Price to Holly Willoughby, a wide range of
Peter Lang examples of mothers and motherhood appear on television today. Drawing on
Mother on Mothers author / Rebecca / Feasey International 9783035307917 2015-12-29 questionnaires completed by mothers across the UK, this book sheds new light on the Media and
Academic diverse ways in which mothers make sense of popular representations of motherhood on Communications
Publishers television.

This pioneering volume defines the contours of the emerging engagements of Muslim
editor / Ednan / Aslan | Peter Lang women scholars from around the world with the authoritative interpretive traditions of
International Islam, classical and contemporary. Muslima theology, encompassing a range of
Muslima Theology editor / Marcia / Hermansen Academic 9783653032383 2014-07-25 perspectives and arising from multiple social locations, now claims a place alongside Theology
| editor / Elif / Medeni womanist and mujerista readings that interrogate scripture and other forms of religious
Publishers discourse to empower women of faith to speak for themselves in the interests of gender
LANGSCAPE is a plurilingual and multicultural international research network on
language acquisition and language education. The current research focus is on Identity
Construction in Language Education. This volume summarizes some research results of
editor / Dagmar / Peter Lang the last four years by presenting empirical research projects as well as theoretical
Plurilingualism and Abendroth-Timmer | editor / International 9783653032291 2014-04-17 concepts. The contributions all deal with topics linked to plurilingualism or to certain
Multiliteracies Eva-Maria / Hennig Academic aspects of the concept of multiliteracies like globalization, language policy,
Publishers multiculturalism, multimodal communication processes, intercultural learning etc. The
authors conceptualize or analyse identity construction processes of learners and
educators in different plurilingual and multicultural learning environments or media
based settings.

“Sino-Christian theology” usually refers to an intellectual movement emerged in

Peter Lang Mainland China since the late 1980s. The present volume aims to provide a self-
editor / Pan-chiu / Lai | International explaining sketch of the historical development of this theological as well as cultural
Sino-Christian Theology 9783653001655 2010-03-05 Theology
editor / Jason / Lam Academic movement. In addition to the analyses on the theoretical issues involved and the
Publishers articulations of the prospect, concrete examples are also offered to illustrate the
characteristics of the movement.

Modern music notation developed out of the so-called square notation and this out of
the Latin neumes. The question of where these neumes came from has long been the
Peter Lang subject of scholarly debate. As the author demonstrated in his three-volume Universale
International Neumenkunde published in German in 1970, there is a very close relationship between
The Origins of Western Notation author / Constantin / Floros 2011-03-31 the Paleo-Byzantine notation and the Latin neumes. Although the study aroused a great Music
Academic deal of dispute, more recent studies have revealed that the relevance of the
Publishers Neumenkunde remains essentially unchallenged after 40 years. Those path-breaking
research results on the relationship of the Greek and Latin notational systems are now
available for the first time in a completely revised and augmented English translation.

This is a thoroughly updated and revised edition of a popular classic of modern

anthropology. Avoiding geographical bias, the authors provide summaries of
‘Enlightenment’, ‘Romantic’ and ‘Victorian’ anthropology, from the cultural theories of
Morgan and Taylor to the often neglected contributions of German scholars. The
ambiguous relationship between anthropology and national cultures is also considered,
and the growth of distinctive national styles in anthropological research is highlighted.
author / Thomas Hylland /
A History of Anthropology Eriksen / University of Oslo | Pluto Press 9781849649186 2013-05-10 A History of Anthropology is an unparalleled account of theoretical developments in Anthropology
author / Finn Sivert / Nielsen anthropology from the 1920s to the present, including functionalism, structuralism,
hermeneutics, neo-Marxism and discourse analysis. Major anthropologists are provided
with brief biographies and key debates are covered such as those concerning totemism,
kinship and globalisation.
This essential text on anthropology is highly engaging, authoritative and suitable for
students at all levels.
A work that reassesses the issues that have always affected anthropology: what is
anthropology for; how do anthropologists want their work to be understood; for whom
do they write, and in what language?

author / Ulf / Hannerz / In his panoramic new book, Ulf Hannerz cements his reputation as one of anthropology's
Anthropology's World Pluto Press 9781849645652 2010-07-06 finest writers. He describes how anthropology came to be a major intellectual discipline, Anthropology
Stockholm University why it is vital that it remains so, and the problems it might face in the immediate future.

Turning the anthropologist’s toolkit upon the discipline itself, and asking searching
questions of the purpose, ethics and future of the subject, Anthropology's World should
be required reading for all students and practitioners of anthropology.

For over ten years, Race and Ethnicity in Latin America has been an essential text for
students studying the region. This second edition adds new material and brings the
analysis up to date.
Race and ethnic identities are increasingly salient in Latin America. Peter Wade examines
Race and Ethnicity in Latin author / Peter / Wade / Pluto Press 9781849645515 2010-05-10 changing perspectives on Black and Indian populations in the region, tracing similarities
America University of Manchester and differences in the way these peoples have been seen by academics and national
elites. Race and ethnicity as analytical concepts are re-examined in order to assess their
This book should be the first port of call for anthropologists and sociologists studying
identity in Latin America.

The English East India Company was the mother of the modern multinational. Its trading
empire encircled the globe, importing Asian luxuries such as spices, textiles and teas. But
the Company’s takeover of much of India was achieved by force and fraud; in China, the
battering ram was opium. The East India Company’s corruption and violence shocked its
contemporaries and still reverberates today.

The Corporation That Changed The Corporation That Changed the World is the first book to examine the Company’s
the World author / Nick / Robins Pluto Press 9781849646918 2012-10-05 enduring legacy as a corporation. It uncovers the factors that drove it to excess and History
eventual collapse. This expanded edition looks at recent activist and cultural responses to
the Company in China and India, and the corporate reform agenda in light of the
economic crisis.
In his account of the Company's story Robins highlights enduring lessons on how to make
global business accountable. This will be vital reading for students and academics in
economics and history.

This book is about being disabled and being poor and the social, cultural and political
processes that link these two aspects of living in what has been characterised as a
author / Arne / Eide | author “vicious circle” (Yeo & Moore 2003). It is also about the strengths that people show when
Disability and Poverty Policy Press 2011-05-31 living with disability and being poor. How they try to overcome their problems and Sociology
/ Benedicte / Ingstad making the best out of what little they have. This book will appeal to academics,
postgraduates and policymakers in disability studies, development studies, poverty and
social exclusion.
This unique book presents a new perspective on citizenship by treating it as a continuing
author / John / Clarke | focus of dispute. The authors develop a view of citizenship as always emerging from
Disputing Citizenship author / Kathleen / Coll | Policy Press 2014-01-27 struggle through an exploration of the entanglements of politics, culture and power that
author / Evelina / Dagnino | are both embodied and contested in forms and practices of citizenship. This book will
author / Catherine / Neveu mainly appeal to scholars and students engaged by the question of citizenship, across a
range of disciplines, as well as policymakers and practitioners.

author / Suzanne M. / Academic E-Books: Publishers, Librarians, and Users provides readers with a view of the
Ward / Purdue University | changing and emerging roles of electronic books in higher education. The three main
author / Robert S. / Freeman Purdue sections contain contributions by experts in the publisher/vendor arena, as well as by
Academic E-Books 9781557538949 2015-12-15 librarians who report on both the challenges of offering and managing e-books and on Information Science
/ Purdue University | University Press the issues surrounding patron use of e-books. The case study section offers perspectives
author / Judith M. / Nixon / from seven different sizes and types of libraries whose librarians describe innovative and
College of Education thought-provoking projects involving e-books.

Given the increasing attention to managing, publishing, and preserving research datasets
as scholarly assets, what competencies in working with research data will graduate
students in STEM disciplines need to be successful in their fields? And what role can
editor / Jake / Carlson / librarians play in helping students attain these competencies? In addressing these
Purdue University Libraries | Purdue questions, this book articulates a new area of opportunity for librarians and other
Data Information Literacy 9781557538987 2015-01-15 information professionals, developing educational programs that introduce graduate Information Science
editor / Lisa / Johnston / University Press students to the knowledge and skills needed to work with research data. The term “data
University of Minnesota information literacy” has been adopted with the deliberate intent of tying two emerging
roles for librarians together. By viewing information literacy and data services as
complementary rather than separate activities, the contributors seek to leverage the
progress made and the lessons learned in each service area.

Quickly following what many expected to be a wholesale revolution in library practices,

author / Burton B. / institutional repositories encountered unforeseen problems and a surprising lack of
Callicott / College of impact. Clunky or cumbersome interfaces, lack of perceived value and use by scholars,
fear of copyright infringement, and the like tended to dampen excitement and adoption.
Making Institutional Repositories Charleston | author / David / Purdue
Work Scherer / Carnegie Mellon University Press 9781612494227 2015-11-15 This collection of essays, arranged in five thematic sections, is intended to take the pulse Information Science
University Libraries | of institutional repositories—to see how they have matured and what can be expected
author / Andrew / Wesolek / from them, as well as introduce what may be the future role of the institutional
Clemson University repository.

This is the first English-language study of the Chinese writer’s work and influence,
featuring essays from scholars in a range of disciplines, from both China and the United
author / Angelica / Duran / States. Its introduction, twelve articles, and epilogue aim to deepen and widen critical
Purdue University | author / Purdue discussions of both a specific literary author and the globalization of Chinese literature
Mo Yan in Context 9781557539670 2014-09-15 more generally. Literature
Yuhan / Huang / Purdue University Press The book takes the “root-seeking” movement with which Mo Yan’s works are associated
University as a metaphor for its organizational structure. The four articles of “Part I: Leaves” focus
on Mo Yan’s works as world literature, exploring the long shadow his works have cast
The current publishing environment has experienced a drastic change in the way content
is created, delivered, and acquired, particularly for libraries. With the increasing
author / Robert P. / Holley / importance of digital publishing, more than half the titles published in the United States
Self-Publishing and Collection Wayne State University Purdue 9781557539687 2015-09-15 are self-published. With this growth in self-published materials, librarians, publishers,
Information Science
Development School of Library and University Press and vendors have been forced to rethink channels of production, distribution, and access
Information Science as it applies to the new content. Self-Publishing and Collection Development:
Opportunities and Challenges for Libraries will address multiple aspects of how public
and academic libraries can deal with the increase in self-published titles.

editor / Gianluigi / Coppola /

University of Salerno, Italy | The recent recession has led to an ongoing crisis in the youth labour market in Europe.
Youth and the Crisis editor / Niall / O'Higgins / Routledge 9781315708997 2015-12-10 This timely book deals with a number of areas related to the context, choices and Economics
experiences of young people, the consequences of which resonate throughout their lives.
University of Salerno, Italy

Peter Toon is the leading writer on primary care virtue ethics and this thought-provoking
book builds on the thinking of philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre. A Flourishing Practice?
looks at the moral problems that currently seem prevalent in health care. Common
moral dilemmas highlighted by the media include threats to continuity of care,
inappropriate care at the end of life, problems associated with commercialisation and
Royal College of privatisation of health care, defensiveness and risk aversion, and unrealistic expectations
A Flourishing Practice? author / Peter / Toon General 9780850843903 2014-09-30 of care.
(RCGP) The author argues that these all arise from a fundamental fragmentation of the value
systems guiding our lives. The solution to these crises of professionalism and the
pervading sense of moral crisis is the creation of a shared narrative. In this model of
health care professionals and patients work together to cultivate the personal qualities
that they need to flourish.

Jenny Huberman provides an ethnographic study of encounters between western

tourists and the children who work as unlicensed peddlers and guides along the
riverfront city of Banaras, India. She examines how and why these children elicit such
powerful reactions from western tourists and locals in their community as well as how
author / Jenny / Huberman / the children themselves experience their work and render it meaningful.
Ambivalent Encounters University of Missouri– Rutgers 9780813554082 2012-12-01 Anthropology
University Press Ambivalent Encounters brings together scholarship on the anthropology of childhood,
Kansas City tourism, consumption, and exchange to ask why children emerge as objects of the
international tourist gaze; what role they play in representing socio-economic change;
how children are valued and devalued; why they elicit anxieties, fantasies, and debates;
and what these tourist encounters teach us more generally about the nature of human
In Awesome Families, Kathleen Jenkins draws on four years of ethnographic research to
explain how and why so many individuals-primarily from middle- to upper-middle-class
backgrounds-were attracted to this religious group that was founded on principles of
enforced community, explicit authoritative relationships, and therapeutic ideals. Weaving
classical and contemporary social theory, she argues that members were commonly
author / Kathleen / Jenkins / Rutgers attracted to the structure and practice of family relationships advocated by the church,
Awesome Families 9780813540979 2005-11-01 Sociology
College of William and Mary University Press especially in the context of contemporary society where gender roles and family
responsibilities are often ambiguous.

Tracing the rise and fall of this fast-growing religious movement, this timely study adds to
our understanding of modern society and offers insight to the difficulties that revivalist
movements have in sustaining growth.

Genocide not only annihilates people but also destroys and reorganizes social relations,
author / Daniel / Feierstein / using terror as a method. In Genocide as Social Practice, Argentinean social scientist
Rutgers Daniel Feierstein looks at the policies of state-sponsored repression pursued by the
Genocide as Social Practice National University of Tres 9780813563190 2014-05-14 Political Science
University Press Argentine military dictatorship against political opponents between 1976 and 1983 and
de Febrero those pursued by the Third Reich between 1933 and 1945. He finds similarities, not in the
extent of the horror but in terms of the goals of the perpetrators.

Australia has been seen as a land of both punishment and refuge. Australian literature
has explored these controlling alternatives, and vividly rendered the landscape on which
they transpire. Twentieth-century writers left Australia to see the world; now Australia's
distance no longer provides sanctuary. But today the global perspective has arrived with
a vengeance.
Contemporary Australian author / Nicholas / Birns / Sydney In Contemporary Australian Literature: A World Not Yet Dead, Nicholas Birns tells the
9781743324783 2015-12-01 Literature
Literature New School, New York University Press story of how novelists, poets and critics, from Patrick White to Hannah Kent, from Alexis
Wright to Christos Tsiolkas, responded to this condition. With rancour, concern and
idealism, modern Australian literature conveys a tragic sense of the past yet an abiding
vision of the way forward.

Birns paints a vivid picture of a rich Australian literary voice - one not lost to the churning
of global markets, but in fact given new life by it.

Fighting Nature is an insightful analysis of the historical legacy of 19th century

colonialism, war, animal acquisition and transportation. This legacy of entrenched beliefs
about the human right to exploit other animal species is yet to be defeated. Throughout
the 19th century animals were integrated into staged scenarios of confrontation, ranging
author / Peta / Tait / La Sydney from lion acts in small cages to large-scale re-enactments of war. Initially presenting a
Fighting Nature 9781743325001 2015-12-31 handful of exotic animals, travelling menageries grew to contain multiple species in their History
Trobe University University Press thousands. These 19th-century menageries
entrenched beliefs about the human right to exploit nature through war-like practices
against other animal species. Animal shows became a stimulus for antisocial behaviour as
locals taunted animals, caused fights, and even turned into violent mobs. Human societal
problems were difficult to separate from issues of cruelty to animals.

Globalization and Capitalist author / Daniel / Woodley / Taylor & In a period of increasing geopolitical insecurity and economic instability this title provides
Geopolitics DLD College London Francis 9781315798165 2015-07-13 an authoritative yet accessible commentary on debates on capitalism and globalization in Economics
the wake of the financial crisis.
This book studies how the tirades and unrestrained villainy of Shakespeare’s art explode
the decorum and safety of our sanitized lives and challenge the limits of selfhood. The
author / Peter / Saval / Taylor & literary criticism of anger and hate provides a vision of the experience of Shakespeare’s
Shakespeare and Hate 9781315724508 2015-12-21 theater as an intensification of human experience that goes beyond traditional contexts Literature
Brown University Francis of character, culture, and ethics. The book, alive to the judgmental character of
emotions, transforms the way we see the rancorous passions and the disorderly and
disobedient demands of anger and hatred.

On April 20, 1999, two Colorado teenagers went on a shooting rampage at Columbine
High School. That day, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed twelve fellow students and a
teacher, as well as wounding twenty-four other people, before they killed themselves.
Although there have been other books written about the tragedy, this is the first serious,
impartial investigation into the cultural, environmental, and psychological causes of the
author / Ralph / Larkin / John massacre.
Jay College of Criminal Temple
Comprehending Columbine 2007-02-01 Based on first-hand interviews and a thorough reading of the relevant literature, Ralph Sociology
Justice, City University of University Press Larkin examines the numerous factors that led the two young men to plan and carry out
New York their deed.
Rather than simply looking at Columbine as a crucible for all school violence, Larkin
places the tragedy in its proper context, and in doing so, examines its causes and

The intermingling of people and media from different cultures is a communication-based

phenomenon known as hybridity. Drawing on original research from Lebanon to Mexico
and analyzing the use of the term in cultural and postcolonial studies (as well as the
popular and business media), Marwan Kraidy offers readers a history of the idea and a
author / Marwan / Kraidy / set of prescriptions for its future use. Kraidy analyzes the use of the concept of cultural
Hybridity, or the Cultural Logic of School of International Temple 2006-06-01 mixture from the first century A.D. to its present application in the academy and the Media and
Globalization Service, American University University Press
commercial press. The book's case studies build an argument for understanding the Communications
importance of the dynamics of communication, uneven power relationships, and political
economy as well as culture, in situations of hybridity. Kraidy suggests a new framework
he developed to study cultural mixture—called critical transculturalism—which uses
hybridity as its core concept, and provides a practical method for examining how media
and communication work in international contexts.

Psychiatrists define cruelty to animals as a psychological problem or personality disorder.

Legally, animal cruelty is described by a list of behaviors. In Just a Dog, Arnold Arluke
argues that our current constructs of animal cruelty are decontextualized—imposed
without regard to the experience of the groups committing the act. Yet those who
author / Arnold / Arluke / engage in animal cruelty have their own understandings of their actions and of
Northeastern University and Temple themselves as actors. In this fascinating book, Arluke probes those understandings and
Just a Dog Center for Animals and University Press 2006-06-01 reveals the surprising complexities of our relationships with animals. Sociology
Public Policy Just a Dog draws from interviews with more than 250 people, including humane agents
who enforce cruelty laws, college students who tell stories of childhood abuse of animals,
hoarders who chronically neglect the welfare of many animals, shelter workers who cope
with the ethics of euthanizing animals, and public relations experts who use incidents of
animal cruelty for fundraising purposes.
author / Silke / Schmidt /
Silke Schmidt (Dr.) studied Media depictions of Arabs and Muslims continue to be framed by images of camels, belly
American Studies, Political dancers, and dagger-wearing terrorists. But do only Hollywood movies and TV news have
Science, and Communication the power to frame public discourse? This interdisciplinary study transfers media
transcript framing theory to literary studies to show how life writing (re-)frames Orientalist
(Re-)Framing the Arab/Muslim Studies in Germany and the 9783839429150 2014-10-15 Anthropology
Verlag stereotypes. The innovative analysis of the post-9/11 autobiographies 'West of Kabul,
U.S. Her research focuses on East of New York', 'Letters from Cairo', and 'Howling in Mesopotamia' makes a powerful
Arab American Studies, claim to approach literature based on a theory of production and reception, thus
Culture and Economics, and enhancing the multi-disciplinary potential of framing theory.

editor / Hans-Martin / The volume entails a collection of contributions by leading scholars (Raymond Bryant,
Zademach / Hans-Martin Michael K. Goodman, Benjamin Huybrechts, Andrew E.G. Jonas, Roger Lee, Peter North,
Zademach is Professor of and Katinka Weber) concerned with alternative modes of economic and social exchange.
Alternative Economies and Economic Geography at the transcript The cases addressed in these contributions – including credit unions, alternative
9783839424988 2013-12-15 currencies, sustainable consumption, and social enterprises – deliver valuable insights Economics
Spaces Catholic University of Verlag into how such alternatives are performed at various scales and spaces in relation to and
Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. | beyond the economic mainstream. In sum, the collection provides vital grounds for both
editor / Sebastian / a transition of the economic system towards a more sustainable one, and a
Hillebrand reconceptualisation of the economic itself in our scholarly thinking and everyday lives.

editor / Arnaud /
Lechevalier / Arnaud
Lechevalier (Dr. habil.)
teaches economics and
political science at the
University of Paris 1
(Panthéon-Sorbonne) and is Focussing European borders: The book provides insight into a variety of changes in the
nature of borders in Europe and its neighborhood from various disciplinary perspectives.
visiting professor at the Special attention is paid to the history and contemporary dynamics at Polish and German
Borders and Border Regions in European University Viadrina transcript 9783839424421 2013-06-15 borders. Of particular interest are the creation of Euroregions, mutual perceptions of
Political Science
Europe Frankfurt (Oder). | editor / Verlag Poles and Germans at the border, EU Regional Policy, media debates on the extension of
Jan / Wielgohs / Jan the Schengen area. Analysis of cross-border mobility between Abkhazia and Georgia or
the impact of Israel's 'Security Fence' to Palestine on society complement the focus on
Wielgohs (Dr.) is coordinator Europe with a wider view.
of the Frankfurt Institute for
Transformation Studies,
European University Viadrina
Frankfurt (Oder). He works
on post-communist societies
and Social Europe.
editor / Frank / Eckhardt /
Frank Eckardt (PhD) holds a The ongoing crisis in Europe has dramatic impact on the life in many Southern European
professorship for urban cities: Unemployment, social deprivation, poverty, political instability, severe cuts in the
studies and social research welfare state budgets and a wide spread feeling of despair have eroded much of the
at the Bauhaus-University social foundation of the cities. In this book, contributors from Spain, Greece, Portugal
transcript and Italy provide an insight into the complex interference between the different aspects
City of Crisis Weimar, Germany. | editor / Verlag 9783839428429 2015-08-15 of the crisis. They show that the recent urban crisis is not purely a result of the Sociology
Javier Ruiz / Sánchez / Javier budgetary problems of the nation state (»austerity urbanism«) but needs to be seen as
Ruiz Sánchez (PhD) is a multiple contestations. The Crisis of the City is therefore understood as a result of a
professor for urban planning changing nation state, cultural diversity, challenged urban planning and politics and a
at the Universidad globalized economy.
Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.

editor / Jörg / Rogge / Jörg

Rogge (Prof. Dr.) teaches What is the current state of discussion in Cultural History? Which European institutions
Medieval History at the engage exclusively in Cultural History and which topics do they address? And how will
University of Mainz transcript Cultural History develop in the future? These and other questions are raised by European
Cultural History in Europe (Germany) and is speaker of Verlag 9783839417249 2011-09-15 scholars in the discussion of Institutions, Themes and Perspectives of Cultural History in History
this volume. It provides a profound overview of contemporary developments in
the research focus Scandinavia, Finland, Great Britain, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland,
»Historische Germany, Italy and Spain.

Presentations of war and violence in museums generally oscillate between the

editor / Wolfgang / fascination of terror and its instruments and the didactic urge to explain violence and, by
Muchitsch / Scientific analysing it, make it easier to handle and prevent. The museums concerned also have to
transcript face up to these basic issues about the social and institutional handling of war and
Does War Belong in Museums? manager of the 9783839423066 2013-02-15 History
Verlag violence. Does war really belong in museums? And if it does, what objectives and means
Universalmuseum Joanneum are involved? Can museums avoid trivializing and aestheticising war, transforming
GmbH violence, injury, death and trauma into tourist sights? What images of shock or
identification does one generate – and what images would be desirable?

editor / Gabriele / Klein /

Gabriele Klein is Professor of The concept of 'worldmaking' is based on the idea that 'the world' is not given, but rather
Sociology of Movement and produced through language, actions, ideas and perception. This collection of essays takes
a closer look at various hybrid and disparate worlds related to dance and choreography.
Dance and Director of Coming from a broad range of different backgrounds and disciplines, the authors inquire
Performance Studies at the transcript into the ways of producing 'dance worlds': through artistic practice, discourse and
Emerging Bodies 9783839415962 2011-10-15 Music
University of Hamburg, Verlag media, choreographic form and dance material. The essays in this volume critically reflect
Germany. | editor / Sandra / the predominant topos of dance as something fleeting and ephemeral – an embodiment
of the Other in modernity. Moreover, they demonstrate that there is more than just one
Noeth / Sandra Noeth is universal 'world of dance', but rather a multitude of interrelated dance worlds with more
head of dramaturgy at emerging every day.
»Tanzquartier Wien«
How is ethnicity viewed by scholars of different academic disciplines? Can its
editor / University of emergences be compared in various regions of the world? How can it be conceptualized
Cologne Forum / University with specific reference to distinct historical periods? This book shows in a uniquely and
Ethnicity as a Political Resource of Cologne Forum / transcript 9783839430132 2015-08-15 innovative way the broad range of approaches to the political uses of ethnicity, both in
Verlag contemporary settings and from a historical perspective. Its scope is multidisciplinary
»Ethnicity as a Political and spans across the globe. It is a suitable resource for teaching material. With its short
Resource« contributions, it conveys central points of how to understand and analyze ethnicity as a
political resource.

Besides products and services multinational corporations also sell myths, values and
immaterial goods. Such 'meta-goods' (e.g. prestige, beauty, strength) are major selling
points in the context of successful marketing and advertising. Fashion adverts draw on
deeply rooted human values, ideals and desires such as values and symbols of social
transcript recognition, beautification and rejuvenation. Although the reference to such meta-goods
Fashion Myths author / Roman / Meinhold 9783839424377 2013-09-15 is obvious to some consumers, their rootedness in philosophical theories of human Philosophy
Verlag nature is less apparent, even for the marketers and advertisers themselves. This book is
of special interest for researchers and students in the fields of Cultural Studies, Media
Studies, Marketing, Advertising, Fashion, Cultural Critique, Philosophy, Sociology,
Anthropology and Psychology, and for anyone interested in the ways in which fashion

editor / Elke / Zobl / Elke

Zobl is assistant professor at
the Department of
Communication and director
of the program area
»Cultural Production &
Contemporary Arts« at the While feminists have long recognised the importance of self-managed, alternative media
University of Salzburg | to transport their messages, to challenge the status quo, and to spin novel social
editor / Ricarda / Drüeke / transcript processes, this topic has been an under-researched area. Hence, this book explores the Media and
Feminist Media 9783839421574 2012-09-15 processes of women's and feminist media production in the context of participatory
Ricarda Drüeke is a Verlag spaces, technology, and cultural citizenship. The collection is composed of theoretical Communications
postdoctoral researcher at analyses and critical case studies. It highlights contemporary alternative feminist media in
the Department of general as well as blogs, zines, culture jamming, and street art.
Communication at the
University of Salzburg,
Austria. Her research
interests include Web 2.0,
Theories of the Public Sphere
and Feminist Media.
The Arab spring, protest movements in the EU, Russia, Turkey or elsewhere, are often
editor / Malte / Griesse / labeled as twitter-revolutions. A crucial role is attributed to the new media, coverage of
Malte Griesse leads an events abroad and ensuing mutual reactions. With the dissemination of print, revolts in
interdisciplinary research early-modern times faced the challenge of a similar media-revolution. This influenced
From Mutual Observation to group at Constance transcript 9783839426425 2014-03-15 the very face of the events that could become full-fledged propaganda wars once the
Propaganda War University on »Early-Modern Verlag insurgents had won access to the printing press. But it also had an impact on revolt-
narratives. Governments severely persecuted dissident views in such delicate issues as
Revolts as Communicative revolts. Observers abroad had no such divided loyalties and were freer to reflect upon
Events«. the events. Therefore, the book focuses mainly on representations of revolts across

editor / Waltraud / Ernst /

Waltraud Ernst (PhD),
Philosopher, teaches Gender
Studies at the Johannes What role does gender play in scientific research and the development of technologies?
This book provides methodological expertise, research experiences and empirical findings
Kepler University Linz, in the dynamic field of Science and Technology Studies. The authors, coming from
Austria. | editor / Ilona / computer science, social sciences, or cultural studies of science, discuss how to ask
Gender in Science and Horwath / Ilona Horwath transcript 9783839424346 2013-12-15 questions about gender and give examples for the application in interdisciplinary Sociology
Technology (PhD), Sociologist, is Verlag research, development and teaching. Topics range from the design of information and
communication technologies, epistemologies of biology and chemistry to teaching
Assistant Professor at the mathematics and professional processes in engineering. Contributions by Anne Balsamo,
Department of Women's Wendy Faulkner, Rebecca Jordan-Young, Barbara Orland, Els Rommes, and others.
and Gender Studies,
Johannes Kepler University
Linz, Austria.

Abundant, salutary, problematic – energy makes history. As a symbol, resource and

consumer good, it shapes technologies, politics, societies and cultural world views.
editor / Nina / Möllers / Focussing on a range of energy types, from electricity and oil to bioenergy, this volume
Past and Present Energy Deutsches Museum (Munich) transcript analyzes the social, cultural and political concepts and discourses of energy and their
| editor / Karin / Zachmann / 9783839419649 2012-05-15 implementation and materialization within technical systems, applications, media History
Societies Technical University of Verlag representations and consumer practice. By examining and connecting production,
mediation and consumption aspects from an international and interdisciplinary
Munich perspective, the book offers an innovative view on how energy is imagined, discussed,
staged and used.

The aim of this book is to reflect on the complex practice of responsibility within the
context of a globalised world and contemporary means of action. Levinas' exploration of
author / Ernst / Wolff / the ethical serves as point of entry and is shown to be seeking inter-cultural political
Political Responsibility for a University of Pretoria (South transcript 9783839416945 2011-05-15 relevance through engagement with the issues of postcoloniality and humanism. Yet,
Globalised World Verlag Levinas fails to realise the ethical implications of the inevitable instrumental mediation
Africa) between ethical meaning and political practice. With recourse to Weber, Apel and
Ricoeur, Ernst Wolff proposes a theory of strategic co-responsibility for the uncertain
global context of practice.
How did civil society function as a locus for reconciliation initiatives since the beginning
of the 20th century? The essays in this volume challenge the conventional understanding
of reconciliation as a benign state-driven process. They explore how a range of civil
Reconciliation, Civil Society, and editor / Birgit / Schwelling /
University of Konstanz, transcript 9783839419311 2012-10-15 society actors – from Turkish intellectuals apologizing for the Armenian Genocide to
the Politics of Memory Germany Verlag religious organizations working towards the improvement of Franco-German relations –
have confronted and coped with the past. These studies offer a critical perspective on
local and transnational reconciliation acts by questioning the extent to which speech
became an alternative to silence, remembrance to forgetting, engagement to oblivion.

We cannot simply listen to our urban past. Yet we encounter a rich cultural heritage of
city sounds presented in text, radio and film. How can such 'staged sounds' express the
changing identities of cities? This volume presents a collection of studies on the staging
of Amsterdam, Berlin and London soundscapes in historical documents, radio plays and
editor / Karin / Bijsterveld / films, and offers insights into themes such as film sound theory and museum audio
Soundscapes of the Urban Past Maastricht University, transcript 9783839421796 2013-03-15 guides. In doing so, this book puts contemporary controversies on urban sound in Music
Verlag historical perspective, and contextualises iconic presentations of cities. It addresses
academics, students, and museum workers alike. With contributions by Jasper Aalbers,
Karin Bijsterveld, Carolyn Birdsall, Ross Brown, Andrew Crisell, Andreas Fickers, Annelies
Jacobs, Evi Karathanasopoulou, Patricia Pisters, Holger Schulze, Mark M. Smith and
Jonathan Sterne.

What do we know about the urban impoverished areas of the world and the living
environment of its inhabitants? How did the urban poor cope with their surroundings?
editor / Hans-Christian / How did they interpret and adopt urban space in order to fight against their position at
Spaces of the Poor Petersen / Johannes transcript 9783839424735 2013-09-15 the periphery of society? This volume takes up these questions and investigates how far
Gutenberg University Mainz, Verlag approaches of cultural sciences can contribute to overcome the 'exoticization of the
Germany ghetto' (Loïc Wacquant) and instead to look at the heterogeneity and individuality behind
the facades. It opens new perspectives for the research of poverty and inequalities that
do not stop at collective categories.

This essential introduction to American studies examines the core foundational myths
upon which the nation is based and which still determine discussions of US-American
identities today. These myths include the myth of »discovery,« the Pocahontas myth, the
author / Heike / Paul / myth of the Promised Land, the myth of the Founding Fathers, the melting pot myth, the
The Myths That Made America Friedrich-Alexander- transcript 9783839414859 2014-08-15 myth of the West, and the myth of the self-made man. The chapters provide extended
Universität Erlangen- Verlag analyses of each of these myths, using examples from popular culture, literature,
Nürnberg (Germany) memorial culture, school books, and every-day life. Including visual material as well as
study questions, this book will be of interest to any student of American studies and will
foster an understanding of the United States of America as an imagined community by
analyzing the foundational role of myths in the process of nation building.
editor / Grzegorz / Kosc /
University of Warsaw and
the University of Lodz | This collection brings together new and original critical essays by eleven established
European American Studies scholars to explore the 1960s from a transatlantic
editor / Clara / Juncker / perspective. Intended for an academic audience interested in globalized American
University of Southern transcript studies, it examines topics ranging from the impact of the American civil rights
The Transatlantic Sixties Denmark | author / Sharon / Verlag 9783839422168 2013-10-15 movement in Germany, France and Wales, through the transatlantic dimensions of History
Monteith (Ed.) / University of feminism and the counterculture movement. It explores, for example, the vicissitudes of
Europe's status in US foreign relations, European documentaries about the Vietnam War,
Nottingham | editor / Britta / transatlantic trends in literature and culture, and the significance of collective and
Waldschmidt-Nelson / cultural memory of the era.
German Historical Institute in
Washington, DC

Trauma has become a hotly contested topic in literary studies. But interest in trauma is
not new; its roots extend to the Romantic period, when novelists and the first
psychiatrists influenced each others' investigations of the 'wounded mind'. This book
author / Christa / looks back to these early attempts to understand trauma, reading a selection of
Wounds and Words Schönfelder / University of 9783839423783 2013-05-15 Romantic novels in dialogue with Romantic and contemporary psychiatry. It then carries Literature
Verlag that dialogue forward to postmodern fiction, examining further how empirical
approaches can deepen our theorizations of trauma. Within an interdisciplinary
framework, this study reveals fresh insights into the poetics, politics, and ethics of
trauma fiction.

Since its emergence in the late 19th century, coloured identity has been pivotal to racial
thinking in southern Africa. The nature of colouredness is a highly emotive and
controversial issue as it embodies many of the racial antagonisms, ambiguities and
derogations prevalent in the subcontinent. Throughout their existence coloured
author / Mohamed / communities have had to contend with being marginal minorities stigmatised as the
insalubrious by-products of miscegenation. Burdened By Race showcases recent
Burdened By Race Adhikari / University of Cape UCT Press 9781920499426 2009-02-11 innovative research and writing on coloured identity in southern Africa. Drawing on a History
Town wide range of disciplines and applying fresh theoretical insights, the book brings new
levels of understanding to processes of coloured self-identification. It examines diverse
manifestations of colouredness, using interlinking themes and case studies from South
Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi to present analyses that challenge and overturn
much of the conventional wisdom around identity in the current literature.

The Cape Flats, a windswept, barren and sandy area which rings Cape Town, is home to
more than a million people. Many live here in sprawling shack settlements. The post-
apartheid state is attempting to eradicate such settlements by providing formal houses in
planned residential estates. Raw Life, New Hope is a longitudinal study of the residents of
one such shack settlement, The Park, who moved to new, 'formal' houses in The Village,
Raw Life, New Hope author / Fiona / Ross / UCT Press 9781920499327 2009-09-23 at the turn of the millennium. It introduces readers to core social science topics and
University of Cape Town modes of theorising. Over 17 years the author has traced how ordinary people attempt
to live in accord with their ideals of decency under almost impossible circumstances, and
the effects of material changes in their lives after 1994, including the provision of
housing. Photos, maps, anecdotes, recipes and philosophical reflections on subjects that
arose during conversations elicit a sense of the everyday and of how people try to solve
the problems of poverty.
There is very little in the modern literature on the history of written culture that
describes the specific practices related to writing that were anchored in colonial contexts.
author / Adrien / Delmas / It was not just ships, soldiers, missionaries and settlers that drove the process of
Institut des mondes africains, European expansion from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The circulation of images,
Written Culture in a Colonial CNRS | author / Nigel / UCT Press 9781919899167 2011-05-25 manuscripts and books between different continents played a key role too. The
Context Penn / University of Cape
introduction and appropriation of writing into societies without alphabets was a major
factor in changing the very function and meaning of written culture. This book explores
Town the extent to which the types of written information that resulted during colonial
expansion shaped the numerous and complex processes of cultural exchange from the
16th century onwards in Africa and the Americas.

Long Night of the Tankers presents a fresh account of a lesser-known but critical
component of the Atlantic naval theatre during World War II. Using war diaries, after-
author / David J. / Bercuson / action reports, and first-hand accounts, authors Bercuson and Herwig examine the story
Centre for Military, Security behind Operation Neuland, the German plan to interrupt vital oil supplies from reaching
and Strategic Studies | the United States and the United Kingdom by preventing Allied oil tankers from leaving
University of refineries in the Caribbean. The story begins in February 1942 and follows this German
Long Night of the Tankers author / Holger H. / Herwig / Calgary 9781552387603 2014-06-04 History
University of Calgary; Centre Press attempt to scuttle the Allied war machine through to the end of the war. Told largely
from the German perspective, it details the planning and execution of the Germans and
for Military, Security and the diplomatic, political, and military responses of the Allies, particularly the United
Strategic Studies States, to overcome the German effort.
Winner, 2014 John Lyman Book Award for U.S. Naval History (North American Society for
Oceanic History)

The importance of energy to the functioning of any economy has meant that energy
industries are amongst the most regulated of industries. What might appear to be purely
private decisions are made within a complex and evolving web of government
author / Alan / MacFadyen / regulations.
University of Calgary | University of Petropolitics: Petroleum Development, Markets and Regulations, Alberta as an
Petropolitics author / G. Campbell / 9781552387696 2014-03-12 History
Watkins / University of Calgary Press Illustrative History provides an economic history of the petroleum industry in Alberta as
well as a detailed analysis of the operation of the markets for Alberta oil and natural gas,
Calgary and the main governmental regulations (apart from environmental regulations) faced by
the industry. The tools used within this study are applicable to oil and gas industries
throughout the world.
Winner, 2014 Book of the Year, Petroleum History Society

After Confucius is a collection of eight studies of Chinese philosophy from the time of
Confucius to the formation of the empire in the second and third centuries B.C.E. As
detailed in a masterful introduction, each essay serves as a concrete example of “thick
University of description”—an approach invented by philosopher Gilbert Ryle—which aims to reveal
After Confucius author / Paul R. / Goldin / Hawai'i / 9780824873998 2005-01-31 the logic that informs an observable exchange among members of a community or
University of Pennsylvania society. To grasp the significance of such exchanges, it is necessary to investigate the
Hawai‘i Press networks of meaning on which they rely. Paul R. Goldin argues that the character of
ancient Chinese philosophy can be appreciated only if we recognize the cultural codes
underlying the circulation of ideas in that world. Thick description is the best preliminary
method to determine how Chinese thinkers conceived of their own enterprise.
Bringing the World Home sheds new light on China’s vibrant cultural life between 1895
and 1919—a crucial period that marks a watershed between the conservative old regime
and the ostensibly iconoclastic New Culture of the 1920s. Although generally overlooked
in the effort to understand modern Chinese history, the era has much to teach us about
author / Theodore / Huters / University of cultural accommodation and is characterized by its own unique intellectual life.
Bringing the World Home UCLA International Institute, Hawai'i / 9780824874018 2005-03-31 This original and probing work traces the most significant strands of the new post-1895 Literature
Asia Institute Hawai‘i Press discourse, concentrating on the anxieties inherent in a complicated process of cultural
transformation. It focuses principally on how the need to accommodate the West was
reflected in such landmark novels of the period as Wu Jianren’s "Strange Events
Eyewitnessed in the Past Twenty Years" and Zhu Shouju’s "Tides of the Huangpu", which
began serial publication in Shanghai in 1916.

Scholars have long accepted the belief that a Theravada Buddhist Mon kingdom,
Ramannadesa, flourished in coastal Lower Burma until it was conquered in 1057 by King
Aniruddha of Pagan—which then became, in essence, the new custodian and repository
of Mon culture in the Upper Burmese interior. This scenario, which Aung-Thwin calls the
University of ""Mon Paradigm,"" has circumscribed much of the scholarship on early Burma and
author / Michael A. / Aung-
The Mists of Ramanna Hawai'i / 9780824874414 2005-01-01 significantly shaped the history of Southeast Asia for more than a century. Now, in a History
Thwin / UH Manoa masterful reassessment of Burmese history, Michael Aung-Thwin reexamines the original
Hawai‘i Press
contemporary accounts and sources without finding any evidence of an early Theravada
Mon polity or a conquest by Aniruddha. The paradigm, he finds, cannot be sustained.
Aung-Thwin meticulously traces the paradigm's creation to the merging of two
temporally, causally, and contextually unrelated Mon and Burmese narratives.

Architecture and Modern Literature explores the representation and interpretation of

architectural space in modern literature from the early nineteenth century to the
present, with the aim of showing how literary production and architectural construction
Architecture and Modern author / David A. / Spurr / University of are related as cultural forms in the historical context of modernity. In addressing this
Université de Genève, 2012-04-02 subject, it also examines the larger questions of the relation between literature and Literature
Literature Switzerland Michigan Press architecture and the extent to which these two arts define one another in the social and
philosophical contexts of modernity. Architecture and Modern Literature will serve as a
foundational introduction to the emerging interdisciplinary study of architecture and

In the United States, preschool education is characterized by the dominance of a

variegated private sector and patchy, uncoordinated oversight of the public sector.
Tracing the history of the American debate over preschool education, Andrew Karch
argues that the current state of decentralization and fragmentation is the consequence
author / Andrew / Karch / University of of a chain of reactions and counterreactions to policy decisions dating from the late
Early Start University of Minnesota Michigan Press 2013-04-01 1960s and early 1970s, when preschool advocates did not achieve their vision for a Political Science
comprehensive national program but did manage to foster initiatives at both the state
and national levels. Over time, beneficiaries of these initiatives and officials with
jurisdiction over preschool education have become ardent defenders of the status quo.
Today, advocates of greater government involvement must take on a diverse and
entrenched set of constituencies resistant to policy change.
Printing and Prophecy: Prognostication and Media Change 1450-1550 examines
prognostic traditions and late medieval prophetic texts in the first century of printing and
their effect on the new medium of print. The many prophetic and prognostic works that
author / Jonathan / Green / followed Europe's earliest known printed book---not the Gutenberg Bible, but the Sibyl's
Printing and Prophecy Brigham Young University- University of 2011-11-01 Prophecy, printed by Gutenberg two years earlier and known today only from a single
Michigan Press page---over the next century were perennial best sellers for many printers, and they
Idaho provide the modern observer with a unique way to study the history and inner workings
of the print medium. The very popularity of these works, often published as affordable
booklets, raised fears of social unrest. Printers therefore had to meet customer demand
while at the same time channeling readers' reactions along approved paths.

Jonathan B. Slapin traces the historical development of the veto privilege in the EU and
how a veto -or veto threat- has been employed in treaty negotiations of the past two
author / Jonathan B. / decades. As he explains, the importance of veto power in treaty negotiations is one of
Veto Power Slapin / University of University of 2011-09-01 the features that distinguishes the EU from other international organizations in which
Political Science
Michigan Press exit and expulsion threats play a greater role. At the same time, the prominence of veto
Houston power means that bargaining in the EU looks more like bargaining in a federal system.
Slapin's findings have significant ramifications for the study of international negotiations,
the design of international organizations, and European integration.

The 2010 U.S. Census data showed that over the last decade the Latino population grew
from 35.3 million to 50.5 million, accounting for more than half of the nation's
author / Rodolfo / Rosales / population growth. This book collects essays that examine this phenomenal growth. In
University of Texas, San University of order to understand the Latino community in all its diversity, the analysis has to begin at
The Roots of Latino Urban the grassroots level. The political future of the Latino community in the United States in
Antonio | author / Sharon / North Texas 9781574415421 2013-11-15 Political Science
Agency Navarro / University of Press
the twenty-first century will be largely determined by the various roles they have played
in the major urban centers across the nation. These essays collectively suggest that
Texas, San Antonio political agency can encompass everything from voting, lobbying, networking, grassroots
organizing, and mobilization, to dramatic protest. Latinos are in fact gaining access to the
same political institutions that worked so hard to marginalize them.

This is an analytical monograph by a Schenkerian music theorist, but it is also written by

one performer and enthusiast for another. Tonality as Drama draws on the fields of
dramaturgy, music theory, and historical musicology to answer a fundamental question
regarding twentieth-century music: why does the use of tonality persist in opera, even
University of after it has been abandoned in other genres? Combining the analytical approaches of the
author / Edward / Latham /
Tonality as Drama North Texas 9781574413717 2008-09-15 leading music and dramatic theorists of the twentieth century--Austrian music theorist Music
Temple University Heinrich Schenker (1868-1935) and Russian director Constantin Stanislavsky (1863-
1938)--Edward D. Latham reveals insights into works by Scott Joplin, George Gershwin,
Kurt Weill, and Aaron Copland that are relevant to analysts, opera directors, and
performers alike. Latham reveals a strategic use of tonality in that repertoire as a means
of amplifying or undercutting the success or failure of dramatic characters.
A pioneering book on prisons in West Africa, Colonial Systems of Control: Criminal Justice
in Nigeria is the first comprehensive presentation of life inside a West African prison.
Chapters by prisoners inside Kirikiri maximum security prison in Lagos, Nigeria are
published alongside chapters by scholars and activists. While prisoners document the
University of daily realities and struggles of life inside a Nigerian prison, scholar and human rights
Ottawa Press / activist Viviane Saleh-Hanna provides historical, political, and academic contexts and
Colonial Systems of Control author / Viviane / Saleh- Les Presses de 9780776617497 2008-04-18 analyses of the penal system in Nigeria. The European penal models and institutions Sociology
Hanna / UMass Dartmouth l’Université imported to Nigeria during colonialism are exposed as intrinsically incoherent with the
community-based conflict-resolution principles of most African social structures and
d’Ottawa justice models. This book presents the realities of imprisonment in Nigeria while
contextualizing the colonial legacies that have resulted in the inhumane brutalities that
are endured on a daily basis.

In Kierkegaard's Romantic Legacy, Anoop Gupta develops an original theory of the self
University of based on Kierkegaard's writings. Gupta proceeds by historical exegesis and considers
Ottawa Press / several important ways of thinking about self outside of the natural sciences. His study
author / Anoop / Gupta / moves theories of the self from theology toward sociology, from a God-relationship to a
Kierkegaard's Romantic Legacy Les Presses de 9780776616179 2005-12-01 Philosophy
University of Windsor social one, and illustrates how a loss in theological underpinnings partly contributes to
l’Université the rise in the popularity of cultural relativism. By drawing on Kierkegaard's writings,
d’Ottawa Gupta develops a metaphysical account of the self that provides an alternative to the
idea that there is no such thing as human nature.

Australia, Canada, and Ireland are all engaged in questions of multiculturalism and in the
politics of recognition and reconciliation, the opportunities and pressures of geographic
editor / Linda / Cardinal / University of regionalism, shifts in political agendas associated with the impact of neo-liberalism, and
University of Ottawa | Ottawa Press / moves to frame political agendas less at the macro-level of state intervention and more
at the level of community partnership and empowerment.
Managing Diversity editor / Nicholas / Brown / Les Presses de 9780776617725 2007-10-15 History
Australian National l’Université Analyzing issues ranging from urban planning and the provision of broadcasting services
University d’Ottawa for minority languages, to principled debates over basic rights and entitlements, these
essays offer penetrating summaries of each political culture while also prompting
comparative reflection on the broad theme of "democracy and difference."

Multicultural Dynamics and the Ends of History provides a strikingly original reading of
key texts in the philosophy of history by Kant, Hegel, and Marx, as well as strong
University of arguments for why these texts are still relevant to understanding history today. Réal
Ottawa Press / Fillion offers a critical exposition of the theses of these three authors on the dynamics
Multicultural Dynamics and the author / Real / Fillion /
Les Presses de 9780776617602 2008-02-28 and the ends of history, in order to provide an answer to the question: "Where are we Philosophy
Ends of History University of Sudbury headed?" Grounding his answer in the twin observations that the world is becoming
increasingly multicultural and increasingly unified, Fillion reasserts the task of the
d’Ottawa speculative philosophy of history as it had been understood by German philosophy: the
articulation and understanding the historical process as a developmental whole.

"It is my sincere hope that this volume will be much read and reflected upon by new
Anthropology Without University Press generations of American students of prehistoric archaeologists. Freeman's career is a
Informants author / L. G. / Freeman of Colorado 9781607327066 2009-05-31 model for long-term international collaboration, theoretical eclecticism, the centrality of Archaeology
field research, and the ability to 'dream big,' but with a commonsense approach to the
record and its limitations." Lawrence Guy Straus, Journal of Anthropological Research
"The scholarship devoted to the complicity of German physicians in the Holocaust is rich
and detailed, but there remains, as Michael Bryant demonstrates, still more to learn. It is
author / Michael S. / Bryant / well established that the techniques employed by the Nazis to exterminate Jews and
Confronting the "Good Death" Assistant professor of history University Press 9781607327080 2005-10-15 others in concentration camps were first applied to people in state hospitals who were
and criminal justice at the of Colorado deemed mentally disabled or terminally ill. What has been less thoroughly investigated is
University of Toledo the postwar response of both the Allies and the Germans to these atrocities. Bryant fills
the gap with a systematic account of the judicial proceedings against those charged with
killing the disabled." New England Journal of Medicine

author / Edella / Schlager / In Embracing Watershed Politics, political scientists Edella Schlager and William
University of Arizona | Blomquist provide timely illustrations and thought-provoking explanations of why
author / William / political considerations are essential, unavoidable, and in some ways even desirable
University Press elements of decision making about water and watersheds. With decades of combined
Embracing Watershed Politics Blomquist / Indiana 9781607327097 2008-06-30 Political Science
of Colorado study of water management in the United States, they focus on the many contending
University School of Liberal interests and communities found in America's watersheds, the fundamental dimensions
Arts at Indiana University - of decision making, and the impacts of science, complexity, and uncertainty on
Purdue University watershed management.

The Mixtec, or the people of Savi ("Nation of the Rain God"), one of the major
civilizations of ancient Mesoamerica, made their home in the highlands of Oaxaca, where
they resisted both Aztec military expansion and the Spanish conquest. This book presents
author / Gabina / Aurora and interprets the sacred histories narrated in the Mixtec codices, the largest surviving
Encounter with the Plumed Pérez Jimenez / Leiden University Press collection of pre-Columbian manuscripts in existence. In these screenfold books, ancient
University | author / 9781607327103 2007-04-30 painter-historians chronicled the politics of the Mixtec from approximately a.d. 900 to Anthropology
Serpent Maarten / Janssen / Leiden of Colorado 1521, portraying the royal families, rituals, wars, alliances, and ideology of the times. By
analyzing and cross-referencing the codices, which have been fragmented and dispersed
University in far-flung archives, the authors attempt to reconstruct Mixtec history. Adding useful
interpretation and commentary, Jansen and Perez Jimenez synthesize the large body of
surviving documents into the first unified narrative of Mixtec sacred history.

"This book brings to light these indigenous intellectuals' dynamic efforts to shape their
Indians and Mestizos in the author / Alcira / Dueñas / University Press own social and political status in the Spanish Empire. For the historian of colonial Spanish
"Lettered City" Ohio State University of Colorado 9781607320197 2010-06-15 America or Peru, it provides an enticing overview of a transatlantic political discourse and History
suggests interesting avenues for future research." Emily Berquist, Hispanic American
Historical Review

Networks of Power reconstructs the course of political history in the poorly documented
Naco Valley from the fourteenth through early sixteenth centuries. Describing the
material and behavioral patterns pertaining to the Late Postclassic period using
author / Edward / Schortman components of three settlements in the Naco Valley of northwestern Honduras, the book
Networks of Power / Kenyon College | author / University Press 9781607327134 2011-02-18 focuses on how contests for power shaped political structures. Power-seeking
Patricia / Urban / Kenyon of Colorado individuals, including but not restricted to ruling elites, depended on networks of allies to
College support their political objectives. Ongoing and partially successful competitions waged
within networks led to the incorporation of exotic ideas and imported items into the
daily practices of all Naco Valley occupants. The result was a fragile hierarchical structure
forever vulnerable to the initiatives of agents operating on local and distant stages.
"Designed as a companion to his "Environmental Conflict in Alaska" (2001), which
presented the environmental issues of Alaska's statehood period, the newest study by
Ross provides an in-depth view of the resource management controversies in Alaska up
Pioneering Conservation in author / Ken / Ross / Adrian University Press 9781607327141 2006-12-18 to statehood in 1958. Ross's chapters on predator control, when wildlife managers
Alaska College of Colorado offered bounties not just for wolves but for eagles, and another on attempted
translocations of ungulates, reveal astounding efforts to manipulate ecosystems.
Especially useful is his history of the successful efforts to preserve the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge." CHOICE Magazine

author / Michael / Lind | "The definitive volume of this Late Classic site. . . . an important contribution to Oaxaca
The Lords of Lambityeco author / Javier / Urcid / University Press 9781607327158 2009-12-15 archaeology and to understanding Monte Alb at its peak and during its demise." Veronica Archaeology
Brandeis University of Colorado Perez Rodriguez, American Anthropologist

"This book is clearly written, admirably concise, and well situated in the secondary
author / Mary / Brennan / literature on gender and conservatism and the foreign and domestic Cold War. . . .
Wives, Mothers, and the Red
Texas State University-San University Press 9781607327165 2008-03-30 Brennan's study offers another valuable reminder that niether Joe McCarthy nor June History
Menace of Colorado Cleaver can stand as convenient shorthard for our historical narratives of the Cold War
era." Journal of American History

Winner of the 2012 Evans Biography and Handcart Award, Coal in Our Veins employs
historical research, autobiography, and journalism to intertwine the history of coal, her
ancestors' lives mining coal, and the societal and environmental impacts of the United
Utah State States' dependency on coal as an energy source. In the first part of the book, she visits
Coal in Our Veins author / Erin Ann / Thomas 9780874218657 2012-06-10 History
University Press Wales, native ground of British coal mining and of her emigrant ancestors. The
Thomases' move to the coal region of Utah, where they witnessed the Winter Quarters
and Castle Gate mine explosions two of the worst mining disasters in American history
and the history of coal development in Utah are explored in the second part.

"[Francaviglia's] book is of great value, particularly in its illuminating showcasing of the

author / Richard / degree to which the American West was consistently compared to aspects of the Middle
Go East, Young Man Francaviglia / University of Utah State 9780874218114 2011-10-20 East, from desert sands and rock formations to camel caravans and mirages. These
Texas—Arlington University Press comparisons helped to establish the West as an exotic locale, markedly different from
the Europe-focused eastern half of the country and having a fascination of its own."
Journal of Folklore Research

"A valuable account of how the Navajo involvement in railroad labor and underlying
cultural values interface. It is the sensitivity to that cultural identity that gives the work a
special edge and at the same time a broad appeal. It is extremely well written and well
organized. Jay Youngdahl tells a good story while applying high standards of scholarship
author / Jay / Youngdahl / along with an underlying humanism." Paul Zolbrod, author/translator of Din Bahan: The
Working on the Railroad, Initiative for Responsible Utah State 9780874218541 2011-10-23 Navajo Creation Story.
Walking in Beauty Investing at Harvard University Press
University For over one hundred years, Navajos have gone to work in significant numbers on
Southwestern railroads. As they took on the arduous work of laying and anchoring tracks,
they turned to traditional religion to anchor their lives. Jay Youngdahl has used oral
history and archival research to write a cultural history of Navajos' work on the railroad
and the roles their religious traditions play in their lives of hard labor away from home.
One of the biggest debates in economic history deals with the Great Divergence. How
can we explain that at a certain moment in time (the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries) a certain part of the world (the West) escaped from general poverty and
became much richer than it had ever been before and than the rest of the world? Many
prominent scholars discussed this question and came up with many different answers.
Escaping Poverty author / Peer / Vries V&R unipress 2013-10-23 This book provides a systematic analysis of the most important of those answers by Economics
means of an analysis of possible explanations in terms of natural resources, labour,
capital, the division of labour and market exchange, accumulation and innovation, and as
potential underlying determining factors institutions and culture. The author juxtaposes
the views of economists / social scientists and of global historians and systematically
compares Great Britain and China to illustrate his position.

The contributions compiled in this volume comprise studies of Jewish texts – biblical,
rabbinic, medieval, and modern – as well as of patristic and medieval Christian texts, and
in one case, a passage of the Muslim text par excellence, the Quran. The authors,
scholars in the fields of Jewish Studies, Catholic and Protestant Theology, Islamic Studies,
Narratology, Hermeneutics, and author / Constanza / Cordoni V&R unipress German philology etc., invited to reflect on texts of their respective disciplines in context-
Midrash | author / Gerhard / Langer 2014-07-16 sensitive interpretations, taking into account the link connecting Midrash, hermeneutics, Theology
and narrative, provide illuminating narratological and/or hermeneutical insights into the
texts in question. The interdisciplinary dialogue that characterized the conference
“Narratology, Hermeneutics, and Midrash” that gave rise to the volume proves to be rich
and full of potential for further research in the direction proposed by the Series Poetics,
Exegesis and Narrative. Studies in Jewish literature and art.

Jihadism has been an important issue of public discussions since 9/11. Internet media
have been used by Jihadis as means of communication, propaganda, recruitment, and
New Approaches to the Analysis even training purposes. In this volume, the processes of interaction on Jihadi internet
of Jihadism author / Rüdiger / Lohlker V&R unipress 2011-12-07 sites are analysed. Particular attention lays on the mechanisms of spread of propaganda Theology
via the internet by diverse technical means. The process of transformation of Islamic
knowledge into Jihadi knowledge, the rhetorics of videos, the development of South
Asian Jihadi organisations and some conceptual issues are discussed.

One can hardly exaggerate the importance of the church councils in the 5th and 6th
centuries. They provide us with great insights into the situation in the late Roman Empire
and particularly into the role of the Church at that time. Because of the rich source
materials, the dramatic course it took and its overall historical relevance, the Council of
Vandenhoeck & Chalcedon (AD 451) is one of the most important events of that period. The decrees of
Authority and Performance author / Hagit / Amirav Ruprecht 9783666208683 2015-08-19 this council led to major upheavals in the Church which continue to this very day. Hagit Classics
Amirav presents the first study on the social dynamics and various roles played by the
stakeholders of this council, the power plays of the imperial representatives and the
bishops, their actions and statements designed to further a consensus. At the centre of
this analysis lies Marcian in his dual role as Emperor of the East Roman Empire as well as
a central figure in the Church.
St. Gregory of Nazianzus' (ca. AD 330-390) classicizing Christian verse is the earliest Greek
verse of its kind that survives in any great quantity. This is a critical edition, with
introduction and commentary, of four poems (I.2.17; II.1.10, 19, 32). The commentary is
primarily linguistic, but attention is paid to historical and theological matters. The poems'
Selected Poems of Gregory of author / Christos / Simelidis Vandenhoeck & 9783666252877 2010-07-21 fate in Byzantium is also examined and three Byzantine paraphrases are edited in an
Nazianzus Ruprecht appendix.

The introduction examines features of Gregory's poetry in general. Gregory was an

enthusiastic reader of Callimachus and his use of poetic allusion deserves special

This study tries to reconstruct the dispute over rhetoric in Hellenistic thought, by using
The Dispute Concerning Rhetoric author / Yosef Z. / Vandenhoeck & two main interrelated axes. Firstly, it delineates the exact milieu in which this dispute
in Hellenistic Thought Liebersohn Ruprecht 9783666252945 2010-09-15 took place, including locations, dates and persons. Secondly, five main arguments used Classics
against rhetoric have been reconstructed, all of which concentrate on rhetoric’s claim to
be considered an art.

The book inquires into Aristotle’s claim that of the four kinds of change that exist,
locomotion is the most fundamental and important kind. In a first step, the author shows
The Priority of Locomotion in
author / Sebastian / Odzuck Vandenhoeck & 9783666253065 2014-05-14 that the arguments for the thesis of locomotion’s priority play a crucial role in the
Aristotle’s Physics Ruprecht argument of Physics VIII and for the understanding of Aristotle’s philosophy of nature in
general. The main focus of the book lies on the thorough and careful reconstruction and
analysis of the arguments Aristotle presents in Physics VIII.

OREA 1 presents the scientific results of the international symposium Western Anatolia
before Troy - Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millennium BC? The sparse archaeological
editor / Barbara / Horejs /
Österreichische Akademie Verlag der data published for the 5th and 4th millennia BC and the archaeological picture of
Österreichische western Anatolia, fundamentally changed in the last decades, needed to bring together
Western Anatolia before Troy der Wissenschaften | 9783700177807 2014-12-20 specialists of western Turkey and the neighbouring regions to discuss new data in the Archaeology
editor / Mathias / Mehofer / n Akademie der light of socio-cultural processes in the period before Troy. Furthermore, following the
Wissenschaften results of the ERC research group (ERC project Prehistoric Anatolia), it appeared high
Universität Wien time to focus on this period as it had been frequently neglected in the recent dynamic
prehistoric research in western Turkey.

author / Antje / Gaze Regimes is a bricolage of essays and interviews showcasing the experiences of
Schuhmann / Universität women working in film, either directly as practitioners or in other areas such as curators,
Regensburg | author / Jyoti / festival programme directors or fundraisers. It does not shy away from questioning the
Mistry / University of the relations of power in the practice of filmmaking and the power invested in the gaze itself.
Who is looking and who is being looked at, who is telling women’s stories in Africa and
Witwatersrand, what governs the mechanics of making those films on the continent?
Johannesburg | author / Wits University Media and
Gaze Regimes 9781868146888 2005-07-12
Nobunye / Levin / University Press The interviews with film practitioners such as Tsitsi Dangarembga, Taghreed Elsanhouri, Communications
of the Witwatersrand, Jihan El-Tahri, Anita Khanna, Isabel Noronhe, Arya Lalloo and Shannon Walsh
demonstrate the contradictory points of departure of women in film – from their
Johannesburg | author / understanding of feminisms in relation to lived-experiences and the realpolitik of women
Dorotheex / Wenner | working as cultural practitioners. Jyoti Mistry, Antje Schuhmann, Nobunye Levin,
author / Christina / von Dorothee Wenner and Christina von Braun are some of the contributors.
The African National Congress author / Susan / Booysen /
The ANC is a party-movement that draws on its liberation credentials yet is conflicted by
University of the Wits University a multitude of weaknesses, factions and internal succession battles. Booysen constructs
and the Regeneration of Political 2011-10-18 her analysis around the ANC’s four faces of political power – organisation, people, Political Science
Witwatersrand, Press political parties and elections, and policy and government – and explores how, since
Johannesburg 1994, it has acted to continuously regenerate its power.

Taking both a historical and contemporary perspective, the book covers the extent of and
author / Deborah / Kaminer / manner in which traumatic stress manifests, including the way in which exposure to such
University of Cape Town | extremely threatening events impacts on people’s meaning and belief systems.
author / Gillian / Eagle / Wits University Therapeutic and community strategies for addressing and healing the effects of trauma
Traumatic Stress in South Africa 2010-10-23 exposure are comprehensively covered, as well as the particular needs of traumatised Sociology
University of the Press children and adolescents. Illustrative case material is used to render ideas accessible and
Witwatersrand, engaging. The book also provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of theory
Johannesburg and practice in the field of traumatic stress studies, incorporating both international and
South African specific findings.

Ute Holl explores cinema as a cultural technique of trance, unconsciously transforming

everyday spatio-temporal perception. The archaeology of experimental and
anthropological cinema leads into psycho-physiological laboratories of the 19th century.
Through personal and systematic catenations, avant-garde filmmaking is closely linked to
author / Ute / Holl / Amsterdam the emerging aesthetics of feedback in cybernetic models of the mind developed at the Media and
Cinema, Trance and Cybernetics University of Basel University Press 9789048523481 2017-04-30 same time. Holl analyses three major fields of experimental and anthropological
filmmaking: the Soviet avant-garde with Dziga Vertov and his background in Russian
psycho-reflexology and theory of trance; Jean Rouch and his theory of cine-trance and
the feed-back; and the New American Cinema with Maya Deren and Gregory Bateson
conceptualising the organisation of time, space, movement and feedback trance in
anthropological filmmaking.

This collection of essays studies the encounter between allegedly ahistorical concepts of
narratology and eighteenth-century literature. It questions whether the general concepts
of narratology are as such applicable to historically specific fields, or whether they need
author / Aino / Mäkikalli / further specification. Furthermore, at issue is the question whether the theoretical
Narrative Concepts in the Study University of Turku | Amsterdam concepts actually are, despite their appearance of ahistorical generality, derived from the
9789048527380 2017-01-31 Literature
of Eighteenth-Century Literature author / Liisa / Steinby / University Press historical study of a particular period and type of literature. In the essays such concepts
University of Turku as genre, plot, character, event, tellability, perspective, temporality, description, reading,
metadiegetic narration, and paratext are scrutinized in the context of eighteenth-century
texts. The writers include some of the leading theorists of both narratology and
eighteenth-century literature.

The uncanny child in transnational cinema illustrates how global horror film images of
children reconceptualised childhood at the beginning of the twenty-first century,
unravelling the child's long entrenched binding to ideologies of growth, futurity, and
The book analyses an influential body of horror films featuring subversive depictions of
author / Jessica / children and proposes that complex cultural and industrial shifts at the turn of the
The Uncanny Child in Amsterdam millennium resulted in potent cinematic renegotiations of the concept of childhood. In Media and
Balanzategui / Swineburne 9789048537792 2017-04-30
Transnational Cinema University Press these transnational films - largely stemming from Spain, Japan, and America - the child Communications
University Australia resists embodying growth and futurity: by demonstrating both the culturally specific and
globally resonant properties of these frightening visions of children who refuse to grow
up, the book outlines the conceptual and aesthetic mechanisms by which long
entrenched ideologies of futurity, national progress, and teleological history started to
waver at the turn of the 21st century.
Before Albert Einstein proposed the concept of four-dimensional spacetime, late
author / Elizabeth / L. Victorian scientists, radical philosophers and writers were discussing the possibility of a
Before Einstein Anthem Press 2017-01-02 different kind of fourth dimension. Before Einstein offers the first book-length Literature
Throesch examination of the impact of pre-Relativity four-dimensional theory on literature and
culture at the turn of the twentieth century.

In the past, foreign shocks arrived to national economies mainly through trade channels,
and transmissions of such shocks took time to come into effect. However, after capital
globalization, shocks spread to markets almost immediately. Despite the increasing
macroeconomic dangers that the situation generated at emerging markets in the South,
nobody at the North was ready to acknowledge the pro-cyclicality of the financial system
Emerging Market Economies and author / Leonardo / Stanley Anthem Press 2017-04-30 and the inner weakness of “decontrolled” financial innovations because they were
Financial Globalization enjoying from the “great moderation.” Monetary policy was primarily centered on price
stability objectives, without considering the mounting credit and asset price booms being
generated by market liquidity and the problems generated by this glut. Mainstream
economists, in turn, were not majorly attracted in integrating financial factors in their
models. External pressures on emerging market economies (EMEs) were not eliminated
after 2008, but even increased as international capital

‘The Learning Economy and the Economics of Hope’ offers original insights in processes
The Learning Economy and the author / Bengt-Åke / of innovation and learning and draws implications for economic theory and public policy.
Anthem Press 2016-12-01 The book introduces the reader to important concepts such as innovation systems and Economics
Economics of Hope Lundvall the learning economy. It throws new light on economic development and opens up
horizons for a new kind of economics – the economics of hope.

Water Security in the Middle East argues that, while conflicts over transboundary water
systems in the Middle East do occur, they tend not to be violent nor are they the primary
cause of a war in this region. The contributors in this collection of essays place water
disputes in larger political, historical and scientific contexts and discuss how the
humanities and social sciences contribute towards this understanding. The authors
Water Security in the Middle editor / Jean / Axelrad Cahan Anthem Press 2017-01-02 contend that international sharing of scientific and technological advances can
Political Science
East significantly increase access to water and improve water quality. While scientific
advances can and should increase adaptability to changing environmental conditions,
especially climate change, national institutional reform and the strengthening of joint
commissions are vital. The contributors indicate ways in which cooperation can move
from simple coordination to sophisticated, adaptive and equitable modes of water

The purpose of this book is to combine perspectives of scholars from Africa on Child
Theologies from a variety of theological sub-disciplines to provide some theological and
ministerial perspectives on this topic. The book disseminates original research and new
developments in this study field, especially as relevant to the African context. In the
editor / Jan / Grobbelaar / process it addresses also the global need to hear voices from Africa in this academic field.
Theologies of Childhood and the North-West University | It wants to convey the importance of considering Africa’s children in theologising. The
Children of Africa editor / Gert / Breed / North- AOSIS 2017-03-31 different chapters represent diverse methodologies but the central and common focus is Theology
West University to approach the subject from the viewpoint of Africa’s children. The individual authors’
varied theological sub-disciplinary dispositions contribute to the unique and distinct
character of the book. Almost all chapters are theoretical orientated with less empirical
research, although some of the chapters refer to empirical research which the authors
have done in the past.
On March 26th, 1923, in a formal ceremony, construction of the Milan–Alpine Lakes
autostrada officially began, the preliminary step toward what would become the first
European motorway. That Benito Mussolini himself participated in the festivities
author / Massimo / Berghahn indicates just how important the project was to Italian Fascism. This book recounts the
Driving Modernity Moraglio / Technische 9781785334726 2017-04-30 twisting fortunes of the autostrada, which—alongside railways, aviation, and other forms History
Universität Berlin Books of mobility—Italian authorities hoped would spread an ideology of technological
nationalism. It explains how Italy ultimately failed to realize its mammoth infrastructural
vision, addressing the political and social conditions that made a coherent plan of
development impossible.

In Okinawa, the southernmost prefecture of Japan, “ecotourism” promises to provide

employment for a dwindling population of rural youth while preserving the natural
environment and bolstering regional pride. Footprints in Paradise centers on how
Berghahn Okinawans’ sense of place is transforming rapidly, along with language, landscapes,
Footprints in Paradise author / Andrea / Murray 9781785334733 2017-04-30 cultural traditions, and wildlife: from marginalized and exoticized island phenomena into Anthropology
Books global heritage resources worth cherishing by insiders and outsiders. Footprints in
Paradise is intended for readers interested in the anthropology of US-Japan-Okinawa
relations, tourism and island environments, the politics of ecological sustainability, and
the shifting ethics of human-animal relationships in the early twenty-first century.

Corpus linguistics has much to offer history, being as both disciplines engage so heavily in
analysis of large amounts of textual material.
author / Anthony / This book demonstrates the opportunities for exploring corpus linguistics as a method in
McEnery / University of historiography and the humanities and social sciences more generally. Focusing on the
Corpus Linguistics and 17th- Lancaster | author / Helen / Bloomsbury 9781472514240 2016-12-01 topic of prostitution in 17th-century England, it shows how corpus methods can assist in Languages
Century Prostitution Academic social research, and can be used to deepen our understanding and comprehension.
Baker / University of
Lancaster McEnery and Baker draw principally on two sources – the newsbook Mercurius Fumigosis
and the Early English Books Online Corpus. This scholarship on prostitution and the sex
trade offers insight into the social position of women in history.

Experiencing Hektor author / Lynn / Kozak / Bloomsbury 9781474245463 2016-12-01 This book presents a rigorous philological examination of every instance where Hektor
McGill University Academic enters the Iliad, analysing each entrance's narrative context and style. In so doing, the
author challenges and destabilises previous popular and scholarly assumptions about
Hektor, and about the Iliad as a whole.

The major principles and systems of C. S. Peirce's ground-breaking theory of signs and
signification are now generally well known. Less well known, however, is the fact that
Peirce initially conceived these systems within a 'Philosophy of Representation', his latter-
day version of the traditional grammar, logic and rhetoric trivium. In this book, Tony
Peirce's Twenty-Eight Classes of Jappy traces the evolution of Peirce's Philosophy of Representation project and examines
author / Tony / Jappy / Bloomsbury
Signs and the Philosophy of 9781474264853 2016-12-15 the sign systems which came to supersede it. Languages
University of Perpignan Academic
Exploring the potential of the later sign-systems that Peirce scholars have hitherto been
reluctant to engage with and extending Peirce’s semiotic theory beyond the much
canvassed systems of his Philosophy of Representation, this book will be essential
reading for everyone working in the field of semiotics.
Antisemitism is on the rise in Europe, sometimes manifest in violent acts against Jews,
but more commonly noticeable in everyday discourse. This innovative empirical study
author / Monika / Schwarz- examines written examples of antisemitism in contemporary Germany. Drawing on
Friesel / Technical University 14,000 letters and e-mails sent between 2002 and 2012 to the Central Council of Jews in
Inside the Antisemitic Mind Berlin | author / Jehuda / Brandeis 9781512600773 2017-01-03 Germany and the Israeli embassy in Berlin, as well communications sent between 2010 Linguistics
Reinharz / Brandeis University Press and 2011 to Israeli embassies across Europe, the authors show how language plays a
crucial role in activating antisemitism across a broad spectrum of social classes,
University investigate the role of emotions in antisemitic argumentation patterns, and analyze “anti-
Israelism” as the dominant form of contemporary hatred of Jews.

This book offers an extensive introduction and 13 diverse essays on how World War II,
the Holocaust, and their aftermath affected Jewish families and Jewish communities,
with an especially close look at the roles played by women, youth, and children. Focusing
on Eastern and Central Europe, themes explored include: how Jewish parents handled
the Nazi threat; rescue and resistance within the Jewish family unit; the transformation
Jewish Families in Europe, 1939- author / Joanna Beata / Brandeis of gender roles under duress; youth’s wartime and early postwar experiences; postwar
9781512600117 2017-01-03 History
Present Michlic / Leo Baeck College University Press reconstruction of the Jewish family; rehabilitation of Jewish children and youth; and the
role of Zionism in shaping the present and future of young survivors.

Relying on newly available archival material and novel research in the areas of families,
youth, rescue, resistance, gender, and memory, this volume will be an indispensable
guide to current work on the familial and social history of the Holocaust.

In China: Promise or Threat? Helle compares the cultures of China and the West through
both private and public spheres. For China, the private sphere of family life is well
developed while behaviour in public relating to matters of government and the law is less
author / Horst J. / Helle / reliable. In contrast, the West operates in reverse. The book’s twelve chapters investigate
China: Promise or Threat? Ludwig-Maximilians- Brill 9789004330603 2017-03-30 the causes and effects of threats to the environment, military confrontations, religious Sociology
Universität, Germany differences, fundamentals of cultural history, and the countries’ orientations for finding
solutions to societal problems, all informed by the Confucian impulse to recapture the
lost splendour of a past versus faith in progress toward a blessed future. The West has
promoted individualism while China is locked in its kinship society.

The book is based on the hypothesis that a systematic analysis of the Chinese economic
discourse is necessary in order to understand the underlying logic of Chinese economic
author / Kjeld Erik / development. The majority of works on the subject see China's economic development
From Accelerated Accumulation as a linear process of marketization or "growing out of the plan". In contradistinction to
to the Socialist Market Economy Brodsgaard | author / Koen / Brill 9789004330092 2017-03-15 the prevailing paradigm, this book underlines that basic economic issues such as over- History
Rutten investment and unbalanced development continue to frame economic policy-making.
The book is also unique in basing the narrative on a rich collection of Chinese language
Islam in the Post-Secular Society: Religion, Secularity and the Antagonism of Recalcitrant
Faith critically examines the unique challenges facing Muslims in Europe and North
America. From the philosophical perspective of the Frankfurt School’s critical theory, this
author / Dustin / Byrd / book attempts not only to diagnose the current problems stemming from a
Islam in a Post-Secular Society Brill 2016-12-31 marginalization of Islam in the secular West, but also to offer a proposal for a Sociology
Olivet College, USA Habermasian discourse between the religious and the secular. By highlighting historical
examples of Islamic and western rapprochement, and rejecting the ‘clash of civilization’
thesis, the author attempts to find a ‘common language’ between the religious and the
secular, which can serve as a vehicle for a future reconciliation.

This new volume of essays marks eighty years since the death of Marmaduke Pickthall.
His various roles as translator of the Qurʾan, traveller to the Near East, political journalist
writing on behalf of Muslim Turkey, and creator of the Muslim novel are discussed. In
Marmaduke Pickthall: Islam and author / Geoffrey P. / Nash / later life Pickthall became a prominent member of the British Muslim community in
Brill 9789004327597 2016-11-01 London and Woking, co-worker with Muslims in the Indian subcontinent, supporter of Political Science
the Modern World University of Sunderland, UK the Khilafat movement, and editor of the journal Islamic Culture under the patronage of
the Nizam of Hyderabad. Marmaduke Pickthall: Islam and the Modern World makes an
important contribution to the field of Muslims in Europe in the first half of the twentieth

Both inside and outside of China, there have been heated debates about Confucian
democracy, Confucian values and ethics, and Confucian alternatives to Western models
of modernization. In many respects, however, the discussions have reached an impasse:
author / Thomas / Fröhlich / Whereas some observers tend to depict Confucianism as a panacea for all kinds of
political and social ills in East Asian and Western societies, others consider it to be a mere
Tang Junyi FAU-Erlangen-Nürnberg, Brill 9789004330139 2017-02-15 vestige of the Chinese tradition which lacks any relevance for contemporary discourse. Philosophy
Germany The present study proposes a way through this impasse based on a critical examination
of the modern Confucian project developed by the exiled philosopher Tang Junyi (1909-
1978). Tang’s comprehensive reinterpretation of Confucianism ranks among the most
ambitious philosophical projects in modern Chinese history.

author / Daniel / Chernilo / The question 'what is a human being?' remains one of the most vexing intellectual tasks.
Cambridge Debating Humanity reconstructs how contemporary sociologists and philosophers –
Debating Humanity Loughborough University 9781316416303 2016-11-01 among Sociology
University Press others, Arendt, Taylor, Archer and Boltanski – understand the key anthropological
(UK) skills that define our shared membership to the human species.

Transformative peace operations fall short of achieving the modern political order sought
in post-conflict countries because the interventions themselves empower post-conflict
elites intent on forging a neopatrimonial political order. The Peacebuilding Puzzle
author / Naazneen / Barma / Cambridge explains the disconnect between the formal institutional engineering undertaken by
The Peacebuilding Puzzle Naval Postgraduate School 9781316718513 2016-12-15 international interventions, and the governance outcomes that emerge in their Political Science
(Monterey, California, USA) University Press aftermath. Barma's comparative analysis of interventions in Cambodia, East Timor, and
Afghanistan focuses on the incentives motivating domestic elites over a sequence of
three peacebuilding phases: the elite peace settlement, the transitional governance
period, and the aftermath of intervention.
How does ideology function during periods of political and economic turmoil? This book,
based on long-term ethnographic research in a destitute former mining town in
Kyrgyzstan, testifies to the precariousness of life in the former Soviet republics in the
decades after the collapse of the USSR. It follows inhabitants as they make sense of a
author / Mathijs / Pelkmans / radically changing world and as they try to imbue their lives with relevance and direction,
Fragile Conviction London School of Economics 2017-02-14 while concentrating in depth on their engagement with a range of religious ideas and Anthropology
University Press other ideological currents, including scientific atheism, evangelical Christianity, Sunni
and Political Science
Islamic revivalism, and traditional shamanistic beliefs. By examining such a broad variety
of belief systems and how they manifest themselves in daily life, the author provides new
insights into how ideology works (or fails to work) and how cultural and religious
convictions are collectively produced and shaped.

Human rights advocates have long pressed for international institutions to prosecute
crimes against humanity. With its global reach and mandate to investigate and prosecute
some of the world's most severe crimes (genocide, war crimes, and crimes against
humanity) the creation of the International Criminal Court in 2002 was hailed as a
author / Christopher / landmark event in the evolution of truly global society. Supporters argue that the ICC and
Cornell other transnational tribunals will deter the commission of atrocities and contribute to
Power and Principle Rudolph / American 2017-03-21 Political Science
University University Press global peace and stability, and they laud its independence and its potential to check the
arbitrary use of power against the powerless. To better understand how international
criminal courts function and determine their broader implications for global society, this
book examines the factors that led to the creation and evolution of international criminal
courts, the nature of the support for and opposition to such institutions, and how they

The International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), an international think

tank established jointly by the United States and Soviet Union in Austria in 1972, was
intended to advance scientific collaboration. Until the late 1980s, the IIASA was one of
author / Egle / the very few permanent sites where policy scientists from both sides of the Iron Curtain
Cornell could work together to articulate and solve world problems, most notably global climate
The Power of Systems Rindzeviciute / Kingston 2016-11-15 History
University Press change. One of the best-kept secrets of the Cold War, this think tank was a rare zone of
University London freedom, communication, and negotiation, where leading Soviet scientists could try out
their innovative ideas, benefit from access to Western literature, and develop social
networks, thus paving the way for some of the key science and policy breakthroughs of
the twentieth century.

Hostis humani generis, meaning “enemy of humankind,” is the legal basis by which
Western societies have defined such criminals as pirates, torturers, or terrorists as
beyond the pale of civilization. Sonja Schillings argues that this legal fiction does more
author / Sonja / Schillings / Dartmouth than characterize certain persons as inherently hostile: it provides a narrative basis for
Enemies of All Humankind 9781512600759 2016-12-06 legitimating violence in the name of the state. The work draws attention to a century-old Literature
Justus Liebig University College Press narrative pattern that not only underlies the legal category of enemies of the state, but
more generally informs interpretations of imperial expansion, protest against
government-sponsored oppression, and the transformation of institutions as “legitimate”
interventions on behalf of civilized society.
What image of Latin America have North American fiction writers created, found, or
echoed, and how has the prevailing discourse about the region shaped their work? How
have their writings contributed to the discursive construction of our southern neighbors,
author / Helmbrecht / and how has the literature undermined this construction and added layers of complexity
Hemispheric Imaginations Breinig / University of Dartmouth 9781512600766 2016-12-06 that subvert any approach based on stereotypes? Combining American Studies, Canadian
College Press Studies, Latin American Studies, and Cultural Theory, Breinig relies on long scholarly
Erlangen-Nuremberg experience to answer these and other questions. 'Hemispheric Imaginations', an
ambitious interdisciplinary study of literary representations of Latin America as
encounters with the other, is among the most extensive such studies to date. It will
appeal to a broad range of scholars of American Studies.

There is at present no publication specifically dedicated to analyzing the philosophical

implications of augmented reality. Applications cover diverse fields like psychopathology
and education, implications concern issues as diverse as negative knowledge, group
cognition, the internet of things, and ontological issues, among others. In this way, it is
intended not only to generate answers, but also, to draw attention to new problems that
Augmented Reality author / José Maria / Ariso De Gruyter 9783110497656 2017-03-01 arise with the diffusion of augmented reality. In order to contemplate these problems Philosophy
from diverse perspectives, the authors are from a variety of fields - philosophy, computer
sciences, education, psychology, and many more. Accordingly, the volume offers varied
and interesting contributions which are of interest to professionals from multiple

Recent decades have witnessed the dramatic growth of an organized secularist

author / Ryan T. / Cragun | movement that serves the needs of and advocates for the nonreligious. This volume
Organized Secularism in the author / Lori / Fazzino | De Gruyter 9783110458657 2017-04-30 brings together the latest research on organized secularism in the US, including its Theology
United States history, institution building, activist and political strategies, and its social functions in the
author / Christel / Manning
lives of secularist individuals and families.

In this book, conceived as a sort of Prolegomena to his two Teubner editions, Conte gives
account of his choices in editing his Virgilian text. Engaging in a passionate debate with
Stealing the Club from Hercules author / Gian Biagio / Conte De Gruyter 9783110475838 2017-04-30 his predecessors and critics, he guides the reader in a fascinating journey in the history of Classics
transmission and interpretation of Georgics and Aeneid and shows how lively textual
criticism can be.

author / Mehdi / Azaiez | The Qur'an Seminar Commentary is an unprecedented work of collaboration in the field
author / Gabriel Said / of Qur'anic Studies, involving the insights of 25 scholars on 50 Qur'anic passages. These
The Qur'an Seminar Reynolds | author / De Gruyter 9783110445909 2016-11-11 scholars represent a diverse range of disciplinary backgrounds and provide readers with
Commentary unique insights into the latest trends of research in the Qur'an. This Commentary is a
Tommaso / Tesei | author / useful and illuminating reference work for students and scholars in the field of Qur'anic
Hamza M. / Zafer Studies.
Despite the increasing concern for the issue of respect for persons displayed over the last
decades by political philosophers, human-right thinkers, social and ethical theorists, a
comprehensive treatment of the problem from a historical-philosophical perspective is
conspicuously absent. The present collection of essays aims to contribute to the
fulfillment of this gap by offering a reconstruction of the seminal passages in the history
The Roots of Respect author / Giovanni / Giorgini | De Gruyter 9783110526288 2017-04-10 of philosophy which testify to the evolution of the idea of respect for persons and the
author / Elena / Irrera rich array of conceptual specifications that such an idea acquires across the centuries.
By analysis of pivotal texts of ancient and modern contemporary philosophy, the volume
will try to offer an articulated account of respect which, starting from its primeval
connection with the search for esteem and the pursuit of human excellence, gradually
evolves towards the recognition of the political status of each citizen and culminates into
a true politics of human rights.

In today’s digital age, online and mobile advertising are of growing importance, with
advertising no longer bound to the traditional media industry. Although the advertising
industry still has broader access to the different measures and channels, users and
consumers today have more possibilities to publish, get informed or communicate – to
author / Gabriele / Siegert | “co-create” –, and to reach a bigger audience. There is a good chance thus that users and
Commercial Communication in author / Björn / Rimscha | De Gruyter consumers are better informed about the objectives and persuasive tricks of the
9783110416794 2017-04-15 Literature
the Digital Age author / Stephanie / Mouton advertising industry than ever before. At the same time, advertisers can inform about
Grubenmann products and services without the limitations of time and place faced by traditional mass
media. But will there really be a time when advertisers and consumers have equal power,
or does tracking users online and offline lead to a situation where advertisers have more
information about the consumers than ever before? The volume discusses these
questions and related issues.

author / Dwi / Djenar | This book examines how style and intersubjective meanings emerge through language
Style and Intersubjectivity in De Gruyter use. While numerous studies on youth language focus on face-to-face interaction, this
author / Michael / Ewing | 9781614516439 2017-02-15 Linguistics
Youth Interaction author / Manns / Howard Mouton book draws data from conversation, e-forums, teen fiction, and comics to offer an
integrated account of language change in a community in flux.

For five decades Golda Meir was at the center of the political arena in Israel and left her
mark on the development of the Yishuv and the state. She was a unique woman, great
leader, with a magnetic personality, a highly complex individual. She held some of the
most important positions that her party and the State could bestow. She fulfilled most of
them with talent and dignity. She failed in the top job – that of Prime Minister. This
Golda Meir author / Meron / Medzini De Gruyter 9783110492507 2017-02-15 biography traces her origins, her American roots, her immediate family, her failed
Oldenbourg marriage, her rise in the party, the trade union movement, her massive and enduring
achievements as Secretary of Labor and Housing, her ten year stint as foreign minister
and finally the reasons that led to her failure as prime minister. She was a very good
tactician, far less a strategist. She was a major builder of modern Israel whose influence
on that country, on Israel-American relations and on Jewish history was evident primarily
from 1969 to 1974.

Tamar Amar-Dahl offers a profound analysis of Israel’s political order and culture and the
Zionist Israel and the Question of author / Tamar / Amar-Dahl De Gruyter role of Zionism. The study uncovers the discrepancy between the Western democratic
Palestine Oldenbourg 9783110498806 2016-11-07 self-image of Israel and its military influenced practical approaches to civil society. It History
presents in-depth the historical developments, the political repercussions and the
possible perspectives for a peaceful solution with the Arab neighbors.
Knowledge Services converges information management, knowledge management (KM),
De Gruyter and strategic learning into a single enterprise-wide discipline for the benefit of the
Knowledge Services author / Guy / St. Clair 9783110477092 2016-11-10 business or organization in which it is practiced. With the success of knowledge services Information Science
Saur as a management methodology, the practice has become an acknowledged framework
for strategic knowledge management applicable to all businesses and organizations.

In 'An Aqueous Territory' Ernesto Bassi traces the configuration of a geographic space he
calls the transimperial Greater Caribbean between 1760 and 1860. Focusing on the
Caribbean coast of New Granada (present-day Colombia), Bassi shows that the region's
residents did not live their lives bounded by geopolitical borders. Rather, the cross-
author / Ernesto / Bassi / Duke University border activities of sailors, traders, revolutionaries, indigenous peoples, and others
An Aqueous Territory 9780822373735 2016-12-23 History
Cornell University Press reflected their perceptions of the Caribbean as a transimperial space where trade,
information, and people circulated, both conforming to and in defiance of imperial
regulations. Bassi demonstrates that the islands, continental coasts, and open waters of
the transimperial Greater Caribbean constituted a space that was simultaneously
Spanish, British, French, Dutch, Danish, Anglo-American, African, and indigenous.

Citizenship is often assumed to be a clear-cut issue - either one has it or one does not.
editor / Benjamin N. / However, as the contributors to Citizenship in Question demonstrate, citizenship is not
self-evident; it emerges from often obscure written records and is interpreted through
Lawrance / Rochester ambiguous and dynamic laws. In case studies that analyze the legal barriers to citizenship
Citizenship in Question Institute of Technology | Duke University 9780822373483 2017-01-03 rights in over twenty countries, the contributors explore how states use evidentiary
editor / Jacqueline / Press requirements to create and police citizenship, often based on fictions of racial, ethnic,
Stevens / Northwestern class, and religious differences. Whether examining the United States’ deportation of its
own citizens, the selective use of DNA tests and secret results in Thailand, or laws that
University have stripped entire populations of citizenship, the contributors emphasize the political,
psychological, and personal impact of citizenship policies.

In 'Downwardly Global' Lalaie Ameeriar examines the transnational labor migration of

Pakistani women to Toronto. Despite being trained professionals in fields including
engineering, law, medicine, and education, they experience high levels of unemployment
and poverty. Rather than addressing this downward mobility as the result of bureaucratic
Duke University failures, in practice their unemployment is treated as a problem of culture and racialized
Downwardly Global author / Lalaie / Ameeriar 9780822373407 2017-03-03 Anthropology
Press bodily difference. In Toronto, a city that prides itself on multicultural inclusion, women
are subjected to two distinct cultural contexts revealing that integration in Canada
represents not the erasure of all differences, but the celebration of some differences and
the eradication of others. 'Downwardly Global' juxtaposes the experiences of these

In 'Dying in Full Detail' Jennifer Malkowski explores digital media's impact on one of
documentary film's greatest taboos: the recording of death. Despite technological
advances that allow for the easy creation and distribution of death footage, digital media
author / Jennifer / often fail to live up to their promise to reveal the world in greater fidelity. Malkowski
Duke University analyzes a wide range of death footage, from feature films about the terminally ill (Dying, Media and
Dying in Full Detail Malkowski / Miami Press 9780822373414 2017-03-02 Silverlake Life, Sick), to surreptitiously recorded suicides (The Bridge), to Communications
University of Ohio #BlackLivesMatter YouTube videos and their precursors. Contextualizing these recordings
in the long history of attempts to capture the moment of death in American culture,
Malkowski shows how digital media are unable to deliver death "in full detail," as its
metaphysical truth remains beyond representation.
'In Energy without Conscience' David McDermott Hughes investigates why climate
change has yet to be seen as a moral issue. He examines the forces that render the use of
fossil fuels ordinary and therefore exempt from ethical evaluation. Hughes centers his
analysis on Trinidad and Tobago, which is the world's oldest petro-state, having drilled
the first continuously producing oil well in 1866. Marrying historical research with
author / David McDermott / Duke University interviews with Trinidadian petroleum scientists, policymakers, technicians, and
Energy without Conscience 9780822373360 2017-03-01 History
Hughes / Rutgers University Press managers, he draws parallels between Trinidad's eighteenth- and nineteenth-century
slave labor energy economy and its contemporary oil industry. Hughes shows how both
forms of energy rely upon a complicity that absolves producers and consumers from
acknowledging the immoral nature of each. He passionately argues that like slavery,
producing oil is a moral choice and that oil is at its most dangerous when it is accepted as
an ordinary part of everyday life.

In Hydraulic City Nikhil Anand explores the politics of Mumbai's water infrastructure to
demonstrate how citizenship emerges through the continuous efforts to control,
maintain, and manage the city's water. Through extensive ethnographic fieldwork in
Mumbai's settlements, Anand found that Mumbai's water flows, not through a static
author / Nikhil / Anand / Duke University collection of pipes and valves, but through a dynamic infrastructure built on the relations
Hydraulic City 9780822373599 2017-03-10 Anthropology
Univ. of Pennsylvania Press between residents, plumbers, politicians, engineers, and the 3,000 miles of pipe that bind
them. In addition to distributing water, the public water network often reinforces social
identities and the exclusion of marginalized groups, as only those actively recognized by
city agencies receive legitimate water services. This form of recognition—what Anand
calls "hydraulic citizenship"—is incremental, intermittent, and reversible.

Addressing a wide range of improvised art and music forms—from jazz and cinema to
dance and literature—this volume's contributors locate improvisation as a key site of
editor / Georgina / Born / mediation between the social and the aesthetic. As a catalyst for social experiment and
Oxford University | editor / political practice, improvisation aids in the creation, contestation, and codification of
Improvisation and Social Eric / Lewis / McGill Duke University 9780822374015 2017-04-12 social realities and identities. Among other topics, the contributors discuss the social
Aesthetics Press aesthetics of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians, the Feminist
University | editor / Will / Improvising Group, and contemporary Malian music, as well as the virtual sociality of
Straw / McGill University interactive computer music, the significance of "uncreative" improvisation, responses to
French New Wave cinema, and the work of figures ranging from bell hooks and Billy
Strayhorn to Kenneth Goldsmith.

During the Khmer Rouge's brutal reign in Cambodia during the mid-to-late 1970s, a
former math teacher named Duch served as the commandant of the S-21 security center,
where as many as 20,000 victims were interrogated, tortured, and executed. In 2009
Duch stood trial for these crimes against humanity. While the prosecution painted Duch
as evil, his defense lawyers claimed he simply followed orders. In 'Man or Monster?'
Man or Monster? author / Alexander Laban / Duke University 9780822373551 2016-11-04 Alexander Hinton uses creative ethnographic writing, extensive fieldwork, hundreds of
Hinton / Rutgers University Press interviews, and his experience attending Duch's trial to create a nuanced analysis of
Duch, the tribunal, the Khmer Rouge, and the after-effects of Cambodia's genocide.
Interested in how a person becomes a torturer and executioner as well as the law's
ability to grapple with crimes against humanity, Hinton adapts Hannah Arendt's notion of
the "banality of evil" to consider how the potential for violence is embedded in the
everyday ways people articulate meaning and comprehend the world.
In Musicians in Transit Matthew B. Karush examines the transnational careers of seven of
the most influential Argentine musicians of the twentieth century: Afro-Argentine swing
guitarist Oscar Alemán, jazz saxophonist Gato Barbieri, composer Lalo Schifrin, tango
innovator Astor Piazzolla, balada singer Sandro, folksinger Mercedes Sosa, and rock
Musicians in Transit author / Matthew B. / Karush Duke University 9780822373773 2016-12-23 musician Gustavo Santaolalla. As active participants in the globalized music business,
/ George Mason University Press these artists interacted with musicians and audiences in the United States, Europe, and
Latin America and contended with genre distinctions, marketing conventions, and ethnic
stereotypes. By responding creatively to these constraints, they made innovative music
that provided Argentines with new ways of understanding their nation’s place in the

Between 1750 and 1870 the world faced transformations marked by the rise of industrial
capitalism, the fall of European empires in the Americas, and the rise of nations there.
'New Countries' explores how these events transformed the Americas in diverging ways.
Up to 1790, Saint Domingue’s sugar and slave economy drove Atlantic trades; then
editor / John / Tutino / Duke University revolutionary slaves made Haiti, freeing themselves and ending export production. New
New Countries Georgetown University Press 9780822374305 2016-12-09 Spain’s silver fueled global trades until Bajío insurgents collapsed silver capitalism and History
undermined Spanish rule after 1810. The fall of silver left regions from Mexico through
Guatemala and the Andes in search of new polities and economies. After 1870 the United
States became an agro-industrial hegemon, most American nations turned to commodity
exports, and Haitians and diverse indigenous peoples struggled to keep independent lives
beyond the reach of industrial powers seeking supplies and markets.

Born in 1921, Manuel Llamojha Mitma became one of Peru's most creative and inspiring
indigenous political activists. Now Peru Is Mine combines extensive oral history
interviews with archival research to chronicle his struggles for indigenous land rights and
political inclusion as well as his fight against anti-Indian racism. His compelling story—
author / Manuel / Llamojha framed by Jaymie Patricia Heilman's historical contextualization—covers nearly eight
Now Peru Is Mine Mitma | author / Jaymie Duke University 9780822373759 2016-11-01 decades, from the poverty of his youth and teaching himself to read, to becoming an
Patricia / Heilman / Press internationally known activist. Llamojha also recounts his life's tragedies, such as being
University of Alberta forced to flee his home and the disappearance of his son during the war between the
Shining Path and the government. His life gives insight into many key developments in
Peru's tumultuous twentieth-century history, among them urbanization, poverty, racism,
agrarian reform, political organizing, the demise of the hacienda system, and the Shining

'In Religion and the Making of Nigeria', Olufemi Vaughan examines how Christian,
Muslim, and indigenous religious structures have provided the essential social and
ideological frameworks for the construction of contemporary Nigeria. Using a wealth of
archival sources and extensive Africanist scholarship, Vaughan traces Nigeria’s social,
Religion and the Making of author / Olufemi / Vaughan / Duke University religious, and political history from the early nineteenth century to the present. During
9780822373872 2016-12-09 the nineteenth century, the historic Sokoto Jihad in today’s northern Nigeria and the History
Nigeria Bowdoin College Press Christian missionary movement in what is now southwestern Nigeria provided the
frameworks for ethno-religious divisions in colonial society. Following Nigeria’s
independence from Britain in 1960, Christian-Muslim tensions became manifest in
regional and religious conflicts over the expansion of sharia, in fierce competition among
political elites for state power, and in the rise of Boko Haram.
Featuring essays by some of the most prominent names in contemporary political and
cultural theory, Sovereignty in Ruins presents a form of critique grounded in the
conviction that political thought is itself an agent of crisis. Aiming to develop a political
editor / George / Edmondson vocabulary capable of critiquing and transforming contemporary political frameworks,
/ Dartmouth College | Duke University the contributors advance a politics of crisis that collapses the false dichotomies between
Sovereignty in Ruins 9780822373391 2017-04-07 Philosophy
editor / Klaus / Mladek / Press sovereignty and governmentality and between critique and crisis. Their essays address a
Dartmouth College wide range of topics, such as the role history plays in the development of a politics of
crisis; Arendt's controversial judgment of Adolf Eichmann; Strauss's and Badiou's
readings of Plato's Laws; the acceptance of the unacceptable; the human and nonhuman;
and flesh as a biopolitical category representative of the ongoing crisis of modernity.

'Thinking Literature across Continents' finds Ranjan Ghosh and J. Hillis Miller—two
thinkers from different continents, cultures, training, and critical perspectives—debating
and reflecting upon what literature is and why it matters. Ghosh and Miller do not
attempt to formulate a joint theory of literature; rather, they allow their different
author / Ranjan / Ghosh / backgrounds and lively disagreements to stimulate generative dialogue on poetry, world
Thinking Literature across Univ. of North Bengal | Duke University literature, pedagogy, and the ethics of literature. Addressing a varied literary context
9780822373698 2016-12-02 Literature
Continents author / J. Hillis / Miller / Press ranging from Victorian literature, Chinese literary criticism and philosophy, and
Univ. of California - Irvine continental philosophy to Sanskrit poetics and modern European literature, Ghosh offers
a transnational theory of literature while Miller emphasizes the need to account for what
a text says and how it says it. This book highlights two minds continually discovering new
paths of communication and two literary and cultural traditions intersecting in
productive and compelling ways.

'In We Dream Together' Anne Eller breaks with dominant narratives of conflict between
the Dominican Republic and Haiti by tracing the complicated history of Dominican
emancipation and independence between 1822 and 1865. Eller moves beyond the small
body of writing by Dominican elites that often narrates Dominican nationhood to craft
author / Anne / Eller / Yale Duke University inclusive, popular histories of identity, community, and freedom, summoning sources
We Dream Together University Press 9780822373766 2016-12-09 that range from trial records and consul reports to poetry and song. Rethinking History
Dominican relationships with their communities, the national project, and the greater
Caribbean, Eller shows how popular anticolonial resistance was anchored in a rich and
complex political culture. Haitians and Dominicans fostered a common commitment to
Caribbean freedom, the abolition of slavery, and popular democracy, often well beyond
the reach of the state.
Like the ancient inquiries into the nature of things, contemporary continental realism and
materialism, from Deleuze to the Speculative Realists, embraces a commitment to
investigate beings, without subordinating it to analyses of language, consciousness, texts
or the social.
author / Abraham / This pensée brute, traditionally known as metaphysics, dares to question the one and the
Contemporary Encounters with Greenstine / Duquesne Edinburgh 9781474431194 2017-03-31 many, the potential and the actual, the material and immaterial and the world itself. This
Ancient Metaphysics University | author / Ryan / University Press apparent kinship is not merely thematic, since contemporary thinkers explicitly and
Johnson / Elon University repeatedly return to the texts and figures of the Greco-Roman world.

In this volume, leading philosophers address these varied, volatile, and novel interactions
and themselves contribute to reconceiving and redeploying the problems of ancient
metaphysics. Alongside this are 2 original and previously unpublished translations of
essays by Gilles Deleuze and Pierre Aubenque.

Austen and Woolf are materialists, this book argues. ‘Things’ in their novels give us entry
into some of the most contentious issues of the day. This wholly materialist
understanding produces worldly realism, an experimental writing practice which asserts
egalitarian continuity between people, things and the physical world. This radical
Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf and Edinburgh redistribution of the importance of material objects and biological existence, challenges
author / Pam / Morris 9781474423533 2017-01-31 the traditional idealist hierarchy of mind over matter that has justified gender, class and Literature
Worldly Realism University Press race subordination. Entering their writing careers at the critical moments of the French
Revolution and the First World War respectively, and sharing a political inheritance of
Scottish Enlightenment scepticism, Austen’s and Woolf’s rigorous critiques of the dangers
of mental vision unchecked by facts is more timely than ever in the current world
dominated by fundamentalist neo-liberal, religious and nationalist belief systems.

This book looks at how modern philosophers pass on myths about prehistory.

Why do political philosophers talk so much about the Stone Age? The state of nature, the
origin of property, the origin of government, and the primordial nature of inequality and
author / Karl / Widerquist / war are popular topics in political philosophy, but are they being used as more than just
Prehistoric Myths in Modern Georgetown University | Edinburgh illustrative examples? Does the best available evidence from archaeology and
Political Philosophy author / Grant / McCall / University Press 9781474431200 2017-01-31 anthropology support or conflict with the stories being passed on by political Political Science
Tulane University
This book presents a philosophical look at the origin of civilization, examining political
theories to show how claims about prehistory are used and presents evidence that much
of what we think we know about human origins comes not from scientific investigation
but from the imagination of philosophers.
Explores the political, economic and religious role of women in the Mongol empire

This book shows the development of women’s status in the Mongol Empire from its
original homeland in Mongolia up to the end of the Ilkhanate of Iran in 1335. Taking a
thematic approach, the chapters show a coherent progression of this development and
author / Bruno / de Nicola / Edinburgh contextualise the evolution of the role of women in medieval Mongol society. The
Women in Mongol Iran 9781474423403 2017-03-31 arrangement serves as a starting point from where to draw comparison with the status History
University of St Andrews University Press of Mongol women in the later period. Exploring patterns of continuity and
transformation in the status of these women in different periods of the Mongol Empire
as it expanded westwards into the Islamic world, the book offers a view on the
transformation of a nomadic-shamanist society from its original homeland in Mongolia to
its settlement in the mostly sedentary-Muslim Iran in the mid-13th century.

'Artifacts of Thinking: Reading Arendt’s 'Denktagebuch'' offers a path through Hannah

Arendt’s recently published 'Denktagebuch', or 'Book of Thoughts.' In this book a number
of innovative Arendt scholars come together to ask how we should think about these
remarkable writings in the context of Arendt’s published writing and broader political
author / Roger / Berkowitz / thinking.
Artifacts of Thinking Fordham
Bard College | author / Ian / University 2017-02-01 Political Science
Press Unique in its form, the 'Denktagebuch' offers brilliant insights into Arendt’s practice of
Storey / Harvard University
thinking and writing. 'Artifacts of Thinking' provides an introduction to the
'Denktagebuch' as well as a glimpse of these fascinating but untranslated fragments that
reveal not only Arendt’s understanding of “the life of the mind” but her true lived
experience of it.

The collapse of communism in eastern Europe has forced traditionally Eastern Orthodox
author / George E. / countries to consider the relationship between Christianity and liberal democracy.
Demacopoulos / Fordham Contributors examine the influence of Constantinianism in both the post-communist
Christianity, Democracy, and the University | author / Fordham 2016-11-01 Orthodox world and in Western political theology. Constructive theological essays
Shadow of Constantine University Press feature Catholic and Protestant theologians reflecting on the relationship between
Aristotle / Papanikolaou / Christianity and democracy, as well as Orthodox theologians reflecting on their tradition’s
Fordham University relationship to liberal democracy. The essays explore prospects of a distinctively Christian
politics in a post-communist, post-Constantinian age.

This volume brings together scholarship that discusses late-medieval religious

controversy on a pan-European scale, with particular attention to developments in
England, Bohemia, and at the general councils of the fifteenth century. Controversies
author / J. Patrick / Hornbeck such as those that developed in England and Bohemia have received ample attention for
II / Fordham University | Fordham decades, and recent scholarship has introduced valuable perspectives and findings to our
Europe After Wyclif 2016-11-01 knowledge of these aspects of European religion, literature, history, and thought. Theology
author / Michael / Van University Press
Dussen / McGill University Yet until recently, scholars working on these controversies have tended to work in
regional isolation, a practice that has given rise to the impression that the controversies
were more or less insular, their significance measured in terms of their local or regional
Academic study of social activism and social movements has become increasingly
prevalent over the years; this is due in large part to the fact that activists have captured
public imagination and gained substantial influence in political discourse. For instance,
Occupy Wall Street activists, Tea Party activists, and activists affiliated with the Arab
Spring have transformed political debates and have become the focus of mainstream
Fordham news media coverage about a variety of different political topics.
Journey Into Social Activism author / Joshua D. / Atkinson 2017-02-01 Sociology
University Press
'Journey into Social Activism' explicates the philosophical foundations of the study of
activism and illustrates four different research sites in which activism can be observed
and studied: organizations, networks, events, and alternative media. The book will
introduce students and scholars to important qualitative approaches to the study of
social activism within these four research sites.

From the current vantage point of the transformation of books and libraries, B. Venkat
Mani presents a historical account of world literature. By locating translation,
publication, and circulation along routes of “bibliomigrancy,” Mani narrates how world
literature is coded and recoded as literary works find new homes on faraway
author / B. Venkat / Mani / bookshelves.
Recoding World Literature Fordham
University of Wisconsin, University 2016-12-01 Literature
Press Mani argues that the proliferation of world literature in a society is the function of a
nation’s relationship with print culture. Moving from early Orientalist collections, to the
Nazi magazine Weltliteratur, to the European Digital Library, Mani reveals the political
foundations for a history of world literature that is at once a philosophical ideal, a
process of exchange, a mode of reading, and a system of classification.

The essays in 'The Insistence of Art' suggest ways in which the artworks and practices of
Fordham the early modern period show the essentiality of aesthetic experience for philosophical
The Insistence of Art author / Paul A. / Kottman University 9780823275809 2016-11-01 Philosophy
Press reflection, and in particular for the rise of aesthetics as a philosophical discipline, while
also showing art’s need for philosophy.

Supplementing theological interpretation with historical, literary, and philosophical

perspectives, 'The Weight of Love' analyzes the nature and role of affectivity in medieval
Christian devotion through an original interpretation of the writings of the Franciscan
theologian Bonaventure. It intervenes in two crucial developments in medieval Christian
thought and practice: the renewal of interest in the corpus of Dionysius the Areopagite in
author / Robert Glenn / Fordham thirteenth-century Paris and the proliferation of new forms of affective meditation
The Weight of Love 2016-12-01 focused on the passion of Christ in the later Middle Ages. Through the exemplary life and Theology
Davis / Fordham University University Press death of Francis of Assisi, Robert Glenn Davis examines how Bonaventure traces a
mystical itinerary culminating in the meditant’s full participation in Christ’s crucifixion.
For Bonaventure, Davis asserts, this death represents the becoming-body of the soul, the
consummation and transformation of desire into the crucified body of Christ.
In 'War Pictures', Puckett looks at how Britain imagined, saw, and sought to represent its
war during wartime. How did the material and conceptual pressures of total war affect
what it meant to see or to make art? How did culture and, in particular, cinema function
as propaganda, as criticism, as a form of self-analysis, as a reflection on war and the kinds
of violence it tends to unleash? How did British filmmakers, writers, critics, and politicians
author / Kent / Puckett / understand the nature and consequence of total war as it related to ideas about freedom
War Pictures University of California, Fordham 2017-04-01 and security, the idea of national character, and the daunting persistence of human History
Berkeley University Press violence?

'War Pictures' is also about violence, aesthetics, and conceptual difficulties of war in
general; in other words, beginning with a close and critical analysis of a particular cultural
scene, the author makes strong and important claims about where the historiography of
war, the philosophy of violence, and aesthetics come importantly together.

Unbecoming Cinema constitutes a welcome addition to texts that provide a film-

philosophical perspective on films that otherwise take on and involve difficult subject
author / David H. / Fleming / matter, including in this case suicide, autistic worldviews, hallucinatory aesthetics and
vomit-gore. The book in effect argues successfully and intelligently that even though hard Media and
Unbecoming Cinema The University of Nottingham Intellect 9781783207763 2017-04-28
to watch, many of these films can provide for viewers an opportunity to come to a Communications
Ningbo China renewed understanding of self and world. As a result, the author takes on difficult topics,
but brings them to life in an exciting, philosophical fashion that also asks readers to
rethink what it is that constitutes cinema.

A primary source on a journey to Persia by Captain John Compton Pyne in 1884 revealing
A Journal of Three Months’ Walk editor / Russell / Harris | the West’s fascination with the Middle East in Victorian times. The book includes an
Leiden introduction by the editors and a transcription of the manuscript with notes and the
in Persia in 1884 by Captain John editor 9789087282820 2017-03-31 History
Compton Pyne / Marjan / Afsharian University Press original illustrations, mainly watercolours. An important historical document and eye-
witness account pertaining to Iran, anthropology, area studies, study of ‘orientalism’ and
colonialism, and for historians.

'Biopunk Dystopias' contends that we find ourselves at a historical nexus, defined by the
rise of biology as the driving force of scientific progress, a strongly grown mainstream
attention given to genetic engineering in the wake of the Human Genome Project (1990-
2003), the changing sociological view of a liquid modern society, and shifting discourses
Biopunk Dystopias author / Lars / Schmeink Liverpool 9781781383322 2017-01-27 on the posthuman, including a critical posthumanism that decenters the privileged
University Press subject of humanism. The book argues that this historical nexus produces a specific
cultural formation in the form of "biopunk", a subgenre evolved from the cyberpunk of
the 1980s. Biopunk makes use of current posthumanist conceptions in order to criticize
contemporary reality as already dystopian, warning that a future will only get worse, and
that society needs to reverse its path, or else destroy all life on this planet.

This book examines the grass-roots relationship between the Irish Republican Army (IRA)
and the civilian population during the Irish Revolution. It is primarily concerned with the
author / Brian / Hughes / Liverpool attempts of the militant revolutionaries to discourage, stifle, and punish dissent among
Defying the IRA? 9781781383544 2017-01-27 the local populations in which they operated, and the actions or inactions by which History
University of Exeter University Press dissent was expressed or implied. Focusing on the period of guerilla war against British
rule from c. 1917 to 1922, it uncovers the acts of ‘everyday’ violence, threat, and harm
that characterized much of the revolutionary activity of this period.
Knights Across the Atlantic tells for the first time the full story of the Knights of Labor in
Britain and Ireland, where they operated between 1883 and the end of the century.
British and Irish Knights drew on the resources of their vast Order to establish a chain of
branches through England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland that numbered more than 10,000
author / Steven / Parfitt / Liverpool members at its peak. British and Irish Knights left a profound imprint on subsequent
Knights Across the Atlantic 9781781383537 2017-01-27 British labour history. They helped inspire the British “New Unionists” of the 1890s and History
University of Loughborough University Press influenced the movement for working-class politics, independent of Liberals and
Conservatives alike, that soon led to the British Labour Party. Knights Across the Atlantic
provides new insights into relationships between class and gender, and places the
Knights of Labor squarely at the heart of British and Irish as well as American history at
the end of the nineteenth century.

This volume tells the story of the case study genre at a time when it became the genre
par excellence for discussing human sexuality across the humanities and the life sciences.
A History of the Case Study takes the reader on a transcontinental journey from the
author / Birgit / Lang / imperial world of fin-de-siècle Central Europe to the interwar metropolises of Weimar
University of Melbourne | Germany, and to the United States of America in the post-war years.

A History of the Case Study author / Joy / Damousi / Manchester 9781526106117 2017-03-17 Foregrounding the figures of case study pioneers, and highlighting their radical History
University of Melbourne | University Press engagements with the genre, the work scrutinises the case writing practices of Sigmund
author / Alison / Lewis / Freud and his predecessor sexologist Richard von Krafft-Ebing; writers such as Leopold
University of Melbourne von Sacher-Masoch and Weimar intellectuals such as Erich Wulffen. There result new
insights into the continuing legacy of such writers, and into the agency increasingly
claimed by the readerships that emerged with the development of modernity—from
readers who self-identified as masochists, to conmen and female criminals.

A Table for One explores the links between female singlehood and social time,
juxtaposing two theoretical fields that are rarely linked: the social study of time and the
study of singlehood. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this book paves the way
for a new theorisation of singlehood which will put it at the fore of deconstructive critical
author / Kinneret / Lahad / Manchester thinking and on the feminist agenda. Although the rise in the number of single-women
A Table for One Tel Aviv University University Press 9781526116352 2017-03-01 households has sparked a new wave of singlehood scholarship, the concept remains Sociology
relatively under-theorised and under-incorporated into social and feminist research, and
critical studies in general. Drawing on a wide variety of cultural resources – including web
columns, blogs, expert advice columns, popular cliches, advertisements and references
from television episodes – this book sketches the meaning-making processes of
singlehood and time in Israel.

Everyday Resistance, Peacebuilding and State-making addresses debates on the liberal

peace and the policies of peacebuilding through a theoretical and empirical study of
resistance in peacebuilding contexts. Examining the case of ‘Africa’s World War’ in the
author / Marta / Iñiguez de DRC, it locates resistance in the experiences of war, peacebuilding and state-making by
Everyday Resistance,
Peacebuilding and State-making Heredia / Institute Barcelona Manchester 9781526108784 2017-04-01 exploring discourses, violence and everyday forms of survival as quotidian acts that
Political Science
d’Estudis Internacionals University Press
attempt to challenge or mitigate such experiences. The analysis of resistance offers a
possibility to bring the historical and sociological aspects of both peacebuilding and the
case of the DRC, providing new nuanced understanding on these processes and the
particular case. The book also makes a significant contribution to the theorisation of
resistance in International Relations.
Sustainability has become a key socio-political issue over recent years. However, whilst
the literary-critical community has advanced enthusiastically on an exciting range of
author / Adeline / Johns- environmentally-based analyses (most obviously through the work of ecocriticism), its
response specifically to sustainability—as an attempt to reconceptualise the way we live,
Putra / University of Surrey | as an idea with a particular history, and as a ubiquitous term driven through over-use to
Literature and sustainability author / Louise / Squire / Manchester 9781526107633 2017-04-30 near meaninglessness—has been extremely limited. The basic idea of the volume is to
University of Surrey | University Press make a start on filling this gap. Split into four sections: Historicising sustainability,
author / John / Parham / Discourses of sustainability, The sustainability of literature, Sustainability in literature – it
has some very good contributors, and starts off with an introduction about the history of
University of Worcester the term, looks at its beginnings in the C19th, and goes onto show how contemporary
authors are dealing with it including Jeanette Winterson, Michel Houellebecq, Margaret
Atwood and Amitav Ghosh.

Migrating Borders and Moving Times analyses migrant border crossings in relation to
their everyday experiences of time, and connects these to wider social and political
structures. Sometimes border crossing takes no more than a moment; sometimes hours;
editor / Hastings / Donnan / some crossers find themselves in the limbo of detention; for others, the crossing lasts a
lifetime to be interrupted only by death. Borders not only define separate spaces, but
Queen’s University Belfast | different temporalities. This book provides both a single interpretative frame and a novel
Migrating Borders and Moving editor / Madeleine / Hurd / Manchester 9781526116413 2016-11-01 approach to border crossing: an analysis of the reconfiguration of memory, personal and
Times Queen’s University Belfast | University Press group time that follows the migrants' renegotiation of cross-border space and
editor / Carolin / Leutloff- recalibrations of temporality.
Grandits / University of Graz Using original field data from Israel and northern and south-eastern Europe, the
contributors argue that new insights are generated by approaching border crossing as a
process with diverse temporalities whose relationship to space has always to be
empirically determined.

Mobility and security are key themes for students of international politics that assume a
globalized world. This book brings together research that looks into the political
regulation of movement with research that engages the material enablers of and
editor / Matthias / Leese / constraints on such movement. The setup of the book explores overlaps between critical
University of Tuebingen | Manchester security studies and political geography in order to bridge the gap between disciplines
Security/Mobility 9781526108364 2017-02-02 that study aspects of global modernity and its politics and practices. Political Science
editor / Stef / Wittendorp / University Press The contributions to this book cover a broad range of topics that are bound together by
University of Groningen their focus on both the politics and the material underpinnings of movement. The
authors engage diverse themes such as internet infrastructure, the circulation of data,
discourses of borders and bordering, bureaucracy, and citizenship, thereby identifying
common themes of Security/Mobility today.
Scholars of Edmund Spenser have focused much more on his accomplishments in epic
and pastoral than his work in satire. Scholars of early modern English satire almost never
discuss Spenser. However, these critical gaps stem from later developments in the canon
rather than any insignificance in Spenser's accomplishments and influence on satiric
author / Rachel / Hile / poetry. This book argues that the indirect form of satire developed by Spenser served
Manchester during and after Spenser's lifetime as an important model for other poets who wished to
Spenserian Satire Indiana University-Purdue 9781526125132 2017-01-01 Literature
University Fort Wayne University Press convey satirical messages with some degree of safety. The book connects key Spenserian
texts in The Shepheardes Calender and the Complaints volume with poems by a range of
authors in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, including Joseph Hall,
Thomas Nashe, Tailboys Dymoke, Thomas Middleton and George Wither, to advance the
thesis that Spenser was seen by his contemporaries as highly relevant to satire in
Elizabethan England.

This book provides a distinctive and empirically rich account of the European Union’s
relationship with the Common Market of the South (Mercosur). It seeks to examine the
motivations that determine the EU’s policy towards Mercosur; the most important
author / Arantza / Gomez relationship the EU has with another regional economic integration organization.
The European Union's Policy Manchester
Arana / Birmingham City 9781526108401 2016-11-01 Political Science
Towards Mercosur University University Press Drawing on extensive primary documents, the book argues that the major developments
in the relationship were initiated by Mercosur and supported mainly by Spain. Rather
than the EU pursuing a strategy, as implied by most of the existing literature, the EU was
largely responsive, which explains why the relationship is much less developed than the
EU’s relations with other parts of the world.

Mass vaccination campaigns are political projects that presume to protect individuals,
communities, and societies. Like other pervasive expressions of state power - taxing,
editor / Christine / Holmberg policing, conscripting - mass vaccination arouses anxiety in some people but sentiments
/ Institute for Public Health, of civic duty and shared solidarity in others. This collection of essays gives a comparative
Charité, Universitlätsmedizin overview of vaccination at different times, in widely different places and under different
Berlin | editor / Stuart / Manchester types of political regime.
The Politics of Vaccination Blume / University of University Press 9781526110916 2017-03-16 History
Core themes in the chapters include immunisation as an element of state formation;
Amsterdam | editor / Paul / citizens' articulation of seeing (or not seeing) their needs incorporated into public health
Greenough / University of practice; allegations that donors of development aid have too much influence on third-
Iowa world health policies; and an ideological shift that regards vaccines more as profitable
commodities than as essential tools of public health. A novel lens through which to view
changes in concepts of 'society' and 'nation' over time.

This book is a new history of an ancient geography. It reassesses the evidence for why
Europeans believed a massive southern continent existed, and why they advocated for its
discovery. When ships were equal to ambitions, explorers set out to find and claim Terra
Australis. Antipodes charts these voyages—voyages both through the imagination and
Monash across the High Seas—in pursuit of the mythical Terra Australis. In doing so, the question
is asked: how could so many fail to see the realities they encountered? And how is it a
Antipodes author / Avan Judd / Stallard University 9781925377354 2016-11-01 mythical land held the gaze of an era famed for breaking free the shackles of History
Publishing superstition? That Terra Australis did not exist didn’t stop explorers pursuing the
continent, unwilling to abandon the promise of such a rich and magnificent land till it was
stripped of every ounce of value it had ever promised. In the process, the southern
continent—an imaginary land—became one of the shaping forces of early modern
history. Includes 48 pages of b&w and colour images.
Conceiving the Goddess is an exploration of goddess cults in South Asia that embodies
research on South Asian goddesses in various disciplines. The theme running through all
the contributions, with their multiple approaches and points of view, is the concept of
author / Jayant appropriation, whereby one religious group adopts a religious belief or practice not
Bhalchandra / Bapat / Monash formerly its own. What is the motivation behind this? Are such actions attempts to
dominate, or to resist the domination of others, or to adapt to changing social
Conceiving the Goddess Monash University | author / University 9781925377613 2016-12-01 circumstances – or perhaps simply to enrich the religious experience of a group’s Theology
Ian / Mabbett / Monash Publishing members? In examining these questions, Conceiving the Goddess considers a range of
University settings: a Jain goddess lurking in a Brahminical temple, the fraught relationship between
the humble Camār caste and the river goddess Gaṅgā, the mutual appropriation of
disciple and goddess in the tantric exercises of Kashmiri Śaivism, and the alarming self-
decapitation of the fierce goddess Chinnamastā.

author / Anne J. / Gilliland / Over the past 15 years, the field of archival studies around the world has experienced
University of California Los unprecedented growth within the academy and within the profession, and archival
studies graduate education programs today have among the highest enrolments in any
Angeles | author / Sue / information field. During the same period, there has also been unparalleled expansion
Research in the Archival McKemmish / Monash and innovation in the diversity of methods and theories being applied in archival
Multiverse University | author / Andrew University 9781925377699 2016-12-01 scholarship. Global in scope, Research in the Archival Multiverse compiles critical and Information Science
Publishing reflective essays across a wide range of emerging research areas and interests in archival
J. / Lau / University of studies; it aims to provide current and future archival academics with a text addressing
Maryland College of possible methods and theoretical frameworks that have been and might be used in
Information Studies archival scholarship and research.

In Adulterous Nations, Tatiana Kuzmic enlarges our perspective on the nineteenth-

century novel of adultery and how it often served as a metaphor for relationships
between the imperial and the colonized. In the context of the long-standing practice of
gendering nations as female, the novels discussed—Eliot’s Middlemarch, Fontane’s Effi
Briest, and Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, along with Šenoa’s The Goldsmith’s Gold and
author / Tatiana / Kuzmic / Northwestern Sienkiewicz’s Quo Vadis—can be understood as depicting international crises on the scale
Adulterous Nations 9780810133990 2016-11-15 Literature
University of Texas University Press of the nuclear family. Kuzmic argues that the hopes, anxieties, and interests of European
nations in this period can be discerned in the destabilizing force of adultery. Reading the
work of Šenoa and Sienkiewicz, Kuzmic illuminates the relationship between the
literature of dominant nations and that of the semicolonized territories that posed a
threat to them. Kuzmic’s study enhances our understanding of not only these novels but
nineteenth-century European literature more generally.

Can Scotland be considered an English colony? Is its experience and literature

comparable to that of overseas postcolonial countries? Or are such comparisons no more
than victimology to mask Scottish complicity in the British Empire and justify
nationalism? These questions have been heatedly debated in the aftermath of the 2014
referendum on independence and amid a continuing campaign for more autonomy.
Gaelic Scotland in the Colonial author / Silke / Stroh / Northwestern 9780810134041 2016-12-15 Gaelic Scotland in the Colonial Imagination offers an introduction to the emerging field of
Imagination University of Muenster University Press postcolonial Scottish studies, assessing both its potential and limitations to promote
further interdisciplinary dialogue. Accessible to readers from various backgrounds, the
book combines overviews of theoretical, social, and cultural contexts with detailed case
studies of literary and nonliterary texts. Silke Stroh shows how the image of Scotland’s
Gaelic margins changed under the influence of the emergence of the modern nation-
state and the rise of overseas colonialism.
Privately Empowered responds to the lack of adequate attention paid to Islam in Africa in
comparison to the Middle East and the Arab world. Shirin Edwin points to the embrace
between Islam and politics that has limited Islamic feminist discourse to regions where it
evolves in tandem with the nation-state and is commonly understood in terms of
author / Shirin / Edwin / Sam Northwestern activism, social affiliations, or struggles for legal reform. Edwin examines the novels of
Privately Empowered 9780810133693 2016-11-15 Zaynab Alkali, Abubakar Gimba, and Hauwa Ali due to their emphases on personal Literature
Houston State University University Press engagement, Islamic ritual in the quotidian, and observance of Qur’anic injunctions.
Analysis of these texts connects the ways Muslim women in northern Nigeria balance
their spiritual habits in ever changing configurations of their private domains. The
spiritual universe of African Muslim women may be one where Islam is not the source of
their problems or their political activity, but a spiritual activity devoid of political forms.

The Middle Included is a systematic exploration of the meanings of logos throughout

Aristotle’s work. It claims that the basic meaning is “gathering,” a relation that holds its
terms together without isolating them or collapsing one to the other. This meaning also
applies to logos in the sense of human language. Aristotle describes how some animals
are capable of understanding non-firsthand experience without being able to relay it,
The Middle Included author / Ömer / Aygün / Northwestern 9780810134027 2016-12-15 while others relay it without understanding. Aygün argues that what distinguishes human
Galatasaray University University Press language, for Aristotle, is its ability to both understand and relay firsthand and non-
firsthand experiences. This ability is key to understanding the human condition: science,
history, news media, propaganda, gossip, utopian fiction, and sophistry, as well as
philosophy. Ömer Aygün finds Aristotle’s name for this peculiar but crucial human ability
of “gathering” both experiences is logos, and this leads to a claim about the specificity of
human rationality and language.

Victoria Aarons and Alan L. Berger show that Holocaust literary representation has
continued to flourish—gaining increased momentum even as its perspective shifts, as a
third generation adds its voice to the chorus of post-Holocaust writers. In negotiating the
complex thematic imperatives and narrative conceits of the literature of these writers,
author / Victoria / Aarons / this bold new work examines those structures, ironies, disjunctions, and tensions that
Third-Generation Holocaust Trinity University | author / Northwestern 9780810134119 2017-01-15 produce a literature lamenting loss for a generation removed spatially and temporally
Representation Alan / Berger / Florida University Press from the extended trauma of the Holocaust. Aarons and Berger address evolving notions
Atlantic University of “postmemory”; the intergenerational transmission of trauma; inherited memory; the
psychological tensions of post-Holocaust Jewish identity; tropes of memory and the
personalized narrative voice; generational dislocation and anxiety; the recurrent
antagonisms of assimilation and alienation; the imaginative reconstruction of the past;
and the future of Holocaust memory and representation.
Using the concept of boundaries, physical and cultural, to understand the development
of China’s maritime southeast in late Imperial times, these linked essays by a senior
scholar challenge the usual readings of Chinese history from the centre. The book begins
with the boundaries between “us” and “them”, Chinese and other, during this period,
author / Chin Keong / Ng / including the rise of state systems. It looks at the challenges to such demarcations posed
by movements of people, goods and ideas across maritime East Asia and the broader
Boundaries and Beyond National University of NUS Press 9789814722445 2017-03-01 Asian Seas, and builds a fresh understanding of China’s boundaries. History
Singapore Of interest to students of migration, of Chinese history, and of relations between China
and its region, Ng’s analysis provides crucial background to understanding China within
Asia’s maritime world. The result is a novel way of approaching Chinese history, argued
from a fresh perspective on China’s relations with neighbouring territories, and of the
nature of tradition and its persistence in a changing world.

In Genius Envy Adrianna M. Paliyenko uncovers a forgotten past: the multiplicity and
diversity of nineteenth-century French women’s poetic voices. Conservative critics of the
time attributed genius to masculinity and dismissed the work of female authors as
“feminine literature.” Despite the efforts of leading thinkers, critics, and historians to
erase women from the pages of literary history, Paliyenko shows how female poets
invigorated the debate about the origins of genius and garnered recognition in their time
author / Adrianna / Penn State for their creativity and bold aesthetic ideas.
Genius Envy 9780271079196 2016-12-20 Literature
Paliyenko / Colby College University Press
This fresh account of French women poets’ contributions to literature probes the history
of their critical reception and considers the texts of celebrated writers such as
Desbordes-Valmore, Ségalas, Blanchecotte, Siefert, and Ackermann. The results show
that these women explicitly challenged the notion of genius as gendered, advocating for
their rightful place in the canon.

From the early days of Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa, a Eurocentric view of Christian
teaching was a primary tool in the subjugation and domination of native populations.
Since 1921 Kimbanguism, an African Initiated Church, has advocated a reconstruction of
Blackness by appropriating the parameters of Christian identity. The prophet Simon
Kimbangu, the founder of the movement, has inspired 17 million followers with Pan-
Kimbanguism author / Aurélien / Mokoko Penn State 9780271079707 2017-04-28 African messages of political and spiritual liberation.
Gampiot University Press
The Spurned Race is the first comprehensive study of Kimbanguism since the pioneering
books of the 1980s. The son of a Kimbanguist pastor, Gampiot uses his inside resources
to offer new sociological and theological analyses of the church’s interpretation of and
signification on the Christian bible. The Spurned Race provides a unique and important
look at the independent nature of early African Christian prophetic movements.
Fictions of African Dictatorship examines the fictional representation of the African
dictator and the performance of dictatorship across genres. The volume includes
contributions focusing on literature, theatre and film, all of which examine the
editor / Charlotte / Baker / Peter Lang relationship between the fictional and the political. Among the questions the
Fictions of African Dictatorship Lancaster University | International 9781787076822 2017-04-30 contributors ask: what are the implications of reading a novel for its historical content or
editor / Hannah / Grayson / Academic accuracy? How does the dictator novel interrogate ideas of veracity? How is power
University of Stirling Publishers performed and ridiculed? How do different writers reflect on questions of authority in
the postcolony, and what are the effects on their stories and modes of narration? This
volume untangles some of the intricate workings of dictatorial power in the postcolony,
through twelve close readings of works of fiction.

From Orientalism to Cultural Capital presents a fascinating account of the wave of

Russophilia that pervaded British literary culture in the early twentieth century. The
authors bring a new approach to the study of this period, exploring the literary
Peter Lang phenomenon through two theoretical models from the social sciences: Orientalism and
From Orientalism to Cultural author / Olga / Soboleva | International 9781787073944 2017-03-31 the notion of «cultural capital» associated with Pierre Bourdieu. Examining the responses
Capital author / Angus / Wrenn Academic of leading literary practitioners who had a significant impact on the institutional
Publishers transmission of Russian culture, they reassess the mechanics of cultural dialogism,
mediation and exchange, casting new light on British perceptions of modernism as a
transcultural artistic movement and the ways in which the literary interaction with the
myth of Russia shaped and intensified these cultural views.

The Russian Revolution was an explosion of mass democracy from below. It transformed
the people who took part and inspired tens of millions across the world. Its global impact
shook the capitalist system to its foundations and came close to bringing it down.
But in the end, the revolutionary movement was destroyed by the most murderous
A People's History of the Russian author / Neil / Faulkner Pluto Press 9781786800190 2017-01-20 socounter-revolutionary terror in history. And because the real history of the revolution is
Revolution subversive of class rule everywhere – East, West, and South – it has been buried under
a mountain of lies, distortions, and denials.

This book sets out to nail every bogus argument about the Russian Revolution – from
Tories, Stalinists, and sectarians – and to present the living reality of a mass movement of
millions, organised in participatory assemblies, mobilised for militant action.

author / Mehmet / Kurt /

Kurdish Hizbullah in Turkey Queen Mary, University of Pluto Press 9781786800374 2017-03-20 An academic insider's account of the Islamist social movement Kurdish Hizbullah. Sociology
The economics profession has a lot to answer for. After the late 1970s, the ideas of
influential economists have justified policies that have made the world more prone to
economic crisis, remarkably less equal, more polluted and less secure than it might be.
How could ideas and policies that proved to be such an abject failure come to dominate
the economic landscape?
author / Robert / Chernomas  
/ University of Manitoba | By critically examining the work of the most famous economists of the neoliberal period
The Profit Doctrine Pluto Press 9781783719938 2016-12-20 including Alan Greenspan, Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman, the authors Robert Economics
author / Ian / Hudson / Chernomas and Ian Hudson demonstrate that many of those who rose to prominence did
University of Manitoba so primarily because of their defence of, and contribution to, rising corporate profits and
not their ability to predict or explain economic events.

An important and controversial book, 'The Profit Doctrine' exposes the uses and abuses
of mainstream economic canons, identify those responsible and reaffirm the primacy of
political economy.

Toussaint Louverture (c1743-1803) was the heroic leading figure in the Haitian
Revolution of 1791-1804, the only successful slave revolt in recorded history, and he
remains an international inspiration, seen by many to be one of the greatest anti-
imperialist fighters who ever lived.
author / Charles / Forsdick / Toussaint was a military genius who led an army composed overwhelmingly of former
University of Liverpool | enslaved Africans and people of African descent to victory after victory under the banner
Toussaint Louverture author / Christian / Pluto Press 9781786800282 2017-03-20 ‘Liberty or Death’ over the professional armies of France, Spain and Britain, before History
Høgsbjerg / University of paying the ultimate price himself for refusing to compromise with imperial power at the
expense of the maintenance of liberty for all.
This new political biography of Toussaint aims to provide readers with an accessible yet
scholarly introduction to his complex life while critically analysing Toussaint’s political
thought, his contribution as a revolutionary leader, and his legacy for both Haiti and the
wider world.

This is a new approach to one of the greatest political theorists, Antonio Gramsci.
Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks are one of the most popular Marxist texts available and
continue to inspire readers across the world. Here, Michele Filippini proposes a new
approach based on the analysis of previously ignored concepts in his works, creating a
book which stands apart.
author / Michele / Filippini / Including chapters on ideology, the individual, collective organisms, society, crisis and
Using Gramsci Pluto Press 9781786800077 2016-11-01 Political Science
University of Bologna temporality, Using Gramsci offers a new pattern in Gramscian studies aimed to speak to
the broader audience of social sciences scholars beyond the field of political theory and
Marxism, while remaining firmly rooted in his writings. Working from the original Italian
texts, Filippini also examines the more traditional areas of Gramsci’s thought, including
hegemony, organic intellectuals and civil society.

This book will be perfect for all scholars and students of Gramsci’s thought.
While the debate on regulating prostitution usually focuses on national policy, it is local
policy measures that have the most impact on the ground. This book is the first to offer a
detailed analysis of the design and implementation of prostitution policy at the local level
and carefully situates local policy practices in national policy making and transnational
trends in labour migration and exploitation.
author / Hendrik / Wagenaar
Designing Prostitution Policy | author / Sietske / Altink | Policy Press 9781447335191 2017-04-26 Based on detailed comparative research in Austria and the Netherlands, and bringing in Sociology
author / Helga / Amesberger experiences in countries such as New Zealand and Sweden, it analyses the policy
instruments employed by local administrators to control prostitution and sex workers.
Bridging the gap between theory and policy, emphasizing the multilevel nature of
prostitution policy, while also highlighting more effective policies on prostitution,
migration and labour exploitation, this unique book fills a gap in the literature on this
contentious and important social issue.

This book is a guide to the latest research using the C-SPAN Archives. In this book, nine
authors present original work using the video archives to study presidential debates,
author / Robert X. / public opinion and Congress, analysis of the Violence Against Women Act and the Great
Advances in Research Using the Purdue
Browning / Purdue 9781557537874 2016-11-15 Lakes freshwater legislation, as well as President Clinton’s grand jury testimony. The C- Information Science
C-SPAN Archives University Press SPAN Archives contain over 220,000 hours of first run digital video of the nation’s public
affairs record. These and other essays serve as guides for scholars who want to explore
the research potential of this robust public policy and communications resource.

The outsized influence of Jews in American entertainment from the early days of
Hollywood to the present has proved an endlessly fascinating and controversial topic, for
Jews and non-Jews alike. From Shtetl to Stardom: Jews and Hollywood takes an exciting
author / Michael / Renov / and innovative approach to this rich and complex material. Exploring the subject from a
University of Southern scholarly perspective as well as up close and personal, the book combines historical and
From Shtetl to Stardom California | author / Purdue 9781557537881 2016-12-15 theoretical analysis by leading academics in the field with inside information from
Vincent / Brook / UCLA, University Press
prominent entertainment professionals. Essays range from Vincent Brook’s survey of the
stubbornly persistent canard of Jewish industry “control” to Lawrence Baron and Joel
California State University Rosenberg’s panel presentations on the recent brouhaha over Ben Urwand’s book
alleging collaboration between Hollywood and Hitler. Case studies by Howard Rodman
and Joshua Louis Moss examine a key Coen brothers' film A Serious Man (Rodman) and
Jill Soloway’s groundbreaking television series Transparent (Moss).

The global public health community has focused care and funding on TB and HIV in
Zambia, but adult policy-makers, doctors, and humanitarians often ignore children's
perspectives as they confront infectious diseases. Well-intentioned practioners fail to
author / Jean / Hunleth / realize how children take on active caregiving roles when their guardians become
Children As Caregivers Washington University Rutgers 9780813588063 2017-04-28 seriously ill. Using ethnographic methods, and listening to the voices of children as well
School of Medicine University Press as adults, Hunleth makes the caregiving work of children visible. Children actively seek to
"get closer" to ill guardians by providing good care. Both children and ill adults define
good care as children's attentiveness to adults' physical needs, their ability to carry out
treatment and medication programs in the home, and above all, the need to maintain
physical closeness and proximity.
Nursing with a Message transports readers to New York City in the 1920s and 1930s,
charting the rise and fall of two community health centers in the neighborhoods of East
Harlem and Bellevue-Yorkville. Award-winning historian Patricia D’Antonio examines the
day-to-day operations of these clinics, as well as the community outreach work done by
author / Patricia / Rutgers nurses who visited schools, churches, and homes encouraging neighborhood residents to
Nursing with a Message D'Antonio / University of 9780813571041 2017-01-17 adopt healthier lifestyles, engage with preventive physical exams, and see to the health History
Pennsylvania University Press of their preschool children. As she reveals, these programs relied upon an often-
contentious and fragile alliance between various healthcare providers, educators, social
workers, and funding agencies, both public and private. Assessing both the successes and
failures of these public health demonstration projects, D’Antonio also traces their legacy
in shaping both the best and worst elements of today’s primary care system.

Current understandings of ageing and diversity are impoverished in three main ways.
Firstly, with regards to thinking about what inequalities operate in later life there has
been an excessive preoccupation with economic resources. On the other hand, less
attention has been paid to cultural norms and values, other resources, wider social
processes, political participation and community engagement. Secondly, in terms of
editor / Sue / Westwood / Taylor & thinking about the ‘who’ of inequality, this has so far been limited to a very narrow range
Ageing, Diversity and Equality 9781315226835 2017-01-31 of minority populations. Finally, when considering the ‘how’ of inequality, social Sociology
Oxford University, UK Francis gerontology’s theoretical analyses remain under-developed. The overall effect of these
issues is that social gerontology remains deeply embedded in normative assumptions
which serve to exclude a wide range of older people.
This book aims to challenge and provoke the above described normativity and offer an
alternative approach which highlights the heterogeneity and diversity of ageing.

Democracy Promotion as Foreign Policy looks at democracy promotion as a form of

author / Cathy / Elliott /
Democracy Promotion as Foreign University Taylor & foreign policy. It asks why democracy was seen to be the answer to the 7/7 bombings
College London, 9781315618050 2016-11-20 and why it should be promoted not in Britain, but in Pakistan. The logic and the modes of Political Science
Policy UK Francis thinking that drove this response are examined through analysis of the narratives of
time, history, development, civilisation and the ineluctable spread of democracy.

author / Michael / Bresnen /

Manchester Business School
| author / Damian / Hodgson
/ Manchester Business Managing Modern Healthcare seeks to draw a number of important and grounded
School | author / Simon / Taylor & lessons about how management networks develop and influence the spread of
Managing Modern Healthcare Bailey / Manchester Business 9781315658506 2017-01-31 management knowledge and practice; how management training and development Management
Francis relates to the needs of managers facing challenging conditions; and how those conditions
School | author / Paula /
are shaping the nature of healthcare management.
Hyde / Manchester Business
School | author / John /
Hassard / Manchester
Business School
Somalis in the Twin Cities and Columbus seeks to understand the integration outcomes
of refugees in the Midwest at local and state levels to show how communities struggle
Somalis in the Twin Cities and author / Stefanie / Chambers Temple with political, social, and economic incorporation. While many immigration titles examine
9781439914434 2017-03-01 the Latino community, this book focuses on the black Muslim Somalis, providing an Political Science
Columbus / Trinity College University Press important understanding of the lives of this understudied and misunderstood group--
before and after their arrival to the U.S. It is a timely look at the American policies that
help and hinder immigrants settling in the U.S.

This work examines how death, suicide and violence shaped modern queer culture,
arguing that negative experiences, as much as affirmative subculture formation,
influenced the emergence of a collective sense of same-sex identity. Bauer looks for this
author / Heike / Bauer / history of violence in the work and reception of the influential sexologist Magnus
The Hirschfeld Archives Birkbeck University of 9781439914342 2017-04-28 Hirschfeld (1868-1935), and through Hirschfeld's work examines the form and collective History
University Press impact of anti-queer violence in the first half of the twentieth century. Hirschfeld's
archive (his library at the Institute for Sexual Sciences in Berlin) was destroyed by the
Nazis in 1933, so the archive of Bauer's title is one that she's built from over a hundred
published and unpublished books, articles, films and photographs.

This book looks at the democratic constructions surrounding public debates about issues
related to scientific and technological development, specifically in this case
nanotechnology. Brice Laurent argues that nanotechnology is a lens through which one
author / Brice / Laurent / can build a theoretical and practical approach to the study of contemporary democracies,
Democratic Experiments The MIT Press 9780262344470 2017-04-28 exploring the joint production of nanotechnology itself and democratic order and Political Science
MINES ParisTech identifying questions related to the exercise of citizenship, forms of national sovereignty,
and channels of political legitimacy. This book helps increase visibility of and accessibility
to STS methodologies for scholars and practitioners outside the field of science,
technology, and society.

editor / Ed / Finn | editor / This new critical edition of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was developed by leading
David / Guston / Consortium scholars for aspiring scientists, engineers, and medical professionals. This unique framing
will make this a core text in promoting and enhancing interdisciplinary dialogue on the
for Science, Policy and nature, roles, and responsibilities of scientists and engineers in society. To be published
Frankenstein Outcomes, Arizona State in time for the 2018 bicentennial of its original publication, this edition will be produced
University | editor / Jason The MIT Press
9780262340250 2017-04-30 in print and as an enhanced e-book. The e-book will contain the full text of the novel (in Literature
Scott / Robert / Lincoln the public domain) plus all of the substantial scholarly material that was commissioned
and developed for this new edition, including essays by leading scholars, and will be most
Center for Applied Ethics, valuable to students and teachers of ethics. Digital features will include include reader
Arizona State University annotation, bookmarking, and multimedia content.
Clapperton Mavhunga's collection of essays about science, technology, and innovation
(STI) from an African perspective opens with the idea, "Things do not (always) mean the
editor / Clapperton / same from everywhere; when we insist that only ‘our’ meaning is the meaning, we
silence other people’s meanings." Mavhunga and his contributors argue that our
What Do Science, Technology, Mavhunga / Assistant contemporary definitions of STI are those of countries and cultures that have acquired
and Innovation Mean from Professor of Science, The MIT Press 2017-04-30 their dominance of others through global empires, and as a counter to that, Mavhunga
Africa? Technology and Society at seeks to put the concepts of STI into question, exploring what the technological,
the Massachusetts Institute scientific, and innovative might mean from Africa in lieu of outside introductions or
influences. We strongly feel that this book is suited to the Knowledge Unlatched program
of Technology because of the difficulty of reaching markets and readers in Africa with print books. We
feel unlatching would go a long way toward helping Mavhunga reach an important
audience for this work that we have been previously unable to reach.

'Advances in the Analysis of Spanish Exclamatives' is the first book entirely devoted to
Spanish exclamatives, a special sentence type often overlooked by contemporary
linguists and neglected in standard grammatical descriptions. The seven essays in this
Advances in the Analysis of author / Ignacio / Bosque / The Ohio State volume, each by a leading specialist on the topic, scrutinize the syntax, as well as the
9780814274729 2017-01-01 semantic and pragmatic aspects, of exclamations on theoretical grounds. The book Languages
Spanish Exclamatives Universidad Complutense University Press begins by summarizing, commenting on, and evaluating previous descriptive and
theoretical contributions on Spanish exclamatives. This introductory overview also
contains a detailed classification of Spanish exclamative grammatical types, along with an
analysis of their main properties.

In this book, Jennifer Garrison examines literary representations of the central symbol of
later medieval religious culture: the Eucharist. In contrast to scholarship that depicts
mainstream believers as enthusiastically and simplistically embracing the Eucharist,
Challenging Communion: The Eucharist and Middle English Literature identifies a
author / Jennifer / Garrison / The Ohio State pervasive Middle English literary tradition that rejects simplistic notions of eucharistic
Challenging Communion St. Mary's University University Press 9780814274637 2017-01-01 promise. Through new readings of texts such as Piers Plowman, A Revelation of Love, The Literature
Book of Margery Kempe, and John Lydgate's religious poetry, Garrison shows how
writers of Middle English often take advantage of the ways in which eucharistic theology
itself contests the boundaries between the material and the spiritual, and how these
writers challenge the eucharistic idea of union between Christ and the community of

editor / Nicolaj / van der

Kitchen, cooking, nutrition, and eating have become omnipresent cultural topics. They
Meulen / University of stand at the center of design, gastronomy, nutrition science, and agriculture. Artists
Applied Sciences and Arts, have appropriated cooking as an aesthetic practice – in turn, cooks are adapting the
Culinary Turn Switzerland | editor / Jörg / transcript 9783839430316 2017-04-30 staging practices that go with an artistic self-image. This development is accompanied by Sociology
Verlag a philosophy of cooking as a speculative cultural technique. This volume investigates the
Wiesel / University of
dimensions of a new culinary turn, combining for the very first time contributions from
Applied Sciences and Arts, the theory and practice of cooking.
editor / Anne /
Waldschmidt / University of Which theoretical approaches of contemporary cultural criticism can Disability Studies
Cologne, Germany | editor / employ? At the same time, what can Cultural Studies gain by incorporating disability
Hanjo / Berressem / transcript more fully as a framework for critical analysis? This international collection of essays
Culture – Theory – Disability 9783839425336 2017-04-14 enriches the thriving discourse of Cultural Disability Studies by offering stimulating Sociology
University of Cologne, Verlag dialogues between British, Czech, German and US-American scholars. In order to contour
Germany | editor / Moritz / the various 'contact zones' between the two fields, the volume works transdisciplinarily,
Ingwersen / Trent University, drawing on fields such as sociology, literary studies, art history and philosophy.

editor / Urte Undine /

Frömming / Freie Universität Digital technology already has permeated the physical world. Devices such as
smartphones, tablets or wearables and online venues like virtual worlds and social
Berlin | editor / Steffen / networks have penetrated every part of our lives. The contributions to this volume apply
Digital Environments Köhn / Freie Universität transcript 9783839434970 2017-02-15 innovative forms of ethnographic research to the digital realm. They examine the Media and
Berlin | editor / Samantha / Verlag emergence of new online communities around Greenlandic news blogs or Malaysian Communications
Fox / Columbia University, LGBT Facebook groups, the rise of transnational migrant networks facilitated by social
media, or the representation of conflicts and the proliferation of ideologies within online
NYC | editor / Mike / Terry / spaces.
Freie Universität Berlin

Over the past 20 years European theatre underwent fundamental changes in terms of
aesthetic focus, institutional structure and in its position in society. The impetus for these
editor / Manfred / changes was provided by a new generation in the independent theatre scene. This book
Independent Theatre in Brauneck / International transcript 9783839432433 2017-02-21 brings together studies on the state of independent theatre in different European Media and
Contemporary Europe Verlag countries, focusing on the fields of dance and performance, children and youth theatre, Communications
Theatre Institute (ITI) theatre and migration and post-migrant theatre. Additionally, it includes essays on
experimental musical theatre, and different cultural policies for independent theatre
scenes in a range of European countries.

Left-wing intellectuals in Britain and the US had long repudiated the Soviet regime. Why
was the collapse of the Eastern Bloc experienced as a shock that destabilised their
identities and political allegiances then? What happened to a collective project that had
Intellectual Radicalism after 1989 author / Sebastian / Berg /
Ruhr University Bochum
Verlag 9783839434185 2017-01-30 started out to formulate a socialist vision different from both really existing socialism and
social democracy? This study endeavours to answer both questions, focusing on Sociology
generational networks rather than individuals and investigating political academic
journals after 1989 to paint the picture of a Left deeply troubled by the triumph of a
capitalism unfettered by any counter-force.

'Global' is everywhere – recent years have seen a significant proliferation of the adjective
author / Sabine / Selchow / 'global' across discourses. But what do social actors actually do when using this term?
The London School of Written from within the political studies and international relations disciplines, and with
Negotiations of the 'New World' Economics and Ludwig- transcript 9783839428962 2017-01-31 a particular interest in the US, this book demonstrates that the widespread use of 'global'
Political Science
Verlag is more than a linguistic curiosity. It constitutes a distinct political phenomenon of major
Maximilians-University importance: the negotiation of and play with the notion of the 'new world'. As such, the
Munich analysis of the use of 'global' provides fascinating insights into an influential and
politically loaded aspect of contemporary imaginations of the world.
editor / Timon / Beyes /
Copenhagen Business
How is performativity shaped by digital media – and how do performance practices
School (Denmark) and themselves reflect and alter techno-social configurations? Performing the Digital inquires
Leuphana University into the technological terms and conditions of performance and performance studies,
Performing the Digital Lüneburg (Germany) | editor transcript 9783839433553 2017-02-21 and maps and theorizes the registers of performance at work in digital cultures. The
Media and
Verlag contributions range from the performativity of algorithms and digital devices to the Communications
/ Martina / Leeker /
modulation of affect, atmospheres and the body; from performing cities, protest,
Leuphana University organization and the economy to the scholarly performances of research.
Lüneburg | editor /
Imanuel / Schipper

editor / Martin / Butler / Carl

von Ossietzky University,
Oldenburg (Germany) | All around the world and throughout history resistance has played an important role –
and it still does. Some strive to raise it to cause change. Some dare not to speak of it.
editor / Paul / Mecheril / Carl Some try to smother it to keep a status quo. The contributions to this volume explore
Resistance von Ossietzky University, transcript 9783839431498 2017-04-30 phenomena of resistance in a range of historical and contemporary environments. In so
Oldenburg (Germany) | Verlag doing, they not only contribute to shaping a comparative view on subjects,
editor / Lea / Brenningmeyer representations, and contexts of resistance, but also open up a theoretical dialogue on
terms and concepts of resistance both in and across different disciplines. With
/ Carl von Ossietzky contributions by Micha Brumlik, Peter McLaren, Gayatri C. Spivak and others.
University, Oldenburg

This ground-breaking book explores the points of convergence between corporate

capitalism and terrorist practice. Assessing the increase in the number of terrorist attacks
Target Markets – International author / Suzi / Mirgani / directed against commercial entities in urban areas, such as the Westgate mall in Nairobi
Terrorism Meets Global Georgetown University transcript 9783839433522 2017-03-21 or the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, Suzi Mirgani offers a fascinating and disturbing
Political Science
Capitalism in the Mall School of Foreign Service Verlag perspective on the spaces where supposedly oppositional ends of the spectrum meet on
(Qatar) common ground. How is it that these urban commercial spaces provide ground zero for a
conference between the most powerful forces of contemporary culture: the most
mainstream and the most extreme?

Although Herodot's dictum that "Egypt is a gift of the Nile" is proverbial, there has been
only scant attention to the way the river impacted on ancient Egyptian society.
editor / Harco / Willems / KU Egyptologists frequently focus on the textual and iconographic record, whereas
The Nile Leuven | editor / Jan- transcript 9783839436158 2017-01-31 archaeologists and earth scientists approach the issue from the perspective of natural
Michael / Dahms / University Verlag sciences. The contributions in this volume bridge this gap by analyzing the river both as a
of Heidelberg natural and as a cultural phenomenon. Adopting an approach of cultural ecology, it
addresses issues like ancient land use, administration and taxation, irrigation, and
religious concepts.
Ukraine is a ‘border’ society, situated culturally and socio-politically between Eurasian
and Euro-Atlantic poles of attraction. The influence of these two distinct cultures can be
seen throughout Ukrainian society, but particularly in its patterns of migration.

In this book, Dr hab. Y. Bilan analyses external migration from Ukraine using a system
Migration of the Ukrainian author / Yuriy / Bilan / analysis approach combining econometric analysis and statistical modelling,
Ubiquity Press 9781909188969 2017-02-01 historiographical and institutional analysis, and quantitative and qualitative sociological Sociology
Population University of Szczecin analysis with special attention to media discourse and congregational, demographic,
gender and regional dimensions.
The author’s analysis builds on statistical data and a range of studies in English,
Ukrainian, Russian and Polish, presenting the Ukrainian case as applicable to other
border societies and beyond.

The World Wide Web has now been in use for more than 20 years. From early browsers
to today’s principal source of information, entertainment and much else, the Web is an
integral part of our daily lives, to the extent that some people believe ‘if it’s not online, it
doesn’t exist’. While this statement is not entirely true, it is becoming increasingly
editor / Niels / Brügger / accurate, and reflects the Web’s role as an indispensable treasure trove. It is curious,
Aarhus University | editor / therefore, that historians and social scientists have thus far made little use of the Web to Media and
The Web as History UCL Press 9781911307563 2017-04-03 investigate historical patterns of culture and society, despite making good use of letters,
Ralph / Schroeder / novels, newspapers, radio and television programmes, and other pre-digital artefacts. Communications
University of Oxford
This volume argues that now is the time to question what we have learnt from the Web
so far. The 12 chapters explore this topic from a number of interdisciplinary angles –
through histories of national web spaces and case studies of different government and
media domains.

Emil Bessels was chief scientist and medical officer on George Francis Hall's ill-fated
American North Pole Expedition of 1871-73 on board the ship Polaris. Bessels' book,
translated from the German in its entirety for the first time, is one of only two first-hand
accounts of the voyage, and it is the only first-hand account of the experiences of the
author / Emil / Bessels | group which stayed with the ship after it ran afoul of arctic ice, leaving some of its crew
Polaris author / William / Barr / University of 9781552388761 2016-11-01 stranded on an ice floe. Bessels and the others spent a second winter on shore in
Arctic Institute of North Calgary Press Northwest Greenland, where the drifting, disabled ship ran aground. Hall died
America suspiciously during the first winter, and Bessels is widely suspected of having poisoned
him. Bill Barr has uncovered new evidence of a possible motive.
Essential reading for researchers and students of arctic exploration history, this book is
also a compelling read for the interested general reader.
Buddhism, often described as an austere religion that condemns desire, promotes denial,
and idealizes the contemplative life, actually has a thriving leisure culture in Asia. Justin
McDaniel looks at the growth of Asia’s culture of Buddhist leisure through a study of
architects responsible for monuments, museums, amusement parks, and other sites. In
author / Justin Thomas / University of conversation with noted theorists of material and visual culture and anthropologists of
Architects of Buddhist Leisure McDaniel / University of Hawai'i / 9780824874407 2016-11-30 art, McDaniel argues that such sites highlight the importance of public, leisure, and Philosophy
Pennsylvania Hawai‘i Press spectacle culture from a Buddhist perspective and illustrate how “secular” and
“religious,” “public” and “private,” are in many ways false binaries. Provocative and
theoretically innovative, Architects of Buddhist Leisure challenges current
methodological approaches in religious studies and speaks to a broad audience
interested in modern art, architecture, religion, anthropology, and material culture.

Seventy years have passed since the end of the Asia-Pacific War, yet Japan remains
embroiled in controversy with its neighbors over the war’s commemoration. Among the
many points of contention between Japan, China, and South Korea are interpretations of
the Tokyo War Crimes Trial, apologies and compensation for foreign victims of Japanese
author / Hiro / Saito / University of aggression, prime ministerial visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, and the war’s portrayal in
The History Problem Singapore Management Hawai'i / 9780824874391 2016-12-31 textbooks. Collectively, these controversies have come to be called the “history History
University Hawai‘i Press problem.” But why has the problem become so intractable? Can it ever be resolved, and
if so, how? To answer these questions, Hiro Saito mobilizes the sociology of collective
memory and social movements, political theories of apology and reconciliation,
psychological research on intergroup conflict, and philosophical reflections on memory
and history.

What motivates people to become involved in issues and struggles beyond their own
borders? How are activists changed and movements transformed when they reach out to
others a world away? This adept study addresses these questions by tying together local,
national, regional, and global historical narratives surrounding the contemporary
author / Simon / Avenell / University of Japanese environmental movement. Spanning the era of Japanese industrial pollution in
Transnational Japan in the Global College of Asia and the Hawai'i / 9780824874384 2017-03-31 the 1960s and the more recent rise of movements addressing global environmental
Environmental Movement Pacific, the Australian Hawai‘i Press
problems, it shows how Japanese activists influenced approaches to environmentalism
National University and industrial pollution in the Asia-Pacific region, North America, and Europe, as well as
landmark United Nations conferences in 1972 and 1992. Transnational Japan in the
Global Environmental Movement will appeal to scholars and students interested in the
development of civil society, social movements, and environmentalism in contemporary
Japan; grassroots inter-Asian connections in the postwar period.

'China and the West: Music, Representation, and Reception' is the first book to explore
how Chinese and Western musical materials and traditions—those involving instruments,
melodies, rhythms, staged diversions (including operas and musical comedies), concert
author / Hon-Lun / Yang / works, film scores, and digital recordings of several kinds—have gradually moved closer
China and the West Hong Kong Baptist University University of 2017-03-01 together and become increasingly accepted, as well as exploited, in Asia as well as
| author / Michael / Saffle / Michigan Press Europe and North America. Although aimed in large part at a scholarly audience, China
Virginia Tech and the West should appeal to general readers of many kinds: those interested in
politics, cultural history and theory, gender studies, sociology, theater, and media studies
as well as musical composition and performance of ‘classical’ as well as traditional and
popular kinds.
'Strange Science: Investigating the Limits of Knowledge in the Victorian Age' is an
unprecedented collection that examines marginal, fringe, and unconventional forms of
scientific inquiry, as well as their cultural representations in the Victorian period.
author / Lara P. / Karpenko / Although now relegated to the category of the pseudoscientific, fields like mesmerism
Strange Science Carroll University | author / University of 2017-01-02 and psychical research captured the imagination of the Victorian public. Conversely,
Shalyn / Claggett / Michigan Press many branches of science that we now view as uncontroversial, such as physics and
Mississippi State University botany, were often associated with unorthodox methods of inquiry. Whether
incorporated into mainstream scientific thought, or relegated by 21st century historians
to the category of the pseudo- or even anti-scientific, these sciences generated
conversation, enthusiasm, and controversy within Victorian society.

“Peacebuilding” serves as a catch-all term to describe efforts by an array of international

organizations, non-governmental organizations, and even agencies of foreign states to
restore or construct a peaceful society in the wake – or even in the midst – of conflict.
Despite this variety, practitioners consider themselves members of a global profession. In
this study, Catherine Goetze investigates the genesis of peacebuilding as a professional
author / Catherine / Goetze / University of field of expertise since the 1960s, its increasing influence, and the ways it reflects global
The Distinction of Peace 2016-11-01 power structures. Political Science
University of Tasmania Michigan Press
Step-by-step, Goetze describes how the peacebuilding field came into being, how it
defines who belongs to it and who does not, and what kind of group culture it has
generated. Using an innovative and original methodology, she investigates the
motivations of individuals who become peacebuilders, their professional trajectories and
networks, and the ‘good peacebuilder’ as an ideal.

The Jazz Republic considers the history and critical reception of jazz music during
Germany’s Weimar Republic, showing the wide-ranging influence of American jazz on
German culture in the early twentieth century. How did jazz travel across the Atlantic to
author / Jonathan O. / Germany and how did German writers and artists respond to this new, modern music
The Jazz Republic Wipplinger / University of University of 2017-04-03 from America? The book examines both jazz music and the histories of foreign and History
Michigan Press home-grown jazz artists who shaped Germany’s exposure to this African American art
form. It also looks at the manifold responses to jazz in the Weimar Republic and tracks
the shifting responses of Germans at a time when jazz itself underwent a great many

How can we leverage digitization to improve access to justice, without compromising the
fundamental principles of our legal system? eAccess to Justice describes the many
challenges that come with the integration of information and communication
technologies into our courtrooms, and explores lessons learned from digitization projects
University of from around the world.
editor / Jane / Bailey | editor Ottawa Press /
eAccess to Justice / Valerie / Steeves / Les Presses de 9780776624303 2016-11-01 Edited by Jane Bailey and Valerie Steeves. Contributions by Trevor Scott Milford; Akane
Media and
Kanai; Assumpta Ndengeyingoma; Jacquelyn Burkell; Madelaine Saginur; Priscilla M. Communications
University of Ottawa l’Université
Regan; Diana L. Sweet; Jessica Ringrose; Laura Harvey; Jordan Fairbairn; Andrea Slane;
d’Ottawa Shaheen Shariff; Ashley DeMartini; Gillian Angrove; Matthew Johnson; Sarah Heath;
Betsy Rosenblatt; Rebecca Tushnet; and Leslie Regan Shade.

Keywords: Privacy, identity, equality, online environment, women, cyberfeminism, policy

Courts are key players in the dynamics of federal countries since their rulings have a
direct impact on the ability of governments to centralize and decentralize power. Courts
in Federal Countries examines the role high courts play in thirteen countries, including
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Nigeria, Spain, and the United States.
author / Nicholas / Aroney /
The University of University of The volume’s contributors analyse the centralizing or decentralizing forces at play
Courts in Federal Countries 9781487514662 2017-04-17 following a court’s ruling on issues such as individual rights, economic affairs, social Political Science
Queensland | author / John / Toronto Press issues, and other matters. The thirteen substantive chapters have been written to
Kincaid / Lafeyette College facilitate comparability between the countries. Each chapter outlines a country’s federal
system, explains the constitutional and institutional status of the court system, and
discusses the high court’s jurisprudence in light of these features. Courts in Federal
Countries offers insightful explanations of judicial behaviour in the world’s leading

author / Helga /
Mitterbauer / University of This volume studies elements of Austro-Hungarian or Central European culture that were
Graz & Visiting at University University of common across linguistic, national, and ethnic communities, and shows how some of
Crossing Central Europe 9781487514686 2017-04-17 these commonalities survived or were transformed by the turmoil of the 20th century: History
of Alberta | author / Carrie / Toronto Press two world wars, a major depression between the wars, Stalinism and the Iron Curtain.
Smith-Prei / University of

In England in Europe, Elizabeth Tyler focuses on two histories: the Encomium Emmae
Reginae, written for Emma the wife of the Æthelred II and Cnut, and The Life of King
Edward, written for Edith the wife of Edward the Confessor.
Tyler offers a bold literary and historical analysis of both texts and reveals how the two
author / Elizabeth Muir / University of queens actively engaged in the patronage of history-writing and poetry to exercise their
England in Europe Tyler / University of York Toronto Press 9781487514723 2017-04-30 royal authority. Tyler’s innovative combination of attention to intertextuality and regard Literature
for social networks emphasizes the role of women at the centre of Anglo-Saxon and
Anglo-Norman court literature. In doing so, she argues that both Emma and Edith’s
negotiation of conquests and factionalism created powerful models of queenly patronage
that were subsequently adopted by individuals such as Queen Margaret of Scotland,
Countess Adela of Blois, Queen Edith/Matilda, and Queen Adeliza.

This book examines the human desire for God through the lens of Bernard Lonergan's
author / Randall S. / 'concrete subjectivity.' With Lonergan as an integrating thread, the author engages a
University of variety of thinkers, including Hans Urs von Balthazar, Jean-Luc Marion, Rene Girard,
The Givenness of Desire Rosenberg / SaintLouis 9781487514709 2017-04-30 Philosophy
University Toronto Press Lawrence Feingold, John Milbank, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Pope France, among others.
The Givenness of Desire investigates our paradoxical desire for God that is rooted in in
both the natural and supernatural.
In a world where the notion of home is more traumatizing than it is comforting, artists
are using this literal and figurative space to reframe human responses to trauma.
Building on the scholarship of key art historians and theorists such as Judith Butler and
Mieke Bal, Claudette Lauzon embarks upon a transnational analysis of contemporary
artists who challenge the assumption that ‘home’ is a stable site of belonging. Lauzon’s
The Unmaking of Home in author / Claudette / Lauzon / University of boundary-breaking discussion of artists including Krzysztof Wodiczko, Sanitago Sierra, Media and
9781487514679 2017-04-30 Doris Salcedo, and Yto Barrada posits that contemporary art offers a unique set of
Contemporary Art Simon Fraser University Toronto Press responses to questions of home and belonging in an increasingly unwelcoming world. Communications
From the legacies of Colombia’s ‘dirty war’ to migrant North African workers crossing the
Mediterranean, The Unmaking of Home in Contemporary Art bears witness to the
suffering of others whose overriding notion of home reveals the universality of human
vulnerability and the limits of empathy.

author / Aileen A. / Feng / University of Writing Beloveds considers the way in which a poetic convention, the 'beloved' to whom
Writing Beloveds 9781487514716 2016-11-21 Renaissance amatory poetry was addressed, becomes influential political rhetoric, an Literature
The University of Arizona Toronto Press instrument that both men and women used to shape and justify their claims to power.

In Writing the Yugoslav Wars, Dragana Obradović analyses how the Yugoslav wars of
secession helped shape the region’s literary culture. Obradović argues that the crisis of
the country’s disintegration posed an ethical challenge to self-identified postmodernists.
author / Dragana / This book takes a transnational approach to literatures of the former Yugoslavia that
Writing the Yugoslav Wars Obradović / University of University of 9781487514693 2017-01-09 have been, since the 1990s, studied separately, in line with geopolitical divisions. This Literature
Toronto Toronto Press post-socialist conflict was one of the moments that reshaped postmodernism for both
local and international thinkers, much in the same way modernism was shaped by World
War I and the advent of mechanized warfare.

The naval leader has taken centre stage in traditional naval histories. However, while the
historical narrative has been fairly consistent the development of various navies has been
accompanied by assumptions, challenges and competing visions of the social
characteristics of naval leaders and of their function. Whilst leadership has been a
editor / Richard / Harding / constant theme in historical studies, it has not been scrutinised as a phenomenon in its
University of Westminster | University of
own right.
Naval Leadership in the Atlantic editor / Agustin / Guiméra / Westminster 9781911534099 2017-03-30 This book examines the critical period in Europe between 1700 -1850, when political, History
World Instituto de Historia, Centro economic and cultural shifts were bringing about a new understanding of the individual
de Ciencias Humanas y and of society. Bringing together context with a focus on naval leadership as a
Sociales, Madrid phenomenon is at the heart of this book, a unique collaborative venture between British,
French and Spanish scholars. As globalisation develops in the twenty-first century the
significance of navies looks set to increase. This volume of essays aims to place naval
leadership in its historical context.
In The Only True People, a multidisciplinary group of archaeologists, linguists,
ethnographers, ethnohistorians, and epigraphers evaluate views of Maya history and
prehistory in order to more accurately characterize the unique nature of the people
author / Bethany J. / bin known as the Maya by exploring the construction of their identities in the past and the
Beyyette | author / Lisa J. / University Press present. Each author evaluates what makes identifiable sociocultural units, or
"The Only True People" 9781607325673 2017-02-01 “ethnicities,” distinctive, investigating ethnicity at a number of Maya sites across Archaeology
LeCount / University of of Colorado different time periods: from the northern reaches of the Yucatan to the Southern
Alabama Periphery, and from the Classic period to the modern day. The volume challenges the
notion of an ethnically homogenous “Maya people” within their region and chronology,
and the authors explain how their work contributes to the definition of “ethnicity” for
ancient Maya society.

This work compares the process and practice of nineteenth-century American and
Russian internal colonization, a form of contiguous, continental expansion, imperialism
and colonialism that incorporated indigenous lands and peoples. It provides a critical,
comparative examination of internal colonization exercised by the United States and
author / Steve / Sabol / Russia and experienced by two indigenous populations, the Sioux and the Kazakhs. In
"The Touch of Civilization" University of North Carolina University Press 9781607325505 2017-01-02 particular, it examines how and why perceptions of the Sioux and Kazakhs as ostensibly
Charlotte of Colorado uncivilized peoples, and similarly held American and Russian perceptions of the Northern
Plains and the Kazakh Steppe as “uninhabited” regions that ought to be settled,
reinforced American and Russian government sedentarization policies and land allotment
programs among the Sioux and Kazakhs. In addition, it compares the processes practiced
by the two empires and the various forms of Sioux and Kazakh martial, political, social
and culture resistance evident throughout the 19th century.

Nearly two decades of research at Chunchucmil, Yucatan, Mexico documented a thriving

city of 40,000 people without the powerful kings and massive temples seen at other
Maya centers. What brought people to this area, the driest in the Maya world, and how
did they survive? Ancient Maya Commerce provides a pioneering study in economic
anthropology, making the strongest case yet that ancient Maya economies were quite
Ancient Maya Commerce author / Scott / Hutson / University Press 9781607326977 2017-01-02 complex, containing markets in addition to other forms of exchange. Multiple lines of
University of Kentucky of Colorado evidence including household archaeology, regional survey, paleo-ecology and soil
chemistry show that Chunchucmil was a major center for both short and long distance
trade, integrating the Guatemalan highlands, the Gulf of Mexico and the interior of the
northern Maya lowlands. By placing Chunchucmil into the broader context of emerging
research at other Maya cities, this book helps reorient our understanding of ancient
Maya economies, foregrounding the increasingly important role of commerce.

This volume looks at how different physical environments contribute to the reproduction
of cultural forms even in the wake of colonization, migration, and other processes of
author / Fernando / displacement and change. This raises the question of whether cultural practices are
Armstrong-Fumero / Smith altered by changes in physical environment or if a group’s narratives and practices shape
Legacies of Space and Intangible College | author / Julio Hoil / University Press 9781607327004 2017-03-01 their location. Using case studies from North and South America, the contributors reveal
Heritage of Colorado a pattern of abandonment and reestablishment of settlements and how collective
Guiterrez / CIESAS Unidad memory drives people back to culturally meaningful sites. Through the lenses of
Peninsular archaeology and ethnohistory and by examining the politics of cultural continuity, the
authors argue that there is a complex relationship between a people’s heritage and the
landscape that affects the making of “place.”
Colonialism and the process of state expansion into new territories far from the capitol
and mother country have occurred for thousands of years across the globe. Within the
American Southwest, colonial encounters and the processes of colonialism played out in
author / John / Douglass / notably divergent manners through time and space. The chapters in New Mexico and the
Statistical Research, Inc. | University Press Pimería Alta: The Colonial Period in the American Southwest, focus on the two major
New Mexico and the Pimería areas of the Southwest that witnessed the most intensive and sustained colonial
author / William M. / 9781607327011 2017-03-01 Archaeology
Alta Graves / Statistical Research, of Colorado
encounters: the New Mexico Colony and the Pimería Alta. Although these broad areas
share a similar early colonial history, the particular mix of players, socio-historical
Inc. trajectories, and social relations within each area both led to, and were transformed by,
markedly diverse colonial encounters. Understanding these different mixes of players,
history, and social relations provides the foundation for conceptualizing the enormous
changes wrought by colonialism throughout the region.

Through the study of archaeological, ethnographic, linguistic, and historical evidence

from northern Peru to northern Chile, Bolivia, and northwest Argentina, the authors in
this volume show the significance of ritual from pre-contact to present day in the Andes.
author / Stefanie / Bautista / These volume essays deal with theoretical and methodological concerns in anthropology
Stanford University | University Press and archaeology including non-human and human agency, the development and
Rituals of the Past 9781607327028 2017-04-03 Archaeology
author / Silvana / Rosenfeld / of Colorado maintenance of political and religious authority, ideology, cosmologies, and social
University of South Dakota memory, and their relationships with ritual action. By providing a diachronic and widely
regional perspective on ritual in the Andes, this volume shows how ritual is both
persistent and dynamic and is key in understanding many aspects of the formation,
reproduction, and change of life in past Andean societies.

author / Maurits / van Bever Remains of the Social is an interdisciplinary volume of essays that engages with what ‘the
Donker / University of the social’ might mean after apartheid; a condition referred to as ‘the post-apartheid social’.
The volume grapples with apartheid as a global phenomenon that extends beyond the
Western Cape | author / borders of South Africa between 1948 and 1994 and foregrounds the tension between
Ross / Truscott / Duke the weight of lived experience that was and is apartheid, the structures that condition
Remains of the Social University | author / Gary / Wits University 2017-03-21 that experience and a desire for a ‘post-apartheid social’ (think unity through difference). History
Press Collectively, the contributors argue for a recognition of the ‘the post-apartheid’ as a
Minkley / University of Fort
condition that names the labour of coming to terms with the ordering principles that
Hare | author / Premesh / apartheid both set in place and foreclosed. The volume seeks to provide a sense of the
Lalu / University of the terrain on which ‘the post-apartheid’ - as a desire for a difference that is not apartheid’s
Western Cape difference - unfolds, falters and is worked through.

In Cultures in Collision and Conversation, David Berger addresses three broad themes in
Jewish intellectual history: Jewish approaches to cultures external to Judaism and the
controversies triggered by this issue in medieval and modern times; the impact of
Cultures in Collision and author / David / Berger / Academic Christian challenges and differing philosophical orientations on Jewish interpretation of
Conversation Yeshiva University Studies Press 9781618117915 2011-04-01 the Bible; and Messianic visions, movements, and debates from antiquity to the present. Philosophy
These essays include a monograph-length study of Jewish attitudes toward general
culture in medieval and early modern times, analyses of the thought of Maimonides and
Nahmanides, an assessment of the reactions to the most recent messianic movement in
Jewish history, and reflections on the value of the academic study of Judaism.
The studies comprising this volume, most of them appearing for the first time in English,
deal with some of the main topics in Maimonides’ philosophy and that of his followers in
Provence. At the heart of these topics lies the issue of whether they adopted a
author / Howard / Kreisel / Academic completely naturalistic picture of the workings of the world order, or left room for the
Judaism as Philosophy Ben-Gurion University of the 9781618117892 2015-10-22 volitional activity of God in history. These topics include divine law, creation, the Account Philosophy
Negev Studies Press of the Chariot, prophet and sage, Mosaic prophecy, reasons for the commandments, and
prayer. Special attention is paid to three lesser known but highly significant Provençal
Jewish thinkers: Moses Ibn Tibbon, Levi ben Avraham, and Nissim ben Moses of

In Mo(ve)ments of Resistance, Grinberg summarizes both his own work and that of other
political economists, providing a coherent historical narrative covering the time from the
beginning of Socialist Zionism (1904) to the Oslo Accords and the neoliberalization of the
economy (1994–1996). The theoretical approach of the book combines eventful
author / Lev Luis / Grinberg / Academic sociology, path dependency, and institutional political economy. Grinberg argues that
Mo(ve)ments of Resistance Ben-Gurion University Studies Press 9781618117908 2013-12-15 historical political events have been shaped not only by political and economic forces but History
also by resistance struggles of marginal and weaker social groups: organized workers,
Palestinians, and Mizrachi Jews. Major turning points in history, like the Separation War
in 1948, the military occupation in 1967, and the Oslo peace process in 1993, are
explained in the context of previous social and economic resistance struggles that
affected the political outcomes.

The present volume introduces new considerations on the topic of "World Literature",
penned by leading representatives of the discipline from the United States, India, Japan,
the Middle East, England, France and Germany. The essays revolve around the question
of what, specifically in today's rapidly globalizing world, may be the productive
Akademie implications of the concept of World Literature, which was first developed in the 18th
Approaches to World Literature editor / Joachim / Küpper 9783050064956 2013-12-20 Literature
Verlag century and then elaborated on by Goethe. The discussions include problems such as
different script systems with varying literary functions, as well as questions addressing
the relationship between ethnic self-description and cultural belonging. The
contributions result from a conference that took place at the Dahlem Humanities Center,
Freie Universität Berlin, in 2012.

This incisive volume brings together postcolonial studies, visual culture and cultural
memory studies to explain how the Netherlands continues to rediscover its history of
violence in colonial Indonesia. Dutch commentators have frequently claimed that the
colonial past and especially the violence associated with it has been 'forgotten' in the
Netherlands. Uncovering 'lost' photographs and other documents of violence has thereby
author / Paul / Bijl / Amsterdam become a recurring feature aimed at unmasking a hidden truth.
Emerging Memory 9789048522019 2016-03-01 History
University of Amsterdam University Press The author argues that, rather than absent, such images have been consistently present
in the Dutch public sphere and have been widely available in print, on television and now
on the internet. Emerging Memory: Photographs of Colonial Atrocity in Dutch Cultural
Remembrance shows that between memory and forgetting there is a haunted zone from
which pasts that do not fit the stories nations live by keep on emerging and submerging
while retaining their disturbing presence.
In recent decades, traditional methods of philology and intellectual history, applied to
editor / Léon / Buskens / the study of Islam and Muslim societies, have been met with considerable criticism from
Islamic Studies in the Twenty- Leiden University | editor / Amsterdam rising generations of scholars who have turned to the social sciences, most notably
9789048528189 2016-08-01 anthropology and social history, for guidance. This change has been accompanied by the Theology & Religion
first Century Annemarie / van Sandwijk / University Press rise of new fields, studying, for example, Islam in Europe and Africa, and new topics, such
Leiden University as the role of gender. This collection surveys these transformations and others, taking
stock of the field and showing new paths forward.

editor / Juliet / Pietsch / This volume brings together a group of scholars from a wide range of disciplines to
Migration and Integration in Australian National Amsterdam address crucial questions of migration flows and integration in Europe, Southeast Asia,
Europe, Southeast Asia, and University | editor / Marshall University Press 9789048528172 2015-06-01 and Australia. Comparative analysis of the three regions and their differing approaches Sociology
Australia / Clark / Australian National and outcomes yields important insights for each region, as well as provokes new
questions and suggests future avenues of study.

Bestsellers in Nineteenth Century America seeks to produce for students novels, poems
and other printed material that sold extremely well when they first appeared in the
Bestsellers in Nineteenth- United States. Many of the most famous American works of the nineteenth century that
editor / Paul / Gutjahr Anthem Press 2016-11-21 we know today — such as Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick — were not widely read when Literature
Century America they first appeared. This collection seeks to offer its readers a glimpse at the literature
that lit up the literary horizon when the works were first published, leading to insights on
key cultural aspects of the nineteenth-century United States and its literary culture.

Conditions of malnutrition, conflict, or a combination of both characterize many Arab

countries, but this was not always so. As in much of the developing world, the immediate
post-independence period represented an age of hope and relative prosperity. But
imperialism did not sleep while these countries developed, and it soon intervened to
destroy these post-independence achievements. The two principal defeats and losses of
The Unmaking of Arab Socialism author / Ali / Kadri Anthem Press 2016-10-01 territory to Israel in 1967 and 1973, as well as the others that followed, left in their wake Political Science
more than the destruction of assets and the loss of human lives: the Arab World lost its
ideology of resistance. The Unmaking of Arab Socialism is an attempt to understand the
reasons for Arab world's developmental descent from the pinnacle of Arab socialism to
its present desolate conditions through an examination of the post-colonial histories of
Egypt, Syria, and Iraq.

For the first time, this book provides the global history of labor in Central Eurasia, Russia,
Europe, and the Indian Ocean between the 16th and 20th centuries. It contests common
views on free and unfree labor, comparing the latter to many Western countries where
wage conditions resembled those of domestic servants. This gave rise to extreme forms
author / Alessandro / of dependency in the colonies, not only under slavery, but also afterwards via indentured
Bondage Stanziani / Ecole des Hautes Berghahn 9781785336607 2014-01-01 labor in the Indian Ocean and obligatory labor in Africa. Stanziani shows that unfree History
Books labor and forms of economic coercion were perfectly compatible with market
Etudes en Sciences Sociales
development and capitalism, proven by the consistent economic growth that took place
all over Eurasia between the 17th and the 19th centuries. This growth was labor
intensive: commercial expansion, transformations in agriculture, and the first industrial
revolution required more labor, not less.
The history of criminal justice in modern Germany has become a vibrant field of research,
as demonstrated in this volume. Following an introductory survey, the twelve chapters
examine major topics in the history of crime and criminal justice from Imperial Germany,
through the Weimar and Nazi eras, to the early postwar years. These topics include case
editor / Richard F. / Wetzell / studies of criminal trials, the development of juvenile justice, and the efforts to reform
Crime and Criminal Justice in Berghahn
German Historical Institute, 9781785336577 2014-05-01 the penal code, criminal procedure, and the prison system. The collection also reveals History
Modern Germany Books that the history of criminal justice has much to contribute to other areas of historical
Washington, DC
inquiry: it explores the changing relationship of criminal justice to psychiatry and social
welfare, analyzes representations of crime and criminal justice in the media and
literature, and uses the lens of criminal justice to illuminate German social history,
gender history, and the history of sexuality.

How should we tell the histories of academic disciplines? All too often, the political and
institutional dimensions of knowledge production are lost beneath the intellectual
debates. This book redresses the balance. Written in a narrative style and drawing on
archival sources and oral histories, it depicts the complex pattern of personal and
administrative relationships that shape scholarly worlds.

Difficult Folk? author / David / Mills / Berghahn 9781785336638 2008-05-01 Focusing on the field of social anthropology in twentieth-century Britain, this book Anthropology
University of Oxford Books describes individual, departmental and institutional rivalries over funding and influence.
It examines the efforts of scholars such as Bronislaw Malinowski, Edward Evans-Pritchard
and Max Gluckman to further their own visions for social anthropology. Did the future lie
with the humanities or the social sciences, with addressing social problems or developing
scholarly autonomy? This new history situates the discipline's rise within the post-war
expansion of British universities and the challenges created by

From September 1990 to June 1991, the UK deployed 53,462 military personnel in the
Gulf War. After the end of the conflict anecdotal reports of various disorders affecting
troops who fought in the Gulf began to surface. This mysterious illness was given the
name “Gulf War Syndrome” (GWS). This book is an investigation into this recently
author / Susie / Kilshaw / Berghahn emergent illness, describing how the illness became a potent symbol for a plethora of
Impotent Warriors 9781785336591 2008-12-01 issues, anxieties, and concerns. At present, the debate about GWS is polarized along two Anthropology
University College London Books lines: there are those who think it is a unique, organic condition caused by Gulf War
toxins and those who argue that it is probably a psychological condition that can be seen
as part of a larger group of illnesses. With an anthropological focus on nuances and
subtleties, the author provides a new approach to understanding GWS, one that makes
sense of the cultural circumstances, specific and general, that gave rise to the illness.
The Nazis’ persecution of the Jews during the Holocaust included the creation of prisoner
hierarchies that forced victims to cooperate with their persecutors. Many in the camps
and ghettos came to hold so-called “privileged” positions, and their behavior has often
been judged as self-serving and harmful to fellow inmates. Such controversial figures
constitute an intrinsically important, frequently misunderstood, and often taboo aspect
of the Holocaust. Drawing on Primo Levi’s concept of the “grey zone,” this study analyzes
Judging 'Privileged' Jews author / Adam / Brown / Berghahn 9781785336560 2013-07-01 the passing of moral judgment on “privileged” Jews as represented by writers, such as
Deakin University Books Raul Hilberg, and in films, including Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah and Steven Spielberg’s
Schindler’s List. Negotiating the problems and potentialities of “representing the
unrepresentable,” this book engages with issues that are fundamental to present-day
attempts to understand the Holocaust and deeply relevant to reflections on human

During the twentieth century, German government and industry created a highly skilled
workforce as part of an ambitious program to control and develop the country’s human
resources. Yet, these long-standing efforts to match as many workers as possible to
skilled vocations and to establish a system of job training have received little scholarly
attention, until now. The author’s account of the broad support for this program
Optimizing the German author / David / Meskill / Berghahn challenges the standard historical accounts that focus on disagreements over the
9781785336645 2010-04-01 History
Workforce Dowling College Books German political-economic order and points instead to an important area of consensus.
These advances are explained in terms of political policies of corporatist compromise and
national security as well as industry’s evolving production strategies. By tracing the
development of these policies over the course of a century, the author also suggests
important continuities in Germany’s domestic politics, even across such different regimes
as Imperial, Weimar, Nazi, and post-1945 West Germany.

The growing interdependence of the local and the global demand innovative approaches
to human development. Such approaches, the author argues, ought to be based on the
emerging ethics of global intelligence, defined as the ability to understand, respond to,
and work toward what will benefit all human beings and will support and enrich all life
author / Mihai / Spariosu / Berghahn on this planet. As no national or supranational authority can predefine or predetermine
Remapping Knowledge University of Georgia, Athens Books 9781785336614 2006-03-01 it, global intelligence involves long-term, collective learning processes and can emerge History
only from continuing intercultural research, dialogue, and cooperation. In this book, the
author elaborates the basic principles of a new field of intercultural studies, oriented
toward global intelligence. He proposes concrete research and educational programs that
would help create intercultural learning environments designed to stimulate sustainable
human development throughout the world.
The first German women’s movement embraced the belief in a demographic surplus of
unwed women, known as the Frauenüberschuß, as a central leitmotif in the campaign for
reform. Proponents of the female surplus held that the advances of industry and
urbanization had upset traditional marriage patterns and left too many bourgeois women
without a husband. This book explores the ways in which the realms of literature,
author / Catherine L. / Berghahn sexology, demography, socialism, and female activism addressed the perceived plight of
The Surplus Woman 9781785336621 2009-10-01 History
Dollard / Denison University Books unwed women. Case studies of reformers, including Lily Braun, Ruth Bré, Elisabeth
Gnauck-Kühne, Helene Lange, Alice Salomon, Helene Stöcker, and Clara Zetkin,
demonstrate the expansive influence of the discourse surrounding a female surfeit. By
combining cultural, social, and gender history, The Surplus Woman provides the first
sustained analysis of imperial Germans' anxiety over female marital status as both a
product and a reflection of changing times.

Attempts of nineteenth-century writers to establish “race” as a biological concept failed

after Charles Darwin opened the door to a new world of knowledge. Yet this word
already had a place in the organization of everyday life and in ordinary English language
What We Now Know about Race author / Michael / Banton / Berghahn usage. This book explains how the idea of race became so important in the USA,
9781785336584 2015-10-01 generating conceptual confusion that can now be clarified. Developing an international Anthropology
and Ethnicity University of Bristol Books approach, it reviews references to “race,” “racism,” and “ethnicity” in sociology,
anthropology, philosophy, and comparative politics and identifies promising lines of
research that may make it possible to supersede misleading notions of race in the social

Filming the End of the Holocaust considers how the US Government commissioned the
US Signal Corps and other filmmakers to document the horrors of the concentration
camps during the April-May 1945 liberation. The evidence of the Nazis' genocidal actions
author / John J. / amassed in these films, some of them made by Hollywood luminaries such as John Ford
Filming The End of the Holocaust Michalcyzk / Boston College, Bloomsbury 2016-04-21 and Billy Wilder, would go on to have a major impact at the Nuremberg Trials; they
USA Academic helped to indict Nazi officials as the judges witnessed scenes of torture, human
experimentation and extermination of Jews and non-Jews in the gas chambers and
crematoria. These films, some produced by the Soviets, were integral to the war crime
trials that followed the Holocaust and the Second World War, and this book provides a
thorough, close analysis of the footage in these films and their historical significance.

"Harnessing Chaos" is an explanation of changes in dominant politicalized assumptions

about what the Bible really means in English culture since the 1960s. James G. Crossley
looks at how the social upheavals of the 1960s, and the economic shift from the post-war
author / James G. / dominance of Keynesianism to the post-1970s dominance of neoliberalism, brought
Bloomsbury about certain emphases and nuances in the ways in which the Bible is popularly
Harnessing Chaos Crossley / St Mary's 97805676555 2016-05-19 Arts
Academic understood, particularly in relation to dominant political ideas. This book examines the
University, Twickenham, UK decline of politically radical biblical interpretation in parliamentary politics and the
victory of (a modified form of) Margaret Thatcher's re-reading of the liberal Bible
tradition, following the normalisation of (a modified form of) Thatcherism more
Provides an account of the nature of philosophy which is rooted in the question of the
meaning of life. It makes a powerful and vivid case for believing that this question is
neither obscure nor obsolete, but reflects a quintessentially human concern to which
Philosophy in a Meaningless Life author / James / Tartaglia / Bloomsbury 9781474247672 2016-12-15 other traditional philosophical problems can be readily related; allowing them to be
Keele University, UK Academic reconnected with natural interest, and providing a diagnosis of the typical lines of
opposition across philosophy's debates. James Tartaglia looks at the various ways
philosophers have tried to avoid the conclusion that life is meaningless, and in the
process have distanced philosophy from the concept of transcendence.

Race was all over the immigrant newspaper week after week. As early as the 1890s the
papers of the largest Slovak fraternal societies covered lynchings in the South. While
somewhat sympathetic, these articles nevertheless enabled immigrants to distance
author / Robert M. / Zecker / themselves from the "blackness" of victims, and became part of a strategy of asserting
Race and America's Immigrant Saint Francis Xavier Bloomsbury newcomers' tentative claims to "whiteness." Southern and eastern European immigrants
2011-06-30 began to think of themselves as white people. They asserted their place in the U.S. and History
Press University in Nova Scotia, Academic demanded the right to be regarded as "Caucasians," with all the privileges that
USA accompanied this designation. Immigrant newspapers offered a stunning array of
lynching accounts, poems and cartoons mocking blacks, and paeans to America's imperial
adventures in the Caribbean and Asia. Immigrants themselves had a far greater role to
play in their own racial identity formation than has so far been acknowledged.

Wag the Dog became a media event and a cultural icon because it inadvertently short-
circuited the distance that is  supposed to separate reality and fiction. The examination of
the historical and social context in which it was  produced, exhibited and received
author / Eleftheria / Thanouli worldwide enables the author to illuminate a series of changes in the way a fiction film
Wag the Dog / Aristotle University of Bloomsbury 9781441198716 2013-08-01 reflects and  interacts with reality, urging us to reconsider some of our central and  long-
Media & Communications
Thessaloniki, Greece Academic standing concepts or even paradigms in film theory. Eleftheria  Thanouli provides new
insights into a series of issues from both  classical and contemporary film theory, such as
the conceptual and  ontological stakes in the use of digital technology, the impact of
mass  media on public memory and the political role of cinema in a globalized  and
conglomerated world.

Indonesia is the home of the largest single Muslim community of the world. Its Christian
community, about 10% of the population, has until now received no overall description in
English. Through cooperation of 26 Indonesian and European scholars, Protestants and
author / Karel / Steenbrink / Catholics, a broad and balanced picture is given of its 24 million Christians. This book
A History of Christianity in Utrecht University | author / Brill 2008-01-09 sketches the growth of Christianity during the Portuguese period (1511-1605), it presents
Theology & Religion
Indonesia Jan / Aritonang / Utrecht a fair account of developments under the Dutch colonial administration (1605-1942) and
University is more elaborate for the period of the Indonesian Republic (since 1945). It emphasizes
the regional differences in this huge country, because most Christians live outside the
main island of Java. Muslim-Christian relations, as well as the tensions between foreign
missionaries and local theology, receive special attention.

Corruption as an Empty Signifier critically explores the ways in which corruption in Africa
has been equated with African politics and political order, and offers a novel approach to
author / Lucy / Koechlin / understanding corruption as a potentially emancipatory discourse of political
Corruption as an Empty Signifier Brill 2013-01-05 Political Science
University of Basel transformation. Conventionally, both academic literature as well as development policies
depict corruption as the lynchpin of politics in Africa, locking African societies into
political orders which subvert democratic change.
This book examines the formation and development of the biographical traditions about
early Greek poets, focusing on the traditions of Hesiod, Stesichorus, Archilochus,
Hipponax, Terpander and Sappho. The study provides a detailed overview of the
traditions and chronographical material about these poets and seeks to clarify who were
Early Greek Poets’ Lives author / Maarit / Kivilo / Brill 2010-01-09 the creators of the particular traditions; what were the sources; when the traditions were
Oxford University formed; and to what extent they are shaped by formulaic themes and story-patterns. It
challenges several mainstream assumptions on the subject, for example, that the
traditions were formed mainly in the Post-Classical period; that the only significant
source for the legends is the works of the particular poet; and that the poets were
perceived as “new heroes.”

This is the first scholarly study in which the production, trade and political effects of
opium and its derivatives are shown over many centuries, and in many countries (China,
India, Indonesia, Japan, all Southeast Asian countries and some in Europe and the
Americas). Starting in the 16th century, slavery and opium became the two means with
which the bodies and souls of men and women in the tropics were exploited in western
author / Hans / Derks / imperialism and colonialism. The first waned with the abolition movement in the 19th
History of the Opium Problem Brill 2012-01-04 History
Univerity of Amsterdam century, but opium production and trade continued to spread, with the associated
serious social and political effects. Around 1670 the Dutch introduced opium as a cash
crop for mass production and distribution in India and Indonesia. China became the main
target in the 19th century, and only succeeded in getting rid of the opium problem
around 1950. Then it had already been transformed from an “Eastern” into a “Western”

The British scholar John Burton-Page contributed numerous formative articles on Indian
Islamic architecture for the Encyclopaedia of Islam over a period of 25 years. Assembled
here for the first time, these offer an insightful overview of the subject, ranging from the
earliest mosques and tombs erected by the Delhi sultans in the 13th, 14th and 15th
author / John / Burton- centuries, to the great monuments of the Mughal emperors dating from the 16th and
Page / University of London | 17th centuries. The articles cover the principal forms of Indian Islamic architecture --
Indian Islamic Architecture Brill 2007-01-12 Arts
author / George / Michell / mosques, tombs, minarets, forts, gateways and water structures -- as well as the most
University of London important sites and their monuments. Unsurpassed for their compression of information,
these succinct articles serve as the best possible introduction to the subject, indispensible
for both students and travellers. The articles are supplemented by a portfolio of
photographs especially selected for the volume, as well as a glossary and up to date

In Ports, Piracy, and Maritime War Thomas K. Heebøll-Holm presents a study of maritime
predation in English and French waters around the year 1300. Following Cicero, pirates
have traditionally been cast as especially depraved robbers and the enemy of all, but
author / Thomas / Heebøll- Heebøll-Holm shows that piracy was often part of private wars between English, French,
and Gascon ports and mariners, occupying a liminal space between crime and warfare.
Ports, Piracy and Maritime War Holm / University of Brill 2013-01-01 Furthermore he shows how piracy was an integral part of maritime commerce and how History
Copenhagen the adjudication of piracy followed the legal procedure of the march. Heebøll-Holm
convincingly demonstrates how piracy influenced the policies of the English and the
French kings and he contributes to our understanding of Anglo-French relations on the
eve of the Hundred Years’ War.
Far from integration into the Israeli incorporation regime, Palestinians inside the state
are today placed in a paradoxical situation where, as Arab citizens of a Jewish state, they
are both inside and outside, host and guest, citizen and stateless. Through the paradigm
author / Shourideh C. / of stateless citizenship, Shourideh C. Molavi examines the dynamics of exclusion of
Palestinian citizens and analytically frames the mechanisms through which their
Stateless Citizenship Molavi / York University, Brill 2013-01-06 statelessness is maintained. With this she centres our analytical gaze on the paradox that Sociology
Canada it is through the actual provision of Israeli citizenship that Palestinians are deemed
stateless. Molavi critically engages with the liberal variant of Zionist thought, and
deconstructs discourse around minority rights and liberal citizenship in the context of
Israel's racialized ideological and political makeup.

The Religious Identity of Young Muslim Women in Berlin offers an in-depth ethnographic
account of Muslim youth’s religious identity formation and their engagement with Islam
in everyday life. Focusing on Muslim women in the organisation MJD in Germany, it
provides a deeper understanding of processes related to immigration, transnationalism,
author / Synnøve / the transformation of identifications and the reconstruction of selfhood. The book deals
The Religious Identity of Young Bendixsen / IMER Uni Brill 2013-01-04 with the collective content of religious identity formation and processes of Theology & Religion
Muslim Women in Berlin differentiation, engaging with the changing role of religion in an urban European setting,
Rokkansenteret, Norway
restructuring of religious authority and the formation of gender identity through religion.
Synnøve K.N. Bendixsen examines how the participants seek and debate what it means to
be a good Muslim, and discusses the religious movement as individual engagement in a
collective project.

Africa's Lions examines the economic growth experiences of six fast-growing and/or
economically dominant African countries. Expert African researchers offer unique
perspectives into the challenges and issues in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique,
editor / Haroon / Bhorat / Brookings
Nigeria, and South Africa.

Africa's Lions University of Cape Town | Institution 9780815729501 2016-11-22 Despite a growing body of research on African economies, very little research has Economics
editor / Finn / Tarp / focused on the relationship between economic growth and employment outcomes at the
University of Copenhagen Press
detailed country level. A lack of empirical data has, in many cases, deprived policymakers
of a robust evidence base on which to make informed decisions. By harnessing country-
level household, firm, and national accounts data, together with existing analytical
country research, the authors have attempted to bridge this gap.

Since the series of uprisings of the Arab Spring began, the debate in Arab countries has
focused almost exclusively on politics and questions of national identity. However, it is
economic issues that are driving the agenda, and real economic grievances must be
addressed in order for the many transitions to succeed.
Brookings Hafez Ghanem gives a thorough assessment of the Arab Spring, beginning with political
The Arab Spring Five Years Later author / Hafez / Ghanem /
Institution 9780815727200 2016-01-05 developments since the revolutions and changes in the legal and institutional Political Science
Volume One The World Bank frameworks that affect economies. Arab economies grew at healthy rates before the
revolts, but the benefits of economic growth were unfairly distributed. The politically
connected reaped great benefits, while educated youth could not find decent jobs, and
the poor and middle class struggled to make ends meet. Ghanem argues that Arab
countries need to adopt new economic policies and programs that enhance
inclusiveness, expand the middle class, and foster growth in undeveloped regions.
The Syrian displacement crisis raises fundamental questions about the relationship
between action to resolve conflicts and humanitarian aid to assist the victims and
author / Elizabeth / Ferris / demonstrates the limits of humanitarian response, even on a massive scale, to resolve
Georgetown University | Brookings political crises. The increasingly protracted nature of the crisis also raises the need for the
The Consequences of Chaos Institution 9780815729525 2016-04-26 international community to think beyond just relief assistance and adopt developmental Political Science
author / Kemal / Kirisci / Press policies to help refugees become productive members of their host communities. The
Brookings Institution Consequences of Chaos looks beyond the ever-increasing numbers of Syria's uprooted
population to consider the long-term economic, political, and social implications of this
massive movement of people.

The Yunnanese from southwestern China have for millennia traded throughout upland
Southeast Asia. Burma in particular has served as a “back door” to Yunnan, providing a
author / Wen-Chin / Chang / sanctuary for political refugees and economic opportunities for trade explorers. Since the
Center for Asia-Pacific Area Cornell Chinese Communist takeover in 1949 and subsequent political upheavals in China, an
Beyond Borders 9780801471292 2014-12-04 unprecedented number of Yunnanese refugees have fled to Burma. Through a personal History
Studies, RCHSS, Academia University Press narrative approach, Beyond Borders is the first ethnography to focus on the migration
Sinica, Taiwan history and transnational trading experiences of contemporary Yunnanese Chinese
migrants (composed of both Yunnanese Han and Muslims) who reside in Burma and
those who have moved from Burma and resettled in Thailand, Taiwan, and China.

The region that is today the Republic of Macedonia was long the heart of the Ottoman
Empire in Europe. It was home to a complex mix of peoples and faiths who had for
hundreds of years lived together in relative peace. To be sure, these people were no
author / Ipek / Yosmaoglu / Cornell strangers to coercive violence and various forms of depredations visited upon them by
Blood Ties 9780801469800 2013-11-12 bandits and state agents. In the final decades of the nineteenth century and throughout History
Northwestern University University Press the twentieth century, however, the region was periodically racked by bitter conflict that
was qualitatively different from previous outbreaks of violence. In Blood Ties, İpek K.
Yosmaoğlu explains the origins of this shift from sporadic to systemic and pervasive
violence through a social history of the “Macedonian Question.”

Why do ordinary people engage in corruption? In Corruption as a Last Resort, Kelly M.

McMann contends that bureaucrats, poverty, and culture do not force individuals in
Central Asia to pay bribes, use connections, or sell political support. Rather, corruption is
author / Kelly M. / McMann / a last resort when relatives, groups in society, the market, and formal government
Corruption as a Last Resort Case Western Reserve Cornell 2014-10-30 programs cannot provide essential goods and services. Using evidence from her long- Political Science
University Press term research in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, McMann shows that Islamic institutions,
secular charities, entrepreneurs, and banks cannot provide the jobs and credit people
need. This drives individuals to illicitly seek employment and loans from government

What is the value of diplomacy? How does it affect the course of foreign affairs
independent of the distribution of power and foreign policy interests? Theories of
international relations too often implicitly reduce the dynamics and outcomes of
author / Brian C. / Rathbun / Cornell diplomacy to structural factors rather than the subtle qualities of negotiation. If
Diplomacy’s Value University of Southern University Press 9780801455063 2014-09-25 diplomacy is an independent effect on the conduct of world politics, it has to add value, Political Science
California and we have to be able to show what that value is. In Diplomacy’s Value, Brian C.
Rathbun sets forth a comprehensive theory of diplomacy, based on his understanding
that political leaders have distinct diplomatic styles—coercive bargaining, reasoned
dialogue, and pragmatic statecraft.
Today, hazardous work kills 2.3 million people each year and injures millions more.
Among the most compelling yet controversial forms of legal protection for workers is the
author / Jeffrey / Hilgert / Cornell right to refuse unsafe work. The rise of globalization, precarious work, neoliberal politics,
Hazard or Hardship 9780801469244 2013-07-15 attacks on unions, and the idea of individual employment rights have challenged the Business & Management
University of Montreal University Press protection of occupational health and safety for workers worldwide. In Hazard or
Hardship, Jeffrey Hilgert presents the protection of refusal rights as a moral and a human
rights question.

For decades, NGOs targeting world hunger focused on ensuring that adequate quantities
of food were being sent to those in need. In the 1990s, the international food policy
community turned its focus to the “hidden hunger” of micronutrient deficiencies, a
problem that resulted in two scientific solutions: fortification, the addition of nutrients to
processed foods, and biofortification, the modification of crops to produce more
author / Aya Hirata / nutritious yields. This hidden hunger was presented as a scientific problem to be solved
Hidden Hunger Kimura / University of Cornell 9780801467691 2013-01-22 by “experts” and scientifically engineered smart foods rather than through local Sociology
Hawai’i at Manoa. University Press knowledge, which was deemed unscientific and, hence, irrelevant.

In Hidden Hunger, Aya Hirata Kimura explores this recent emphasis on micronutrients
and smart foods within the international development community and, in particular, how
the voices of women were silenced despite their expertise in food purchasing and

The European Union is the world’s most advanced international organization, presiding
over a level of legal and economic integration unmatched in global politics. To explain
this achievement, many observers point to its formal rules that entail strong obligations
and delegate substantial power to supranational actors such as the European
Commission. This legalistic view, Mareike Kleine contends, is misleading. More often than
Informal Governance in the author / Mareike / Kleine / Cornell not, governments and bureaucrats informally depart from the formal rules and thereby
9780801469404 2013-09-23 Political Science
European Union London School of Economics University Press contradict their very purpose. Behind the EU’s front of formal rules lies a thick network
of informal governance practices.

If not the EU’s rules, what accounts for the high level of economic integration among its
members? How does the EU really work? In answering these questions, Kleine proposes a
new way of thinking about international organizations.

Most wars between countries end quickly and at relatively low cost. The few in which
high-intensity fighting continues for years bring about a disproportionate amount of
death and suffering. What separates these few unusually long and intense wars from the
many conflicts that are far less destructive? In Logics of War, Alex Weisiger tests three
Logics of War author / Alex / Weisiger / Cornell 9780801468179 2013-03-13 explanations for a nation’s decision to go to war and continue fighting regardless of the
Political Science
University of Pennsylvania University Press costs. He combines sharp statistical analysis of interstate wars over the past two
centuries with nine narrative case studies. He examines both well-known conflicts like
World War II and the Persian Gulf War, as well as unfamiliar ones such as the 1864–1870
Paraguayan War (or the War of the Triple Alliance), which proportionally caused more
deaths than any other war in modern history.
In Ruling Capital, Kevin P. Gallagher demonstrates how several emerging market and
developing countries (EMDs) managed to reregulate cross-border financial flows in the
wake of the global financial crisis, despite the political and economic difficulty of doing so
author / Kevin P. / Cornell at the national level. Gallagher also shows that some EMDs, particularly the BRICS
Ruling Capital 9780801454615 2014-11-20 coalition, were able to maintain or expand their sovereignty to regulate cross-border Economics
Gallagher / Boston University University Press finance under global economic governance institutions. Gallagher combines econometric
analysis with in-depth interviews with officials and interest groups in select emerging
markets and policymakers at the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade
Organization, and the G-20 to explain key characteristics of the global economy.

Such threats as environmental change, food insecurity, and generalized violence force
massive numbers of people to flee states that are unable or unwilling to ensure their
basic rights, as do conditions in failed and fragile states that make possible human rights
author / Alexander / Betts / Cornell deprivations. Because these reasons do not meet the legal understanding of persecution,
Survival Migration 9780801468964 2013-07-03 Political Science
University of Oxford University Press the victims of these circumstances are not usually recognized as "refugees," preventing
current institutions from ensuring their protection. In this book, Alexander Betts develops
the concept of "survival migration" to highlight the crisis in which these people find

The volume assesses performative structures within a variety of medieval forms of

textuality, from vernacular literature to records of parliamentary proceedings, from
editor / Almut / Suerbaum | prayer books to musical composition. Three issues are central to the volume:the role of
Aspects of the Performative in ritual speech acts the way in which authorship can be seen as created within medieval
editor / Manuele / De Gruyter 9783110222470 2010-04-29 Literature
Medieval Culture texts rather than as a given category finally, phenomena of voice, created and situated
Gragnolati between citation and repetition, especially in forms which appropriate and transform
literary tradition. The volume encompasses articles by historians and musicologists as
well as literary scholars.

The present volume`s focus lies on the formation of a multifaceted discourse on Christian
martyrdom in Late Antiquity. While martyrdom accounts remain a central means of
defining Christian identity, new literary genres emerge, e.g., the Lives of Saints
Christian Martyrdom in Late editor / Peter / Gemeinhardt (Athanasius on Antony), sermons (the Cappadocians), hymns (Prudentius). Authors like
De Gruyter 9783110263527 2012-06-14 Theology & Religion
Antiquity | editor / Johan / Leemans Eusebius of Caesarea and Augustine employ martyrological language and motifs in their
writings, while beyond the borders of the Roman Empire, new martyrs` narratives can be
found. The volume thus enlarges and specifies our knowledge of this important Christian

This book offers the first attempt at understanding interpersonal violence in ancient
Athens. While the archaic desire for revenge persisted into the classical period, it was
channeled by the civil discourse of the democracy. Forensic speeches, curse tablets, and
Performing Interpersonal comedy display a remarkable openness regarding the definition of violence. But in daily
Violence Court, Curse, and life, Athenians had to draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. They
editor / Werner / Riess De Gruyter 9783110245608 2012-01-16 did so by enacting a discourse on violence in the performance of these genres, during Classics
Comedy in Fourth-Century BCE which complex negotiations about the legitimacy of violence took place. Since discourse
Athens and reality were intertwined and the discourse was ritualized, actual violence might also
have been partly ritualized. By still respecting the on-going desire to harm one’s enemy,
this partial ritualization of violence helped restrain violence and thus contributed to
Athens’ relative stability.
Germania Semitica explores prehistoric language contact in general, and attempts to
identify the languages involved in shaping Germanic in particular. The book deals with a
topic outside the scope of other disciplines concerned with prehistory, such as
archaeology and genetics, drawing its conclusions from the linguistic evidence alone,
editor / Theo / Vennemann relying on language typology and areal probability. The data for reconstruction comes
De Gruyter from Germanic syntax, phonology, etymology, religious loan names, and the writing
Germania Semitica gen. Nierfeld | editor / 9783110301090 2012-11-15 Linguistics
Hanna / Noel Aziz Mouton system, more precisely from word order, syntactic constructions, word formation,
irregularities in phonological form, lexical peculiarities, and the structure and rules of the
Germanic runic alphabet. It is demonstrated that common descent is neither a necessary
nor a sufficient condition for reconstruction. Instead, lexical and structural parallels
between Germanic and Semitic languages are explored and interpreted in the framework
of modern language contact theory.

The present volume is a broad overview of methods and methodologies in linguistics,

illustrated with examples from concrete research. It collects insights gained from a broad
Methods in Contemporary editor / Andrea / Ender | De Gruyter range of linguistic sub-disciplines, ranging from core disciplines to topics in cross-
9783110275681 2012-08-31 Linguistics
Linguistics editor / Adrian / Leemann Mouton linguistic and language-internal diversity or to contributions towards language, space and
society. Given its critical and innovative nature, the volume is a valuable source for
students and researchers of a broad range of linguistic interests.

Western political philosophers since Plato have used the family as a model for
harmonious political and social relations. Yet, far from being an uncontentious domain
for shared interests and common values, the family is often the scene of intense
author / Kennan / Ferguson / Duke University interpersonal conflict and disagreement. In All in the Family, the political theorist Kennan
Ferguson reconsiders the family, in its varied forms, as an exemplar of democratic politics
All in the Family University of Wisconsin, 9780822395102 2012-06-04 Philosophy
Press and suggests how real rather than idealized family dynamics can help us to better
Milwaukee understand and navigate political conflict. By closely observing the attachments that arise
in families despite profound disagreements and incommensurabilities, Ferguson argues,
we can imagine a political engagement that accommodates radical differences without
sacrificing community.

As the first complete narrative in English of the Haitian Revolution, Marcus Rainsford's An
Historical Account of the Black Empire of Hayti was highly influential in establishing
nineteenth-century world opinion of this momentous event. This new edition is the first
author / Marcus / Rainsford to appear since the original publication in 1805. Rainsford, a career officer in the British
| editor / Paul / Youngquist / army, went to Haiti to recruit black soldiers for the British. By publishing his observations
An Historical Account of the University of Colorado Duke University 9780822395560 2013-01-04 of the prowess of black troops, and recounting his meetings with Toussaint Louverture,
Black Empire of Hayti Press Rainsford offered eyewitness testimonial that acknowledged the intelligence and
Boulder | editor / Grégory / effectiveness of the Haitian rebels. Although not an abolitionist, Rainsford nonetheless
Pierrot / Bucknell University was supportive of the independent state of Haiti, which he argued posed no threat to
British colonial interests in the West Indies, an extremely unusual stance at the time.
Rainsford's account made an immediate impact upon publication, being widely reviewed
and translated.
In an innovative cultural history of Argentine movies and radio in the decades before
Peronism, Matthew B. Karush demonstrates that competition with jazz and Hollywood
cinema shaped Argentina's domestic cultural production in crucial ways, as Argentine
producers tried to elevate their offerings to appeal to consumers seduced by North
author / Matthew B. / Karush Duke University American modernity. At the same time, the transnational marketplace encouraged these
Culture of Class 9780822395331 2012-04-26 producers to compete by marketing "authentic" Argentine culture. Domestic History
/ George Mason University Press filmmakers, radio and recording entrepreneurs, lyricists, musicians, actors, and
screenwriters borrowed heavily from a rich tradition of popular melodrama. Although
the resulting mass culture trafficked in conformism and consumerist titillation, it also
disseminated versions of national identity that celebrated the virtue and dignity of the
poor, while denigrating the wealthy as greedy and mean-spirited.

In the mid-nineteenth century the British created a landscape of tea plantations in the
northeastern Indian region of Assam. The tea industry filled imperial coffers and gave the
colonial state a chance to transform a jungle-laden frontier into a cultivated system of
plantations. Claiming that local peasants were indolent, the British soon began importing
author / Jayeeta / Sharma / Duke University indentured labor from central India. In the twentieth century these migrants were joined
Empire's Garden 9780822394396 2011-07-13 by others who came voluntarily to seek their livelihoods. In Empire’s Garden, Jayeeta History
University of Toronto Press Sharma explains how the settlement of more than one million migrants in Assam
irrevocably changed the region’s social landscape. She argues that the racialized
construction of the tea laborer catalyzed a process by which Assam’s gentry sought to
insert their homeland into an imagined Indo-Aryan community and a modern Indian
political space.

In Making the Most of Mess, Emery Roe emphasizes that policy messes cannot be
avoided or cleaned up; they need to be managed. He shows how policymakers and other
professionals can learn these necessary skills from control operators who manage large
critical infrastructures such as water supplies, telecommunications systems, and
author / Emery / Roe / electricity grids. The ways in which they prevent major accidents and failures offer
Duke University
Making the Most of Mess University of California 9780822395690 2013-03-07 models for policymakers and other professionals to manage the messes they face. Political Science
Press Throughout, Roe focuses on the global financial mess of 2008 and its ongoing aftermath,
showing how mismanagement has allowed it to morph into other national and
international messes. More effective management is still possible for this and many other
policy messes but that requires better recognition of patterns and formulation of
scenarios, as well as the ability to translate pattern and scenario into reliability.

Presenting an unprecedented, integrated view of migration in North America, this

interdisciplinary collection of essays illuminates the movements of people within and
between Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico, and the United States over the past two
editor / Dirk / Hoerder / centuries. Several essays discuss recent migrations from Central America as well. In the
Arizona State University introduction, Dirk Hoerder provides a sweeping historical overview of North American
Migrants and Migration in (retired) | editor / Nora / Duke Press
University 9780822394419 2011-09-15 societies in the Atlantic world. He also develops and advocates what he and Nora Faires History
Modern North America call “transcultural societal studies,” an interdisciplinary approach to migration studies
Faires / Western Michigan
that combines migration research across disciplines and at the local, regional, national,
University (deceased) and transnational levels. The contributors examine the movements of diverse
populations across North America in relation to changing cultural, political, and economic
Built in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, India’s Mughal monuments—including
majestic forts, mosques, palaces, and tombs, such as the Taj Mahal—are world renowned
for their grandeur and association with the Mughals, the powerful Islamic empire that
once ruled most of the subcontinent. In Monumental Matters, Santhi Kavuri-Bauer
author / Santhi / Kavuri- Duke University focuses on the prominent role of Mughal architecture in the construction and
contestation of the Indian national landscape. She examines the representation and
Monumental Matters Bauer / San Francisco State 9780822393764 2011-09-07 History
University Press eventual preservation of the monuments, from their disrepair in the colonial past to their
present status as protected heritage sites. Drawing on theories of power, subjectivity,
and space, Kavuri-Bauer’s interdisciplinary analysis encompasses Urdu poetry, British
landscape painting, imperial archaeological surveys, Indian Muslim identity, and British
tourism, as well as postcolonial nation building, World Heritage designations, and
conservation mandates.

Odd Couples examines friendships between gay men and straight women, and also
between lesbians and straight men, and shows how these "intersectional" friendships
serve as a barometer for shifting social norms, particularly regarding gender and sexual
orientation. Based on author Anna Muraco's interviews, the work challenges two
author / Anna / Muraco / widespread assumptions: that men and women are fundamentally different and that
Odd Couples Loyola Marymount Duke University 9780822395119 2012-04-11 men and women can only forge significant bonds within romantic relationships.
University Press Intersectional friendships challenge a variety of social norms, Muraco says, including the
limited roles that men and women are expected to play in one another's lives. Each
chapter uses these boundary-crossing relationships to highlight how key social constructs
such as family, politics, gender, and sexuality shape everyday interactions. Friendship
itself—whether intersectional or not—becomes the center of the analysis, taking its
place as an important influence on the social behavior of adults.

Since the late 1990s, Asian nations have increasingly encouraged, facilitated, or
demanded the return of emigrants. In this interdisciplinary collection, distinguished
editor / Biao / Xiang / scholars from countries around the world explore the changing relations between nation-
states and transnational mobility. Taking into account illegally trafficked migrants,
University of Oxford | deportees, temporary laborers on short-term contracts, and highly skilled émigrés, the
Return editor / Brenda S. A. / Yeoh / Duke University 9780822377474 2013-09-13 contributors argue that the figure of the returnee energizes and redefines nationalism in
National University of Press an era of increasingly fluid and indeterminate national sovereignty. They acknowledge
Singapore | editor / Mika / the diversity, complexity, and instability of reverse migration, while emphasizing its
discursive, policy, and political significance at a moment when the tensions between
Toyota / Rikkyo University state power and transnational subjects are particularly visible. Taken together, the essays
foreground Asia as a useful site for rethinking the intersections of migration, sovereignty,
and nationalism.
From Skirts Ahoy! to M*A*S*H, Private Benjamin, G.I. Jane, and JAG, films and television
shows have grappled with the notion that military women are contradictory figures,
unable to be both effective soldiers and appropriately feminine. In Soldiers’ Stories,
Yvonne Tasker traces this perceived paradox across genres including musicals, screwball
comedies, and action thrillers. She explains how, during the Second World War, women
author / Yvonne / Tasker / Duke University were portrayed as auxiliaries, temporary necessities of “total war.” Later, nursing, with
Soldiers' Stories 9780822393351 2011-07-21 Media & Communications
University of East Anglia Press its connotations of feminine care, offered a solution to the “gender problem.” From the
1940s through the 1970s, musicals, romances, and comedies exploited the humorous
potential of the gender role reversal that the military woman was taken to represent.
Since the 1970s, female soldiers have appeared most often in thrillers and legal and
crime dramas, cast as isolated figures, sometimes victimized and sometimes heroic.
Soldiers’ Stories is a comprehensive ...

From its earliest manifestations on the street corners of nineteenth-century Buenos Aires
to its ascendancy as a global cultural form, tango has continually exceeded the confines
of the dance floor or the music hall. In Tango Lessons, scholars from Latin America and
the United States explore tango's enduring vitality. The interdisciplinary group of
editor / Marilyn G. / Miller / Duke University contributors—including specialists in dance, music, anthropology, linguistics, literature,
Tango Lessons Tulane Universit Press 9780822377238 2014-01-21 film, and fine art—take up a broad range of topics. Among these are the productive Arts
tensions between tradition and experimentation in tango nuevo, representations of
tango in film and contemporary art, and the role of tango in the imagination of Jorge Luis
Borges. Taken together, the essays show that tango provides a kaleidoscopic perspective
on Argentina's social, cultural, and intellectual history from the late nineteenth to the
early twenty-first centuries.

Many people see citizenship in a globalised world in terms of binaries:

inclusion/exclusion, past/present, particularism/universalism. Aoileann Ní Mhurchú
author / Aoileann / Ní points out the limitations of these positions and argues that we need to be able to take
Ambiguous Citizenship in an Age Mhurchú / University of Edinburgh 9780748692781 2014-07-15 into account the people who get caught between these traditional categories. Using
Political Science
of Global Migration University Press critical resources found in poststructural, psychoanalytic and postcolonial thought, Ní
Manchester Mhurchú thinks in new ways about citizenship, drawing on a range of thinkers including
Kristeva, Bhabha and Foucault. Taking a distinctive theoretical approach, she shows how
citizenship is being reconfigured beyond these categories.

Each time a border is crossed there are cultural, political and social issues to be
considered. Applying the metaphor of the ‘border crossing’ from one temporal or spatial
territory into another, this book examines the way classic Russian texts have been altered
to suit new cinematic environments.
editor / Alexander / Burry /
Border Crossing Ohio State University | Edinburgh 9781474411431 2016-03-31 In–these essays, international scholars examine how political and economic circumstances
editor / Frederick / White / University Press from a shifting Soviet political landscape to the perceived demands of American and Media & Communications
Utah Valley University European markets – have played a crucial role in dictating how filmmakers transpose
their cinematic hypertext into a new environment. Rather than focus on the degree of
accuracy or fidelity with which these films address their originating texts, this innovative
collection explores the role of ideological, political and other cultural pressures that can
affect the transformation of literary narratives into cinematic offerings.
In recent years, European political leaders from Angela Merkel to David Cameron have
discarded the term multiculturalism and now express scepticism, critique and even
hostility towards multicultural ways of organising their societies. Yet they are unprepared
Challenging Multiculturalism editor / Raymond / Taras / Edinburgh 9780748664597 2012-12-17 to reverse the diversity existing in their states. These contradictory choices have different
Political Science
Tulane University University Press political consequences in the 11 European countries examined in this book: Belgium,
Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Sweden and
Turkey. The future of European liberalism is being played out as multicultural notions of
belonging, inclusion, tolerance and the national home are brought into question.

Taking Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project as an inspiration, Dickens's London offers an

exciting and original project that opens a dialogue between phenomenology, philosophy
and the Dickensian representation of the city in all its forms. Julian Wolfreys suggests
that in their representations of London - its streets, buildings, public institutions,
domestic residences, rooms and phenomena that constitute such space - Dickens's novels
Dickens's London author / Julian / Wolfreys / Edinburgh 9781474429795 2012-05-23 and journalism can be seen as forerunners of urban and material phenomenology. While
University of Portsmouth University Press also addressing those aspects of the urban that are developed from Dickens's
interpretations of other literary forms, styles and genres, Dickens's London presents in
twenty-six episodes (from Banking and Breakfast via the Insolvent Court, Melancholy and
Poverty, to Todgers and Time, Voice and Waking) a radical reorientation to London in the
nineteenth century, the development of Dickens as a writer, and the ways in which
readers today receive and perceive both.

Medieval Arab notions of physical difference can feel singularly arresting for modern
audiences. Did you know that blue eyes, baldness, bad breath and boils were all
author / Kristina / considered bodily ‘blights’, as were cross eyes, lameness and deafness? What
Difference and Disability in the Edinburgh assumptions about bodies influenced this particular vision of physical difference? How
Richardson / City University 9780748645084 2012-07-23 History
Medieval Islamic World University Press did blighted people view their own bodies? Through close analyses of miniature
of New York paintings, personal letters, (auto)biographies, travel narratives, erotic poetry, religious
polemics, diaristic chronicles and theological tracts, you will learn about cultural views
and lived experiences of disability and difference.

This book provides a new perspective on Foucault’s The Archaeology of Knowledge by

revealing the extent to which its approach to language was influenced by the
mathematical sciences. Setting out this background to Foucault’s analysis makes The
Archaeology of Knowledge both accessible in a new way, and relevant to issues that are
author / David / Webb / Edinburgh at the heart of much contemporary debate over the nature of critical thought and the
Foucault's Archaeology 9780748630387 2012-11-28 relation between philosophy and the sciences. This book sheds new light on a crucial Philosophy
Staffordshire University University Press period of Foucault’s work by highlighting his relation to thinkers such as Cavaillès and
Serres. It aims to provide a reading of The Archaeology of Knowledge that puts it at the
heart Foucault’s thought. Rather than attempting a scientific study of language as such,
Foucault is shown to have adopted a mode of thought indebted to thinkers in the
scientific and epistemological tradition.
Why did human beings first begin to write history? Lisa Irene Hau argues that a driving
force among Greek historians was the desire to use the past to teach lessons about the
present and for the future. She uncovers the moral messages of the ancient Greek
writers of history and the techniques they used to bring them across. Hau also shows
how moral didacticism was an integral part of the writing of history from its inception in
Moral History from Herodotus to author / Lisa Irene / Hau / Edinburgh the 5th century BC, how it developed over the next 500 years in parallel with the
9781474433181 2016-06-20 development of historiography as a genre and how the moral messages on display Classics
Diodorus Siculus University of Glasgow University Press remained surprisingly stable across this period.

For the ancient Greek historiographers, moral didacticism was a way of making sense of
the past and making it relevant to the present; but this does not mean that they falsified
events: truth and morality were compatible and synergistic ends.

Contrary to the stereotypical images of torture, narcotics and brutal sexual behaviour
traditionally associated with Ottoman (or ‘Turkish’) prisons, Kent F. Schull argues that
these places were sites of immense reform and contestation during the 19th century. He
shows that they were key components for Ottoman nation-state construction and acted
Prisons in the Late Ottoman author / Kent F. / Schull / Edinburgh as 'microcosms of modernity' for broader imperial transformation. It was within the walls
9780748677696 2014-04-11 of these prisons that many of the pressing questions of Ottoman modernity were worked History
Empire Binghamton University University Press out, such as administrative centralisation, the rationalisation of Islamic criminal law and
punishment, issues of gender and childhood, prisoner rehabilitation, bureaucratic
professionalisation, identity and social engineering. Juxtaposing state-mandated reform
with the reality of prison life, the author investigates how these reforms affected the
lives of local prison officials and inmates.

Heterosexuality in contemporary novels, re-examined using the frameworks of feminism

and queer theory
Drawing on feminist and queer theories of sex, gender and sexuality, this study focuses
on female identities at odds with heterosexual norms. In particular, it explores narratives
in which the conventional equation between heterosexuality, reproductive sexuality and
author / Rachel / Carroll / Edinburgh female identity is questioned.
Rereading Heterosexuality 9781474429818 2012-04-04 Literature
University of Teeside University Press - A timely exploration of the dynamic relationship between feminist and queer theory
- Insightful close readings of acclaimed novels, including Jeffrey Eugenides' Middlesex,
Zoë Heller's Notes on a Scandal, A. M. Homes' The End of Alice, Kazuo Ishiguro's Never
Let Me Go, Alan Warner's Morvern Callar and Sarah Waters' Affinity
- Topics range from spinsterhood and intergenerational sexuality to transgender and
human cloning
The first sustained study of girls and girlhood in early modern literature and culture.
Jennifer Higginbotham makes a persuasive case for a paradigm shift in our current
conceptions of the early modern sex-gender system. She challenges the widespread
author / Jennifer / assumption that the category of the 'girl' played little or no role in the construction of
The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Higginbotham / Ohio State Edinburgh 9781474429801 2013-01-17 gender in early modern English culture. And she demonstrates that girl characters Literature
Sisters University University Press appeared in a variety of texts, from female infants in Shakespeare's late romances to
little children in Tudor interludes to adult 'roaring girls' in city comedies. This monograph
provides the first book-length study of the way the literature and drama of the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries constructed the category of the 'girl'.

From the sixth century BCE onwards there occurred a revolution in thought, with novel
ideas such as such as that understanding the inner self is both vital for human well-being
and central to understanding the universe. This intellectual transformation is sometimes
called the beginning of philosophy. And it occurred – independently it seems - in both
India and Greece, but not in the vast Persian Empire that divided them. How was this
Universe and Inner Self in Early editor / Richard / Seaford / Edinburgh possible? This is a puzzle that has never been solved.
9781474411004 2016-07-11 Classics
Indian and Early Greek Thought University of Exeter University Press
This volume brings together Hellenists and Indologists representing a variety of
perspectives on the similarities and differences between the two cultures, and on how to
explain them. It offers a collaborative contribution to the burgeoning interest in the Axial
Age and will be of interest to anyone intrigued by the big questions inspired by the
ancient world.

Written in the early 1970s amidst widespread debate over the causes of gender
inequality, Marilyn Strathern’s Before and After Gender was intended as a widely
accessible analysis of gender as a powerful cultural code and sex as a defining mythology.
author / Marilyn / But when the series for which it was written unexpectedly folded, the manuscript went
Strathern / University of into storage, where it remained for more than four decades. This book finally brings it to
light, giving the long-lost feminist work—accompanied here by an afterword from Judith
Before and After Gender Cambridge | editor / Sarah / HAU Books 2016-05-31 Butler—an overdue spot in feminist history. Strathern incisively engages some of the Anthropology
Franklin / University of leading feminist thinkers of the time. Building with characteristic precision toward a bold
Cambridge conclusion in which she argues that we underestimate the materializing grammars of sex
and gender at our own peril, she offers a powerful challenge to the intransigent
mythologies of sex that still plague contemporary society. The result is a sweeping
display of Strathern’s vivid critical thought.

How people conceive of happiness reveals much about who they are and the values they
hold dear. Drawing on ethnographic insights from diverse field sites around the world,
this book offers a unique window onto the ways in which people grapple with
editor / Harry / Walker / fundamental questions about how to live and what it means to be human. Developing a
Values of Happiness London School of Economics HAU Books 2016-11-30 distinctly anthropological approach concerned less with gauging how happy people are
| author / Iza / Kavedžija / than with how happiness figures as an idea, mood, and motive in everyday life, the book
University of Oxford explores how people strive to live well within challenging or even hostile circumstances.
The contributors explore how happiness intersects with dominant social values as well as
an array of aims and aspirations that are potentially conflicting, demonstrating that not
every kind of happiness is seen as a worthwhile aim or evaluated in positive moral terms.
Whether it’s childhood make-believe, the theater, sports, or even market speculation,
play is one of humanity’s seemingly purest activities: a form of entertainment and leisure
and a chance to explore the world and its possibilities in an imagined environment or
author / Roberte / construct. But as Roberte Hamayon shows in this book, play has implications that go even
further than that. Exploring play’s many dimensions, she offers an insightful look at why
Why We Play Hamayon / École Practique HAU Books 2016-07-31 play has become so ubiquitous across human cultures. Hamayon explores facets of play Anthropology
des Hautes Études such as learning, interaction, emotion, strategy, luck, and belief, and she emphasizes the
crucial ambiguity between fiction and reality that is at the heart of play as a
phenomenon. Revealing how consistent and coherent play is, she ultimately shows it as a
unique modality of action that serves an invaluable role in the human experience.

Commercial theatre is thriving across Europe and the UK, while public theatre has
suffered under changing patterns of cultural consumption—as well as sharp reductions in
government subsidies for the arts. At a time when the rationale behind these subsidies is
being widely reexamined, it has never been more important for public theatre to
Resetting the Stage author / Dragon / Klaic Intellect 9781783200481 2012-09-01 demonstrate its continued merit. In Resetting the Stage, Dragan Klaic argues convincingly Arts
that, in an increasingly crowded market of cultural goods, public theatre is best served
not by imitating its much larger commercial counterpart, but by asserting its artistic
distinctiveness and the considerable benefit this confers on the public.

Mika Kaurismäki’s films challenge many boundaries – national societies, genre

formations, art/popular culture, fiction/documentary, humanity/nature and problematic
distinctions between different zones of development. Synthesizing concepts from a range
of thematic frameworks – e.g. auteurism, eco-philosophy, genre, cartography, cineaste
networks, global reception, distribution and exhibition practices, and the potential of
postnationalism – this book provides an interdisciplinary reading of Kaurismäki’s cinema.
The Cinema of Mika Kaurismäki author / Pietari / Kääpä Intellect 9781841504520 2011-04-01 The notion of ‘transvergence’ – of thinking in heterogeneous and polyphonal terms – Media & Communications
emerges as an analytical method for exploring the power of these films. Through this, the
volume encourages rethinking transnational cinema studies in relation to many oft-
debated notions such as Finnish culture, European identity, cosmopolitanism and

editor / Robert / MacLaury / The field of color categorization has always been intrinsically multi- and inter-disciplinary,
since its beginnings in the nineteenth century. The main contribution of this book is to
University of Pennsylvania | foster a new level of integration among different approaches to the anthropological
editor / Galina / Paramei / John Benjamins study of color. The editors have put great effort into bringing together research from
Anthropology of Color Technische Universität Publishing 9789027291707 2007-11-21 anthropology, linguistics, psychology, semiotics, and a variety of other fields, by Anthropology
Darmstadt | editor / Don / Company promoting the exploration of the different but interacting and complementary ways in
which these various perspectives model the domain of color experience. By so doing,
Dedrick / University of they significantly promote the emergence of a coherent field of the anthropology of
Guelph color.
Language and food are universal to humankind. Language accomplishes more than a
pure exchange of information, and food caters for more than mere subsistence. Both
editor / Cornelia / Gerhardt / represent crucial sites for socialization, identity construction, and the everyday
fabrication and perception of the world as a meaningful, orderly place. This volume
Saarland University | editor / John Benjamins contains an introduction to the study of food and an extensive overview of the literature
Culinary Linguistics Maximiliane / Frobenius / Publishing 2013-07-04 focusing on its role in interplay with language. It is the only publication fathoming the
Saarland University | editor / Company
field of food and food-related studies from a linguistic perspective. The research articles
Susanne / Ley / Saarland assembled here encompass a number of linguistic fields, ranging from historical and
ethnographic approaches to literary studies, the teaching of English as a foreign
University language, psycholinguistics, and the study of computer-mediated communication,
making this volume compulsory reading for anyone interested in genres of food
discourse and the linguistic connection between food and culture.

Cyberpragmatics is an analysis of Internet-mediated communication from the perspective

of cognitive pragmatics. It addresses a whole range of interactions that can be found on
the Net: the web page, chat rooms, instant messaging, social networking sites, 3D virtual
worlds, blogs, videoconference, e-mail, Twitter, etc. Of special interest is the role of
John Benjamins intentions and the quality of interpretations when these Internet-mediated interactions
Cyberpragmatics author / Francisco / Yus / Publishing 2011-08-22 take place, which is often affected by the textual properties of the medium. The book Linguistics
University of Alicante also analyses the pragmatic implications of transferring offline discourses (e.g. printed
paper, advertisements) to the screen-framed space of the Net. And although the main
framework is cognitive pragmatics, the book also draws from other theories and models
in order to build up a better picture of what really happens when people communicate
on the Net.

This volume is now finally available in English, sixty years after the death of its author,
Lucien Tesnière. It has been translated from the French original into German, Spanish,
Italian, and Russian, and now at long last into English as well. The volume contains a
comprehensive approach to the syntax of natural languages, an approach that is
John Benjamins foundational for an entire stream in the modern study of syntax and grammar. This
Elements of Structural Syntax author / Lucien / Tesnière Publishing 2015-02-11 stream is known today as dependency grammar (DG). Drawing examples from dozens of Linguistics
Company languages, many of which he was proficient in, Tesnière presents insightful analyses of
numerous phenomena of syntax. Among the highlights are the concepts of valency and
head-initial vs. head-final languages. These concepts are now taken for granted by most
modern theories of syntax, even by phrase structure grammars, which represent, in a
sense, the opposite sort of approach to syntax from what Tesnière was advocating.

The close relationship between motion (bodily movement) and emotion (feelings) is not
editor / Ad / Foolen / an etymological coincidence. While moving ourselves, we move others; in observing
Radboud University others move – we are moved ourselves. The fundamentally interpersonal nature of mind
Nijmegen | editor / Ulrike M. John Benjamins and language has recently received due attention, but the key role of (e)motion in this
Moving Ourselves, Moving / Lüdtke / Leibniz Universität context has remained something of a blind spot. The present book rectifies this gap by
Publishing 2012-04-12 gathering contributions from leading philosophers, psychologists and linguists working in Languages
Others Hannover | editor / Timothy the area. Framed by an introducing prologue and a summarizing epilogue the volume
P. / Racine / Simon Fraser elaborates a dynamical, active view of emotion, along with an affect-laden view of
University | editor / Jordan / motion – and explores their significance for consciousness, intersubjectivity, and
Zlatev / Lund University language. As such, it contributes to the emerging interdisciplinary field of mind science,
transcending hitherto dominant computationalist and cognitivist approaches.
Who mediated intercultural exchanges in 9th-century East Asia or in early voyages to the
Americas? Did the Soviets or the Americans invent simultaneous interpreting
equipment? How did the US government train its first Chinese interpreters? Bringing
together papers from an international symposium held at Rikkyo University in 2014 along
editor / Kayoko / Takeda / with two select pieces, this volume pursues such questions in an exploration of the
New Insights in the History of Rikkyo University | editor / John Benjamins practice of interpreting, the recruitment of interpreters, and the challenges interpreters
Publishing 2016-03-10 History
Interpreting Jesús / Baigorri-Jalón / Company
have faced in diplomacy, colonization, religion, war, and occupation. It also introduces
University of Salamanca innovative use of photography, artifacts, personal journals, and fiction as tools for the
historical study of interpreters and interpreting. Targeted at practitioners, scholars, and
students of interpreting, translation, and history, the new insights presented aim to spark
discussion and research on the vital roles interpreters have played in intercultural
communication through history.

author / Arthur / ten Cate /

Netherlands Institute of
Military History, The Hague | A Gentle Occupation analyses Dutch military operations in the aftermath of the 2003 US-
Leiden led invasion in Iraq. It raises the question why, in contrast to most allied troops
A Gentle Occupation author / Thijs / Brocades- 9789087282912 2014-12-01 History
University Press elsewhere in Iraq, Dutch forces in Al Muthanna province met with little resistance and
Zaalberg / Netherlands left Iraq self-confident of their ability to deal with this type of stabilisation operations
Institute of Military History,
The Hague

This book presents studies from different academic fields of theoretical issues raised by
editor / Christian / Kock / public discourse, focusing on understanding and evaluating how its many manifestations
Contemporary Rhetorical University of Copenhagen | Leiden both reflect, shape, and challenge the society it is a part of. The book also presents
9789087282943 2015-01-01 Media & Communications
Citizenship editor / Lisa / Villadsen / University Press analyses of examples from around the world of civic communication, ranging from public
University of Copenhagen hearings about same-sex marriage over polemical letters to the editor to public displays
of knitting as a protest form.

Poetry expressing criticism of social, political and cultural life is a vital integral part of
Persian literary history. Its principal genres - invective, satire and burlesque - have been
very popular with authors in every age. Despite the rich uninterrupted tradition, such
author / Riccardo / Zipoli / Leiden texts have been little studied and rarely translated. Their irreverent tones range from
Irreverent Persia Ca'Foscari University, Venice University Press 9789087282974 2015-06-01 subtle irony to crude direct insults, at times involving the use of outrageous and obscene Literature
terms. This anthology includes both major and minor poets from the origins of Persian
poetry (10th century) up to the age of Jami (15th century), traditionally considered the
last great classical Persian poet

Mirrors of Entrapment and Emancipation explores the rich diversity of the meanings
author / Leila / Rahimi associated with the mirror and reflection in literature by women on the basis of the
Mirrors of Entrapment and Bahmany / Goethe Leiden works of the Persian Forugh Farrokhzad (1935-1967) and her American contemporary
9789087282967 2015-03-01 Sylvia Plath (1932-1963). These two poets astutely employed mirror images for the Literature
Emancipation Universitaet Frankfurt am University Press realization as well as for communication of their turbulent psycho-emotional states to
Main their readers, thereby capturing and conveying the essence of women desperately
trapped among the antithetical images of twentieth-century womanhood.
Reclaiming the Faravahar is an ethnographic study of the contemporary Zoroastrians in
author / Navid / Fozi / Leiden Tehran. It examines many public discursive and ritual performances to show how they
Reclaiming the Faravahar Middle East Technical 9789087282936 2014-10-01 utilize national, religious, and ethnic categories to frame the Zoroastrian identity within Theology & Religion
University, Ankara University Press the longstanding conflict between Iranian Shi'a and Arab Sunnis, defining and defending
Zoroastrians' identity and values in Shi'i dominated Iran.

Regulating Political Parties provides a novel and valuable contribution to the existing
editor / Ingrid / van Biezen / literature on political parties by discussing the various dimensions of party law and
Leiden University | editor / Leiden regulation, in Europe and other regions of the world. By bringing together international
Regulating Political Parties Hans-Martien / ten Napel / University Press 9789087282950 2014-12-01 experts from the disciplines of law and political science, this volume addresses from an Political Science
Leiden University interdisciplinary and comparative point of view what has long been a notable lacuna in
the study of political parties.

Post-colonial theory recognizes that European and American scholars have traditionally
editor / Kirstin / Bratt / Saint defined the themes that are of interest in literary criticism; in Moroccan studies, these
Cloud State University | themes have tended toward questions of migration, identity, secularism, and religious
editor / Youness / Elbousty / Leiden fanaticism typically questions regarding Morocco in its relationships with colonizing
Vitality and Dynamism Yale University | editor / University Press 9789087282929 2014-09-01 nations. This book intends to re-define the themes of interest in Moroccan studies, Literature
looking toward more local themes and movements and relationships of sub-cultures and
Devin / Stewart / Emory languages within Morocco. Questions in this volume regard concepts of the self,
College conflicting discourses, intersections of self-identity and community, and Moroccan
reclamation of identity in the post-colonial sphere.

Borrowed Forms examines the use of music by contemporary novelists and critics from
across the Francophone, Anglophone, and Hispanophone worlds. Through readings of
Nancy Huston, Maryse Condé, J. M. Coetzee, Assia Djebar, Julio Cortázar, and other late
twentieth-century novelists, the book shows how writers deploy musical strategies to
expand the possibilities of the novel in response to the demands of transnational
citizenship. The book transcends disciplinary boundaries, to reveal the entanglement of
musical and narrative forms in ethical, historical, and political questions.

Critics from Mikhail Bakhtin to Edward Said established musical forms as an

author / Kathryn / Lachman / indispensable framework for understanding the novel. This study argues that the turn to
Borrowed Forms University of Massachusetts 2014-06-18 music in late twentieth century fiction is linked to new questions of authority and Music
University Press representation, as writers seek to democratize the novel, to bring marginalized voices
into fiction, to articulate increasingly hybrid subjectivities, and to negotiate the
conflicting histories of the diverse groups that make up today's multicultural societies.
The book traces the influence of four musical concepts on theory and the contemporary
novel: polyphony, or the art of combining multiple, equal voices; counterpoint, the
carefully regulated setting of one voice against another; variations, the virtuosic
exploration of a given theme; and opera, the dramatic setting of a story to a musical
score. Borrowed Forms is both a vital reference for all those seeking to understand the
influence of music on 20th-century literary theory, and a rigorous and interdisciplinary
framework for considering the transnational novel.
Byron and the Forms of Thought is a major new study of Byron as a poet and thinker.
While informed by recent work on Byron’s philosophical contexts, the book questions
attempts to describe Byron as a philosopher of a particular kind. It approaches Byron,
rather, as a writer fascinated by the different ways of thinking philosophy and poetry are
taken to represent.

Byron and the Forms of Thought author / Anthony / Howe / Liverpool 2013-09-20 After an Introduction that explores Byron’s reception as a thinker, the book moves to a Literature
Birmingham City University University Press new reading of Byron’s scepticism, arguing for a close proximity, in Byron’s thought,
between epistemology and poetics. This is explored through readings of Byron’s efforts
both as a philosophical poet and writer of critical prose. The conclusions reached form
the basis of an extended reading of Don Juan as a critical narrative that investigates
connections between visionary and political consciousness. What emerges is a deeply
thoughtful poet intrigued and exercised by the possibilities of literary form.

Imperial Emotions: Cultural Responses to Myths of Empire in Fin-de-Siècle Spain

reconsiders debates about historical memory from the perspective of the theory of
emotions. Its main claim is that the demise of the Spanish empire in 1898 spurred a
number of contradictory emotional responses, ranging from mourning and melancholia
author / Javier / Krauel / Liverpool to indignation, pride, and shame. By focusing on the neglected emotional dimension of
Imperial Emotions University of Colorado 2013-11-13 memory practices, Imperial Emotions opens up new ways of interpreting some of the Languages
Boulder University Press most canonical essays in twentieth-century Iberian literature: Miguel de Unamuno’s En
torno al casticismo, Ángel Ganivet’s Idearium español, Ramiro de Maeztu’s Hacia otra
España, and Enric Prat de la Riba’s La nacionalitat catalana. It also examines the profound
implications the emotional attachment to imperial myths has had for the collective
memory of the conquest and colonization of the Americas.

Ranging across novels and poetry, critical theory and film, comics and speeches, Race,
Ethnicity and Nuclear War: Representations of Nuclear Weapons and Post-Apocalyptic
Worlds explores how writers, thinkers, and filmmakers have answered the following
question: are nuclear weapons ‘white’? Race, Ethnicity and Nuclear War listens to voices
from around the Anglophone world and the debates followed do not only take place on
author / Paul / Williams / Liverpool the soil of the nuclear powers. Filmmakers and writers from the Caribbean, Australia,
Race, Ethnicity and Nuclear War 2011-10-18 Literature
University of Exeter University Press and India take up positions shaped by their specific place in the decolonizing world and
their particular experience of nuclear weapons.
The texts considered in Race, Ethnicity and Nuclear War encompass the many
guises of representations of nuclear weapons. New thoughts are offered on the major
texts that SF scholars often return to, such as Philip Wylie’s Tomorrow! and Pat Frank’s
Alas Babylon, and a host of little known and under-researched texts are scrutinized too.
The theme of this book is cultural encounter and exchange in Irish women’s lives. Using
three case studies: the Enlightenment, emigration and modernism, it analyses reading
and popular and consumer culture as sites of negotiation of gender roles. It traces how
the circulation of ideas, fantasies and aspirations which have shaped women’s lives in
author / Gerardine / Meaney Liverpool actuality and in imagination and argues that there were many different ways of being a
Reading the Irish Woman 2013-07-31 woman. Attention to women’s cultural consumption and production shows that one History
/ University College Dublin University Press individual may in one day identify with representations of heroines of romantic fiction,
patriots, philanthropists, literary ladies, film stars, career women, popular singers,
advertising models and foreign missionaries. The processes of cultural consumption,
production and exchange provide evidence of women’s agency, aspirations and activities
within and far beyond the domestic sphere.

Spanish Spaces is a pioneering study that marries contemporary cultural geography with
contemporary Spanish culture. The field of cultural geography has grown both
extensively and rapidly, as has the field of cultural analysis and debate on Spanish
cultural texts; yet despite a convergence in study between cultural geography (and
Spanish Spaces author / Ann / Davies / Liverpool 2012-04-13 cultural studies more widely) and cultural texts themselves, this has made little impact to
Newcastle University University Press date within the area of contemporary Spanish cultural studies. Drawing on case studies
from contemporary Spanish film and literature, Davies explores the themes of memory
and forgetting, nationalism and terrorism, crime and detection, gender, tourism and
immigration, investigating what it means to think of space and places in specifically
Spanish terms.

The question ‘What is Québécois literature?’ may seem innocent and answerable, yet
Rosemary Chapman's compelling study shows that to answer it is to chart the cultural
author / Rosemary / history of French Canada, to put francophone writing in Canada in postcolonial context
What is Québécois Literature? Chapman / University of Liverpool 2013-08-30 and to ask whether literary history, with its focus on the nation, is in fact obsolete.
University Press
Nottingham This remarkable book will be compulsory reading for scholars well-versed in francophone
postcolonial studies and will also act as an ideal introduction for Anglophone scholars of
Canadian literature.

This is the first monograph-length study that charts the coercive diplomacy of the
administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford as practised against their British ally in
order to persuade Edward Heath’s government to follow a more amenable course
throughout the ‘Year of Europe’ and to convince Harold Wilson’s governments to lessen
the severity of proposed defence cuts. Such diplomacy proved effective against Heath but
author / Thomas / Robb / Manchester rather less so against Wilson. It is argued that relations between the two sides were often
A strained partnership? 9781526129383 2014-05-31 Political Science
Oxford Brookes University University Press strained, indeed, to the extent that the most ‘special’ elements of the relationship were
suspended. Yet, the relationship also witnessed considerable co-operation. This book
offers new perspectives on US and UK policy towards British membership of the
European Economic Community; demonstrates how US détente policies created strain;
reveals the temporary shutdown of US-UK intelligence and nuclear co-operation, and re-
evaluates the US-UK relationship throughout the IMF Crisis.
The attitude of Jews living in the medieval Christian world to Jews who converted to
Christianity or to Christians seeking to join the Jewish faith reflects the central traits that
make up Jewish self-identification. The Jews saw themselves as a unique group chosen by
God, who expected them to play a specific and unique role in the world.
Apostasy and Jewish identity in This study researches fully for the first time the various aspects of the way European
High Middle Ages Northern author / Simha / Goldin / Tel Manchester 9781526129345 2014-10-31 Jews regarded members of their own fold in the context of lapses into another religion. It History
Europe Aviv University University Press attempts to understand whether they regarded the issue of conversion with self-
confidence or with suspicion, and whether their attitude was based on a clear theological
position, or on issues of socialisation.
The book will primarily interest students and lecturers of Jewish/Christian relations, the
Middle Ages, Jews in the Medieval period, and inter-religious research.

This book critically examines the range of policies and programmes that attempt to
manage economic activity that contributes to political violence. It offers a new
framework for understanding both the problem of economic activity in conflict zones as
well as programmes aimed at managing these and transforming them into more peaceful
author / Jenny H. / economic and political relationships. Through this examination, both the problems of
Building a Peace Economy? Peterson / University of Manchester 9781526129376 2014-03-31 liberal modes of peacebuilding, implemented by the development-security industry, and
Political Science
Manchester University Press opportunities for policy innovation are explored.
Useful charts and frameworks throughout the book provide the reader with a range of
analytical tools that can be easily used to explore war economies and related policies in a
range of contexts, making this book an essential read for students, policy makers and aid
practitioners working in a range of disciplines and conflict-affected areas.

From the height of colonialism in the mid-nineteenth century, through to the aftermath
of the Second World War, nurses have been at the heart of colonial projects. They were
ideally placed to insinuate the ‘improving’ culture of their employers into the local
communities they served, and travelled in droves to far-flung parts of the globe to serve
editor / Sue / Hawkins / their country.

Colonial Caring Kingston University | editor / Manchester 9781526129369 2014-09-01 Issues of gender, class and race permeate this book, as the complex relationships History
Helen / Sweet / University of University Press between nurses, their medical colleagues, governments and the populations they nursed
Oxford are examined in detail, using case studies which draw on exciting new sources. Many of
the chapters are based on first-hand accounts of nurses and reveal that not all were
motivated by patriotic vigour or altruism, but went out in search of adventure. The book
will be an essential read for colonial historians, as well as historians of gender and
Whether reburied, concealed, stored, abandoned or publicly displayed, human remains
raise a vast number of questions regarding social, legal and ethical uses by communities,
public institutions and civil society organisations. This book presents a ground-breaking
editor / Jean-Marc / account of the treatment and commemoration of dead bodies resulting from incidents of
Dreyfus / University of Manchester genocide and mass violence.
Human Remains in Society 9781526129338 2016-11-29 Anthropology
Manchester | editor / University Press Through a range of international case studies across multiple continents, it explores the
Élisabeth / Anstett / EHESS effect of dead bodies or body parts on various political, cultural and religious practices.
Multidisciplinary in scope, it will appeal to readers interested in this crucial phase of post-
conflict reconciliation, including students and researchers of history, anthropology,
sociology, archaeology, law, politics and modern warfare.

The First World War was the first 'total war'. Its industrial weaponry damaged millions of
men and drove whole armies underground into dangerously unhealthy trenches. Many
were killed. Many more suffered terrible, life-threatening injuries: wound infections such
as gas gangrene and tetanus, exposure to extremes of temperature, emotional trauma
author / Christine E. / and systemic disease. In an effort to alleviate this suffering, tens of thousands of women
Nurse Writers of the Great War Hallett / University of Manchester 9781526129352 2016-02-04 volunteered to serve as nurses. Of these, some were experienced professionals while
Manchester University Press others had undergone only minimal training. But regardless of their preparation, they
would all gain a unique understanding of the conditions of industrial warfare. Until
recently their contributions, both to the saving of lives and to our understanding of
warfare, have remained largely hidden from view. By combining biographical research
with textual analysis, Nurse writers of the great war opens a window onto their insights
into the nature of nursing and the impact of war.

Aftermath: Genocide, Memory and History examines how genocide is remembered and
represented in both popular and scholarly memory, integrating scholarship on the
editor / Karen / Auerbach / Monash Holocaust with the study of other genocides through a comparative framework. Scholars
Aftermath University of North Carolina University 9781925523027 2015-03-01 from a range of disciplines re-evaluate narratives of past conflict to explore how memory History
at Chapel Hill Publishing of genocide is mobilised in the aftermath, tracing the development and evolution of
memory through the lenses of national identities, colonialism, legal history, film studies,
gender, the press, and literary studies.

This volume addresses one of the central issues in literary translation: the relationship
between the creative freedom of the translator and the multiplicity of constraints to
which translation is necessarily subject. The links between an author’s translation work
and his or her own writing are likewise explored. Through a series of compelling case
editor / Rita / Wilson / Monash studies, this volume illustrates the parallel and overlapping discourses within the cognate
Creative Constraints Monash University | editor / University 9781921867903 2012-07-01 areas of literary studies, creative writing and translation studies, which together propose
Leah / Gerber / Monash a view of translation as (a form of) creative writing, and creative writing itself as being
Publishing shaped by translation processes. The translations of selected contemporary French,
University Spanish and German texts offer readers some insights into how the translator’s work
mirrors and complements that of the creative writer. The combination of theory and
practice presented in this volume will appeal not just to specialists in translation studies
but also to a wider public.
Manga Vision examines cultural and communicative aspects of Japanese comics, drawing
together scholars from Japan, Australia and Europe working in areas as diverse as
cultural studies, linguistics, education, music, art, anthropology, and translation, to
editor / Sarah / Pasfield- Monash explore the influence of manga in Japan and worldwide via translation, OEL manga and
Manga Vision Neofitou / Monash University 9781925523041 2016-06-01 fan engagement. This volume includes a mix of theoretical, methodological, empirical
University | editor / Cathy / and professional practice-based chapters, examining manga from both academic and
Publishing artistic perspectives. Manga Vision also provides the reader with a multimedia
Sell / Monash University experience, featuring original artwork by Australian manga artist Queenie Chan, cosplay
photographs, and an online supplement offering musical compositions inspired by
manga, and downloadable manga-related teaching resources.

How did Shakespere intend that his plays be read? Rhythm and Meaning in Shakespeare
explores the rhythmical organisation of Shakespeare’s verse and how it creates and
reinforces meaning both in the theatre and in the mind of the reader. Because metrical
Monash form in the pentameter is not passively present in the text but rather something that the
Rhythm and Meaning in author / Peter / Groves / performer must co-operatively re-create in speaking it, pentameter is what John Barton
University 9781925523058 2013-07-01 Literature
Shakespeare Monash University Publishing
calls “stage-direction in shorthand”, a supple instrument through which Shakespeare
communicates valuable cues for performance. This book is thus an essential guide for
actors wishing to perform in his plays, as well as a valuable resource for anyone wishing
to enhance their understanding of and engagement with Shakespeare’s verse.
Has supplementary audio files.

editor / Wilfried / Loth / Nomos In this volume, based on a colloquium at the Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai
Disintegration and Integration in University of Duisburg- Essen Verlagsgesellsc University, in Cluj-Napoca, the integration of former member states of the Soviet bloc
2014-05-20 into the European Union is discussed in its broad historical context. 30 scholars are History
East-Central Europe | editor / Nicolae / Paun / haft mbH & providing a comprehensive insight into the state of integration of East-Central European
Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Co.- KG countries.

author / Ludger / Nomos The author is presenting a broadly structured study about the first fifty years of European
European Union - The Second Kühnhardt / University of Verlagsgesellsc 2008-08-12 integration, its geopolitical context and academic reflection. His study is based on the
Political Science
Founding haft mbH & two-fold thesis that since a few years, the European Union is going through a process of
Bonn Co.- KG its Second Founding while simultaneously changing its rationale.

Imperial Overstretch: Germany author / Hannes / Adomeit / Verlagsgesellsc The book is an analysis of the rise and fall of the Soviet empire in what, during the Cold
in Soviet Policy from Stalin to 2016-04-29 War, was called ‘Eastern Europe’. Its central focus is the role played by the German Political Science
College of Europe, Warsaw haft mbH & problem in that process.
Co.- KG

In this ambitious book, Kirk Wetters traces the genealogy of the demonic in German
literature from its imbrications in Goethe to its varying legacies in the work of essential
authors, both canonical and less well known, such as Gundolf, Spengler, Benjamin,
Lukács, and Doderer. Wetters focuses especially on the philological and metaphorological
author / Kirk / Wetters / Yale Northwestern resonances of the demonic from its core formations through its appropriations in the
Demonic History University University Press 2015-03-20 tumultuous twentieth century. Literature
Propelled by equal parts theoretical and historical acumen, Wetters explores the ways in
which the question of the demonic has been employed to multiple theoretical, literary,
and historico-political ends. He thereby produces an intellectual history that will be
consequential both to scholars of German literature and to comparatists.
In Essential Vulnerabilities, Deborah Achtenberg contests Emmanuel Levinas’s idea that
Plato is a philosopher of freedom for whom thought is a return to the self. Instead, Plato,
like Levinas, is a philosopher of the other. Nonetheless, Achtenberg argues, Plato and
Levinas are different. Though they share the view that human beings are essentially
author / Deborah / vulnerable and essentially in relation to others, they conceive human vulnerability and
Essential Vulnerabilities Achtenberg / University of 2016-12-31 responsiveness differently. For Plato, when we see beautiful others, we are overwhelmed Philosophy
University Press by the beauty of what is, by the vision of eternal form. For Levinas, we are disrupted by
Nevada, Reno
the newness, foreignness, or singularity of the other. The other, for him, is new or
foreign, not eternal. The other is unknowable singularity. By showing these similarities
and differences, Achtenberg resituates Plato in relation to Levinas and opens up two
contrasting ways that self is essentially in relation to others.

With Faithful Translators Jaime Goodrich offers the first in-depth examination of
women’s devotional translations and of religious translations in general within early
modern England. Placing female translators such as Queen Elizabeth I and Mary Sidney
Herbert, Countess of Pembroke, alongside their male counterparts, such as Sir Thomas
Faithful Translators author / Jaime / Goodrich / Northwestern 2013-12-18 More and Sir Philip Sidney, Goodrich argues that both male and female translators
Wayne State University University Press constructed authorial poses that allowed their works to serve four distinct cultural
functions: creating privacy, spreading propaganda, providing counsel, and representing
religious groups. Ultimately, Faithful Translators calls for a reconsideration of the
apparent simplicity of "faithful" translations and aims to reconfigure perceptions of early
modern authorship, translation, and women writers.

In this highly original study of the nature of performance, Spencer Golub uses the
insights of Ludwig Wittgenstein into the way language works to analyze the relationship
between the linguistic and the visual in the work of a broad range of dramatists,
novelists, and filmmakers, among them Richard Foreman, Mac Wellman, Peter Handke,
David Mamet, and Alfred Hitchcock. Like Wittgenstein, these artists are concerned with
author / Spencer / Golub / Northwestern the limits of language’s representational capacity. For Golub, it is these limits that give
Incapacity 2014-08-08 Wittgenstein’s thought a further, very personal significance—its therapeutic quality with Philosophy
Brown University University Press respect to the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from which he suffers.

Underlying what Golub calls “performance behavior” is Wittgenstein’s notion of “pain

behavior”—that which gives public expression to private experience. Golub charts new
directions for exploring the relationship between theater and philosophy, and even for
scholarly criticism itself.

Montaigne’s Essays are rightfully studied as giving birth to the literary form of that name.
Ann Hartle’s Montaigne and the Origins of Modern Philosophy argues that the essay is
actually the perfect expression of Montaigne as what he called "a new figure: an
unpremeditated and accidental philosopher." Unpremeditated philosophy is philosophy
Montaigne and the Origins of author / Ann / Hartle / Northwestern made sociable—brought down from the heavens to the street, where it might be
Modern Philosophy Emory University University Press 2013-11-30 engaged in by a wider audience. In the same philosophical act, Montaigne both Philosophy
transforms philosophy and invents "society," a distinctly modern form of association.
Through this transformation, a new, modern character emerges: the individual, who is
neither master nor slave and who possesses the new virtues of integrity and generosity.
In Montaigne’s radically new philosophical project, Hartle finds intimations of both
modern epistemology and modern political philosophy.
A groundbreaking collection that pursues the rise of geoculture as an essential
framework for arts criticism, The Planetary Turn shows how the planet—as territory,
editor / Amy / Elias / sociopolitical arena, space of interaction for life, and artistic theme—is increasingly the
conceptual and political dimension in which artists picture themselves and their work. In
University of Tennessee, an introduction that comprehensively defines the planetary model of art, culture, and
Knoxville | editor / Northwestern cultural-aesthetic interpretation, the editors explain how the planet is emerging as
The Planetary Turn 9780810130746 2015-04-30 Philosophy
Christian / Moraru / University Press distinct from older concepts of globalization, cosmopolitanism, and environmentalism
University of North Carolina, and is becoming a new ground for work in literature, art, and social humanities. Written
by internationally recognized scholars, the twelve essays illustrate the unfolding of a new
Greensboro vision of potential planetary community that retools earlier models based on the nation-
state or political “blocs” and reimagines cultural, political, aesthetic, and ethical
relationships for the post–Cold War era.

This book provides a view of literary life under the Nazis, highlighting the ambiguities,
rivalries and conflicts that determined the cultural climate of that period and beyond.
Peter Lang Focusing on a group of writers – in particular, Hans Grimm, Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer,
"Völkisch" Writers and National author / Guy / Tourlamain International 9783035306354 2014-08-18 Wilhelm Schäfer, Emil Strauß, Börries Freiherr von Münchhausen and Rudolf Binding – it
Political Science
Socialism Academic examines the continuities in völkisch-nationalist thought in Germany from c. 1890 into
Publishers the post-war period and the ways in which völkisch-nationalists identified themselves in
opposition to four successive German regimes: the Kaiserreich, the Weimar Republic, the
Third Reich and the Federal Republic.

The author analyzes modern Russian history from a new perspective. Due to the
ideological heritage of the XIXth and XXth centuries, the social settings of the
sociopolitical history of the USSR (1917–1945) have not been fully identified. Detailed
Peter Lang examination of ideological and political concepts shows that the revolution of 1917
About Russia, Its Revolutions, Its International became not a middle class, proletarian movement, but rather a plebeian one. The
author / Michal / Reiman 9783653064735 2016-07-29 History
Development and Its Present Academic misjudgment by the new power enabled growth but caused tremendous losses of human
Publishers lives and material damages. Socialization of economy and strict centralization led to a
new social structure and established terror as an instrument for social reorganization.
WWII revealed the necessity of a correction of these developments, but the events of the
Cold War circumvented any further considerations.

This collection of essays addresses the ongoing problem of dissent from a broad range of
disciplinary perspectives: political philosophy, intellectual history, literary studies,
aesthetics, architectural history and conceptualizations of the political past. Taking a
Peter Lang global perspective, the volume examines the history of dissent both inside and outside
Dissent! Refracted editor / Benjamin / Dorfman International 9783653066296 2016-04-20 the West, through events in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries both nearer to our
Academic own times as well as more distant, and through a range of styles reflecting how
Publishers contested and pressing the problem of dissent in fact is. Drawing on a range of authors
and international problematics, the contributions discuss the multiple ways in which we
refract memories of dissent in cultural, historical and aesthetic context. It also discusses
the diverse ideas, images and phenomena we use to do so.
In this volume, ghost stories are studied in the context of their media, their place in
history and geography. From prehistory to this day, we have been haunted by our
Peter Lang memories, the past itself, by inklings of the future, by events playing outside our lives,
and by ourselves. Hence the lure of ghost stories throughout history and presumably
Ghosts - or the (Nearly) Invisible editor / Maria / Fleischhack | International 9783653059625 2016-07-22 prehistory. Science has been a great destroyer of myth and superstition, but at the same Literature
editor / Elmar / Schenkel Academic time it has created new black boxes which we are filling with our ghostly imagination. In
Publishers this book, literature from the Middle Ages to Oscar Wilde and Neil Gaiman, children’s
stories, folklore and films, ranging from the Antarctic and Russia to Haiti, are covered and
show the continuing presence of spectral phenomena.

The authors outline the topic of visuality in the 21st century in a trans- and
interdisciplinary theoretical frame from philosophy through communication theory,
Peter Lang rhetoric and linguistics to pedagogy. As some scholars of visual communication state,
In the Beginning was the Image: editor / András / Benedek | International there is a significant link between the downgrading of visual sense making and a
9783653070071 2016-12-20 Media & Communications
The Omnipresence of Pictures editor / Ágnes / Veszelszki Academic dominantly linguistic view of cognition. According to the concept of linguistic turn,
Publishers everything has its meaning because we attribute meaning to it through language. Our
entire world is set in language, and language is the model of human activities. This
volume questions the approach in the imagery debate.

The merchants of the medieval Hanse monopolised trade in the Baltic and North Sea
areas. The authors describe the structure of their trade system in terms of network
organisation and attempts to explain, on the grounds of institutional economics, the
Peter Lang coordination of the merchants’ commercial exchange by reputation, trust and culture.
Institutions of Hanseatic Trade author / Ulf Christian / Ewert International 9783653058512 2016-11-30 The institutional economics approach also allows for a comprehensive analysis of
| author / Stephan / Selzer Academic coordination problems arising between merchants, towns and the ‘Kontore’. Due to the
Publishers simplicity and flexibility of network trade the Hansards could bridge the huge gap in
economic development between the West and the East. In the changing economic
conditions around 1500, however, exactly these characteristics proved to be a serious
limit to further retain their trade monopoly.

This book addresses the issues of radicalism and terrorism, which are of exceptional
importance and relevance in contemporary society. Each of the two phenomena are
analyzed from a multidisciplinary perspective. The book contains articles which explore
editor / Anna / Sroka | editor Peter Lang legal, political, psychological, economic and social aspects of radicalism and terrorism. A
Radicalism and Terrorism in the / Fanny / Castro-Rial Garrone International 9783653069747 2016-12-22 portion of the contributions are of a theoretical nature, they constitute an attempt at
Political Science
21st Century | editor / Rubén Darío / Academic constructing analytical frameworks for studies on the two phenomena. There are also
Torres Kumbrián Publishers studies of particular cases, such as radicalism in Poland and in Spain, as well as within the
European Union as a whole. This collective work is a response to the need for analyses of
two issues which are increasingly responsible for determining the level of security which
characterizes the contemporary world.
The book analyses the attitudes of non-EU countries towards European integration in
editor / Pascaline / Winand / historical and contemporary perspectives. The authors study a range of actors in Europe
Monash University; and beyond to explain the impact of the creation of the European Communities on the
Université libre de Bruxelles international system and how the EU is perceived in the world.
Peter Lang
| editor / Andrea / Benvenuti International The book further shows the significance of the institutional interplay within the EU, and
The External Relations of the between EU institutions, member states and external actors led by their own internal
/ University of New South 9783035264975 2015-01-19 History
European Union Wales | editor / Max / Academic dynamics to explain policy outcomes. It investigates to what extent the perceptions of
Publishers the international community towards the European Communities and the EU have been
Guderzo / School of Political influenced by the complexity of their decision-making and the difficulty of reconciling the
Science «Cesare Alfieri», views of member states on key external relations issues. The authors also study the
University of Florence interplay of non-EU countries and the EU within the broader context of international and
regional institutions and forums for international cooperation.

Hailed by many as a game-changer in political communication, Twitter has made its way
into election campaigns all around the world. The European Parliamentary elections,
taking place simultaneously in 28 countries, give us a unique comparative vision of the
editor / Alex / Frame | editor Peter Lang way the tool is used by candidates in different national contexts. This volume is the fruit
Tweets from the Campaign Trail /Gilles
Arnaud / Mercier | editor / International of a research project bringing together scholars from 6 countries, specialised in
9783653061680 2016-12-07 Media & Communications
/ Brachotte | editor / Academic communication science, media studies, linguistics and computer science. It seeks to
Caja / Thimm Publishers characterise the way Twitter was used during the 2014 European election campaign,
providing insights into communication styles and strategies observed in different
languages and outlining methodological solutions for collecting and analysing political
tweets in an electoral context.

The term Utopia, coined by Thomas More in 1516, contains an inherent semantic
editor / Miriam / Bait | Peter Lang ambiguity: it could be read as eu topos (good place) or ou topos (no place). The authors
Utopian Discourses Across International of this volume analyze this polysemous notion and its fascination for scholars across the
editor / Marina / Brambilla | 9783653061741 2016-07-06 centuries, who have developed a variety of visions and ways to explain the «realization» Media & Communications
Cultures editor / Valentina / Crestani Academic of utopian discourses. The experts in the fields of sociology, political science, economics,
Publishers computer science, literature and linguistics offer extensive studies about how utopian
scenarios are realized in different cultural contexts.

In reaction to the spread of globalization, recent years have seen considerable growth in
the number of intentional communities established across the world. In this collection of
articles and lectures, many of them previously unpublished in English, the author
Peter Lang analyzes various aspects of the philosophy of the kibbutz and draws parallels with other
Where Community Happens author / Henry / Near International 9783035301281 2011-04-07 societies and philosophical trends, in the hope that a close look at the ways of thought of
Academic the kibbutz – arguably the best-established communalist society – may help other
Publishers communalists crystallize their own social philosophies. Utopian thought and communal
experience are brought to life through the extensive use of the voices of some of the
most influential thinkers and kibbutz members of the past hundred years, including
Martin Buber and David Ben Gurion.
This is the second updated edition of the first comprehensive history of Lebanon in the
modern period. Written by a leading Lebanese scholar, and based on previously
inaccessible archives, it is a fascinating and beautifully-written account of one of the
world's most fabled countries.

A History of Modern Lebanon - author / Fawwaz / Starting with the formation of Ottoman Lebanon in the 16th century, Traboulsi covers
Traboulsi / American Pluto Press 9781849647281 2012-06-20 the growth of Beirut as a capital for trade and culture through the 19th century. The History
Second Edition University in Beirut main part of the book concentrates on Lebanon's development in the 20th century and
the conflicts that led up to the major wars in the 1970s and 1980s. This edition contains a
new chapter and updates throughout the text.
This is a rich history of Lebanon that brings to life its politics, its people and the crucial
role that it has always played in world affairs.

A People's History of the Second World War unearths the fascinating history of the war
as fought 'from below'. Until now, the vast majority of historical accounts have focussed
on the conflict between the Allied and Axis powers for imperialist mastery. Donny
Gluckstein shows that in fact between 1939 and 1945 two distinct wars were fought –
one ‘from above’ and one ‘from below’.
A People's History of the Second author / Donny / Gluckstein / Using examples from countries under the Nazi heel, in the colonies and within the Axis
Pluto Press 9781849647199 2012-06-20 History
World War Stevenson College and Allied camps, Gluckstein brings to life the very different struggle of the people's and
resistance movements which proliferated during the war. He shows how they fought not
just fascism, but colonialism and empire, and were betrayed by the Allies at the war’s

This book will fundamentally challenge our understanding of the Second World War –
both about the people who fought it and the reasons for which it was fought.

After Queer Theory makes the provocative claim that queer theory has run its course,
made obsolete by the elaboration of its own logic within capitalism. James Penney argues
that far from signalling the end of anti-homophobic criticism, however, the end of queer
presents the occasion to rethink the relation between sexuality and politics.

After Queer Theory author / James / Penney / Pluto Press 9781849649858 2013-11-20 Through a critical return to Marxism and psychoanalysis (Freud and Lacan), Penney
Political Science
Trent University insists that the way to implant sexuality in the field of political antagonism is
paradoxically to abandon the exhausted premise of a politicised sexuality.

After Queer Theory argues that it is necessary to wrest sexuality from the dead end of
identity politics, opening it up to a universal emancipatory struggle beyond the reach of
capitalism's powers of commodification.
Bad News for Refugees analyses the political, economic and environmental contexts of
migration and looks specifically at how refugees and asylum seekers have been
author / Greg / Philo / stigmatised in political rhetoric and in media coverage.
Glasgow University |
author / Emma / Briant / Through forensic research it shows how hysterical and inaccurate media accounts act to
Bad News for Refugees Pluto Press 9781849649575 2013-08-20 legitimise political action which can have terrible consequences both on the lives of Media & Communications
Glasgow University | refugees and also on established migrant communities.
author / Pauline / Donald /
Glasgow University Based on new research by the renowned Glasgow Media Group, Bad News for Refugees
is essential reading for those concerned with the negative effects of media on public
understanding and for the safety of vulnerable groups and communities in our society.

Mainstream historical accounts of the development of capitalism describe a process

which is fundamentally European - a system that was born in the mills and factories of
England or under the guillotines of the French Revolution. In this groundbreaking book, a
very different story is told.
author / Alexander / The book offers a unique interdisciplinary and international historical account of the
Anievas / University of origins of capitalism. It argues that contrary to the dominant wisdom, capitalism’s origins
How the West Came to Rule Cambridge | author / Pluto Press 9781783713233 2015-06-20 should not be understood as a development confined to the geographically and culturally History
Kerem / Nişancıoğlu / sealed borders of Europe, but the outcome of a wider array of global processes in which
non-European societies played a decisive role.
University of Westminster
Through an outline of the uneven histories of Mongolian expansion, New World
discoveries, Ottoman-Habsburg rivalry, the development of the Asian colonies and
bourgeois revolutions, the authors provide an account of how these diverse events and
processes came together to produce capitalism.

This book breaks new ground in the way we think about international relations theory.

Kees van der Pijl argues that by making the "nation-state" the focus of international
relations, the discipline has become Euro-centric and a-historical. Theories of imperialism
and historic civilisations, and their relation to world order, have been discarded. With
author / Kees / van der Pijl / more than half the world's population living in cities, with unprecedented levels of
Nomads, Empires, States Pluto Press 9781849643412 2007-10-20 migration, global politics is present on every street corner. The "international" is no Political Science
University of Sussex longer only a balance of power among states, but includes tribal relations making a
comeback in various ways.
Outlining a new approach to IR theory, the book makes a case for a re-reading of world
history in terms of foreign relations, and shows what it reveals about both our past and
our future.
In the light of the deepening crisis of capitalism and continued non-Western capitalist
accumulation, Henry Heller re-examines the debates surrounding the transition from
feudalism to capitalism in Europe and elsewhere.

Focusing on arguments about the origin, nature and sustainability of capitalism, Heller
offers a new reading of the historical evidence and a critical interrogation of the
The Birth of Capitalism author / Henry / Heller / Pluto Press 9781849646130 2011-08-20 transition debate. He advances the idea that capitalism must be understood as a political
University of Manitoba as well as an economic entity. This book breathes new life into the scholarship, taking
issue with the excessively economistic approach of Robert Brenner, which has gained
increasing support over the last ten years. It concludes that the future of capitalism is
more threatened than ever before.

The new insights in this book make it essential reading for engaged students and scholars
of political economy and history.

As the recent financial crisis has revealed, the state is central to the stability of the
money system, while the chaotic privately-owned banks reap the benefits without
shouldering the risks. This book argues that money is a public resource that has been
hijacked by capitalism.

Mary Mellor explores the history of money and modern banking, showing how finance
author / Mary / Mellor / capital has captured bank-created money to enhance speculative ‘leveraged’ profits as
The Future of Money Pluto Press 9781849644501 2010-04-20 well as destroying collective approaches to economic life. Meanwhile, most individuals, Political Science
Northumbria University and the public economy, have been mired in debt. To correct this obvious injustice,
Mellor proposes a public and democratic future for money. Ways are put forward for
structuring the money and banking system to provision societies on an equitable,
ecologically sustainable ‘sufficiency’ basis.

This fascinating study of money should be read by all economics students looking for an
original analysis of the economy during the current crisis.

A millennium and a half after the end of the period of its unquestioned dominance, Rome
remains a significant presence in western culture. This book explores what the empire
meant to its subjects.

The idea of Rome has long outlived the physical empire that gave it form, and now holds
author / Neville / Morley / sway over vastly more people and a far greater geographical area than the Romans ever
The Roman Empire Pluto Press 9781849645478 2010-06-20 History
University of Bristol ruled. It continues to shape our understanding of the nature of imperialism, and thus,
however subtly, to influence the workings of the world. Unlike most works on Roman
history, this book does not offer a simplistic narrative, with military triumph followed by
decline and fall. Instead, it analyses the origins and nature of Roman imperialism, its
economic, social and cultural impact on the regions it conquered, and its continuing
influence in discussions and debates about modern imperialism.
Tracing the evolution of social capital since his highly acclaimed contribution of 2001
(Social Capital Versus Social Theory), Ben Fine consolidates his position as the world's
leading critic of the concept.

Fine forcibly demonstrates how social capital has expanded across the social sciences
author / Ben / Fine / SOAS, only by degrading the different disciplines and topics that it touches: a McDonaldisation
Theories of Social Capital Pluto Press 9781849644426 2010-01-20 of social theory. The rise and fall of social capital at the World Bank is critically explained Economics
University of London as is social capital's growing presence in disciplines, such as management studies, and its
relative absence in others, such as social history.

Writing with a sharp critical edge, Fine not only deconstructs the roller-coaster presence
of social capital across the social sciences but also draws out lessons on how (and how
not) to do research.

Tweets and the Streets analyses the culture of the new protest movements of the 21st
century. From the Arab Spring to the 'indignados' protests in Spain and the Occupy
movement, Paolo Gerbaudo examines the relationship between the rise of social media
and the emergence of new forms of protest.
Gerbaudo argues that activists' use of Twitter and Facebook does not fit with the image
Tweets and the Streets author / Paolo / Gerbaudo / Pluto Press 9781849648004 2012-10-20 of a 'cyberspace' detached from physical reality. Instead, social media is used as part of a
Political Science
King's College London project of re-appropriation of public space, which involves the assembling of different
groups around 'occupied' places such as Cairo’s Tahrir Square or New York’s Zuccotti
An exciting and invigorating journey through the new politics of dissent, Tweets and the
Streets points both to the creative possibilities and to the risks of political evanescence
which new media brings to the contemporary protest experience.

Child Poverty, Evidence and author / Nicola / Jones | This book is about the ideas, networks and institutions that shape the development of
Policy Press 9781847424471 2011-02-23 evidence about child poverty and wellbeing, and the use of such evidence in Sociology
Policy author / Andy / Sumner development policy debates.

This important book explores the values of equality and diversity as promoted across
Equality and Diversity author / Steven / Smith Policy Press 9781847426086 2011-07-20 liberal societies, drawing on various traditions of political and social philosophy, and Sociology
applying them to policy and practice debates.

editor / Geetanjali / Gangoli By introducing readers to national perspectives of issues relating to rape, the book
International Approaches to presents a comparative approach which highlights similarities and differences between
Rape | editor / Nicole / Policy Press 9781847426222 2011-04-06 countries, contexts, laws, key issues and policies and interventions. Sociology

Japanese and Chinese immigrants in the United States have traditionally been
characterized as hard workers who are hesitant to involve themselves in labor disputes
or radical activism. How then does one explain the labor and Communist organizations in
Japanese and Chinese Immigrant author / Josephine / Fowler Rutgers the Asian immigrant communities that existed from coast to coast between 1919 and
2007-06-28 1933? Their organizers and members have been, until now, largely absent from the History
Activists University Press history of the American Communist movement. Here, Josephine Fowler brings us the first
in-depth account of Japanese and Chinese immigrant radicalism inside the United States
and across the Pacific.
editor / Marisa / Fuentes /
Rutgers University | editor / Rutgers The work of the Committee on Enslaved and Disenfranchised Population in Rutgers
Scarlet and Black Deborah / Gray White / University Press 9780813592121 2016-12-20 History. Visit the project's website at History
Rutgers University

Global identity politics rest heavily on notions of ethnicity and authenticity. In

contemporary Latin America there is a resurgence of indigenous claims for cultural and
political autonomy and for the benefits of economic development. Yet these identities
have often been taken for granted.
author / Baron / Pineda /
Rutgers In this historical ethnography, Baron Pineda traces the history of the port town of Bilwi,
Shipwrecked Identities Oberlin College & 2006-04-03 Anthropology
University Press now known officially as Puerto Cabezas, on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua to explore the
Conservatory development and function of racial categories in this region. In the process, he provides
insight into the causes and meaning of social movements and political turmoil.
Shipwrecked Identities also includes important critical analysis of the role of
anthropologists and other North American scholars in the Contra-Sandinista conflict as
well as the ways these scholars have defined ethnic identities in Latin America.

Bringing together essays by nineteen respected scholars, this volume approaches

dementia from a variety of angles, exploring its historical, psychological, and
philosophical implications. The authors employ a cross-cultural perspective that is based
on ethnographic fieldwork and focuses on questions of age, mind, voice, self, loss,
author / Annette / Leibing / temporality, memory, and affect.
Université de Montreal | Rutgers
Thinking About Dementia author / Lawrence / Cohen / University Press 2006-01-01 Taken together, the essays make four important and interrelated contributions to our Anthropology
University of California, understanding of the mental status of the elderly. First, cross-cultural data show that the
aging process, while biologically influenced, is also culturally constructed. Second,
Berkeley ethnographic reports raise questions about the diagnostic criteria used for defining the
elderly as demented. Third, case studies show how a diagnosis affects a patient's
treatment in both clinical and familial settings. Finally, the collection highlights the gap
that separates current biological understandings of aging from its cultural meanings.

editor / Jay / Johnston / The Animal death is a complex, uncomfortable, depressing, motivating and sensitive topic.
University of Sydney | For those scholars participating in Human-Animal Studies, it is – accompanied by the
Sydney concept of 'life' – the ground upon which their studies commence, whether those studies
Animal Death editor / Fiona / Probyn- 9781743325247 2013-07-01 Sociology
Rapsey / The University of University Press
are historical, archaeological, social, philosophical, or cultural. It is a tough subject to
face, but as this volume demonstrates, one at the heart of human–animal relations and
Sydney human–animal studies scholarship.

Most members of the Stolen Generations had white fathers or grandfathers. Who were
these white men? This book analyses the stories of white fathers, men who were
positioned as key players in the plans to assimilate Aboriginal people by ‘breeding out
author / Fiona / Probyn- the colour’. The policy was an cruel failure. It conflated skin colour with culture and
Sydney assumed that Aboriginal women and their children would acquiesce to produce ‘future
Made to Matter Rapsey / The University of 9781743325667 2013-06-10 History
Sydney University Press whites’. It also assumed that white men would comply as ready appendages,
administering ‘whiteness’ through marriage or white sperm. This book attempts to put
textual flesh on the bodies of these white fathers, and in doing so, builds on and
complicates the view of white fathers in this history, and the histories of whiteness to
which they are biopolitically related.
This book combines the human development approach and innovation economics in
order to explore the effects that structural economic change has on human
Economic Complexity and author / Dominik / Hartmann Taylor & 9780203722084 2014-05-01 development. The author discusses how innovation, social networks, economic dynamics
Human Development / University of Hohenheim Francis and human development are interlinked, and provides several practical examples of
social and micro-entrepreneurship in contexts as diverse as Peruvian rural villages and
Brazil's urban areas

author / José / Marichal / Drawing on a number of disciplines and an ethnographic analysis of 250 Facebook
Taylor & political groups, Marichal explores how Facebook's emphasis on social connection
Facebook Democracy Californian Lutheran 2012-08-17 Political Science
Francis impacts key dimensions of political participation: e.g. mobilization, deliberation, and
University attitude formation.

editor / Kath / Browne / This interdisciplinary volume provides the first systematic consideration of the
Queer Methods and University of Brighton | Taylor & implications of a queer perspective in the pursuit of social scientific research. It will
Methodologies editor / Catherine J. / Nash / Francis 9780754696636 2010-08-28 appeal to anyone pursing research at the intersections between social scientific research Sociology
and queer perspectives, as well as those engaging with methodological considerations in
Brock University social science research more broadly

The Psychology of Becoming a author / Satu / Uusiautti / Taylor & Based on the authors' in-depth research into the phenomenon of success at work, this
University of Lapland | 9781315766515 2014-07-28 book provides a positive human-strength based approach to success and offers a fresh Psychology
Successful Worker author / Kaarina / Maatta Francis viewpoint on the modern, demanding and hectic work life

editor / Sally / Hines / Leeds This volume offers vivid accounts of the diversity of living transgender in today's world,
Transgender Identities University | editor / Tam / Taylor & 9780203856147 2010-03-26 representing the cutting-edge scholarship in transgender studies. This book will be of Sociology
Sanger / Open University Francis interest to scholars and students in sociology and gender and sexuality studies

The booming increase of the senior population has become a social phenomenon and a
editor / Emma / Domínguez- challenge to our societies, and technological advances have undoubtedly contributed to
Rué / University of Lleida, improve the lives of elderly citizens in numerous aspects. In current debates on
Catalunya, Spain | editor / technology, however, the »human factor« is often largely ignored. The ageing individual
Linda / Nierling / Institute for is rather seen as a malfunctioning machine whose deficiencies must be diagnosed or as a
Ageing and Technology Technology Assessment and transcript 9783839429570 2016-01-15 set of limitations to be overcome by means of technological devices. This volume aims at
Verlag focusing on the perspective of human beings deriving from the development and use of
Systems Analysis (ITAS), technology: this change of perspective – taking the human being and not technology first
Karlsruhe Institute of – may help us to become more sensitive to the ambivalences involved in the interaction
Technology, Karlsruhe, between humans and technology, as well as to adapt technologies to the people that
Germany created the need for its existence, thus contributing to improve the quality of life of
senior citizens.

American Mobilities investigates representations of mobility – social, economic,

geographic – in American film and literature during the Depression, WWII, and the early
Cold War. With an emphasis on the dual meaning of »domestic«, referring to both the
author / Julia / Leyda / Freie transcript family home and the nation, this study traces the important trope of mobility that runs
American Mobilities 9783839434550 2016-02-15 Literature
Universität Berlin, Germany Verlag through the »American« century. Juxtaposing canonical fiction with popular, and low-
budget independent films with Classical Hollywood, Leyda brings the analytic tools of
American cultural and literary studies to bear on an eclectic array of primary texts as she
builds a case for the significance of mobility in the study of the United States.
How to account for the peculiar attraction of certain photos? How to deal with the
specific use of images in particular contexts? Monika Schwärzler presents a variety of
photographic case studies exploring visual phenomena from the point of view of media
author / Monika / Schwärzler analysis as well as from sociological, aesthetic, and psychoanalytic perspectives. The
At Face Value and Beyond / Webster Vienna Private transcript 9783839429549 2016-04-15 topics range from a new reading of Thomas Struth’s street photographs to CERN photos Arts
University, Austria Verlag with their charged rhetoric, from the assault of photographic close-ups to speculations
on an anonymous slide collection featuring a woman with an ever-present white
handbag. The book is intended for an audience receptive to the analytical appeal of
images, prepared to go beyond what can be taken at face value.

editor / Kornelia / Imesch /

University of Lausanne,
Switzerland | editor / Sigrid / Newsreel cinema and television not only served as an important tool in the shaping of
political spheres and the construction of national and cultural identities up to the 1960s.
Schade / Institute for Today’s potent televisual forms were furthermore developed in and strongly influenced
Constructions of Cultural Cultural Studies in the Arts, by newsreels, and much of the archived newsreel footage is repeatedly used to both
Identities in Newsreel Cinema Zurich University of the Arts, 9783839429754 2016-11-15 illustrate and re-stage past events and their significance. This book addresses newsreel Media & Communications
Verlag cinema and television as a medium serving the formation of cultural identities in a variety
and Television after 1945 Switzerland | editor / Samuel
of national contexts after 1945, its role in forming audiovisual narratives of a »biopic of
/ Sieber / Institute for the nation«, and the technical, aesthetical, and political challenges of archiving and
Cultural Studies in the Arts, restaging cinematic and televisual newsreel.
Zurich Universityof the Arts,

Based on the structured analysis of selected North American novels, this work examines
global cities as a literary phenomenon (»DiverCity«). By analyzing Dionne Brand’s
author / Melanie U. / Toronto, »What We All Long For« (2005), Chang-rae Lee’s New York, »Native Speaker«
DiverCity – Global Cities as a transcript (1995), and Karen Tei Yamashita’s Los Angeles, »Tropic of Orange« (1997), Melanie U.
Literary Phenomenon Pooch / University of Verlag 9783839435410 2016-02-15 Pooch provides the connecting link for exploring the triad of globalization and its effects, Literature
Mannheim, Germany global cities as cultural nodal points, and cultural diversity in a globalizing age as a
literary phenomenon. Thus, she contributes to a global, interdisciplinary, and multi-
perspectival understanding of literature, culture, and society.

»Houses, Secrets, and the Closet« investigates the literary production of masculinities
and their relation to secrets and sexualities in 18th and 19th century fiction. It focusses
on close readings of Gothic fiction, Sensation Novels, and tales by Horace Walpole, Ann
author / Gero / Bauer / Radcliffe, William Godwin, Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Wilkie Collins, and Henry James. The
Houses, Secrets, and the Closet University of Tübingen, transcript 9783839434680 2016-04-15 study approaches these texts through the lens of domestic space, gender, knowledge, Literature
Germany Verlag and power. This approach serves to investigate the cultural roots of the »closet« – the
male homosexual secret – which reveals a more general notion of male secrecy in
modern society. The study thus contributes to a better understanding of the cultural
history of masculinities and sexualities.
This book explores representations of intersex – intersex persons, intersex communities,
and intersex as a cultural concept and knowledge category – in contemporary North
American literature and popular culture. The study turns its attention to the significant
Intersex Narratives author / Viola / Amato transcript 9783839434192 2016-02-15 paradigm shift in the narratives on intersex that occurred within early 1990s intersex
Verlag activism in response to biopolitical regulations of intersex bodies. Focusing on the
emergence of recent autobiographical stories and cultural productions like novels and TV
series centering around intersex, Viola Amato provides a first systematic analysis of an
activism-triggered resignification of intersex.

During the 17th and 18th century musicians' mobilities and migrations are essential for
editor / Gesa zur / Nieden / the European music history and the cultural exchange of music. Adopting viewpoints that
Musicians' Mobilities and Music University of Mainz, reflect different methodological approaches and diversified research cultures, the book
Migrations in Early Modern Germany | editor / transcript 9783839435045 2016-10-15 presents studies on central scopes, strategies and artistic outcomes of mobile and
Verlag migratory musicians as well as on the transfer of music. By looking at elite and non-elite
Europe Berthold / Over / University musicians and their everyday mobilities to major and minor centers of music production
of Mainz, Germany and practice, new biographical patterns and new stylistic paradigms in the European East,
West and South emerge.

Markus Nehl focuses on black authors who, from a 21st-century perspective, revisit
slavery in the U.S., Ghana, South Africa, Canada and Jamaica. Nehl’s provocative readings
of Toni Morrison’s »A Mercy«, Saidiya Hartman’s »Lose Your Mother«, Yvette
author / Markus / Nehl / transcript Christiansë’s »Unconfessed«, Lawrence Hill’s »The Book of Negroes« and Marlon James’
Transnational Black Dialogues 9783839436660 2016-08-15 »The Book of Night Women« delineate how these texts engage in a fruitful dialogue with Literature
Münster, Germany Verlag African diaspora theory about the complex relation between the local and transnational
and the enduring effects of slavery. Reflecting on the ethics of narration, this study is
particularly attentive to the risks of representing anti-black violence and to the intricacies
involved in (re-)appropriating slaverys archive.

Claudia Milian proposes that the economies of blackness, brownness, and dark
brownness summon a new grammar for Latino/a studies that she names “Latinities.”
Milian argues that this ensnared economy of meaning startles the typical reading
author / Claudia / Milian / University of practices deployed for brown Latino/a embodiment. Latining America keeps company
Latining America 9780820353029 2013-01-02 with and challenges existent models of Latinidad, demanding a distinct paradigm that Sociology
Duke University Georgia Press puts into question what is understood as Latino and Latina today. Milian conceptually
considers how underexplored “Latin” participants—the southern, the black, the dark
brown, the Central American—have ushered in a new world of “Latined” signification
from the 1920s to the present.

For decades, studies of oil-related conflicts have focused on the effects of natural
resource mismanagement, with the attendant economic booms and busts, or clashes
between rebels and ruling governments over hydrocarbon resources. In Oil Sparks in the
Amazon, Patricia I. Vásquez writes that while oil busts and civil wars are common, the
author / Patricia I. / University of tension over oil in the Amazon has played out in ways inextricable from the region itself.
Oil Sparks in the Amazon Vasquez / The Graduate Georgia Press 9780820353043 2014-01-02 Oil disputes in the Amazon primarily involve local indigenous populations. These groups’ Political Science
Institute, Geneva social and cultural identities differ from the rest of the population, and the diverse
disputes over land, displacement, water contamination, jobs, and wealth distribution
reflect those differences. Vásquez’s conflict analyses, and her recommendations to
resolve or prevent them, are based on fifteen years of travel to the oil-producing regions
of Latin America, and hundreds of interviews with the stakeholders in local conflicts.
These essays seek to reorient the Just War tradition around its core concerns of
editor / Caron E. / Gentry / preventing the unjust use of force by states and limiting the harm inflicted on vulnerable
University of St. Andrews | populations such as civilian noncombatants. Contributors argue that the tradition needs
The Future of Just War editor / Amy E. / Eckert / University of 9780820353050 2014-01-15 to be updated to deal with substate actors within the realm of legitimate authority,
Political Science
Georgia Press private military companies, and the questionable moral difference between the use of
Metropolitan State conventional and nuclear weapons. Additionally, as recent policy makers and scholars
University, Denver have tried to make the Just War criteria legalistic, they have weakened the tradition’s
ability to draw from and adjust to its contemporaneous setting.

Taiwan and South Korea, both former Japanese colonies, achieved rapid growth and
industrialization after 1960. The performance of former European and American colonies
(Malaysia, Singapore, Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, and the Philippines)
has been less impressive. Some scholars have attributed the difference to better
author / Anne E. / Booth / infrastructure and greater access to education in Japan’s colonies. Anne Booth examines
School of Oriental and University of and critiques such arguments in this ambitious comparative study of economic
Colonial Legacies 9780824878412 2007-09-30 History
African Studies, University of Hawai‘i Press development in East and Southeast Asia from the beginning of the twentieth century
London until the 1960s. Lucidly and accessibly written, 'Colonial Legacies' offers a balanced and
elegantly nuanced exploration of a complex historical reality. It will be a lasting
contribution to scholarship on the modern economic history of East and Southeast Asia
and of special interest to those concerned with the dynamics of development and the
history of colonial regimes.

'Eating Identities' is the first book to link food to a wide range of Asian American
concerns such as race and sexuality. Xu provides lucid and informed interpretations of
seven Asian American writers (John Okada, Joy Kogawa, Frank Chin, Li-Young Lee, David
Wong Louie, Mei Ng, and Monique Truong), revealing how cooking, eating, and food
author / Wenying / Xu / University of fashion Asian American identities in terms of race/ethnicity, gender, class, diaspora, and
Eating Identities 9780824878436 2007-11-13 Literature
Florida Atlantic University Hawai‘i Press sexuality. Most literary critics perceive alimentary references as narrative strategies or
part of the background; Xu takes food as the central site of cultural and political struggles
waged in the seemingly private domain of desire in the lives of Asian Americans. For
students of literature, this tantalizing work offers an illuminating lesson on how to read
the multivalent meanings of food and eating in literary texts.

Who benefits from the interconnected processes often referred to as globalization? Is it a

editor / Jim / Dator / relatively few people, with most others either being harmed or at least not helped? Are
the good things that globalization produces, whatever they are, widely shared? What
University of Hawai‘i | editor processes lead us in one direction or another? This book examines a key dimension of
Fairness, Globalization, and / Dick / Pratt / University of University of 9780824878467 2006-04-30 globalization: its fairness. It investigates the meaning of and role fairness plays when
Political Science
Public Institutions Hawai‘i | editor / Yongseok / Hawai‘i Press public institutions are faced with the challenges and opportunities of globalization. Here
Seo / University of Hawai‘i, a distinguished group of contributors, including both academics and practitioners,
focuses on East and Southeast Asia, but the relevance of the issues discussed extends
East-West Center well beyond these regions. They present a broad-ranging examination of the
intersections between fairness, globalization, and public institutions.
'Pathways to the Present' is a thoroughly researched and concisely argued account of
economic and environmental change in the postwar "American" Pacific, covering
interactions among native Hawaiian, developmental, military, and environmental issues
in in Hawai'i; land- and water-use problems that have intersected with more nebulous
author / Mansel G. / quality-of-life concerns to generate policy controversies in the Seattle and San Francisco
University of Bay areas; and economic expansion and environmentalism in Alaska. From there the
Pathways to the Present Blackford / The Ohio State 9780824878474 2007-02-28 History
University Hawai‘i Press study considers Hiroshima after its destruction by the atomic bomb in 1945, looking at
residents’ desire to combine urban-planning concepts, the effort to remake Hiroshima as
a high-tech city in the 1990s, and postwar planning on Okinawa, where American
influences were particularly strong. The final chapter examines the growth of tourism on
Guam and the use of the island for military purposes and links these to developments in
the Philippines and American Sâmoa.

Thirty years passed before it was accepted, in West Germany and elsewhere, that the
Roma (Germany's Gypsies) had been Holocaust victims. And, similarly, it took thirty years
for the West German state to admit that the sterilisation of Roma had been part of the
'Final Solution'.
Drawing on a substantial body of previously unseen sources, this book examines the
The Roma Struggle for University of history of the struggle of Roma for recognition as racially persecuted victims of National
author / Julia / von dem
Compensation in Post-War Hertfordshire 9781912260065 2011-06-01 Socialism in post-war Germany. History
Knesebeck Since modern academics belatedly began to take an interest in them, the Roma have
Germany Press
been described as 'forgotten victims'.
This book looks at the period in West Germany between the end of the War and the
beginning of the Roma civil rights movement in the early 1980s, during which the Roma
were largely passed over when it came to compensation. The complex reasons for this
are at the heart of this book.

One of the country's most enduringly successful composers, Aaron Copland created a
distinctively American style and aesthetic in works for a diversity of genres and mediums,
including ballet, opera, and film. Also active as a critic, mentor, advocate, and concert
organizer, he played a decisive role in the growth of serious music in the Americas in the
twentieth century.
American Stravinsky author / Gayle / Murchison / University of 2012-02-21 Music
College of William and Mary Michigan Press In The American Stravinsky, Gayle Murchison closely analyzes selected works to discern
the specific compositional techniques Copland used, and to understand the degree to
which they derived from European models, particularly the influence of Igor Stravinsky.
Murchison examines how Copland both Americanized these models and made them his
own, thereby finding his own compositional voice. Murchison also discusses Copland's
aesthetics of music and his ideas about its purpose and social function.
Imperial Latin epic has seen a renaissance of scholarly interest. This book illuminates the
work of the poet Lucan, a contemporary of the emperor Nero who as nephew of the
imperial adviser Seneca moved in the upper echelons of Neronian society. This young
and maverick poet, whom Nero commanded to commit suicide at the age of 26, left an
epic poem on the civil war between Caesar and Pompey that epitomizes the exuberance
author / Martin T. / Dinter / University of and stylistic experimentation of Neronian culture. This study focuses on Lucan's epic
Anatomizing Civil War 9780472028719 2013-01-30 technique and traces his influence through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Classics
King's College, London Michigan Press
Martin T. Dinter's newest volume engages with Lucan's use of body imagery, sententiae,
Fama (rumor), and open-endedness throughout his civil war epic. Although Lucan's
Bellum Civile is frequently decried as a fragmented as well as fragmentary epic, this study
demonstrates how Lucan uses devices other than teleology and cohesive narrative
structure to bind together the many parts of his epic body.

The election of Barack Obama to the presidency marked a conclusive end to the Reagan
era, writes John Kenneth White in Barack Obama's America. Reagan symbolized a 1950s
and 1960s America, largely white and suburban, with married couples and kids at home,
who attended church more often than not.
author / John Kenneth / University of Obama's election marked a new era, the author writes. Whites will be a minority by
Barack Obama's America White / Catholic University Michigan 9780472900909 2009-08-04 Sociology
of America Press 2042. Marriage is at an all-time low. Cohabitation has increased from a half-million
couples in 1960 to more than 5 million in 2000 to even more this year. Gay marriages
and civil unions are redefining what it means to be a family. And organized religions are
suffering, even as Americans continue to think of themselves as a religious people.
Obama's inauguration was a defining moment in the political destiny of this country,
based largely on demographic shifts, as described in Barack Obama's America.

Amy Absher’s The Black Musician and the White City tells the story of African American
musicians in Chicago during the mid-twentieth century. While depicting the segregated
city before World War II, Absher traces the migration of black musicians, both men and
women and both classical and vernacular performers, from the American South to
Black Musician and the White author / Amy / Absher / Case University of 2014-06-16 Chicago during the 1930s to 1950s.
City Western Reserve University Michigan Press
Absher takes the history beyond the study of jazz and blues by examining the significant
role that classically trained black musicians played in building the Chicago South Side
community. By acknowledging the presence and importance of classical musicians,
Absher argues that black migrants in Chicago had diverse education and economic
backgrounds but found common cause in the city’s music community.
Bluestocking Feminism and British-German Cultural Transfer, 1750–1837 examines the
processes of cultural transfer between Britain and Germany during the Personal Union,
the period from 1714 to 1837 when the kings of England were simultaneously Electors of
Hanover. While scholars have generally focused on the political and diplomatic
Bluestocking Feminism and implications of the Personal Union, Alessa Johns offers a new perspective by tracing
author / Alessa / Johns / University of
British-German Cultural Transfer, 9780472120475 2014-08-27 sociocultural repercussions and investigating how, in the period of the American and Literature
University of California, Davis Michigan Press French Revolutions, Britain and Germany generated distinct discourses of liberty even
though they were nonrevolutionary countries. British and German reformists—feminists
in particular—used the period’s expanded pathways of cultural transfer to generate new
discourses as well as to articulate new views of what personal freedom, national
character, and international interaction might be.

Combining the tools of political, social, cultural, and intellectual history, Consumption
and Violence: Radical Protest in Cold-War West Germany explores strategies of
legitimization developed by advocates of militant resistance to certain manifestations of
consumer capitalism. The book contributes to a more sober evaluation of West German
author / Alexander / protest movements, not just terrorism, as it refrains from emotional and moral
University of judgments, but takes the protesters’ approaches seriously, which, regarding consumer
Consumption and Violence Sedlmaier / Bangor 9780472120543 2014-10-13 Political Science
University, Wales Michigan Press society, had a rational core. Political violence is not presented as the result of individual
shortcomings, but emerges in relation to major societal changes, i.e., the unprecedented
growth of consumption. This new perspective sheds important light on violence and
radical protest in post-war Germany, as previous books have failed to examine to what
extent these forms of resistance should be regarded as reactions to changing regimes of

The idea of a culture war, or wars, has existed in America since the 1960s---an underlying
ideological schism in our country that is responsible for the polarizing debates on
everything from the separation of church and state, to abortion, to gay marriage, to
affirmative action. Irene Taviss Thomson explores this notion by analyzing hundreds of
Culture Wars and Enduring author / Irene Taviss / University of articles addressing hot-button issues over two decades from four magazines: National
Thomson / Fairleigh 9780472900916 2010-02-04 Review, Time, The New Republic, and The Nation, as well as a wide array of other Sociology
American Dilemmas Dickinson University Michigan Press writings and statements from a substantial number of public intellectuals.

What Thomson finds might surprise you: based on her research, there is no single
cultural divide or cultural source that can account for the positions that have been

Envisioning Socialism examines television and the power it exercised to define the East
Germans’ view of socialism during the first decades of the German Democratic Republic.
In the first book in English to examine this topic, Heather L. Gumbert traces how
author / Heather L. / University of television became a medium prized for its communicative and entertainment value. She
Envisioning Socialism 9780472120024 2014-01-27 History
Gumbert / Virginia Tech Michigan Press explores the difficulties GDR authorities had defining and executing a clear vision of the
society they hoped to establish, and she explains how television helped to stabilize GDR
society in a way that ultimately worked against the utopian vision the authorities thought
they were cultivating.
When gun enthusiasts talk about constitutional liberties guaranteed by the Second
Amendment, they are referring to freedom in a general sense, but they also have
something more specific in mind---freedom from government oppression. They argue
that the only way to keep federal authority in check is to arm individual citizens who can,
author / Joshua / Horowitz / if necessary, defend themselves from an aggressive government. In the past decade, this
George Washington view of the proper relationship between government and individual rights and the
Guns, Democracy, and the University | author / Casey / University of 9780472900886 2009-04-29 insistence on a role for private violence in a democracy has been co-opted by the Political Science
Insurrectionist Idea Anderson / Georgetown Michigan Press conservative movement. As a result, it has spread beyond extreme militia groups to
influence state and national policy.
In Guns, Democracy, and the Insurrectionist Idea, Joshua Horwitz and Casey Anderson set
the record straight. They challenge the proposition that more guns equal more freedom
and expose Insurrectionism as a true threat to freedom in the United States today.

Only a few plays by Sophocles—one of the great tragic playwrights from Classical Athens
—have survived, and each of them dramatizes events from the rich store of myths that
framed literature and art. Sophocles’ treatment evokes issues that were vividly
contemporary for Athenian audiences of the Periclean age: How could the Athenians
incorporate older, aristocratic ideas about human excellence into their new democratic
author / Thomas / Van University of society? Could citizens learn to be morally excellent, or were these qualities only
Late Sophocles 9780472121083 2015-02-26 Classics
Nortwick / Oberlin College Michigan Press inherited? What did it mean to be a creature who knows that he or she must die?

Late Sophocles traces the evolution of the Sophoclean hero through the final three plays,
Electra, Philoctetes, and Oedipus at Colonus. The book’s main thesis, that Sophocles
reimagined the nature of the tragic hero in his last three works, is developed inductively
through readings of the plays.

While breast cancer continues to affect the lives of millions, contemporary writers and
artists have responded to the ravages of the disease in creative expression. Mary K.
DeShazer’s book looks specifically at breast cancer memoirs and photographic narratives,
author / Mary K. / a category she refers to as mammographies, signifying both the imaging technology by
Mammographies DeShazer / Wake Forest University of 9780472029235 2013-06-10 which most Western women discover they have this disease and the documentary
University Michigan Press imperatives that drive their written and visual accounts of it. Mammographies argues
that breast cancer narratives of the past ten years differ from their predecessors in their
bold address of previously neglected topics such as the link between cancer and
environmental carcinogens, the ethics and efficacy of genetic testing and prophylactic
mastectomy, and the shifting politics of prosthesis and reconstruction.

Mongrel Nation surveys the history of the United Kingdom’s African, Asian, and
Caribbean populations from 1948 to the present, working at the juncture of cultural
studies, literary criticism, and postcolonial theory. Ashley Dawson argues that during the
past fifty years Asian and black intellectuals from Sam Selvon to Zadie Smith have
Mongrel Nation author / Ashley / Dawson / University of 9780472025053 2007-07-13 continually challenged the United Kingdom’s exclusionary definitions of citizenship, using
City University of New York Michigan Press innovative forms of cultural expression to reconfigure definitions of belonging in the
postcolonial age. By examining popular culture and exploring topics such as the nexus of
race and gender, the growth of transnational politics, and the clash between first- and
second-generation immigrants, Dawson broadens and enlivens the field of postcolonial
Prior to the third century A.D., two broad Roman conceptions of frontiers proliferated
and competed: an imperial ideology of rule without limit coexisted with very real and
pragmatic attempts to define and defend imperial frontiers. But from about A.D. 250-
500, there was a basic shift in mentality, as news from and about frontiers began to
News and Frontier portray a more defined Roman world—a world with limits—allowing a new
author / Mark W. / Graham / University of
Consciousness in the Late Roman 2006-11-27 understanding of frontiers as territorial and not just as divisions of people. This concept, Classics
Grove City College Michigan Press previously unknown in the ancient world, brought with it a new consciousness, which
soon spread to cosmology, geography, myth, sacred texts, and prophecy. The “frontier
consciousness” produced a unified sense of Roman identity that transcended local
identities and social boundaries throughout the later Empire.

From the white editorial authentication of slave narratives, to the cultural hybridity of
the Harlem Renaissance, to the overtly independent publications of the Black Arts
Movement, to the commercial power of Oprah's Book Club, African American textuality
editor / George B. / has been uniquely shaped by the contests for cultural power inherent in literary
Hutchinson / Cornell University of production and distribution. Always haunted by the commodification of blackness,
Publishing Blackness 2013-02-08 African American literary production interfaces with the processes of publication and Literature
University | editor / John K. / Michigan Press distribution in particularly charged ways. An energetic exploration of the struggles and
Young / Marshall University complexities of African American print culture, this collection ranges across the history of
African American literature, and the authors have much to contribute on such issues as
editorial and archival preservation, canonization, and the "packaging" and repackaging of
black-authored texts.

The outpouring of creative expression known as the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s
and 1970s spawned a burgeoning number of black-owned cultural outlets, including
publishing houses, performance spaces, and galleries. Central to the movement were its
poets, who in concert with editors, visual artists, critics, and fellow writers published a
The Black Arts Enterprise and the author / Howard / Rambsy wide range of black verse and advanced new theories and critical approaches for
Production of African American II / Southern Illinois University of 9780472120055 2011-09-26 understanding African American literary art.
Poetry University, Edwardsville Michigan Press
The Black Arts Enterprise and the Production of African American Poetry offers a close
examination of the literary culture in which BAM's poets (including Amiri Baraka, Nikki
Giovanni, Sonia Sanchez, Larry Neal, Haki Madhubuti, Carolyn Rodgers, and others)
operated and of the small presses and literary anthologies that first published the
movement's authors.

In case studies focusing on contemporary crises spanning Africa, the Middle East, and
Eastern Europe, the scholars in this volume examine the dominant prescriptive practices
of late neoliberal post-conflict interventions—such as statebuilding, peacebuilding,
author / Daniel Bertrand / transitional justice, refugee management, reconstruction, and redevelopment—and
The Post-Conflict Environment Monk / Colgate University | University of 9780472900893 2014-08-14 contend that the post-conflict environment is in fact created and sustained by this
Political Science
author / Jacob / Mundy / Michigan Press international technocratic paradigm of peacebuilding. Key international stakeholders—
Colgate University from activists to politicians, humanitarian agencies to financial institutions—characterize
disparate sites as “weak,” “fragile,” or “failed” states and, as a result, prescribe
peacebuilding techniques that paradoxically disable effective management of post-
conflict spaces while perpetuating neoliberal political and economic conditions.
University of This monograph focusses on a cohesive group of four government buildings constructed
author / Kevin / O'Sullivan / South Australia in Adelaide during the 1970s. Designed by different architects, the buildings all feature
Concrete Expressions University of South Australia Architecture 2013-12-01 monolithic, austere forms and broadly similar external concrete finishes, and are often Arts
described by casual observers as being Brutalist in style. But are any or all of them truly
Museum Brutalist?

The book presents Chinese historical thinking by four articles. It is covered the ancient
origin and the development to modernity and is commented by seven international
editor / Chun-chieh / Huang V&R unipress experts. Presentation and comments find ›second thought‹ by three other international
Chinese Historical Thinking | editor / Jörn / Rüsen GmbH 2015-11-18 scholars, and at the end the whole discussion find an answer by the authors of the first Philosophy
presentations. The complex structure of argumentation documents not only various
ideas and interpretations of Chinese historical thinking, but represent the possibilities
and problems of intercultural comparison at the same time.

The essays collected in this volume establish Confucian role ethics as a term of art in the
contemporary ethical discourse. The holistic philosophy presented here is grounded in
the primacy of relationality and a narrative understanding of person, and is a challenge
editor / Henry / Rosemont Jr. V&R unipress to a foundational liberal individualism that has defined persons as discrete, autonomous,
Confucian Role Ethics | editor / Roger T. / Ames GmbH 9783737006057 2016-07-11 rational, free, and often self-interested agents. Confucian role ethics begins from a Philosophy
relationally constituted conception of person, takes family roles and relations as the
entry point for developing moral competence, invokes moral imagination and the growth
in relations that it can inspire as the substance of human morality, and entails a human-
centered, atheistic religiousness that stands in sharp contrast to the Abrahamic religions.

One of the major trends in the psychology of religion is the growing interest in religious
and spiritual meaning making in relation to religious and spiritual transformation
processes, notably as the aftermath of traumatic experiences and in situations of crisis,
stress or disease when personal well-being is at stake and coping activities and skills are
enhanced. This volume covers this broad and complex area of interrelated issues. The
Constructs of Meaning and editor / Herman / Westerink V&R unipress 9783737000994 2013-03-13 contributions focus on religious and spiritual meaning making and transformation. They
Theology & Religion
Religious Transformation GmbH do not compose an integrated perspective on religious meaning making and
transformation processes. Rather, this volume assembles and presents the current state
of research on this complex of issues. Thus it not only provides an excellent overview of
the psychological study of constructs of meaning and religious transformation, but also
contributes to our knowledge of contemporary religious life in the context of socio-
cultural transformation processes.

This collection explores how Christian individuals and institutions combined the topics of
faith and national identity in twentieth-century Europe. “National identity” is understood
in a broad sense that includes discourses of citizenship, narratives of cultural or linguistic
belonging, or “national” characteristics. It considers various geographical contexts, and
takes into account processes of cross-national exchange and transfer. It shows how
Christianity and National Identity editor / John Carter / Wood Vandenhoeck & 9783666101496 2016-09-12 national and denominational identities were often mutually constitutive, at times leading
in Twentieth-Century Europe Ruprecht to a strongly exclusionary stance against “other” national or religious groups. In different
circumstances, religiously minded thinkers critiqued nationalism, emphasising the
universalist strains of their faith, with varying degrees of success. Throughout the century
church officials and lay Christians have had to come to terms with the relationship
between their national and “European” identities within the processes of
The ability to communicate with people from diverse cultural backgrounds is becoming
increasingly important. Many employers consider intercultural competence to be a key
editor / Alexander / Thomas criterion for selecting qualified candidates. The authors discuss practical approaches for
Handbook of Intercultural | editor / Eva-Ulrike / Kinast Vandenhoeck & 9783666403279 2010-10-25 designing and conducting intercultural trainings, methodology, and evaluation
Communication and Cooperation | editor / Sylvia / Schroll- Ruprecht procedures based on current research. They explore the intercultural factor within
Machl corporations particularly as it relates to human resource development, negotiating,
dealing with conflict, and project management. Thoughts on developing an overall
strategy for interculturality round off this handbook.

This monograph, based on newly declassified sources from Western and Russian archives
as well as on communist texts about international law and neutrality, is the first English-
author / Wolfgang / Verlag der language account of Soviet policy towards neutral yet capitalist Austria during the Cold
A Good Example of Peaceful Mueller / Österreichische Österreichische War. In order to make neutrality a model for the West, the Kremlin presented the unique
2011-02-03 Soviet-Austrian relationship as "a good example of peaceful coexistence" and a showcase History
Coexistence? Akademie der n Akademie der for the benefits a Western state might reap by declaring neutrality. This honor, however,
Wissenschaften Wissenschaften had strings attached: The communist doctrine of neutrality contained obligations that
were expected to make it possible to exploit neutral states as instruments of Soviet
policy and bring them nearer the socialist bloc.

The encounter of Occident and Orient is one of the major topics of our time. This
encounter is the theme of the present volume in regards to the Palestinian realm from
1799 to 1948. The contributions of twelve authors from Germany, France, Israel, Italy,
editor / Barbara / Haider-
Wilson / Österreichische Verlag der Austria, Russia, and Switzerland are concerned with a period in which the ordinary
Europe and Palestine 1799– österreichische interest for the land of the Bible and Christian history was connected to a much greater
Akademie der 2006-01-01 cultural and political discourse, which was not only carried out by the western churches, History
1948: Religion – Politics – Society n Akademie der but also by European societies in general. In nineteenth- and early twentieth-century
Wissenschaften | editor /
Dominique / Trimbur Wissenschaften Palestine, many forces were at work; from 1516/17 Palestine belonged to the Ottoman
Empire. Beginning in the nineteenth century, especially after 1840, this small territory
became an issue for world politics. The maintenance of the integrity of the Ottoman
Empire constituted one of the guidelines of the European powers.

This collection of essays offers evolutionary psychological analysis of selected works from
the American literary tradition. Application of evolutionary theory to writing by Ben
Franklin, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, Edith Wharton, F. Scot
Fitzgerald, Zora Neal Hurston, and others creates an interdisciplinary framework for
author / Judith / Saunders / Academic examining key textual features—plot, theme, tone, setting, symbol, characterization,
American Classics 9781618115928 2018-06-30 point of view—and at the same time provides an accessible introduction to Darwinian Literature
Marist College Studies Press literary critical methodology. Pertinent scientific research, together with essential terms
and concepts, is explained in context. Connections are made throughout to existing
commentary on the targeted texts, illustrating how Darwinian scrutiny can enrich,
extend, or reconfigure understandings derived from other critical approaches.
This is a groundbreaking study of an important and neglected topic—the systematic use
of rape as a strategic weapon of the genocidal anti-Jewish violence, known collectively as
pogroms, that erupted in Ukraine in the period between 1917 and 1921, and in which at
author / Irina / least 100,000 Jews died and undocumented numbers of Jewish women were raped. The
Gendered Violence Astashkevich / Brandeis Academic 9781618119070 2018-01-31 book is based on the in-depth study of the scores of narratives of Jewish men and
University Studies Press women who survived the pogrom violence, but were then all but forgotten for almost a
century. This book deconstructs the motives of perpetrators, the experience and
expression of trauma by the victimized community, and how the genocidal objectives of
the pogrom perpetrators were achieved and maximized through the macabre carnival of

This book examines the forced labor of Jews in the General Government of Occupied
Poland from 1939-1943. Specifically, it traces the bureaucratic understanding and use the
terms "labor" and "work" in the General Government; it also examines how these terms
figured in the lives of Jews, for whom "labor"''s original understanding as a means of
Macht Arbeit Frei? author / Witold / Academic 9781618119087 2018-01-01 subsistence came to be redefined as a means of survival. The changing meaning of other
Mędykowski / Vad Vashem Studies Press key terms are examined in detail; these include, among others, "forced labor"
(Zwangsarbeit), "slave labor" (Sklavenarbeit). The volume carefully analyzes the modus
operandi of the Nazi system of power, in which bureaucracy ballooned, there were
conflicts of interest between different institutions, and there was a total destruction of
human and moral values, which led to extensive degeneration.

The language of cultural heritage is pervasive in China today. In official rhetoric and
editor / Marina / Svensson / policy it is linked to political and economic goals, and serves as a resource for political
legitimacy, soft power, and economic development. But the heritage discourse has also
Centre for East and South- opened up space for and legitimized many cultural practices as well as encouraged new
East Asian Studies, Lund actors to appropriate the new discourse to protect their own traditions. Individual
Chinese Heritage in the Making University | editor / Christina University 2018-03-07 citizens, local communities, and heritage experts, are thus today debating, performing History
Press and consuming a diverse cultural heritage. The book pays particular attention to
/ Maags / Institute for
individual citizens, local communities, religious associations, and heritage experts and
Political Science, Goethe focuses on their possibilities for voice and agency, how the heritage-isation process
University Frankfurt affects different groups of people, as well as the interplay between top-down and
bottom-up processes in the heritage field.

The word media hype is often used as rhetorical argument to dismiss waves of media
attention as overblown, disproportional and exaggerated. But these explosive news
waves, as well as - nowadays - the twitter storms, are object of scientific research,
because they are an important phenomenon in the public area. Sometimes it is indeed
From Media Hype to Twitter editor / Peter / Vasterman / Amsterdam ‘much ado about nothing’ but in many cases these media storms have play an important
Storm University of Amsterdam University Press 9789048532100 2018-01-31 role in political issues, scandals and crises. Twitter storms sometimes ruin reputations Media & Communications
within hours.
Although different concepts are used, such as media hypes, news waves, media storms,
information cascades or risk amplification, all the studies in this book refer to the same
process in which key events trigger a chain of reactions and interactions, building up
huge news waves in the media or rapidly spreading social epidemics in the social media.
Religion and Nationalism in Chinese Societies explores the interaction between religion
and nationalism in the Chinese societies of mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. On
the one hand, state policies toward religions in these societies are deciphered and their
implications for religious freedom and regional stability are evaluated. On the other
editor / C.T. / Kuo / National Amsterdam hand, Chinese Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity, Islam and folk religions
Religion and Nationalism in are respectively analyzed in terms of their theological, organizational and political
Chengchi University Taipei, 9789048535057 2017-11-01 Theology & Religion
Chinese Societies Taiwan University Press responses to the nationalist modernity projects of these states. What is new in this book
on Religion and Nationalism in Chinese Societies is that the Chinese state has
strengthened its control over religion to an unprecedented level. In particular, the
Chinese state has almost completed its construction of a state religion called Chinese
Patriotism. But at the same time, what is also new is the emergence of democratic civil
religions in these Chinese societies.

Should people hardwire computers into their brains, enabling their minds to directly
access cyberspace? What advantages and risks would this represent? Would this create a
new humanity? These questions have been considered and discussed in science fiction
for decades, but technology is beginning to make such developments seem remarkably
author / Calum / MacKellar / Berghahn plausible. This book examines what is currently taking place in this fast-developing sector
Cyborg Mind Scottish Council on Bioethics Books 9781789200157 2017-11-01 of society while looking at future prospects. In so doing it seeks to integrate technological Philosophy
and scientific developments, political debate as well as philosophical interrogation while
involving ethicists, policy makers, journalists, and practitioners. It is the first extensive
study on a topic that is certain to significantly impact the 21st century and beyond. It
opens the first door to this important debate.

Lessons in Perception seeks to clarify notoriously elusive themes of the avant-garde with
the use of existing research from the field of psychology. There is a long-standing history
of reference to psychological concepts in relation to avant-garde film, such as its unique
relationship to memory, visual perception, narrative comprehension, and synesthesia.
Yet direct analysis of these topics in light of existing psychological research remains
Lessons in Perception author / Paul / Taberham / Berghahn 9781785336423 2018-06-01 largely unexplored until now. More broadly, the aim of the book is to frame avant-garde
Arts University Bournemouth Books filmmaking practice as a form of "practical psychology." In doing so, two principal
arguments are proposed: first, that many avant-garde filmmakers draw creative
inspiration from their own cognitive and perceptual capacities, and touch on topics
explored by actual psychologists; secondly, that as practical psychologists, avant-garde
filmmakers provide “lessons in perception” that offer psychological experiences that are
largely unrehearsed in commercial cinema.

"Between 1941 and 1945, some 6,500 Berlin Jews, in fear for their lives, made the choice
to flee their impending deportations and live submerged in the shadows of the capital of
Nazi Germany. The experience was brutally difficult, and most did not survive. Yet the
Submerged on the Surface author / Richard / Lutjens / Berghahn 9781785334740 2018-04-01 experiences of 1,700 who did demonstrate a remarkable and hitherto unconsidered level
Texas Tech University Books of agency among the survivors. This book sheds light on the daily life of those who hid
and on the city that was both the source of their persecution and the site of their
Today more than ever before, the historical witness is now a “museum object” in the
form of video interviews with individuals remembering events of historical importance.
author / Steffi / de Jong / Berghahn Such video testimonies now not only are part of the collections and research activities of
The Witness as Object 9781785336430 2018-04-30 museums, but become deeply intertwined with narrative and exhibit design. With a focus History
University of Cologne Books on Holocaust museums, this study scrutinizes for the first time this new global process of
“musealisation” of testimony, exploring the processes, prerequisites, and consequences
of the transformation of video testimonies into exhibits.

Catherine O’Brien draws on the structure of Dante’s Divine Comedy to explore Scorsese’s
feature films from Who’s that knocking at my door (1967-69) to Silence (2016). In
Dante’s poem in 100 cantos, the Pilgrim is guided by the poet Virgil down through the
circles of Hell in Inferno; he then climbs the steep Mountain of the Seven Deadly Sins in
Purgatory; and he finally encounters God in Paradise. Embracing this popular analogy,
author / Catherine / this study envisions Martin Scorsese as a contemporary Dante, with his filmic oeuvre
Martin Scorsese's Divine Comedy O'Brien / Kingston Bloomsbury 2018-04-05 offering the dimensions of a cinematic Divine Comedy. Theology & Religion
University, London Academic
Martin Scorsese’s Divine Comedy is the first full-length study to focus on the trajectory of
faith and doubt from 1967-2016, taking very seriously the oft-quoted words of the
director himself: ‘My whole life has been movies and religion. That’s it. Nothing else.’
Films discussed include GoodFellas, Casino, Taxi Driver and Mean Streets, as well as the
more recent Wolf of Wall Street and Silence.

This book provides the most comprehensive study to date of political and social
developments in Montenegro from the processes that led to the disintegration of the
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to Montenegro's eventful trajectory towards
independence and, later, towards Euro-Atlantic integration. Kenneth Morrison draws
Nationalism, Identity and author / Kenneth / upon an extensive range of primary and secondary sources to illuminate the key
Statehood in Post-Yugoslav Morrison / De Montfort 9781474235198 2017-11-16 developments in Montenegro during three decades characterised by political, social and History
Academic economic flux. Beginning with the 'happening of the people' in 1988 and concluding with
Montenegro University, UK
a detailed analysis of political developments in the first decade since Montenegro gained
its independence, the author addresses the themes of nationalism, identity, statehood
and the party political dynamics in both the Montenegrin and the wider Southeast
European context.

For the last fifty years, discussion of 1950s science fiction cinema has been dominated by
the view that the genre reflected US paranoia about Soviet brainwashing and the nuclear
bomb. However, classic films, such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) and It Came
from Outer Space (1953), were regularly exported to countries across the world. The
Science Fiction Cinema and author / Matthew / Jones / Bloomsbury 2017-11-02 histories of their encounters with foreign audiences have not yet been told. Science
Media & Communications
1950s Britain De Montfort University, UK Academic Fiction Cinema and 1950s Britain begins this task by recounting the story of 1950s British
cinema-goers and the aliens and monsters they watched on the silver screen. Drawing on
extensive archival research, Matthew Jones makes an exciting and important
intervention in the field by locating 1950s American science fiction films alongside their
domestic counterparts in their British contexts of release and reception.
German-born Gerhard (Gershom) Scholem (1897–1982), the preeminent scholar of
Jewish mysticism, delved into the historical analysis of kabbalistic literature from late
antiquity to the twentieth century. His writings traverse Jewish historiography, Zionism,
the phenomenology of mystical religion, and the spiritual and political condition of
contemporary Judaism and Jewish civilization.
author / Noam / Zadoff / Brandeis
Gershom Scholem 9781512601848 2017-12-05 Theology & Religion
Indiana University University Press Scholem famously recounted rejecting his parents’ assimilationist liberalism in favor of
Zionism and immigrating to Palestine in 1923, where he became a central figure in the
German Jewish immigrant community that dominated the nation’s intellectual landscape
in Mandatory Palestine. Despite Scholem’s public renunciation of Germany for Israel,
Zadoff explores how the life and work of Scholem reflect ambivalence toward Zionism
and his German origins.

CyberResearch on the Ancient Near East and Neighboring Regions provides case studies
editor / Vanessa / Bigot on archaeology, objects, cuneiform texts, and online publishing, digital archiving, and
Juloux / École Pratique des preservation.
CyberResearch on the Ancient Hautes Études (Sorbonne) |
Eleven chapters present a rich array of material, spanning the fifth through the first
editor / Amy Rebecca / millennium BCE, from Anatolia, the Levant, Mesopotamia, and Iran. Customized cyber-
Near East and Eastern Brill 9789004375086 2018-01-01 and general glossaries support readers who lack either a technical background or History
Gansell / St. John's University familiarity with the ancient cultures. Edited by Vanessa Bigot Juloux, Amy Rebecca
| editor / Alessandro / di Gansell, and Alessandro Di Ludovico, this volume is dedicated to broadening the
Ludovico / Sapienza understanding and accessibility of digital humanities tools, methodologies, and results to
University of Rome Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Ultimately, this book provides a model for introducing
cyber-studies to the mainstream of humanities research.

editor / Brett / Miller / U.S.

National Institutes of Health This volume highlights writing development and its relation to other cognitive domains,
Development of Writing Skills in | editor / Peggy / McCardle / such as language and reading, for individuals who struggle to acquire writing proficiency,
including those with specific learning disorders (SLD; e.g., dyslexia, dysgraphia, and
Individuals with Learning U.S. National Institutes of Brill 2017-11-01 specific language impairment) which affect writing skills (e.g., handwriting, composition). Linguistics
Difficulties Health | editor / Vince / Writing and writing development are presented from a transnational perspective with an
Connelly / U.S. National integrated focus on conceptualizing writing as a developmental process.
Institutes of Health

A clear-eyed, critical examination of the social, political, and economic costs of hosting
the 2016 summer Olympics
The selection of Rio de Janeiro as the site of the summer 2016 Olympic Games set off
jubilant celebrations in Brazil—and created enormous expectations for economic
Brookings development and the advancement of Brazil as a major player on the world stage.
Rio 2016 editor / Andrew / Zimbalist / Institution 9780815732464 2017-11-01 Although the games were held without major incident, the economic, environmental,
Smith College Press
political, and social outcomes for Brazil ranged from disappointing to devastating.

Rio 2016 assembles the views of leading experts on Brazil and the Olympics into a clear-
eyed assessment of the impact of the games on Brazil in general and on the lives of
Cariocas, as Rio's residents are known. Edited by sports economist Andrew Zimbalist, the
other contributors include Juliana Barbassa, Jules Boykoff, Jamil Chade, Stephen Essex,
Renata Latuf, and Theresa Williamson.
Looking to the future in confronting the Islamic State

The Islamic State (best known in the West as ISIS or ISIL) has been active for less than a
editor / Sumit / Ganguly / Brookings
decade, but it has already been the subject of numerous histories and academic studies
Indiana University | editor / —all focus primarily on the past. The Future of ISIS is the first major study to look ahead:
The Future of ISIS Institution 9780815732174 2018-06-26 what are the prospects for the Islamic State in the near term, and what can the global Political Science
Feisal / al-Istrabadi / Indiana community, including the United States, do to counter it?
Edited by two distinguished scholars at Indiana University, the book examines how ISIS
will affect not only the Middle East but the global order. The Future of ISIS is of interest
to policymakers, analysts, and students of international affairs and public policy.

Why do states block some foreign direct investment on national security grounds even
when it originates from within their own security community? Government intervention
into foreign takeovers of domestic companies is on the rise, and many observers find it
author / Ashley Thomas / surprising that states engage in such behavior not only against their strategic and military
Balancing Power without Lenihan / London School of Cambridge competitors, but also against their closest allies. Ashley Thomas Lenihan argues that such
9781316855430 2018-03-22 Political Science
Weapons Economics and Political University Press puzzling behavior can be explained by recognizing that states use intervention into cross-
Science border mergers and acquisitions as a tool of statecraft to internally balance the economic
and military power of other states through non-military means. This book tests this
theory using quantitative and qualitative analysis of transactions in the United States,
Russia, China, and fifteen European Union states.

Taxes and Trust is the first book on taxes to focus on trust and the first work of social
science to concentrate on how tax policy actually gets implemented on the ground in
Poland, Russia and Ukraine. It highlights the nuances of the transitional Ukraine case and
author / Marc P. / explains precisely how and why that ‘borderland’ country differs from the more ideal
Taxes and Trust Berenson / King's College, Cambridge 9781108333580 2018-01-12 types of coercive Russia and compliance-oriented Poland. Through eight bespoke
University Press taxpayer surveys, an unprecedented survey of bureaucrats and more than fifteen years
London of qualitative research, it emphasizes the building and accumulation of trust in the
transition from a coercive tax state to a compliant one. The content of the book will
appeal to students and scholars of taxation worldwide and to those who study Russia and
Eastern Europe.

India and the Patent Wars examines struggles over patents and access to medicine
among pharmaceutical producers, activists and others under a new global intellectual
property regime. In the past two decades, intellectual property rights have expanded
author / Murphy / throughout the globe creating a world in which protections for patents and copyrights
India and the Patent Wars Halliburton / Queens Cornell 9781501713972 2017-11-15 have increased and a growing range of knowledge and practices are claimed as property.
University Press Driving these changes are U.S. court decisions, the policies of multinational corporations,
College, CUNY and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Resistance to this regime has emerged in low-
income countries among public health activists concerned about the rising cost of
medicines for HIV/AIDS and indigenous peoples who now see their knowledge as
vulnerable and pursue ownership claims for their medical and cultural practices.
Owing to their unique magnetic, phosphorescent, and catalytic properties, rare earths
are the elements that make possible teverything from the miniaturization of electronics,
to the enabling of green energy and medical technologies, to supporting essential
telecommunications and defense systems. An iPhone uses eight rare earths for
Rare Earth Frontiers author / Julie Michelle / Cornell 9781501714610 2018-01-15 everything from its colored screen, to its speakers, to the miniaturization of the phone’s
Klinger / Boston University University Press circuitry. On the periodic table rare earth elements comprise a set of seventeen chemical
elements (the fifteen lanthanides plus scandium and yttrium). There would be no
Pokémon Go without rare earths. Rare Earth Frontiers is a work of human geography.
Klinger looks historically and geographically at the ways rare earth elements in three
discrete but representative and contested sites are given meaning.

Since World War II, separatist conflicts have been the most common and deadly types of
war in international politics. Such wars result from a simple incongruity: ethno-nationalist
groups desire a homeland, but on territory that is controlled by states unwilling to give it
up. This book examines states’ strategies, particularly their use of violence, when
author / Ahsan I. / Butt / Cornell confronted by separatist movements. Using more than 110 interviews, American and
Secession and Security 9781501713958 2017-11-15 History
George Mason University University Press British diplomatic archives, and newspaper archives, this book’s emphasis on external
security can account for separatist violence, or its lack thereof, in a variety of historical
contexts including Pakistan's treatment of Bengali secessionists; India’s treatment of
separatism in Assam, Punjab, and Jammu and Kashmir; interactions between the
Ottoman Empire and Armenia; and Israel's attitudes toward Palestine.

A common image of migration in the early twenty-first century features young women
from poor countries who are drawn into low paid, and often intimate, labor in wealthy
countries. While aligning with scholarship critical of such inequalities, From Istanbul with
Love traces how new mobilities are fundamentally reshaping emotional worlds and social
author / Alexia / Bloch / ties between women and men, women and work, women and their households of origin,
Sex, Love, and Migration University of British 9781501709418 2017-11-01 and women and children in the region. Based on ethnographic fieldwork spanning over a Anthropology
University Press decade carried out primarily in Istanbul, but also in Russia and southern Moldova, Alexia
Bloch moves between the lives of post-Soviet migrant women employed in three distinct
spheres—sex work, the garment trade, and domestic work—to consider how they
negotiate emotion, intimate relationships, and unpredictable state power shaping their
labor and their relationships.

The first monograph to investigate the poetics and politics of haunting in African diaspora
literature, Ghosts of the African Diaspora: Re-Visioning History, Memory, and Identity
examines literary works by five contemporary writers—Fred D’Aguiar, Gloria Naylor,
author / Joanne / Chassot / Dartmouth Paule Marshall, Michelle Cliff, and Toni Morrison. Joanne Chassot argues that reading
Ghosts of the African Diaspora 9781512601824 2018-01-02 these texts through the lens of the ghost does cultural, theoretical, and political work Literature
University of Lausanne College Press crucial to the writers’ engagement with issues of identity, memory, and history. Drawing
on memory and trauma studies, postcolonial studies, and queer theory, this truly
interdisciplinary volume makes an important contribution to the fast-growing field of
spectrality studies.

The aim of the publication is both to provide the debates on globalization with a genuine
editor / Concha / Roldán | philosophical perspective by working out its normative dimensions, and to scientifically
Philosophy of Globalization editor / Oscar Daniel / De Gruyter 9783110492415 2018-03-01 ground the ethical-philosophical discourse on global responsibility. Other topics Philosophy
Brauer addressed are the altering consciousness of space and time, and globalization as a
discourse, as an ideology and as a symbolic form.
The early modern and modern cultural world in the West would be unthinkable without
Petrarch and Boccaccio. Despite this fact, there is still no scholarly contribution entirely
devoted to analysing their intellectual revolution. Internationally renowned scholars are
invited to discuss and rethink the historical, intellectual, and literary roles of Petrarch and
Boccaccio between the great model of Dante’s encyclopedia and the ideas of a double or
multifaceted culture in the era of Italian Renaissance Humanism. In his lyrical poems and
De Gruyter Latin treatises, Petrarch created a cultural pattern that was both Christian and Classical,
Petrarch and Boccaccio editor / Igor / Candido 9783110419306 2017-11-20 exercising immense influence on the Western World in the centuries to come. Boccaccio Literature
Mouton translated this pattern into his own vernacular narratives and erudite works, ultimately
claiming as his own achievement the reconstructed unity of the Ancient Greek and Latin
world in his contemporary age. The volume reconsiders Petrarch’s and Boccaccio’s
heritages from different perspectives (philosophy, theology, history, philology,
paleography, literature, theory), and investigates how these heritages shaped the
cultural transition between the end of the Middle Ages and the early modern era, as well
as European identity.

"For many centuries Jews and Germans were economically and culturally of significant
importance in East-Central and Eastern Europe. Since both groups had a very similar
background of origin (Central Europe) and spoke languages which are related to each
other (German/Yiddish), the question arises to what extent Jews and Germans in Eastern
Jews and Germans in Eastern De Gruyter Europe share common historical developments and experiences. This volume aims to
editor / Tobias / Grill 978311049248 2018-01-01 History
Europe Oldenbourg explore not only entanglements and interdependences of Jews and Germans in Eastern
Europe from the late middle ages to the 20th century, but also comparative aspects of
these two communities. Moreover, the perception of Jews as Germans in this region is
also discussed in detail."

A NATION ON THE LINE is an ethnographic study of the call center industry in the
Philippines and of its workforce composed of young, largely college-educated Filipinos.
Padios merges several lines of inquiry about Pacific transnationalism, about the role of
author / Jan M. / Padios / affective labor in global markets, and about critique of Filipino exploitation by the United
Duke University States through economic and military power since independence-- in order to consider
A Nation on the Line University of Maryland, 9780822371984 2018-03-23 Anthropology
Press how post-colonial and post-industrial changes in the Philippines’ role in global capitalism
College Park and culture are brought to bear in everyday life. Padios argues that the call center
industry serves as a rich case-study for how Filipinos work within hegemonic dynamics of
relational service and an understanding of American consumer culture in ways that figure
Filipinos' sense of identity and aspirations at the national and individual levels.

In A THEORY OF REGRET Brian Price takes up regret as a useful political emotion and,
surprisingly, as a way to understand bureaucracy. Drawing on the work of Hannah
Arendt, Aristotle, and Heidegger, as well as examples from film, Price presents a
author / Brian / Price / Duke University philosophical reflection on the transformative qualities of regret insofar as it provides
A Theory of Regret University of Toronto Press 9780822372394 2017-11-01 opportunities to re-evaluate our commitments and to recognize that we are judging Philosophy
ourselves and others differently. According to Price, the impersonality and indifference of
bureaucracy is often seen as a structure to forestall regret; however, interacting with
bureaucrats can be a pathway for thinking about how to redress past wrongs.
In CHINESE SURPLUS Ari Heinrich dissects the figure of the medically or artistically
commodified body in Chinese culture and popular science. Providing a history of how
bodies have been thought and seen to mirror the nation, Heinrich charts the trajectory
author / Ari Larissa / Heinrich from an imperial idea of the body as a machine with interchangeable parts to current
Chinese Surplus / University of California, San Duke University 9780822372042 2018-01-05 representations in which the parts are worth more than the whole and may be harvested History
Diega Press at will--what he calls a diasporic form of the body. In seeing the body this way Heinrich
makes clear his case for a new method he calls biopolitical aesthetics, one that uses the
tools of literary and visual culture analysis to restore agency to aesthetics in the
production of meaning in life during contemporary biopolitical times.

COOKING DATA is an ethnographic study of how demographic data is collected, handled,

processed, and manipulated by fieldworkers, researchers, policymakers, and NGOs in
Malawi and internationally. Crystal Biruk’s fieldwork with people at all levels of major
survey projects explores how survey-based research projects call truths about the
author / Crystal / Biruk / Duke University populations they work with into being, transforming data from answers to survey
Cooking Data 9780822371823 2018-03-30 questions into statistics that appear self-evidently true. Beginning with the assumption Anthropology
Oberlin College Press that clean data is a myth, Biruk uncovers the hidden relationships between the
knowledge work that produces data and its value to various audiences. Specifically, her
work considers how health-related data have become financially valuable both to NGOs
and to the young Malawians who work as data collectors and, later, supervisors--and
how the commodification of health information intersects with local social worlds.

In UNTHINKING MASTERY Julietta Singh demonstrates how pervasive the concept of

mastery has been to modern politics, even to anti-colonial thought, which rejects forms
of political domination and subjection. Anti-colonial discourse, Singh argues, has sought
to recuperate the humanity of the colonized in ways that remain bound to masterful
author / Juliette / Singh / Duke University formulations of subjectivity. Drawing on postcolonial theory, queer theory, new
Unthinking Mastery 9780822372363 2017-12-22 materialism, and animal studies, Singh analyzes critiques of mastery across anti-colonial Literature
University of Richmond Press discourse to explore how modern formulations of decolonization that were explicitly
pitched against colonial mastery continuously rehearse “other" forms of mastery in order
to exceed it. Singh’s goal isn’t to discipline important figures from anti-colonial politics or
the contemporary intellectual left, but rather to take seriously the messiness of our
political strategies in the hope of deriving un-masterful styles of being.

A great deal has been written about the webs, nodes and networks created by Britain’s
Indian Ocean Empire during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Much of the focus
has been on the political, legal or economic consequences of empire; this book redresses
the balance, devoting its attention to the personal and social. Using the British
Settlement of Aden, it examines the development of a local Muslim community within
author / Scott S. / Reese / Edinburgh the spaces created by imperial rule from the mid-nineteenth through mid-twentieth
Imperial Muslims Northern Arizona University University Press 9780748697663 2017-12-31 century. It explores how individuals from widely disparate backgrounds brought together History
by the networks of empire created a cohesive community utilizing the one commonality
at their disposal: their faith. Specifically, it examines how religious institutions and
spiritual ideas served as parameters for the creation of community and the kinds of
symbolic and cultural capital an individual needed to attain communal membership and
influence within the confines of imperial rule.
The American Short Story Cycle shows the roots of modernism and postmodernism
winds through the short story cycle.

Reviewers ranging from the The New York Times to Amazon do not know what to call
books like Jennifer Egan’s A Visit from the Goon Squad or Jhumpa Lahiri’s Unaccustomed
Earth. Why do such popular and acclaimed books spark debates about what they are and
The American Short Story Cycle author / Jennifer J. / Smith / Edinburgh 9781474423946 2017-11-30 how they should be read? The American Short Story Cycle provides a history of this genre Literature
Franklin College University Press that has been hiding in plain sight. Dating back to the early nineteenth century and
proliferating to the present, the short story cycle has been wildly popular both in the US
and around the world. Stories in a cycle, which can be read singly but mean more
together, reflect the individualism and pluralism that shape modern experience. This
book gives a name and theory to the genre that has fostered the aesthetics of
fragmentation and recurrence that characterize fiction today.

From the eighteenth-century abolitionist motto Am I Not a Man and a Brother? to the
Civil Rights-era declaration I AM a Man, antiracism has engaged in a struggle for the
recognition of the humanness of black humanity. It has done so, however, during an era
in which the very definition of the human has been called into question by the rising
prestige of the biological sciences whose materialist account of human being erodes the
Antebellum Posthuman author / Cristin / Ellis / Fordham 2018-01-02 grounds of human exceptionalism...Antislavery materialism allowed these authors to
University of Mississippi University Press respond to scientific racism in its own empirical terms. At the same time, however, it also
attenuated their faith in the liberal humanist principles that they champion elsewhere in
their work. This antebellum conflict between the liberal ideals of freedom and a
materialist ontology of contingency not only presages current critical debates between
new materialist and social justice theorists, but reveals an intrinsic tension between
posthumanism’s embodied ontology and the...

This book explores some of the implications of interpreting Derrida through the new
materialist lens of technicity or plasticity, attending to the significance of ethics, religion
and politics in his later work. Here the intersection of religion and politics becomes the
site for Derrida to develop a “political theology without sovereignty.” By reading Derrida
author / Clayton / Crockett / Fordham from a new materialist perspective, fresh readings are offered of his ideas of sovereignty,
Derrida after the End of Writing University of Central 2017-11-01 religion, responsibility, and mourning, including engagements with Malabou, Timothy Philosophy
Arkansas University Press Morton, John D. Caputo, and Karen Barad...Derrida’s philosophy is relevant not just for
human ethical language and animality, but to profound developments in the physical and
natural sciences, as well as ecology. Here is a new reading of Derrida beyond the
conventional understandings of poststructuralism and deconstruction, that is responsive
to and critical of some of the newer trends in Continental philosophy.

Engaging with recent theoretical developments in speculative realism and object

oriented ontology, ape and parrot language studies, along with literary texts by J.M.
Coetzee, Charles Chesnutt, and Walt Whitman, and films by Alfonso Cuarón and Lars von
author / Christopher / Trier, Monkey Trouble argues that the turn toward immanence in contemporary
Fordham posthumanism promotes a cosmocracy that absolves one from engaging in those
Monkey Trouble Peterson / Western Sydney 2017-11-01 Literature
University University Press discriminatory decisions that condition hospitality as such. Anthropocentrism cannot be
displaced through a logic of reversal that elevates immanence above transcendence,
horizontality over verticality. This decentering must cultivate instead a
human/nonhuman relationality that affirms the immanent transcendency spawned by
our phantasmatic humanness.
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), an Italian Dominican friar and Catholic priest, is one of the
most influential theologians in the Christian tradition. Scholarship on Aquinas is
flourishing, with studies of natural law theory, action theory, the morality of the
passions, feminism, political theory, etc. Yet despite the contemporary renewal of virtue
author / Nicholas / Austin, ethics, to date no full-length treatment of Aquinas' theory of virtue exists. Aquinas on
Georgetown Virtues offers a new and comprehensive interpretation of how Aquinas uses the four
Aquinas on Virtue SJ / Heythrop College, 9781626164741 2018-04-30 Theology & Religion
University of London University Press causes--formal, material, final, and efficient--to understand virtue in general, and how
these causes underlie his treatment of specific virtues that make up the bulk of his ethics.
In the final part of the book Austin applies the causal approach to four contested issues
in contemporary virtue theory: practical wisdom; virtue and the passions; the teleology
(or ultimate end) of virtue; and infused moral virtues, exploring the relation between
grace and virtue.

"How do deaf people in different societies perceive and conceive the world around
them? Drawing on three years of anthropological fieldwork in Nepali deaf communities,
Being and Hearing shows how questions of cultural difference are profoundly shaped by
local habits of perception. Beginning with the premise that philosophy and cultural
intuition are separated only by genre and pedigree, Peter Graif argues that Nepali deaf
author / Peter / Graif / communities—in their social sensibilities, political projects, and aesthetics of expression
Being and Hearing HAU Books 2018-06-30 —present innovative answers to the very old question of what it means to be different. Anthropology
University of Chicago
From pranks and protests, to diverse acts of love and resistance, to renewed distinctions
between material and immaterial, deaf communities in Nepal have crafted ways to
foreground the habits of perception that shape both their own experiences and how they
are experienced by the hearing people around them.

The late anthropologist Valerio Valeri (1944–98) was best known for his substantial
writings on societies of Polynesia and eastern Indonesia. This volume, however, presents
author / Valerio / Valeri | a lesser-known side of Valeri’s genius through a dazzlingly erudite set of comparative
editor / Giovanni / da Col / essays on core topics in the history of anthropological theory. Offering masterly
Classic Concepts in Anthropology SOAS, University of London | HAU Books 2017-12-15 discussions of anthropological thought about ritual, fetishism, cosmogonic myth, belief, Anthropology
editor / Rupert / Stasch / caste, kingship, mourning, play, feasting, ceremony, and cultural relativism, Classic
Concepts in Anthropology, presented here with a critical foreword by Rupert Stasch and
University of Cambridge Giovanni da Col, will be an eye-opening, essential resource for students and researchers
not only in anthropology but throughout the humanities.

Fakes, forgery, counterfeits, hoaxes, bullshit, frauds, knock offs—such terms speak,
editor / Jacob / Copeman | ostensibly, to the inverse of truth or the obverse of authenticity and sincerity. But what
editor / Giovanni / da Col / does the modern human obsession with fabrications and frauds tell us about ourselves?
SOAS, University of London | And what can anthropology tell us about this obsession? This timely book is the product
author / John L. / Jackson, Jr of the first Annual Debate of Anthropological Keywords, a collaborative project between
HAU, the American Ethnological Society, and L’Homme, held each year at the American
Fake | author / Graham M. / Jones HAU Books 2018-06-30 Anthropological Association Meetings. The aim of the debate is reflect critically on Anthropology
| author / Veena / Das | keywords and terms that play a pivotal and timely role in discussions of different cultures
author / Carlo / Severi | and societies, and of the relations between them. This book, with multiple authors,
author / Alexei / Yurchak | explodes open our common sense notions of “novelty,” “originality,” and “truth,”
author / Neil / Thin questioning how cultures where deception and mistrust flourish seem to produce
effective, albeit opaque, forms of sociality.
Trust occupies a unique place in contemporary discourse. Seen as both necessary and
good, it is variously depicted as enhancing the social fabric, lowering crime rates,
increasing happiness, and generating prosperity. It allows for complex political systems,
permits human communication, underpins financial instruments and economic
institutions, and holds society itself together. There is scant space within this vision for a
author / Matthew / Carey / nuanced discussion of mistrust. With few exceptions, it is treated as little more than a
Mistrust HAU Books 2017-11-01 Anthropology
University of Copenhagen corrosive absence. This monograph, instead, proposes an ethnographic and conceptual
exploration of mistrust as a legitimate epistemological stance in its own right. It examines
the impact of mistrust on practices of conversation and communication, friendship and
society, as well as politics and cooperation, and suggests that suspicion, doubt, and
uncertainty can also ground ways of organizing human society and cooperating with

In anthropology, as much as in the current popular imagination, kings remain figures of

fascination and intrigue. As the cliché goes, kings continue to die spectacular deaths only
to remain subjects of vitality and long life. This collection of essays by a teacher and his
student — two of the world’s most distinguished anthropologists— explores what
author / Marshall / Sahlins / kingship actually is, historically and anthropologically. The divine, the stranger, the
On Kings University of Chicago | HAU Books 2017-11-01 numinous, the bestial—the implications for understanding kings and their sacred office
author / David / Graeber / are not limited to questions of sovereignty, but issues ranging from temporality and
London School of Economics alterity to piracy and utopia; indeed, the authors argue that kingship offers us a unique
window into the fundamental dilemmas concerning the very nature of power, meaning,
and the human condition. With the wit and sharp analysis characteristic of these two
thinkers, this volume opens up new avenues for how an anthropological study of kingship
might proceed in the 21st century.

In this long-awaited sequel to The Invention of Culture, Roy Wagner tackles the logic and
motives that underlie cultural invention. Could there be a single, logical factor that makes
the invention of the distinction between self and other possible, much as specific human
genes allow for language?

Wagner explores what he calls “the reciprocity of perspectives” through a journey

The Logic of Invention author / Roy / Wagner / HAU Books 2017-11-01 between Euro-American bodies of knowledge and his in-depth knowledge of Melanesian
University of Virginia modes of thought. This logic grounds variants of the subject/object transformation, as
Wagner works through examples such as the figure-ground reversal in Gestalt
psychology, Lacan’s theory of the mirror-stage formation of the Ego, and even the self-
recursive structure of the aphorism and the joke. Juxtaposing Wittgenstein’s and
Leibniz’s philosophy with Melanesian social logic, Wagner explores the cosmological
dimensions of the ways in which different societies develop models of self and the
subject/object distinction.
In 1931 Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote his famous Remarks on Frazer’s “Golden Bough.". At
author / Ludwig / that time, anthropology and philosophy were in close contact—continental thinkers drew
Wittgenstein | editor / heavily on anthropology’s theoretical terms, like mana, taboo, and potlatch, in order to
Giovanni / da Col / SOAS, help them explore the limits of human belief and imagination. Now the book receives its
University of London | first translation by an anthropologist, in the hope that it can kick-start a new era of
interdisciplinary fertilization. Wittgenstein’s remarks on ritual, magic, religion, belief,
The Mythology in Our Language author / Various / (Veena HAU Books 2017-12-01 ceremony, and Frazer’s own logical presuppositions are as lucid and thought-provoking Anthropology
Das, David Graeber, Wendy now as they were in Wittgenstein’s day. Anthropologists find themselves asking many of
James, Heonik Kwon, the same questions as Wittgenstein—and in a reflection of that, this volume is fleshed
Michael Lambek, Michael out with a series of engagements from some of the world’s leading anthropologists,
Puett, and Carlo Severi) including Veena Das, David Graeber, Wendy James, Heonik Kwon, Michael Lambek,
Michael Puett, and Carlo Severi.

The Owners of Kinship investigates how kinship in Indigenous Amazonia is derived from
the asymmetrical relation between an “owner” and his or her dependents. Through a
comprehensive ethnography of the Kanamari, Luiz Costa shows how this relationship is
centered around the bond created between the feeder and the fed.
author / Luiz / Costa / Building on anthropological studies of the acquisition, distribution, and consumption of
The Owners of Kinship Federal University of Rio de HAU Books 2018-01-01 food and its role in establishing relations of asymmetrical mutuality and kinship, this Anthropology
Janeiro book breaks theoretical ground for studies in Amazonia and beyond. By investigating
how the feeding relation traverses Kanamari society—from the relation between women
and the pets they raise, shaman and familiar spirit, mother and child, chiefs and
followers, to those between the Brazilian state and the Kanamari—The Owners of
Kinship reveals how the mutuality of kinship is determined by the asymmetry of

Highly innovative and theoretically incisive, Two Lenins is the first book-length
anthropological examination of how social reality can be organized around different yet
concurrent ideas of time. Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov grounds his theoretical exploration in
fascinating ethnographic and historical material on two Lenins: the first is the famed
author / Nikolai / Ssorin- Soviet leader of the early twentieth century, and the second is a Siberian Evenki hunter—
Chaikov / National Research nicknamed “Lenin”—who experienced the collapse of the USSR during the 1990s.
Two Lenins University Higher School of HAU Books 2017-11-01 Through their intertwined stories, Ssorin-Chaikov unveils new dimensions of Anthropology
Economics in St. Petersburg, ethnographic reality by multiplying our notions of time.
Russia Ssorin-Chaikov examines Vladimir Lenin at the height of his reign in 1920s Soviet Russia,
focusing especially on his relationship with American businessperson Armand Hammer.
He casts this scene against the second Lenin—the hunter on the far end of the country, in
Siberia, at the far end of the century, the 1990s, who is tasked with improvising postsocia
This book brings together essays by an international group of scholars and artists,
focusing on live performance inspired by living in exile, or created by exiled artists.
Bringing together a range of perspectives to examine the full impact of political, socio-
economic or psychological experiences of exile, Performing Exile: Foreign Bodies presents
an inclusive mix of established and emerging voices from varied cultural and geographic
Performing Exile editor / Judith / Rudakoff Intellect 9781783208180 2017-11-01 affiliations. Chapters blend close critical analysis and autoethnography to document and Arts
interrogate performances and the political, religious, economic and cultural contexts that
inform them.
With a foreword by Yana Meerzon, and featuring essays on artists of Mexican, Korean-
American, Lebanese-Quebecois, Spanish, Azerbaijani and Canadian Aboriginal origin, to
name a few, Performing Exile is truly diverse.

The Imaginary Geography of Hollywood Cinema 1960-2000 combines digital cartography

with close readings of representative films to write a history of twentieth century
Hollywood narrative cinema at the intersection of the geographies of narrative location,
The Imaginary Geography of author / Christian B. / Long / production, consumption and taste in the post-classical era, before the rise of digital
Intellect 9781783208302 2017-12-11 cinema. This text reorients and redraws the boundaries of film history both literally and Media & Communications
Hollywood Cinema 1960–2000 University of Queensland figuratively by cataloguing films’ narrative locations on digital maps to examine where
Hollywood locates its narratives over time.

The legacy of the Second World War remains unsettled; no consensus has been achieved
about its meaning and its lasting impact. This is pre-eminently the case in France, where
the experience of defeat and occupation created the grounds for a deeply ambiguous
mixture of resistance and collaboration, pride and humiliation, heroism and abjection,
which writers and politicians have been trying to disentangle ever since. This book
author / Colin / Davis / Royal develops a theoretical approach which draws on trauma studies and hermeneutics; and it
Traces of War Holloway, University of Liverpool 2017-12-01 then focuses on some of the intellectuals who lived through the war and on how their
University Press experience and troubled memories of it continue to echo through their later writing,
London even and especially when it is not the explicit topic. This was an astonishing generation of
writers who would go on to play a pivotal role on a global scale in post-war aesthetic and
philosophical endeavours. The book proposes close readings of works by some of the
most brilliant amongst them: Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus,
Charlotte Delbo, Paul Ricoeur, Emmanuel Levinas, Louis Althusser, Jorge Semprun, Elie
Wiesel, and Sarah Kofman.

The first full-length study of incest in the Gothic genre, this book argues that Gothic
writers resisted the power structures of their society through incestuous desires. It
provides interdisciplinary readings of incest within father-daughter, sibling, mother-son,
author / Jenny / DiPlacidi / Manchester cousin and uncle-niece relationships in texts by authors including Emily Brontë, Eliza
Gothic incest 9781526107558 2018-02-24 Parsons, Ann Radcliffe and Eleanor Sleath. The analyses, underpinned by historical, Literature
University of Kent University Press literary and cultural contexts, reveal that the incest thematic allowed writers to explore a
range of related sexual, social and legal concerns. Through representations of incest,
Gothic writers modelled alternative agencies, sexualities and family structures that
remain relevant today.
This book explores how modern media practices can illuminate participatory reading in
England from the late-fourteenth to the early-sixteenth centuries. Nonlinear
apprehension, immersion and embodiment are practices intimately familiar to readers of
author / Heather / Blatt / Wikipedia, players of video games and users of multi-touch mobile devices. But far from
Participatory reading in late- Florida International Manchester 9781526118004 2017-11-01 being unique to digital media, they have clear analogues in the pre-modern era.
medieval England University Press Participatory reading in late-medieval England traces how the affinities between old and
University new media can reveal fresh insights not only about the digital, but also about the long
history of media forms and practices. It thus casts new light on the literary practices of a
period pre- and post-print to demonstrate how participatory reading vitally contributed
to and shaped these negotiations of fragile authority.

The Gothic Novel in Ireland, 1760-1830 reveals how the Irish contribution to the rise of
the gothic novel is all too frequently overlooked. Irish writers were actively engaged in
shaping the form now conventionally understood as beginning with Horace Walpole’s
The Castle of Otranto (1764). Obviously an important text in the evolution of the gothic
The gothic novel in Ireland author / Christina / Morin / Manchester 9781526122308 2018-02-12 mode, the ostensibly pioneering Castle of Otranto was actually preceded by two Irish
University of Limerick University Press novels: Thomas Leland’s Longsword (1762) and The Adventures of Miss Sophia Berkley
(1760), by ‘A Young Lady’. Neither of these texts overshadows Walpole’s, but their
omission from the literary history of the British gothic novel is nevertheless a telling
indication of the exclusionary nature of current scholarly perspectives. Christina Morin’s
adroit and percipient text reveals how the Gothic was very much an international genre.

Australia: A Cultural History, first published in 1988, is still the only short history of
Australia from a cultural perspective. It has acquired a unique reputation as an
introduction to the development of Australian society and was listed by the historian and
public intellectual John Hirst in his ‘First XI: The best Australian history books’. The book
Monash focuses on the transmission of values, beliefs and customs amongst the diverse mix of
author / John / Rickard / peoples who are today’s Australians. The story begins with the 60,000 years of the
Australia University 9781921867613 2017-11-01 History
Monash University Aboriginal presence and their continuing material and spiritual relationship with the land,
Publishing and takes readers through the turbulent years of British colonisation and the emergence,
through prosperity, war and depression, of the cultural accommodations which have
been distinctively Australian. This 3rd Edition concludes with a critical review of the
challenges facing contemporary Australia and warns that ‘we may get the future we
deserve’. [Some images unavailable for OA]

editor / Heydar / Shadi / Proceedings of the International Workshop “Islamic Peace Ethics: Legitimate and
Institut für Theologie und Nomos Illegitimate Violence in Contemporary Islamic Thought”, organized 15-17 October 2015
Verlagsgesellsc by the Institute for Theology and Peace (ithf), Hamburg. More than 20 researchers from
Islamic Peace Ethics Frieden (ithf) (Institute for 9783845283494 2017-11-30 Political Science
haft mbH & different countries including Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Germany, UK, USA, and Belgium
Theology and Peace) discussed the peace and war in contemporary Islamic thought from different disciplines
Co.- KG
Hamburg such as theology, philosophy, religious studies, cultural studies, and political sciences.
Uniting literary analysis, theories of emotion from the sciences and humanities, and a
deeply archival account of Tudor history, Irish freshly examines how literature reflects
and constructs the dynamics of emotional life in the Renaissance courtly sphere.
Spanning the 16th century, this study argues that the dynamics of disgust, envy,
rejection, and dread, as they are currently theorized in the modern affective sciences, can
author / Bradley / Irish / Northwestern be seen to guide textual production in the early modern court. With a multidisciplinary
Emotion in the Tudor Court 2018-01-15 Literature
Arizona State University University Press approach, the book develops and advances current scholarly treatments of early modern
emotionality—which, in their largely historicist orientation, have tended to consider only
how emotions were understood by Renaissance subjects. Because emotions are both
socially contingent and biologically grounded, the author demonstrates the value of
placing the transhistorical insights of the modern affective sciences alongside the still
crucial findings of the historicist mode.

In this study, Orr attributes to George Eliot an ‘incarnational aesthetic’ and reads her
work in the light of it. Writing, she argues, might be said to have become the novelist’s
religion and ‘its most recognizable tenet was the living out of incarnation’. Here, Orr
examines Eliot’s works more or less chronologically because of the deeply evolutionary
quality to Eliot’s career. In a personal sense, she is loathe to repeat herself and, while
George Eliot's Religious author / Marilyn / Orr / Northwestern 2017-11-15 readers might recognize situations that she is revisiting, she always needs to believe in
Imagination Laurentian University University Press her own development as a writer. In her letters she repeatedly champions her first
stories, for example, largely because they contain “ideas” that she doubts she “can ever
embody again." In a broader sense this is an important idea, however, in that her
philosophy was grounded in a belief in the idea of progress. Orr engages in close readings
of Eliot's writings to demonstrate how deeply the novelist's religious imagination operate
in her fiction and poetry.

Soren Kierkegaard was as much aesthete as philosopher, and his writings are as much
literary and music criticism as philosophy. Kierkegaard, Literature, and the Arts contains
fourteen essays that focus on the influence and reception of Kierkegaard in literature,
Kierkegaard, Literature, and the editor / Eric / Ziolkowski / Northwestern 2018-01-15 the visual arts, and music. The essays in part I focus on Kierkegaard in relationship to
Arts Lafayette College University Press literature, his own main medium of expression; part II, to the performing arts, including
theater, music, and dance; part III, to visual arts and film; while the essays of part IV are
comparative in nature, considering Kierkegaard in juxtaposition with a Romantic poet, a
modern composer, and a contemporary musician, singer, and song-writer.

Rabinoff strives to account for ethical perception (aisthesis) in Aristotle’s ethics—to give
it a place of importance in ethical choice and action—and to offer an account of the
faculty of perception expansive enough to include reception of the ethical significance of
particulars. The book is motivated by particular features of Aristotle’s thought and by
author / Eve / Rabinoff / increasing philosophical awareness that the ethical agent is an embodied, situated
Perception in Aristotle’s Ethics University of Minnesota, Northwestern 2018-02-15 individual, rather than a disembodied, abstract rational will. Traditionally, the soul has
University Press been understood to have a non-rational part characterized by desire and perception and
Duluth a rational part characterized by thinking, knowledge, and argument. Depending on how
the relationship between the sides is conceived, the non-rational is either a bane to be
controlled by the rational, or plays an irreducible role in moral action. By establishing and
accounting for perception’s place in ethics, Rabinoff shows the importance for ethical life
of integrating both.
This book about the early screen representation of Auschwitz-Birkenau deals with the
classic Holocaust film made in 1948 in Poland by Auschwitz survivor, director Wanda
Jakubowska. The Last Stage (or The Last Stop) is a pioneering work – the first narrative
film to portray the former Nazi German camp. Haltof discusses Jakubowska’s life and
author / Marek / Haltof / career before World War II, her imprisonment during the war, the prominent role that
Northwestern she played in the nationalized postwar Polish cinema, and problems she faced during the
Screening Auschwitz Northern Michigan 2018-01-15 Arts
University University Press script stage. The monograph also discusses the unusual circumstances that surrounded
the production of the film at Auschwitz-Birkenau and summarizes critical debates
surrounding its release. Screening Auschwitz is the first detailed monograph on this
classic Holocaust film. The book incorporates new materials and sources obtained
through extensive archival research, and examines the impact of the film on other
Holocaust narratives.

In Literary Obscenities, Erik Bachman offers a comparative historical account of the

parallel development of legal obscenity and literary modernism in this period. Getting Off
the Page demonstrates that obscenity trials in the early twentieth century staged a wide-
author / Erik / Bachman / ranging cultural debate about the broader ramifications of the printed word’s power to
Penn State “deprave,” “excite,” and offend—or, more generally, to incite emotion and shape
Literary Obscenities University of California, 2017-12-01 Literature
Santa Cruz University Press behavior. Bachman shows that far from seeking simply to transgress cultural norms or
sexual boundaries, proscribed authors such as Wyndham Lewis, Erskine Caldwell, Lillian
Smith, and James T. Farrell refigured the capacity of writing to evoke the obscene so that
readers might become aware of the social processes by which they were being turned
into mass consumers, voyeurs, and racialized subjects.

Posthumous America examines the literary idealization of a lost American past. It

investigates the reasons why, for a group of French writers of the 18th and 19th
centuries, America was never more potent as a driving ideal than in its loss. For example,
Hoffmann examines the paradoxical American paradise depicted in Crèvecœur’s Lettres
author / Benjamin / d’un cultivateur américain (1784); the “uchronotopia” of Lezay-Marnésia’s Lettres écrites
Posthumous America Hoffmann / The Ohio State Penn State 2018-05-15 des rives de l’Ohio (1800)—the imaginary perfect society set in America and based on
University University Press what France might have become without the Revolution; and the political and
nationalistic motivations behind Chateaubriand’s idealization of America in Voyage en
Amérique (1827) and Mémoires d’outre-tombe (1850). From an historical perspective,
Posthumous Americas works to determine when exactly these writers stopped
transcribing what they actually observed in America and started giving imaginary
accounts of their experiences.

Drawing in contributions from the United States, the United Kingdom and Republic of
Peter Lang Ireland and Aotearoa New Zealand, this book seeks to foreground shifting experiences of
Re/Assembling the Pregnant and editor / Annelies / Kamp | International 9781787075139 2018-04-30 teenage pregnancy and parenting in time and space. In the process, the work cuts across
Parenting Teenager editor / Majella / McSharry Academic enduring ‘stigma’ contests and dominant discourses which seek to capture, understand
Publishers and render fixable the ‘problem’ of teenage pregnancy and parenting, whichever
discourse is being privileged.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has been the subject of intense scrutiny in the West.
Considered by many to be the most dangerous terrorist organisation in the world, it has
become shrouded in numerous myths and narratives, many emanating from the US,
which often fail to grasp its true nature.

author / Mohammad- Against these narratives, Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou presents a bold new
Mahmoud Ould / theory of ISIS. By tracing its genealogy and documenting its evolution in Iraq and Syria, he
A Theory of ISIS Pluto Press 9781786801692 2017-11-20 argues that ISIS has transcended Osama Bin Laden’s original project of Al Qaeda, Political Science
Mohamedou / Graduate mutating into an unprecedented hybrid form that distils postcolonial violence,
Institute, Geneva postmodernity and the emerging post-globalisation international order.
This book analyses ISIS from a social sciences perspective and unpacks its dynamics by
looking beyond superficial questions such as its terrorist nature and religious rhetoric. It
transforms our understanding of ISIS and its profound impact on the very nature of
contemporary political violence.

George Orwell was one of the most significant literary figures on the left in the twentieth
century. While titles such as 1984, Animal Farm and Homage to Catalonia are still rightly
regarded as modern classics, his own politics are less well understood.

Hope Lies in the Proles offers a sympathetic yet critical account of Orwell's political
author / John / Newsinger / thinking and its continued significance today. John Newsinger explores various aspects of
Hope Lies in the Proles Pluto Press 9781786801890 2018-03-20 History
Bath Spa University Orwell's politics, detailing Orwell's attempts to change working-class consciousness,
considering whether his attitude towards the working class was romantic, realistic or
patronising - or all three at different times. He also asks whether Orwell's anti-fascism
was eclipsed by his criticism of the Soviet Union, and explores his ambivalent relationship
with the Labour Party. Newsinger also breaks important new ground regarding Orwell's
shifting views on the USA, and his relationship with the progressive Left and feminism.

Does small mean less? Not necessarily. In an era of housing crises, environmental
unsustainability and social fragmentation, the need for more sociable, affordable and
sustainable housing is vital. The answer? Shared living - from joint households to land-
sharing, cohousing and ecovillages.

Using successful examples from a range of countries, Anitra Nelson shows how 'eco-
author / Anitra / Nelson / collaborative housing' - resident-driven low impact living with shared facilities and
Small is Necessary RMIT University Pluto Press 9781786801883 2018-01-20 activities - can address the great social, economic and sustainability challenges that Sociology
householders and capitalist societies face today. Sharing living spaces and facilities
results in householders having more amenities and opportunities for neighbourly
Small is Necessary places contemporary models of 'alternative' housing and living at
centre stage arguing that they are outward-looking, culturally rich, with low ecological
footprints and offer governance techniques for a more equitable and sustainable future.
The Message is Murder analyses the violence bound up in the everyday functions of
digital media. At its core is the concept of 'computational capital' - the idea that
capitalism itself is a computer, turning qualities into quantities, and that the rise of digital
culture and technologies under capitalism should be seen as an extension of capitalism's
bloody logic.

The Message is Murder author / Jonathan / Beller / Pluto Press 9781786801784 2017-11-20 Engaging with Borges, Turing, Claude Shannon, Hitchcock and Marx, this book tracks
Political Science
Pratt Institute computational capital to reveal the lineages of capitalised power as it has restructured
representation, consciousness and survival in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Ultimately The Message is Murder makes the case for recognising media
communications across all platforms - books, films, videos, photographs and even
language itself - as technologies of political economy, entangled with the social contexts
of a capitalism that is inherently racial, gendered and genocidal.

This edited collection examines the risks and issues faced by single parent-families and
their children such as poverty, wealth/asset accumulation, health, well-being and
combinative development, bringing together scholars from diverse social science
The triple bind of single-parent editor|/editor
Rense / Nieuwenhuis
backgrounds, including sociology, economics, political science, and social work.
families / Laurie / Policy Press 9781447333654 2018-03-07 Sociology
Maldonado This book is the first collection of studies to examine previously neglected social policies
related to single-parent families and provides innovative outcomes that will improve the
lives and well-being of single parents and their children.

"Edited by Kris Rutten, Stefaan Blancke, and Ronald Soetaert, Perspectives on Science
and Culture explores the intersection between scientific understanding and cultural
representation from an interdisciplinary perspective.
editor / Kris / Rutten / Ghent
University | editor / Contributors to the volume analyze representations of science and scientific discourse
Perspectives on Science and Purdue
Stefaan / Blancke / Ghent University 9781557538215 2018-02-01 from the perspectives of rhetorical criticism, comparative cultural studies, narratology, Literature
Culture Press educational studies, discourse analysis, naturalized epistemology, and the cognitive
University | editor / Ronald /
sciences. The main objective of the volume is to explore how particular cognitive
Soetaert / Ghent University predispositions and cultural representations both shape and distort the public debate
about scientific controversies, the teaching and learning of science, and the development
of science itself.

Through a global comparative approach, Amy Sodaro uses in-depth case studies of five
exemplary memorial museums that commemorate a range of violent pasts and allow for
a chronological and global examination of the form: the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
author / Amy / Sodaro / Rutgers in Washington, DC; the House of Terror in Budapest; the Kigali Genocide Memorial
Exhibiting Atrocity Borough of Manhattan 9780813592176 2017-11-15 Centre in Rwanda; the Museum of Memory and Human Rights in Santiago, Chile; and the Anthropology
Community College, CUNY University Press National September 11 Memorial Museum in New York. Together, these case studies
illustrate the historical emergence and global spread of the memorial museum and show
how this new cultural form of commemoration is intended to be used in contemporary
societies around the world emerging from widely divergent forms of political violence.
The Queer Fantasies of the American Family Sitcom explores how the fantasies of genre,
marketing, and children can never fully cloak the queerness lurking within the plucky
families designed for American viewers’ comic delight. Queer readings of family sitcoms
demolish myths of yesteryear, demonstrating the illusion of American sexual innocence
The Queer Fantasies of the author / Tison / Pugh / Rutgers 2017-11-01 in television’s early programs and its lasting consequences in the nation’s self-
Media & Communications
American Family Sitcom University of Central Florida University Press construction, as they also allow fresh insights into the ways in which more recent
programs negotiate new visions of sexuality while indebted to previous narrative
traditions. Tison Pugh thoroughly explores six specific family sitcoms to illustrate how
issues of sexuality intersect with other critical concerns of their respective periods and

One Planet, One Health provides a multidisciplinary reflection on the state of

our planet, human and animal health, as well as the critical effects of climate change on
the environment and livelihoods of people. Climate change is already affecting many
poor communities and traditional aid programs have achieved relatively small gains.
editor / Merrilyn / Walton / Sydney Going beyond the narrow disciplinary lens and an exclusive focus on human health,
One Planet, One Health 9781743325384 2017-12-01 a planetary health approach puts the ecosystem at the centre. With experience in eco- Political Science
The University of Sydney University Press health methods, the contributors to One Planet, One Health postulate that the
maintenance and restoration of ecosystem resilience should be a core priority, carried
out in partnership with local communities.
One Planet, One Health offers an integrated approach to improving the health of the
planet and its inhabitants.

One of the main aims of modern mental health care is to understand a person's explicit
and implicit ways of thinking and acting. So, it may seem like the ultimate paradox that
mental health care services are currently overflowing with brain concepts belonging to
author / Line / Joranger / the external, visible brain-world and that neuroscientists are poised to become new
An Interdisciplinary Approach to University College of Taylor & 9781315309699 2018-04-01 experts on human conduct. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Human Mind shows that Psychology
the Human Mind Southeast Norway Francis to create care that is truly innovative, mental health care workers must not only ask
questions about how their conceptions of human beings and psychological phenomena
came into being, but should also see themselves as co-creators of the mystery they seek
to solve.

This volume brings scholars of anthropology, economics, Science and Technology Studies,
author / Malcolm / and sociology together with global political economy scholars in assessing the actual
Bitcoin and Beyond Campbell-Verduyn / Balsillie Taylor & 9781315211909 2017-11-15 implications posed by Bitcoin and blockchains for contemporary global governance. Its
Political Science
School of International Francis interdisciplinary contributions provide academics, policymakers, industry practitioners
Affairs and the general public with more nuanced understandings of technological change in the
changing character of governance within and across the borders of nation-states.

This book explores the impact of railways on colonial Indian society from the
commencement of railway operations in the mid-nineteenth to the early decades of the
author / Aparajita / twentieth century.
Imperial Technology and 'Native' Mukhopadhyay / Taylor &
9781315397108 2017-11-28 The book represents a historiographical departure. Using new archival evidence as well History
Agency Goldsmiths, University of Francis as travelogues written by Indian railway travellers in Bengali and Hindi, this book
London, UK suggests that the impact of railways on colonial Indian society were more heterogeneous
and complex than anticipated either by India’s colonial railway builders or currently
assumed by post-colonial scholars.
Zecker examines the multicultural civil-rights activism and union militancy of the
International Workers Order and other left-leaning immigrant groups, investigating the
program of such organizations regarding civil rights, unionizing, and workplace justice. It
author / Robert / Zecker / looks at what these organizations did that caused the U.S. government to prosecute
"A Road to Peace and Freedom" Saint Francis Xavier Temple 9781439915172 2018-01-01 them and how these groups sought to defend themselves and maintain a Popular Front
University Press coalition of progressives in the face of the rapidly developing call for Cold War
University, Canada conformity. The suppressions of dissent narrowed the degree of progress on economic
justice and racial civil rights in America for decades to come, and the author argues that
the story of the IWO’s demise has relevance for 21st century America's narrowed range
of critiques of government policy and unequal racial and economic status quo.

"Chosen Children" examines the role of the adoption marketplace in shaping how
transracial adoptive families are sorted and matched, and analyzes what these practices
suggest about race in the United States. In contrast to previous work on race and
adoption markets that focus on the experiences of adoptive parents, Raleigh's project
focuses on adoption workers--social workers, attorneys, and counselors. Taking a market
Selling Transracial Adoption author / Elizabeth / Raleigh / Temple 9781439914793 2018-01-01 approach that treats adoptive parents as consumers and children as commodities,
Carleton College University Press Raleigh brings together interviews with adoption practitioners, participant observation at
adoption information sessions, and adoption statistics in order to demonstrate how the
downturn in supply of "adoptable honorary white children" (which she defines as Asian
and hispanic children) led to the increased popularity of the transracial adoption of
foreign-born and biracial black children.

Machineries of Oil is an investigation into oil infrastructure in modern society, examining

local power struggles over the construction of the global oil industry in a non-western
context. This history is crucial for understanding the twentieth-century politics of the
Middle East and the peculiar ways in which countries of the Global South have served as
author / Katayoun / Shafiee / irreplaceable laboratories for producing knowledge and know-how on nature and
society. This book will come at a time when tensions between the US and Iran, and
Machineries of Oil University College of London, The MIT Press 9780262344838 2018-01-26 tensions surrounding the politics of the oil industry in the Middle East in particular, have Political Science
Institute of Advanced Studies become unfortunately heightened in the wake of the change in US administration. We
feel this book is particularly suited to the Knowledge Unlatched program because our
reach to Middle East studies audiences is somewhat limited, and we’d like this book to
be available to as many readers as possible, despite limited marketing resources to go
beyond our usual channels.

This book investigates regulatory and social pressures that social media companies face
in the aftermath of high profile cyberbullying incidents. The author’s research evaluates
the policies companies develop to protect themselves and users. This includes interviews
with NGO and social media company reps in the US and the EU. She triangulates these
findings against news, policy reports, evaluations and interviews with e-safety experts.
Protecting Children Online? author / Tijana / Milosevic / The MIT Press 9780262344081 2018-03-02 This book raises questions about the legitimacy of expecting companies to balance the
Media & Communications
University of Oslo tension between free speech and child protection without publicly revealing their
decision-making processes. In an environment where e-safety is part of the corporate
business model, this book unveils the process through which established social media
companies receive less government scrutiny than start-ups. The importance of this
research for law and policy argues for an OA edition to ensure the work is widely and
globally accessible to scholars and decision makers.
In their continual attempt to transcend what they perceived as the superficiality,
commercialism, and precariousness of life in post-World War II America, the Beat writers
turned to the classical authors who provided, on the one hand, a discourse of sublimity
to help them articulate their desire for a purity of experience, and, on the other, a
venerable literary heritage.
editor / Sheila / Murnaghan /
Hip Sublime University of Pennsylvania | The Ohio State 2017-11-01 This volume examines for the first time the intersections between the Beat writers and
editor / Ralph / Rosen / University Press the Greco-Roman literary tradition. Many of the “Beats” were university-trained and
University of Pennsylvania highly conscious of their literary forebears, frequently incorporating their knowledge of
Classical literature into their own avant-garde, experimental practice. The interactions
between writers who fashioned themselves as new and iconoclastic, and a venerable
literary tradition often seen as conservative and culturally hegemonic, produced
fascinating tensions and paradoxes, which are explored here by a diverse group of

In Migrating Fictions, Manzella turns to U.S. Women’s literature that represents internal
migrations in the US in the twentieth century. This project situates itself within the
“spatial turn” of literary studies to analyze the way the U.S has displayed a history of
spatial colonization, which we see as a pattern we turn to a variety of seemingly
author / Abigail G.H. / The Ohio State disconnected forced migrations. With chapters that focus on migrations related the Dust
Migrating Fictions 2018-01-01 Bowl, the Great Migration, the migration of peoples placed in Japanese American Literature
Manzella University Press internment camps, and the migration of Southwestern migrant labor, Manzella makes
some fascinating connections across narratives that would not typically be brought
together. Ultimately, this project lays bare the oppressive practices of U.S. policy and
reveals the resistance individual groups accessed as they completed these internal

editor / Vanessa / Fonseca / Spanish Perspectives on Chicano Literature and Culture: Literary and Cultural Essays
Spanish Perspectives on Chicano Arizona State University | The Ohio State 2017-11-01 explores how Spanish literary critics from the U.S. and Spain view and study Chicano
Literature editor / Jesús / Rosales / University Press literature and culture, and reflects on Chicano literature’s literary place in 21st century
Arizona State University America and its transnational aspirations.

Sponsored Migration places Puerto Rico’s migration policy in its historical context,
examining the central role the Puerto Rican government played in encouraging and
organizing migration during the postwar period. Meléndez sheds an important new light
author / Edgardo / Meléndez The Ohio State on the many ways in which the government intervened in the movement of its people:
Sponsored Migration 2018-04-30 attempting to provide labor to U.S. agriculture, incorporating migrants into places like History
/ Hunter College CUNY University Press New York City, seeking to expand the island’s air transportation infrastructure, and even
promoting migration in the public school system. One of the first scholars to explore this
topic in depth, Meléndez illuminates how migration influenced U.S. and Puerto Rican
relations from 1898 onward.

The University This book examines efforts by Indigenous Yaqui, Kickapoo, and Tohono O'odham people
author / Jeffrey / Schulze /
"Are We Not Foreigners Here?" of North 9781469637129 2018-04-30 to maintain sovereignty and identity by utilizing the unique nature and sociopolitical History
University of Texas-Dallas dynamics of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands.
Carolina Press
This new approach to the history of motherhood examines the role the female body
The University played in defining motherhood from the mid-eighteenth century through the first half of
author / Nora / Doyle /
Maternal Bodies Salem College of North 9781469637204 2018-04-30 the nineteenth century, demonstrating that physical representations or perceptions of History
Carolina Press the body were crucial to defining motherhood in different ways both for mothers
themselves and for American culture at large.

Dominant cultural narratives about later life dismiss the value senior citizens hold for
society. In her cultural-philosophical critique, Hanne Laceulle outlines counter narratives
that acknowledge both potentials and vulnerabilities of later life. She draws on the rich
author / Hanne / Laceulle / philosophical tradition of thought about self-realization and explores the significance of
Aging and Self-Realization Universieit voor Humanistiek 9783839444221 2018-04-30 ethical concepts essential to the process of growing old such as autonomy, authenticity Sociology
Verlag and virtue. These counter narratives aim to support older individuals in their search for a
(Utrecht), Niederlande
meaningful age identity, while they make society recognize its senior members as valued
participants and moral agents of their own lives.

Institutional care for seniors offers a cultural repository for fears and hopes about an
editor / Sally / Chivers / aging population. Although enormous changes have occurred in how institutional care is
Trent University, structured, the legacies of the poor house still persist, creating panicked views of the
transcript nursing home as a dreaded fate. The paradoxical nature of a space meant to be both
Care Home Stories Peterborough, Canada | 9783839438053 2017-11-01 Sociology
Verlag hospital and home offers up critical tensions for examination by age studies scholars.
editor / Ulla / Kriebernegg / The essays in this book challenge stereotypes of institutional care for older adults,
University of Graz, Austria illustrate the changes that have occurred over time, and illuminate the continuities in the
stories we tell about nursing homes.

editor / Daniel / Becker /

Ludwig-Maximilians- Forgeries are an omnipresent part of our culture. They are closely related to historically
and culturally informed ideas of authenticity, legality, authorship, creativity, tradition and
University Munich, Germany innovation. Based on the concept of mimesis, the volume illustrates that forgeries are
| editor / Annalisa / Fischer / thus not to be understood as a negative copy or disgraced rip-off of an original – but as
Faking, Forging, Counterfeiting Ludwig-Maximilians- transcript 9783839437629 2017-11-01 an autonomous aesthetic practice, a creative act in itself. The contributions focus on such Arts
Verlag different implementations such as faked traditions, pseudotranslations, imposters,
University Munich, Germany
identity theft, and hoaxes in different arts and historic contexts. Most importantly, they
| editor / Simone / Niehoff / scrutinize the bonds and borders between original and forgery, and turn out their
Ludwig-Maximilians- epistemic capability.
University Munich, Germany

How is photography connected to global practices? This is a first edited collection to

editor / Sissy / Helff / Goethe trace the relationship between history, photography and memory in a global perspective
University Frankfurt, on three interrelated levels: firstly, in the artistic and cultural production of pictures,
transcript secondly, in the decoding of colonial and contemporary photography, and thirdly, in
Global Photographies Germany | editor / Stefanie / Verlag 9783839430064 2017-11-01 collecting photographs in picture archives dealing with colonial and anthropological History
Michels / University of photography. The contributions sketch the contested field of (post-)colonial photography
Düsseldorf, Germany and trace the manifold intertwinements between historical and contemporary
editor / Ingeborg / Jandl / After a long period of neglect, emotions have become an important topic within literary
University of Graz, Austria | studies. This collection of essays stresses the complex link between aesthetic and non-
editor / Susanne / Knaller / aesthetic emotional components. Against this background, emotional patterns are
Writing Emotions Susanne Knaller, University transcript 9783839437933 2017-11-01 discussed by focusing on the practice of writing as well as on the impact of emotional
Verlag patterns on receptive processes. Readers will be confronted with a concept of aesthetic
of Graz, Austria | editor / emotions as formative both within the writing and the reading process. Essays, ranging in
Sabine / Schönfellner / matter from the beginning of modern drama to digital formats and theoretical questions,
University of Graz, Austria discuss examples from English, German, French, Russian and American literature.

'Social Theory after the Internet' puts forward a theory of how the internet has
transformed politics and culture. It examines four countries – the United States, Sweden,
India and China – providing a comparative-historical analysis of the uses of information
Social Theory after the Internet author / Ralph / Schroeder / UCL Press 9781787351226 2018-03-01 and communication technologies. Written in an accessible, jargon-free language, the Media & Communications
Oxford University book offers a theoretical account from a multidisciplinary perspective on digital media
and supports its arguments using the most topical and up-to-date examples.

Medical Bondage explores how, in the nineteenth century, experimental surgeries on

author / Deirdre Cooper / enslaved and laboring women enabled the rise of American gynecology as a medical
University of specialty, and shaped our understanding of race. Merging women’s, medical, and social
Medical Bondage Owens / Queens College, 9780820353036 2017-11-15 History
City University of New York Georgia Press history, the book makes Black and Irish women's lives—not just their bodies—part of an
origins story of American medicine (one that has largely been told with an exclusive focus
on white male historical actors).

'Broken Voices' is the first English-language book on Korea’s rich folksong heritage, and
the first major study of the effects of Japanese colonialism on the intangible heritage of
its former colony. In 2009, many Koreans reacted with dismay when China officially
recognized the folksong 'Arirang', commonly regarded as the national folksong in North
author / Roald / Maliangkay / University of and South Korea, as part of its national intangible cultural heritage. They were vindicated
when versions from both sides of the DMZ were included in UNESCO’s Representative
Broken Voices Australian National 9780824878337 2017-11-01 Music
Hawai‘i Press List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity a few years later. At least on a
University national level, folksongs thus carry significant political importance. Maliangkay describes
how an elaborate system of heritage management was first established in modern Korea
and raises an important issue of cultural preservation—traditions that fail to attract
practitioners and audiences are unsustainable, so compromises may be unwelcome but

In <i>Confucianism: Its Roots and Global Significance,</i> English language readers get a
rare opportunity to read the work in a single volume of one of Taiwan’s most
author / Ming-huei / Lee / distinguished scholars. Although Lee Ming-huei has published in English before, the
National Taiwan University corpus of his non-Chinese writings is in German. Readers of this volume will discover the
and National Central University of hard-mindedness and precision of thinking associated with German philosophy as they
Confucianism University | editor / David / Hawai‘i Press 9780824878320 2017-11-01 enter into Lee’s discussions of Confucianism. Progressing through the book, they will be Philosophy
constantly reminded that all philosophy should be truly comparative. The work is divided
Jones / Kennesaw State into three parts: Classical Confucianism and Its Modern Re-Interpretations, Neo-
University Confucianism in China and Korea, and Ethics and Politics. The interrelated ideas and
arguments presented here contribute significantly to the Confucian project in English-
speaking countries across the world.
The rise of Asia has precipitated a dramatic sea change in the world’s economic and
political orders, and deepening global predicaments, including climate change, migration,
and increasing inequalities of wealth and opportunity, pose new challenges. This book
critically explores how the pan-Asian phenomenon of Confucianism offers alternative
editor / Roger T. / Ames / values and depths of ethical commitment that cross national and cultural boundaries to
Confucianisms for a Changing University of Hawai‘i | editor University of provide a new response to these challenges. Examining the meaning and value of
9780824878351 2017-11-30 Philosophy
World Cultural Order / Peter D. / Hershock / East- Hawai‘i Press Confucianism in the twenty-first century, the contributors—leading scholars from
West Center universities around the world—wrestle with several key questions: What are Confucian
values within the context of the disparate cultures of China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam?
What are the limits and historical failings of Confucianism and how are these to be
critically addressed? How must Confucian culture be reformed if it is to become relevant
as an international resource for positive change?

The overwhelming majority of tea practitioners in contemporary Japan are women, but
there has been little discussion on their historical role in tea culture (<i>chanoyu</i>). In
<i>Cultivating Femininity,</i> Rebecca Corbett writes women back into this history and
shows how tea practice for women was understood, articulated, and promoted in the
author / Rebecca / Corbett / Edo (1603–1868) and Meiji (1868–1912) periods. Viewing <i>chanoyu</i> from the lens
Cultivating Femininity University of Southern University of 9780824878405 2018-03-31 of feminist and gender theory, she sheds new light on tea’s undeniable influence on the History
Hawai‘i Press formation of modern understandings of femininity in Japan. <i>Cultivating Femininity
</i>offers a new perspective on the prevalence of tea practice among women in modern
Japan. It presents a fresh, much-needed approach, one that will be appreciated by
students and scholars of Japanese history, gender, and culture, as well as by tea

''Rethinking Japanese Feminisms'' offers a broad overview of the great diversity of

feminist thought and practice in Japan from the early twentieth century to the present.
editor / Julia C. / Bullock / Drawing on methodologies and approaches from anthropology, cultural studies, gender
Emory University | editor / and sexuality studies, history, literature, media studies, and sociology, each chapter
presents the results of research based on some combination of original archival research,
Rethinking Japanese Feminisms Ayako / Kano / University of University of 9780824878382 2017-12-31 careful textual analysis, ethnographic interviews, and participant observation. Building on History
Pennsylvania | editor / Hawai‘i Press more than four decades of scholarship on feminisms in Japanese and English, as well as
James / Welker / Kanagawa decades more on women’s history, this book offers a diverse and multivocal approach to
University scholarship on Japanese feminisms unmatched by existing publications. It will be at home
in the hands of students and scholars, as well as activists and others interested in gender,
sexuality, and feminist theory and activism in Japan and in Asia more broadly.

This collection explores the complex world of early cinema in China, Hong Kong, and
Taiwan. The story of how cinema established itself in China has not been well-
understood. Cultural models for cinema-going and industry practices varied widely
across China. By looking at several centers of cinematic activity, going beyond
Early Film Cultures in Taiwan, author / Emilie Yueh-yu / Yeh University of commercial fiction film to include non-fiction films (such as educational film), and taking
Hong Kong, and Republican / Lingnan University, Hong 9780472123445 2018-02-01 on Cantonese as well as Mandarin productions. Beyond the Silver Screens presents early Arts
Michigan Press cinema in China in a new light Highlights Hong Kong, Taipei and Guangzhou as well as
China Kong
better-know examples from Shanghai, these essays foreground the cinema’s
relationships with imperialism and colonialism, examining how cinematic culture
established itself by adapting to distinctive local social and artistic practices, emphasizing
the potency of cinema as a sociocultural institution.
Why do rich countries flirt with fiscal disaster? Why did affluent countries – like Belgium,
Greece, Italy or Japan – persistently accumulate so much debt between the 1970s and
the 2000s, in times of peace and prosperity, that they became vulnerable and exposed
author / Zsófia / Barta / themselves to the risk of default? In the past three decades, an extensive scholarly
In The Red University at Albany, State University of 9780472900923 2018-02-01 consensus emerged around the view that the answer is fiscal indiscipline, the lack of Political Science
University of New York Michigan Press sufficient concern for budgetary constraints from policy makers as they try to please
voters. Zsófia Barta argues that explaining why some countries accumulate substantial
amounts of debt for decades hinges on understanding the conditions required to allow
policy makers to successfully put into place painful adjustment measures.

Often called China's "Romeo and Juliet", the story of the Butterfly Lovers (the tale of
Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, or the Liang-Zhu story) is one of the most famous folk
stories in traditional China. With its origins dating back to the fourth century, it has
spread and evolved across genres, country, religion, and culture. Transforming Gender
Transforming Gender and author / Sookja / Cho / University of 9780472900855 2018-01-01 and Emotion examines how this story has successfully traveled and multiplied over the
Emotion Arizona State University Michigan Press centuries, and elucidates what this phenomenon tells us about the story, the local
peoples and cultures it represents and the cultural-literary relationship between China
and Korea in premodern times. In particular, the book aims to examine the transmission
and survivability of its transgressive elements, challenging social, gender, and emotional

Cognitive Disability Aesthetics explores the invisibility of cognitive disability in theoretical,

historical, social, and cultural contexts. Fraser’s cutting edge research and analysis signals
a second-wave in disability studies that prioritizes cognition. He expands upon previous
research into physical disability representations and focuses on those disabilities that
Cognitive Disability Aesthetics author / Benjamin / Fraser / University of 9781487518158 2018-06-08 tend to be least visible in society (autism, Down syndrome, Alzheimer's disease,
East Carolina University Toronto Press schizophrenia). Moving beyond established literary approaches analyzing prose
representations of disability, the book explores how iconic and indexical modes of
signification operate in visual texts. Cognitive Disability Aesthetics successfully
reconfigures disability studies in the humanities and exposes the chasm that exists
between Anglophone disability studies and disability studies in the Hispanic world.

Scholars have long studied the impact of Charles Darwin’s writings on nineteenth-century
culture. However, few have ventured to examine the precursors to the ideas of Darwin
and others in the Romantic period.
Marking Time, edited by Joel Faflak, analyses prevailing notions of evolution by tracing
author / Joel / Faflak / University of its origins to the literary, scientific, and philosophical discourses of the long nineteenth
Marking Time 9781487518165 2018-03-12 century. The volume’s contributors revisit key developments in the history of evolution Literature
Western University Toronto Press prior to The Origin of Species and explore British and European Romanticism’s
negotiation between the classic idea of a great immutable chain of being and modern
notions of historical change. Marking Time reveals how Romantic and post-Romantic
configurations of historical, socio-cultural, scientific, and philosophical transformation
continue to exert a profound influence on critical and cultural thought
Current big data practices are largely guided by deliberations concerning their efficiency,
and optimisation. Yet there is another perspective. This book highlights that the capacity
for gathering, analysing, and utilising vast amounts of digital (user) data raise significant
ethical issues. Annika Richterich provides a systematic contemporary overview of the
author / Annika / Richterich / University of field of critical data studies that reflects on – corporate, institutional, and governmental –
The Big Data Agenda Westminster 9781911534730 2018-04-30 practices of digital data collection and analysis. It assesses in detail one big data research Media & Communications
Maastricht University Press area: biomedical studies, focused on epidemiological surveillance. Specific case studies
explore how big data have been used in academic work. The Big Data Agenda concludes
by asking if data ownership can be reclaimed by citizens from being simply an assertion
of a conception of rights to (user) data that is defined by technological domination. She
argues data literacy and discourse ethics may contain solutions as well as a critique.

The Great Plains of the United States have played an influential role in shaping academic
and popular visions of Native American warfare, largely because of the well-documented
violence that was so central to the expansion of Euroamerican settlement there.

editor / Douglas B. / However, violence has deep roots on the Plains, and these roots have never been
Archaeological Perspectives of Bamforth / University of University Press examined systematically across the region as a whole. Covering the Plains as well as
9781607326700 2018-02-01 some adjacent areas and spanning both pre-Contact and post-Contact periods, this Archaeology
Warfare on the Great Plains Colorado Boulder | editor / of Colorado volume explores a series of central topics that are important regionally and to the larger
Andrew J. / Clark study of warfare in general. The editors provide an overview of the evidence for violence
in the region as a whole, but contributors focus particularly on three important and
interrelated topics: what fortifications tell us about war, what representations of war in
art tell us about combatants’ views of war, and how war shaped and reflected human
societies on the Plains.

editor / Atina / Grossmann /

Cooper Union | editor / Shelter from the Holocaust came to fruition as the result of the opening of formerly
Mark / Edele / Hansen Chair Wayne State classified Soviet and Polish archives, determined efforts to interview the last remaining
Holocaust survivors, and the growing interest in the histories of displaced persons and
Shelter from the Holocaust in History at the University of 9780814342688 2018-04-30 History
University Press migration. Scholars of eastern European history and Holocaust studies, as well as those
Melbourne | editor / Sheila / with an interest in refugee and migration issues, will appreciate this overview.
Fitzpatrick / University of

The first genocide of the twentieth century, though not well known, was committed by
Germans between 1904–1907 in the country we know today as Namibia, where they
exterminated hundreds of Herero and Nama people and subjected the surviving
indigenous men, women, and children to forced labor. The perception of Africans as
subhuman—lacking any kind of civilization, history, or meaningful religion—and the
author / Elizabeth R. / Baer / resulting justification for the violence against them is what author Elizabeth R. Baer
The Genocidal Gaze Gustavus Adolphus College in Wayne State 9780814343869 2017-11-20 refers to as the “genocidal gaze,” an attitude that was later perpetuated by the Nazis. In History
University Press The Genocidal Gaze: From German Southwest Africa to the Third Reich, Baer uses the
metaphor of the gaze to trace linkages between the genocide of the Herero and Nama
and that of the victims of the Holocaust. Significantly, Baer also considers the African
gaze of resistance returned by the indigenous people and their leaders upon the German
It was in ancient Greek philosophy where the idea arose that there is a supreme law
before which any civil law created by human societies has to be justified. Since then the
concept of natural law not only remained one of the paradigms of Western civilization
but has shaped the development of international legislation in general. The
Human Rights and Natural Law editor / Walter / Schweidler Academia 2012-01-01 understanding of the significance of the idea of a natural law for the philosophical Philosophy
presuppositions of our current concepts of human rights and human dignity is still
dependent on the analysis of its relation to the different cultures and civilizations on

The book provides an introduction to six fundamental philosophy concepts - philosophy,

language, knowledge, truth, being and good. At the same time, it aims to initiate its
readers into the process of philosophical thinking. The book is addressed to students and
Key Concepts in Philosophy author / Rafael / Ferber Academia 2015-01-01 laypeople, but also contains new ideas for specialists. It is written in a clear, accessible Philosophy
and engaging style, and its author "shares, and manages to convey, something of Plato's
own commitment to philosophy" (Phronesis).

Dostoevsky beyond Dostoevsky is a collection of essays with a broad interdisciplinary

focus. It includes contributions by leading Dostoevsky scholars, social scientists, scholars
editor / Svetlana / of religion and philosophy. The volume considers aesthetics, philosophy, theology, and
Evdokimova / Brown science of the 19th century Russia and the West that might have informed Dostoevsky’s
Dostoevsky beyond Dostoevsky University | editor / Academic 9781644690291 2016-09-15 thought and art. Issues such as evolutionary theory and literature, science and society,
Studies Press scientific and theological components of comparative intellectual history, and aesthetic
Vladimir / Golstein / Brown debates of the nineteenth century Russia form the core of the intellectual framework of
University this book. Dostoevsky’s oeuvre with its wide-ranging interests and engagement with
philosophical, religious, political, economic, and scientific discourses of his time emerges
as a particularly important case for the study of cross-fertilization among disciplines.

A new, “unexpected” generation of Jews made an appearance in Poland following the fall
of the communist regime. Once home to the greatest Jewish community in the world and
then site of one of the biggest tragedies in Jewish history, today Poland is experiencing
author / Katka / Reszke / Academic what some have called a “renaissance of Jewish culture.” Simultaneously, more and more
Return of the Jew 9781644690420 2013-02-15 Poles are discovering their Jewish roots and beginning to seek forms of Jewish affiliation. Sociology
Brandeis University Studies Press Can there be “authentic” Jewish life in Poland after fifty years of oppression? "Return of
the Jew" offers the first in-depth study of the third post-Holocaust generation of Jews in
Poland. It provides a revealing account of the experience of being or rather becoming
Jewish vis-a-vis uniquely compelling circumstances.

Even before Japan joined Nazi Germany in the Axis Alliance, its leaders clarified to the
Nazi regime that the attitude of the Japanese government and people to the Jews was
totally different than that of the official German position and that it had no intention of
Under the Shadow of the Rising author / Meron / Medzini / Academic taking measures against the Jews that could be seen as racially motivated. During World
9781644690246 2016-10-15 War II some 40,000 Jews found themselves under Japanese occupation in Manchuria, History
Sun Hebrew University Studies Press China and countries of South East Asia. Virtually all of them survived the war, unlike their
brethren in Europe. This book traces the evolution of Japan's policy towards the Jews
from the beginning of the 20th century, the existence of anti-Semitism in Japan, and why
Japan ignored repeated Nazi demands to become involved in the "final solution."
In this book Silicon Valley expert Peter Ester describes how these 'schools of startup
entrepreneurship' operate and how they empower startups. He interviewed over twenty
Silicon Valley accelerators. They are analyzed in terms of mission, selection policy,
technology focus, target groups, program features, funding, mentoring and training, and
Amsterdam startup showcases.
Accelerators in Silicon Valley author / Peter / Ester 2017-09-12 Management & Business
University Press What can Europe and other regions and countries learn from how Silicon Valley
accelerators help startups to become successful companies? This book gives the answer.
Accelerators in Silicon Valley is a book for entrepreneurs, startup founders, policymakers,
practitioners, scholars, and students who share a fascination for building the new startup

Through a rigorous quantitative/qualitative discourse analysis - never before undertaken

in relation to online fanfiction and its reception - Fanfiction and the Author demonstrates
how fanfic relating to Sherlock, Game of Thrones and Supernatural works to change and
consolidate the discourses of masculinity, authority, and authorship created through
these TV texts. As a result, this book innovatively explores how fanfic - the unauthorized
Amsterdam creative (re)writing of media fans - alters the discursive formations of popular culture.
Fanfiction and the Author author / Judith / Fathallah 2017-01-08 Media & Communications
University Press This, the first large-scale study of fanfic to employ an approach attentive to the sites,
receptions, and fan rejections of fanfic, demonstrates that fanfic often legitimates itself
through traditional notions of authorship. However, in its explicit discussion and
deconstruction of the author figure, fan culture is also beginning to contest those
traditional discourses of authority upon which it has depended, paving the way for new
kinds of writing that challenge the authority of media professionals.

Homer's stories of Troy are part of the foundations of Western culture. What's less well
known is that they also inspired Ottoman-Turkish cultural traditions. Yet even with all the
historical and archaeological research into Homer and Troy, most scholars today rely
Homer, Troy and the Turks author / Günay / Uslu Amsterdam 2017-10-16 heavily on Western sources, giving Ottoman work in the field short shrift. This book helps
University Press right that balance, exploring Ottoman-Turkish involvement and interest in the subject
between 1870, when Heinrich Schliemann began his excavations in search of Troy on
Ottoman soil, and the battle of Gallipoli in 1915, which gave the Turks their own version
of the heroic epic of Troy.

This book presents an unforgettable up-close account of the effects of World War II and
the subsequent American occupation on Oita prefecture, through firsthand accounts
from more than forty Japanese men and women who lived there. The interviewees
Japanese Reflections on World include students, housewives, nurses, midwives, teachers, journalists, soldiers, sailors,
War II and the American author / Edgar A. / Porter Amsterdam 2007-01-01 Kamikaze pilots, and munitions factory workers. Their stories range from early, spirited
Occupation University Press support for the war through the devastating losses of friends and family members to air
raids and into periods of hunger and fear of the American occupiers. The personal
accounts are buttressed by archival materials; the result is an unprecedented picture of
the war as experienced in a single region of Japan.
This book brings together a roster of prominent contributors to present a strategic
editor / Frederic / Volpi / interactionist perspective on the study of contentious politics in the Middle East in
School of International response to the Arab uprisings. The common thread among the contributions is an
Relations, University of St interest in the micro-level interactions between various strategic players, including not
Microfoundations of the Arab Andrews UK | editor / James Amsterdam 9789048536160 2017-05-10 only the mobilisation of protestors during the uprisings but also the responses of
Political Science
Uprisings M. / Jasper / Graduate University Press regimes. The book also examines short to medium-term adaptations of the regimes and
the collective action of opponents in the post-uprisings period, as well as the subsequent
Center, The City University of trajectories of the protesters themselves in the face of new forms of authoritarianism or
New York, USA democratisation.

Orchestrating Public Opinion for the first time examines in detail music's persuasive role
in political ads for US presidential campaigns.
Studies on political ads tend to consider music something of an afterthought, innocuous
accompaniment for a narrator. In this book Christiansen takes an opposing view, arguing
that music is crucial to an ad's construction. In some cases, it is even determinative: that
Amsterdam is, all other elements-images, voiceover, sound effects, written text, and so on-can be
Orchestrating Public Opinion author / Paul / Christiansen 2017-12-21 circumscribed by and interpreted in relation to music. This book presents for the first Music
University Press time correspondence between campaign officials and ad agencies, storyboards, and
music scores related to ads such as Eisenhower's "I Like Ike" or Reagan's "Morning in

Engaging music seriously through detailed musical analysis as well as exploring music's
relation to visual and textual elements in ads, Orchestrating brings together disparate
approaches toward understanding the surreptitious rhetoric of music.

This collection includes eighteen essays that introduce the concept of unpopular culture
and explore its critical possibilities and ramifications from a large variety of perspectives.
Proposing a third term that operates beyond the dichotomy of high culture and mass
culture and yet offers a fresh approach to both, these essays address a multitude of
editor / Martin / Luthe | Amsterdam different topics that can all be classified as unpopular culture. From David Foster Wallace
Unpopular Culture 2016-10-14 and Ernest Hemingway to Zane Grey and fan fiction, from Christian Rock and Country to Media & Communications
editor / Sascha / Pohlmann University Press Black Metal, from Steven Seagal to Genesis (Breyer) P-Orridge, fromThe Simpsons to The
Real Housewives, from natural disasters to 9/11, from thesis hatements to professional
sports, these essays find the unpopular across media and genres, and they analyze the
politics and the aesthetics of an unpopular culture (and the unpopular in culture) that
has not been duly recognized as such by the theories and methods of cultural studies.

As sites of turbulence and transformation, cities are machines for forgetting. And yet
archiving and exhibiting the presence of the past remains a key cultural, political and
economic activity in many urban environments. This book takes the example of Berlin
over the past four decades to chart how the memory culture of the city has responded to
Urban Memory and Visual Amsterdam the challenges and transformations thrown up by the changing political, social and
author / Simon / Ward 2016-06-13 Arts
Culture in Berlin University Press economic organization of the built environment. The book focuses on the visual culture
of the city (architecture, memorials, photography and film). It argues that the recovery of
the experience of time is central to the practices of an emergent memory culture in a
contemporary 'overexposed' city, whose spatial and temporal boundaries have long since
This edited collection of original essays situates itself at the cutting edge of media theory,
exploring imaginary worlds as forms of knowledge and forms of life. By exploring the
concept of worlds from theoretical and practical perspectives, this book puts forward a
unique and original starting point for rethinking media theory, going beyond the notion
of communication and understanding the role of worlds in interaction rituals as well as
the building of values and meaning in contemporary society.
In recent years, due to digital distribution and the integration of social networking and
entertainment content, viewing strategies and narrative forms are undergoing important
changes. Notably, we are faced with the rise of multi- platform conglomerates, in which
Amsterdam film, television, Internet, graphic novels, toys, and virtual environments create
World Building editor / Marta / Boni 2017-09-13 heterogeneous yet compact universes, recognizable as brands and having a well-defined Media & Communications
University Press semiotic identity. Scholars are looking for new theoretical tools to understand the role of
contemporary new media in these phenomena and the increasingly central place that
viewers hold in exploring, mapping, interpreting and expanding story worlds. On the one
hand, Internet networks are increasingly studied as the environment for the emergence
of forms of consumption through fragments. As Henry Jenkins recently underlined,
media become spreadable (Jenkins, Ford, Green 2013). On the other, the observation of
production practices in the contemporary media sphere shows that, instead of being only
fluid and ephemeral elements, media fragments sometimes converge in persistent and
heterogeneous spaces built from multiple contributions and comparable to worlds.
Media creators don't merely forge stories or characters. Instead, they build worlds:
fictional worlds, character worlds, alternative worlds...

‘Darwin, Tennyson and Their Readers: Explorations in Victorian Literature and Science’ is
an edited collection of essays from leading authorities in the field of Victorian literature
Darwin, Tennyson and Their editor / Valerie / Purton Anthem Press 2013-09-15 and science, including Gillian Beer and George Levine. Darwin, Tennyson, Huxley, Ruskin,
Readers Richard Owen, Meredith, Wilde and other major writers are discussed, as established
scholars in this area explore the interaction between Victorian literary and scientific
figures which helped build the intellectual climate of twenty-first century debates.

‘Reading by Numbers: Recalibrating the Literary Field’ is the first book to use digital
humanities strategies to integrate the scope and methods of book and publishing history
with issues and debates in literary studies. By mining, visualising and modelling data from
‘AustLit’ – an online bibliography of Australian literature that leads the world in its
comprehensiveness and scope – this study revises established conceptions of Australian
Reading by Numbers author / Katherine / Bode Anthem Press 2012-07-01 literary history, presenting new ways of writing about literature and publishing and a Literature
new direction for digital humanities research. The case studies in this book offer insight
into a wide range of features of the literary field, including trends and cycles in the
gender of novelists, the formation of fictional genres and literary canons, and the
relationship of Australian literature to other national literatures.
From the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s West German foreign policy underwent
substantial transformations: from bilateral to multilateral, from reactive to proactive. The
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) was an ideal setting for this
author / Petri / evolution, enabling the Federal Republic to take the lead early on in Western
Hakkarainen / Office of the Berghahn preparations for the conference and to play a decisive role in the actual East–West
A State of Peace in Europe 9781789201079 2011-12-01 negotiations leading to the Helsinki Final Act of 1975. Based on extensive original History
President of the Republic of Books research of recently released documents, spanning more than fifteen archives in eight
Finland countries, this study is a substantial contribution to scholarly discussions on the history of
détente, the CSCE and West German foreign policy. The author stresses the importance
of looking beyond the bipolarity of the Cold War decades and emphasizes the
interconnectedness of European integration and European détente.

Drawing on a broad range of archival material from state and SED party sources as well
as Stasi files and individual farm records along with some oral history interviews, this
book provides a thorough investigation of the transformation of the rural sector from a
range of perspectives. Focusing on the region of Bezirk Erfurt, the author examines on
the one hand how East Germans responded to the end of private farming by resisting,
author / George / Last / Berghahn manipulating but also participating in the new system of rural organization. However, he
After the "Socialist Spring" 9781789201086 2009-03-01 History
Crown Commercial Service Books also shows how the regime sought via its representatives to implement its aims with a
combination of compromise and material incentive as well as administrative pressure
and other more draconian measures. The reader thus gains valuable insight into the
processes by which the SED regime attained stability in the 1970s and yet was
increasingly vulnerable to growing popular dissatisfaction and economic stagnation and
decline in the 1980s, leading to its eventual collapse.

Based on previously unexamined historical documents found in archives in Belgium,

England, Israel, the Netherlands, and the United States, this book is the first in English to
tell the story of the formation of one of the world’s main strongholds of diamond
production and trade in Palestine during the 1930s and 1940s. The history of the
author / David / De Vries / Berghahn diamond-cutting industry, characterized by a long-standing Jewish presence, is discussed
Diamonds and War 9781789201178 2010-04-01 as a social history embedded in the international political economy of its times; the History
Tel Aviv University Books genesis of the industry in Palestine is placed on a broad continuum within the geographic
and economic dislocations of Dutch, Belgian, and German diamond-cutting centers. In
providing a micro-historical and interdisciplinary perspective, the story of the diamond
industry in Mandate Palestine proposes a more nuanced picture of the uncritical
approach to the strict boundaries of ethnic-based occupational communities.

Assuming women’s empowerment would accelerate the pace of social change in rural
Nepal, the World Bank urged the Nepali government to undertake a “Gender Activities
Project” within an ongoing long-term water-engineering scheme. The author, an
author / Esther / Hertzog / Berghahn anthropologist specializing in bureaucratic organizations and gender studies, was hired to
Patrons of Women Beit Berl Academic College Books 9781789206418 2011-05-01 monitor the project. Analyzing her own experience as a “development expert,” she Anthropology
demonstrates how the professed goal of “women’s empowerment” is a pretext for
promoting the interests of local elites. She demonstrates how a project intended to
benefit women fails to provide them with any of the promised resources.
Through an examination of election campaign propaganda and various public relations
campaigns, reflecting new electioneering techniques borrowed from the United States,
this work explores how conservative political and economic groups sought to construct
Selling the Economic Miracle author / Mark E. / Spicka / Berghahn 9781789206401 2007-01-01 and sell a political meaning of the Social Market Economy and the Economic Miracle in
Shippensburg University Books West Germany during the 1950s.The political meaning of economics contributed to
conservative electoral success, constructed a new belief in the free market economy
within West German society, and provided legitimacy and political stability for the new
Federal Republic of Germany.

The resettlement of the Negev Bedouin (Israel) has been wrought with controversy since
its inception in the 1960s. Presenting evidence from a two-decade period, the author
addresses how the changes that took place over the past sixty to seventy years have
author / Steven C. / Dinero / Berghahn served the needs and interests of the State rather than those of Bedouin community at
Settling for Less 9781789201093 2010-11-01 large. While town living fostered improvements in social and economic development, Anthropology
Philadelphia University Books numerous unintended consequences jeopardized the success of this planning initiative.
As a result, the Bedouin community endured excessive hardship and rapid change,
abandoning its nomadic lifestyle and traditions in response to the economic, political,
and social pressure from the State—and received very little in return.

As seen in military documents, medical journals, novels, films, television shows, and
memoirs, soldiers’ invisible wounds are not innate cracks in individual psyches that break
under the stress of war. Instead, the generation of weary warriors is caught up in wider
author / Pamela / Moss / social and political networks and institutions—families, activist groups, government
University of Victoria | Berghahn bureaucracies, welfare state programs—mediated through a military hierarchy,
Weary Warriors 9781789201109 2014-06-01 psychiatry rooted in mind-body sciences, and various cultural constructs of masculinity. History
author / Michael J. / Prince / Books This book offers a history of military psychiatry from the American Civil War to the latest
University of Victoria Afghanistan conflict. The authors trace the effects of power and knowledge in relation to
the emotional and psychological trauma that shapes soldiers’ bodies, minds, and souls,
developing an extensive account of the emergence, diagnosis, and treatment of soldiers’
invisible wounds.

Ancient Greek Myth in World Fiction since 1989 explores the diverse ways that
contemporary world fiction has engaged with ancient Greek myth. Whether as a framing
device, or a filter, or via resonances and parallels, Greek myth has proven fruitful for
many writers of fiction since the end of the Cold War. This volume examines the varied
ways that writers from around the world have turned to classical antiquity to articulate
Ancient Greek Myth in World editor / Edith / Hall / King’s Bloomsbury their own contemporary concerns.
9781472579409 2016-06-02 Classics
Fiction since 1989 College London, UK Academic Featuring contributions by an international group of scholars from a number of
disciplines, the volume offers a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary approach to contemporary
literature from around the world. Analysing a range of significant authors and works, not
usually brought together in one place, the book introduces readers to some less-familiar
fiction, while demonstrating the central place that classical literature can claim in the
global literary curriculum of the third millennium.
For biblical authors and readers, law and restoration are central concepts in the Bible,
but they were not always so. To trace out the formation of those biblical concepts as
elements in defensive strategies, Cataldo uses as conversational starting points theories
from Zizek, Foucault and Deleuze, all of whom emphasize relation and difference. This
work argues that the more modern assumption that biblical authors wrote their texts
author / Jeremiah / W. presupposing a central importance for those concepts is backwards. On the contrary, law
Biblical Terror Cataldo / Grand Valley State Bloomsbury 9780567670823 2016-12-01 and restoration were made central only through and after the writing of the biblical texts Theology & Religion
University, USA Academic - in particular, those that were concerned with protecting the community from threats to
its identity as the "remnant". Modern Bible readers, Cataldo argues, must renegotiate
how they understand law and restoration and come to terms with them as concepts that
emerged out of more selfish concerns of a community on the margins of imperial
political power.

In the wake of the protests that toppled regimes across the Middle East in 2011,
Sudanese activists and writers have proudly cited their very own ‘Arab Springs’ of 1964
and 1985, which overthrew the country’s first two military regimes, as evidence of their
role as political pioneers in the region. Whilst some of these claims may be exaggerated,
author / W. J. / Berridge / Sudan was indeed unique in the region at the time in that it witnessed not one but two
Civil Uprisings in Modern Sudan University of Northampton, Bloomsbury 9781472574022 2015-01-29 popular uprisings which successfully uprooted military authoritarianisms. History
Civil Uprisings in Modern Sudan provides the first scholarly book-length history of the
1964 and 1985 uprisings. It explores the uprisings themselves, their legacy and the
contemporary relevance they hold in the context of the current political climate of the
Middle East.

From the silent era through the 1950s, the U.S. Department of Agriculture was the
preeminent government filmmaking organization. In the United States, USDA films were
shown in movie theaters, public and private schools at all educational levels, churches,
libraries and even in open fields. For many Americans in the early 1900s, the USDA films
author / J. Emmett / Winn / Bloomsbury were the first motion pictures they watched. And yet USDA documentaries have received
Documenting Racism Auburn University, USA Academic 9781441172938 2012-04-19 little serious scholarly attention. The lack of serious study is especially concerning since Media & Communications
the films chronicle over half a century of American farm life and agricultural work and, in
so doing, also chronicle the social, cultural, and political changes in the United States at a
crucial time in its development into a global superpower. Focusing specifically on four
key films, Winn explicates the representation of African Americans in these films within
the socio-political context of their times.

Many critics have interpreted Bob Dylan’s lyrics, especially those composed during the
middle to late 1960s, in the contexts of their relation to American folk, blues, and rock ‘n’
roll precedents; their discographical details and concert performances; their social,
Dylan's Autobiography of a author / Louis A. / Renza / Bloomsbury 9781501328541 2017-10-19 political and cultural relevance; and/or their status for discussion as “poems.” Dylan's
Vocation Dartmouth College, USA Academic Autobiography of a Vocation instead focuses on how all of Dylan’s 1965-1967 songs
manifest traces of his ongoing, internal “autobiography” in which he continually declares
and questions his relation to a self-determined existential summons.
Emotional Excess on the Shakespearean Stage demonstrates the links made between
excess of emotion and madness in the early modern period. It argues that the ways in
which today's popular and theatrical cultures judge how much is too much can distort
our understanding of early modern drama and theatre. It argues that permitting the
author / Bridget / Escolme / excesses of the early modern drama onto the contemporary stage might free actors and
Emotional Excess on the Bloomsbury audiences alike from assumptions that in order to engage with the drama of the past, its
Queen Mary College, 9781408179666 2013-01-07 Literature
Shakespearean Stage University of London, UK Academic characters must be just like us.

The book deals with characters in the plays of Shakespeare and his contemporaries who
are sad for too long, or angry to the point of irrationality; people who laugh when they
shouldn't or make their audiences do so; people whose selfhood has broken down into
an excess of fragmentary extremes and who are labelled mad.

Israel and Empire introduces students to the history, literature, and theology of the
Hebrew Bible and texts of early Judaism, enabling them to read these texts through the
lens of postcolonial interpretation. This approach should allow students to recognize not
only how cultural and socio-political forces shaped ancient Israel and the worldviews of
the early Jews but also the impact of imperialism on modern readings of the Bible.
author / Leo G. / Perdue | Bloomsbury
Israel and Empire 780567280510 2015-01-01 Theology & Religion
author / Warren / Carter Academic Perdue and Niang cover a broad sweep of history, from 1300 BCE to 72 CE, including the
late Bronze age, Egyptian imperialism, Israel's entrance into Canaan, the Davidic-
Solomonic Empire, the Assyrian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Persian Empire, the
Greek Empire, the Maccabean Empire, and Roman rule. Additionally the authors show
how earlier examples of imperialism in the Ancient Near East provide a window through
which to see the forces and effects of imperialism in modern history.

The Medicamina Faciei Femineae is a didactic elegy which showcases an early example of
Ovid's trademark combination of a moralistic, instructive form and trivial subject and
meter. Exploring female beauty and cosmetics, with particular emphasis on the concept
author / Marguerite / of ‘cultus', the poem also presents five practical recipes for cosmetic treatments used by
Ovid on Cosmetics Johnson / University of Bloomsbury 9781472506740 2016-01-28 Roman women. Covering both didactic parody and pharmacological reality, this
Newcastle, Australia Academic deceptively complex poem possesses wit, vivacity and importance. The first full study
devoted to this little-researched but multi-faceted poem, Ovid on Cosmetics includes an
in-depth introduction which situates the poem within its literary heritage of didactic and
elegiac poetry, its place in Ovid's oeuvre and its relevance to social values, personal
aesthetics and attitudes to female beauty in Roman society.
A range of mainstream and independent English language film productions of A
Midsummer Night’s Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Twelfth Night, and The Merchant
of Venice take centre stage in Queering the Shakespeare Film. This study critiques the
various representations of the queer – broadly understood as that which is at odds with
what has been deemed to be the normal, the legitimate, and the dominant, particularly –
author / Anthony Guy / but not exclusively – as regards sexual matters, in the Shakespeare film. The movies
Queering the Shakespeare Film Patricia / Concord University, Bloomsbury 9781474237055 2016-11-17 chosen for analysis correspond deliberately with those Shakespeare plays that, as written Literature
USA. Academic texts, have been subjected to a great deal of productive study in a queer context since
the beginnings of queer theory in the early 1990s. Thus the book extends the ongoing
queer discussion of these written texts to their counterpart cinematic texts. Queering the
Shakespeare Film is a much-needed alternative and complementary critical history of the
Shakespeare film genre.

Historian Jane McCabe leads us through a compelling research journey that began with
uncovering the story of her own grandmother, Lorna Peters, one of 130 adolescents
resettled in New Zealand under the scheme between 1908 and 1938. Using records from
the ‘Homes’ in Kalimpong and in-depth interviews with other descendants in New
author / Jane / McCabe / Zealand, she crafts a compelling, evocative, and unsentimental yet moving narrative - one
Race, Tea and Colonial Bloomsbury
University of Otago, New 781474299527 2017-05-04 that not only brings an untold part of imperial history to light, but also transforms History
Resettlement Academic previously broken and hushed family histories into an extraordinary collective story.
This book attends to both the affective dimension of these traumatic familial disruptions,
and to the larger economic and political drivers that saw government and missionary
schemes breaking up Anglo-Indian families - schemes that relied on future forgetting.

Greg Burgess’s important new study explores the short life of the High Commission for
Refugees (Jewish and Other) Coming from Germany, from its creation by the League of
Nations in October 1933 to the resignation of High Commissioner, James G. McDonald, in
December 1935.
The book relates the history of the first stage of refugees from Germany through the
The League of Nations and the author / Greg / Burgess / Bloomsbury 781474276634 2016-10-20 prism of McDonald and the High Commission. It analyses the factors that shaped the
Refugees from Nazi Germany Deakin University, Australia Academic Commission’s formation, the undertakings the Commission embarked upon and its
eventual failure owing to external complications.

The League of Nations and the Refugees from Nazi Germany argues that, in spite of the
Commission’s failure, the refugees from Nazi Germany and the High Commission’s work
mark a turn in conceptions of international humanitarian responsibilities when a state
defies standards of proper behaviour towards its citizens.
The study of war in all periods of prehistory and recorded history has always commanded
the attention of historians, dramatists, poets and artists. The study of peace has,
however, not yet gained a comparable readership, and the subject is attracting an
increasing amount of scholarly research.
author / Roger B. /
War and Peace in the Western Bloomsbury This volume presents the first work of academic research to tackle this imbalance head
Manning / Cleveland State 9781474258722 2016-03-10 History
Political Imagination Academic on. It looks at war and peace through the ages, from the Classical world through to the
University, USA 18th century. It considers the nature and advocacy of war and peace both from an
historical perspective but also a philosophical one, particularly looking at how universal
peace, which began as a personal philosophy, became over the centuries a political
philosophy that underpins much of modern society’s attitudes towards warfare and

Women’s Activism and "Second Wave" Feminism situates late 20th century feminisms
within a global framework of women’s activism. Its chapters, written by leading
international scholars, demonstrate how issues of heterogeneity, transnationalism, and
intersectionality have transformed understandings of historical feminism.

Women’s Activism and "Second editor / Barbara / Molony / Bloomsbury It is no longer possible to imagine that feminism has ever fostered an unproblematic
9781474250535 2017-01-01 sisterhood among women blind to race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, nationality and History
Wave" Feminism Santa Clara University, USA Academic citizenship status. The chapters in this collection modify the "wave" metaphor in some
cases and in others re-periodize it. By studying individual movements, they collectively
address several themes that advance our understandings of the history of feminism, such
as the rejection of "hegemonic" feminism by marginalized feminist groups, transnational
linkages among women’s organizations, transnational flows of ideas and transnational

Bilingual Europe presents to the reader a Europe that for a long time was ‘multilingual’:
besides the vernacular languages Latin played an important role. Even ‘nationalistic’
treatises could be written in Latin. Until deep into the 18th century scientific works were
written in it. It is still an official language of the Roman Catholic Church. But why did
author / Jan / Bloemendal / authors choose for Latin or for their native tongue? In the case of bilingual authors, what
Bilingual Europe Brill 9789004289635 2015-03-13 made them choose either language, and what implications did that have? What History
University of Utrecht interactions existed between the two?

Contributors include Jan Bloemendal, Wiep van Bunge, H. Floris Cohen, Arjan C. van
Dixhoorn, Guillaume van Gemert, Joep T. Leerssen, Ingrid Rowland, Arie Schippers, Eva
Del Soldato, Demmy Verbeke, Françoise Waquet, and Ari H. Wesseling.

"Dionysos, with his following of satyrs and women, was a major theme in a big part of
the figure painted pottery in 500-300 B.C. Athens. As an original testimonial of their time,
author / Cornelia / Isler- the imagery on these vases convey what this god meant to his worshippers. It becomes
Dionysos in Classical Athens Brill 9789004270121 2014-11-14 clear that he was not only appropriate for wine, wine indulgence, ecstasy and theatre. Classics
Kerényi Rather, he was presenton many, both happy and sad, occasions. The vase painters have
emphasized different aspects of Dionysos for their customers inside and outside of
Athens, depending on the political and cultural situation."
Historians have long lamented the lack of contemporary documentary sources for the
Islamic middle ages and the inhibiting effect this has had on our understanding of this
editor / Petra / Sijpesteijn / critically important period. Although the field is richly served by surviving evidence, much
Documents and the History of Leiden University | editor / of it is hard to locate, difficult to access, and philologically intractable. Presenting a
Brill 9789004284340 2014-11-28 mixture of historical studies and new editions of Greek, Arabic and Coptic material from History
the Early Islamic World Alexander T / Schubert / the seventh to the fifteenth century C.E. from Egypt and Palestine, Documents and the
Leiden University History of the Early Islamic World explores the untapped wealth of documentary sources
available in collections around the world and shows how this exciting material can be
used for historical analysis.

Globalization and “Minority” Cultures: The Role of “Minor” Cultural Groups in Shaping
Our Global Future is a collective work which brings to the forefront of global studies new
perspectives on the relationship between globalization and the experiences of cultural
author / Sophie / Croisy / minorities worldwide. These perspectives are crucial to the process of questioning
Globalization and “Minority” contemporary global values and practices, and contribute to current debates in a variety
University of Versailles Saint- Brill 9789004282087 2014-11-14 Political Science
Cultures Quentin-en-Yvelines
of fields (politics, education, culture, the economy, etc.) on the causes, consequences and
future of globalization. The book develops new theories and practices of transculturality
that link different theoretical and cultural spheres (“minor” and “dominant”) in order to
formulate new discussions and propositions about appropriate responses to give in
defiance of the adverse effects of globalization.

In Modern Slavery – A Comparative Study of the Definition of Trafficking in Persons

Dominika Borg Jansson discusses why, despite international anti-trafficking efforts, there
are so few trafficking convictions worldwide. In an easily accessible language, the author
explains why international legal harmonization in this area has been difficult. Making use
author / Dominika / Borg of the concept of legal transplants, Dominika Borg Jansson compares experiences from
Modern Slavery Brill 9789004281073 2014-10-28 Sweden, Poland and Russia offering insights into especially Russian legislation that are Political Science
Jansson / Uppsala University not widely available. The problems concerning the implementation of the international
definition of trafficking are here divided into country-specific challenges and obstacles
attributable to the original source. Jansson also addresses the effectiveness of
criminalization of trafficking and offers suggestions on how future trafficking legislation
might be framed.

Armed conflict, today, has diverged from war as it was known in generations past, and
author / Matthias / from this, has tested the means by which conflicts and violence are regulated. Written
Vanhullebusch / Asian Law with an eye to a region plagued by such conflicts, War and Law in the Islamic World
War and Law in the Islamic examines the origins and roles that two distinct systems of governance – Islamic law and
Center at the KoGuan Law Brill 9789004298248 2015-06-05 Political Science
World international humanitarian law – have played in conflicts past and present. Meant
School of the Shanghai Jiao equally for the scholar or student, this book presents the legal and policy complexities of
Tong University today’s conflicts in a new light through its careful and well-researched investigation of
the past and the present.
In this new Brookings Marshall Paper, Michael O’Hanlon argues that now is the time for
Western nations to negotiate a new security architecture for neutral countries in eastern
Europe to stabilize the region and reduce the risks of war with Russia. He believes NATO
author / Michael / Brookings expansion has gone far enough. The core concept of this new security architecture would
be one of permanent neutrality. The countries in question collectively make a broken-up
Beyond NATO O'Hanlon / Brookings Institution 9780815732587 2017-08-15 arc, from Europe’s far north to its south: Finland and Sweden; Ukraine, Moldova, and Political Science
Institution Press Belarus; Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan; and finally Cyprus plus Serbia, as well as
possibly several other Balkan states. Discussion on the new framework should begin
within NATO, followed by deliberation with the neutral countries themselves, and then
formal negotiations with Russia.

author / Carol / Newman /

Trinity College Dublin | Why is there so little industry in Africa?
author / John / Page /
Brookings Institution | Over the past forty years, industry and business interests have moved increasingly from
the developed to the developing world, yet Africa’s share of global manufacturing has
author / John / Rand / fallen from about 3 percent in 1970 to less than 2 percent in 2014. Industry is important
Made in Africa University of Copenhagen | Institution 9780815728177 2016-02-23 to low-income countries. It is good for economic growth, job creation, and poverty
author / Abebe / Shemeles / reduction.
African Development Bank | Press
Made in Africa: Learning to Compete in Industry outlines a new strategy to help Africa
author / Måns / Söderbom / gets its fair share of the global market. Here, case studies and econometric and
University of Gothenburg | qualitative research from Africa, as well as emerging Asia, help the reader understand
author / Finn / Tarp / what drives firm-level competitiveness in low-income countries.
University of Copenhagen

In today’s U.S. defense policy debates, big land wars are out. Drones, cyber weapons,
special forces, and space weapons are in. Accordingly, Pentagon budget cuts have honed
in on the army and ground forces: this, after the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,
author / Michael / Brookings seems like an appealing idea. No one really wants American boots on the ground in
bloody conflicts abroad. But it is not so easy to simply declare an end to messy land wars.
The Future of Land Warfare O'Hanlon / Brookings Institution 9780815726913 2015-08-31 A survey of the world’s trouble spots suggests that land warfare has more of a future Political Science
Institution Press than many now seem to believe. In The Future of Land Warfare, Michael O’Hanlon offers
an analysis of the future of the world’s ground forces.

What reasons do we have to be moral, and are these reasons more compelling than the
editor / Beatrix / reasons we have to pursue non-moral projects? Ever since the Sophists first raised this
Why Be Moral? Himmelmann | editor / De Gruyter 9783110366396 2015-09-25 question, it has been a focal point of debate. Why be Moral? is a collection of new essays Philosophy
Robert B. / Louden on this fundamental philosophical problem, written by an international team of leading
scholars in the field.

The enhancement of autonomy in language education relies heavily on teachers'

empowerment and agency as critical intellectuals and reflective practitioners. However,
Enhancing Autonomy in author / Manuel / Jimenez De Gruyter most teacher education programmes are still based on instrumental views of teacher
9781614511359 2015-03-30 development that undervalue professional experience and expertise. The authors set the Linguistics
Language Education Raya | author / Flávia / Vieira Mouton ground for alternative practices by proposing and illustrating a case-based approach to
language teacher education that values experiential professional learning and expands
competences to promote autonomy in school.
Placing failed humor within the broader category of miscommunication and drawing on a
range of conversational data, this text represents the first comprehensive study of failed
We Are Not Amused author / Nancy / Bell De Gruyter 9781501501586 2015-03-30 humor. It provides a framework for classifying the types of failure that can occur,
Mouton examines the strategies used by both speakers and hearers to avoid and manage failure,
and highlights the crucial role humor plays in social identity and relationship

Relying on internal sources, Wilfried Loth analyses the birth and subsequent
development of the European Union, from the launch of the Council of Europe and the
Schuman Declaration until the Euro crisis and the contested European presidential
election of Jean-Claude Juncker. This book shines a light on the crises of the European
De Gruyter integration, such as the failure of the European Defence Community, De Gaulle`s empty
Building Europe author / Wilfried / Loth Oldenbourg 9783110424812 2015-08-14 chair policy, or the rejection of the European Constitution in France and the Netherlands, History
but also highlights the indubitable successes that are the Franco-German reconciliation,
the establishment of the European common market, and the establishment of an
expanding common currency. What this study accomplishes, for the first time, is to
illuminate the driving forces behind the European integration process and how it
changed European politics and society.

Ten million soldiers died during the First World War. But why, and for what reason? The
The Purpose of the First World De Gruyter Great War is widely seen as a "pointless carnage" (Pope Benedict XV). Was there a point,
editor / Holger / Afflerbach 9783110443486 2015-06-26 at least in the eyes of the political and military decision makers? International specialists History
War Oldenbourg analyse the hopes and expectations of the political and military leaders and try to explain
why the contemporaries thought that they had to fight the Great War.

Chinese merchants have traded with Southeast Asia for centuries, sojourning and
sometimes settling, during their voyages. These ventures have taken place by land and by
sea, over mountains and across deserts, linking China with vast stretches of Southeast
Asia in a broad, mercantile embrace. Chinese Circulations provides an unprecedented
editor / Eric / Tagliacozzo / overview of this trade, its scope, diversity, and complexity. This collection of twenty
Chinese Circulations Cornell University | editor / Duke University 9780822393573 2011-04-08 groundbreaking essays foregrounds the commodities that have linked China and
Wen-Chin / Chang / Press Southeast Asia over the centuries, including fish, jade, metal, textiles, cotton, rice, opium,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan timber, books, and edible birds’ nests. Human labor, the Bible, and the coins used in
regional trade are among the more unexpected commodities considered. In addition to
focusing on a certain time period or geographic area, each of the essays explores a
particular commodity or class of commodities, following its trajectory from production,
through exchange and distribution, to consumption.

Conflicted Antiquities is a rich cultural history of European and Egyptian interest in

ancient Egypt and its material culture, from the early nineteenth century until the mid-
twentieth. Consulting the relevant Arabic archives, Elliott Colla demonstrates that the
emergence of Egyptology—the study of ancient Egypt and its material legacy—was as
author / Elliott / Colla / Duke University consequential for modern Egyptians as it was for Europeans. The values and practices
Conflicted Antiquities Brown University Press 9780822390398 2007-01-01 introduced by the new science of archaeology played a key role in the formation of a new History
colonial regime in Egypt. This fact was not lost on Egyptian nationalists, who challenged
colonial archaeologists with the claim that they were the direct heirs of the Pharaohs,
and therefore the rightful owners and administrators of ancient Egypt’s historical sites
and artifacts. As this dispute developed, nationalists invented the political and expressive
culture of “Pharaonism”—Egypt’s response to Europe’s Egyptomania.
Creativity and Its Discontents is a sharp critique of the intellectual property rights (IPR) –
based creative economy, particularly as it is embraced or ignored in China. Laikwan Pang
argues that the creative economy — in which creativity is an individual asset to be
commodified and protected as property — is an intensification of Western modernity
author / Laikwan / Pang / Duke University and capitalism at odds with key aspects of Chinese culture. Nevertheless, globalization
Creativity and its Discontents Chinese University of Hong 9780822394587 2012-01-06 has compelled China to undertake endeavors involving intellectual property rights. Pang Media & Communications
Kong Press examines China's IPR-compliant industries, as well as its numerous copyright violations.
She describes how China promotes intellectual property rights in projects such as the
development of cultural tourism in the World Heritage city of Lijiang, the transformation
of Hong Kong cinema, and the cultural branding of Beijing. Meanwhile, copyright
infringement proliferates, angering international trade organizations.

Europe (in Theory) is an innovative analysis of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century ideas

about Europe that continue to inform thinking about culture, politics, and identity today.
Drawing on insights from subaltern and postcolonial studies, Roberto M. Dainotto
deconstructs imperialism not from the so-called periphery but from within Europe itself.
author / Roberto M. / Duke University He proposes a genealogy of Eurocentrism that accounts for the way modern theories of
Europe (in theory) Dainotto / Duke University Press 9780822389620 2007-01-01 Europe have marginalized the continent’s own southern region, portraying countries Philosophy
including Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal as irrational, corrupt, and clan-based in
comparison to the rational, civic-minded nations of northern Europe. Dainotto argues
that beginning with Montesquieu’s The Spirit of Laws (1748), Europe not only defined
itself against an “Oriental” other but also against elements within its own borders: its

Marred by political tumult and violent conflict since the early twentieth century, Gaza
has been subject to a multiplicity of rulers. Still not part of a sovereign state, it would
seem too exceptional to be a revealing site for a study of government. Ilana Feldman
proves otherwise. She demonstrates that a focus on the Gaza Strip uncovers a great deal
author / Ilana / Feldman / about how government actually works, not only in that small geographical space but
Governing Gaza George Washington Duke University 9780822389132 2007-01-01 more generally. Gaza’s experience shows how important bureaucracy is for the survival Anthropology
Press of government. Feldman analyzes civil service in Gaza under the British Mandate (1917–
48) and the Egyptian Administration (1948–67). In the process, she sheds light on how
governing authority is produced and reproduced; how government persists, even under
conditions that seem untenable; and how government affects and is affected by the
people and places it governs.

The French philosopher Jacques Rancière has influenced disciplines from history and
philosophy to political theory, literature, art history, and film studies. His research into
nineteenth-century workers’ archives, reflections on political equality, critique of the
editor / Gilbert / Rockhill / traditional division between intellectual and manual labor, and analysis of the place of
Villanova University | Duke University literature, film, and art in modern society have all constituted major contributions to
Jacques Rancière editor / Phillip / Watts / Press 9780822390930 2009-08-03 contemporary thought. In this collection, leading scholars in the fields of philosophy, Philosophy
Columbia University literary theory, and cultural criticism engage Rancière’s work, illuminating its originality,
breadth, and rigor, as well as its place in current debates. They also explore the
relationships between Rancière and the various authors and artists he has analyzed,
ranging from Plato and Aristotle to Flaubert, Rossellini, Auerbach, Bourdieu, and Deleuze.
Lenin Reloaded is a rallying call by some of the world’s leading Marxist intellectuals for
renewed attention to the significance of Vladimir Lenin. The volume’s editors explain that
editor / Sebastian / Budgen | it was Lenin who made Karl Marx’s thought explicitly political, who extended it beyond
editor / Stathis / Kouvelakis / the confines of Europe, who put it into practice. They contend that a focus on Lenin is
University College London | Duke University urgently needed now, when global capitalism appears to be the only game in town, the
Lenin Reloaded 9780822389552 2007-06-01 liberal-democratic system seems to have been settled on as the optimal political Literature
editor / Slavoj / Zizek / Press organization of society, and it has become easier to imagine the end of the world than a
Institute for Social Studies, modest change in the mode of production. Lenin retooled Marx’s thought for specific
Ljubljana, Slovenia historical conditions in 1914, and Lenin Reloaded urges a reinvention of the revolutionary
project for the present. Such a project would be Leninist in its commitment to action
based on truth and its acceptance of the consequences that follow from action.

In What’s Left of the Left, distinguished scholars of European and U.S. politics consider
how center-left political parties have fared since the 1970s. They explore the left’s
editor / James / Cronin / responses to the end of the postwar economic boom, the collapse of the Soviet Union,
Boston College | editor / the erosion of traditional party politics, the expansion of market globalization, and the
George / Ross / University of Duke University shift to a knowledge-based economy. Their comparative studies of center-left politics in
What’s Left of the Left? Montreal | editor / James / Press 9780822394518 2008-08-01 Scandinavia, France, Germany, southern Europe, post–Cold War Central and Eastern Political Science
Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States emphasize differences in the goals of
Shoch / Californa State left political parties and in the political, economic, and demographic contexts in which
University, Sacramento they operate. The contributors identify and investigate the more successful center-left
initiatives, scrutinizing how some conditions facilitated them, while others blocked their
emergence or limited their efficacy.

Women’s Experimental Cinema provides lively introductions to the work of fifteen avant-
garde women filmmakers, some of whom worked as early as the 1950s and many of
whom are still working today. In each essay in this collection, a leading film scholar
considers a single filmmaker, supplying biographical information, analyzing various
editor / Robin / Blatez / Duke University influences on her work, examining the development of her corpus, and interpreting a
Women's Experimental Cinema 9780822392088 2007-10-01 Media & Communications
Mount Holyoke College Press significant number of individual films. The essays rescue the work of critically neglected
but influential women filmmakers for teaching, further study, and, hopefully, restoration
and preservation. Just as importantly, they enrich the understanding of feminism in
cinema and expand the terrain of film history, particularly the history of the American

This volume brings together an international team of scholars to debate Cicero's role in
Edinburgh the narrative of Roman law in the late Republic – a role that has been minimised or
Cicero's Law editor / Paul J. / du Plessis University Press 2016-09-21 overlooked in previous scholarship. This reflects current research that opens a larger and Classics
more complex debate about the nature of law and of the legal profession in the last
century of the Roman Republic.

Little over 200 years ago, a quarter of a century of warfare with an 'outlaw state' brought
the great powers of Europe to their knees. That state was the revolutionary democracy
author / Christopher / Edinburgh of France. Since then, there has been a remarkable transformation in the way democracy
The Rise of Democracy 2015-10-07 Political Science
Hobson / Waseda University University Press is understood and valued – today, it is the non-democractic states that are seen as rogue
regimes. Now, Christopher Hobson explores democracy’s remarkable rise from obscurity
to centre stage in contemporary international relations.
Towards a Feminist Cinematic Ethics develops an account of non-normative ethics that
can be used to think about filmmaking and viewing, using two philosophers—Emmanuel
Levinas and Jean-Luc Nancy, and the work of filmmaker Claire Denis. In an accessible and
Towards a Feminist Cinematic author / Kristin / Hole / Edinburgh 9781474403283 2015-12-11 engaging manner, it offers new readings of Denis’ films, situating them within larger
Media & Communications
Ethics Portland State University University Press feminist, postcolonial and queer debates about identity and difference. Using a
generative methodology, the book works towards a mutually challenging and productive
relationship between cinematic ideas and philosophical concepts.

What is it like to be a young Muslim in America? Many young Americans cherish an

American dream, 'that all men are created equal. And the election of America’s first black
President in 2008 has shown that America has moved forward. Yet since 9/11 Muslim
Americans have faced renewed challenges, with their loyalty and sense of belonging
author / Nahid Afrose / Kabir being questioned. Nahid Kabir takes you on a journey into the ideas, outlooks and
Young American Muslims / University of South Edinburgh 2012-12-05 identity of young Muslims in Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York and Theology & Religion
University Press Virginia. Based on around 400 in-depth interviews with young Muslims, discover the
similarities and differences between ethnic and racial groups such as Iranians, Arab
Americans and African Americans. Find out how they rate President Obama as a national
and world leader, where they stand on the Israeli-Palestine issue and how the media
impacts on them.

In today's seemingly globalized world, but full of rivalry between nations, races, and
religions; confronted with different worldviews, ideologies, values and interests; the
chances of peaceful co-existence seem to be rare. This work however envisages possible
coexistence through a pedagogical approach. Today's global challenges have prompted
Bringing up the Young with author / Emeka Vernantius / the call for global values despite the heterogeneity of humanity. The prospect for such
Ergon 2015-01-01 Sociology
Global Values Ndukaihe values must begin with a kind of 'value-mental-set', aimed at uniting the different kinds
of humanity irrespective of colour, race, language, culture, religion or nationality of the
individual. The route to the "promised Land" calls for human solidarity based on
sustainable justice, partnership and friendliness; which takes cognizance of gender as
well as intergenerational solidarity.

This volume assembles contributions from different academic perspectives (religious and
Islamic studies, literary and theatre studies, theology, sociology and history) on modern
manifestations of martyrdom in the diverse Middle Eastern religious traditions, including
Islam, Christianity, Judaism and the Baha'i-faith. The latter is considered in more detail
Martyrdom in the Modern editor / Sasha / Dehghani | Ergon 2014-01-01 since it is often not included in comparative studies on the monotheistic religions. An
Theology & Religion
Middle East editor / Silvia / Horsch excursus into the farer East composes the contribution on Mahatma Ghandi. The volume
considers central sociological, philosophical and theological problems which lie at the
heart of the phenomenon of martyrdom, the significance of martyrdom in different
conflicts, the competing martyr figures which develop in the course of these conflicts as
well as the accompanying representations in art and ritual.
The Pitt-Rivers Omnibus brings together the definitive essays and lectures of the
influential social anthropologist Julian A. Pitt-Rivers, a corpus of work that has, until now,
remained scattered, untranslated, and unedited. Illuminating the themes and topics that
he engaged throughout his life—including hospitality, grace, the symbolic economy of
reciprocity, kinship, the paradoxes of friendship, ritual logics, the anthropology of dress,
and more—this omnibus brings his reflections to new life.
From Hospitality to Grace author / Julian / Pitt-Rivers HAU Books 2017-11-01 Anthropology
Holding Pitt-Rivers’s diversity of subjects and ethnographic foci in the same gaze, this
book reveals a theoretical unity that ran through his work and highlights his iconic wit
and brilliance. Striking at the heart of anthropological theory, the pieces here explore the
relationship between the mental and the material, between what is thought and what is

Carnival Texts comprises three related dramatic works, all of which have as their point of
departure Russian theorist Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of carnival, a literary style designed
author / James / to subvert dominant assumptions through chaos and humour. Making creative use of
post-Brechtian performance theory, these texts blur the distinction between spectator
Carnival Texts MacDonald / University of Intellect 9781841505008 2011-04-01 and performer in a fascinating exploration of physical, moral, and cultural upheaval in a Arts
Exeter postmodern age. Performance theory is crucial to understanding how performance
affects collective understanding, and this book will be of interest to a broad range of
students of drama and theatre.

Disability studies have long been the domain of medical and pedagogical academics.
However, in recent years, the subject has outgrown its clinical origins. In Freaks of
author / James / History, James MacDonald presents two dramatic explorations of disability within the
Freaks of History MacDonald / University of Intellect 9781783207374 2017-04-11 wider themes of sexuality, gender, foreignness, and the Other. Originally directed by Arts
Exeter Martin Harvey and performed by undergraduate students at the University of Exeter,
Wellclose Square and Unsex Me Here analyze cultural marginalization against the
backdrop of infamous historical events.

How do various forms of comedy – including stand up, satire and film and television –
transform contemporary invocations of nationalism and citizenship in youth cultures?
And how are attitudes about gender, race and sexuality transformed through comedic
performances on social media? The Cultural Set Up of Comedy seeks to answer these
questions by examining comedic performances by Chris Rock and Louis C.K., news
The Cultural Set-up of Comedy author / Julie / Webber Intellect 9781783201457 2013-12-07 parodies like The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report, the role of satire Media & Communications
in the Arab Spring and women’s groundbreaking comedic performances in television and
the film Bridesmaids. Breaking with the usual cultural studies debates over how to
conceptualize youth, the book instead focuses on the comedic cultural and political
scripts that frame them through affective strategies post-9/11.
This ambitious and ground-breaking book examines the linguistic studies produced by
missionaries based on the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America (and particularly
Haida Gwaii) during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Making extensive
use of unpublished archival materials, the author demonstrates that the missionaries
John Benjamins were responsible for introducing many innovative and insightful grammatical analyses.
author / Marcus / Tomalin /
"And he knew our language" Publishing 9789027286833 2011-04-21 Rather than merely adopting Graeco-Roman models, they drew extensively upon studies Linguistics
University of Cambridge of non-European languages, and a careful exploration of their scripture translations
reveal the origins of the Haida sociolect that emerged as a result of the missionary
activity. The complex interactions between the missionaries and anthropologists are also
discussed, and it is shown that the former sometimes anticipated linguistic analyses that
are now incorrectly attributed to the latter.

Does gender condition politicians’ discourse strategies in parliament? This is the question
we try to answer in A Gender-based Approach to Parliamentary Discourse: The
Andalusian Parliament. This book, written by experts in the field of discourse analysis,
editor / Catalina / Fuentes- covers key aspects of political discourse such as gender, identity and verbal and
A Gender-based Approach to Rodríguez / Universidad de John Benjamins nonverbal strategies: intensification, enumerative series, non-literal quotations, pseudo-
Sevilla | editor / Gloria / Publishing 9789027266330 2016-12-01 desemantisation, lexical colloquialisation, emotion, eye contact and time management. It Linguistics
Parliamentary Discourse Álvarez-Benito / Universidad Company provides a large number of examples from a balanced gender parliament, the Andalusian
Parliament, and it focuses mainly on argumentation, since parliamentary discourse is
de Sevilla above all argumentative. This book will prove invaluable to students and teachers in the
field of discourse analysis, and more specifically of political discourse, and will also be
very useful to politicians and anyone interested in communication strategies.

Age-related changes in cognitive and language functions have been extensively

researched over the past half-century. The older adult represents a unique population for
studying cognition and language because of the many challenges that are presented with
investigating this population, including individual differences in education, life
editor / Heather Harris / John Benjamins experiences, health issues, social identity, as well as gender. The purpose of this book is
Cognition, Language and Aging Wright / East Carolina Publishing 9789027267313 2016-03-16 to provide an advanced text that considers these unique challenges and assembles in one Linguistics
University Company source current information regarding (a) language in the aging population and (b) current
theories accounting for age-related changes in language function. A thoughtful and
comprehensive review of current research spanning different disciplines that study aging
will achieve this purpose. Such disciplines include linguistics, psychology, sociolinguistics,
neurosciences, cognitive sciences, and communication sciences.

This edited volume brings together the work of a number of researchers working in the
editor / Jörg-U. / Keßler / framework of Processability Theory (PT), a psycholinguistic theory of second language
Ludwigsburg University of acquisition (SLA) (Pienemann 1998; 2005). The aim of the volume is two-fold: It engages
Education | editor / Anke / John Benjamins with current issues in both theory development and theory application and focuses on
Developing, Modelling and Lenzing / Paderborn Publishing 9789027267191 2016-06-29 theoretical developments within the framework of PT as well as issues related to second
Assessing Second Languages language teaching and assessment. In coordinating approaches to addressing both
University | editor / Company theoretical and applied aspects of SLA, this volume aims at bridging the gap between
Mathias / Liebner / Carl-von- theory and practice. It also reflects the richness of debate within the field of PT-based
Ossietzky Gymnasium Bonn research. The volume is intended for postgraduate students, SLA researchers as well as
language teachers.
This book focuses on learner-computer interactions (LCI) in second language learning
environments drawing largely on sociocultural theories of language development. It
brings together a rich and varied range of theoretical discussions and applications in
order to illustrate the way in which LCI can enrich our comprehension of technology-
editor / Cahterine / Caws / mediated communication, hence enhancing learners’ digital literacy skills. The book is
Language-Learner Computer University of Victoria | editor John Benjamins based on the premise that, in order to fully understand the nature of language and
Publishing 9789027266989 2016-06-14 Linguistics
Interactions / Marie-Josée / Hamel / Company
literacy development in digital spaces, researchers and practitioners in linguistics,
University of Ottawa sciences and engineering need to borrow from each others’ theoretical and practical
toolkits. In light of this premise, themes include such aspects as educational ergonomics,
affordances, complex systems learning, learner personas and corpora, while also
describing such data collecting tools as video screen capture devices, eye-tracking or
intelligent learning tutoring systems.

For many different reasons, speakers borrow words from other languages to fill gaps in
their own lexical inventory. The past ten years have been characterized by a great
editor / Andrea / Calabrese / interest among phonologists in the issue of how the nativization of loanwords occurs.
University of Connecticut, The general feeling is that loanword nativization provides a direct window for observing
Storrs | editor / Leo / John Benjamins how acoustic cues are categorized in terms of the distinctive features relevant to the L1
phonological system as well as for studying L1 phonological processes in action and thus
Loan Phonology Wetzels / Université de Paris Publishing 9789027288967 2009-11-30 to the true synchronic phonology of L1. The collection of essays presented in this volume Linguistics
III-Sorbonne Nouvelle/ LPP, Company provides an overview of the complex issues phonologists face when investigating this
CNRS & VU University phenomenon and, more generally, the ways in which unfamiliar sounds and sound
Amsterdam sequences are adapted to converge with the native language’s sound pattern. This book
is of interest to theoretical phonologists as well as to linguists interested in language
contact phenomena.

This volume aims at contributing to an interpretive approach to writing and its dynamics.
It offers a general scope on the process-product interface by multiplying the points of
view on both the process and the product and their links. The book presents new findings
and perspectives in the study of language and writing, both theoretical and
editor / Georgeta / Cislaru / John Benjamins methodological (e.g. dual process models of writing, pragmatics of writing, linguistic
Writing(s) at the Crossroads CLESTHIA, Université Publishing 9789027268570 2015-08-05 analysis of psycholinguistic units such as bursts of production). It also presents new tools Linguistics
Sorbonne nouvelle Paris 3 Company for a longitudinal approach to the writing steps, key-stroke logging with integrated
linguistic modules, and textometric analysis of written texts. The volume is composed of
five sections that highlight different approaches to writing from the viewpoint of multiple
disciplines: Anthropology, Cognitive Psycholinguistics, Communication Studies, Didactics
(Applied Linguistics), Discourse Analysis, Literacy, Sociolinguistics and Text Genetics.

This book presents an overall presentation and discussion of developments ever since
Islam appeared on the European stage thirteen centuries ago. The events and stories
presented increase the understanding of present debates on, and notions of, Islam and
Muslims in Europe. This book shows that in the course of thirteen centuries the Muslim
A Brief History of Islam in Europe author
/ Maurits / Berger / Leiden as well as Islam have undergone many metamorphoses. The Muslim has entered the
Leiden University University Press 9789087283261 2014-10-01 European stage as a conqueror, antichrist, scholar, benign ruler, corsair, tradesman and History
fellow citizen. The image of Islam has meandered accordingly, as a religion that was
feared as an enemy or embraced as a partner against heretical Christians, despised as an
abomination or admired as a civilization, and studied for missionary, academic, colonial
or security purpose.
This volume explores the production and use of medieval manuscripts that contain
classical Latin texts. Six experts in the field address a range of topics related to these
manuscripts, including how classical texts were disseminated throughout medieval
society, how readers used and interacted with specific texts, and what these books look
Manuscripts of the Latin Classics editor / Erik / Kwakkel / Leiden like from a material standpoint. This collection of essays also considers the value of
9789087283278 2015-04-01 studying classical manuscripts as a distinct group, and demonstrates how such a History
800-1200 Leiden University University Press collective approach can add to our understanding of how classical works functioned in
medieval society. Focusing on the period 800-1200, when classical works played a crucial
role in the teaching of grammar, rhetoric, and dialectics, this volume investigates how
classical Latin texts were copied, used, and circulated in both discrete and shared

Terrorism trials are an exceptional opportunity for better understanding and, hence,
countering terrorism, since they are often the only place where most if not all of the
actors of a terrorist incident meet again, and where the media report and broadcast their
editor / Beatrice / de Graaf / respective accounts. Seeing terrorism trials as a stage where legal instruments are used
Utrecht University | editor / Leiden (and abused) to argue the validity of contested political constructs, this study presents a
Terrorists on Trial Alex P. / Schmid / Leiden University Press 9789087283285 2016-05-01 performative perspective to draw attention to the mechanisms and effects of terrorism Political Science
trials in and outside the courtroom. With a special focus on how the power of these
University performances may in turn shape new narratives of justice and/or injustice, it offers vital
insights into terrorism trials directed involving different types of terrorism suspects, from
left-wing to ethno-nationalist and jihadist terrorists, in Spain, Russia, Germany, the
Netherlands, and the US.

This monograph presents an in-depth analysis of Belgium’s monetary and financial

history during the Second World War. Exploring Belgium’s financial and business links
with Germany, France, The Netherlands, Great Britain, the United States, and the Grand
Duchy of Luxembourg, the study focuses on the roles played by the Central Bank and
private bankers in Brussels, by the Belgian government in exile in London, and by the
A Small Nation in the Turmoil of author / Herman / Van der Leuven Belgian minister plenipotentiary in New York. Among the subjects arising are: German
2009-08-05 History
the Second World War Wee / KU Leuven University Press attempts to plunder Belgium and Belgian resistance strategies; the peripeteia of the
Belgian gold reserve; the role of the Belgian Congo; Belgium’s participation in the
discussions leading up to the Bretton Woods conference; and the negotiations for
creating a Customs Union, blueprint for the 1958 Treaty of Rome. The final part of the
book analyzes the famous monetary reform devised by Belgian Minister of Finance
Camille Gutt at the liberation of the country in September 1944.

Through a careful survey of several significant Platonic texts, mainly focussing on the

nature of knowledge, Essays on Plato’s Epistemology offers the reader a fresh and
promising approach to Plato’s philosophy as a whole. From the very earliest reception of
Plato’s philosophy, there has been a conflict between a dogmatic and a sceptical
author / Franco / interpretation of his work and thought. Moreover, the two sides are often associated,
Essays on Plato’s Epistemology Trabattoni / University of Leuven 2016-03-21 respectively, with a metaphysical and an anti-metaphysical approach. This book, Philosophy
University Press continuing a line of thought that is nowadays strongly present in the secondary
literature, maintains that a third way of thinking is required. Against the widespread view
that an anti-dogmatic philosophy must go together with an anti-metaphysical stance,
Trabattoni shows that for Plato, on the contrary, a sober and reasonable assessment of
both the powers and limits of human reason relies on a proper metaphysical outlook.
Since the 1970s the feminization thesis has become a powerful trope in the rewriting of
the social history of Christendom. However, this ‘thesis' has triggered some vehement
debates, given that men have continued to dominate the churches, which have reacted
to the association of religion and femininity by explicitly focusing their appeal to men.
The authors critically reflect upon the use of concepts like feminization and
Gender and Christianity in editor / Patrick / Pasture / Leuven masculinization in relation to Christianity. By presenting case studies that adopt different
2012-07-13 Theology & Religion
Modern Europe KU Leuven University Press gendered approaches regarding Christian, mainly Catholic discourses and practices, they
capture multiple ‘feminizations' and ‘masculinizations' in Europe during the 19th and
20th centuries. In particular, it becomes clear that the idea that Christianity took on
‘charicteristically feminine' values and practices cannot withstand the conclusion that
what is considered ‘manly' or ‘feminine' depends on time, place, and context, and on the
reasons why gendered metaphors are used.

Innovative research of 'Islam at work' in geographical and social contexts. 'Modern

Islamic Thinking and Activism' presents a series of scholarly papers in relation to Islamic
thinking, activism, and politics in both the West and the Middle East. The reader will
apprehend that Islam is not the monolithic religion so often depicted in the media or
Modern Islamic Thinking and editor / Erkan / Toguslu / KU Leuven (earlier) in the academic world. The Islamic world is more than a uniform civilization with
2014-05-22 Sociology
Activism Leuven University Press a set of petrified religious prescriptions and an outdated view on political and social
organization. The contributions show the dynamics of 'Islam at work' in different
geographical and social contexts. By treating the working of Islamic thinking and of
Islamic activism on a practical level, 'Modern Islamic Thinking and Activism' includes
innovative research and fills a significant gap in existing work.

How to understand Europe’s post-migrant Islam on the one hand and indigenous, anti-
Islamic movements on the other? What impact will religion have on the European secular
world and its regulation? How do social and economic transitions on a transnational scale
challenge ethnic and religious identifications? These questions are at the very heart of
the debate on multiculturalism in present-day Europe. Through the lens of post-migrant
New Multicultural Identities in editor / Erkan / Toguslu / KU Leuven 2014-01-30 societies, manifestations of identity appear in pluralized and deterritorialized forms. This
Europe Leuven University Press calls into question the nature of boundaries between, as well as within various ethnic-
religious groups. Although the contributions in this volume focus on Islam, attention is
also paid to Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism. The authors present empirical data from
cases in Turkey, Germany, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Poland, Norway, Sweden
and Belgium, and sharpen the perspectives on the religious-ethnic manifestations of
identity in 21st-century Europe.

Plutarch of Chaeronea was by no means an armchair philosopher. He believed in the

necessity for a philosopher to affect the lives of his fellow citizens. That urge inspired
many of his writings to meet what he considered people's true needs. Although these
writings on practical ethics illustrate in various ways Plutarch's authorial talents and raise
many challenging questions (regarding their overall structure, content, purpose, and
Virtues for the People editor / Geert / Roskam / KU Leuven 2011-05-06 underlying philosophical and social presuppositions), they have attracted only limited
Leuven University Press scholarly attention.Virtues for the People’s collected essays deal with these questions
from different perspectives and throw a new light upon this multifaceted domain of
Plutarch's thinking and writing. Special points of interest are the concept of ‘popular
philosophy' itself and its implications, its dependence on a more theoretical philosophical
background, and the importance of moral progress, the therapy of wickedness, and the
common experiences of everyday life.
This study examines the intersection of private and public spheres through the
representation of memory in contemporary poetry by Irish women. Collins explores how
Contemporary Irish Women author / Lucy / Collins / Liverpool memory shapes creativity in the work of well-known poets such as Eavan Boland, Eiléan
9781781384695 2015-09-14 Ní Chuilleanáin and Medbh McGuckian as well as in that of an exciting group of younger Literature
Poets University College Dublin University Press poets. This book analyses, for the first time, the complex responses to the past recorded
by contemporary women poets in Ireland and the implications these have for the
concept of a national tradition.

Disabled Bodies in Early Modern Spanish Literature examines the concepts and role of
women in selected Spanish discourses and literary texts from the late fifteenth to
seventeenth centuries from the perspective of feminist disability theories. It explores a
wide range of Spanish medical, regulatory and moral discourses, illustrating how such
author / Encarnación / texts inherit, reproduce and propagate an amalgam of Western traditional concepts of
Disabled Bodies in Early Modern Liverpool
Juárez-Almendros / 9781786948441 2017-12-31 female embodiment. It goes on to examine concrete representations of deviant female Literature
Spanish Literature University Press characters, focusing on the figures of syphilitic prostitutes and physically decayed aged
University of Notre Dame
women in literary texts such as Celestina, Lozana andaluza and selected works by
Cervantes and Quevedo. Finally, an analysis of the personal testimony of Teresa de Avila,
a nun suffering neurological disorders, complements the discussion of early modern
women’s disability.

The world-famous French singer Édith Piaf (1915-63) was never just a singer. Dozens of
biographies of her, of variable quality, have seldom got beyond the well known and
usually contested ‘facts’ of her life. This book suggests new ways of understanding her. A
‘cultural history’ of Piaf means exploring her cultural, social and political significance as a
author / David / Looseley / Liverpool national and international icon, looking at her shifting meanings over time, at home and
Édith Piaf 781781384251 2015-10-28 abroad. How did she become a star and a myth? What did she come to mean in life and History
University of Leeds University Press in death? At the centenary of her birth and more than fifty years after her passing, why
do we still remember her work and commemorate her through the work of others, from
Claude Nougaro and Elton John to Ben Harper and Zaz, as well as in films, musicals,
documentaries and tribute acts around the world? What does she mean today?
The book proposes the notion of an imagined Piaf.

The fifteen essays collected in Hard Reading argue that science fiction has its own
internal rhetoric, relying on devices such as neologism, dialogism, semantic shifts, the use
of unreliable narrators. It is a “high-information” genre which does not follow the
Flaubertian ideal of le mot juste, “the right word”, preferring le mot imprévisible, “the
unpredictable word”. Science fiction derives much of its energy from engagement with
author / Tom / Shippey / vital intellectual issues in the “soft sciences”, especially history, anthropology, the study
Hard Reading Professor Emeritus Saint Liverpool 9781781384398 2016-02-23 of different cultures, with a strong bearing on politics. Both the rhetoric and the issues Literature
Louis University University Press deserve to be taken much more seriously than they have been in academia, and in the
wider world.

Hard Reading is also a memoir of what it was like to be a committed fan, from teenage
years, and also an academic struggling to find a place, at a time when a declared interest
in science fiction and fantasy was the kiss of death for a career in the humanities.
Prominent citizens in nineteenth-century England believed themselves to be living in a
time of unstoppable progress. Yet running just beneath Victorian triumphalism were
strong undercurrents of chaos and uncertainty. Richard Walker plumbs the depths of
Labyrinths of Deceit author / Richard J. / Walker Liverpool 2007-01-01 those currents in order to present an alternative history of nineteenth-century society.
University Press Mining literary and philosophical works of the period, Walker explores the crisis of
identity that beset nineteenth-century thinkers and how that crisis revealed itself in
portrayals of addiction, split personalities, and religious mania. Victorian England will
never look the same.

A fresh anthropological look at a central but neglected topic: the profound changes in
rural life throughout Western Europe today. As locals leave for jobs in cities they are
replaced by neo-hippies, lifestyle-seekers, eco-activists, and labour migrants from beyond
the EU.

With detailed ethnographic examples, contributors analyse new modes of living rurally
editor / Jeremy / Manchester and emerging forms of social organisation. As incomers’ dreams come up against
Alternative countrysides MacClancy / Oxford Brookes University 2015-07-01 residents’ realities, they detail the clashes and the cooperations between old and new Anthropology
University Press residents. They make us rethink the rural/urban divide, investigate regionalists’
politicisation of rural life and heritage, and reveal how locals use EU monies to prop up or
challenge existing hierarchies. They expose the consequences of and reactions to grand
EU-restructuring policies, which at times threaten to turn the countryside into a
manicured playground for escapee urbanites.
This book will appeal to anyone seriously interested in the realities of rural life.

The Colonial Medical Service was the personnel section of the Colonial Service,
employing the doctors who tended to the health of both the colonial staff and the local
populations of the British Empire. Although the Service represented the pinnacle of an
elite government agency, its reach in practice stretched far beyond the state, with the
members of the African service collaborating, formally and informally, with a range of
Beyond the state author / Anna / Greenwood / Manchester 2015-12-01 other non-governmental groups. This collection of essays on the Colonial Medical Service
University of Nottingham University Press of Africa illustrates the diversity and active collaborations to be found in the untidy
reality of government medical provision. The authors present important case studies
covering former British colonial dependencies in Africa, including Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria,
Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar. They reveal many new insights into the enactments of
colonial policy and the ways in which colonial doctors negotiated the day-to-day reality
during the height of imperial rule in Africa.
editor / Budd L. / Hall / Knowledge, democracy and action is based on a three-year international comparative
University of Victoria | editor study undertaken by the Global Alliance on Community Based Research and supported
/ Edward T. / Jackson / by the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher
Education. It provides evidence from twenty case studies around the world on the power
Carleton University | editor / and potential of community and higher education based scholars and activists working
Knowledge, democracy and Rajesh / Tandon / PRIA | Manchester 2013-11-30 together in the co-creation of transformative knowledge. The book draws on the
Political Science
action editor / Jean-Marc / Fontan / University Press experience and insights of thirty-seven scholars and practitioners from the Global South
l'Université du Québec à and North. Opening with a theoretical overview of knowledge, democracy and action, the
book is followed by analytical chapters providing lessons learned and capacity building in
Montréal | editor / Nirmala the north and the south, on the theory and practice of community university research
Lall / Lall / University of partnerships, models of evaluation, approaches to measuring the impact and an agenda
Victoria for future research and policy recommendations.

Renaissance pastoral poetry is gaining new interest for its distinctive imaginative vein, its
varied allusive content, and the theoretical implications of the genre. This is by far the
biggest ever anthology of English Renaissance pastoral poetry, with 277 pieces spanning
editor / Sukanta / two centuries. Spenser, Sidney, Jonson and Drayton are amply represented alongside
Pastoral poetry of the English Chaudhuri / Professor Manchester 2016-04-20 their many contemporaries. There is a wide range of pastoral lyrics, weightier allusive
Renaissance Emeritus at Jadavpur University Press pieces, and translations from classical and vernacular pastoral poetry; also, more
University, Kolkata unusually, pastoral ballads and poems set in all kinds of prose works. Each piece has been
freshly edited from the original sources, with full apparatus and commentary. This book
will be complemented by a second volume, to be published in 2017, which includes a
book-length introduction, textual notes and analytic indices.

This book shows that William Shakespeare was a more personal writer than any of his
innumerable commentators have realised. It asserts that numerous characters and
events were drawn from the author's life, and puts faces to the names of Jaques,
Touchstone, Feste, Jessica, the 'Dark Lady' and others.
author / Steve / Sohmer / Manchester
Reading Shakespeare's mind 2017-01-03 Literature
Lincoln College, Oxford University Press Steven Sohmer explores aspects of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets that have been
hitherto overlooked or misinterpreted in an effort to better understand the man and his
work. If you've ever wondered who Pigrogromitus was, or why Jaques spies on
Touchstone and Audrey - or what the famous riddle M.O.A.I. stands for - this is the book
for you.

The decline in birth rates in advanced economies is not a new phenomenon. Between
1880 and 1900 birth rates dropped from 5.5 children per woman to 2.5 children per
woman. A further decline from 2.5 to 1.5 or even 1.3 children took much longer – about
80 years. One of the most apparent causes is, however, widely ignored. Beatrice
author / Beatrice / Scheubel tries to fill this gap. According to the so-called Social Security Hypothesis,
insurance against the risks of life (i.e. poverty for all sorts of reasons, in particular, age)
Bismarck's Institutions Scheubel / European Central Mohr Siebeck 9783161524974 2013-01-01 by the state crowds out all types of private insurance. One of the (vast) different Economics
Bank possibilities to privately insure oneself against poverty is having children. That is why it
should not be surprising to witness falling birth rates given the sheer magnitude of the
welfare state. In this book, Beatrice Scheubel analyses the effects of the first
comprehensive system of social security, which was introduced between 1883 and 1891
in Germany.
editor / Max / Albert /
Gießen. Fachbereich
Wirtschaftswissenschaften |
editor / Stefan / Voigt / Is science a 'market of ideas'? Not according to the economics of science. Science is
Universität Hamburg. competitive, but scientific competition is not market competition. Nor is scientific
Fakultät für competition the same as competition between universities. Scientific competition is, first
Rechtswissenschaft. Institute of all, competition between individual scientists. Current science policies shift the
Scientific Competition of Law and Economics | Mohr Siebeck 783161560378 2008-01-01 boundary between scientific competition, where scientists provide public goods in the Economics
hope to acquire status among their peers, and market competition in science, where the
editor / Dieter / Schmidtchen results of research are private property protected by patents or other means, in favor of
/ Center for the Study of Law the market. However, the economic ring of the political slogans cannot conceal a serious
and Economics lack of understanding of scientific competition behind the reform proposals.
(Forschungsstelle zur
ökonomischen Analyse des
Rechts), Universität des

Exiles, lost souls, remnants of a dying race ... The fate of the First Nations peoples of Van
Diemens Land is one of the most infamous chapters in Australian history. The men,
women and children exiled to Flinders Island in the 1830s and 40s have often been
written about, but never allowed to speak for themselves. This book aims to change that.
Monash Documents penned by the exiles during their 15 years at the settlement Wybalenna offer
"Me Write Myself" author / Leonie / Stevens / University 9781925523867 2017-09-01 a compelling counter-narrative to traditional representations of a hopeless, dispossessed,
Monash University illiterate people's final days. The exiles did not see themselves as prisoners, but as a Free
Publishing People. Seen through their own writing, the community at Wybalenna was vibrant,
complex and evolving. Rather than a depressed people simply waiting for death, their
own words reveal a politically astute community engaged in a 15 year campaign for their
own freedom. This book tells a compelling story that will profoundly affect
understandings of Tasmanian and Australian history.

This is the first book to consider the experiences of women survivors of the 1965 anti-
communist violence in the majority Christian region of Eastern Indonesia. So far, most
studies of the 1965 violence have focused on the Muslim majority population of Java and
editor / Mery / Kolimon / the Hindu majority population of Bali. Forbidden Memories presents stories from across
Artha Wacana Christian Monash the regions of Sumba, Sabu, Alor, Kupang and other parts of West Timor of women who
Forbidden Memories University | editor / Liliya / University 9781925523843 2015-10-01 were imprisoned and tortured or whose husbands were murdered. The book comprises a History
Wetangterah / Sekolah Publishing critical examination of the role of the Protestant Church at the time of the violence and,
in its aftermath, the ongoing sanctions and political purges against those considered to
Tinggi Agama Negeri be supporters of the Indonesian Communist Party. The writers argue that religious and
state institutions failed to care for this vulnerable community in the face of state
terrorism and a culture of fear.
For more than 30 years, certain governments, individuals and organisations have actively
promoted computers as learning technologies. Enormous amounts of money and time
have been spent promoting specific kinds of educational computing, and policies by
which these might be implemented. The view that computers can enhance student
Monash learning has gained broad acceptance. The computers should not automatically be
How the Computer went to author / Denise / Beale / University 9781925523850 2014-09-01 associated with success in schools. The view that all school children will benefit equally
Information Science
School Monash University Publishing
from access to computers overlooks inequities associated with differing patterns of use.
How the Computer Went to School gives an account of the origins and development of
the computer industry in the United States and shows how these influenced educational
computing in both the US and Australia. It explores government policy that prioritises the
economic benefits of educational computing for the nation and questions the proper role
of the computer in education more generally.

In Kafka and Wittgenstein, Rebecca Schuman undertakes the first ever book-length
scholarly examination of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language alongside Franz
Kafka’s prose fiction. In groundbreaking readings, she argues that although many readers
of Kafka are searching for what his texts mean, in this search we are sorely mistaken.
Kafka and Wittgenstein author / Rebecca / Schuman Northwestern 9780810131507 2015-11-15 Instead, the problems and illusions we portend to uncover, the important questions we
University Press attempt to answer—Is Josef K. guilty? If so, of what? What does Gregor Samsa’s
transformed body mean? Is Land-Surveyor K. a real land surveyor?— themselves
presuppose a bigger delusion: that such questions can be asked in the first place.
Drawing deeply on the entire range of Wittgenstein’s writings, Schuman cannily sheds
new light on the enigmatic Kafka.

Kierkegaard’s psychological thought has always been acknowledged as very rich—

Reinhold Niebuhr hailed him as the greatest psychologist of the soul since Augustine—
and has had a major influence on Heidegger, Sartre, and existential psychoanalysis.
Nevertheless, his accomplishment has not always been fully appreciated, in part because
author / Vincent / it is so scattered across his works. As Vincent McCarthy demonstrates in Kierkegaard as
Kierkegaard as Psychologist McCarthy / Saint Joseph's Northwestern 9780810131323 2015-07-21 Psychologist, Kierkegaard was pursuing “psychology” before there was a formally
University University Press recognized academic field bearing that name, and a coherent thread runs through the so-
called pseudonymous works. McCarthy elucidates often-difficult texts, highlights the rich
psychological dimension of Kierkegaard’s thought, and provides an introduction for the
nonspecialist and a commentary on Kierkegaard’s psychology that will interest both
specialists and nonspecialists, while engaging in rich comparisons with such figures as
Freud and Heidegger.

Kai Evers’s Violent Modernists: The Aesthetics of Destruction in Twentieth-Century

German Literature develops a new understanding of German modernism that moves
author / Kai / Evers / Northwestern beyond the oversimplified dichotomy of an avant-garde prone to aggression on the one
Violent Modernists University of California, 2013-10-31 hand and a modernism opposed to violence on the other. Analyzing works by Robert Literature
Irvine University Press Musil, Franz Kafka, Karl Kraus, Walter Benjamin, Elias Canetti, and others, Evers argues
that these authors are among the most innovative thinkers on violence and its impact on
contemporary concepts of the self, history, and society.
While colonization, protracted war and violent revolution are commonly blamed for
Cambodia's failure to modernize its economy in the twentieth century, Margaret
Slocomb's Economic History of Cambodia in the Twentieth Century questions whether
these circumstances changed the underlying structures and relations of production. She
An Economic History of also asks whether economic factors in some way instigated war and revolution. In
exploring these issues, the book tracks the erratic path taken by Cambodia's political elite
Cambodia in the Twentieth author / Margaret / Slocomb NUS Press 9789971697198 2010-01-01 and colonial rulers to develop a national economy. The book closes around 2005, by Economics
Century which time Cambodia had be reintegrated into both the regional and into the global
economy as a fully-fledged member of the World Trade Organization.
Drawing on resources from the State Archives of Cambodia, this book is relevant to
investors, aid workers and development specialists seeking to understand the shift from
a traditional to a modern market economy.

At the core of this book is a seemingly simple question: What is Asia?

the answer involves an investigation of the multifarious discursive and material

editor / Marc / Frey / constructions of Asia within the region and in the West. It reconstructs regional
University of the Armed constellations, intersections and relations in their national, transnational and global
contexts. Moving far beyond the more well-known Japanese Pan-Asianism of the first
Asianisms Forces, Germany | editor / NUS Press 9789814722711 2015-10-30 half of the twentieth century, the chapters investigate visions of Asia that have sought to Political Science
Nicola / Spakowski / provide common meanings and political projects in efforts to trace, and construct, Asia as
University of Freiburg a united and common space of interaction. By tracing the imagination of civil society
actors throughout Asia, the volume leaves behind state-centered approaches to regional
integration and uncovers the richness and depth of complex identities within a large and
culturally heterogeneous space.

The Masyumi Party, which was active in Indonesia from 1945 to 1960, constitutes the
boldest attempt to date at reconciling Islam and democracy. Masyumi proposed a vision
of society and government which was not bound by a literalist application of Islamic
doctrine but rather inspired by the values of Islam. It set out moderate policies which
author / Remy / Madinier / were tolerant towards other religious communities in Indonesia. Its achievements were
CNRS, France | editor / nonetheless precarious: it was eventually outlawed in 1960. Many of its leaders then
Islam and Politics in Indonesia NUS Press 9789814722568 2015-08-31 History
Jeremy / Desmond / Jean turned to integralism, a radical doctrine echoing certain characteristics of 19th-century
Moulin University Catholic integralism, which contributed to the advent of Muslim neo-fundamentalism in

This book examines the Masyumi Party from its roots in early 20th-century Muslim
reformism to its contemporary legacy.
The Javanese - one of the largest ethnic groups in the Islamic world - were once mostly
'nominal Muslims' with pious believers a minority and the majority seemingly resistant to
Islam's call for greater piety. Over the tumultuous period analyzed here - from the 1930s
to the 2000s - that society has changed profoundly to become an extraordinary example
of the rising religiosity that marks the modern age.
author / M.C. / Ricklefs /
Islamisation and Its Opponents in Australian National NUS Press 9789971696597 2012-07-01 Islamisation and Its Opponents in Java draws on a formidable body of sources, including History
Java interviews, archival documents and a vast range of published material, to situate the
Javanese religious experience. Winner of the Kahin Prize from the Association of Asia
Studies, the study has considerable relevance for much wider contexts. The final section
of the book, which considers the significance of Java's religious history in global contexts,
shows how it exemplifies a profound contest of values in the universal human search for
a better life.

Books on Southeast Asian nationalist movements make very little — if any — mention of
women in their ranks. Biographical studies of politically active women in Southeast Asia
are also rare. This book makes a strong case for the significance of women’s involvement
in nationalist movements.
editor / Susan / Blackburn / The authors show women negotiating their own subjectivity and agency at the
Women in Southeast Asian Monash University | editor / confluence of colonialism, patriarchal traditions, and modern ideals of national and
NUS Press 9789971696870 2013-07-31 History
Nationalist Movements Helen / Ting / Universiti personal emancipation. They also illustrate the constraints imposed on them by wider
Kebangsaan Malaysia social and political structures, and show what it was like to live as a political activist in
different times and places

Fully documented and drawing on wider scholarship, this book will be of interest to
students of Southeast Asian history and politics as well as readers with a particular
interest in women, nationalism and political activism.

editor / Iris / Berger /

University of Albany, SUNY |
editor / Tricia / Hepner / This book examines the emerging trend of requests for expert opinions in asylum
hearings or refugee status determinations. It is the first to explore the role of court-
University of Tennessee | based expertise in relation to African asylum cases and the first to establish a rigorous
African Asylum at a Crossroads editor / Benjamin / Lawrence Ohio University 9780821445181 2015-05-15 analytical framework for interpreting the effects of this new reliance on expert
Political Science
/ University of Arizona | Press testimony. Courts in Western countries and beyond have begun demanding expert
editor / Joanna / Tague / reports tailored to the experience of the individual claimant. As courts increasingly draw
upon such testimony in their deliberations, expertise in matters of asylum and refugee
Denison University | editor / status is emerging as an academic area with its own standards, protocols, and guidelines.
Meredith / Terretta /
University of Ottawa
Throughout history, those arrested for vagrancy have generally been poor men and
women, often young, able-bodied, unemployed, and homeless. Most histories of
vagrancy have focused on the European and American experiences. This is the first book
editor / A.L. / Beier / Illinois to consider global laws, homelessness, and the historical processes they accompanied.
Cast Out State University | editor / Ohio University 2008-11-29 Vagrancy and homelessness are used to examine the migration of labor, social and
Political Science
Paul / Ocobock / University Press governmental responses, poverty through charity, welfare, and prosecution. Cast Out
of Notre Dame includes discussions of the lives of the underclass, strategies for surviving and escaping
poverty, the criminalization of poverty by the state, the rise of welfare and development
programs, the relationship between imperial powers and colonized peoples, and the
struggle to achieve independence after colonial rule.

Since the 1980s, scholars have made the case for examining 19th-century culture,
particularly literary output, through the lens of economics. Bivona and Tromp have
collected contributions that push New Economic Criticism in new directions.

editor / Daniel / Bivona / Spanning the Americas, India, England, and Scotland, this volume adopts a global view of
Arizona State University | Ohio University the cultural effects of economics and exchange. Contributors use the concept of
Culture and Money in the abstraction to show how economic thought and concerns around money permeated all
editor / Marlene / Tromp / 9780821445471 2016-03-03 Literature
Nineteenth Century University of California Santa Press aspects of 19th-century culture, from the language of wills to arguments around the
social purpose of art.
The characteristics of investment and speculation; the symbolic and practical meanings of
paper money to the Victorians; the shifting value of goods, services, and ideas; the
evolving legal conceptualizations of artistic ownership are all essential to understanding
nineteenth-century culture in Britain and beyond.

Late 19th-century Britain experienced an explosion of visual print culture and a

simultaneous rise in literacy across social classes. New printing technologies facilitated
editor / Anna / Jones / quick and cheap dissemination of images—illustrated books, periodicals, cartoons,
University of Central Florida comics, and ephemera—to a mass readership. This Victorian visual turn prefigured the
Drawing on the Victorians | editor / Rebecca / Ohio University 9780821445877 2015-12-15 present-day impact of the Internet on how images are produced and shared, both driving
Press and reflecting the visual culture of its time. From this starting point, Drawing on the
Mitchell / University of Victorians explores the relationship between Victorian graphic texts and today’s
Birmingham steampunk, manga, and other neo-Victorian genres that emulate and reinterpret their
predecessors. Neo-Victorianism is a flourishing worldwide phenomenon, but one whose
relationship with the texts from which it takes its inspiration remains underexplored.

This book illuminates a previously unstudied phenomenon: the large-scale employment

of people of African ancestry as slaves in agricultural oases within the Arabian Peninsula.
The key to understanding this unusual system is the prevalence of malaria within Arabian
Peninsula oases and drainage basins, which rendered agricultural lands in Arabia
Slavery, Agriculture, and Malaria author / Benjamin / Reilly / Ohio University extremely unhealthy for people without genetic or acquired resistance to malarial fevers.
in the Arabian Peninsula Carnegie Mellon University Press 9780821445402 2015-10-29 In this way, Arabian slave agriculture had unexpected similarities to slavery as practiced History
in the Caribbean and Brazil. This book synthesizes a body of historical and ethnographic
data about slave-based agriculture in the Arabian Peninsula. Reilly uses an innovative
methodology to analyze the limited historical record and a multidisciplinary approach to
complicate our understandings of the nature of work in an area that is popularly thought
of solely as desert.
Peter Lang Does austerity aim to reduce the deficits or is it but a pretext to move the state
International backwards, demolishing in the process what remains of social programs? It would now be
Capitalism without Conscience author / Michel / Santi 9783035263169 2014-04-14 a good time recall Keynes who concluded his «General Theory» with a call for the Management & Business
Academic «socialization» of investment – a business too serious to be left in the hands of financial
Publishers markets.

Peter Lang
European Union Foreign Policy International This book engages in a longitudinal analysis of the EU’s participation in and impact on the
author / Simon / Schunz 9783035264098 2014-04-29 global climate change regime, providing a thought-provoking audit of the potential and Political Science
and the Global Climate Regime Academic limits of the EU’s influence as a foreign policy player in a major domain of global affairs.

Peter Lang This book analyses in detail the electoral manifestos and programmes presented by
Euroscepticism, Europhobia and author / Cesareo / International twenty-two parties during the European Parliamentary elections in 2009. The research
Eurocriticism Rodriguez-Aguilera de Prat Academic 9783035263473 2013-11-04 indicates that radical right-wing parties usually have Europhobic impulses, however, Political Science
radical left-wing parties are, in theory, favourable to European integration, but dispute
Publishers the direction currently imposed by the EU authorities.

Peter Lang The book offers an innovating, interdisciplinary analysis of the relation between
Globalisation vs Europeanisation author / Léonce / Bekemans International 9783035263312 2013-10-02 globalisation and Europeanisation from a value-driven and human-centric perspective.
Academic The approach goes beyond the traditional analysis and applies the proposed conceptual
Publishers framework to various interconnected policy fields and issues, crucial to Europe’s future.

This collection of essays provides new insight into the complex realities of labour and
employment market globalisation. The pluridisciplinary and multi-faced understanding of
globalisation is based upon ground research in ten countries from South to North. Its
contextualisation of globalising labour and employment market, perceived as process,
Peter Lang constitutes the originality of the book. Globalisation is understood through a single
Labour and Employment in a International process of both standardisation and differentiation, which also underscores its political
Globalising World editor / Christian / Azaïs Academic 9783035260243 2011-06-17 agenda. The globalising process incorporates trends of convergent and somewhat Sociology
undifferentiated Southern and Northern situations in labour and employment. Strong
Publishers political perspectives thereby emerge to help understand changes in current capitalism
and question the longstanding North to South paradigm. As labour and employment
markets standardise and differentiate, what other problematical threads can be pulled to
strengthen the hypothesis that trends converge within a single globalising process? The
comparative concepts and tools proposed in this volume help to answer these queries.

This book is an invitation to informed and critical participation in the current debate on
the role of digital technology in education and a comprehensive introduction to the most
relevant issues in this debate. After an early wave of enthusiasm about the emancipative
Peter Lang opportunities of the digital «revolution» in education, recent contributions invite caution,
Media and Education in the editor / Matteo / Stocchetti / International
if not scepticism. This collection rejects extreme interpretations and establishes a
Åbo Academy University in 9783653044379 2014-07-28 Media & Communications
Digital Age Vaasa (Finland) Academic conceptual framework for the critical questioning of this role in terms of concepts,
Publishers assessments and subversions. This book offers conceptual tools, ideas and insights for
further research. It also provides motivation and information to foster active
participation in debates and politics and encourages teachers, parents and learners to
take part in the making of the future of our societies.
editor / Louis-Jean / Boë /
Université Grenoble Alpes &
CNRS, France | editor / Joël / This book proposes a detailed picture of the continuities and ruptures between
Fagot / Aix-Marseille Peter Lang
communication in primates and language in humans. It explores a diversity of
University, France | editor / perspectives on the origins of language, including a fine description of vocal
International communication in animals, mainly in monkeys and apes, but also in birds, the study of
Origins of Human Language Pascal / Perrier / Université 9783631738078 2017-12-01 Languages
Academic vocal tract anatomy and cortical control of the vocal productions in monkeys and apes,
Grenoble Alpes & CNRS, the description of combinatory structures and their social and communicative value, and
France | editor / Jean-Luc / Publishers the exploration of the cognitive environment in which language may have emerged from
Schwartz / Université nonhuman primate vocal or gestural communication.
Grenoble Alpes & CNRS,

Peter Lang This book comprehends an intercultural and interdisciplinary framework including
author / Michael / Funk | International current research fields like Roboethics, Hermeneutics of Technologies, Technology
Robotics in Germany and Japan editor / Bernhard / Irrgang Academic 9783653039764 2014-02-11 Assessment, Robotics in Japanese Popular Culture and Music Robots. Contributions on Philosophy
cultural interrelations, technical visions and essays are rounding out the content of this
Publishers book.

While the importance of the role of storytelling can hardly be overestimated, the impact
of digitalization on this role is more ambivalent. In this second book-length publication of
Peter Lang the programme Media and Education in the Digital Age – MEDA, the authors take a
Storytelling and Education in the editor / Matteo / Stocchetti / International critical stance towards the alleged emancipative affordances of digital storytelling in
9783653069761 2016-11-02 education. The collection is inspired by the effort of making professional educators aware Media & Communications
Digital Age University of Helsinki Academic of the risks of the digital turn in educational storytelling but also of the opportunities and
Publishers the conditions for critical engagements. Based on their research and field experience,
fifteen scholars discuss in nine chapters these risks and opportunities, providing ideas,
evidence, references and inspiration to educators and researchers.

Peter Lang Thinking Media Aesthetics investigates the field between media studies and the aesthetic
Thinking Media Aesthetics editor / Liv / Hausken / International 9783653031621 2013-11-15 disciplines. It presents an interdisciplinary program for aesthetic analysis and theoretical
University of Oslo Academic reflection. It stages a conversation around basic concepts in the field, like «medium» and
Publishers «media», and about how we might best go about studying these terms.

Peter Lang Understanding Body Movement is an interdisciplinary guide to empirical research on

editor / Hedda / Lausberg / International nonverbal behaviour. It focuses on tools and procedures to investigate body movement
Understanding Body Movement German Sport University 9783653042085 2013-12-19 Psychology
Academic and gesture and the relation to cognitive, emotional, and interactive processes:
Cologne NEUROGES, ELAN, interrater agreement, etc.
Coming in the wake of intense political and academic debate on the nature and
development of the Arab Uprisings, Gramsci on Tahrir zeroes in on the complex dynamic
of Egypt's revolution and counter-revolution. It shows how a Gramscian understanding of
the revolutionary process provides a powerful instrument for charting the possibilities for
an emancipatory project by the Egyptian subaltern classes.
author / Brecht / De Smet /
Gramsci on Tahrir Pluto Press 9781783713455 2016-01-20 Central to De Smet’s argument is Gramsci’s interpretation of ‘Caesarism’, an occasion in Political Science
Ghent which two evenly matched political opponents reach a potentially catastrophic
stalemate; such an interplay between these forces can only end in mutual destruction. In
applying this to the Egyptian revolution, we see how the Egyptian state was bereft of
strong hegemonies and the people were replete with capable counter-hegemonies. The
current situation in Egypt demonstrates how both national histories and global power
relations enable, define and displace popular resistance and social transformation.

Conflict over information has become a central part of modern politics and culture. The
sites of struggle are numerous, the actors beyond count. Currents of liberation and
exploitation course through the debates about Edward Snowden and surveillance,
Anonymous, search engines and social media.
In Information Politics, Tim Jordan identifies all these issues in relation to a general
Information Politics author / Tim / Jordan / Pluto Press 9781783712960 2015-02-20 understanding of the nature of an information politics that emerged with the rise of
Sussex mass digital cultures and the internet. He locates it within a field of power and rebellion
that is populated by many interwoven social and political conflicts including gender, class
and ecology.
The exploitations both facilitated by, and contested through increases in information
flows; the embedding of information technologies in daily life, and the intersection of
network and control protocols are all examined.

This is the history of the world, from the origins of the Cosmos to the present day, seen
through three major narratives: work, sex and power - the forces that have done more
than any other to shape the world as we see it now.

It expertly explores the foundations of our developing society by showing how these
grand themes have recurred throughout the various phases of global history. From
author / Willie / Thompson / communities of Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers, through feudalism and onto the
Work, Sex and Power Glasgow Caledonian Pluto Press 9781783712724 2015-02-20 capitalistic machine-civilisation of recent centuries, Willie Thompson takes us on a History
journey that is fundamentally opposed to mainstream histories which concentrate on
monarchs, politicians and military commanders.

At the centre of this book lies the interaction between humans and their environment.
By exploring history in this way, it reveals a simple yet powerful materialist
understanding of how we got to where we are today, and opens a door to a different
reading of our world.
*Shortlisted for the BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed Award for Ethnography 2017*

Over a million people in the UK work in call centres, and the phrase has become
synonymous with low-paid and high stress work, dictatorial supervisors and an enforced
dearth of union organisation. However, rarely does the public have access to the true
author / Jamie / Woodcock / picture of what goes on in these institutions.
Working the Phones Pluto Press 9781786800145 2016-11-20 Sociology
LSE For Working the Phones, Jamie Woodcock worked undercover in a call centre to gather
insights into the everyday experiences of call centre workers. He shows how this work
has become emblematic of the shift towards a post-industrial service economy, and all
the issues that this produces, such as the destruction of a unionised work force, isolation
and alienation, loss of agency and, ominously, the proliferation of surveillance and
control which affects mental and physical well being of the workers.

editor / Andrea / Principi /

National Institute of Health In this topical book older people's volunteering is studied in eight European countries at
and Science on Ageing, the structural, macro, meso and micro levels. Overall it highlights how different
Active ageing Policy Press 9781447354765 2014-05-14 Sociology
Ancona, Italy | editor / Per H. interactions between the levels facilitate or hinder older people's inclusion in voluntary
/ Jensen / Aalborg University work and makes policy suggestions for an integrated strategy.
| editor / Giovanni / Lamura

Climate change and poverty offers a timely new perspective on the 'ecosocial'
understanding of the causes, symptoms and solutions to poverty and applies this to
Climate change and poverty author / Tony / Fitzpatrick Policy Press 9781447354758 2014-09-05 recent developments across a number of areas, including fuel poverty, food poverty, Political Science
housing, transport and air pollution.

Participatory democracy has become an unshakable norm and its practice is widespread.
Nowadays, public professionals and citizens regularly encounter each other in
participatory practice to address shared problems. But while the frequency, pace and
diversity of their public encounters has increased, communicating in participatory
author / Koen P.R. / Bartels / practice remains a challenging, fragile and demanding undertaking that often runs astray.
Communicative capacity Bangor University Policy Press 2015-07-29 This unique book explores how citizens and public professionals communicate, why this is Media & Communications
so difficult and what could lead to more productive conversations. Using timely, original
empirical research to make a thorough comparative analysis of cases in the United
Kingdom, the Netherlands and Italy it shows policy makers, practitioners, students and
academics the value of communicative capacity.

This book is about the experiences of students in institutions of higher education from
Social inclusion and higher editor / Tehmina N / Basit | Policy Press 9781447354734 2012-01-25 'non-traditional' backgrounds with contributions from the UK, the USA and Australia
education editor / Sally / Tomlinson which reveal that the issues surrounding the inclusion of 'non-traditional' students are
broadly similar in different countries.

The governance of female drug Challenging popular misconceptions of female users, this book is the first to examine
author / Natasha / Du Rose Policy Press 9781447354727 2015-05-27 how female drug user's identities, and hence their experiences, are shaped by drug Sociology
users policies.
Life After Guns explores how ex-combatants and other post-war youth negotiated a
depleted and difficult social and cultural landscape in the years following Liberia’s
fourteen-year bloody civil war. Unlike others who study child soldiers, Abby Hardgrove’s
author / Abby / Hardgrove / Rutgers ethnography looks at both former combatants and also the youth who were not
Life After Guns 2017-05-05 recruited to fight. She focuses on the structural constraints and household and family Anthropology
University of Oxford University Press organizations that either helped or limited opportunities as these young men grew into
adulthood. Whether young men fought or not, and whether they had cultural capital
before the war or not, family relations mattered a great deal in how they fared after the

One of the most troubling but least studied features of mass political violence is why
author / Douglas / Kammen / mass violence often recurs in the same place over long periods of time. Douglas Kammen
Three Centuries of Conflict in National University of Rutgers 9780813574127 2015-08-20 explores this pattern in Three Centuries of Conflict in East Timor, studying East Timor’s
East Timor Singapore University Press tragic past, and focusing on the small district of Maubara. This book combines an archival
trail and rich oral interviews to reconstruct the history of the leading families of Maubara
from 1712 until 2012.

Over the course of the 19th century a remarkable array of types appeared in Australian
literature: the swagman, the larrikin, the colonial detective, the bushranger, the
currency lass”, the squatter, and more. Some had a powerful influence on the colonies’
developing sense of identity; others were more ephemeral. But all had a role to play in
author / Ken / Gelder / shaping and reflecting the social and economic circumstances of life in the colonies. In
University of Melbourne | Sydney Colonial Australian Fiction: Character Types, Social Formations and the Colonial Economy,
Colonial Australian Fiction 9781743325209 2017-04-07 Literature
author / Rachael / Weaver / University Press Ken Gelder and Rachael Weaver explore the genres in which these characters flourished:
University of Melbourne the squatter novel, the bushranger adventure, colonial detective stories, the swagman’s
yarn, the Australian girl’s romance. Authors as diverse as Catherine Helen Spence, Rosa
Praed, Henry Kingsley, Anthony Trollope, Henry Lawson, Miles Franklin, Barbara Baynton,
Rolf Boldrewood, Mary Fortune and Marcus Clarke were fascinated by colonial character

In this book Jo Littler argues that meritocracy is the key cultural means of legitimation for
contemporary neoliberal culture – and that whilst it promises opportunity, it in fact
creates new forms of social division. Against Meritocracy is split into two parts. Part I
explores the genealogies of meritocracy within social theory, political discourse and
author / Jo / Littler / City, Taylor & working cultures. It traces the dramatic U-turn in meritocracy’s meaning, from socialist
Against Meritocracy University of London Francis 9781315712802 2017-08-15 slur to a contemporary ideal of how a society should be organised. Part II uses a series of Media & Communications
case studies to analyse the cultural pull of popular ‘parables of progress’, from reality TV
to the super-rich and celebrity CEOs, from social media controversies to the rise of the
‘mumpreneur’. Paying special attention to the role of gender, ‘race’ and class, this book
provides new conceptualisations of the meaning of meritocracy in contemporary culture
and society.
Fallgirls provides an analysis of the abuses that took place at Abu Ghraib in terms of
social theory, gender and power, based on first-hand participant-observations of the
courts-martials of Lynndie England and Sabrina Harman. This book examines the trials
themselves, including interactions with soldiers and defense teams, documents
author / Ryan Ashley / pertaining to the courts-martials, US government reports and photographs from Abu
Taylor &
Fallgirls Caldwell / Soka University of 2012-02-28 Ghraib, in order to challenge the view that the abuses were carried out at the hands of a Sociology
Francis few rogue soldiers. With a keen focus on gender and sexuality as prominent aspects of
America, USA
the abuses themselves, as well as the ways in which they were portrayed and tried,
Fallgirls engages with modern feminist thought and contemporary social theory in order
to analyse the manner in which the abuses were framed, whilst also exploring the various
lived realities of Abu Ghraib by both prisoners and soldiers alike.

Hate speech law can be found throughout the world. But it is also the subject of
numerous principled arguments, both for and against. These principles invoke a host of
morally relevant features (e.g., liberty, health, autonomy, security, non-subordination,
the absence of oppression, human dignity, the discovery of truth, the acquisition of
knowledge, self-realization, human excellence, civic dignity, cultural diversity and choice,
author / Alex / Brown / Taylor & recognition of cultural identity, intercultural dialogue, participation in democratic self-
Hate Speech Law 9781315714899 2015-03-18 Philosophy
University of East Anglia Francis government, being subject only to legitimate rule) and practical considerations (e.g.,
efficacy, the least restrictive alternative, chilling effects). The book develops and then
critically examines these various principled arguments. It also attempts to de-
homogenize hate speech law into different clusters of laws/regulations/codes that
constrain uses of hate speech, so as to facilitate a more nuanced examination of the
principled arguments.

Today’s approaches to the study of the human mind are divided into seemingly opposed
camps. On one side we find the neurosciences, with their more or less reductionist
research programs, and on the other side we find the cultural and discursive approaches,
author / Svend / Brinkmann / Taylor & with their frequent neglect of the material sides of human life. Persons and their Minds
Persons and Their Minds 9781315623658 2017-07-05 seeks to develop an integrative theory of the mind with room for both brain and culture. Psychology
Aalborg University, Denmark Francis Brinkmann’s remarkable and thought-provoking work is one of the first books to
integrate brain research with phenomenology, social practice studies and actor-network
theory, all of which are held together by the concept of the person.

Feminist scholarship is sometimes dismissed as not quite ‘proper’ knowledge – it’s too
political or subjective, many argue. But what are the boundaries of ‘proper’ knowledge?
Who defines them, and how are they changing? How do feminists negotiate them? And
how does this boundary-work affect women’s and gender studies, and its scholars’ and
author / Maria / do Mar students’ lives? These are the questions tackled by this ground-breaking ethnography of
Power, Knowledge and Feminist Pereira / University of Taylor & 978131569262 2017-03-13 academia inspired by feminist epistemology, Foucault, and science and technology Sociology
Scholarship Francis studies. Drawing on data collected over a decade in Portugal and the UK, US and
Scandinavia, this title explores different spaces of academic work and sociability,
considering both official discourse and ‘corridor talk’. It links epistemic negotiations to
the shifting political economy of academic labour, and situates the smallest (but fiercest)
departmental negotiations within global relations of unequal academic exchange.
While the causes of rampage violence have been analysed thoroughly in diverse
academic disciplines, we hardly know anything about the factors that affect their
consequences for public policy. This book addresses rampage shootings in Western
Europe and their conditional impact on politicization and policy change in the area of gun
author / Steffen / Hurka / control.
Rampage Shootings and Gun Taylor &
Ludwig Maximilian University 9781315209425 2017-05-10 Political Science
Control of Munich, Germany Francis The author sets out to unravel the factors that facilitate or impede the access of gun
control to the political agenda in the wake of rampage shootings and analyses why some
political debates lead to profound shifts of the policy status quo, while others peter out
without any legislative reactions. In so doing, the book not only contributes to the
theoretical literature on crisis-induced policy making, but also provides a wealth of case-
study evidence on rampage shootings as empirical phenomena.

This book is a philosophical analysis of the ethical treatment of refugees and stateless
people, a group of people who, though extremely important politically, have been greatly
under theorized philosophically. The limited philosophical discussion of refugees by
philosophers focuses narrowly on the question of whether or not we, as members of
Refugees and the Ethics of author / Serena / Parekh / Taylor & Western states, have moral obligations to admit refugees into our countries. This book
9781315883854 2016-11-11 Philosophy
Forced Displacement Northeastern University, USA Francis reframes this debate and shows why it is important to think ethically about people who
will never be resettled and who live for prolonged periods outside of all political
communities. Parekh shows why philosophers ought to be concerned with ethical norms
that will help stateless people mitigate the harms of statelessness even while they
remain formally excluded from states.

Upon its adoption in December 1936, Soviet leaders hailed the new so-called Stalin
Constitution as the most democratic in the world. Scholars have long scoffed at this
claim, noting that the mass repression of 1937-1938 that followed rendered it a hollow
author / Samantha / Lomb / Taylor & document. This book focuses on the six-month long popular discussion of the draft
Stalin’s Constitution Viatka State University, 9781315194004 2017-11-13 Constitution, which preceded its formal adoption in December 1936. Drawing on rich History
Russia Francis archival sources, this book uses the discussion of the draft 1936 Constitution to examine
discourse between the central state leadership and citizens about the new Soviet social
contract, which delineated the roles the state and citizens should play in developing

In The Emergence of the Digital Humanities, Steven E. Jones examines this shift in our
relationship to digital technology and the ways that it has affected humanities
scholarship and the academy more broadly. Based on the premise that the network is
author / Steven E. / Jones / now everywhere rather than merely "out there," Jones links together seemingly
The Emergence of the Digital University of South Florida, Taylor & 9780203093085 2013-08-28 disparate cultural events—the essential features of popular social media, the rise of
Media & Communications
Humanities USA Francis motion-control gaming and mobile platforms, the controversy over the "gamification" of
everyday life, the spatial turn, fabrication and 3D printing, and electronic publishing—and
argues that cultural responses to changes in technology provide an essential context for
understanding the emergence of the digital humanities as a new field of study in this
Why do some individuals choose to protest political grievances via non-violent means,
while others take up arms? What role does whom we trust play in how we collectively
act? This book explores these questions by delving into the relationship between
author / Ammar / interpersonal trust and the nature of the political movements that individuals choose to
Trust and Terror Shamaileh / University of Taylor & 9781315505817 2017-05-02 join. Utilizing the examples of the Arab Spring uprisings in Egypt, Libya and Syria, a novel Political Science
Louisville, USA Francis theoretical model that links the literature on social capital and interpersonal trust to
violent collective action is developed and extended. Beyond simply bringing together two
lines of literature, this theoretical model can serve as a prism from which the decision to
join terrorist organizations or violent movements may be analyzed.

J. K. Rowling’s “ Harry Potter” series (1997–2007) has turned into a global phenomenon
and her Potterverse is still expanding. The contributions in this volume provide a range of
inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to various dimensions of this multifacetted
universe. The introductory article focuses on different forms of world building in the
editor / Marion / Gymnich | Tectum novels, the translations, the film series and the fandom.
"Harry - yer a wizard" editor / Hanne / Birk | editor Wissenschaftsv 9783828867512 2017-12-04 Part I examines various potential sources for Rowling’s series in folklore, the Arthurian Literature
/ Denise / Burkhard erlag legend and Gothic literature. Further articles focus on parallels between the “Harry
Potter” series and Celtic Druidism, the impact Victorian notions of gender roles have had
on the representation of the Gaunt family, the reception of (medieval and Early Modern)
history in the series and the influence of Christian concepts on the world view expressed
in the novels.

Bristol born Banksy is usually categorized as a Street Artist, although his art, in content
and form, transcends a narrow understanding of this term. This publication primarily
deals with Banksy as a contemporary Urban Artist and his relationship with consumer
author / Ulrich / Blanché / Tectum culture. It examines Banksy not only in light of his illicit work on the street, but also in
Banksy University of Heidelberg, Wissenschaftsv 9783828863576 2016-01-01 regard to his gallery exhibitions. The study highlights representative works of his art,
Institute of for European Art erlag
pieces which demonstrate his versatility, but also stand for different periods of his
History oeuvre. This book presents the first academic study of Banksy’s art in English; with a
history and discussion of the terms Graffiti, Street Art and Urban Art and a rich array of
biographical information. It will be of interest to academics and the general public as

The past years were characterized by a massive influx of migrants crossing the Union’s
external borders seeking asylum. Illegal migration, exploitation of social welfare systems,
foreign infiltration and the instrumentalization of religion condensed in terror attacks
determine today’s changed attitude towards foreigners, refugees and migrants and
Tectum therefore strongly impact the current European political agenda. Angelika C. Dankert
author / Angelika C. /
Europe under Pressure Wissenschaftsv 9783828866881 2017-10-23 describes the development of the EU and provides information on events that led to the Political Science
Dankert creation and the spill-over of the Arab Spring. Roots and origin of Jihadist ideology as
well as goals of religiously motivated terrorism are illustrated and European standards on
morals and values are critically questioned. Through investigation of current matters in
the field of law, security and interculturality, this book reveals the biggest geopolitical
challenge of the 21st century.
What do The Age of Innocence, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and Sex and the City have in
common? Strong women ahead of their time! Being part of New York’s middle and upper
class, Ellen Olenska, Holly Golightly and Carrie Bradshaw & Co. cherish their otherness
Images of Women in 20th- Tectum and strive for personal freedom and gender equality, thereby trying to combine
traditional longings and modern beliefs. However, though situated in different decades of
Century American Literature and author / Janina / Corda Wissenschaftsv 9783828864900 2015-01-01 the last century, several obstacles are put in their ways because of their independent and Arts
Culture erlag self-confident lifestyles which, eventually, cannot all be overcome. From True
Womanhood to the “feminine mystique” to the vast array of new gained liberties and life
choices at the end of the last millennium, Janina Corda examines the developing images
of women and their depiction in the literature and culture of America’s 20th century.

With sustainability having gained a lot of momentum over the last years and companies
implementing strategies to create corporate sustainability, there are lots of opportunities
for innovation. Thus, the two concepts of sustainability and innovation should not be
considered separately – they are closely interlinked with one another. The main goal of
sustainable innovation is to develop new products and technologies that have a positive
author / Sven / Pastoors | Tectum impact on the company’s triple-bottom-line. To meet this aim, they have to be
author / Ulrich / Scholz | Wissenschaftsv ecologically and economically beneficial as well as socially balanced.
Towards Sustainable Innovation author 9783828866553 2017-02-17 Economics
/ Joachim H. / Becker erlag
In order to help companies to improve their sustainable innovation process practically,
| author / Rob / van Dun this book is structured into five possible phases of a sustainable innovation process:
Awareness of a sustainability problem
Identification & Definition of the problem
Ideation & Evaluation of the solutions
Testing & Enrichment of the solutions
Implementation of the solutions & Green Marketing

editor / Sabine / Damir-

Geilsdorf / University of
Cologne, Germany | editor / Parallel to the abolition of Atlantic slavery, new forms of indentured labour stilled global
Ulrike / Lindner / University capitalisms need for cheap, disposable labour. The famous coolie trade – mainly Asian
of Cologne, Germany | editor labourers transferred to French and British islands in the Indian Ocean, Australia,
/ Gesine / Müller / University transcript Indonesia, South Africa, the Caribbean, the Americas, as well as to Portuguese colonies in
Bonded Labour of Cologne, Germany | editor Verlag 9783839437339 2016-11-15 Africa – was one of the largest migration movements in global history. Indentured History
contract workers are perhaps the most revealing example of bonded labour in the grey
/ Oliver / Tappe / University area between the poles of chattel slavery and free wage labour. This interdisciplinary
of Cologne, Germany | editor volume addresses historically and regionally specific cases of bonded labour relations
/ Michael / Zeuske / from the 18th century to sponsorship systems in the Arab Gulf States today.
University of Cologne,

To justify the plundering of todays Democratic Republic of the Congo, U.S. intellectual
elites have continuously produced dismissive Congo discourses. Tracing these discourses
author / Johnny / Van Hove / in great depth and breadth for the first time, Johnny Van Hove shows how U.S.
Agency for the Development transcript intellectuals (and their influential European counterparts) have been using the Congo in
Congoism 9783839440377 2017-10-15 History
of Professional Education Verlag similar fashions for their own goals. Analyzing intellectuals as diverse as W.E.B. Du Bois,
Berlin, Germany Joseph Conrad, and David Van Reybrouck, the book offers a theorization of Central West
Africa, a case study of normalized narratives on the »Other«, and a stirring wake up call
for all contemporary writers on international history and politics.
This book offers a fundamental contribution to the literature on the creative industries
and the knowledge-based economy by focusing on three aspects: urban spaces as key
author / Bas / van Heur / sites of capitalist restructuring, creative industries policies as state technologies aimed at
Creative Networks and the City Maastricht University, The transcript 9783839413746 2010-06-15 economic exploitation, and the role of networks of aesthetic production in inflecting
Verlag these tendencies. It simultaneously goes beyond these debates by integrating a concern
Netherlands with the cultural and aesthetic dimensions of the creative industries. As such, the book is
relevant to researchers interested in the transdisciplinary project of a cultural political
economy of creativity and urban change.

editor / Reinhard / Johler /

University of Tübingen, World War I marks a well-known turning point in anthropology, and this volume is the
Germany | editor / first to examine the variety of forms it took in Europe. Distinct national traditions
Christian / Marchetti / emerged and institutes were founded, partly due to collaborations with the military.
Doing Anthropology in Wartime transcript Researchers in the cultural sciences used war zones to gain access to »informants«:
University of Tübingen, 9783839414224 2010-10-15 History
and War Zones Verlag prisoner-of-war and refugee camps, occupied territories, even the front lines.
Germany | editor / Anthropologists tailored their inquiries to aid the war effort, contributed to
Monique / Scheer / interpretations of the war as a »struggle« between »races«, and assessed the »warlike«
University of Tübingen, nature of the Balkan region, whose crises were key to the outbreak of the Great War.

editor / Helle / Bjerg /

University College Capital
Kopenhagen, Denmark |
editor / Claudia / Lenz / This book presents new developments in Scandinavian memory cultures related to World
European Wergeland Centre War II and the Holocaust by combining this focus with the perspective of history
for Education on Human didactics. The theoretical framework of historical consciousness offers an approach
transcript linking individual and collective uses and re-uses of the past to the question how history
Historicizing the Uses of the Past Rights, Intercultural Dialogue Verlag 9783839413258 2011-05-15 can and should be taught. It also offers some examples of good practice in this field. The Sociology
and Democratic Citizenship book promotes a teaching practice which, in taking the social constructivist notions of
Oslo, Norway | editor / Erik / historical consciousness as a starting point, can contribute to self-reflecting and critical
Thorstensen / Center for thinking – being fundamental for any democratic political culture.
Studies of Holocaust and
Religious Minorities Oslo,

editor / Elisabeth / Cheauré / Humour can be used as a »weapon« or as a means of coping with problematic historical
University of Freiburg, events, especially in times of war and crisis. The book presents examples from different
transcript cultures (Russia, Europe, USA), from different historical epochs (from the Napoleonic era
Humour and Laughter in History Germany | editor / Regine / Verlag 9783839428580 2014-10-15 up to the current time) and from different medias (caricature, journalism, film). By History
Nohejl / University of looking at the individual cases it becomes possible to recognize some general structural
Freiburg, Germany patterns and to gain a deeper insight into the »functioning« of humour and laughter.
While concepts of Earth have a rich tradition, more recent examples show a distinct
quality: Though ideas of wholeness might still be related to mythical, religious, or utopian
editor / Solvejg / Nitzke / visions of the past, ''Earth'' itself has become available as a whole. This raises several
University of Vienna, Austria transcript questions: How are the notions of one Earth or our Planet imagined and distributed?
Imagining Earth | editor / Nicolas / Pethes / 9783839439562 2017-07-15 What is the role of cultural imagination and practices of signification in the imagination Sociology
University of Cologne, Verlag of ''the Earth''? Which theoretical models can be used or need to be developed to
describe processes of imagining Planet Earth? This collection invites a wide range of
Germany perspectives from different fields of the Humanities to explore the means of imagining

editor / Christian / Wille /

University of Luxembourg,
Luxembourg | editor / Spatial and identity research operates with differentiations and relations. These are
Rachel / Reckinger / particularly useful heuristic tools when examining border regions where social and
University of Luxembourg, geopolitical demarcations diverge. Applying this approach, the authors of this volume
Spaces and Identities in Border transcript investigate spatial and identity constructions in cross-border contexts as they appear in
Luxembourg | editor / 9783839426500 2015-12-15 Sociology
Regions Verlag everyday, institutional and media practices. The results are discussed with a keen eye for
Sonja / Kmec / University of obliquely aligned spaces and identities and relinked to governmental issues of
Luxembourg, Luxembourg | normalization and subjectivation. The studies base upon empirical surveys conducted in
editor / Markus / Hesse / Germany, France, Belgium and Luxembourg.
University of Luxembourg,

editor / Matthias / Bernt /

Leibniz Institute for Research By drawing together widely dispersed yet central writings, the Berlin Reader is an
on Society and Space, essential resource for everyone interested in urban development in one of the most
interesting and important metropolises in Europe. It provides scholars as well as
Erkner, Germany | editor / students, journalists and visitors with an overview of the most central discussions on the
Britta / Grell / International transcript tremendous changes Berlin experienced since the fall of the wall. It covers a wide range
The Berlin Reader Network for Urban Research Verlag 9783839424780 2013-08-15 of issues, including inner city renewal, housing and the local economy, gentrification and Sociology
and Action, Berlin, Germany other urban conflicts. The book breaks ground in two dimensions: first, by offering also
non-German speakers an insight into the very controversial debates after reunification,
| editor / Andrej / Holm / and, second, by highlighting the ambivalent consequences of Berlins urban
Humboldt University Berlin, transformation in the past decades.
By using history and theory of communication as an integrative methodological device,
this book reaches out to those properties of totalitarian society which appear to be
beyond the grasp of specific disciplines. Furthermore, this functional approach allows to
editor / Kirill / Postoutenko / extend the analysis of communicative practices commonly associated with fascist Italy,
Totalitarian Communication Smolny College St. transcript 9783839413937 2010-05-15 Nazi Germany and Soviet Union, to other locations (France, United States of America and
Verlag Great Britain in the 1930s) or historical contexts (post-Soviet developments in Russia or
Petersburg, Russia Kyrgyzstan). This, in turn, leads to the revaluation of the very term »totalitarian«: no
longer an ideological label or a stock attribute of historical narration, it gets a life of its
own, defining a specific constellation of hierarchies, codes and networks within a given

The emergence of the Internet and the digital world has changed the way people access,
produce and share information and knowledge. Yet people in Africa face challenges in
editor / Chris / Armstrong / accessing scholarly publications, journals and learning materials in general. At the heart
of these challenges, and solutions to them, is copyright, the branch of intellectual
University of the property rights that covers written and related works. This book offers an understanding
Access to Knowledge in Africa Witwatersrand- UCT Press 2010-07-02 of the legal and practical issues posed by copyright for access to learning materials in
Information Science
Johannesburg | editor / Africa, and identifies the relevant lessons, best policies and best practices that would
Jeremy / De Beer / University broaden and deepen this access. This book is based on the work of the African Copyright
and Access to Knowledge (ACA2K) research network, launched in late 2007 as a network
of Ottawa of researchers committed to probing the relationship between copyright and learning
materials access in eight African countries: Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique,
Senegal, South Africa and Uganda.

In the early 1990s, a wave of democratisation swept the African continents, resulting in a
flurry of constitution-making and constitutional revision. Two decades later, leading
editor / Danwood / Chirwa / experts in the fields of public law, political sciemnce and democratisation studies assess
Accountable Government in University of Cape Town | to what extent accountable governance has takenroot in Africa. this book represesents
UCT Press 9781920541637 2012-03-01 new knowldge about legal and political developments in a number of African countries - Political Science
Africa editor / Lia / Nijzink / Ghana, Malawi, Mali, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia, with further
Independent researcher references to Mozambique, Kenya and Swaziland - bringing the policy goal of developing
and deepening democratic governance and accountable government on the continent up
to date.

Youth violence: sources and solutions in South Africa thoroughly and carefully reviews
the evidence for risk and protective factors that influence the likelihood of young people
acting aggressively. Layers of understanding are built by viewing the problem from a
editor / Cathy / Ward / multitude of perspectives, including the current situation in which South African youth
University of Cape Town | are growing up, perspectives from developmental psychology, the influences of race,
Youth Violence editor / Andrew / Dawes / UCT Press 9781920541651 2012-01-30 class and gender, and of the media. The book examines the evidence for effective Psychology
interventions in the contexts of young people’s lives – their homes, their schools, their
University of Cape Town leisure activities, with gangs, in the criminal justice system, in cities and neighbourhoods,
and with sexual offenders. In doing so, thoughtful suggestions are made for keeping an
evidence-based perspective while (necessarily) adapting interventions for developing
world contexts, such as South Africa.
This fascinating book examines the biology and culture of foods and beverages that are
consumed in communal settings, with special attention to their health implications. Nina
author / Nina / Etkin / University of Etkin covers a wealth of topics, exploring human evolutionary history, the Slow Food
Foods of Association 2009-09-15 movement, ritual and ceremonial foods, caffeinated beverages, spices, the street foods Anthropology
University of Hawai‘i-Manoia Arizona Press of Hawaii and northern Nigeria, and even bottled water. Her work is framed by a
biocultural perspective that considers both the physiological implications of consumption
and the cultural construction and circulation of foods.

editor / Philip L. / Kohl /

Wellesley College (emeritus)
| editor / Irina / Podgorny /
CONICET (National Scientific Nature and Antiquities analyzes how the study of indigenous peoples was linked to the
Nature and Antiquities and Technical Research University of 2014-12-04 study of nature and natural sciences. Leading scholars break new ground and entreat
Council, Argentina) Arizona Press archaeologists to acknowledge the importance of ways of knowing in the study of nature
Research Council - in the history of archaeology.
Argentina) | editor / Stefanie
/ Gänger / Universität zu

editor / Bram / Büscher /

Wageningen University and With global wildlife populations and biodiversity riches in peril, it is obvious that
University of Johannesburg | University of innovative methods of addressing our planet’s environmental problems are needed. But
Nature Inc. editor / Wolfram / Dressler / 2014-05-29 is “the market” the answer? <i>Nature™ Inc.</i> brings together cutting-edge research Anthropology
University of Melbourne | Arizona Press by respected scholars from around the world to analyze how “neoliberal conservation” is
reshaping human–nature relations.
editor / Robert / Fletcher /
Wageningen University

The study of paleonutrition provides valuable insights into shifts and changes in human
history. This is the most comprehensive book on the topic. Intended for students and
author / Mark Q. / Sutton / professionals, it describes the nature of paleonutrition studies, reviews the history of
California State University, research, discusses methodological issues in the reconstruction of prehistoric diets,
Bakersfielf | author / Kristin presents theoretical frameworks frequently used in research, and showcases examples in
Paleonutrition D. / Sobolik / University of University of 2010-04-15 which analyses have been successfully conducted on prehistoric individuals, groups, and
Arizona Press populations. It offers an integrative approach to understanding state-of-the-art
Maine | author / Jill K. / anthropological dietary, health, and nutritional assessments. The most recent and
Gardner / Portland State innovative methods used to reconstruct prehistoric diets are discussed, along with the
University major ways in which paleonutrition data are recovered, analyzed, and interpreted. The
book includes five contemporary case studies that illustrate the mutually beneficial
linkages between ethnography and archaeology.

This volume brings together ethnographically based anthropological analyses of shifting

editor / Elizabeth / Finnis / University of meanings and representations associated with the foods, ingredients, and cooking
Reimagining Marginalized Foods University of Guelph Arizona Press 2012-04-01 practices that of marginalized and/or indigenous cultures. Contributors are particularly Anthropology
interested in how these foods intersect with politics, nationhood and governance,
identity, authenticity, and conservation.
Women Who Stay Behind examines the social, educational, and cultural resources rural
author / Ruth / Trinidad University of Mexican women employ to creatively survive the conditions created by the migration of
Women Who Stay Behind Galván / University of New 2015-03-19 loved ones. Using narrative, research, and theory, Ruth Trinidad Galván presents a Anthropology
Mexico Arizona Press hopeful picture of what is traditionally viewed as the abject circumstances of poor and
working-class people in Mexico who are forced to migrate to survive.

In Dilemmas of Adulthood, Nancy Rosenberger investigates resistance in a longitudinal

study of more than fifty Japanese women over two decades. The women represent a
generation straddling the roles of post-war modernity and the possibilities of late
modernity. By exploring the challenges these modern Japanese women pose to cultural
codes, Rosenberger's work speaks to broader questions about how change happens in
author / Nancy R. / our global-local era.
University of
Dilemmas of Adulthood Rosenberger / Oregon State 2013-10-31 Sociology
University Hawai'i Press Rosenberger's analysis establishes long-term resistance as a vital type of social change in
late modernity where the sway of media, global ideas, and friends vies strongly with the
influence of family, school, and work. Women are at the nexus of these contradictions,
dissatisfied with post-war normative roles in family, work, and leisure and yet, in Japan as
elsewhere, committed to a search for self. The women's narratives and conversations
recount their ambivalent defiance of social norms and attempts to live diverse lives as
acceptable adults.

Serialized television drama (dianshiju), perhaps the most popular and influential cultural
form in China, offers a wide, penetrating look at the tensions and contradictions of the
post-revolutionary and pro-market period. Zhong Xueping's timely new work argues for
recognizing the complexity of dianshiju's melodramatic mode and its various subgenres,
in effect "refocusing" mainstream Chinese culture.

author / Xueping / Zhong / University of Mainstream Culture Refocused explores the manifestations, in dianshiju, of issues of
Mainstream Culture Refocused 2010-07-31 history and tradition; the cultural and ideological issues surrounding the notion of youth; Media & Communications
Tufts University Hawai'i Press and how women's emotions are represented in relation to their desire for "happiness."
Song lyrics from music composed for television dramas are considered as "popular
poetics" that express nostalgia and uncertainty, mirroring the social contradictions of the
reform era.

The Other Women's Lib provides the first systematic analysis of Japanese literary feminist
discourse of the 1960s - a full decade before the "women's lib" movement emerged in
Japan. It highlights the work of three well-known female writers of avant-garde fiction
from this generation: Kono Taeko, Takahashi Takako, and Kurahashi Yumiko. Focusing on
four tropes persistently employed by these writers to protest oppressive gender
author / Julia C. / Bullock / University of stereotypes - the disciplinary masculine gaze, feminist misogyny, "odd bodies," and
The Other Women's Lib 2010-04-30 female homoeroticism - Julia Bullock brings to the fore their previously unrecognized Literature
Emory University Hawai'i Press theoretical contributions to second-wave radical feminist discourse.
The Other Women's Lib affords a cogent and incisive analysis of these texts as feminist
philosophy in fictional form. It will be accessible to undergraduate audiences and deeply
stimulating to scholars and others interested in gender and culture in postwar Japan,
Japanese women writers, or Japanese feminism.
From Attali's "cold social silence" to Baudrillard's hallucinatory reality, reproduced music
has long been the target of critical attack. In Bytes and Backbeats, however, Steve Savage
deploys an innovative combination of designed recording projects, ethnographic studies
author / Steve / Savage / San University of of contemporary music practice, and critical analysis to challenge many of these
Bytes and Backbeats 9780472901180 2011-09-26 traditional attitudes about the creation and reception of music. Savage adopts the notion Music
Francisco State University Michigan Press of "repurposing" as central to understanding how every aspect of musical activity, from
creation to reception, has been transformed, arguing that the tension within production
between a naturalizing "art" and a self-conscious "artifice" reflects and feeds into our
evolving notions of creativity, authenticity, and community.

Discovering Addiction brings the history of human and animal experimentation in

addiction science into the present with a wealth of archival research and dozens of oral-
author / Nancy D. / Campbell history interviews with addiction researchers. Professor Campbell examines the birth of
Discovering Addiction University of
/ Rensselaer Polytechnic Michigan 9780472901159 2007-11-03 addiction science---the National Academy of Sciences's project to find a pharmacological Political Science
Press fix for narcotics addiction in the late 1930s---and then explores the human and primate
experimentation involved in the succeeding studies of the "opium problem," revealing
how addiction science became "brain science" by the 1990s.

China has earned a reputation for lax environmental standards that allegedly attract
corporations more interested in profit than in moral responsibility and, consequently,
further negate incentives to raise environmental standards. Surprisingly, Ka Zeng and
Joshua Eastin find that international economic integration with nation-states that have
author / Ka / Zeng / stringent environmental regulations facilitates the diffusion of corporate environmental
Greening China University of Arkansas | University of 9780472901197 2011-08-10 norms and standards to Chinese provinces. At the same time, concerns about “green”
Political Science
author / Joshua / Eastin Michigan Press tariffs imposed by importing countries encourage Chinese export-oriented firms to
ratchet up their own environmental standards. The authors present systematic
quantitative and qualitative analyses and data that not only demonstrate the ways in
which external market pressure influences domestic environmental policy but also lend
credence to arguments for the ameliorative effect of trade and foreign direct investment
on the global environment.

In Defense of Monopoly offers an unconventional but empirically grounded argument in

favor of market monopolies. Authors McKenzie and Lee claim that conventional, static
models exaggerate the harm done by real-world monopolies, and they show why some
author / Richard B. / degree of monopoly presence is necessary to maximize the improvement of human
McKenzie / University of welfare over time.
In Defense of Monopoly California, Irvine | author / University of 9780472901142 2008-02-04 Economics
Dwight R. / Lee / University Michigan Press
Inspired by Joseph Schumpeter's suggestion that market imperfections can drive an
economy's long-term progress, In Defense of Monopoly defies conventional assumptions
of Georgia, Athens to show readers why an economic system's failure to efficiently allocate its resources is
actually a necessary precondition for maximizing the system's long-term performance:
the perfectly fluid, competitive economy idealized by most economists is decidedly
inferior to one characterized by market entry and exit restrictions or costs.
Most of us think of punishment as an ugly display of power. But punishment also tells us
something about the ideals and aspirations of a people and their government. How a
state punishes reveals whether or not it is confident in its own legitimacy and
Punishment and Political Order author / Keally / McBride / University of 9780472901135 2007-06-08 sovereignty. Punishment and Political Order examines the questions raised by the state’s
Political Science
University of San Francisco Michigan Press exercise of punitive power—from what it is about human psychology that desires
sanction and order to how the state can administer pain while calling for justice. Keally
McBride's book demonstrates punishment's place at the core of political administration
and the stated ideals of the polity.

Along with linked modes of religiosity, music and dance have long occupied a central
position in the ways in which Atlantic peoples have enacted, made sense of, and
editor / Mamadou / Diouf / responded to their encounters with each other. This unique collection of essays connects
Rhythms of the Afro-Atlantic Columbia University | University of nations from across the Atlantic---Senegal, Kenya, Trinidad, Cuba, Brazil, and the United
editor / Ifeoma Kiddoe / 9780472901203 2010-11-03 States, among others---highlighting contemporary popular, folkloric, and religious music Music
World Nwankwo / Vanderbilt Michigan Press and dance. By tracking the continuous reframing, revision, and erasure of aural, oral, and
corporeal traces, the contributors to Rhythms of the Afro-Atlantic World collectively
University argue that music and dance are the living evidence of a constant (re)composition and
(re)mixing of local sounds and gestures.

editor / Lane F. / Fargher / "[T]he volume represents an important contribution to the examination of issues for
Centro de Investigación y de which Blanton has furthered scholarship, organized as three sections with cases from
Mesoamerica, the Old World, and cross-cultural studies." —American Antiquity.
Estudios Avanzados del IPN
Alternative Pathways to —Unidad Mérida | editor / University Press Alternative Pathways to Complexity focuses on the themes of architecture, economics,
Complexity Verenice Y. / Heredia of Colorado 9781607325338 2016-12-15 and power in the evolution of complex societies. Case studies from Mesoamerica, Asia, Archaeology
Espinoza / Centro de Africa, and Europe examine the relationship between political structures and economic
configurations of ancient chiefdoms and states through a framework of comparative
Estudios Arqueológicos of El archaeology.
Colegio de Michoacán, A.C.

editor / Jessica Joyce / "[Political Landscapes of Capital Cities] is a welcome contribution to the study of the
spatialization of society and suggests paths that anthropologists can take to analyze
Christie / East Carolina political space in urban and non-urban settings alike." —Anthropology Review Database
Political Landscapes of Capital University | editor / Jelena / University Press
9781607324690 2016-08-08 Archaeology
Cities Bogdanovic / Iowa State of Colorado "[O]utstanding contributions of an interdisciplinary group of authors trained in different
University | editor / Eulogio / methodologies. . . . offer[s] both scholarly and popular audiences wide-ranging
perspectives in exploring, imagining, perceiving and experiencing capital cities." —Journal
Guzmán / Tufts University of Urban Cultural Studies

Jihadi online media try to mobilize, recruit, and disseminate the messages of jihadi
subcultures. Understanding the mechanisms and structures of the products of these
online media is essential for understanding jihadism in general. Original research into
V&R unipress visual representations of jihadi media outlets, the subtleties of jihadi videos, the specific
Jihadism editor / Rüdiger / Lohlker GmbH 9783737000680 2013-01-16 ways jihadis use Islamic religious language, into jihadi poetry, and the ways jihadis stage Theology & Religion
their concepts in videos of kangaroo trials is presented in this volume. Jihadis as part of
the imaginary of global media production is another aspect of representations of
jihadism described in one of the contributions.
This volume contains papers by germanists, historians, and art historians on visual and
conceptual aspects of early modern city culture ranging from representations of the city
to urban spatial and social practices. The essays focus on some of the culturally most
editor / Arthur / Groos | vibrant cities in early modern Europe, with special emphasis on German-speaking
Topographies of the Early editor / Hans-Jochen / V&R unipress countries. Topics include the dissemination and control of city images, carnivalizing
9783862345359 2008-11-19 performances of social/religious dissent, narrative constraints in fifteenth-century urban History
Modern City Schiewer | editor / Markus / GmbH historiography, Christian humanism and the controversy over Jewish books, the
Stock Carthusian influence on the spiritual topography of a city, the humanist agenda in
imperial entries, the evolution of three-dimensional city models, transposing Renaissance
Italian song models into a transalpine city context, and the emergence of the city views
known as vedute.

Oft forgotten but simmering “frozen conflicts” continuously mark the political map of
editor / Anton / Bebler / Verlag Barbara Europe. All located in South Eastern Europe, the Black Sea area and Transcaucasia, these
“Frozen conflicts” in Europe University of Ljubljana, 9783847404286 2015-11-16 conflicts run along ethnic, national, cultural and linguistic lines, separating communities. Political Science
Slovenia Budrich This insightful book offers a rare critical analyses of the cases of Northern Cyprus,
Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Kosovo, and Crimea.

editor / Pumla / Gobodo- The authors in this volume explore the interconnected issues of intergenerational trauma
and traumatic memory in societies with a history of collective violence across the globe.
Madikizela / University of the Each chapter's discussion offers a critical reflection on historical trauma and its
Free State and South African Verlag Barbara repercussions, and how memory can be used as a basis for dialogue and transformation.
Breaking Intergenerational
National Research 9783847402404 2016-01-18 The perspectives include, among others: the healing journey of three generations of a Psychology
Cycles of Repetition Budrich family of Holocaust survivors and their dialogue with third generation German students
Foundation Chair for
over time; traumatic memories of the British concentration camps in South Africa;
Historical Trauma and reparations and reconciliation in the context of the historical trauma of Aboriginal
Memory Australians; and the use of the arts as a strategy of dialogue and transformation.

editor / Ursula J. / van Beek / This book focuses on the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 and its implications for
Stellenbosch University, democracy. Why and how did the crisis come about? Are there any instructive lessons to
South Africa | editor / Verlag Barbara be drawn from comparisons with the Great Depression of the 1930s? What are the
Democracy under stress Edmund / Wnuk-Lipinski / Budrich 9783866495807 2011-11-29 democratic response mechanisms to cope with serious crises? Do they work? Is China a Political Science
Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, new trend setter? Do values matter? Are global democratic rules a possibility? These are
some of the key questions addressed in the volume.

The timely book takes stock of the state of the art and future of electronic democracy,
editor / Norbert / Kersting / Verlag Barbara exploring the history and potential of e-democracy in global perspective. Analysing the
Electronic Democracy University of Münster Budrich 9783866495463 2012-06-27 digital divide, the role of the internet as a tool for political mobilisation, internet Voting Political Science
and Voting Advice Applications, and other phenomena, this volume critically engages
with the hope for more transparency and political participation through e-democracy.

editor / Brigitte / Liebig / This book is dedicated to the role of work organizations when it comes to the realization
of an active fatherhood. Firstly, it deals with barriers for active fatherhood and its
University of Applied correlating mechanisms of inequality: Which aspects of discrimination and social closure
Sciences Northwestern Verlag Barbara do fathers face today if they assert a claim for active fatherhood, and with what kind of
Fathers in Work Organizations Switzerland | editor / 9783847408499 2017-04-24 barriers are they confronted? Secondly, capabilities of fathers are addressed: Which is Sociology
Mechtild / Oechsle / Budrich their possible scope of action, and which factors lead to differences in capabilities at the
workplace? Finally, the book analyzes the meaning of organizational rationalities, and the
University of Bielefeld, effects of policies and programs on change and organizational learning with respect to
Germany fatherhood.
editor / Jane / Bayes / This timely collection offers a fresh look on the impact of gender perspectives in the
Gender and Politics California State University, Verlag Barbara 9783866495258 2012-07-10 discipline of political science at the beginning of the 21st century. Jane Bayes combats
Political Science
Budrich the Eurocentric focus that has characterised both fields and suggests viable alternatives
Northridge, USA; for the future of the disciplines.

The landscape of European migration has changed considerably over the past decades, in
particular after the fall of the iron curtain and again after the EU enlargement to the east.
The author researches the phenomenon of highly qualified migration using the example
of migration between the Czech Republic and Germany. The book reveals diverse
strategies migrants use to respond to the possible de-valuation of their qualification, e.g.
author / Anna / Guhlich / Dr. by making use of their language skills, starting new studies or using transnational
Anna Guhlich, Goethe Verlag Barbara knowledge.
Migration and Social Pathways 9783847411062 2017-10-02 Sociology
University Frankfurt, Budrich
Germany Anna Guhlich investigates the role of migration within the biographies, the shifts of social
positions, as well as the ways migrants negotiate their skills, qualification and knowledge
across the borders. Based on biographical narrative interviews, she investigates the
migration pathways and the processes of social mobility. The study investigates the
influence developments within the Czech society have on migration decisions and
transnational spaces as well as o

This ground breaking volume offers a range of alternative approaches to political science,
Radical Approaches to Political author / Rainer / Rainer / Verlag Barbara highlighting problems too rarely confronted by “mainstream” political scientists. Ranging
9783866495364 2012-06-27 from Gunfighter Sagas to the changing faces of an imaginary Mars, the innovative Political Science
Science Osnabrück University Budrich chapters introduce whole new ways of rethinking politics, stirring up the all too
conventional ways of the discipline.

Religions of foreign origin have shaped Chinese cultural history much stronger than
generally assumed and continue to have impact on Chinese society in varying regional
degrees. The essays collected in the present volume put a special emphasis on these
editor / Max / Deeg /
University of Cardiff | Verlag der “foreign” and less familiar aspects of Chinese religion. Apart from an introductory article
Österreichische on Daoism (the prototypical autochthonous religion of China), the volume reflects
Religion in China editor / Bernhard / Scheid / n 2015-02-24 China’s encounter with religions of the so-called Western Regions, starting from the Theology & Religion
Akademie der adoption of Indian Buddhism to early settlements of religious minorities from the Near
Österreichische Akademie Wissenschaften
East (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) and the early modern debates between Confucians
der Wissenschaften and Christian missionaries. Contemporary religious minorities, their specific social
problems, and their regional diversities are discussed in the cases of Abrahamitic
traditions in China.

How do the visuals of Kubrick’s work convey complex concepts and abstractions without
the traditional reliance on words? And how does the pure instrumental music in his films
author / Maarten / express meaning when music, in essence, is an abstract art form? Drawing on state-of-
Film as Embodied Art Coëgnarts / University of Academic 9781644691137 2019-09-30 the-art research in embodied cognitive science, this book sets out to explore these
Media & Communications
Studies Press questions by revealing Kubrick as a genuine conceptual artist, a filmmaker who perhaps
Antwerp more than any other director, uses all the non-verbal resources of filmmaking in such a
controlled and dense manner as to elicit the bodily structures necessary to achieve a
level of conceptual understanding.
A ground-breaking collection of essays that explores the place of the Dutch and English
East India Companies in Asia and the nature of their interactions with Asian rulers,
officials, merchants, soldiers and brokers.
editor / Adam / Clulow / The Dutch and English East India Companies were formidable organizations that were
The Dutch and English East India Monash University | author / Amsterdam 2018-10-02 gifted with expansive powers that allowed them to conduct diplomacy, raise armies and
Companies Tristan / Mostert / Leiden University Press seize territorial possessions. But they did not move into an empty arena in which they
University were free to deploy these powers without resistance. Early modern Asia stood at the
center of the global economy and was home to powerful states and sprawling
commercial networks. With contributions from the most innovative historians working
on the companies today, this book presents new ways to understand these organizations
by focusing on their diplomatic, commercial and military interactions with Asia.

Through fifteen varied case studies that draw on a rich array of primary sources, this
collection of essays makes the novel claim that early modern European women, like men,
had a youth.

European culture recognized that, between childhood and full adulthood, early modern
editor / Elizabeth / Cohen / women experienced distinctive physiological, social, and psychological transformations.
The Youth of Early Modern Univ of Toronto | editor / Amsterdam 2018-11-01 Drawing on two mutually shaped layers of inquiry--cultural constructions of youth and
Women Margaret / Reeves / Univ of University Press lived experiences--the essays examine a rich array of primary sources, including literary
British Columbia and autobiographical works, conduct literature, asylum and judicial records, drawings,
and material culture. The geographical and temporal ranges traverse England, Ireland,
Italy, France, Spain, Mexico, Germany, and the Netherlands from the sixteenth to the
eighteenth centuries. It brings fresh attention to representations of female youth, the
training for adulthood, their own life writings, courtship and the emergent sexual lives of
young unmarried women.

With a particular focus on vaudeville singers and artists, this book examines the role that
Viennese Jews played in the city’s rich popular culture around 1900. Through a series of
extensively researched case studies, it shows that—notwithstanding the real
Entangled Entertainers author / Klaus / Hödl / Berghahn 9781789200317 2019-08-01 phenomenon of antisemitism in Viennese culture--there was substantial and diverse
University of Graz Books cooperation between Jews and Gentiles, and that their private relations were also very
close. The many and diverse contacts and linkages between these two populations in
popular culture powerfully shaped both the experience and the popular understanding of
Jewish identity.

Throughout the 1930s and early 1940s, before closing its borders to Jewish refugees, the
United States granted asylum to approximately 90,000 German Jews fleeing the horrors
of the Third Reich. And while most became active participants in American society, they
author / Anne C. / also often constructed their individual and communal lives and identities in relation to
Schenderlein / German Berghahn their home country. As this groundbreaking study shows, even though many refugees
Germany on their Minds Historical Institute, Books 9781789200065 2018-10-01 wanted little to do with Germany, the political circumstances of the postwar era meant History
that engagement of some kind was unavoidable—whether initiated within the
Washington, D.C. community itself, or by political actors and the broader public in West Germany. Author
Anne C. Schenderlein gives a fascinating account of these entangled histories on both
sides of the Atlantic, and demonstrates the remarkable extent to which German Jewish
refugees helped to shape the course of West German democratization.
Debates about the legitimacy and ‘essence’ of political rule and the search for ‘ideal’
forms of government have been at the very heart of political thought ever since its
beginnings in the Ancient World. Caesarism in the Post-Revolutionary Age explores the
Caesarism in the Post- author / Markus J. / Prutsch / Bloomsbury complex relationship between democracy and dictatorship from the 18th century
9781474267564 2019-03-21 onwards. More concretely, it assesses how, during the post-revolutionary period, History
Revolutionary Age The European Parliament Academic democracy emerged as something compatible with dictatorship, both on the level of
political thought and practice.

This book explores how, in Kant’s world view, our actions are informed, contextualized
and dependent on the tension between emotion and reason. Arguing that affects and
passions are illnesses of the mind, because both hinder the sovereignty of reason, Borges
demonstrates Kant’s recognition of the malleability of reason. To this end, the book
author / Maria de Lourdes / explores the full range of negative and positive emotions in Kant’s work, including self-
Emotion, Reason and Action in Borges / University of Santa Bloomsbury 9781350078376 2019-04-18 control, compassion, sympathy, as well as anger. Kant’s argument on the gendered
Kant Catarina, Brazil Academic nature of emotion, that women’s innate morality disciplined men’s tendency to behave
in immoral ways, is also discussed. Finally, Borges shows how Kant’s theory of emotion
includes both physiological and cognitive aspects.
Emotion, Reason and Action in Kant is an important new contribution to Kant Studies,
suitable for students of Kant, ethics, and moral psychology.

The last decade has seen the growing popularity and visibility of fashion as a cultural
product, including its growing presence in museum exhibitions. This book explores the
history of fashion curating and exhibitions, highlighting the continuity of past and present
curatorial practices. Comparing and contrasting exhibitions from different museums and
author / Julia / Petrov / Royal Bloomsbury decades – from the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1900 to the Alexander McQueen
Fashion, History, Museums 9781350049000 2019-02-07 Savage Beauty show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2011 – it makes connections History
Alberta Museum, Canada Academic between museum fashion and the wider fashion industry.

By critically analyzing trends in fashion exhibition practice over the twentieth and early
twenty-first centuries, Julia Petrov defines and describes the varied representations of
historical fashion within British and North American museum exhibitions.

Global Animation Theory offers detailed and diverse insights into the methodologies of
editor / Franziska / contemporary animation studies, as well as the topics relevant for today’s study of
animation. The contact between practical and theoretical approaches to animation at
Bruckner / University of Animafest Scanner, is closely connected to host of this event, the World Festival of
Vienna, Austria | editor / Animated Film Animafest Zagreb. It has given way to academic writing that is very open
Global Animation Theory Nikica / Gilić | editor / Holger 9781501337154 2018-11-01 to practical aspects of animation, with several contributors being established not only as Media & Communications
Academic animation scholars, but also as artists. This anthology presents, alongside an introduction
/ Lang | editor / Daniel /
by the editors and a preface by well known animation scholar Giannalberto Bendazzi, 15
Šuljić | editor / Hrvoje / selected essays from the first three Animafest Scanner editions. They explore various
Turković significant aspects of animation studies, some of them still unknown to the English
speaking communities.
This book challenges widespread assumptions about Hippocrates (and, in the process,
about ancient Greek medicine) and will also explore the creation of modern myths about
the ancient world. Through the lens of reception studies Helen King considers what
author / Helen / King / The Bloomsbury ‘Hippocrates’ means today. He features powerfully in our assumptions about ancient
Hippocrates Now 9781350005914 2019-02-07 medicine, and our beliefs about what medicine – and the physician himself – should be. Classics
Open University, UK Academic In ethics, as well as in actual treatments recommended by both orthodox and alternative
medicine, ‘Hippocrates’ still features as a model to be emulated. Why do we continue to
use him in this way, and how are new myths constructed around his name? And what can
this tell us about popular engagements with the classical world today?

This innovative volume focuses on the significance of early Christianity for modern means
of addressing poverty. The volume offers rigorous study of poverty and its alleviation in
both earliest Christianity and today’s world. In this light, in seven major areas, an expert
in early Christianity in its Jewish and Greco-Roman settings is paired with an expert in
editor / Steve / Walton / St modern strategies for addressing poverty and benefaction. They each address the same
Poverty in the Early Church and Mary’s University, Bloomsbury 9780567677754 2018-10-18 topic from their respective areas of expertise, and respond to each other's essays.
Theology & Religion
Today Twickenham, UK Academic
The chapters present the complex ways in which early Christian ideas and practices relate
to modern ideas and practices and vice versa. The book addresses both continuities and
discontinuities between the ancient world and today. As such the volume seeks to inform
and engage church leaders, those working in NGOs concerned with poverty, and all
interested in these crucial issues, both Christian and not.

In this book Ronald Suleski introduces a new category of source material, ''chaoben'' 抄
Daily Life for the Common author / Ronald / Suleski / 本, for understanding the lives of China’s semi-literate masses before 1950. It links the
Brill 2018-10-28 documents now flooding the antiques markets in China, with the hopes and fears of History
People of China Suffolk University
China’s people at the end of the pre-modern era.

This volume is the first in a new series entitled Reading Medieval Sources, examining
different genres of sources in the Middle Ages, and this book focuses on ways of studying
medieval money, and the most direct manifestation of money: coinage. It is intended to
introduce readers to a range of approaches to a subject that has, traditionally, been seen
Money and Coinage in the editor / Rory / Naismith / Brill 9789004383098 2018-11-24 as somewhat specialised domain of highly technical study which often seems to sit at
Middle Ages King's College London some remove from the mainstream of historical and archaeological research. One
important aim of the chapters offered is to show ways in which money can be
incorporated into analysis of the Middle Ages more broadly, both for particular periods
and in specific thematic contexts such as art, literature and economic analysis.
Women were fundamental actors in early modern Low Countries society, playing major
roles in the dynamic environment of economic, artistic, and cultural exchange of both the
Catholic Southern Netherlands and the Protestant Dutch Republic.The Habsburg
editor / Sarah / Moran / territories were governed by a string of women rulers. More ordinary Netherlandish
Women and Gender in the Early Utrecht University | editor / women ran businesses, pursued careers as painters and writers, joined and led religious
communities, and helped steer the course of debates between Protestants and Catholics.
Modern Low Countries, 1500- Amanda / Pipkin / The Brill 9789004391352 2018-11-01 The wealthier among them were active in the financial markets and a number of them History
1750 University of North Carolina became highly influential patrons of art and architecture. Women of lesser means, on the
at Charlotte other hand, might find themselves in difficult situations. At the same time, evolving
traditions of the textual and visual representation of femininity reflected and shaped
attitudes towards gender, and in turn impacted the lives of both women and men.

The failure of a number of programmes and ongoing conflicts between neoliberal and
post-neoliberal forces have resulted in growing social instability in Latin America. This
editor / Gerardo / Gómez book examines cultural responses to this instability. It looks at a wide range of cultural
A Post-Neoliberal Era in Latin Michel | editor / Bristol forms, such as literature, underground cinema, street fairs and self-help books to explore
9781529208184 2019-02-01 Sociology
America? Magdalena / López | editor / University Press how Latin Americans construct subjectivities, build communities and make meaning in
Daniel / Nehring their everyday lives during a profound crisis of the social. In this context, the book
emphasises the role which neoliberal and post-neoliberal narratives of self and social
relationships may come to play in popular culture and everyday experience.

With an increasingly diverse ageing population, we need to understand how social

divisions intersect to affect outcomes in later life. Gender and sexuality are recognised as
key factors in determining a person’s experience of later life but little research has been
done into how age, gender and sexualities work together and with other divisions,
including ethnicity and class, to form a range of inequalities and opportunities for people
Intersections of ageing, gender, editor / Andrew / King | Bristol as they age.
9781447354710 2019-03-01 Sociology
sexualities editor / Kathryn / Almack University Press The collection brings together an international group of researchers and writers from
Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Israel, Italy, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, the UK, and
the USA, who argue for multiple, complex contextualised and spatialized approaches to
understanding intersections of ageing, gender and sexualities and uneven outcomes in
later life. The book highlights new ways of engaging with and thinking through questions
related to ageing, gender and sexualities.

Do alliances curb states from developing nuclear weapons? If so, what kind of alliances
work best and how do they function? This book looks at what makes alliances credible
enough to prevent nuclear proliferation, how alliances can breakdown and encourage
nuclear proliferation, and whether security guarantors like the United States can use
author / Alexander / their alliance ties to end the nuclear efforts of their allies. The author finds that military
Cornell alliances are, surprisingly, less useful for preventing allies from acquiring nuclear
Atomic Assurance Lanoszka / City, University of University Press 2018-11-15 weapons; that it is easier to prevent an ally from initiating a nuclear program than to Political Science
London stop an ally that has already started one; and that economic or technological reliance
works better to reverse or to halt an ally’s nuclear bid than other factors. This book uses
intensive case studies on West Germany, Japan, and South Korea, as well as a series of
smaller cases on Great Britain, France, Norway, Australia, and Taiwan, to examine this
critical issue.
This book examines how Korean television dramas and K-pop music are employed to
promote urban and rural regions within South Korea to overseas tourists. Riding the
author / Oh / Youjeong / Cornell international popularity of Korean entertainment, Korean cities have actively used K-
Pop City 9781501730733 2018-12-15 dramas and K-pop idols in advertisements designed to attract foreign tourists to their Anthropology
University of Texas at Austin University Press regions. By examining the process of cultural marketing, this book shows that places can
be “sold” just like TV dramas and pop idols by promoting spectacular images rather than
substantial physical and cultural qualities.

After a nation has transitioned from authoritarianism to democracy, how are democratic
norms most effectively fostered and maintained? This book uses as its case study
Indonesia after the fall of the dictator Suharto to reveal that a contentious, even scandal-
author / McCoy / Mary / obsessed press can actually prove extremely useful for an emergent democracy. A society
Scandal and Democracy University of Wisconsin- 9781501731051 2019-03-15 that can tolerate and protect journalists willing to expose corruption and scandal among Media & Communications
University Press elites is one, the author finds, in which ordinary citizens are willing to believe in and
support other democratic institutions. Based on extensive interviews and research in
Indonesia, this book offers a new and surprising perspective on the role of the press and
the nature of scandal-driven journalism in fledgling democracies.

This book provides the most detailed analysis yet of the failure of U.S. nation-building in
the Vietnam War. In doing so, it demolishes the “better war” school of writing on the
topic, which argues that the U.S. was successful in building a legitimate and viable non-
Communist state in South Vietnam in the latter years of the war. Drawing on fresh
author / Gawthorpe / Cornell archival collections and previously unseen oral histories with dozens of U.S. nation-
To Build as Well as Destroy Andrew / Leiden University University Press 9781501709456 2018-12-15 builders, the book demonstrates that the U.S. never came close to achieving victory. The History
book’s narrative stretches from the offices in Washington in which policy was designed
down into the villages in which it was implemented, providing the most comprehensive
analysis yet of the largest and best-resourced nation-building program in U.S. history.
Only by understanding and facing the reasons for this failure can we avoid repeating the
tragic mistake of the Vietnam War again in the future.

Why do great powers accommodate the rise of some challengers, while others are
contained and confronted, even at the risk of war? The book proposes that when faced
with a new challenger, great powers will attempt to divine its intentions, to determine
whether that rising power poses a revolutionary threat to the system, or whether it can
author / Goddard / Stacie / Cornell be incorporated into the existing international order. In departing from conventional
When Right Makes Might 9781501730313 2018-12-15 rationalist and realist theories of international relations, the author argues that Political Science
Wellesley College University Press established powers come to understand a rising power’s intentions by observing how it
justifies its behavior through diplomacy and its claims on the way it exerts its power.
Diplomatic rhetoric, therefore, plays a critical role in the formation of grand strategy.
Legitimacy is not marginal to international relations; it is essential to the practice of
power politics.
The world we live in is unjust. Preventable deprivation and suffering shape the lives of
many people, while others enjoy advantages and privileges aplenty. Cosmopolitan
responsibility addresses the moral responsibilities of privileged individuals to take action
in the face of global structural injustice. Individuals are called upon to complement
author / Jan-Christoph / institutional efforts to respond to global challenges, such as climate change, unfair global
Cosmopolitan Responsibility De Gruyter 9783110611281 2019-03-01 trade, or world poverty. Committed to an ideal of relational equality among all human Philosophy
Heilinger / LMU Munich beings, the book discusses the impact of individual action, the challenge of special
obligations, and the possibility of moral overdemandingness in order to lay the ground
for an action-guiding ethos of cosmopolitan responsibility. This thought-provoking book
will be of interest to any reflective reader concerned about justice and responsibilities in
a globalised world.

This book describes the state of the art of digital philology with a focus on ancient Greek
and Latin. It addresses problems such as accessibility of information about Greek and
Digital Classical Philology editor / Monica / Berti / De Gruyter 9783110599572 2019-06-15 Latin sources, data entry, collection and analysis of Classical texts and describes the
Information Science
University of Leipzig Saur fundamental role of libraries in building digital catalogs and developing machine-
readable citation systems.

Throughout West African societies, at times of social crises, postmenopausal women —

the Mothers — make a ritual appeal to their innate moral authority. The seat of this
power is the female genitalia. Wielding branches or pestles, they strip naked and slap
their genitals and bare breasts to curse and expel the forces of evil. In An Intimate
author / Laura S. / Grillo / Duke University Rebuke Laura S. Grillo draws on fieldwork in Côte d’Ivoire that spans three decades to
An Intimate Rebuke Georgetown University Press 9781478002635 2018-11-01 illustrate how these rituals of Female Genital Power (FGP) constitute religious and Anthropology
political responses to abuses of power. When deployed in secret FGP operates as
spiritual warfare against witchcraft; in public it serves as a political activism. During Côte
d’Ivoire’s civil wars FGP challenged the immoral forces of both rebels and the state. Grillo
shows how the ritual potency of the Mothers’ nudity and the conjuration of their sex
embodies a moral power that has been foundational to West African civilization.

From biometrics to predictive policing, contemporary security relies on sophisticated

scientific evidence-gathering and knowledge-making focused on the human body.
editor / Mark / Maguire / Bringing together new anthropological perspectives on the complexities of security in the
Maynooth University | editor present moment, the contributors to Bodies as Evidence reveal how bodies have become
/ Ursula / Rao / University of Duke University critical sources of evidence that is organized and deployed to classify, recognize, and
Bodies as Evidence 9781478004301 2018-11-01 manage human life. Through global case studies that explore biometric identification, Anthropology
Leipzig | editor / Nils / Press border control, forensics, predictive policing, and counterterrorism, the contributors
Zurawski / University of show how security discourses and practices that target the body contribute to new
Hamburg configurations of knowledge and power. At the same time, margins of error, unreliable
technologies, and a growing suspicion of scientific evidence in a “post-truth” era
contribute to growing insecurity, especially among marginalized populations.
The digital turn has created new opportunities for scholars across disciplines to use
sound in their scholarship. This volume’s contributors provide a blueprint for making
editor / Mary Caton / Lingold sound central to research, teaching, and dissemination. They show how digital sound
studies has the potential to transform silent, text-centric cultures of communication in
/ Duke University | editor / the humanities into rich, multisensory experiences that are more inclusive of diverse
Digital Sound Studies Darren / Mueller / Duke Duke University 9780822371991 2018-10-01 knowledges and abilities. Drawing on multiple disciplines—including rhetoric and
University | editor / Whitney Press composition, performance studies, anthropology, history, and information science—the
/ Trettien / University of contributors to Digital Sound Studies bring digital humanities and sound studies into
productive conversation while probing the assumptions behind the use of digital tools
North Carolina, Chapel Hill and technologies in academic life. In so doing, they explore how sonic experience might
transform our scholarly networks, writing processes, research methodologies,
pedagogies, and knowledges of the archive.

Over the last twenty-five years, garbage infrastructure in Dakar, Senegal, has taken
center stage in struggles over government, the value of labor, and the dignity of the
working poor. Through strikes and public dumping, Dakar's streets have been periodically
inundated with household garbage as the city's trash collectors and ordinary residents
author / Rosalind / protest urban austerity. Often drawing on discourses of Islamic piety, garbage activists
Duke University have provided a powerful language to critique a neoliberal mode of governing-through-
Garbarge Citizenship Fredericks / New York 9781478002505 2018-10-01 Anthropology
Press disposability and assert rights to fair labor. In Garbage Citizenship Rosalind Fredericks
University traces Dakar's volatile trash politics to recalibrate how we understand urban
infrastructure by emphasizing its material, social, and affective elements. She shows how
labor is a key component of infrastructural systems and how Dakar's residents use
infrastructures as a vital tool for forging collective identities and mobilizing political

In Migrants and City-Making Ayşe Çağlar and Nina Glick Schiller trace the participation of
migrants in the unequal networks of power that connect their lives to regional, national,
author / Ayse / Çaglar / and global institutions. Grounding their work in comparative ethnographies of three
University of Vienna | author Duke University cities struggling to regain their former standing — Mardin, Turkey; Manchester, New
Migrants and City-Making 9780822372011 2018-10-01 Hampshire; and Halle/Saale, Germany — Çağlar and Glick Schiller challenge common Sociology
/ Nina / Glick Schiller / Press assumptions that migrants exist on society’s periphery, threaten social cohesion, and
University of Manchester require integration. Instead Çağlar and Glick Schiller explore their multifaceted role as
city-makers, including their relationships to municipal officials, urban developers, political
leaders, business owners, community organizers, and social justice movements.

Explores translation in the context of the multi-lingual, multi-ethnic late-Ottoman

Mediterranean world.

Fénelon, Offenbach and the Iliad in Arabic, Robinson Crusoe in Turkish, the Bible in
Greek-alphabet Turkish, excoriated French novels circulating through the Ottoman
Empire in Greek, Arabic and Turkish: literary translation at the eastern end of the
Migrating Texts editor / Marilyn / Booth / Edinburgh 9781474439015 2019-04-30 Mediterranean offered worldly vistas and new, hybrid genres to emerging literate
University of Oxford University Press audiences in the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Whether to propagate
‘national’ language reform, circulate the Bible, help audiences understand European
opera, argue for girls’ education, institute pan-Islamic conversations, introduce political
concepts, share the Persian Gulistan with Anglophone readers in Bengal, or provide racy
fiction to schooled adolescents in Cairo and Istanbul, translation was an essential tool.
But as these essays show, translators were inventors, and their efforts might yield
surprising results.
Corporate executives immersed in the turbulent markets of today face a world not of
clear cut moral dilemmas such as right or wrong, or good or evil, but instead must
confront large corporate grey areas of lesser good, lesser evil, less true, less unfair, and
less unjust. Often these choices become almost indistinguishable.

author / Oswald / Corporate Ethics for Turbulent Markets: Executive Response to Market Challenges sets
Corporate Ethics for Turbulent Mascarenhas / Xavier School Emerald out a universal moral foundation of corporate executive ethics. Its chapters attempt to
9781787561915 2019-03-27 extend the discussion on human dignity to its practical applications, map out strategic Business & Management
Markets of Management, Publishing approaches for responding to current turbulent markets, and drill moral skills for taming
Jamshedpur, India and tapping current turbulent markets.

The book features modern techniques of critical thinking, moral reasoning, moral
judgment, and moral justification, and charts how to uphold stakeholder rights and
duties and understand corporate moral responsibilities. Written as a guide for corporate
executives who strive daily

This book presents a typology that explains the diversity of ICT usage seen in older
adults. It examines older adult use of everyday Information and Communication
author / Johanna / Birkland / Emerald Technologies (ICTs) across multiple life contexts (work, family, leisure, and community)
Gerontechnology 2019-06-21 allowing readers to understand how the growing aging population will use ICTs in their Information Science
Bridgewater College Publishing daily lives. The author offers a useful framework to practitioners (both in community
based and institutional settings) who work with older adults to fully understand how
technological interventions will be taken up.

The Brexit vote has thrown up issues of the sharp regional disparities that divide the UK.
The vote has been seen as a protest by those who felt left behind by globalization and
hence a need for government policy to address regional disparities. As a result there has
author / Alex / de Ruyter / been a re-emergence of interest in an active industrial strategy. Using Scotland as a case
Birmingham City University, Emerald study, this book argues that the contribution of regions outside the capital relative to
Regional Success After Brexit UK | author / David / Hearne 9781787567351 2019-05-08 London is under-reported. using the West Midlands as a second case study, the book Economics
/ Birmingham City University, Publishing posits that manufacturing is more important to the UK than financial services and that
key to a successful strategy of economic re-balancing is a need to ensure adequate skills
UK provision and essential infrastructure. The book will examine potential policy
developments in the light of Brexit that would lead to economic re-balancing in the post-
Brexit era.

This book focuses on how young children play and have fun while indulging in digital
worlds, discovering and problem-solving with a variety of narratives and interfaces
encountered on these digital playgrounds. These playful encounters are richer
Young Children’s Play Practices author / Isabel / Froes / Emerald experiences than one might expect. Through engaging with digital interfaces, children
Copenhagen Business 2019-02-15 expand their visual and verbal vocabulary, plus develop an embodied vocabulary that Media & Communications
with Digital Tablets School, Denmark Publishing emerges out of the interactions. The book presents two sets of approaches in how to
collect data with young children, and it proposes five key aspects, vocabulary, design,
play, interaction and attachment, which cover the base of children’s play with current
digital technologies.
editor / Ben / Glaser / Ben Explores both the theory and practice of rhythm in literature with a focus on nineteenth
and twentieth-century poetry. Emphasis on rhythm’s role in contemporary literary
Glaser received his PhD from criticism, including debates about poetic form and genre.
Cornell University in 2012
and is Assistant Professor of This collection intervenes in recent debates over formalism, historicism, poetics, and lyric
English at Yale University | Fordham by focusing on one of literary criticism’s most important, most vested, and perhaps least
Critical Rhythm 2019-01-08 well-defined or definable terms. Rhythm in these essays is at once a defamiliarizing Literature
editor / Jonathan / Culler / University Press aesthetic force and an unstable concept. It is a key term through which Romantic,
Class of 1916 Professor of Modern, and contemporary literary theory define form, either in conversation with or
English and Comparative opposition to meter. It has rich but also problematic roots in still-lingering nineteenth-
Literature at Cornell century notions of primitive, oral, communal, and sometimes racialized poetics. But there
are reasons to understand and even embrace its seductions, including its resistance to
University lyrical voice if not identity as such.

editor / Nathan / Hensley /

Professor of English at Hensley and Steer look to join the conceptual tools of contemporary ecocriticism with
the rich archive of nineteenth century thinking about imperial and ecological
Georgetown University | intertwinement. This collection of essays draws on that archive to demonstrate the
editor / Philip / Steer / Fordham relevance of Victorian thought for current theory and practice. Ecological Form argues
Ecological Form 2019-01-01 Literature
Senior Lecturer in English in University Press that ecology, the empire, and literary thinking were inseparable during the Victorian
the School of English and period; and its claim that connections among these domains challenge the
methodological assumptions of both contemporary ecocriticism and literary and cultural
Media Studies, Massey studies

Beggars and begging were ubiquitous features of pre-Famine Irish society, yet have gone
largely unexamined by historians. This book explores at length for the first time the
complex cultures of mendicancy, as well as how wider societal perceptions of and
responses to begging were framed by social class, gender and religion. The study breaks
new ground in exploring the challenges inherent in defining and measuring begging and
alms-giving in pre-Famine Ireland, as well as the disparate ways in which mendicants
author / Ciarán / McCabe / were perceived by contemporaries. A discussion of the evolving role of parish vestries in
Begging, Charity and Religion in University College Dublin and Liverpool the life of pre-Famine communities facilitates an examination of corporate responses to
9781786949530 2018-10-31 beggary, while a comprehensive analysis of the mendicity society movement, which History
Pre-Famine Ireland the Tenement Museum University Press flourished throughout Ireland in the three decades following 1815, highlights the
Dublin. significance of charitable societies and associational culture in responding to the
perceived threat of mendicancy. The instance of the mendicity societies illustrates the
extent to which Irish commentators and social reformers were influenced by prevailing
theories and practices in the transatlantic world regarding the management of the poor
and deviant. Drawing on a wide range of sources previously unused for the study of
poverty and welfare, this book makes an important contribution to modern Irish social
and ecclesiastical history.
Frères Ennemis ocuses on Franco-American tensions as portrayed in works of literature.
An Introduction is followed by nine chapters, each focused on a French or American
literary text which shows the evolution/devolution of the relations between the two
nations at a particular point in time. While the heart of the analysis consists of close
textual readings, social, cultural and political contexts are introduced to provide a better
understanding of the historical reality influencing the individual novels, a reality to which
these novels are also responding. Chapters One through Five, covering a period from the
Frères Ennemis author / William / Cloonan / Liverpool 978786949356 2018-10-02 mid-1870s to the end of the Cold War, discuss significant aspects of the often fraught
Florida State University. University Press relationship from the theoretical perspective of Roland Barthes’ theory of modern myth,
described in his <i>Mythologies</i>. Barthes’ theory helps situate Franco-American
tensions in a paradigmatic structure, while at the same time it is supple enough to allow
for shifts and reversals within the paradigm. Subsequent chapters explore new French
attitudes toward the powerful, potentially dominant influence of American culture on
French life. In these sections I argue that recent French fiction displays more openness to
the American experience than has existed in the past, and as such contrasts with the
more static American approach to French culture.

Middlebrow is a derogatory word that connotes blandness, mediocrity and a failed

aspiration to ‘high’ culture. However, when appropriated as a positive term to denote
that wide swathe of literature between the challenging experimentalism of the high and
the formulaic drive of the popular, it enables a rethinking of the literary canon from the
point of view of what most readers actually read, a criterion curiously absent from
Middlebrow Matters author / Diana / Holmes / Liverpool 9781786949523 2018-10-31 dominant definitions of literary value. Since women have long formed a majority of the
University of Leeds University Press nation’s reading public, this perspective immediately feminises what has always been a
very male canon. Opening with a theorisation of the concept of middlebrow that mounts
a defence of some literary qualities disdained by modernism, the book then focuses on a
series of case studies of periods (the Belle Époque, inter-war, early twenty-first century),
authors (including Colette, Irène Nemirovsky, Françoise Sagan, Anna Gavalda) and the
middlebrow nature of literary prizes.

Unfinished Revolution is the first study to gather nineteenth-century representations and

Unfinished Revolution: Haiti, performances of Haitian sovereignty in the Atlantic world. In assembling this
Black Sovereignty and Power in author / Karen / Salt / Liverpool undiscovered archive of black power, this book offers compelling evidence of the ways
9781786949547 2018-11-30 that sovereignty and blackness intersect with unstable processes of modernity to History
the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic University of Nottingham. University Press produce an articulation of black authority always, already under threat for eradication or
World ridicule. Undeterred, nineteenth-century Haitian leaders mounted a century’s-long battle
to situate Haiti at the centre of the Atlantic world.
There is as yet no collection that examines the longer histories of global humanitarianism
and media culture, which would enable readers to consider the various continuities, as
well as the differences, characterising the mass media’s relationship with international
editor / Michael / Lawrence / humanitarian crisis and relief. This collection examines this relationship from the 1950s
Global humanitarianism and University of Sussex | Manchester to the present, from Marshall Plan documentaries and the promotion of the Peace Corps
9781526117304 2019-01-16 in the decades following the Second World War to the role of Facebook in the work of Political Science
media culture editor / Rachel / Tavernor / University Press NGOS and the media’s response to the current refugee crisis. The majority of the
University of Sussex contributors to the proposed volume are specialists in the fields of media, film and
cultural studies and approach the question of humanitarianism-media culture relations
from a variety of critical and theoretical perspectives, and draw on other disciplines such
as sociology, journalism, politics and anthropology.

In this collection Freda Hodge retrieves early voices of Holocaust survivors. Men, women
and children relate experiences of deportation and ghettoisation, forced labour camps
and death camps, death marches and liberation. As Feliks Tych points out, such eye-
witness accounts collected in the immediate post-war period constitute the most
Monash important body of Jewish documents pertaining to the history of the Holocaust. The
Tragedy and Triumph editor / Freda / Hodge / University 9781925523881 2018-12-01 freshness of memory makes these early voices profoundly different from, and historically
Monash University Publishing
more significant than, later recollections gathered in oral history programs. Carefully
selected and painstakingly translated, these survivor accounts were first published
between 1946 and 1948 in the Yiddish journal Fun Letzten Khurben (‘From the Last
Destruction’) in postwar Germany, by refugees waiting in ‘Displaced Person’ camps, in
the American zone of occupation, for the arrival of travel documents and visas. These
accounts have not previously been available in English.

In this book, Thomas J. Connelly draws on a number of key psychoanalytic concepts from
the works of Jacques Lacan, Slavoj Žižek, Joan Copjec, Michel Chion, and Todd McGowan
to identify and describe a genre of cinema characterized by spatial confinement.
Examining classic films such as Alfred Hitchcock's Rope and Stanley Kubrick's The Shining,
author / Thomas / Connelly / Northwestern as well as current films such as Room, Green Room, and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Connelly
Cinema of Confinement 9780810139237 2019-02-15 shows that the source of enjoyment of confined spaces lies in the viewer's relationship to Arts
Pomona College University Press excess. 
Cinema of Confinement offers rich insights into the appeal of constricted filmic spaces at
a time when one can easily traverse spatial boundaries within the virtual reality of

Anthropology is a flourishing discipline in Southeast Asia. This book makes visible the
development of national traditions and transnational practices of anthropology across
the region. The authors are practising anthropologists with decades of experience in the
editor / Eric C. / Thompson / intellectual traditions and institutions that have taken root in the region. Three
National University of overlapping issues are addressed in these pages. First, the historical development of
traditions of research, scholarship, and social engagement across diverse anthropological
Southeast Asian Anthropologies Singapore | editor / NUS Press 9789813250093 2019-02-11 communities of the region, which have adopted and adapted global anthropological Anthropology
Vineeta / Sinha / National trends to their local circumstances. Second, the opportunities and challenges faced by
University of Singapore Southeast Asian anthropologists as they practise their craft in different political contexts.
Third, the emergence of locally-grounded, intra-regional, transnational linkages and
practices. The book contributes to a 21st-century, world anthropologies paradigm from a
Southeast Asian perspective.
This collection explores the closing months and weeks of the Civil War and its
editor / Paul / Finkelman / implications for Congress in the postwar nation. Topics include ratification of the
Ending the Civil War and Gratz College | editor / Ohio University 9780821446461 2019-02-25 Fourteenth Amendment; Sherman's March and the laws of war; commemoration of the
Consequences for Congress Donald / Kennon Press Civil War after 100 and 150 years; sectionalism, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the end
of popular constitutionalism; treatment of federal prisoners of war; the refugee crisis at
the end of the war and in the Reconstruction period; and the postbellum U.S. economy.

Poverty, corruption, and conflictsa ffect many parts of Africa, but the source of these
problems is widely misunderstood. Many challenges today are rooted in colonial political
and economic practices, Cold War alliances, and attempts by outsiders to influence
political and economic systems during the decolonization and postindependence periods.
author / Elizabeth / This book provides a new framework for foreign political and military intervention in
Foreign Intervention in Africa
Schmidt / Loyola University Ohio Press
University Africa, its purposes. It focuses on the 25 years following the Cold War, when neighboring
9780896805040 2018-10-22 History
after the Cold War Maryland
states and subregional, regional, and global organizations and networks joined
extracontinental powers in support of diverse forces in the war-making and peace-
building processes. Two rationales were used to justify intervention: a response to
instability (and the responsibility to protect) and the war on terror. Intended for
nonpecialists, the book offers a new continentwide perspective, illuminated by case
studies synthesized from previously published works.

editor / Joanne / Cleland /

University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow | editor / Susanne / Learning and memory processes are basic features of human existence. They allow us to
(un)consciously adapt to changes in our social and physical environment in a variety of
Fuchs / Leibniz-Zentrum ways and may have been a precursor for survival in human evolution. Through several
Speech production and Allgemeine Peter Lang 9783631797860 2019-10-01 reviews and original work the book focuses on three key topics that enhanced our
perception Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), understanding of the topic in the last twenty years: first, the role of real-time auditory
Berlin | editor / Amélie / feedback in learning, second, the role of motor aspects for learning and memory, and
third, representations in memory and the role of sleep on memory consolidation.
Rochet-Capellan / GIPSA-lab
– CNRS, Université de
Grenoble Alpes

Coal, gas and oil have been capitalism's main fuels since the industrial revolution. And
yet, of all the fossil fuels ever consumed, more than half were burned in the last 50 years.
Most alarming of all, fossil fuel consumption has grown fastest in the last three decades,
since scientists confirmed that it is the main cause of potentially devastating global
author / Simon / Pirani /
Burning Up Oxford Institute for Energy Pluto Press 9781786803122 2018-10-20 In Burning Up, Simon Pirani recounts the history of fossil fuels' relentless rise since the Political Science
Studies mid twentieth century. Dispelling explanations foregrounding Western consumerism, and
arguments that population growth is the main problem, Pirani shows how fossil fuels are
consumed through technological, social and economic systems, and that these systems
must change.

This is a major contribution to understanding the greatest crisis of our time.

In 2015, students at the University of Cape Town demanded the removal of a statue of
Cecil Rhodes, the imperialist, racist business magnate, from their campus. The battle cry
'#RhodesMustFall' sparked an international movement calling for the decolonization of
the world's universities.
editor / Gurminder K. /
Bhambra / Sussex | editor / Today, as this movement grows, how will it radically transform the terms upon which
universities exist? In this book, students, activists and scholars discuss the possibilities
Decolonising the University Dalia / Gebrial / LSE | Pluto Press 9781786803153 2018-10-20 and the pitfalls of doing decolonial work in the home of the coloniser, in the heart of the Political Science
editor / Kerem / establishment. Subverting curricula, enforcing diversity, and destroying old boundaries,
Nişancıoğlu / SOAS this is a radical call for a new era of education.

Offering resources for students and academics to challenge and resist coloniality inside
and outside the classroom, Decolonising the University provides the tools for radical
pedagogical, disciplinary and institutional change.

In an age of political and economic uncertainty, from the Great Recession to the election
of Donald Trump, it is essential to understand the ways capitalism and imperialism are
central to the American way of life.

The story told in this book brings together a new interpretation of American history
beyond mainstream perspectives to chart the ways in which white-settler colonialism
author / James / Parisot / pushed expansion on the western frontier of empire, and locates the history through
How America Became Capitalist Pluto Press 9781786803863 2019-02-20 which empire gradually took on a capitalist form. History
It follows the pathway of expansion from the making of an Atlantic world market through
the creation of white colonies in New England and Virginia. From here the book charts
the growth of empire across the north and south, highlighting the gendered dynamics of
empire-building, and culminates in a discussion of the Civil War and the consolidation of
over two centuries of capitalist development explaining how a society with capitalism
became a capitalist society.

This book explores a central contradiction of 21st century economy and society: the
more morally and politically unaccountable capitalism and capitalists are, the more
accountable the mass majority of its subjects must become. The technocratic ideology
and surveillance culture of our modern marketized societies hides a deeper reality of a
free market that is unmanageable and a corporate elite whose actions cannot be traced
Monitored author / Peter / Bloom / Pluto Press 9781786803924 2019-03-20 let alone regulated.
Open University
This work highlights the paradoxical way an often disjointed and unjustifiable modern
neoliberalism persists through subjecting individuals and communities to a wide range of
technical and ethical 'accounting' in all areas of contemporary life. These pervasive
practices of monitoring and codifying everything and everyone mask how at its heart this
system and its elites remain socially uncontrollable and ethically out of control.
Why did Yugoslavia fall apart? Was its violent demise inevitable? Did its population
simply fall victim to the lure of nationalism? How did this multinational state survive for
so long, and where do we situate the short life of Yugoslavia in the long history of Europe
History of Yugoslavia author / Marie-Janin / Calic | Purdue 9781557538499 2018-11-01 in the twentieth century? The Complete History of Yugoslavia by Marie-Janine Calic
editor / Dona / Geyer University Press provides a concise, accessible, comprehensive synthesis of the political, cultural, social,
and economic life of Yugoslavia—from its nineteenth-century South Slavic origins to the
bloody demise of the multinational state of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

What do we imagine Afghanistan to be? The Ruins of Kabul examines how the meaning
of “Afghanistan” has been produced, ordered, and perpetuated through literary and
author / Alla / Ivanchikova / visual texts that were published after the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent U.S.-led
Imagining Afghanistan Purdue
Hobart and William Smith University 9781557539755 2019-09-15 invasion—the era that propelled Afghanistan into the center of global media visibility. Literature
Press Through an analysis of fiction, graphic novels, memoirs, plays, and film, the book
demonstrates that writing and screening Afghanistan has become a tool for
understanding our shared post- 9/11 condition—a hermeneutics of the contemporary.

This book explores ways in which libraries can reach new levels of service, quality, and
efficiency while minimizing cost by collaborating in acquisitions. In consortial acquisitions,
a number of libraries work together, usually in an existing library consortia, to leverage
size to support acquisitions in each individual library. In cross-functional acquisitions,
acquisitions collaborates to support other library functions. For the library acquisitions or
technical services manager, or the library director, awareness of different options for
effective consortial and cross-functional acquisitions allows for the optimization of staff
and resources to reach goals. This work presents those options in the form of case
studies, as well as useful analysis of the benefits and challenges of each.
Transforming Acquisitions and author / Michelle / Purdue 9781557538475 2019-06-21 By supporting each other’s acquisitions services in a consortium, libraries leverage size to Information Science
Collection Services Flinchbaugh University Press get better prices, and share systems and expertise to maximize resources while
minimizing costs. Within libraries, the library acquisitions function can be combined with
other library functions in a unit with more than one purpose, or acquisitions can develop
a close working relationship with another unit to support their work. This book surveys
practice at different libraries, and at different library consortia, and presents a detailed
description and analysis of a variety of practices for how acquisitions units support each
other within a consortium, and how they work with other library units, specifically
collection management, cataloging, interlibrary loan, and the digital repository, in the
form of case studies. A final sections of the book covers fundamentals of collaboration.
This book focuses on research developments, models, and practical applications of
animal-assisted interventions for diverse populations who have experienced trauma.
Physiological and psychological trauma is explored across three broad areas: 1) child
maltreatment and family violence; 2) acute and post-traumatic stress, including that
editor / Philip / Tedeschi | Purdue which is associated with military service, war, and developmental trauma; and 3) times of
Transforming Trauma 9781557538505 2019-06-21 crisis, such as natural disasters and the ever-increasing risks associated with climate Psychology
editor / Molly / Jenkins University Press change, community violence, terrorism, and periods of personal loss and grief.

Contributing authors, who include both national and international experts in the fields of
human-animal connection and trauma, discuss how our relationships with animals can
help build resiliency and foster healing to transform trauma and trauma response.

"Combining history of science and a history of universities with the new imperial history,
Universities in Imperial Austria 1848–1918: A Social History of a Multilingual Space by Jan
Surman analyzes the practice of scholarly migration and its lasting influence on the
intellectual output in the Austrian part of the Habsburg Empire.
Universities in Imperial Austria author / Jan / Surman Purdue 9781557538611 2018-12-15 History
1848–1918 University Press The Habsburg Empire and its successor states were home to developments that shaped
Central Europe's scholarship well into the twentieth century. Universities became centers
of both state- and nation-building, as well as of confessional resistance, placing scholars if
not in conflict, then certainly at odds with the neutral international orientation of

This book examines the impact of the "Big Five" technology companies – Apple,
Alphabet/Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft – on journalism and the media
industries. It looks at the current role of algorithms and artificial intelligence in curating
author / Jason Paul / how we consume media and their increasing influence on the production of the news.
Tech Giants, Artificial Intelligence Whittaker / University of Taylor & 9781351013758 2019-02-28 Media & Communications
and the Future of Journalism Francis Exploring the changes that the technology industry and automation have made in the
Lincoln, UK past decade to the production, distribution and consumption of news globally, the book
considers what happens to journalism once it is produced and enters the media
ecosystems of the internet tech giants – and the impact of social media and AI on such
things as fake news in the post-truth age.

Uncertain Bioethics makes a significant and distinctive contribution to the bioethics

literature by culling the insights from contemporary moral psychology to highlight the
epistemic pitfalls and distorting influences on our apprehension of value. Stephen Napier
also incorporates research from epistemology addressing pragmatic encroachment and
author / Stephen / Napier / Taylor & the significance of peer disagreement to justify what he refers to as epistemic diffidence
Uncertain Bioethics Villanova University Francis 9781351244510 2019-02-01 when one is considering harming or killing human beings. Napier extends these Philosophy
developments to the traditional bioethical notion of dignity and argues that beliefs
subject to epistemic diffidence should not be acted upon. He proceeds to apply this
framework to traditional and developing issues in bioethics including abortion, stem cell
research, euthanasia, decision-making for patients in a minimally conscious state, and
risky research on competent human subjects.
This book analyses the social and ethical implications of the globalization of emerging
skin-whitening and anti-ageing biotechnology. Using an intersectional theoretical
framework and a content analysis methodology drawn from cultural studies, the
sociology of knowledge, the history of colonial medicine and critical race theory, it
author / Amina / Mire / Taylor & examines technical reports, as well as print and on-line advertisements from
Wellness in Whiteness 9781351234146 2018-10-31 pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies for skin-whitening products. With close Sociology
Carleton University, Canada Francis attention to the promises of ‘ageless beauty’, ‘brightened’, youthful skin and solutions to
‘pigmentation problems’ for non-white women, the author reveals the dynamics of
racialization and biomedicalization at work. A study of a significant sector of the
globalised health and wellness industries, Wellness in Whiteness will appeal to social
scientists with interests in gender, race and ethnicity, biotechnology and embodiment.

This book looks at questions of intellectual property rights (IPR) -- historically, culturally,
and politically -- and their relationship to law and the state. Arguing that the idea that
intellectual property is another kind of property right (that is, that IP is a thing to be
The Cultural Production of author / Sean / Johnson Temple 2019-08-01 owned) exists in parallel with the idea that intellectual property is the consequence of a
Intellectual Property Rights Andrews University Press cultural process, Andrews discusses intellectual property rights within the context of
cultural studies, treating them as an object through which intersecting cultural and
political issues can be understood.

The field of Asian American studies grew out of mid-twentieth century civil rights
struggles, anti-war protests, and third world liberation movements. As a result, human
rights issues have always been part of Asian American studies, though they've been
editor / Cathy / Schlund-Vials largely peripheral to the interdiscipline. This edited collection bring Asian American
The Subject(s) of Human Rights | editor / Guy / Beauregard | University 9781439915745 2019-10-01 studies to the center of human rights critique by engaging with "the possibilities and the
Press limits of the stories that have circulated and the knowledge that has been produced
editor / Hsiu-chuan / Lee around the broad topic of 'human rights' understood primarily as a post-1945 discourse
that has profoundly affected the movements of people and relations of power across the
Pacific." The collection brings together scholars from North America and Asia in order to
approach the issue of human rights from both sides of the Pacific.

editor / Antonio / Pareja- This book is the product of an international workshop dedicated to addressing data
Lora / Universidad accessibility in the linguistics field. It is therefore vital to the book’s mission that its
Complutense de Madrid | content be open access. Linguistics as a field remains behind many others as far as data
Development of Linguistic Linked editor / Barbara / Lust / management and accessibility strategies. The problem is particularly acute in the subfield
Open Data Resources for Cornell University | editor / of language acquisition, where international linguistic sound files are needed for
reference. Linguists' concerns are very much tied to amount of information accumulated
Collaborative Data-Intensive Maria / Blume / Pontificia The MIT Press 9780262357227 2019-10-01 by individual researchers over the years that remains fragmented and inaccessible to the Linguistics
Research in the Language Universidad Católica del Perú larger community. These concerns are shared by other fields, but linguistics to date has
Sciences | editor / Christian / Chiarcos seen few efforts at addressing them. This collection, undertaken by a range of leading
/ Goethe-Universität experts in the field, represents a big step forward. Its international scope and
Frankfurt am Main, Institute interdisciplinary combination of scholars/librarians/data consultants will provide an
important contribution to the field.
for Computer Science
Today such companies as Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter play an
increasingly important role in how users form and express opinions, encounter
information, debate, disagree, mobilize, and maintain their privacy. What are the human
editor / Rikke Frank / rights implications of an online domain managed by privately owned platforms?
Human Rights in the Age of Jørgensen / The Danish The MIT Press 9780262353939 2019-10-01 According to the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, adopted by the UN
Media & Communications
Platforms Institute for Human Rights
Human Right Council in 2011, businesses have a responsibility to respect human rights
and to carry out human rights due diligence. But this goal is dependent on the willingness
of states to encode such norms into business regulations and of companies to comply. In
this volume, contributors from across law and internet and media studies examine the
state of human rights in today's platform society.

Most importantly, the book shows how literature constitutes an alternative public sphere
for Black people. In a society largely controlled by white supremacist actors and
institutions, Black authors have conjured fiction into a space where hard questions can be
Affective Intellectuals and the author / Judith / Sierra- asked and answered and where the work of combatting collective, racist suppression can
Space of Catastrophe in the Rivera / Penn State The Ohio State 2018-10-04 occur without replicating oppressive hierarchies. Intimate Antagonisms uncovers a key
University Press theme in Black fiction and argues that literature itself is a vital institutional site within
Americas University Black life. Through the examination of intimate conflicts in a wide array of twentieth- and
twenty-first-century novels, Blake demonstrates the centrality of intraracial relations to
the complexity and vision of Black social movements and liberation struggles and the
power and promise of Black narrative in reshaping struggle.

Asexual Erotics: Intimate Readings of Compulsory Sexuality attends to the silence around
Asexual Erotics author / Ela / Przybylo The Ohio State 2019-05-01 asexuality in queer, feminist, and lesbian thinking from the late 1960s to the present.
University Press Drawing on the knowledge generated by asexual community, activism, and scholarship,
Ela Przybylo gives us the first queer and feminist monograph on asexuality.

Felice D. Blake’s Black Love, Black Hate: Intimate Antagonisms in African American
Literature highlights the pervasive representations of intraracial deceptions, cruelties,
and contempt in Black literature. Literary criticism has tended to focus on Black solidarity
author / Felice D. / Blake / The Ohio State and the ways that a racially linked fate has compelled Black people to counter notions of
Black inferiority with unified notions of community driven by political commitments to
Black Love, Black Hate University of California, 2018-11-02 Literature
Santa Barbara University Press creative rehumanization and collective affirmation. Blake shows how fictional depictions
of intraracial conflict perform necessary work within the Black community, raising
questions about why racial unity is so often established from the top down and how
loyalty to Blackness can be manipulated to reinforce deleterious forms of subordination
to oppressive gender, sexual, and class norms.

Approximately 70% of the global total of people living with HIV/AIDS in 2016 were in sub-
Saharan Africa. After delayed governmental responses, the media has been consistently
deployed as an essential tool for prevention. But HIV prevention campaigns reflect
author / Christine / Cynn / The Ohio State multiple conflicting and shifting agendas that encompass far more than the imparting of
Prevention Virginia Commonwealth University Press 2018-10-16 information about how to limit the spread of the virus. In Prevention: Gender, Sexuality, History
University. HIV, and the Media in Côte d’Ivoire, Christine Cynn draws from postcolonial, queer, and
feminist film and media studies to critique global HIV prevention efforts and how they
attempt to reshape gendered sexualities and notions of family in line with the rationality
of neoliberalism.
As science communication has moved online, a range of important new genres have
author / Ashley / The Ohio State emerged: crowdfunding proposals, blogs, microblogs, databases, and more. Rhetorics of
Science Communication Online 2019-05-01 Science Online takes up these genres to explore how scientists are adapting their Media & Communications
Mehlenbacher University Press communications, how publics are increasingly involved in science, and how boundaries
between experts and non-experts continue to erode.

In Unbecoming Language, Annabel L. Kim examines a corpus of French literature writing

against difference. Inaugurated by Nathalie Sarraute and sustained in the work of
Monique Wittig and Anne Garréta, this corpus highlights three generations of the
twentieth and recent twenty-first centuries and the direct chain of influence between
author / Annabel / Kim / The Ohio State them. Kim considers these writers, and the story of literature’s political potential, as a
Unbecoming Language 2018-11-19 way of rereading and reinterpreting each writer’s individual corpus—rearticulating the Literature
Harvard University University Press strain of anti-difference feminist thought that has been largely forgotten in our (Anglo-
American) histories of French feminisms.

editor / Caterina / Benincasa Emerging forms of alternative economy are changing the structure of society, redefining
the relationship between centre and periphery in the urban fabric. In this context, the
| editor / Gianfranco / Neri / arts can play a crucial role in formulating a concept of complex and plural citizenship:
Reggio Calabria This economic, social and cultural paradigm has the potential to overcome the
Art and Economics in the City »Mediterranea« University, transcript 9783839442142 2019-05-31 conventional isolation of the arts and culture in ivory towers, and thereby to gradually Sociology
Italy | editor / Michele / Verlag make the urban fabric more fertile. This volume faces such sensitive issues by collating
contributions from various disciplines: Economists, sociologists, urbanists, architects and
Trimarchi / Bologna creative artists offer a broad and deep assessment of urban dynamics and their visions
University, Italy for years to come.

How can videogames portray love and loss? »Games and Bereavement« answers this
question by analysing five videogames and conducting a participatory design study with
Games and Bereavement author / Sabine / Harrer / transcript 9783839444153 2018-10-15 grievers. Sabine Harrer offers both theoretical and practical perspectives on videogames
Media & Communications
University of Vienna, Austria Verlag and grief and suggests a design model for videogames to include grievers into game
development. Overall, she explores how videogames can be used as contemporary
medium for personal storytelling.

editor / Beat / Suter / Why do we play games and why do we play them on computers? The contributors of
University of the Arts Zurich, »Games and Rules« take a closer look at the core of each game and the motivational
Switzerland | editor / Mela / system that is the game mechanics. Games are control circuits that organize the game
Kocher / University of the transcript world with their (joint) players and establish motivations in a dedicated space, a »Magic
Games and Rules Arts Zurich, Switzerland | Verlag 9783839443040 2019-03-15 Circle«, whereas game mechanics are constructs of rules designed for interactions that Media & Communications
provide gameplay. Those rules form the base for all the excitement and frustration we
editor / René / Bauer / experience in games. This anthology contains individual essays by authors with
University of the Arts Zurich, backgrounds in Game Design and Game Studies, who lead the discourse to get to the
Switzerland bottom of game mechanics in video games and the real world.
In the early years of the Cold War, Western nations increasingly adopted strategies of
public diplomacy involving popular music. While the diplomatic use of popular music was
editor / Mario / Dunkel / initially limited to such genres as jazz, the second half of the 20th century saw a growing
Popular Music and Public University of Oldenburg | transcript 9783839443583 2019-03-15 presence of various popular genres in diplomatic contexts, including rock, punk, reggae,
Diplomacy editor / Sina A. / Nitzsche / Verlag and hip-hop. This volume illuminates the interrelation of popular music and public
TU Dortmund University diplomacy from a transnational and transdisciplinary angle. The contributions argue that,
as popular music has been a crucial factor in international relations, its diplomatic use
has substantially impacted the global musical landscape of the 20th and 21st centuries.

From a rare map of yellow fever in eighteenth-century New York, to Charles Booth’s
famous maps of poverty in nineteenth-century London, an Italian racial zoning map of
early twentieth-century Asmara, to a map of wealth disparities in the banlieues of
twenty-first-century Paris, Mapping Society traces the evolution of social cartography
over the past two centuries. In this richly illustrated book, Laura Vaughan examines maps
Mapping Society author / Laura / Vaughan / UCL Press 9781787353053 2018-10-01 of ethnic or religious difference, poverty, and health inequalities, demonstrating how
UCL they not only serve as historical records of social enquiry, but also constitute inscriptions
of social patterns that have been etched deeply on the surface of cities. The book covers
themes such as the use of visual rhetoric to change public opinion, the evolution of
sociology as an academic practice, changing attitudes to physical disorder, and the
complexity of segregation as an urban phenomenon. While the focus is on historical
maps, the narrative carries the discussion of the

In 1989 the Berlin Wall came down. Two years later the Soviet Union disintegrated. The
collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union discredited the idea of
socialism for generations to come. It was seen as representing the final and irreversible
victory of capitalism. This triumphal dominance was barely challenged until the 2008
financial crisis threw the Western world into a state of turmoil.
editor / Pete / Duncan / UCL
Socialism, Capitalism and | editor / Elisabeth / UCL Press 9781787353824 2019-06-01 Through analysis of post-socialist Russia and Central and Eastern Europe, as well as of the Political Science
Alternatives United Kingdom, China and the United States, 'Socialism, Capitalism and Alternatives'
Schimpfössl / UCL
confronts the difficulty we face in articulating alternatives to capitalism, socialism and
threatening populist regimes. Beginning with accounts of the impact of capitalism on
countries left behind by the planned economies, the volume moves on to consider how
China has become a beacon of dynamic economic growth, aggressively expanding its
global influence.

A Bowl for a Coin is the first book in any language to describe and analyze the history of
all Japanese teas. To understand the triumph of the tea plant in Japan, Wayne Farris
begins with its cultivation and goes on to describe the myriad ways in which the herb was
processed into a palatable beverage. Along the way, he traces the shift in tea's status
from exotic gift item from China to its complete nativization in Edo (1603-1868) art and
author / William Wayne / University of literature and its eventual place on the table of every Japanese household.
A Bowl for a Coin 9780824882617 2019-04-30 History
Farris / University of Hawaii Hawai'i Press Farris maintains that tea farming exemplifies the increasing sophistication of Japanese
agriculture after 1350, resulting in significant exports of Japanese tea to Euro-American
markets. and securing Japan a place among the world's industrialized nations. By 1800,
tea had become a central commodity in the formation of a burgeoning consumer society.
This volume aims to foster interaction between scholars in the subfields of Islamic and
Buddhist studies by increasing understanding of the circulation and localization of
religious texts, institutional models, and ritual practices across Asia and beyond.
editor / R. Michael / Feener / Buddhist and Islamic Orders in Southern Asia scrutinizes religious orders (here referring
University of Oxford | to Sufi ?ar?qas and Buddhist monastic and other ritual lineages) that enabled far-flung
Buddhist and Islamic Orders in editor / Anne M. / University of 9780824882419 2018-11-30 local communities to be recognized and engaged as part of a broader world of co- Theology & Religion
Southern Asia Hawai'i Press religionists, while presenting their traditions and human representatives as attractive and
Blackburn / Cornell
authoritative to new devotees. Contributors to the volume direct their attention toward
University analogous developments mutually illuminating for both fields of study, drawing readers'
attention to the fact that networked persons were not always strongly institutionalized
and often moved through Southern Asia and developed local bases without the oversight
of complex corporate organizations.

In contemporary Japan, as the Japanese population ages, the low birth rate shrinks the
population, and decades of recession radically restructure labor markets' intimate
relationships, norms, and ideals are concurrently shifting.

editor / Allison / Alexy / This volume explores a broad range of intimate practices in Japan in the first decades of
University of Michigan | University of the 2000s to trace how social change is manifests through deeply personal choices. From
Intimate Japan 9780824882440 2018-10-31 young people making decisions about birth control to spouses struggling to connect with Anthropology
editor / Emma E. / Cook / Hawai'i Press each other, parents worrying about stigma faced by their adopted children, and queer
Hokkaido University people creating new terms to express their identifications, Japanese intimacies are
commanding a surprising amount of attention, both within and beyond Japan. With
ethnographic analysis focused on how intimacy is imagined, enacted, and discussed, the
volume offers rich and complex portraits of how people balance personal desires with
feasible possibilities and shifting social norms.

Anatomy of a Civil War demonstrates the destructive nature of war, ranging from the
physical destruction, to a range of psycho-social problems, and to the detrimental effects
on the environment. Despite such horrific aspects of war, evidence suggests that civil war
is likely to generate multilayered outcomes. To examine the transformative aspects of
author / Mehmet / Gurses / University of civil war, Mehmet Gurses draws on an original survey conducted in Turkey, where a
Anatomy of a Civil War 9780472901166 2018-10-15 Kurdish armed group, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), has been waging an Political Science
Florida Atlantic University Michigan Press intermittent insurgency for Kurdish self-rule since 1984. Findings from a probability
sample of 2,100 individuals randomly selected from three major Kurdish-populated
provinces in the eastern part of Turkey, coupled with insights from face-to-face in-depth
interviews with dozens of individuals affected by violence, provide evidence for the
multifaceted nature of exposure to violence during civil war.

Drones and Support for the Use of Force utilizes experimental research to analyze the
author / James Igoe / effects of combat drones on Americans’ support for the use of force. The authors
develop expectations drawn from social science theory and then assess these conjectures
Drones and Support for the Use Walsh
/ University of North University of
using a series of survey experiments. Their findings—that drones have had important but
Carolina at Charlotte | 9780472901173 2018-11-13 Political Science
of Force author / Marcus / Schulzke / Michigan Press
nuanced effects on support for the use of force—have implications for democratic
control of military action and civil-military relations, and provide insight into how the
University of York development and proliferation of current and future military technologies influence the
domestic politics of foreign policy.
Strategic voting is classically defined as “voting for one’s second preferred option to
editor / John / Aldrich / Duke prevent one’s least preferred option from winning when one’s first preference has no
University | editor / André / chance.” Voters want their votes to be effective, and casting a ballot that will have no
Blais / Université de University of influence on an election is undesirable—therefore, some voters cast a strategic ballot
Many Faces of Strategic Voting 9780472901128 2018-12-04 when they decide it is useful. Political Science
Montréal | editor / Laura B. / Michigan Press
Stevenson / University of This edited volume includes case studies of strategic voting behavior in Israel, Germany,
Western Ontario Japan, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Canada, and the UK, and provides a conceptual
framework for understanding strategic voting behavior in all types of electoral systems.

Music has long played a role in American presidential campaigns as a mode of both
expressing candidates’ messages and criticizing the opposition. The 2016 campaign was
no exception and was a game changer. The ten chapters in this collection place music use
editor / Eric T. / Kasper / in 2016 in historical perspective before examining musical messaging, strategy, and
University of Wisconsin-Eau University of parody. The book ultimately explores causality: how do music and musicians affect
You Shook Me All Campaign Long Claire | editor / Benjamin S. / North Texas 9781574417456 2018-11-15 presidential elections, and how do politicians and campaigns affect music and musicians? Music
Schoening / University of Press The authors explain this interaction from various perspectives, with methodological
approaches from several fields, including political science, legal studies, musicology,
North Georgia cultural studies, rhetorical studies, and communications and journalism.
“The cumulative effect of the authors’ expertise on campaign music makes this book a
tour-de-force.”—Nancy S. Love, author of Musical Democracy

Curious Encounters uncovers a rich history of global voyaging, collecting, and scientific
exploration in the long eighteenth century. Voyagers from Greenland to the Ottoman
empire crossed paths with French, British, Polynesian, and Spanish travelers across the
editor / Adriana / Craciun / world, trading objects and knowledge for diverse ends. The essays in this collection
Boston College | editor / University of restore our understanding of the encounters between European and Indigenous people.
Curious Encounters 9781487531546 2019-01-28 To do this, the essays consider diverse agents of historical change, both human and Literature
Mary / Terrall / University of Toronto Press inanimate: commodities, curiosities, texts, animals, and specimens moved through their
California own global circuits of knowledge and power. The dynamic contact zones of these curious
encounters include the ice floes of the Arctic, the sociable spaces of the tea table, the
hybrid material texts and objects in imperial archives, and the collections belonging to
key figures of the Enlightenment.

Machiavelli and the Politics of Democratic Innovation uses original readings of

Machiavelli’s texts to develop a new theoretical model of democratic practice.
Christopher Holman identifies two unique ideas in Machiavelli through his
rearrangement of Machiavellian concepts. The first, drawn primarily from The Prince, is
author / Christopher / an image of the individual human being as a creative subject that seeks the
Machiavelli and the Politics of Holman / Nanyang University of 9781487531591 2018-10-01 exteriorization of desire via political creation. The second, drawn primarily from The
Political Science
Democratic Innovation Toronto Press Discourses on Livy, is an image of the democratic republic as a form of regime in which
Technological University this desire for creative self-expression is universalized, all citizens being able to affirm
their psychic orientation toward innovation through their equal access to political
institutions and orders. Such institutions and orders, to the extent that they function as
media for the expression of a fundamental human creativity, must be arranged so that
they are capable of continual interrogation and refinement.
The first book-length study of gossip’s place in the literature of the multilingual
Caribbean reveals gossip to be a utilitarian and deeply political practice—a means of
staging the narrative tensions, and waging the narrative battles, that mark Caribbean
politics and culture. Revising the overly gendered existing critical frame,
author / Ana / Rodriguez- University of Rodríguez Navas argues that gossip is a fundamentally adversarial practice that at once
Idle Talk, Deadly Talk 9780813941639 2018-10-02 surveils identities and empowers writers to skirt sanitized, monolithic historical accounts Literature
Navas Virginia Press by weaving alternative versions of their nations’ histories from this self-governing
discursive material. Reading recent fiction from the Hispanic, Anglophone, and
Francophone Caribbean and their diasporas, alongside poetry, song lyrics, journalism,
memoirs, and political essays, Idle Talk, Deadly Talk maps gossip’s place in the Caribbean
and reveals its rich possibilities as both literary theme and narrative device.

This book explores activism, research and critique in the age of digital subjects and
objects and Big Data capitalism after a digital turn said to have radically transformed our
political futures. Optimists assert that the ‘digital’ promises: new forms of community
editor / David / Chandler / and ways of knowing and sensing, innovation, participatory culture, networked activism,
University of Westminster, University of and distributed democracy. Pessimists argue that digital technologies have extended
domination via new forms of control, networked authoritarianism and exploitation,
Digital Objects, Digital Subjects UK | editor / Christian / Westminster 9781912656097 2019-01-30 dehumanization and the surveillance society. Leading international scholars present Sociology
Fuchs / University of Press varied interdisciplinary assessments of such claims—in theory and via dialogue—and of
Westminster, UK the digital’s impact on society, the potentials, pitfalls, limits and ideologies, of digital
activism. They reflect on whether computational social science, digital humanities and
ubiquitous datafication lead to digital positivism that threatens critical research or lead
to new horizons in theory and society.

Archaeologists have long recognized the crucial role of interregional interaction in the
development and cultural dynamics of ancient societies, particularly in terms of the
editor / Joshua D. / evolution of sociocultural complexity and economic systems. New Perspectives on
Englehardt / The College of University Press Interregional Interaction in Ancient Mesoamerica builds on and amplifies this earlier
Interregional Interaction in research to examine such sociocultural phenomena as movement, migration, symbolic
Michoacán | editor / Michael 9781607328360 2018-11-16 Archaeology
Ancient Mesoamerica of Colorado exchange, and material interaction in their role as catalysts for variability in cultural
D / Carrasco / Florida State systems. The contributors contend that interregional cultural exchange in Pre-Columbian
University Mesoamerica played a key role in the creation of systems of shared ideologies, the
production of regional or “international” artistic and architectural styles, shifting
sociopolitical patterns, and changes in cultural practices and meanings.

This volume includes twelve novel empirical papers focusing on the behaviour and
author / Claude / Cahn / cognition of both captive and wild bonobos (''Pan paniscus'').
Bonobo Cognition and Behaviour Radboud University, Brill 9789004304178 2015-12-04 Overall it demonstrates how anyone interested in understanding humans or Life Sciences
Nijmegen chimpanzees must also know bonobos.
This book explains how mathematical tools can be used to solve problems in signal
processing. Assuming an advanced undergraduate- or graduate-level understanding of
author / Charles L. / Byrne / mathematics, this second edition contains new chapters on convolution and the vector
DFT, plane-wave propagation, and the BLUE and Kalman filters. It expands the material
Signal Processing University of Massachusetts CRC Press 2014-11-17 on Fourier analysis to three new chapters to provide additional background information, Mathematics
Lowell presents real-world examples of applications that demonstrate how mathematics is used
in remote sensing, and includes robust appendices and problems for classroom use.

editor / Leo / Sher / James J.

Peters Veterans' Psychiatric disorders in adolescents are an important social problem relevant to almost
all healthcare professionals. The prevalence of mood, anxiety, substance use and other
Administration Medical psychiatric disorders among adolescents is high. However, medical professionals are not
Center, Bronx, New York, sufficiently trained about adolescent psychiatric disorders. Primary care providers
Adolescent Psychiatry USA | editor / Joav / De Gruyter 9783110316612 2013-09-17 correctly identify less than a fourth of youth with a depressive or anxiety disorder and Medicine & Public Health
Merrick / Ministry of Social many clinicians underestimate the importance of the problem of adolescent psychiatric
illnesses and suicidal behavior. Multiple clinical, neurobiological, cultural and legal
Affairs and Social Services, aspects of psychiatric disorders in adolescents are discussed in this book.
Jerusalem, Israel

This book is thesecond volume of a three volume series recording the "Radon Special
Semester 2011 on Multiscale Simulation &amp Analysis in Energy and the Environment"
that took placein Linz, Austria, October 3-7, 2011. This volume addresses the common
editor / Mike / Cullen | ground in the mathematical and computational procedures required for large-scale
editor / Melina A. / Freitag | inverse problems and data assimilation in forefront applications. The solution of inverse
Large Scale Inverse Problems De Gruyter 9783110282269 2013-08-29 problems is fundamental to a wide variety of applications such as weather forecasting, Mathematics
editor / Stefan / Kindermann medical tomography, and oil exploration. Regularisation techniques are needed to
| editor / Robert / Scheichl ensure solutions of sufficient quality to be useful, and soundly theoretically based. This
book addresses the common techniques required for all the applications, and is thus truly
interdisciplinary. This collection of survey articles focusses on the large inverse problems
commonly arising in simulation and forecasting in the earth sciences.

This monograph is devoted to statements of multidimensional inverse problems, in

particular to methods of their investigation. Questions of the uniqueness of solution,
solvability and stability are studied. Methods to construct a solution are given and, in
Multidimensional Inverse and Ill- certain cases, inversion formulas are given as well. Concrete applications of the theory
Posed Problems for Differential author / Yu. E. / Anikonov De Gruyter 2015-10-29 developed here are also given. Where possible, the author has stopped to consider the Mathematics
Equations method of investigation of the problems, thereby sometimes losing generality and
quantity of the problems, which can be examined by such a method. The book should be
of interest to researchers in the field of applied mathematics, geophysics and
mathematical biology.
author / Bretislav /
Friedrich / Fritz Haber
Institute of Max Planck
Institute and Technische This volume, occasioned by the centenary of the Fritz Haber Institute, formerly the
Universitaet Berlin, Germany Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, covers the institute's scientific and
institutional history from its founding until the present. The institute was among the
| author / Jeremiah / James / earliest established by the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, and its inauguration was one of the
One Hundred Years at the Fritz Haber Institute of Max first steps in the development of Berlin-Dahlem into a center for scientific research. Its
Intersection of Chemistry and Planck Institute, Berlin, De Gruyter 9783110239546 2011-10-27 establishment was made possible by an endowment from Leopold Koppel, granted on Chemistry
Physics Germany | author / the condition that Fritz Haber, well-known for his discovery of a method to synthesize
ammonia from its elements, be made its director. The history of the institute has largely
Thomas / Steinhauser / Fritz paralleled that of 20th-century Germany. It undertook controversial weapons research
Haber Institute of the Max during World War I, followed by a "Golden Era" during the 1920s, in spite of financial
Planck Society | author / hardships.
Dieter / Hoffmann / Max
Planck Institute for the
History of Science

This book presents in an elementary way the recent significant developments in the
qualitative theory of planar dynamical systems. The subjects are covered as follows: the
studies of center and isochronous center problems, multiple Hopf bifurcations and local
author / Yirong / Liu | author and global bifurcations of the equivariant planar vector fields which concern with
Planar Dynamical Systems / Jibin / Li | author / De Gruyter 9783110298369 2014-10-29 Hilbert's 16th problem. This book is intended for graduate students, post-doctors and Mathematics
Wentao / Huang researchers in the area of theories and applications of dynamical systems. For all
engineers who are interested the theory of dynamical systems, it is also a reasonable
reference. It requires a minimum background of an one-year course on nonlinear
differential equations.

This is the first of two volumes of a state-of-the-art survey article collection which
editor / Sean / Sather- originates from three commutative algebra sessions at the 2009 Fall Southeastern
Wagstaff / North Dakota American Mathematical Society Meeting at Florida Atlantic University. The articles reach
State University | editor / into diverse areas of commutative algebra and build a bridge between Noetherian and
Progress in Commutative Christopher / Francisco / De Gruyter 9783110250404 2012-04-26 non-Noetherian commutative algebra. These volumes present current trends in two of
Algebra 1 the most active areas of commutative algebra: non-noetherian rings (factorization, ideal
Oklahoma State University | theory, integrality), and noetherian rings (the local theory, graded situation, and
editor / Lee / Klingler | interactions with combinatorics and geometry). This volume contains combinatorial and
editor / Janet C. / Vassilev homological surveys. The combinatorial papers document some of the increasing focus in
commutative algebra recently on the interaction between algebra and combinatorics.
This is the second of two volumes of a state-of-the-art survey article collection which
originates from three commutative algebra sessions at the 2009 Fall Southeastern
editor / Sean M. / Sather- American Mathematical Society Meeting at Florida Atlantic University. The articles reach
Wagstaff / North Dakota into diverse areas of commutative algebra and build a bridge between Noetherian and
State University | editor / non-Noetherian commutative algebra. These volumes present current trends in two of
Progress in Commutative the most active areas of commutative algebra: non-noetherian rings (factorization, ideal
Christopher / Francisco / De Gruyter 9783110278606 2012-04-26 Mathematics
Algebra 2 Oklahoma State University |
theory, integrality), and noetherian rings (the local theory, graded situation, and
interactions with combinatorics and geometry). This volume contains surveys on aspects
editor / Lee / Klingler | of closure operations, finiteness conditions and factorization. Closure operations on
editor / Janet C. / Vassilev ideals and modules are a bridge between noetherian and nonnoetherian commutative
algebra. It contains a nice guide to closure operations by Epstein, but also contains an
article on test ideals by Schwede and Tucker and more.

For centuries, scientists have been fascinated by the role of the Sun in the Earth’s climate
system. Recent discoveries, outlined in this book, have gradually unveiled a complex
picture, in which our variable Sun affects the climate variability via a number of subtle
pathways, the implications of which are only now becoming clear.
This handbook provides the scientifically curious, from undergraduate students to policy
Earth’s climate response to a editor / Thierry / Dudok de EDP Sciences 2016-03-17 makers with a complete and accessible panorama of our present understanding of the
changing Sun Wit Sun-climate connection. 61 experts from different communities have contributed to it,
which reflects the highly multidisciplinary nature of this topic.

The handbook is organised as a mosaic of short chapters, each of which addresses a

specific aspect, and can be read independently. The reader will learn about the
assumptions, the data, the models, and the unknowns behind each mechanism by which
solar variability may impact climate variability.

Group action analysis developed and applied mainly by Louis Michel to the study of N-
dimensional periodic lattices is the central subject of the book. Di erent basic
mathematical tools currently used for the description of lattice geometry are introduced
and illustrated through applications to crystal structures in two- and three-dimensional
space, to abstract multi-dimensional lattices and to lattices associated with integrable
Introduction to Louis Michel's dynamical systems. Starting from general Delone sets the authors turn to di erent
lattice geometry through group author / Boris / Zhilinskii EDP Sciences 9782759819522 2016-03-03 symmetry and topological classi- cations including explicit construction of orbifolds for Mathematics
action two- and three-dimensional point and space groups.

Voronoï and Delone cells together with positive quadratic forms and lattice description
by root systems are introduced to demonstrate alternative approaches to lattice
geometry study. Zonotopes and zonohedral families of 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-dimensional lattices
are explicitly visualized using graph theory approach. Along with crystallographic appl
Owing to climate change related uncertainties and anticipated population growth,
different parts of the world (particularly urban areas) are experiencing water shortages
or flooding and security of fit-for-purpose supplies is becoming a major issue. The
emphasis on decentralized alternative water supply systems has increased considerably.
editor / Yayyaz / Memon / Most of the information on such systems is either scattered or focuses on large scale
Alternative Water Supply University of Exeter | IWA Publishing 9781780405513 2014-10-15 reuse with little consideration given to decentralized small to medium scale systems.
Environmental Sciences
Systems editor / Sarah / Ward / Alternative Water Supply Systems brings together recent research into the available and
University of Exeter innovative options and additionally shares experiences from a wide range of contexts
from both developed and developing countries. Also covered are the technical, social,
financial and institutional aspects associated with decentralized alternative water supply
systems. These include systems for greywater recycling, rainwater harvesting, recovery of
water through condensation and sewer mining.

author / Johannes / Biofouling of Spiral Wound Membrane Systems gives a complete and comprehensive
overview of all aspects of biofouling, bridging the gap between microbiology, hydraulics
Vrouwenvelder / King and membrane technology. High quality drinking water can be produced with membrane
Biofouling of Spiral Wound Abdullah University of filtration processes like reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF). As the global
IWA Publishing 2011-03-15 Environmental Sciences
Membrane Systems Science and Technology | demand for fresh clean water is increasing, these membrane technologies are
author / Joop / Kruithof / increasingly important. Most past and present methods to control biofouling have not
been very successful. An overview of several potential complementary approaches to
Wetsus solve biofouling is given and an integrated approach for biofouling control is proposed.

This book covers the most recent scientific and technological developments in the field
of chemical oxidation processes applicable for the efficient treatment of biologically-
difficult-to-degrade, toxic and/or recalcitrant effluents originating from different
author / Olcay / Tunay / manufacturing processes. It is a comprehensive review of process and pollution profiles
Chemical Oxidation Applications Istanbul Technical University IWA Publishing as well as conventional, advanced and emerging treatment processes & technologies
for Industrial Wastewaters | author / Isik / Kabdasli / 2010-10-12 developed for the most relevant and pollution (wet processing)-intensive industrial Environmental Sciences
sectors. It addresses chemical/photochemical oxidative treatment processes, case-
Istanbul Technical University specific treatability problems of major industrial sectors, emerging (novel) as well as
pilot/full-scale applications, process integration, treatment system design & sizing criteria
(figure-of-merits), cost evaluation and success stories in the application of chemical
oxidative treatment processes.

Environmental Aspects of Zoonotic Diseases provides a definitive description,

commentary and research needs of environmental aspects related to zoonotic diseases.
There are many interrelated connections between the environment and zoonotic
diseases such as: water, soil, air and agriculture. The book presents investigations of
author / Robert / Armon / these connections, with specific reference to environmental processes such as:
Environmental Aspects of Israel Institute of Technology IWA Publishing deforestation, floods, draughts, irrigation practices, soil transfer and their impact on
9781780400761 2012-01-31 Environmental Sciences
Zoonotic Diseases | author / Uta / Cheruti / bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitological spread. Environmental aspects such as climate
Israel Institute of Technology (tropical, sub-tropical, temperate, arid and semi-arid), developed and undeveloped
countries, animal traffic animal border crossing, commercial animal trade,
transportation, as well geography and weather on zoonosis, are also discussed and
relevant scientific data is condensed and organized in order to give a better picture of
interrelationship between the environment and current spread of zoonotic diseases.
Evolution of Water Supply Through the Millennia presents the major achievements in the
scientific fields of water supply technologies and management throughout the millennia.
It provides valuable insights into ancient water supply technologies with their apparent
author / Andreas / characteristics of durability, adaptability to the environment, and sustainability. A
Evolution of Water Supply Angelakis / Institute of comparison of the water technological developments in several civilizations is
Iraklion | author / Larry / IWA Publishing 2014-02-14 undertaken. These technologies are the underpinning of modern achievements in water Environmental Sciences
Through the Millennia Mays / Arizona State engineering and management practices. Naturally, intensification of unresolved problems
led societies to revisit the past and to reinvestigate the successful past achievements. To
University their surprise, those who attempted this retrospect, based on archaeological, historical,
and technical evidence were impressed by two things: the similarity of principles with
present ones and the advanced level of water engineering and management practices.

The FISH Handbook for Biological Wastewater Treatment provides all the required
information for the user to be able to identify and quantify important microorganisms in
activated sludge and biofilms by using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and
editor / Per / Nielsen / epifluorescence microscopy. It has for some years been clear that most microorganisms
FISH Handbook for Biological Aalborg University | editor / IWA Publishing in biological wastewater systems cannot be reliably identified and quantified by
2009-07-14 conventional microscopy or by traditional culture-dependent methods such as plate Environmental Sciences
Wastewater Treatment Holger / Daims / University counts. Therefore, molecular biological methods are vital and must be introduced instead
of Vienna of, or in addition to, conventional methods. At present, FISH is the most widely used and
best tested of these methods. This handbook presents all relevant information from the
literature and, based on the extensive experience of the authors, advice and
recommendations are given for reliable FISH identification and quantification.

Impacts of Climate Change on Rainfall Extremes and Urban Drainage Systems provides a
editor / Patrick / Willems / state-of-the-art overview of existing methodologies and relevant results related to the
Impacts of Climate Change on University of Leuven | assessment of the climate change impacts on urban rainfall extremes as well as on urban
Rainfall Extremes and Urban editor / Jonas / Olsson / IWA Publishing 2012-09-14 hydrology and hydraulics. This overview focuses mainly on several difficulties and Environmental Sciences
Drainage Systems Swedish Meteorological and limitations regarding the current methods and discusses various issues and challenges
facing the research community in dealing with the climate change impact assessment
Hydrological Institute and adaptation for urban drainage infrastructure design and management

Water resources systems provide multiple services and, if managed properly, can
contribute significantly to social well-being and economic growth. However, extreme or
editor / Casey / Brown / unexpected hydroclimatic conditions, such as droughts and floods, can adversely affect or
Managing Climate Risk in Water University of Massachusetts IWA Publishing 9781780400587 2013-02-15 even completely interrupt these services. This text seeks to provide knowledge,
Environmental Sciences
Supply Systems | editor / Neil / Ward / resources and techniques for water resources professionals to manage the risks and
Consultant opportunities arising from hydroclimatic variability and change. Managing Climate Risk in
Water Supply Systems provides materials and tools designed to empower technical
professionals to better understand the key issues in water supply systems.

Nanotechnology in Industrial Wastewater Treatment is a state of the art reference book.

author / Arup / Roy / IIT The book is particularly useful for wastewater technology development laboratories and
Nanotechnology in Industrial Kharagpur | author / Jayanta IWA Publishing organizations. All professional and academic areas connected with environmental
Wastewater Treatment / Bhattacharya / IIT 2015-01-15 engineering, nanotechnology based wastewater treatment and related product design Environmental Sciences
are incorporated and provide an essential resource. The book describes the application
Kharagpur and synthesis of Ca-based and magnetic nano-materials and their potential application
for removal/treatment of heavy metals from wastewater.
Rainwater tank systems have been widely adopted across the world to provide a safe
local source of water in underdeveloped rural areas, and as a substitution for mains
water for non potable end uses in water stressed urban areas. They also provide flood
editor / Ashok / Sharma / control in monsoonal climates like Korea or in combined sewer systems like in Germany.
University of Victoria | editor The importance of these systems in cities has grown, as water managers seek to provide
Rainwater Tank Systems for a range of decentralised solutions to supply constraints of current water supply systems,
/ Donald / Begbie / Urban IWA Publishing 9781780405360 2015-05-15 Environmental Sciences
Urban Water Supply Water Security Research
whilst reducing the impact of urban development on the natural environment, and
increasing resilience to climate change. Rainwater Tank Systems for Urban Water Supply
Alliance is based on a comprehensive, multi-million dollar research program that was undertaken
in South East Queensland (SEQ) Australia in response to the Millennium drought when
the water supply level in the regions drinking water dams dropped to 17% in July 2007
and the area came close to running out of water.

Sludge Reduction Technologies in Wastewater Treatment Plants is a review of the sludge

author / Paolo / Foladori / reduction techniques integrated in wastewater treatment plants with detailed chapters
on the most promising and most widespread techniques. The aim of the book is to
University of Trento | author update the international community on the current status of knowledge and techniques
Sludge Reduction Technologies / Gianna / Andreottola / in the field of sludge reduction. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the
IWA Publishing 2010-10-31 Environmental Sciences
in Wastewater Treatment Plants University of Trento | author following issues in sludge reduction: principles of sludge reduction techniques; process
/ Giuliano / Ziglio / University configurations; potential performance; advantages and drawbacks; and economics and
energy consumption. This book will be essential reading for managers and technical staff
of Trento of wastewater treatment plants as well as graduate students and post-graduate

Source Separation and Decentralization for Wastewater Management sets up a

comprehensive view of the resources involved in urban water management. It explores
Source Separation and editor / Tove / Larsen / the potential of source separation and decentralization to provide viable alternatives to
Decentralization for Wastewater Eawag | editor / Kai / Udert / IWA Publishing
Eawag | editor / Judit / 9781780401072 2013-02-01 sewer-based urban water management. The book presents a comprehensive view of the
state of the art of source separation and ecentralization. It discusses the technical Environmental Sciences
Management Lienert / Eawag possibilities and practical experience with source separation in different countries around
the world. The area is in rapid development, but many of the fundamental insights
presented in this book will stay valid.

In many countries, especially in developing countries, many people lack access to water
and sanitation services and this inadequate service is the main cause of diseases in these
countries. Application of appropriate wastewater treatment technologies, which are
author / Menahem / effective, low cost, simple to operate, proven technologies, is a key component in any
Libhaber / Consultant, USA | strategy aimed at increasing the coverage of wastewater treatment. Sustainable
Sustainable Treatment and author / Álvaro / Orozco- IWA Publishing 9781780400631 2012-05-31 Treatment and Reuse of Municipal Wastewater presents the concepts of appropriate
Environmental Sciences
Reuse of Municipal Wastewater technology for wastewater treatment and the issues of strategy and policy for increasing
Jaramillo / Consultant, wastewater treatment coverage. The book focuses on the resolution of wastewater
Colombia treatment and disposal problems in developing countries, however the concepts
presented are valid and applicable anywhere and plants based on combined unit
processes of appropriate technology can also be used in developed countries and provide
to them the benefits described.
Treatment of Micropollutants in Water and Wastewater gives a comprehensive overview
of modern analytical methods and will summarize novel single and hybrid methods to
remove continuously emerging contaminants - micropollutants from the aqueous phase.
author / Jurate / Virkutyte / New trends (e.g. sensor technology, nanotechnology and hybrid treatment technologies)
are described in detail. The content of the book is divided into chapters that present
Treatment of Micropollutants in University of Kuopio | author current descriptive and analytical methods that are available to detect and measure
/ Rajender / Varma / US IWA Publishing 2010-08-14 Environmental Sciences
Water and Wastewater Environmental Protection
micropollutants together with detailed information on various chemical, biological and
physicochemical methods that have evolved over the last few decades. The provides an
Agency understanding of why and how micropollutants must be removed from water sources,
and what are the most appropriate and available techniques for providing a cost and
technologically effective and sustainable solutions for reaching the goal of
micropollutant-free water and wastewater.

This book focuses on water services, including water supply and wastewater services and
deals with the connections between these. It covers water supply mainly in urban
communities, sanitation and pollution control and water resources and their linkages to
water services. This book is divided in to four key sections relating to governance
editor / Tapio / Katko / frameworks, technology and socio-ecological interactions, government and governance,
Water Services Management and University of Tampere | and long terms policies. The chapters analyse the complexity of the water services sector
IWA Publishing 2012-10-14 Environmental Sciences
Governance editor / Petri / Juuti / based on a historical analysis of developments within the sector. The underlying
University of Tampere conviction is that only by understanding past trends, processes and developments can
the current situation in the water services be understood. Only through this
understanding can policies for sustainable water services in the future be formulated.
The four key sections relate to governance frameworks, technology and socio-ecological
interactions, government and governance, and long terms policies.

Aging is a major risk factor for chronic diseases, which in turn can provide information
about the aging of a biological system. This publication serves as an introduction to
editor / Anatoliy I. / Yashin / systems biology and its application to biological aging. Key pathways and processes that
Duke Center for Population impinge on aging are reviewed, and how they contribute to health and disease during
Health and Aging, Durham | aging is discussed. The evolution of this situation is analyzed, and the consequences for
the study of genetic effects on aging are presented. Epigenetic programming of aging, as
Aging and Health editor / S. Michal / Karger 9783318027303 2014-01-01 a continuation of development, creates an interface between the genome and the Medicine & Public Health
Jazwinski / Tulane Center for environment. New research into the gut microbiome describes how this interface may
Aging, Department of operate in practice with marked consequences for a variety of disorders. This analysis is
Medicine, New Orleans bolstered by a view of the aging organism as a whole, with conclusions about the
mechanisms underlying resilience of the organism to change, and is expanded with a
discussion of circadian rhythms in aging.
After decades of focusing on how to alleviate and prevent recurrence of acute CNS
editor / Hiroaki / Naritomi / injuries, the emphasis has finally shifted towards repairing such devastating events and
Department of Neurology, rehabilitation. This development has been made possible by substantial progress in
Senri Chuo Hospital, Osaka understanding the scientific underpinnings of recovery as well as by novel diagnostic
560-0082, Japan | editor / tools, and most importantly, by emerging therapies awaiting clinical trials. In this
Clinical Recovery from CNS publication, several international experts introduce novel areas of neurological
Derk W. / Krieger / Karger 9783318023091 2013-01-01 Medicine & Public Health
Damage Department of Neurology,
reorganization and repair following CNS damage. Principles and methods to monitor and
augment neuroplasticity are explored in depth and supplemented by a critical appraisal
Stroke Center, of neurological repair mechanisms and possibilities to curtail disability using computer or
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen robotic interfaces. Rather than providing a textbook approach of CNS restoration, the
2100, Denmark editors selected topics where progress is most imminent in this labyrinthine domain of

editor / Richard I.G. / Holt /

Human Development and
Health Academic Unit,
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Southampton, This publication presents evidence about the magnitude and severe consequences of
University Hospital comorbidity of mental and physical illnesses from a personal and societal perspective.
Leading experts address the huge burden of co-morbidity to the affected individual as
Southampton NHS well as the public health aspects, the costs to society and interaction with factors
Foundation, Trust, stemming from the context of socioeconomic developments. The authors discuss the
Comorbidity of Mental and
Southampton, UK | editor / Karger 9783318026047 2015-01-01 clinical challenge of managing cardiovascular illnesses, cancer, infectious diseases and Medicine & Public Health
Physical Disorders other physical illness when they occur with a range of mental and behavioral disorders,
Mario / Maj / Department of
including substance abuse, eating disorders and anxiety. Also covered are the
Psychiatry, University of organization of health services, the training of different categories of health personnel
Naples, Naples, Italy | and the multidisciplinary engagement necessary to prevent and manage comorbidity
editor / Norman / effectively.
Sartorius, / Association for
the Improvement of Mental
Health, Programmes,
Geneva, Switzerland

editor / Artemis P. / Awareness of the influence of our genetic variation to dietary response (nutrigenetics)
Simopoulos / The Center for and how nutrients may affect gene expression (nutrigenomics) is prompting a revolution
in the field of nutrition. Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics provide powerful approaches to
Genetics, Nutrition and unravel the complex relationships among nutritional molecules, genetic variants and the
Health, Washington | biological system. This publication contains selected papers from the ‘3rd Congress of the
Personalized Nutrition Karger 9783805594288 2010-01-01 Medicine & Public Health
editor / John A. / Milner / International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics’ held in Bethesda, Md., in October
National Institutes of Health, 2009. The contributions address frontiers in nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics, epigenetics,
transcriptomics as well as non-coding RNAs and posttranslational gene regulations in
Health and Human Services, various diseases and conditions. In addition to scientific studies, the challenges and
Rockville opportunities facing governments, academia and the industry are included.
Psychiatric symptoms are common in the neurological and geriatric care of patients with
Parkinson’s disease. This book assembles short reviews from experts in the field to chart
editor / K.P. / Ebmeier / the various psychiatric syndromes known in Parkinson’s disease, their presentation,
Oxford | editor / J.T. / etiology and management. Presented are special topics on epidemiology of psychiatric
symptoms, affective disorders and apathy, early cognitive impairment through to
Psychiatry of Parkinson's Disease O'Brien / Newcastle upon Karger 9783805598019 2012-01-01 dementia, visuoperceptual dysfunction, psychotic disorders, sleep disturbances, impulse Medicine & Public Health
Tyne | editor / J.-P. / Taylor / disorders and sexual problems. Further, rarely discussed issues, such as the relationship
Newcastle upon Tyne between somatoform disorders and parkinsonism are reviewed. This publication is
essential reading for old age psychiatrists, gerontologists and neurologists who work with
patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease.

With about 10–20% of the adult population in Europe being tattooed, there is a strong
demand for publications discussing the various issues related to tattooed skin and health.
editor / Jørgen / Serup / Until now, only a few scientific studies on tattooing have been published. This book
Copenhagen | editor / discusses different aspects of the various medical risks associated with tattoos, such as
allergic reactions from red tattoos, papulo-nodular reactions from black tattoos as well as
Tattooed Skin and Health Nicolas / Kluger / Helsinki | Karger 9783318027778 2015-01-01 technical and psycho-social complications, in addition to bacterial and viral infections. Medicine & Public Health
editor / Wolfgang / Further sections are dedicated to the composition of tattoo inks, and a case is made for
Bäumler / Regensburg the urgent introduction of national and international regulations. Distinguished authors,
all specialists in their particular fields, have contributed to this publication which provides
a comprehensive view of the health implications associated with tattooing.

Yawning is a stereotyped phylogenetically ancient phenomenon that occurs in almost all

vertebrates. As an emotional behavior and an expressive movement, yawning has many
consequences; nevertheless, it has so far been poorly addressed in medical research and
practice. Bringing together the latest research from many fields, this volume integrates
The Mystery of Yawning in current insights within embryology, ethology, neurophysiology, psychology, fMRI and
editor / Olivier / Walusinski Karger 9783805594059 2010-01-01 pathology. The phylogenetic and ontogenetic aspects of yawning offer an interesting Medicine & Public Health
Physiology and Disease perspective on human development, and its occurrence in neurological diseases - an area
explored by only a few investigators - may provide useful clinical information. This book
will make valuable and fascinating reading to neurologists, sleep specialists,
psychologists, ethologists and pharmacologists, as well as to anybody interested in
uncovering the mystery of yawning.

Patient reported outcomes have become more and more important in clinical practice
and research. Evaluating subjective perceptions of patients has become mandatory for a
full assessment of treatment responses. In this context, clinimetrics, the science of
clinical measurements, provides unprecedented opportunities for psychosomatic
editor / G.A. / Fava / Bologna assessment. This volume illustrates how this approach can be translated into everyday
The Psychosomatic Assessment | editor / N. / Sonino / Karger 9783805598545 2012-01-01 practice complementing and improving the medical interview. The most sensitive and Medicine & Public Health
Padova reliable clinical methods are presented for evaluating specific psychosocial aspects of
disease, i.e. childhood adversities, life events and chronic stress, lifestyle, sexual function,
subclinical and affective disturbances, personality, illness behavior, well-being and family
dynamics. Each chapter provides practical illustrations as to how crucial information can
be obtained with specific methods individualized according to the patients’ needs.
This book shows how vitamin A deficiency – before the vitamin was known to scientists –
affected millions of people throughout history. It is a story of sailors and soldiers,
penniless mothers, orphaned infants, and young children left susceptible to blindness
and fatal infections. We also glimpse the fortunate ones who, with ample vitamin A-rich
editor / Richard D. / Semba / food, escaped this elusive stalker. Why were people going blind and dying? To unravel
The Vitamin A Story Karger 9783318021899 2012-01-01 this puzzle, scientists around the world competed over the course of a century. Their Medicine & Public Health
Baltimore persistent efforts led to the identification of vitamin A and its essential role in health. As
a primary focus of today’s international public health efforts, vitamin A has saved
hundreds of thousands of lives. But, we discover, they could save many more were it not
for obstacles erected by political and ideological zealots who lack a historical perspective
of the problem.

Engineering design is a fundamental problem-solving model used by the discipline.

Effective problem-solving requires the ability to find and incorporate quality information
sources. To teach courses in this area effectively, educators need to understand the
information needs of engineers and engineering students and their information
gathering habits. This book provides essential guidance for engineering faculty and
Integrating Information into the editor / Michael / Fosmire | Purdue librarians wishing to better integrate information competencies into their curricular
9781557538543 2013-12-15 offerings. The treatment of the subject matter is pragmatic, accessible, and engaging. Engineering
Engineering Design Process editor / David / Radcliffe University Press Rather than focusing on specific resources or interfaces, the book adopts a process-
driven approach that outlasts changing information technologies.

After several chapters introducing the conceptual underpinnings of the book, a sequence
of contributions go into detail about specific steps in the design process and the
information needs for those steps.

Higher education is coming under increasing scrutiny, both publically and within
academia, with respect to its ability to appropriately prepare students for the careers
that will make them competitive in the 21st-century workplace. At the same time, there
is a growing awareness that many global issues will require creative and critical thinking
editor / Gabriela / Weaver / deeply rooted in the technical STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)
Transforming Institutions University of Massachusetts Purdue 9781557538550 2015-10-15 disciplines.
Amherst | editor / Wilella / University Press
Burgess / Purdue University Transforming Institutions brings together chapters from the scholars and leaders who
were part of the 2011 and 2014 conferences. It provides an overview of the context and
challenges in STEM higher education, contributed chapters describing programs and
research in this area, and a reflection and summary of the lessons from the many
authors’ viewpoints, leading to suggested next steps in the path toward transformation.

The first book to collect and synthesize cutting-edge research findings on the treatment
of gynecological malignancies into one easy-to-use reference, Clinical Trials in Ovarian
author / Christine / Walsh / Rutgers Cancer provides physicians with an invaluable resource. Gynecologic oncologist Christine
Clinical Trials in Ovarian Cancer 9780813586496 2017-01-16 Medicine & Public Health
Cedar-Sinai University Press S. Walsh systematically outlines each of the seminal Phase III trials that have shaped the
treatment of ovarian cancers, detailing the rationale for the trial, the patient population
studied, treatment delivery methods, efficacy, toxicity, and trial conclusions.
This modern treatise on compact models for circuit computer-aided design (CAD)
presents industry standard models for bipolar-junction transistors (BJTs), metal-oxide-
semiconductor (MOS) field-effect-transistors (FETs), FinFETs, and tunnel field-effect
Compact Models for Integrated author / Samar K. / Saha / Taylor & transistors (TFETs), along with statistical MOS models. Featuring exercise problems at the
2015-08-14 end of each chapter and extensive references at the end of the book, the text supplies Engineering
Circuit Design Santa Clara University Francis fundamental and practical knowledge necessary for efficient integrated circuit (IC) design
using nanoscale devices. It ensures even those unfamiliar with semiconductor physics
gain a solid grasp of compact modeling concepts.

This book is the first to combine coverage of fuzzy logic and Semantic Web languages. It
provides in-depth insight into fuzzy Semantic Web languages for non-fuzzy set theory
Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and author / Umberto / Straccia / Taylor & and fuzzy logic experts. It also helps researchers of non-Semantic Web languages get a
2013-08-27 better understanding of the theoretical fundamentals of Semantic Web languages. The Computer Science
Semantic Web Languages ISTI - CNR Pisa Italy Francis first part of the book covers all the theoretical and logical aspects of classical (two-
valued) Semantic Web languages. The second part explains how to generalize these
languages to cope with fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic.

This book quantifies the key factors of WLAN performance and describes methods for
improvement. It provides theoretical background and empirical results for the optimum
author / Nurul / Sarkar / planning and deployment of indoor WLAN systems, explaining the fundamentals while
Improving the Performance of Auckland University of Taylor & 2014-01-08 supplying guidelines for design, modeling, and performance evaluation. It discusses
Computer Science
Wireless LANs Technology, New Zealand Francis environmental effects on WLAN systems, protocol redesign for routing and MAC, and
traffic distribution; examines emerging and future network technologies; and includes
radio propagation and site measurements, simulations for various network design
scenarios, numerous illustrations, practical examples, and learning aids.

Drawing on the authors’ more than six years of R&D in location-based information
author / Miguel A. / Labrador systems as well as their participation in defining the Java ME Location API 2.0, this text
/ University of South Florida describes the technical components needed to create location-based services with an
Location-Based Information in Tampa | author / Alfredo Taylor & 2010-10-21 emphasis on nonproprietary, freely available solutions that work across different
Computer Science
Systems J. / Perez / University of Francis technologies and platforms. Each chapter presents a general real-time tracking system
example that can be easily adapted to target any application domain and that can
South Florida incorporate other sensor data to make the system "participatory sensing" or "human-
centric sensing." A companion website offers many supporting materials.

Increasing reliance on electronic devices demands products with high performance and
efficiency. Such devices can be realized through the advent of nanoparticle technology.
Nanoparticle Engineering for This book explains the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles according to each
Chemical-Mechanical author / Ungyu / Paik | Taylor & 2009-02-20 step in the chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) process, including dielectric CMP,
Material Sciences
author / Jea-Gun / Park Francis shallow trend isolation CMP, metal CMP, poly isolation CMP, and noble metal CMP. The
Planarization authors provide a detailed guide to nanoparticle engineering of novel CMP slurry for
next-generation nanoscale devices below the 60nm design rule. This comprehensive text
also presents design techniques using polymeric additives to improve CMP performance.
This book introduces a new mechanism for representing social networks in which
pairwise relationships can be drawn from a range of realistic possibilities, including
different types of relationships, different strengths in the directions of a pair, positive and
Social Networks with Rich Edge author / Quan / Zheng | Taylor & negative relationships, and relationships whose intensities change with time. For each
2017-08-01 possibility, the book shows how to model the social network using spectral embedding. It Computer Science
Semantics author / David / Skillicorn Francis also shows how to compose the techniques so that multiple edge semantics can be
modeled together. The modeling techniques are then applied to a range of datasets to
show how they can produce results that are useful in understanding real-world social

This timely introduction to spectral feature selection illustrates the potential of this
powerful dimensionality reduction technique in high-dimensional data processing. It
author / Zheng Alan / Zhao / presents the theoretical foundations of spectral feature selection, its connections to
Spectral Feature Selection for SAS Institute, Inc. | author / Taylor & other algorithms, and its use in handling both large-scale data sets and small sample
2012-01-01 Computer Science
Data Mining Huan / Liu / Arizona State Francis problems. Readers learn how to use spectral feature selection to solve challenging
University problems in real-life applications and discover how general feature selection and
extraction are connected to spectral feature selection. Source code for the algorithms is
available online.

This book discusses various aspects of agent-based modeling and simulation using FLAME
(Flexible Large-scale Agent-Based Modeling Environment) which is a popular agent-based
author / Mariam / Kiran / modeling environment that enables automatic parallelization of models. Along with a
X-Machines for Agent-Based Taylor & focus on the software engineering principles in building agent-based models, the book
Lawrence Berkeley National 2017-08-15 Computer Science
Modeling Francis comprehensively discusses how models can be written for various domains including
Labs, California biology, economics and social networks. The book also includes examples to guide
readers on how to write their own models.

Jennifer Thomson, one of the world’s leading scientific advisors on genetic engineering,
traces through anecdote and science the development of a hotly contended area of
research, from the dawn of genetic engineering in the USA in 1974, through the early
stages of its uptake in South Africa to the current situation in which approximately 80%
of maize in South Africa is genetically modified for drought resistance. Through her own
author / Jennifer / story of how she came to choose GM as a career and her path-breaking involvement in
Food for Africa Thomson / UCT UCT Press 9781775820482 2013-05-15 the development of GM research, she describes the spread of this technology into other Life Sciences
parts of Africa and her venture into unknown territory to develop crops resistant to
drought, insects and viruses, a journey in which she came up against the multinational
Monsanto. The book describes a remarkable personal and scientific evolution and looks
to a future in which staple crops may be grown in difficult conditions by smallholder
farmers and help Africans achieve food security.
Teaching Health Care in Virtual Space is the first “how-to” manual for health educators
on the instructional use of three-dimensional, computer-generated virtual environments,
called “multi-user virtual learning environments” or MUVE. Dr. Estelle Codier has written
a step-by-step handbook based on her experience supervising more than 400 learning
activities in Second Life®. The book provides specific steps to assess instructional
readiness and guidance for assessing student and class readiness. The text is
Teaching Health Care in Virtual author / Estelle / Codier / University of 9780824882525 2016-07-31 accompanied by lively case studies of student learning illustrate the power of MUVE to
Medicine & Public Health
Space University of Hawaii–Manoa Hawai'i Press transform health care education.

The text includes an appendix of evaluation grids, grading matrices, syllabus descriptions,
and detailed orientation materials for both faculty and students. While the sample
learning activities were designed for nurses, instructors in other disciplines could easily
adapt them for use in any MUVE setting.

This book covers new advances in the field of impedance spectroscopy including
editor / Olfa / Kanoun / fundamentals, methods and applications. It releases selected extended and peer
Chemnitz University of reviewed scientific contributions from the International Workshop on Impedance
Impedance Spectroscopy Technology, Faculty of De Gruyter 9783110558920 2019-01-10 Spectroscopy (IWIS 2017) focussing on detailed information about recent scientific Engineering
Electrical Engineering and research results in electrochemistry and battery research, bioimpedance measurement,
sensors, system design, signal processing.
Information Technology

The aim of Clean Water Using Solar and Wind is to make water professionals aware of
the possibilities that solar photo-voltaic (PV) and wind offer to bring, not only clean
energy but also clean water to remote and rural areas in Africa and developing Asia as
Clean Water Using Solar and author / Gustaf / Olsson / well as in many peri-urban areas in the developing world. These areas are located outside
IWA Publishing 9781780409443 2018-11-15 Environmental Sciences
Wind Lund University the conventional electric grids and a grid connection is usually not economically feasible.
The systems are scalable and can be designed to any size, from the household level to
village and community levels. It also means that more capacity can be readily added
when demand increases.

The book presents a clear explanation of the inextricable linkages among water, energy,
and environment issues – the water/energy/environment nexus. Early chapters discuss
the current water, energy, and environment contexts in detail, including an overview of
global water issues, the importance of energy efficiency, traditional energy and emerging
renewable energy technologies, global warming and climate change and other water-
Water, Energy, and Environment author / Allan / Hoffman / IWA Publishing 9781780409658 2019-03-15 and energy-related environmental issues (e.g., water and air contamination, oil spills,
Environmental Sciences
Retired, US DoE radioactive waste storage, environmental impacts associated with solar, wind,
hydropower, and biomass energy), the importance of recognizing and dealing with the
nexus as well as policy implications and recommendations for moving forward. Insight is
given into the policy process associated with the nexus, policy history, policy options, and
steps people and institutions can take to address issues such as climate change, access to
clean water, and energy poverty.
Komnzo is a Papuan language of Southern New Guinea spoken by around 250 people in
the village of Rouku. Komnzo belongs to the Tonda subgroup of the Yam language family,
which is also known as the Morehead Upper-Maro group. This grammar provides the
first comprehensive description of a Yam language. It is based on 16 months of fieldwork.
Language The primary source of data is a text corpus of around 12 hours recorded and transcribed
A grammar of Komnzo author / Christian / Döhler 9783961101252 2019-01-04 between 2010 and 2015. Komnzo provides many fields of future research, but the most Linguistics
Science Press interesting aspect of its structure lies in the verb morphology, to which the two largest
chapters of the grammar are dedicated. Komnzo verbs may index up to two arguments
showing agreement in person, number and gender. Verbs encode 18 TAM categories,
valency, directionality and deictic status. Morphological complexity lies not only in the
amount of categories that verbs may express, but also in the way these are encoded.

Pichi is an Afro-Caribbean English-lexifier Creole spoken on the island of Bioko, Equatorial

Guinea. It is an offshoot of 19th century Krio (Sierra Leone) and shares many
characteristics with West African relatives like Nigerian Pidgin, Cameroon Pidgin, and
Ghanaian Pidgin English, as well as with the English-lexifier creoles of the insular and
A grammar of Pichi author / Kofi / Yakpo Language 9783961101337 2019-02-20 continental Caribbean. This comprehensive description presents a detailed analysis of the
Science Press grammar and phonology of Pichi. It also includes a collection of texts and wordlists. Pichi
features a nominative-accusative alignment, SVO word order, adjective-noun order,
prenominal determiners, and prepositions. The language has a seven-vowel system and
twenty-two consonant phonemes. Pichi has a two-tone system with tonal minimal pairs,
morphological tone, and tonal processes. The morphological structure is largely isolating.

Currently, there are two prominent schools in linguistics: Minimalism (Chomsky) and
Construction Grammar (Goldberg, Tomasello). Minimalism comes with the claim that our
linguistic capabilities consist of an abstract, binary combinatorial operation (Merge) and a
lexicon. Most versions of Construction Grammar assume that language consists of flat
phrasal schemata that contribute their own meaning and may license additional
author / Stefan / Müller / arguments. This book examines a variant of Lexical Functional Grammar, which is lexical
A lexicalist account of argument Humboldt-Universität zu Language 9783961101214 2018-11-23 in principle but was augmented by tools that allow for the description of phrasal
structure Science Press constructions in the Construction Grammar sense. These new tools include templates
Berlin that can be used to model inheritance hierarchies and a resource driven semantics. The
resource driven semantics makes it possible to reach the effects that lexical rules had, for
example remapping of arguments, by semantic means. The semantic constraints can be
evaluated in the syntactic component, which is basically similar to the delayed execution
of lexical rules. So this is a new formalization that might be suitable to provide solutions
to longstanding problems that are not available for other formalizations.
This book traces the precise origin of the early English lexical and lexico-phonetic
influences in Sranan, an English-based creole spoken in Suriname. Sranan contains
"fossilised" linguistic remnants of an early English colonial period. The book discusses
whether Sranan’s English influence(s) originated from a single dialect from the general
A tale of two dialect regions author / André / Sherriah Language 9783961101559 2019-05-22 London area, as proposed by Norval Smith in 1987, or whether we are dealing with a
Science Press composite of dialectal features from all over England. The book introduces a novel
replicable methodology for linguistic reconstructions, which combines statistics (in the
form of binomial probability), English dialect geography (via use of Orton’s et. al., 1962–
1971, Survey of English Dialects, which focuses on traditional regional English dialects
across England and Wales), and 17th-century English migration history.

This study investigates the distribution of linguistic and specifically structural diversity in
Northeast Asia (NEA), defined as the region north of the Yellow River and east of the
Yenisei. In particular, it analyzes what is called the grammar of questions (GQ), i.e., those
aspects of any given language that are specialized for asking questions or regularly
combine with these. The bulk of the study is a bottom-up description and comparison of
GQs in the languages of NEA. The addition of the phrase and beyond to the title of this
study serves two purposes. First, languages such as Turkish and Chuvash are included,
A typology of questions in author / Andreas / Hölzl / Language despite the fact that they are spoken outside of NEA, since they have ties to (or even
9783961101023 2018-08-29 Linguistics
Northeast Asia and beyond University of Zurich Science Press originated in) the region. Second, despite its focus on one area, the typology is intended
to be applicable to other languages as well. Therefore, it makes extensive use of data
from languages outside of NEA. The restriction to one category is necessary for reasons
of space and clarity, and the process of zooming in on one region allows a higher
resolution and historical accuracy than is usually the case in linguistic typology. The
discussion mentions over 450 languages and dialects from NEA and beyond and gives
about 900 glossed examples. The aim is to achieve both a cross-linguistically plausible
typology and a maximal resolution of the linguistic diversity of Northeast Asia.

This book provides a quantifiable measure and analysis of absolute complexity in the
nominal inflection of 17 Alemannic dialects, of standard German as well as of Middle and
Old High German. The data is based on grammatical descriptions. What can be
interpreted as being more or less complex in a language system is deduced from LFG
(Lexical-Functional Grammar) and from an inferential-realisational morphological
framework. The tool to measure inflectional complexity is also developed from these
frameworks. Variation in the inflectional complexity is analysed based on the following
factors: diachrony, isolation, language contact, standardisation, and dialect groups.
Absolute Komplexität in der author / Raffaela / Baechler / Language 9783961100231 2017-12-19 Linguistics
Nominalflexion University of Edinburgh Science Press Diese Arbeit quantifiziert und analysiert die absolute Komplexität in der Nominalflexion
von 17 alemannischen Dialekten, der deutschen Standardsprache sowie des Mittel- und
Althochdeutschen. Als Datengrundlage dienen Ortsgrammatiken. Die theoretische
Grundlage bilden LFG (Lexical-Functional Grammar) und die inferentielle-realisierende
Morphologie, wovon abgeleitet wird, was ein System komplexer bzw. simpler macht. Auf
diesen Modellen basiert auch die eigens entwickelte Methode zur Messung der
morphologischen Komplexität. Die Variation in der Komplexität der Nominalflexion wird
anhand der folgenden Faktoren analysiert: Diachronie, Isolation, Kontakt,
Standardisierung und Dialektgruppen.
Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2016 initiates a new series of collective volumes on
formal Slavic linguistics. It presents a selection of high quality papers authored by young
and senior linguists from around the world and contains both empirically oriented work,
underpinned by up-to-date experimental methods, as well as more theoretically
editor / Denisa / Lenertová | grounded contributions. The volume covers all major linguistic areas, including
Advances in formal Slavic editor / Roland / Meyer | Language 9783961101276 2019-04-17 morphosyntax, semantics, pragmatics, phonology, and their mutual interfaces. The
linguistics 2016 editor / Radek / Šimík | Science Press particular topics discussed include argument structure, word order, case, agreement,
editor / Luka / Szucsich tense, aspect, clausal left periphery, or segmental phonology. The topical breadth and
analytical depth of the contributions reflect the vitality of the field of formal Slavic
linguistics and prove its relevance to the global linguistic endeavour. Early versions of the
papers included in this volume were presented at the conference on Formal Description
of Slavic Languages 12 or at the satellite Worksh

editor / Jason / African Linguistics on the Prairie features select revised peer-reviewed papers from the
45th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, held at the University of Kansas. The
Kandybowicz / City articles in this volume reflect the enormous diversity of African languages, as they focus
University of New York | on languages from all of the major African language phyla. The articles here also reflect
editor / Travis / Major / the many different research perspectives that frame the work of linguists in the
Association for Contemporary African Linguistics. The diversity of views presented in this
African linguistics on the prairie University of California at Los Language 9783961100361 2018-06-30 volume are thus indicative of the vitality of current African linguistics research. The work Linguistics
Angeles | editor / Harold / Science Press presented in this volume represents both descriptive and theoretical methodologies and
Torrence / University of covers fields ranging from phonetics, phonology, morphology, typology, syntax, and
California at Los Angeles | semantics to sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, language acquisition, computational
editor / Philip T. / Duncan / linguistics and beyond. This broad scope and the quality of the articles contained within
holds out the promise of continued advancement in linguistic research on African
University of Kansas languages.

The organization of the lexicon, and especially the relations between groups of lexemes is
a strongly debated topic in linguistics. Some authors have insisted on the lack of any
structure of the lexicon. In this vein, Di Sciullo & Williams (1987: 3) claim that “[t]he
Analogical classification in formal author / Matias / Guzmán Language 9783961101863 2019-07-01 lexicon is like a prison – it contains only the lawless, and the only thing that its inmates
grammar Naranjo Science Press have in commonis lawlessness”. In the alternative view, the lexicon is assumed to have a
rich structure that captures all regularities and partial regularities that exist between
lexical entries.Two very different schools of linguistics have insisted on the organization
of the lexicon.

This book provides an introduction to the study of meaning in human language, from a
linguistic perspective. It covers a fairly broad range of topics, including lexical semantics,
compositional semantics, and pragmatics. The chapters are organized into six units: (1)
Foundational concepts; (2) Word meanings; (3) Implicature (including indirect speech
acts); (4) Compositional semantics; (5) Modals, conditionals, and causation; (6) Tense &
Analyzing meaning author / Paul R. / Kroeger Language 9783961101368 2019-02-06 Linguistics
Science Press Most of the chapters include exercises which can be used for class discussion and/or
homework assignments, and each chapter contains references for additional reading on
the topics covered.
As the title indicates, this book is truly an INTRODUCTION: it provides a solid foundation
which will prepare students to take more advanced and specialized courses in semantics
and/or pragmatics.
This book provides an introduction to the study of meaning in human language, from a
linguistic perspective. It covers a fairly broad range of topics, including lexical semantics,
compositional semantics, and pragmatics. The chapters are organized into six units: (1)
Foundational concepts; (2) Word meanings; (3) Implicature (including indirect speech
acts); (4) Compositional semantics; (5) Modals, conditionals, and causation; (6) Tense &

Most of the chapters include exercises which can be used for class discussion and/or
homework assignments, and each chapter contains references for additional reading on
author / Paul / Kroeger / SIL the topics covered.
International and Graduate Language
Analyzing meaning 9783961100347 2018-02-28 Linguistics
Institute of Applied Science Press As the title indicates, this book is truly an INTRODUCTION: it provides a solid foundation
Linguistics which will prepare students to take more advanced and specialized courses in semantics
and/or pragmatics. It is also intended as a reference for fieldworkers doing primary
research on under-documented languages, to help them write grammatical descriptions
that deal carefully and clearly with semantic issues. The approach adopted here is largely
descriptive and non-formal (or, in some places, semi-formal), although some basic logical
notation is introduced. The book is written at level which should be appropriate for
advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students. It presupposes some previous
coursework in linguistics, but does not presuppose any background in formal logic or set

This volume contains the complete collection of published and unpublished work on
German grammar by Tilman N. Höhle. It consists of two parts. The first part is
Topologische Felder, a book-length manuscript that was written in 1983 but was never
editor / Stefan / Müller / finished nor published. It is a careful examination of the topological properties of German
Humboldt-Universität zu sentences, including a discussion of typological assumptions. The second part assembles
Beiträge zur deutschen Berlin | editor / Marga / Language all other published and unpublished papers by Höhle on German grammar.
9783961100323 2018-03-06 Linguistics
Grammatik Reis / Universität Tübingen | Science Press All of these papers were highly influential in German linguistics, in theoretical linguistics
editor / Frank / Richter / in general, and in a specific variant of theoretical linguistics, Head-Driven Phrase
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Structure Grammar. Topics covered are clause structure, constituent order, coordination,
(verum) focus, word structure, the relationship between relative pronouns and verbs in
V2, extraction, and the foundations of a theory of phonology in constraint-based

This volume contains the complete collection of published and unpublished work on
German grammar by Tilman N. Höhle. It consists of two parts. The first part is
Topologische Felder, a book-length manuscript that was written in 1983 but was never
finished nor published. It is a careful examination of the topological properties of German
editor / Stefan / Müller | sentences, including a discussion of typological assumptions. The second part assembles
Beiträge zur deutschen editor / Tilman N. / Höhle | Language 9783961101498 2019-04-11 all other published and unpublished papers by Höhle on German grammar. All of these
Grammatik editor / Marga / Reis | editor Science Press papers were highly influential in German linguistics, in theoretical linguistics in general,
/ Frank / Richter and in a specific variant of theoretical linguistics, Head-Driven Phrase Structure
Grammar. Topics covered are clause structure, constituent order, (verum) focus, word
structure, the relationship between relative pronouns and verbs in V2, and the
foundations of a theory of phonology in constraint-based grammar. This book is a revised
version of
Many descriptive grammars report the use of a linguistic pattern at the interface
between discourse and syntax which is known generally as tail-head linkage. This volume
takes an unprecedented look at this type of linkage across languages and shows that
there exist three distinct variants, all subsumed under the hypernym bridging
Language constructions. The chapters highlight the defining features of these constructions in the
Bridging constructions editor / Valérie / Guérin 9783961101412 2019-03-14 grammar and their functional properties in discourse. The volume reveals that: Bridging Linguistics
Science Press constructions consist of two clauses: a reference clause and a bridging clause. Across
languages, bridging clauses can be subordinated clauses, reduced main clauses, or main
clauses with continuation prosody. Bridging constructions have three variants:
recapitulative linkage, summary linkage and mixed linkage. They differ in the formal
makeup of the bridging clause.

Historically a dubbing country, Germany is not well-known for subtitled productions. But
while dubbing is predominant in Germany, more and more German viewers prefer
original and subtitled versions of their favourite shows and films. Conventional subtitling,
however, can be seen as a strong intrusion into the original image that can not only
disrupt but also destroy the director’s intended shot composition and focus points. Long
eye movements between focus points and subtitles decrease the viewer’s information
intake, and especially German audiences, who are often not used to subtitles, seem to
prefer to wait for the next subtitle instead of looking back up again. Furthermore, not
Can integrated titles improve the author / Wendy / Fox / FTSK Language only the placement, but also the overall design of conventional subtitles can disturb the
9783961100651 2018-03-02 Linguistics
viewing experience? Germersheim Science Press image composition – for instance titles with a weak contrast, inappropriate typeface or
irritating colour system.

So should it not, despite the translation process, be possible to preserve both image and
sound as far as possible? Especially given today’s numerous artistic and technical
possibilities and the huge amount of work that goes into the visual aspects of a film,
taking into account not only special effects, but also typefaces, opening credits and text-
image compositions. A further development of existing subtitling guidelines would not
only express respect towards the original film version but also the translator’s work.

Este livro é um curso introdutório em semântica formal e tem o intuito de apresentar um

sistema interpretativo composicional, formalizado através de algumas ferramentas
lógico-matemáticas. Não se pressupõe experiência prévia com abordagens formais para o
Language significado. Em sala de aula, poderá ser usado tanto em cursos mais avançados na
Curso de semântica formal author / Marcelo / Ferreira 9783961101535 2019-04-17 graduação quanto em cursos de pós-graduação. Fora dela, poderá satisfazer estudantes Linguistics
Science Press autodidatas, professores e pesquisadores não apenas de linguística, mas também de
áreas afins com interesse na análise e formalização do significado no âmbito das línguas
naturais, como filosofia, ciências cognitivas e inteligência artificial. O livro está dividido
em 7 capítulos.

This book provides a new analysis for the syntax of comparatives, focusing on various
deletion phenomena affecting the subclause. In particular, the proposed account shows
that Comparative Deletion is merely a surface phenomenon that can be drawn back to
Deletion phenomena in author / Julia / Bacskai-Atkari Language the overtness of the comparative operator and the availability of lower copies of a
9783961100835 2018-04-22 movement chain, and it is thus subject to both language-internal and cross-linguistic Linguistics
comparative constructions / Universität Potsdam Science Press variation. The main focus of the book is on English, yet other languages are also
discussed for comparative purposes, with the aim of showing what the idiosyncratic
properties of English comparatives are.
While there are languages that code a particular grammatical role (e.g. subject or direct
object) in one and the same way across the board, many more languages code the same
grammatical roles differentially. The variables which condition the differential argument
marking (or DAM) pertain to various properties of the NP (such as animacy or
definiteness) or to event semantics or various properties of the clause. While the main
editor / Ilja A. / Seržant / line of current research on DAM is mainly synchronic the volume tackles the diachronic
Diachrony of differential Universität Leipzig | editor / Language perspective. The tenet is that the emergence and the development of differential
9783961100859 2018-05-14 Linguistics
argument marking Alena / Witzlack- Science Press marking systems provide a different kind of evidence for the understanding of the
Makarevich / Universität Kiel phenomenon. The present volume consists of 18 chapters and primarily brings together
diachronic case studies on particular languages or language groups including e.g. Finno-
Ugric, Sino-Tibetan and Japonic languages. The volume also includes a position paper,
which provides an overview of the typology of different subtypes of DAM systems, a
chapter on computer simulation of the emergence of DAM and a chapter devoted to the
cross-linguistic effects of referential hierarchies on DAM.

The subject of this piece of work is the combination of the modal particles ja and doch,
halt and eben as well as doch and auch. Based on empirical investigation (acceptability
studies, corpus searches) and a formal modelling of the meaning of the single particles as
Distribution und Interpretation author / Sonja / Müller / well as their sequences within the discourse model by Farkas & Bruce (2010), this work
von Modalpartikel- Bergische Universität Language 9783961100873 2018-05-28 proposes an iconic explanation of the observed sequencing preferences. It is argued that Linguistics
Kombinationen Wuppertal Science Press the preferred sequences show the unmarked orders. However, one should act on the
assumption that marked sequences exist as well. These are less acceptable, occur more
infrequently and are restricted to certain contexts. These contexts are identified and
integrated into the explanation of the preferences.

This book tackles the divisive question of the Stative/Non-stative distinction by going
straight to the root of the lexical items that have been at the heart of this discussion. It
provides an analysis of property items (Dual Aspectual Forms) couched in the syntax-
Dual aspectual forms and event semantics interface eliminating the false dichotomy at the base of the controversy in the
structure in Caribbean English author / Marsha / Forbes- Language 2019-07-17 field and the suggestion that a lexical item needs be unambiguously Stative or Non- Linguistics
Creoles Barnett Science Press stative. What we see in this work is theoretical grounding for a flexible group of lexical
items comprising both verbs and adjectives underlyingly with allowances made for
derivation into either category. The result is a work that is conceptually and theoretically
appealing and one that brings consensus.
Die Artikulatorische Phonologie (Catherine Browman und Louis Goldstein) wurde als
Alternative zu segmentalen Ansätzen entwickelt. So nimmt die segmentale Phonologie
an, dass nur distinkte Information gespeichert wird, die dann mit Hilfe von Regeln und
Rechenprinzipien von der kategorialen Welt der Symbole in die kontinuierliche Welt der
physikalischen Repräsentation übersetzt wird. Die Artikulatorische Phonologie hingegen
nimmt an, dass auch kontinuierliche Information wie beispielsweise sprecher- oder
situationsbedingte Variationen als Teil des Sprachsystems gespeichert werden.
Variabilität wird hier als Teil des linguistischen Systems betrachtet, das konkret
Aufschluss über zugrundeliegende Strukturen gibt. Im Modell der Artikulatorischen
Phonologie wird Sprache als dynamisches System betrachtet und somit phonetische und
phonologische Information integriert.

Die Grundeinheiten der Artikulatorischen Phonologie sind nicht Segmente oder

Merkmale, sondern artikulatorische Gesten. Diese legen linguistische relevante
Konstriktionen wie beispielsweise einen Vollverschluss der Zungenspitze an den Alveolen
sowie eine glottale Öffnungsgeste für Stimmlosigkeit bei der Produktion von /t/. Die
Dynamische Modellierung von Einbeziehung der zeitlichen Domäne ermöglicht im Gegensatz zu segmentalen Ansätzen
Artikulation und prosodischer author / Doris / Mücke / Language 9783961100682 2018-03-12 die Abbildung natürlicher Variabilität. So kann beispielsweise im Falle von /t/ der Grad
Universität zu Köln Science Press der Aspiration direkt aus der zeitlichen Anordnung der glottalen und oralen Geste
Struktur abgeleitet werden: Ist die glottale Geste länger als die Zungenspitzengeste aktiviert, so
entsteht auf akustischer Oberfläche Aspiration. Artikulatorische Gesten enkodieren
darüber hinaus den kontextuellen Einfluss (Koartikulation in Form von Synergien
zwischen Organgruppen) und können direkt den Einfluss höhere linguistischer Strukturen
wie der prosodischen Hierarchie abbilden.

Das vorliegende Buch stellt eine Einführung in die Artikulatorische Phonologie dar. Es
richtet sich an Leserinnen und Leser, die phonetische Grundkenntnisse besitzen und sich
mit der Artikulatorischen Phonologie beschäftigen. Darüber hinaus werden neben einer
Einführung in das Model auch neuere Arbeiten und aktuelle Weiterentwicklungen
aufgezeigt, insbesondere die Implementierung prosodischer Aspekte in die
Artikulatorische Phonologie. Somit eignet sich das Buch auch für Leserinnen und Leser,
die bereits mit der Artikulatorischen Phonologie in Kontakt gekommen sind, aber ihr
Wissen vertiefen möchten. Zur Veranschaulichung werden Beispiele aus verschiedenen
Sprachen gegeben, darunter Deutsch, Katalanisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Mandarin und
Tashlhiyt Berber.

This volume is the first in what hopefully will be a growing set of edited volumes and
monographs concerning Niger-Congo comparative studies. This first volume addresses
matters that are relevant to the entire East Benue-Congo family as well as the particular
branches Kainji, Plateau, and Bantoid. In the case of Bantoid, the particular focus is on
editor / John R. / Watters / Language Grassfields and the Grassfields-Bantu borderland, though other Bantoid subgroups are
East Benue-Congo SIL International Science Press 9783961101009 2018-11-13 referenced. The potential topics for comparative studies among these languages are Linguistics
numerous, but this volume is dedicated to presentations on nominal affixes, third person
pronouns, and verbal extensions. A forthcoming volume will provide some results of
reconstructions and lexicostatistics in Cross River, exploratory reconstructions in
Southern Jukunoid, and reconstructions in Ekoid-Mbe and Mambiloid.
Einführung in die grammatische Beschreibung des Deutschen ist eine Einführung in die
Grammatik des gegenwärtigen Deutschen in den Bereichen Phonetik, Phonologie,
Morphologie, Syntax und Graphematik. Das Buch ist für alle geeignet, die sich für die
Grammatik des Deutschen interessieren, vor allem aber für Studierende der Germanistik
bzw. Deutschen Philologie, insbesondere auch für Lehramtsstudierende. Im Vordergrund
Einführung in die grammatische author / Roland / Schäfer / Language steht die Vermittlung grammatischer Erkenntnisprozesse und Argumentationsweisen auf
9783961101160 2018-10-17 Basis konkreten sprachlichen Materials. Es wird kein spezielles theoretisches Modell Linguistics
Beschreibung des Deutschen Freie Universität Berlin Science Press angenommen, aber alle, die das Buch gelesen haben, sollten in der Lage sein, sowohl
deskriptiv ausgerichtete Forschungsartikel als auch theorienahe Einführungen lesen zu
können. Das Buch enthält zahlreiche Übungsaufgaben, die im Anhang gelöst werden. Die
dritte Auflage behebt Tipp- und Stilfehler und bietet einige neue Vertiefungsblöcke sowie
eine komplette Überarbeitung der Grafiken und Diagramme. Ein Kapitel über Grammatik
in Schule und Lehramtsstudium ergänzt das Buch.

This volume provides an up-to-date discussion of a foundational issue that has recently
taken centre stage in linguistic typology and which is relevant to the language sciences
editor / Karsten / Schmidtke- more generally: To what extent can cross-linguistic generalizations, i.e. statistical
Bode | editor / Natalia / universals of linguistic structure, be explained by the diachronic sources of these
Explanation in typology Levshina | editor / Susanne Language 9783961101474 2019-04-10 structures? Everyone agrees that typological distributions are the result of complex
Maria / Michaelis | editor / Science Press
histories, as “languages evolve into the variation states to which synchronic universals
pertain” (Hawkins 1988). However, an increasingly popular line of argumentation holds
Ilja / Seržant that many, perhaps most, typological regularities are long-term reflections of their
diachronic sources, rather than being ‘target-driven’ by overarching functional-adaptive

"Form" and "formalism" are a pair of highly productive and polysemous terms that
occupy a central place in much linguistic scholarship. Diverse notions of "form" –
embedded in biological, cognitive and aesthetic discourses – have been employed in
accounts of language structure and relationship, while "formalism" harbours a family of
Form and formalism in linguistics author / James / McElvenny Language 9783961101825 2019-05-23 senses referring to particular approaches to the study of language as well as
Science Press representations of linguistic phenomena. This volume brings together a series of
contributions from historians of science and philosophers of language that explore some
of the key meanings and uses that these multifaceted terms and their derivatives have
found in linguistics, and what these reveal about the mindset, temperament and daily
practice of linguists, from the nineteenth century up to the present day.
This book introduces formal grammar theories that play a role in current linguistic
theorizing (Phrase Structure Grammar, Transformational Grammar/Government &
Binding, Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Categorial
Grammar, Head-​Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Construction Grammar, Tree
Adjoining Grammar). The key assumptions are explained and it is shown how the
respective theory treats arguments and adjuncts, the active/passive alternation, local
reorderings, verb placement, and fronting of constituents over long distances. The
analyses are explained with German as the object language.
author / Stefan / Müller /
Grammatical theory Humboldt-Universität zu 9783961100743 2018-03-22 The second part of the book compares these approaches with respect to their predictions
Science Press regarding language acquisition and psycholinguistic plausibility. The nativism hypothesis,
Berlin which assumes that humans posses genetically determined innate language-specific
knowledge, is critically examined and alternative models of language acquisition are
discussed. The second part then addresses controversial issues of current theory building
such as the question of flat or binary branching structures being more appropriate, the
question whether constructions should be treated on the phrasal or the lexical level, and
the question whether abstract, non-visible entities should play a role in syntactic
analyses. It is shown that the analyses suggested in the respective frameworks are often
translatable into each other. The book closes with a chapter showing how properties
common to all languages or to certain classes of languages can be captured.

This book presents an in-depth description of information structure in Isthmus Zapotec,

an Otomanguean language spoken by around 50,000 people in southeastern Oaxaca,
Mexico, and represents the first book-length treatment of information structure in a
Information structure in Isthmus author / Juan José / Bueno Mesoamerican language. Three main observations motivate the study: Strong
Zapotec narrative and Language 9783961101290 2019-03-30 documentation and a relatively large and active speaker community create a unique
conversation Holle Science Press opportunity to document information structure in Isthmus Zapotec and to study the
language as it is used by speakers in everyday life; As a tonal and verb-initial language,
the examination of Isthmus Zapotec represents a chance to explore the possible
combinations of tone, intonation, morphology and verb-initial syntax that may occur in
the coding of information structure.

Unlike other professions, the impact of information and communication technology on

interpreting has been moderate so far. However, recent advances in the areas of remote,
computer-assisted, and, most recently, machine interpreting, are gaining the interest of
Interpreting and technology editor / Claudio / Fantinuoli Language 9783961101610 2019-04-17 both researchers and practitioners. This volume aims at exploring key issues, approaches
Science Press and challenges to the interplay of interpreting and technology, an area that is still
underrepresented in the field of Interpreting Studies. The contributions to this volume
cover topics in the area of computer-assisted and remote interpreting, both in the
conference as well as in the court setting, and report on experimental studies.
This volume of the series “Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing”
includes most of the papers presented at the Workshop “Language Technology for a
editor / Georg / Rehm / Multilingual Europe”, held at the University of Hamburg on September 27, 2011 in the
Deutsches framework of the conference GSCL 2011 with the topic “Multilingual Resources and
Multilingual Applications”, along with several additional contributions. In addition to an
Forschungszentrum für overview article on Machine Translation and two contributions on the European
Künstliche Intelligenz | initiatives META-NET and Multilingual Web, the volume includes six full research articles.
Language technologies for a editor / Daniel / Stein / Language 9783946234739 2018-06-29 Our intention with this workshop was to bring together various groups concerned with Linguistics
multilingual Europe studiointeractive GmbH | Science Press the umbrella topics of multilingualism and language technology, especially multilingual
technologies. This encompassed, on the one hand, representatives from research and
editor / Felix / Sasaki / W3C | development in the field of language technologies, and, on the other hand, users from
editor / Andreas / Witt / diverse areas such as, among others, industry, administration and funding agencies. The
Institut für Deutsche Sprache Workshop “Language Technology for a Multilingual Europe” was co-organised by the two
GSCL working groups “Text Technology” and “Machine Translation” ( as
well as by META-NET (

editor / Carmen / Pérez Vidal

/ Universitat Pompeu Fabra | This book deals with the effects of three different learning contexts mainly on adult, but
editor / Sonia / López- also on adolescent, learners’ language acquisition. The three contexts brought together
in the monograph include i) a conventional instructed second language acquisition (ISLA)
Serrano / Universitat environment, in which learners receive formal instruction in English as a Foreign
Pompeu Fabra | editor / Language Language (EFL); ii) a Study Abroad (SA) context, which learners experience during
Learning context effects 9783961100934 2018-09-06 Linguistics
Jennifer / Ament / Science Press mobility programmes, when the target language is no longer a foreign but a second
Universitat Internacional de language learnt in a naturalistic context; iii) the immersion classroom, also known as an
integrated content and language (ICL) setting, in which learners are taught content
Catalunya | editor / Dakota J. subjects through the medium of the target language—more often than not English, used
/ Thomas-Wilhelm / as the Lingua Franca (ELF).
University of Iowa

editor / Ingo / Feldhausen / This book presents a collection of pioneering papers reflecting current methods in
prosody research with a focus on Romance languages. The rapid expansion of the field of
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt prosody research in the last decades has given rise to a proliferation of methods that has
| editor / Jan / Fliessbach / Language left little room for the critical assessment of these methods. The aim of this volume is to
Methods in prosody Freie Universität Berlin | 9783961101047 2018-11-15 bridge this gap by embracing original contributions, in which experts in the field assess, Linguistics
Science Press reflect, and discuss different methods of data gathering and analysis. The book might
editor / Maria del Mar /
thus be of interest to scholars and established researchers as well as to students and
Vanrell / Universitat de les young academics who wish to explore the topic of prosody, an expanding and promising
Illes Balears area of study.
Many researchers assume that the relation between morphology and phonology is not a
direct one but is modulated by prosodic constituents, particularly the phonological word.
Despite the theoretical relevance of the phonological word in morphophonology,
phonetic investigations of the realization of (complex) words are still rare. The book aims
to shed some light on this issue. On the basis of about 3800 tokens from experimentally
elicited and spontaneous German speech, it investigates the prosodic boundary
author / Pia / Bergmann / Language phenomena glottal stop insertion / glottalization and degemination, as well as durational
Morphologisch komplexe Wörter 9783961101061 2018-09-13 Linguistics
Universität Jena Science Press reductions and /t/-deletions in the vicinity of a morphological and/or prosodic boundary.
Informed by findings from usage-based accounts of language, it systematically introduces
token frequency and other potentially influencing factors into the analysis. The results
yield a rather complex picture that, on the whole, corroborates the relevance of the
phonological word as an interface domain between morphology and phonology. At the
same time, the results underline the necessity to consider usage-based factors such as
frequency, thus all in all lending support to so-called hybrid models of language.

Multiword expressions (MWEs) are a challenge for both the natural language
applications and the linguistic theory because they often defy the application of the
editor / Manfred / Sailer / machinery developed for free combinations where the default is that the meaning of an
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt utterance can be predicted from its structure. There is a rich body of primarily descriptive
am Main | editor / Stella / work on MWEs for many European languages but comparative work is little. The volume
Language brings together MWE experts to explore the benefits of a multilingual perspective on
Multiword expressions Markantonatou / Institute 9783961100637 2018-05-29 Linguistics
Science Press MWEs. The ten contributions in this volume look at MWEs in Bulgarian, English, French,
for Language and Speec German, Maori, Modern Greek, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish. They discuss prominent
Processing/Athena RIC, issues in MWE research such as classification of MWEs, their formal grammatical
Athens,Greece modeling, and the description of individual MWE types from the point of view of
different theoretical frameworks, such as Dependency Grammar, Generative Grammar,
Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Lexicon Grammar.

The annual workshop on multiword expressions takes place since 2001 in conjunction
editor / Stella / with major computational linguistics conferences and attracts the attention of an ever-
growing community working on a variety of languages, linguistic phenomena and related
Markantonatou / Institute computational processing issues. MWE 2017 took place in Valencia, Spain, and
for Language and Speech represented a vibrant panorama of the current research landscape on the computational
Processing/Athena RIC, treatment of multiword expressions, featuring many high-quality submissions.
Athens, Greece | editor / Furthermore, MWE 2017 included the first shared task on multilingual identification of
Multiword expressions at length Carlos / Ramisch / Aix- Language 9783961101238 2018-11-21 verbal multiword expressions. The shared task, with extended communal work, has
and in depth Science Press developed important multilingual resources and mobilised several research groups in
Marseille Université | computational linguistics worldwide. This book contains extended versions of selected
editor / Agata / Savary / papers from the workshop. Authors worked hard to include detailed explanations,
University of Tours | editor / broader and deeper analyses, and new exciting results, which were thoroughly reviewed
Veronika / Vincze / by an internationally renowned committee. We hope that this distinctly joint effort will
provide a meaningful and useful snapshot of the multilingual state of the art in
University of Szeged multiword expressions modelling and processing, and will be a point point of reference
for future work.
This book reconsiders the role of order and structure in syntax, focusing on fundamental
issues such as word order and grammatical functions. The first group of papers in the
collection asks what word order can tell us about syntactic structure, using evidence from
V2, object shift, word order gaps and different kinds of movement. The second group of
editor / Laura R. / Bailey / papers all address the issue of subjecthood in some way, and examine how certain
University of Kent | editor / Language subject properties vary across languages: expression of subjects, expletive subjects,
Order and structure in syntax I 9783961100262 2017-12-19 Linguistics
Michelle / Sheehan / Anglia Science Press quirky and locative subjects. All of the papers address in some way the tension between
Ruskin University modelling what can vary across languages whilst improving our understanding of what
might be universal to human language.

This book is complemented by Order and structure in syntax II: Subjecthood and
argument structure

This book reconsiders the role of order and structure in syntax, focusing on fundamental
issues such as word order and grammatical functions. The first group of papers in the
collection asks what word order can tell us about syntactic structure, using evidence from
V2, object shift, word order gaps and different kinds of movement. The second group of
papers all address the issue of subjecthood in some way, and examine how certain
editor / Michelle / Sheehan / subject properties vary across languages: expression of subjects, expletive subjects,
Order and structure in syntax II Anglia Ruskin University | Language 9783961100286 2017-12-19 quirky and locative subjects. All of the papers address in some way the tension between
editor / Laura R. / Bailey / Science Press modelling what can vary across languages whilst improving our understanding of what
University of Kent might be universal to human language.

This book is complemented by Order and structure in syntax I: Word order and syntactic
Information structure is a relatively new field to linguistics and has only recently been
studied for smaller and less described languages. This book is the first of its kind that
brings together contributions on information structure in Austronesian languages.
Current approaches from formal semantics, discourse studies, and intonational
phonology are brought together with language specific and cross-linguistic expertise of
Austronesian languages. The 13 chapters in this volume cover all subgroups of the large
Austronesian family, including Formosan, Central Malayo-Polynesian, South Halmahera-
West New Guinea, and Oceanic. The major focus, though, lies on Western Malayo-
Polynesian languages. Some chapters investigate two of the largest languages in the
region (Tagalog and different varieties of Malay), others study information-structural
phenomena in small, underdescribed languages. The three overarching topics that are
editor / Sonja / Riesberg / covered in this book are NP marking and reference tracking devices, syntactic structures
Australian National and information-structural categories, and the interaction of information structure and
prosody. Various data types build the basis for the different studies compiled in this
Perspectives on information University and Universität zu book. Some chapters investigate written texts, such as modern novels (cf. Djenar’s
Köln | editor / Asako / Language chapter on modern, standard Indonesian), or compare different text genres, such as, for
structure in Austronesian 9783961101085 2018-09-10 Linguistics
Shiohara / Tokyo University Science Press example, oral narratives and translations of biblical narratives (cf. De Busser’s chapter on
languages Bunun). Most contributions, however, study natural spoken speech and make use of
of Foreign Studies | editor / spoken corpora which have been compiled by the authors themselves. The volume
Atsuko / Utsumi / Meisei comprises a number of different methods and theoretical frameworks. Two chapters
University make use of the Question Under Discussion approach, developed in formal semantics (cf.
the chapters by Latrouite & Riester; Shiohara & Riester). Riesberg et al. apply the recently
developed method of Rapid Prosody Transcription (RPT) to investigate native speakers’
perception of prosodic prominences and boundaries in Papuan Malay. Other papers
discuss theoretical consequences of their findings. Thus, for example, Himmelmann takes
apart the most widespread framework for intonational phonology (ToBI) and argues that
the analysis of Indonesian languages requires much simpler assumptions than the ones
underlying the standard model. Arka & Sedeng ask the question how fine-grained
information structure space should be conceptualized and modelled, e.g. in LFG. Schnell
argues that elements that could be analysed as “topic” and “focus” categories, should
better be described in terms of ‘packaging’ and do not necessarily reflect any pragmatic
roles in the first place.

Translation and post-editing can often be categorised as problem-solving activities. When

the translation of a source text unit is not immediately obvious to the translator, or in
other words, if there is a hurdle between the source item and the target item, the
translation process can be considered problematic. Conversely, if there is no hurdle
between the source and target texts, the translation process can be considered a task-
Problem solving activities in solving activity and not a problem-solving activity.
post-editing and translation from author / Jean / Nitzke Language 9783961101313 2019-02-25 Linguistics
scratch Science Press This study investigates whether machine translated output influences problem-solving
effort in internet research, syntax, and other problem indicators and whether the effort
can be linked to expertise. A total of 24 translators (twelve professionals and twelve
semi-professionals) produced translations from scratch from English into German, and
(monolingually) post-edited machine translation output for this study. The study is part
of the CRITT TPR-DB database.
This volume presents two works elaborating a general theory of words and their
structure written by René de Saussure, younger brother of Ferdinand de Saussure.
Although originating in René de Saussure's concerns for the structure of Esperanto, these
essays are clearly intended to articulate a general account of word formation in natural
language. They appear here in the French original with facing English translations,
accompanied by some remarks on René de Saussure's life and followed by essays on the
Esperantist background of his analysis (by Marc van Oostendorp), the contemporary
relevance of his morphological theory (by Stephen Anderson), and the semantic theory of
editor / Stephen R. / words underlying his analysis (by Louis de Saussure). These two works have remained
René de Saussure and the theory Anderson / Yale University | Language essentially unknown to the community of scholars in general linguistics since their
9783961100965 2018-07-19 publication in 1911 and 1919, respectively, although Esperantists have been aware of Linguistics
of word formation editor / Louis / de Saussure / Science Press them. They develop in quite explicit form a theory of what would later be called
University of Neuchâtel morphemic analysis, based primarily on data from French (with some material from
German and English, as well as occasional examples from other Indo-European
languages). In its fundamental aspect, René's view of word formation differed
significantly from that of his brother, who saw the structure of complex words as
revealed not through their decomposition into smaller "atomic" units but rather in the
relations between words, relations which could be presented in analogical form and
which anticipate rule-based theories of morphological structure. The contrast between
the two brothers' views thus anticipates basic issues in current theorizing about word

This book consists of contributions related to the definition, representation and parsing
of MWEs. These reflect current trends in the representation and processing of MWEs.
Representation and parsing of editor / Yannick / Parmentier Language They cover various categories of MWEs such as verbal, adverbial and nominal MWEs,
9783961101450 2019-07-03 various linguistic frameworks (e.g. tree-based and unification-based grammars), various Linguistics
multiword expressions | editor / Jakub / Waszczuk Science Press languages including English, French, Modern Greek, Hebrew, Norwegian), and various
applications (namely MWE detection, parsing, automatic translation) using both symbolic
and statistical approaches.

This book presents evidence that Ship English of the early Atlantic colonial period was a
distinct variety with characteristic features. It is motivated by the recognition that late-
seventeenth and early-eighteenth century sailors’ speech was potentially an influential
variety in nascent creoles and English varieties of the Caribbean, yet few academic
studies have attempted to define the characteristics of this speech. Therefore, the two
Ship English author / Sally / Delgado Language 9783961101511 2019-06-30 principal aims of this study were, firstly, to outline the socio-demographics of the
Science Press maritime communities and examine how variant linguistic features may have developed
and spread among these communities, and, secondly, to generate baseline data on the
characteristic features of Ship English. The newly-identified characteristics of Ship English
detailed here may now serve as an entry point for scholars to integrate this language
variety into the discourse on dialect variation in Early Modern English period and the
theories on pidgin and creole genesis.
This volume investigates the realisation and perception of four phonological variables in
Liverpool English (Scouse), with a special focus on their sociolinguistic salience. Younger
speakers’ speech is found to be more local, but only for the two salient variables in the
sample (NURSE-SQUARE and /k/ lenition), which appear to carry considerable amounts
of covert prestige. Local variants of non-salient happy-tensing and velar nasal plus, on the
other hand, are actually found to be receding, so at least to a certain extent Scouse also
author / Marten / Juskan / Language seems to be participating in regional dialect levelling. The importance of salience is also
Sound change, priming, salience 9783961101191 2018-11-12 obvious in the perception data, with only the two highly salient stereotypes generating Linguistics
Ruhr-Universität Bochum Science Press robust effects in a social priming experiment (albeit in the unexpected direction). These
results indicate that the investigated variables differ measurably not only in their use in
production, but also in terms of how central they are to mental sociolinguistic
representations of Scouse. They also tell us more about the way we process, store, and
(re-)use sociolinguistic variation in perception. By defining likely contexts for significant
priming effects they might finally even help in coming up with a more elaborate “theory
of priming” in the realm of sociophonetics.

This book presents a new approach to studying the syntax of human language, one which
emphasizes how we think about time. Tilsen argues that many current theories are
unsatisfactory because those theories conceptualize syntactic patterns with spatially
arranged structures of objects. These object-structures are atemporal and do not lend
Syntax with oscillators and Language well to reasoning about time. The book develops an alternative conceptual model in
author / Sam / Tilsen 9783961101573 2019-04-30 which oscillatory systems of various types interact with each other through coupling Linguistics
energy levels Science Press forces, and in which the relative energies of those systems are organized in particular
ways. Tilsen emphasizes that the two primary mechanisms of the approach – oscillators
and energy levels – require alternative ways of thinking about time. Furthermore, his
theory leads to a new way of thinking about grammaticality and the recursive nature of

An ability to speak Jamaican Standard English is the stated requirement for any
managerial or frontline position in corporate Jamaica. This research looks at the
phonological variation that occurs in the formal speech of this type of employee, and
focuses on the specific cohort chosen to represent Jamaica in interactions with local and
author / G. Alison / Irvine- international clients. The variation that does emerge, shows both the presence of some
The acrolect in Jamaica Sobers / The University of Language 9783961101146 2018-11-28 features traditionally characterized as Creole and a clear avoidance of other features
Science Press found in basilectal and mesolectal Jamaican. Some phonological items are prerequisites
the West Indies for “good English” - variables that define the user as someone who speaks English - even
if other Creole variants are present. The ideologies of language and language use that
Jamaican speakers hold about “good English” clearly reflect the centuries-old coexistence
of English and Creole, and suggest local norms must be our starting point for discussing
the acrolect.
The purpose of this volume is to present a snapshot of the state of the art of research on
the languages of the Maltese islands, which include spoken Maltese, Maltese English and
Maltese Sign Language.

Malta is a tiny, but densely populated country, with over 422,000 inhabitants spread over
editor / Patrizia / Paggio / only 316 square kilometers. It is a bilingual country, with Maltese and English enjoying
The languages of Malta University of Malta | editor / Language 9783961100705 2018-03-13 the status of official languages. Maltese is a descendant of Arabic, but due to the history
Albert / Gatt / University of Science Press of the island, it has borrowed extensively from Sicilian, Italian and English. Furthermore,
Malta local dialects still coexist alongside the official standard language. The status of English as
a second language dates back to British colonial rule, and just as in other former British
colonies, a characteristic Maltese variety of English has developed. To these languages
must be added Maltese Sign Language, which is the language of the Maltese Deaf
community. This was recently recognised as Malta’s third official language by an act of
Parliament in 2016.

editor / Oliver / Bonami /

Université Paris Diderot | After being dominant during about a century since its invention by Baudouin de
editor / Gilles / Boyé / Courtenay at the end of the nineteenth century, morpheme is more and more replaced
by lexeme in contemporary descriptive and theoretical morphology. The notion of a
Université Bordeaux lexeme is usually associated with the work of P. H. Matthews (1972, 1974), who
The lexeme in descriptive and Montaigne | editor / Language characterizes it as a lexical entity abstracting over individual inflected words. Over the
theoretical morphology Georgette / Dal / Université Science Press 9783961101108 2018-09-26 last three decades, the lexeme has become a cornerstone of much work in both Linguistics
de Lille | editor / Hélène / inflectional morphology and word formation (or, as it is increasingly been called, lexeme
formation). The papers in the present volume take stock of the descriptive and
Giraudo / CNRS | editor / theoretical usefulness of the lexeme, but also adress many of the challenges met by
Fiammetta / Namer / classical lexeme-based theories of morphology.
Université de Lorraine

This book proposes the reconstruction of the Proto-Niger-Congo numeral system. The
author / Konstantin / emphasis is placed on providing an exhaustive account of the distribution of forms by
The numeral system of Proto- Language families, groups, and branches. The big data bases used for this purpose open prospects
Pozdniakov / INALCO, 9783961100989 2018-08-31 Linguistics
Niger-Congo LLACAN (CNRS) Science Press for both working with the distribution of words that do exist and with the distribution of
gaps in postulated cognates. The distribution of filled cells and gaps is a useful tool for

What is semantic transparency, why is it important, and which factors play a role in its
assessment? This work approaches these questions by investigating English compound
nouns. The first part of the book gives an overview of semantic transparency in the
analysis of compound nouns, discussing its role in models of morphological processing
and differentiating it from related notions. After a chapter on the semantic analysis of
The semantic transparency of author / Martin / Schäfer / Language 9783961100309 2018-01-22 complex nominals, it closes with a chapter on previous attempts to model semantic
English compound nouns Anglia Ruskin University Science Press transparency. The second part introduces new empirical work on semantic transparency,
introducing two different sets of statistical models for compound transparency. In
particular, two semantic factors were explored: the semantic relations holding between
compound constituents and the role of different readings of the constituents and the
whole compound, operationalized in terms of meaning shifts and in terms of the
distribution of specifc readings across constituent families.
The book covers the morphosyntax of verbs and categories syncretic with the declarative
complementizer in Slavic, together with a comparative look at the similar categories in
Latvian (Baltic) and Basaá (Bantu). In the domain of verbs, the book investigates an
analytic vs. fusional realization of grammatical categories that we find in a semelfactive-
iterative alternation in Czech and Polish, where a semelfactive verb stem such as in the
The spell-out algorithm and author / Bartosz / Wiland Language 9783961101603 2019-06-06 Czech kop-n-ou-t ‘give a kick’ alternates with an iterative verb stem as in kop-a-t ‘kick
lexicalization patterns Science Press repeatedly’. The iterative -aj stem is morphologically less complex than the semelfactive
stem formed with the -n-ou sequence, which is paradoxical given syn-sem representation
is more complex than semelfactives. In the domain of complementizers, the book focuses
on cross-categorial paradigms that include an unexpected morphological containment (in
Russian), a degree of morphological complexity (in Latvian), and an ABA pattern of
syncretic alignment (in Basaá).

This text is a practical guide for linguists, and programmers, who work with data in
multilingual computational environments. We introduce the basic concepts needed to
understand how writing systems and character encodings function, and how they work
together at the intersection between the Unicode Standard and the International
Phonetic Alphabet. Although these standards are often met with frustration by users,
they nevertheless provide language researchers and programmers with a consistent
author / Steven / Moran / computational architecture needed to process, publish and analyze lexical data from the
The Unicode cookbook for University of Zurich | Language 9783961100903 2018-07-11 world's languages. Thus we bring to light common, but not always transparent, pitfalls
linguists author / Michael / Cysouw / Science Press which researchers face when working with Unicode and IPA. Having identified and
Philipps-Universität Marburg overcome these pitfalls involved in making writing systems and character encodings
syntactically and semantically interoperable (to the extent that they can be), we created
a suite of open-source Python and R tools to work with languages using orthography
profiles that describe author- or document-specific orthographic conventions. In this
cookbook we describe a formal specification of orthography profiles and provide recipes
using open source tools to show how users can segment text, analyze it, identify errors,
and to transform it into different written forms for comparative linguistics research.

Dieses Buch widmet sich der Interdisziplinarität, die für die Zugänge, Formate und
Methoden fremdsprachendidaktischer Forschung charakteristisch ist. Qualitative und
quantitative Forschungsansätze bzw. Mixed-Methods-Designs werden anhand aktueller
editor / Eva / Wilden / Peter Lang Studien dargestellt. Ein besonderer Fokus gilt den interdisziplinären Bezügen der
Fremdsprachenforschung als University of Duisburg-Essen International jeweiligen Studien. Die forschungspraktischen Beispiele stellen laufende bzw. kurz vor
interdisziplinäres Projekt | editor / Henning / Rossa / Academic 9783631788790 2019-05-30 Abschluss stehendende Studien der empirischen Fremdsprachenforschung vor. So bieten Linguistics
die Beiträge einen aktuellen Überblick über fremdsprachendidaktische Forschungspraxis
University of Trier Publishers und enthalten vielfältige Anregungen für die forschungsmethodischen Optionen und
ethischen Fragen, die es bei neu zu konzipierenden Studien im interdisziplinären Feld der
Fremdsprachenforschung abzuwägen gilt.
Die Studie zum Fremdsprachenunterricht in deutschen Grundschulen bietet einen
author / Margit / Hempel / Überblick über Bundesländergrenzen hinweg in eine heterogene Bildungslandschaft, die
University of Duisburg-Essen Peter Lang
von erheblichen curricularen Unterschieden und Widersprüchen geprägt ist. Neben
Fremdsprachenunterricht in der | author / Markus / Kötter / dieser Bestandsaufnahme zeigen die Autoren auf, welche bildungspolitischen und
International fachdidaktischen Ausgestaltungen Fachleute aus Hochschulen, Landesinstituten und
Grundschule in den University of Siegen | 9783631748459 2018-06-11 Languages
Academic Schulen als sinnvoll und wünschenswert erachten. Ihr Meinungsbild erlaubt es,
Bundesländern Deutschlands author / Jutta / Rymarczyk / bundesländerübergreifende Konzepte für die qualitative Weiterentwicklung des frühen
Pädagogische Hochschule Publishers Fremdsprachenunterrichts zu entwickeln, daraus resultierende Implikationen für
Heidelberg Lehreraus- und Fortbildung zu beleuchten und so letztlich eine Basis für nationale
Mindeststandards für den Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Grundschule zu bieten.

Der Band thematisiert die Ausbildung mündlicher und schriftlicher

Themenentfaltungsmuster von Schülern im Deutschunterricht. Erzählungen,
Beschreibungen, Instruktionen, Argumentationen und Berichte sind im kommunikativen
Alltag einer Gesellschaft die Grundformen der thematischen Entfaltung komplexer
author / Ulrike / Behrens / Peter Lang sprachlicher Äußerungen. Sie werden sowohl schriftlich als auch mündlich realisiert. Im
Mündliches und schriftliches University of Duisburg-Essen International 9783653057317 2016-07-22 schulischen Deutschunterricht sind solche Themenentfaltungsmuster tradierte
Handeln im Deutschunterricht | author / Olaf / Gätje / Academic didaktische Gattungen des Aufsatzunterrichts und auch im Kompetenzbereich „Sprechen
University of Kassel Publishers und Zuhören" soll die mündliche Realisierung dieser Muster vermittelt werden. Aber
gelten für mündliches Berichten, Argumentieren, Instruieren usw. dieselben
Anforderungen wie beim Schreiben? Oder muss man abhängig von der sprachmedialen
Realisierung von verschiedenen Mustern mit gleichen Labels ausgehen? Die Beiträge
dieses Bandes erkunden das Feld aus textlinguistischer und sprachdidaktischer Sicht neu.

Lebenskunst hat Konjunktur: Offenbar ist der Traum, das Leben als Gesamtkunstwerk
einzurichten, zur ethischen Maxime geworden. Beteiligt ist dabei seit der Antike das
Motiv von Selbsterforschung bzw. Selbstbesserung, das über die Frühe Neuzeit bis in die
Peter Lang Gegenwart wirksam geblieben ist. Tagebücher sind dabei ein notwendiges
Selbstoptimierung author / Ralph / Köhnen / International 9783653070712 2018-12-18 Begleitmedium gewesen und haben wechselhafte Formen angenommen, die von
Ruhr-Universität Bochum Academic religiösen, wirtschaftlichen, psychologischen und medizinischen Aufschreibesystemen
Publishers bestimmt worden sind. In diesem umfassenden mediologischen Sinn untersucht der
Autor Programme der Selbstschrift und stellt diese an Beispielen dar, die sich von Pacioli
über Pepys, Leibniz, Herder, Moritz, Goethe, Hebbel, Schmitt, Jünger oder Rainald Goetz
bis in die Gegenwart der Social Media erstrecken.

Soziale Medien fordern die Didaktik unter zweierlei Perspektive heraus: Als Instrumente
didaktischen Handelns können sie Unterricht bei der Erreichung seiner Vermittlungs- und
editor / Michael / Peter Lang
Förderziele bereichern. Als Reflexionsgegenstand müssen sie hinsichtlich ihrer Effekte auf
Beißwenger / University of Sprache, Kommunikation, Individuum und Gesellschaft analysiert werden, um Lernenden
Soziale Medien in Schule und International Kompetenzen für die Orientierung in der digitalen Welt zu vermitteln. Dieser Band
Hochschule Duisburg-Essen | editor / Academic 9783631791622 2019-07-17 präsentiert zehn Arbeiten von 17 Autorinnen und Autoren aus Linguistik, Sprach- und Linguistics
Matthias / Knopp / Mediendidaktik, die anhand von Praxisbeispielen und Unterrichtsanregungen aktuelle
University of Cologne Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen in Bezug auf das Lehren und Lernen mit sozialen
Medien und über soziale Medien reflektieren.
The author expands the definition of Turkish American literature beyond fiction written
by Americans of Turkish descent to incorporate texts that literally ‘commute’ between
author / Elena / Furlanetto / two national spheres. This segment of Turkish American literature transcends established
University of Duisburg-Essen Peter Lang paradigms of immigrant life-writing, as it includes works by Turkish authors who do not
Towards Turkish American | editor / Barabar / International 9783653072297 2017-05-03 qualify as American permanent residents and were not born in the United States by
Literature Academic Turkish parents (such as Elif Shafak and Halide Edip), and on novels where the Turkish
Buchenau / University of and Ottoman matter decisively prevails over the American (Güneli Gün’s «On the Road to
Duisburg-Essen Baghdad» and Alev Lytle Croutier’s «Seven Houses»). Yet, these texts were written in
English, were purposefully located on the American market, and simultaneously engage
the Turkish and the American cultural and literary traditions.

During the Middle Ages, rulers from different regions aspired to an idea of imperial
editor / Christian / Scholl / hegemony. On the other hand, there were rulers who deliberately refused to be
University of Münster | «emperors», although their reign showed characteristics of imperial rule. The
Transcultural Approaches to the editor / Torben R / Peter Lang contributions in this volume ask for the reasons why some rulers such as Charlemagne
International strove for imperial titles, whereas others voluntarily shrank from them. They also look at
Concept of Imperial Rule in the Gebhardt / University of 9783653052329 2017-03-17 History
Middle Ages Duisburg-Essen | editor / Jan Academic the characteristics of and rituals connected to imperial rule as well as to the way
Publishers Medieval empires saw themselves. Thus, the authors in this volume adopt a transcultural
/ Clauß / University of perspective, covering Western, Eastern, Northern and Southern Europe, Byzantium and
Münster the Middle East. Furthermore, they go beyond the borders of Christianity by including
various caliphates and Islamic «hegemonic» rulers like Saladin.

Wissenschaftliche Texte sind durch unterschiedliche Bildungstraditionen und

Schreibkulturen geprägt, die sich unter anderem in verschiedenen Schreibkonventionen
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben editor / Lesław / Cirko / Peter Lang und Formulierungsroutinen ausdrücken. Die Beiträge in diesem Band zeigen anhand
University of Warsaw | International detaillierter empirischer Analysen von Texten, die Wissenschaftler und Studierende
interkulturell: Kontrastive 9783631776322 2019-01-03 verfasst haben, Merkmale und Unterschiede verschiedener Wissenschaftssprachen auf. Linguistics
Perspektiven editor / Karin / Pittner / Academic Sie machen auf die Hürden und Schwierigkeiten aufmerksam, denen Studierende beim
Ruhr-Universität Bochum Publishers Verfassen von Arbeiten in der Fremdsprache Deutsch begegnen, woraus sich didaktische
Implikationen ergeben. Berücksichtigt werden bislang teilweise weniger beachtete
Herkunftssprachen wie das Polnische, Russische, Italienische und Chinesische.

Der Band präsentiert ein grundlegendes systematisch-theoretisches Gesamtkonzept zur

Peter Lang Erforschung minnesangspezifischer Zeit- und Alterstopik sowie innovative Ergebnisse zur
Zeit- und Alterstopik im author / Simone / Loleit | International Walther-, Reinmar-, Neidhart- und Oswald-Philologie. Die Analysen widmen sich sowohl
9783631761304 2018-11-21 Literature
Minnesang editor / Thomas / Bein Academic ‚kanonischen‘ als auch seltener behandelten Liedern der vier Autoren und arbeiten unter
Publishers anderem mit Verfahren der rhetorischen und literaturwissenschaftlichen
Toposforschung, der Varianzforschung und der Erzähltextanalyse.

While psychiatry and the neurosciences have dismissed the concept of neurosis as too
author / Elena / Furlanetto / vague for medical purposes, in recent years literary studies have adopted the term by
University of Duisburg-Essen, transcript virtue of its abstractness. This volume investigates the verbalization of neurosis in literary
A Poetics of Neurosis Germany | author / Verlag 9783839441329 2018-08-15 and cultural texts. As opposed to the medical diagnostics of neurosis in the individual, the Sociology
Dietmar / Meinel / University contributions focus on the poetics of neurosis. They indicate how neuroses are still
routinely romanticized or vilified, bent to suit aesthetic and narrative choices, and
of Duisburg-Essen, Germany transfigured to illustrate unresolved cultural tensions.
Hochfrequenzhandel, Google-Ranking, Filterbubble – nur drei aktuelle Beispiele der
author / Robert / Seyfert / Wirkmacht von Algorithmen. Der Band versammelt Beiträge, die sich mit dem
historischen Auftauchen und der mittlerweile allgegenwärtigen Verbreitung von
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Algorithmen in verschiedenen Bereichen des sozialen Lebens beschäftigen. Sie nehmen
Duisburg-Essen, Deutschland die Wechselbeziehungen algorithmischer und nicht-algorithmischer Akteure und deren
Algorithmuskulturen | author / Jonathan / 9783839438008 2017-04-15 Bedeutungen für unseren Alltag und unsere Sozialbeziehungen in den Blick und gehen Sociology
Verlag den Mechanismen nach, mit denen Algorithmen – selbst Produkte eines spezifischen
Roberge / Institut National
Weltzugangs – die Wirklichkeit rahmen, während sie zugleich die Art und Weise
de la Recherche Scientifique, organisieren, wie Menschen über Gesellschaft denken. Die Beiträge beinhalten
Kanada Fallstudien zu Sozialen Medien, Werbung und Bewertung, aber auch zu mobilen
Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen wie z.B. Drohnen.

Die Religionspädagogik wird in zunehmendem Maße öffentlich. Damit reiht sie sich in
den ¼public turn½ der Wissenschaften ein, wie er derzeit in der Soziologie, der Theologie
author / Bernhard / Grümme oder den Erziehungswissenschaften zu beobachten ist. Bernhard Grümme zeigt: Was in
transcript den verheißungsvollen Aufbrüchen der öffentlichen Religionspädagogik unterbleibt, ist
Aufbruch in die Öffentlichkeit? / Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 9783839442272 2018-08-15 Theology & Religion
Deutschland Verlag das Bedenken des Öffentlichkeitsbegriffs selbst. Es fehlt vor allem eine Kritik seiner
Konstruktionsmechanismen, was dazu führt, dass die Religionspädagogik weder ihr
kritisch-konstruktives Potenzial ausloten noch ihre eigenen Verwicklungen in
hegemoniale Strukturen von Macht und Exklusion selbstkritisch reflektieren kann.

Abstiegsängste, Furcht vor Zuwanderung und Klimawandel: Glaubt man populären

Zeitdiagnosen, leben wir in einer Gesellschaft der Angst. Dieser Band trägt aktuelle
Forschungsergebnisse zur Gefühlslage der Menschen in Deutschland zusammen und
unterzieht damit die Diagnose »Angstgesellschaft« einer kritischen Überprüfung: Kennen
editor / Christiane / Lübke | transcript die Sorgen und Ängste der Deutschen wirklich nur eine Richtung – aufwärts? Was treibt
Diagnose Angstgesellschaft? editor / Jan / Delhey Verlag 9783839446140 2019-05-13 bestimmte Bevölkerungsgruppen wie Jugendliche, prekär Beschäftigte oder Menschen Sociology
mit Migrationshintergrund um? Welche Rolle spielen Sorgen und Ängste für die
Wahlerfolge rechtspopulistischer Parteien? Die Beiträge zeigen, dass die Befindlichkeiten
der Menschen zwar auf gesellschaftliche Bruchlinien verweisen, Deutschland aber
dennoch keine Angstgesellschaft ist.

Museen sind stets auch virtuelle Räume: Als Einrichtungen des gemeinsamen Erinnerns
schlagen sie Brücken zwischen dem An- und Abwesenden, der Materialität ihrer
author / Dennis / Niewerth / Exponate und einer Vergangenheit, die nur in ihren Hinterlassenschaften ihr Wirklichsein
Dennis Niewerth, Deutsches zu behaupten vermag. Dennoch sind in einer Gesellschaft, für die Virtualität Normalität
Schifffahrtsmuseum – transcript geworden ist, die Institution Museum und ihr Umgang mit den längst nicht mehr
Dinge – Nutzer – Netze Leibniz-Institut für Maritime Verlag 9783839442326 2018-08-15 ¼neuen½ Medien nach wie vor Austragungsorte erhitzter Debatten über das ¼Echte½, Arts
das ¼Authentische½ und die Erfahrbarkeit des Wirklichen. Dennis Niewerth geht der
Geschichte (Bremerhaven), Frage nach, worin die »Virtualisierung des Musealen« besteht. Und er zeigt, was das
Deutschland Museum als Bollwerk der Kulturpädagogik im Sinne einer »Musealisierung des
Virtuellen« einer Gesellschaft anzubieten hat, die unter der Fülle ihrer Erinnerungen
begraben zu werden droht.
Um in komplexen und dynamischen Umwelten agieren und diese aktiv gestalten zu
author / Wolfgang / Stark / können, sind formalisierte Arbeitsabläufe und geronnene Strukturen oft nicht hilfreich.
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Wir benötigen ein performatives, fließendes Verständnis von Organisation und die
Beherrschung agiler Prozesse: Das oft versteckte Erfahrungswissen (tacit knowing) wird
Improvisation und Organisation Deutschland | author / David transcript 9783839426111 2017-04-15 zur Grundlage der heute benötigten »Kunst« der Improvisation. Die Beiträge zeigen: Sociology
/ Vossebrecher / Rosa- Verlag Implizites und intuitives, vorausschauendes Wissen und experimentierend-spielerisches
Luxemburg-Stiftung Berlin, Handeln sind die Grundlage für Innovation und agiles Lernen in Organisationen und
Deutschland sozialen Systemen. In der Analyse von »organizational patterns« und »musikalischem
Denken« entsteht ein neues Verständnis flexibler und dynamischer Organisationen.

Klavier plus Streichquartett. Im vierstelligen Bereich sind Werke bekannt. In mittlerer

dreistelliger Zahl als Tonaufnahme zugänglich. Über 200 Jahre kontinuierliche
Produktion. Bis heute. Und doch fehlt das Genre weitgehend in den Leitmedien
editor / Glaucia / Peres da transcript Klassischer Musik. In den meinungsführenden Feuilletons und Musikgeschichtswerken.
Music Practices Across Borders Silva | editor / Konstantin / 9783839446676 2019-06-15 Und in den Programmen der prestigeträchtigen Rundfunksender und Labels, Konzertsäle, Music
Hondros Verlag Festivals und Ensembles. Bis auf die Handvoll Werke berühmter Komponisten, von
Schumann über Brahms bis Schostakowitsch. Frédéric Döhl präsentiert ein Nachdenken
über Musikgeschichtsschreibung in Zeiten der Digital Humanities – und über die Rolle des
eigenen ästhetischen Erlebens dabei.

Wie wirklich ist musikalische Praxis und was hat sie mit dem alltäglichen Leben zu tun?
Eva-Maria Houben zeigt, dass sich das Musizieren verändert, sobald dessen Sinn nicht in
der zweckorientierten Produktion von Arbeitsergebnissen, sondern im Musizieren als
Musikalische Praxis als author / Eva-Maria / Houben transcript 9783839441992 2018-08-15 Beschäftigung und um des Spielens willen gefunden wird. Musikalische Praxis ist
Lebensform / TU Dortmund, Deutschland Verlag prinzipiell unabgeschlossen. So bleibt das Tun auf Wiederholung ausgerichtet und befreit
von Perfektion, Produktivität, Zweckgebundenheit. Sinn wird in der jeweiligen Situation,
am spezifischen Ort, im Beziehungsgeschehen selbst erlebt. Musikalische Praxis kann so
zur »Lebensform« und dabei eine eigene Wirklichkeit werden.

Klavier plus Streichquartett. Im vierstelligen Bereich sind Werke bekannt. In mittlerer

dreistelliger Zahl als Tonaufnahme zugänglich. Über 200 Jahre kontinuierliche
author / Frédéric / Döhl / Produktion. Bis heute. Und doch fehlt das Genre weitgehend in den Leitmedien
Musikgeschichte ohne Technische Universität transcript Klassischer Musik. In den meinungsführenden Feuilletons und Musikgeschichtswerken.
9783839441831 2019-06-15 Und in den Programmen der prestigeträchtigen Rundfunksender und Labels, Konzertsäle, Music
Markennamen Dortmund/ Freie Universität Verlag Festivals und Ensembles. Bis auf die Handvoll Werke berühmter Komponisten, von
Berlin, Deutschland Schumann über Brahms bis Schostakowitsch. Frédéric Döhl präsentiert ein Nachdenken
über Musikgeschichtsschreibung in Zeiten der Digital Humanities – und über die Rolle des
eigenen ästhetischen Erlebens dabei.

House of Cards, Borgen und Co. – seit einiger Zeit boomen Fernsehserien, die explizit den
politischen Betrieb fokussieren. Diese erreichen nicht nur ein akademisches
Nischenpublikum, sondern erzielen insgesamt hohe Zuschauerquoten. Die Beiträge des
author / Niko / Switek / Bandes analysieren, wie der Gegenstand Politik in den Serien aufgegriffen und als
transcript Material für ihre auf Unterhaltung ausgerichteten Erzählungen aufgearbeitet wird. Über
Politik in Fernsehserien Universität Duisburg-Essen, Verlag 9783839442005 2018-08-15 die Auseinandersetzung mit popkulturellen Produkten zeigen sie, wie politische Bilder in Political Science
Deutschland populären Filmen und Serien konstruiert und reproduziert werden und wie diese sich auf
Wahrnehmungen und Vorstellungen von Politik auswirken. Das Interesse gilt dabei den
konstruierten Bildern von Politik im Allgemeinen, aber auch den sich darin äußernden
nationalen Besonderheiten.
Wie manifestiert sich der abstrakte und oftmals unterbestimmte Begriff der
menschlichen Würde in konkreten räumlichen Konstellationen – etwa öffentlichen
editor / Joschka / Gebäuden oder in einem Hospiz?

Raum und Würde Haltaufderheide | editor / transcript 9783837647327 2019-03-25 Die Beiträge des Bandes beleuchten interdisziplinär und dialogisch die unterschiedliche Sociology
Ina / Otte | editor / Philipp / Verlag Auflösung dieses Spannungsverhältnisses zwischen Räumen und Würde. Dabei werden
Weber bewusst die formalen Schranken wissenschaftlichen Publizierens überwunden und in
Form und Inhalt ein Publikum auch jenseits des universitären Umfeldes für den
Themenbereich angesprochen.

editor / Heike / Delitz / Die verschiedenen Soziologien des Lebens fassen das Leben nicht nur als Objekt, das
Universität Bamberg, gesellschaftlich erkannt, normiert und gesteigert wird. Sie verstehen es immer auch als
Deutschland | editor / Subjekt seines Wissens, seiner Normen und seines Wandels. Das Leben wird nicht
Frithjof / Nungesser / Karl- vereinseitigt, sondern seine Verschränkungen werden analysiert: die Immanenz von
transcript Natur und Kultur, die Gleichzeitigkeit von Aktivität und Passivität, die Ko-Konstitution von
Soziologien des Lebens Franzens-Universität Graz, 9783839445587 2018-09-15 Sociology
Verlag Affekt und Kognition, die Identität von Normativität und Normierung. Im Anschluss an
Österreich | editor / Robert / Autorinnen und Autoren wie Bataille, Bergson, Canguilhem, Deleuze, Driesch, Haraway,
Seyfert / Universität Plessner, die Pragmatisten oder Simmel entfalten die Beiträge dieses Bandes differente
Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg- lebenssoziologische Perspektiven und revitalisieren damit einen für die soziologische
Essen, Deutschland Theorie in vielerlei Hinsicht instruktiven Diskurs.

editor / Annette / Von

Alemann / Universitaet zu Wie sehen die Lebensrealitäten von Frauen und Männern in den Lebensbereichen
Koln | editor / Beate / „Erwerbssystem“ und „Familie“ aus? Welche Interdependenzen und damit
Kortendiek / Universitaet Verlag Barbara möglicherweise einhergehenden Ungleichheiten im Geschlechterverhältnis ergeben sich
Alte neue Ungleichheiten? Duisburg-Essen | editor / Budrich 9783847409458 2016-12-05 hieraus? Das Heft präsentiert theoretische und empirische Beiträge, die sich mit der Sociology
Auflösung und Neubestimmung der gesellschaftlichen Sphären ‚Erwerbsarbeit‘ und
Sandra / Beaufaÿs / Center ‚private Lebensführung‘ auseinandersetzen. Dabei werden neben der Analyse des
of Excellence Women and Bestehenden auch aktuelle Tendenzen und Perspektiven diskutiert.
Science (CEWS), GESIS Koeln

editor / Iris / Clemens /

Universität Bayreuth | editor Der Band widmet sich der Reflexion ausgewählter Aspekte von Bildung und Erziehung im
Bildung und Erziehung im / Sabine / Hornberg / Kontext globaler Transformationen. Die Beiträge untersuchen die
Verlag Barbara Transformationsprozesse der Bildung für den globalen Süden sowie Europas Rolle im
Kontext globaler Technische Universität Budrich 9783847412014 2019-06-24 Kontext dieser Entwicklungen. Zudem zeigen sie, dass die globalen Herausforderungen Anthropology
Transformationen Dortmund | editor / Marco / nicht nur die Frage nach Normen und Werten für Bildung und Erziehung aufwerfen,
Rieckmann / Universität sondern auch die nach der Veränderung der Erziehungswissenschaft selbst.

Die SPD vollzog in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren einen beachtlichen frauenpolitischen
Wandel: Sie richtete ihre Frauen- und Familienpolitik neu aus, übernahm feministische
Ziele in das Grundsatzprogramm und führte eine Geschlechterquote ein, um den Anteil
Der Aufbruch der Frauen in der author / Susanne / Eyssen / Verlag Barbara der weiblichen Parteimitglieder in Parteifunktionen und politischen Ämtern zu erhöhen.
SPD Universität Bochum Budrich 9783863883652 2019-03-25 Die Studie erzählt die Geschichte dieses Umbruchs mithilfe von ZeitzeugInnen-Interviews Sociology
und einer umfangreichen Sichtung der Parteidokumente.
Schulbücher haben innerhalb der Schule eine große Bedeutung für die Gestaltung des
Unterrichts. Das Thema Subsahara-Afrika spielt sowohl in der hiesigen Gesellschaft als
auch in Schulbüchern eine eher untergeordnete Rolle. Diese Erfahrung machte der aus
Eritrea geflüchtete Autor in den 1980/90er Jahren als Lernender an einer Wuppertaler
Die Darstellung Subsahara- Verlag Barbara Gesamtschule. Im Rahmen seines Studiums der Sozialpädagogik stellte er fest, dass diese
author / Kessete / Awet 9783863883713 2018-05-28 Problematik im universitären Kontext ebenfalls nur marginal behandelt wird. Auch Sociology
Afrikas im deutschen Schulbuch Budrich außerhalb der Schule wird Subsahara-Afrika in der allgemeinen Medienberichterstattung
als Krisen- und Katastrophenregion dargestellt, bei der insbesondere der Anteil
europäischer bzw. westlicher Länder an dieser Situation weitgehend eine untergeordnete
Rolle spielt und Initiativen aus Subsahara-Afrika zur Lösung von Problemen kaum
Erwähnung finden.

Niemand weiß, was die Zukunft bringt. Trotzdem oder gerade deshalb kommunizieren
wir ständig über das Thema Zukunft – ob privat oder in den Massenmedien. Der Autor
Die Gesellschaft der Zukunft – untersucht diese Kommunikation und rückt zwei Bezugspunkte in den Mittelpunkt: die
Beobachtungen aus der author / Dieter / Grunow / Verlag Barbara 9783847408390 2017-03-13 funktionale Differenzierung der modernen Gesellschaft und die Inklusion der Political Science
Universitaet Duisburg-Essen Budrich Bevölkerung in die Funktionssysteme wie Politik, Wirtschaft, Erziehung. Wie werden
diese Themen mit Blick auf die Gesellschaft der Zukunft behandelt und welche
Entscheidungsimpulse ergeben sich daraus?

editor / Anja / Tervooren / Dinge und Raum stehen zunehmend im Mittelpunkt qualitativer Bildungsund
Dinge und Raum in der Universitaet Duisburg-Essen Verlag Barbara Biographieforschung. Anknüpfend an die erziehungswissenschaftliche Diskussion um den
qualitativen Bildungs- und | editor / Robert / Kreitz / Budrich 9783847412069 2017-12-04 Bildungsbegriff, diskutieren die Beiträge die Frage, welche neuen Perspektiven sich für Anthropology
Biographieforschung Technische Universitaet die qualitative Bildungs- und Biographieforschung aus der Untersuchung der Beziehung
zwischen Subjekten und den Dingen und Räumen der Bildung ergeben.

Die Beratungspraxis ist ohne Methoden und Techniken nichts. Diese sind keine
editor / Anne / Schlüter / Selbstläufer, sondern funktionieren als Katalysatoren, um Prozesse anzustoßen und
Methoden und Techniken der Universitaet Duisburg-Essen Verlag Barbara 9783847410027 2017-03-13 komplexe Beratungsanliegen bearbeiten zu können. Das Buch dient als Nachschlagewerk
Bildungsberatung | editor / Karin / Kress / Budrich zum Einsatz ausgewählter Methoden, bettet sie in den wissenschaftlichen Kontext ein
Universitaet Duisburg-Essen und bietet damit Orientierung für die Auswahl, Durchführung und Abwandlung von
Methoden.Es richtet sich an PraktikerInnen sowie an Studierende der Bildungsberatung.

Wie lässt sich das Handeln der Regierung in modernen Gesellschaften theoretisch fassen?
Schon die Autoren der amerikanischen Verfassung haben die Notwendigkeit erkannt, die
Exekutivgewalt einzuhegen und sie mit der Legislative zu verschränken. Dieses Prinzip gilt
bis heute, doch in modernen Gesellschaften kommt hinzu, dass die Zivilgesellschaft und
ihre Medien mit Regierung und Verwaltung auf vielfältige Weise miteinander verbunden
Regieren in der modernen author / Manfred / Mai / Verlag Barbara sind. Die Frage ist, wie der moderne Staat als wichtigster Akteur der Politik mit der
9783847409694 2016-05-23 Regierung als seinem stärksten Instrument legitime Ziele erreichen kann. Der Autor zeigt Political Science
Gesellschaft Universitaet Duisburg-Essen Budrich die Interdependenzen zwischen Regierung, Zivilgesellschaft, Verbänden und Parlament
auf und demonstriert anhand verschiedener Beispiele, dass die Exekutive kein
abgehobenes Eigenleben führt. Ein zentrales Kapitel ist die Beschreibung des Innenlebens
der Ministerialbürokratie. Gerade der Einblick in die täglichen Routinen im Umgang mit
der Komplexität einzelner Inputs ist aufschlussreich für die Frage nach den Möglichkeiten
und Grenzen politischer Gestaltung.
editor / Fabian / Kessl /
Fakultät für Bildungswissen
schaften, Institut für Soziale
Arbeit und Sozialpolitik,
Universität Duisburg-Essen |
editor / Elke / Kruse /
Professorin für
insbes. Pädagogik der
Die Reihe „Soziale Arbeit – Grundlagen“ stellt eine übersichtliche Einführung in das Fach
Kindheit und dar. In Band 1 werden Kernthemen und Problemfelder Sozialer Arbeit vorgestellt.
Soziale Arbeit – Kernthemen und Fachhochschule Welche Themen sind für die Fachdiskurse professioneller Sozialer Arbeit als auch für die
Düsseldorf | Verlag
Problemfelder Budrich 9783825243470 2017-05-15 wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung zentral? Wie lassen sie sich in Beziehung setzen? Sociology
editor / Sabine / Stövesand / Welche Kritiken, Probleme und Herausforderungen sind mit diesen Begriffen verknüpft?
Professorin für Soziale
Arbeit, Fakultät Wirtschaft
und Soziales, Hochschule für
Angewandte Wissenschaften
Hamburg | editor / Werner /
Thole / Fachbereich
Sozialwesen, Institut für
Sozialpädagogik und
Soziologie der Lebensalter,
Universität Kassel

editor / Robert / Kreitz /

Technische Universitaet Theorie, Methode und Gegenstand sind in der qualitativen Bildungs- und
Chemnitz | editor / Ingrid / Biographieforschung eng miteinander verflochten. Die Beiträge fragen nach der
Theorien in der qualitativen Miethe / Justus-Liebig- Verlag Barbara 9783847409007 2016-09-26 Gegenstandsangemessenheit von Theorien, nach der Beziehung zwischen
Bildungsforschung Budrich Bildungstheorie und qualitativer Empirie sowie nach den Implikationen der
Universitaet Giessen | Methodenwahl für gegenstandsbezogene Theorien. Der Band dokumentiert den Stand
editor / Anja / Tervooren / der fachwissenschaftlichen Diskussion zu diesen Fragen in der Erziehungswissenschaft.
Universitaet Duisburg-Essen
Quels furent les savoirs utilisés, diffusés et produits par les missionnaires catholiques, à
partir du milieu du XVIe siècle, aussi bien en Europe, qu'en Amérique, en Asie et en
editor / Charlotte de / Afrique ? Dans quelle mesure l'entreprise d'évangélisation des âmes, jugées par les
Castelnau-l'Estoile / missionnaires comme païennes, hérétiques ou simplement indifférentes, a-t-elle
Missions d'évangélisation et Université Paris Diderot - Casa de participé à l'aventure moderne de la circulation des savoirs ? Ces questions intéressent
9788490962466 2011-01-01 aussi bien l'histoire sociale et culturelle des missions que l'histoire des empires et des History
circulation des savoirs Paris 7 | editor / Marie- Velázquez sociétés coloniales ou l'histoire intellectuelle. Elles conduisent à réfléchir sur la manière
Lucie / Copete / Université dont l'Europe, à l'époque moderne, est entrée en relation avec d'autres espaces. À la
de Rouen Normandie croisée des croyances et des connaissances, les missions d'évangélisation ont suscité de
profonds changements dans l'architecture des savoirs et ont paradoxalement participé à
la sécularisation de la conception du monde.

La corrida et le rodéo, les deux seuls affrontements homme-bovin mondialement connus,

sont de lointains cousins dont les relations historiques et formelles interrogent les
processus de transformation de la culture entre l'Europe et l'Amérique. Cette étude de
author / Jean-Baptiste / géographie culturelle envisage toutes les pratiques tauromachiques, des courses de
Casa de taureaux du sud-ouest européen à l'immense famille des rodéos nord et sud-américains.
Terres de taureaux Maudet / Université de Pau 9788490962459 2010-01-01 Sociology
et des Pays de l’Adour Velázquez Les jeux, les fêtes et les spectacles sont analysés comme des marqueurs territoriaux et
comme des moyens d'expression identitaire qui prennent forme et signification les uns
par rapport aux autres. Il en résulte une mosaïque territoriale complexe où les relations
homme-bovin véhiculent des sentiments d'appartenance dont les clivages et les
solidarités s'expriment à l'échelle d'une aire culturelle transatlantique.

Le journaliste scientifique a-t-il simplement vocation à rendre compte des controverses ?

Est-il un acteur à part dans ces débats ? Comment rend-il compte des conflits inhérents
et de leur dimension « extra-scientifique » ? Comment fonctionne la chaîne
d’information scientifique face à de tels enjeux économiques et politiques ? Les relations
author / Gérard / Arnold / entre acteurs, notamment au sein des rédactions, sont-elles reconfigurées en situation
Le journalisme scientifique dans
CNRS | author / Sylvestre / CNRS Editions 9782271130181 2015-01-22 de controverse ? Media & Communications
les controverses Pour répondre à ces questions générales, trois études de ces controverses sont ici
Huet / Journaliste
ciblées, renvoyant à des préoccupations citoyennes majeures : le changement climatique,
les perturbateurs endocriniens et les organismes génétiquement modifiés.
Une analyse qui permet de mieux comprendre les controverses, les pratiques des
journalistes scientifiques et leur place particulière dans une profession en mutation.

Relié à des inconnus par des technologies numériques simplifiant l’accès à l’information
et à la communication, l’humain du XXIe siècle, même le moins tenté par les nouvelles
technologies, laisse partout des traces de ses actions. Relevant de la sphère publique ou
privée, les traces numériques de ce Nouveau Monde sont manipulables et susceptibles
author / Béatrice / Galinon- de ressurgir dans des contextes imprévisibles. Chaque jour, ce fonctionnement inquiète
Traces numériques. De la Mélénec / CNRS-CDHET | d’autant plus que le numérique gagne progressivement toutes les pratiques
production à l'interprétation author / Sami / Zlitni / IUT du CNRS Editions 9782271130136 2013-05-31 contemporaines. Issus de champs disciplinaires variés (sciences de la communication, Sociology
Havre informatique, linguistique, sociologie, etc.), les universitaires de renom, réunis ici, non
seulement lèvent le voile sur la façon dont se fabriquent et s’utilisent les traces
numériques, mais aussi analysent les réponses aux risques encourus, qu’elles relèvent
d’une protection passive (« le droit à l’oubli ») ou active (la performance dans la gestion
des traces numériques).
"Ces dernières années ont vu se développer un important effort théorique et critique sur
la question du corps au cinéma : comment ce dernier représente-t-il les formes du corps
mais aussi ses puissances (gestes, désirs, pulsions, tendances hors cadre, hors champs,
hors discours ou hors normes)? Comment rend-t-il compte des contextes cognitifs,
culturels, politiques et technologiques associés à la fabrique des corps à travers
Images des corps / corps des l'histoire? Les films eux-mêmes ont eu recours au corps comme figure ou motif privilégié
author / Jérôme / Game ENS Éditions 2010-01-01 Arts
images au cinéma et ont pleinement participé de ce questionnement.

Participant à cette réflexion en cours le présent volume s'attache à étudier la question de

la représentation corporelle en la rapportant à celle des devenirs concrets du cinéma,
que ce soit dans ses dispositifs propres ou ses rencontres avec d’autres régimes d’image
(notamment la vidéo et la photographie).

Des premiers rites baptismaux à la confession moderne, les références au christianisme

sont constantes dans l'œuvre de Michel Foucault. Cette constance s'inscrit dans un
questionnement philosophique plus large sur notre actualité : comprendre le rapport que
nous avons aujourd'hui à nous-mêmes demande de s'interroger sur les actes de vérité
que l’Occident a instaurés depuis les premiers siècles chrétiens. Que faut-il dire et
Michel Foucault et le manifester de soi pour être transformé dans son être, pardonné, sauvé, jugé ou guéri ?
author / Philippe / Chevallier ENS Éditions 2011-01-01 Philosophy
christianisme Ce livre propose une étude critique de l’ensemble des lectures chrétiennes de Foucault,
avec une attention particulière portée au cours Du gouvernement des vivants (1979-
1980). Ni chronologique ni thématique, le parcours suivi espère retrouver la logique d’un
travail à la fois philosophique et historique : quand et comment le christianisme a-t-il été
constitué par Foucault en objet de recherche, avec quelles pratiques de lecture et quelles
conséquences sur l’interprétation ?

La mobilisation autour de la conférence Paris Climat 2015 (COP 21) a été l’occasion de
mettre en relief la vulnérabilité des milieux et des populations du Sud face au
réchauffement climatique. Certaines régions de la zone intertropicale en subissent déjà
les effets, que ce soient les vagues de chaleur au Sahel, la perturbation des systèmes de
editor / Serge / Janicot / IRD mousson, la fonte des glaciers andins, les menaces sur la biodiversité, l’élévation du
niveau des océans. Cet ouvrage en donne un aperçu synthétique décliné en trois temps :
Changement climatique | editor / Magali / Reinert / IRD Éditions 9782709921695 2015-01-01 observer et comprendre le changement climatique, analyser ses principaux impacts en Sociology
indépendante fonction des milieux, remettre les sociétés et les politiques publiques nationales au cœur
du défi climatique. En insistant sur les capacités de résilience des populations et des
écosystèmes face à l’évolution du climat, l’ouvrage explore les solutions conciliant
atténuation du changement climatique et adaptation, préservation de l’environnement
et réduction des inégalités.
"L’ouvrage d’Issaka K. Souaré est un véritable tour de force intellectuel sur un sujet
important, mais paradoxalement peu étudié. En adoptant une perspective théorique
alliant jeux d’acteurs et cadres institutionnels, il retrace l’histoire des partis politiques
editor / Mamoudou / africains depuis la période coloniale tout en offrant une analyse documentée et
Gazibo / Université de Presses
contextualisée des dynamiques électorales récentes, avec un accent particulier sur les
Les partis politiques de Montréal | editor / partis d’opposition."
universitaires 9791036501784 2017-01-01 Mamoudou Gazibo Professeur de science politique, Université de Montréal. Political Science
l'opposition en Afrique Stephen / Brown / Université de Montréal
d'Ottawa | editor / Ismaila / Issaka K. Souaré est spécialiste des questions de gouvernance, de paix et de sécurité en
Madior Fall Afrique. Il a notamment travaillé comme Conseiller spécial du Haut représentant de
l’Union africaine pour le Mali et le Sahel. Il a écrit, entre autres, Guerres civiles et coups
d’État en Afrique de l’Ouest (Paris, 2007) et Africa in the United Nations System, 1945-
2005 (Londres, 2006).

Cet ouvrage souhaite montrer la richesse d’une ouverture géographique et thématique

des recherches urbaines actuelles en présentant celles qui prennent en considération les
villes situées en dehors de l’aire occidentale. Il donne la voix à de jeunes chercheurs et
praticiens originaires de six pays et de trois continents qui, par leurs réflexions engagées,
Presses proposent de corriger les perceptions souvent négatives, voire catastrophiques, de
Les villes non occidentales author / Gabriel / Fauveau universitaires 9791036501845 2017-01-01 l’urbanisation non occidentale. En partant du principe que tout espace urbain est aussi Sociology
de Montréal banal que singulier, ils aident à décentrer le regard et à envisager sérieusement
l’importance de l’altérité dans la construction des représentations collectives. Ouvert sur
le monde, donc, cet ouvrage montre tout l’intérêt de diversifier les approches théoriques
et empiriques en urbanisme, dont le fort ancrage nord-américain ou européen empêche
souvent de rendre compte des multiples réalités des villes de la planète.

À l’occasion du dixième anniversaire de la mort de Pierre Bourdieu, cet ouvrage interroge

Presses l’objet « travail » dans la sociologie de Bourdieu, et Bourdieu dans la sociologie du travail.
Bourdieu et le travail author / Maxime / Quijoux universitaires 9782753563278 2015-01-01 Réunissant plus d’une vingtaine de contributions, entre exégèses, analyses historiques et Sociology
de Rennes enquêtes de terrain, ce livre souhaite montrer l’apport mutuel du sociologue et du travail
: une réconciliation scientifique en somme.

Ce livre analyse les discours « masculinistes », tels qu’ils s’affirment par exemple dans
Presses organisations de pères divorcés. Côté scientifique, l’enjeu est clair : il s’agit de poursuivre
Boys don’t cry! editor / Delphine / Dulong | le travail de déconstruction de la domination masculine en montrant que celle-ci n’a rien
editor / Christine / Guionnet universitaires
9782753563018 2012-01-01 de naturel. Elle suppose des investissements et implique des coûts, pour les femmes bien Sociology
de Rennes sûr, mais également pour les hommes. Combinant prudence, rigueur et refus des tabous,
ce livre revendique donc la vertu de l’insolence scientifique en posant la question des
coûts des masculinités.

La haine possède une histoire : ses expressions, ses modalités, ses logiques, ses objets et
Presses ses effets ne sont ni identiques ni immuables. Cet essai replace cette passion funeste
dans son époque et cerne ses raisons évoquées par les contemporains. Si la haine est à sa
Histoire de la haine author / Frédéric / Chauvaud universitaires 9782753559530 2014-01-01 manière une forme de rationalité permettant de se mouvoir dans l’univers social, elle est History
de Rennes une « figure du pensable » et un ressort psychologique déterminant, donnant la
possibilité de comprendre ce qui anime les individus et les sociétés.
Dans l'imaginaire collectif, Néron est à jamais figé dans la posture du tyran dépravé,
meurtrier, incendiaire : un mythe s'est forgé, éternel et persistant. C’est précisément
cette mythologie que l’auteur se propose de décoder. Car parallèlement à l’effacement
des traces visibles de la mémoire du prince, les auteurs antiques, tant païens que
Presses chrétiens, se sont employés à reconstruire son histoire, jusqu’à ce que Néron, dépouillant
author / Laurie / Lefebvre / son enveloppe d’individu historique, devînt une figure emblématique, incarnation de la
Le mythe Néron universitaires 9782757428023 2017-12-09 Literature
Enseignement secondaire du Septentrion tyrannie et de la monstruosité elles-mêmes. Enquête sur les codes philosophiques,
rhétoriques ou littéraires qui ont contraint la réécriture de l’histoire du dernier Julio-
claudien, l’ouvrage se propose aussi de suivre les mutations de cette figure au cours de
l’Antiquité, au gré des erreurs de lecture, des confusions, des manipulations narratives ou
des tentatives d’adaptation de la geste néronienne aux préoccupations du temps. Toute
une mythographie se fait jour.

Charlotte Guillard constitue une figure exceptionnelle de la Renaissance française.

Originaire du Maine, elle mène à Paris une carrière brillante dans la typographie. Veuve
tour à tour des imprimeurs Berthold Rembolt et Claude Chevallon, elle administre en
Presses maîtresse-femme l'atelier du Soleil d'Or pendant près de vingt ans, de 1537 à 1557. Sous
author / Rémi / Jimenes / universitaires sa direction, l'entreprise accapare le marché de l'édition juridique et des Pères de l'Église,
Charlotte Guillard 9782869066755 2017-09-27 History
Université de Tours François- publiant des éditions savantes préparées par quelques-uns des plus illustres humanistes
Rabelais (PUFR) parisiens (Antoine Macault, Jacques Toussain, Jean Du Tillet, Guillaume Postel...).
Associant dans un même projet intellectuel les théologiens parisiens les plus
conservateurs et les lettrés les plus épris de nouveauté, sa production témoigne de la
vivacité des débats qui agitent les milieux intellectuels au siècle des Réformes.

Les manières de vivre le judaïsme à l'époque contemporaine sont multiples. Comment

author / Ewa / Tartakowsky / Presses explorer cette diversité, ses éléments constitutifs religieux, culturels ou nationaux et les
Université Paris-Nanterre | universitaires liens qu'ils nourrissent entre eux ? En explorant cette problématique de la diversité, du
Juifs d'Europe 9782869067257 2017-09-07 métissage et du pluriel, ce livre propose un renouvellement des termes de « Sociology
author / Marcelo / François- l'identification juive » dans l'espace européen et opposent à une vision hégémonique la
Dimentstein / EHESS Rabelais (PUFR) pluralité des expériences dans la fabrique identitaire des individus et de collectivités

Protéger l'homme « au moment où il arrive au port de la vie », telle est la mission que les
author / Nathalie / Sage Presses gouvernements français, de l'Ancien Régime à la IIIe République, assignent aux sages-
Pranchère / Université Paris universitaires femmes. Accompagnatrices des mères et désormais membres du corps médical, les
L'école des sages-femmes 9782869066113 2017-01-19 History
IV Paris-Sorbonne, Centre François- sages-femmes se sont constituées au cours du XIXe siècle en profession scientifique,
Roland Mousnier Rabelais (PUFR) détentrice d'un savoir riche et varié. Partout en France, leur formation a occupé
administrateurs et médecins, faisant naître des dizaines d'écoles dans les départements.

Est-il possible pour les héroïnes de Sex and the City de réconcilier féminité et
Presses féminisme ? Les déceptions amoureuses d'Ally Mc Beal traduisent-elle un modèle
Les héroïnes de séries author / Céline / Morin / universitaires romantique à bout de souffle ? Reflet des évolutions de la société, la fiction américaine
américaines Université Paris-Nanterre François- 9782869066724 2017-09-07 met en scène idéologies, fantasme de l'amour et conflits entre hommes et femmes. Sociology
Passant au crible soixante années de fiction télé américaine, Céline Morin analyse les
Rabelais (PUFR) relations amoureuses et les inégalités de genre en ouvrant un dialogue avec les théories
féministes et une sociologie de la conjugalité et de l'individualisme.
editor / Monica / Battaglini / Le travail social est un domaine de recherche relativement récent (années 60) qui produit
Haute école de travail social - des recherches fondamentales tournées vers l’application. A la Haute école de travail
Genève | editor / social de Genève, les recherches se concentrent actuellement autour de trois axes: la
citoyenneté; les nouveaux modes de régulations étatiques et associatifs ainsi que les
Stéphanie / Fretz / Haute pratiques professionnelles et modes d’intervention en travail social.
école de travail social -
Enquêter, former, publier au Genève | editor / Eva / Éditions ies 2018-10-15 Après 50 ans d’existence, le Centre de recherche sociale (CERES) de la HETS-Genève Sociology
coeur de la cité interroge ses pratiques. Quels types de politiques de recherche est développée?
Nada / Haute école de travail
Comment les problèmes sociaux sont-ils abordés pour en faire des problématiques de
social - Genève | editor / recherche? Comment les données et analyses sont-elles transmises? S’agit-il d’ailleurs
Laurence / Ossipow / Haute d’une transmission passive ou, au contraire, de co-réflexion ou co-production de
école de travail social - recherches, menées, non seulement avec les partenaires de terrain, mais aussi avec les
Genève étudiant-e-s suivant les enseignements?

Cet ouvrage collectif se propose d’interroger le processus de nationalisation des sociétés

européennes dans le contexte de la guerre : est-ce le succès de cette nationalisation qui
explique le succès de la mobilisation en 1914 ? Est-ce que la maximisation tant de fois
décrites de l’État au cours de la guerre accélère cette natinalisation ? De fait, cette
editor / Sylvain / Bertschy | réflexion s’inscrit dans une socio-histoire de l’État qui, à la suite de Gérard Noiriel,
Les mises en guerre de l’État editor / Philippe / Salson ENS Éditions 2018-12-01 s’intéresse davantage aux processus et aux acteurs qu’aux structures et aux règlements. History
C’est pourquoi, l'ouvrage se déploie en deux temps qui correspondent à deux cercles
concentriques au sein desquels gravitent des acteurs différenciés. Le regard est d’abord
porté au plus près du noyau dur de l'action étatique en interrogeant, d'une part, les
modes de participation au conflit et d’autre part, le travail d'administration des
populations civiles et militaires.

author / Francesca / Musiani La spécificité de l'archivage du Web et de ces archives, l’importance qu’elles devraient
| author / Camille / Paloque- prendre à l’avenir pour la recherche, mais aussi les particularités et la diversité de leurs
Qu'est-ce qu'une archive du OpenEdition conditions de collecte, préservation, accessibilité et consultation invitent à proposer un
Web? Berges | author / Valérie / Press 9791036503672 2019-02-28 ouvrage sur cet enjeu à l’interface des préoccupations du monde des bibliothèques, des Information Science
Schafer | author / archives, des entreprises et des chercheurs.
Benjamin / Thierry

Du cinéma qui naît à la fin du XIXᵉ siècle à celui qui s’expose aujourd’hui au musée s’est
jouée une histoire en trois temps, dont chacun est venu décrire un usage théorique et
social du signifiant « cinéma ». Le premier consacre un appareil d’enregistrement et de
Presses projection des images en mouvement qui, parmi d’autres, a réussi à imposer un modèle
Le cinéma ou le dernier des arts author / Luc / Vancheri / universitaires 2018-12-31 technique et industriel de production des films. Point d’arrivée d’une culture visuelle
Université Lyon 2 façonnée par les panoramas, la photographie, le chemin de fer, la lanterne magique et
de Rennes les jouets optiques, le cinématographe consigne une vaste iconographie documentaire
avant de s’ouvrir aux formes divertissantes du spectacle. C’est le moment Lumière.
Pourtant, dès le début des années 1910, ce premier moment historique est contrarié par
une demande d’art qui va profondément modifier son profil culturel et social.
Ce livre part d'un constat: malgré une abondante production, étalée sur près de
cinquante ans, le théâtre de Dumas subit aujourd'hui une indéniable éclipse. Or, son
auteur a joué un rôle de premier plan dans la «bataille» romantique; il a continué sans
editor / Anne-Marie / Callet- Presses
interruption d'écrire pour la scène jusqu'à sa mort; refusant l'exclusive, il a pratiqué tous
Le Théâtre de Dumas père, entre Bianco / université d'Angers les genres. Il laisse un corpus officiel de soixante-six pièces, en réalité plus de cent si l'on
universitaires 2018-12-31 comptabilise les textes non signés mais où sa collaboration est attestée. Literature
héritage et renouvellement | editor / Sylvain / Ledda / de Rennes Cette œuvre s’inscrit dans un héritage, revendiqué ou implicite, de l’Antiquité à la
université de Rouen production contemporaine: tragédie classique et néo-classique, comédie d’intrigue et de
caractère, scène historique, drame bourgeois, vaudeville, mélodrame, proverbe... Elle en
fait un usage complexe, entre emprunts, variations et détournements, en jouant de la
contamination entre modèles «nobles» et modèles «mineurs».

La bande dessinée numérique n'a qu'une vingtaine d’années d'existence, et elle

Presses réinvente le 9ème Art. Peut-elle s’envisager comme un objet culturel historique? Un
author / Julien / Baudry / universitaires objet en apparence aussi contemporain ne naît pas de nulle part et possède ces racines
Cases • Pixels 2018-11-01 propres, pas forcément liées à la seule bande dessinée papier. Julien Baudry, au travers History
Université de Bordeaux François- d'une exposition des expériences aussi multiples qu'éphémères, propose un parcours
Rabelais (PUFR) esthétique de la bande dessinée revisitée par le format numérique. Un livre électronique
unique sur la bande dessinée électronique!

Die Frage, ob das BGB den Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung noch gerecht werden
kann, steht im Mittelpunkt dieser Publikation. Um dem auf den Grund zu gehen,
untersucht der Autor den Begriff »digitale Inhalte«, der seit Umsetzung der
Peter Lang Verbraucherrechterichtlinie im BGB zu finden ist. Mithilfe einer Kategorisierung der
Analoges Recht in der digitalen International Erscheinungsformen digitaler Inhalte ordnet er diese vertragstypologisch zu.
author / Jens / Grabosch 9783631785003 2019-08-13 Law
Welt Academic Mit dem so gefundenen Ergebnis macht der Autor legislative Vorschläge für eine
Publishers alternative rechtliche Handhabbarkeit. Dabei nimmt er auch den von der Europäischen
Kommission vorgelegten Vorschlag für eine spezielle Richtlinie für digitale Inhalte in den
Blick und verbindet mit ihm die Zuversicht, dass es sich dabei um ein sinnvolles Update
für das BGB handeln könnte.

Die Autorin leistet einen Beitrag zur Debatte über den Reformbedarf des
Glücksspielrechts. Sie analysiert die Glücksspielregulierung gemäß dem GlüStV 2012,
vergleicht diesen Vertrag mit den Regelungen des ehemaligen GlüG SH und überprüft ihn
Das neue Glücksspielrecht unter Peter Lang auf seine Verfassungs- und Unionsrechtskonformität. Hierzu behandelt sie die
besonderer Berücksichtigung author / Stefanie Ruth / International 9783631719626 2017-07-31 einschlägige Rechtsprechung (insbesondere vom EuGH, BVerfG, BVerwG sowie BGH) und
Fuchs / LMU Munchen Academic bespricht die Stellungnahmen der EU-Kommission. Abschließend folgt eine ökonomische
von Online-Glücksspielen Analyse. Da Sportwettveranstalter für ihre Wettangebote die Sportdatenbanken der
Publishers Sportveranstalter verwenden, beantwortet dieses Buch die Frage, welche Rechte den
Sportveranstaltern nach derzeitiger Rechtslage an ihren Sportdatenbanken zustehen und
ob es sinnvoll wäre, neue Rechte zu schaffen.
Der Autor untersucht, ob geltendes Recht in Europa, Deutschland und Chile
personenbezogene Daten in sozialen Netzwerken hinreichend vor Missbrauch schützt.
Peter Lang Hierbei widmet er sich vertieft dem Vergleich deutscher und europäischer Regelungen
Datenschutz in sozialen author / Pablo / Palma International mit der Rechtslage in Chile, zwei sehr unterschiedlichen Rechtsordnungen und
Netzwerken in Europa, 9783631725795 2017-05-11 technologisch komplizierten Sachverhalten. Der Fokus des Buches liegt auf der Law
Deutschland und Chile Calderón Academic Untersuchung des Datenschutzes speziell in sozialen Netzwerken und auf der
Publishers Beleuchtung der internationalen Dimension dieses Phänomens. So leistet der Autor einen
rechtswissenschaftlichen Beitrag mit grenzüberschreitendem Blickwinkel zu dem Thema

Die europäische AVMD-Richtlinie, die auch die deutsche Medienregulierung

determiniert, befindet sich seit 2016 in einem Reformprozess. Insbesondere der
materielle Anwendungsbereich der Richtlinie wird dem Anspruch einer rechtssicheren
Peter Lang Unterscheidung zwischen regulierungsbedürftigen und nicht-regulierungsbedürftigen
Die europäische Regulierung International Diensten nicht gerecht. Auch mit der Neugestaltung der Richtlinie werden die
author / Sarah / Hartmann 9783631782378 2019-08-13 Law
audiovisueller Mediendienste Academic Herausforderungen der Medienkonvergenz nicht angemessen bewältigt. Ausgehend von
Publishers diesen Defiziten konzipiert die Autorin eine alternative Ausgestaltung des materiellen
Anwendungsbereiches, die auf rechtsvergleichende Erkenntnisse der Medienregulierung
in Großbritannien, Australien, Neuseeland und Deutschland zurückgreift und maßgeblich
an die Meinungsbildungsrelevanz der Angebote anknüpft.

Erstmalig thematisiert das Buch das in China weit verbreitete Phänomen Ren-rou-sou-
suo (Menschenfleischsuche) auch in Deutschland. Als Hexenjagd im Internet ist dieses
weltweite Phänomen auch in Deutschland in den nächsten Jahren zu erwarten. Aufgrund
Die rechtliche Regulierung der Peter Lang potenzieller Persönlichkeitsrechtsverletzungen und Datenschutzprobleme ist es hoch
«Menschenfleischsuche» im author / Xiaopeng / Zhao International 9783653058116 2015-06-11 regulierungsbedürftig. Der Autor analysiert die Hintergründe der Suche in beiden
Internet Academic Ländern unter technischen, kulturellen, sozialen, politischen und psychologischen
Publishers Aspekten. Er untersucht und beantwortet rechtsvergleichend und detailliert alle
diesbezüglichen Rechtsfragen einschließlich Providerhaftung, Anonymität und
Pseudonymität, Auskunftsanspruch auf Anmeldedaten von Nutzern, Notice and take
down sowie Störerhaftung.

Matthias Schneider untersucht vor dem Hintergrund der Bedeutung von Accounts für
den elektronischen Rechtsverkehr, inwieweit der Accountinhaber rechtsgeschäftlich für
das missbräuchliche Handeln Dritter haftet. Dazu liefert er eine Darstellung der
Peter Lang Rechtsprechung zu ähnlich gelagerten Fällen in der Vergangenheit, um vor dem
Die rechtsgeschäftliche Haftung author / Matthias / International Hintergrund der aktuellen Rechtsprechung die Haftung für den Accountmissbrauch näher
für den Accountmissbrauch im Schneider / University of 9783653055214 2015-02-23 Law
Internet Trier Academic zu untersuchen und einer kritischen Würdigung zu unterziehen. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt
Publishers hierbei auf der Untersuchung der beiden zur Lösung dieser Frage herangezogenen
Rechtsinstitute «Handeln unter fremdem Namen» und «Anscheinsvollmacht». Als
richtiger Ansatz kann letztlich die Heranziehung eines eigenständigen
Rechtsscheintatbestands für den Accountmissbrauch qualifiziert werden.
Dieses Buch behandelt das Phänomen «Mobile Erreichbarkeit». Diese kann als Brücke
bezeichnet werden, die den Arbeitnehmer während der Freizeit mit dem
Arbeitsverhältnis verbindet. Die damit bewirkte intensive Entgrenzung der Arbeit in
Peter Lang örtlicher und zeitlicher Dimension ist vom Gesetzgeber nicht geregelt. Der Autor geht der
Mobile Erreichbarkeit von author / Peter / Körlings International 9783631788455 2019-08-13 Frage nach, in welchem Rahmen diese Entgrenzung rechtlich zulässig ist. Dazu bettet er
Arbeitnehmern Academic die «Mobile Erreichbarkeit» in das dogmatische Fundament des europäischen
Publishers Arbeitszeitrechts ein und setzt sich mit den praktischen Fragen ihrer Umsetzung
auseinander. Diese Erkenntnisse münden in Empfehlungen zur Umgestaltung der
Rechtslage, die sich sowohl auf den europarechtlichen Rahmen als auch auf dessen
nationale Ausgestaltung beziehen.

Die Themen der internetbasierten Kriminalität im Kontext von Social Media sowie das
Thema Datenschutz sind derzeit nicht nur rechtspolitisch höchst brisant, sondern haben
darüber hinaus eine erhebliche praktische Relevanz. Die Autorin nimmt zum einen die
author / Sonja / Geiring / Peter Lang dogmatischen Aspekte einer strafrechtlichen Einordnung des Social Media Stalkings und
Risiken von Social Media und University of Erlangen- International 9783631722671 2017-05-16 Mobbings in den Blick. Zum anderen widmet sie sich den datenschutzrechtlichen
User Generated Content Academic Anforderungen bei der Erstellung von Nutzerprofilen und unterzieht die aktuelle
Nürnberg Rechtslage einer kritischen Betrachtung. Im Ergebnis fehlt es im Datenschutzrecht, im
Publishers Gegensatz zum nationalen Strafrecht, bisher an praktikablen und durchsetzbaren
Regelungen, um die kollidierenden Interessen der Internetnutzer mit denen der Social
Media Anbieter in Einklang zu bringen.

Das Buch behandelt die Frage des zulässigen Einsatzes sogenannter intelligenter
Videoüberwachungssysteme durch Private im öffentlichen Raum am Maßstab des §6b
BDSG a.F. . Die Autorin befasst sich hierzu mit der systemkonformen Auslegung anhand
Peter Lang des Grundgesetzes, der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union, der EMRK und
Smarte private author / Julia Kristina / International der DSRL 95/46/EG sowie der Rechtsprechung der jeweiligen
9783631786208 2019-08-12 Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeiten. Sie zeigt auf, dass in einem Gefüge komplexer Law
Videoüberwachung Krumm Academic Wertentscheidungen angesichts des betroffenen Rechts auf informationelle
Publishers Selbstbestimmung und der grundgesetzlichen Diskriminierungsverbote differenzierte
Einzelfallabwägungen entlang eines aufgestellten Kriterienkataloges zu treffen sind. Das
zu § 6b BDSG a. F. entwickelte Ergebnis besteht auch vor § 4 BDSG n. F. und der EU-

Rechtlich gesetzte Grenzen sind Konstanten der zeitgenössischen politisch-rechtlichen

Staatenrealität. Zugleich sind sie aber auch der (teilweise imaginierte) Ort, an dem das
editor / Maximilian / Pichl / Versprechen auf steuerbare Migration umgesetzt werden soll: Neben den physischen
Universität Kassel, sind es vor allem auch diese abstrakten Grenzen, die den Zuzug nach Europa bestimmen.
An den Grenzen Europas und des Deutschland | editor / Timo / transcript Die disziplinübergreifenden Beiträge dieses Bandes untersuchen die Political Science and
9783839447147 2019-05-15 Zugangsbedingungen für Menschen nach Europa und die damit zusammenhängende
Rechts Tohidipur / Frankfurt Verlag Relevanz von Recht und Grenzen. Neben philosophischen, juristischen, International Studies
University of Applied wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und politologischen werden auch die journalistischen
Sciences, Deutschland Beobachtungen des Lebens nach der Grenze sowie die filmische Auseinandersetzung mit
dem Ankommen diskutiert. Dabei wird sowohl der theoretische Kontext als auch Kritik an
bestehender Rechtspraxis konstruktiv ausgelotet.
Wie kann Kulturpolitik so gestaltet werden, dass – im Sinne einer Cultural Governance –
nicht nur Politik und nachgeordnet Verwaltung in Entscheidungsprozesse einbezogen
author / Anke Simone / sind, sondern auch die Betroffenen: Künstler_innen, Kulturschaffende, Bürger_innen?
Cultural Governance in Schad / Universität für Musik transcript 9783839446218 2019-06-17 Welche Allianzen und Konflikte entstehen in Verhandlungssituationen? Und wie Political Science and
Österreich und darstellende Kunst Verlag argumentieren Vertreter_innen von Politik, Verwaltung und Zivilgesellschaft? Anke International Studies
Wien, Österreich Simone Schad entwickelt anhand der Beispiele Linz und Graz einen Rahmen für
Governance-Analysen und bietet darüber hinaus Antworten auf die Fragen, woran
Cultural Governance oft scheitert und wie gutes Regieren idealerweise aussehen könnte.

In der globalisierten Welt im Umbruch zeigt die Europäische Union

Ermüdungserscheinungen. Ökonomische Konflikte und Identitätskrisen zehren an ihrem
Selbstverständnis. Die Leitidee des Staatenverbundes als »einer immer engeren Union
der Völker Europas« scheint aus der Zeit gefallen, der Rückzug ins Nationale nicht
author / Ulrike / Liebert / transcript zukunftsfähig. Wenn das Europäische Einigungsprojekt noch Chancen haben soll, muss es Political Science and
Europa erneuern! Universität Bremen, 9783839448830 2019-03-15 neu begründet werden. »Europa erneuern!« soll heißen, eine Vision für das 21.
Deutschland Verlag Jahrhundert zu entwickeln, welche euro-skeptische Mythen ebenso wie Wunschbilder International Studies
entzaubert und Europas Potentiale stärkt. Ulrike Liebert zeigt: Ein Upgrade der
Demokratie in der EU ist nötig und die innovative Weiterentwicklung der
Konventsmethode möglich, wenn das Leitbild einer transnationalen Europäischen
Republik realisiert werden soll.

Unternehmensnahe Stiftungen treten zunehmend als gemeinwohlorientierte Finanziers

politischer Bildung auf und fördern hierbei auch innovative Formate, die sich an
»benachteiligte Jugendliche« richten. Bisher ist nur wenig bekannt, wie diese Stiftungen
Gemeinwohlorientiert und author / Anja / Hirsch / transcript mit Unternehmensinteressen verflochten sind und welches Verständnis von Mündigkeit Political Science and
Universität zu Köln, 9783839449844 2019-10-15 ihrer Bildungsarbeit zugrunde liegt. Basierend auf kritisch-emanzipatorischen
innovativ? Deutschland Verlag Gesellschafts- und Bildungstheorien zeigt Anja Hirsch, wie sich die Verbundenheit mit International Studies
Unternehmen auf Programme unternehmensnaher Stiftungen auswirken kann und wie
auch innovative Formate der politischen Jugendbildung Ungleichheitsverhältnisse

Im derzeitigen Katalog der Menschenrechte fehlt ein zentrales Recht, das Hannah Arendt
author / Franziska / das »Recht auf Rechte« nennt. Dadurch bleibt vielen Menschen, wenn sie nicht
Martinsen / Leibniz- Staatsbürger_innen eines Landes sind, in der nationalstaatlichen Praxis das Recht auf
Universität transcript politische Mitgestaltung vorenthalten. 70 Jahre nach der Verabschiedung der Political Science and
Grenzen der Menschenrechte 9783839447406 2019-05-15 Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte ist daher eine kritische Revision des
Hannover/Christian- Verlag Menschenrechtsverständnisses dringend erforderlich. Franziska Martinsen erläutert aus International Studies
Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, radikaldemokratietheoretischer Perspektive, dass Menschenrechte erst dann, wenn sie
Deutschland weniger als humanitäre denn als originär politische Rechte verstanden werden, ihr
ermächtigendes Potenzial weltweit entfalten können.

editor / Judith / Vey /

Technische Universität
Das Handbuch widmet sich erstmals systematisch und vergleichend der Frage, wie soziale
Berlin, Deutschland | editor / Bewegungen aus einer poststrukturalistischen Perspektive analysiert werden können. Die
Handbuch Poststrukturalistische Johanna / Leinius / Beiträge stellen verschiedene Ansätze vor und zeigen jeweils anhand eines Beispiels aus
transcript Political Science and
Perspektiven auf soziale Universität Kassel, 9783839448793 2019-11-11 der Forschungspraxis, wie dieser Ansatz für die Analyse sozialer Bewegungen genutzt
Verlag werden kann. Durch die Anwendung alternativer Methoden, die enge Verknüpfung von International Studies
Bewegungen Deutschland | editor /
Theorie und Praxis und eine gesellschaftstheoretische Perspektive werden auf diese
Ingmar / Hagemann / Weise neue Einsichten in den Forschungsgegenstand »soziale Bewegungen« möglich.
Universität Duisburg-Essen,
Since 2008, foreign land acquisitions have attracted international attention under the
term »land grabbing.« Illustrated by rich and nuanced empirical accounts of forty
author / Ariane / Goetz / Chinese and British investment projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ariane Goetz explains the
Land Grabbing and Home Universität Kassel, transcript 9783839442678 2019-05-15 phenomenon of »land grabbing« from the perspective of two investor countries. She Political Science and
Country Development Deutschland Verlag reflects on Chinese and British public policy, state-society relations, national International Studies
developmental contexts, ideologies, and international relations and thereby gives
insights into the political economies that enable these investments as well as the
development ambitions and institutionalized paradigms of which they form a part.

Wie gelingt es migrantischen Jugendlichen, zu politischen Subjekten zu werden und für

ihre Rechte einzutreten? Wie ist es möglich, sich Herrschaftsverhältnissen zu widersetzen
und inwiefern bietet Demokratie hierbei einen Bezugspunkt? Helge Schwiertz geht
author / Helge / Schwiertz / diesen Fragen nach, indem er eine radikaldemokratische Theorie entwickelt und diese
Migration und radikale Universität Osnabrück, transcript 9783839448328 2019-09-15 mit einer qualitativen Studie zur Selbstorganisierung migrantischer Jugendlicher in
Political Science and
Demokratie Deutschland Verlag Deutschland und den USA verbindet. Durch den Dialog von Empirie und Theorie trägt er International Studies
damit sowohl zu einem differenzierten Verständnis migrantischer Kämpfe als auch zu
demokratietheoretischen Debatten bei und zeigt auf, wie Grenzen demokratisiert
werden können.

Mit dem Begriff der Nation entwirft Marcus Koch einen Entwicklungsschritt für die
Europäische Integration, durch den diese in den Herzen und Köpfen der Menschen
stabilisiert werden kann. Er zeigt den Nutzen und das Potenzial der Nation als modernes
transcript politisches Strukturmerkmal in einer Zeit auf, in der die Probleme einer stetig komplexer Political Science and
Nation Europa! author / Marcus / Koch 9783839449134 2019-08-15
Verlag werdenden Umwelt die Gesellschaft in Europa immer stärker unter Druck setzen. In den International Studies
Zeiten einer in der öffentlichen Diskussion beschädigt scheinenden Europäischen
Einigung werden so Anregungen für ein Weiterdenken über den Stand der derzeitigen
Europäischen Union hinaus geboten.

author / Florian /
Finkbeiner / Institut für
Demokratieforschung Die Wahrnehmung von Rechtsradikalismus in der Gesellschaft hat sich in den letzten
Göttingen, Deutschland | Jahren verändert und wird vor allem überregional diskutiert. Doch wie reagieren Akteure
vor Ort auf rechtsradikale Ereignisse, Gruppen oder Phänomene, welchen Umgang finden
author / Katharina / Trittel / sie mit ihnen? Und haben diese Aushandlungsmodi Einfluss auf neuerliche rechtsradikale
Rechtsradikalismus in Institut für transcript 9783839449653 2019-09-15 Formierungen? An ausgewählten Fallbeispielen aus Niedersachsen untersuchen die Political Science and
Niedersachsen Demokratieforschung Verlag Autor_innen Wechselwirkungen rechtsradikaler Phänomene mit der lokalkulturellen International Studies
Göttingen, Deutschland | Mehrheitsgesellschaft, besonders mit lokalen Akteuren und Institutionen. Dabei zeichnen
sie auch die historischen Entwicklungen nach, um sich den Tiefendimensionen der
author / Lars / Geiges / Entstehungs- und Konstituierungsbedingungen von politischem Rechtsradikalismus in
Institut für lokalen Kontexten anzunähern.
Göttingen, Deutschland
Seit 40 Jahren herrscht in Afghanistan Krieg. Bisher war die Frage der Machtverteilung,
also die Definition der Hoheitsgebiete der einzelnen Elitefraktionen, nicht klar zu
erkennen. Frangis Dadfar Spanta untersucht die unterschiedlichen Konfliktdynamiken,
um dann Lösungsschritte für einen Friedenbildungsprozess vorzuschlagen. Anhand der
Umstrittene Regierungsführung author / Frangis Dadfar / transcript 9783839446928 2019-03-15 unterschiedlichen Eliten aus Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft, Medien, Bildung und Religion Political Science and
in Afghanistan Spanta Verlag zeichnet sie die Patronage-Klientel-Netzwerke nach. Eine Besonderheit der Studie bilden International Studies
Interviews mit Ashraf Ghani, Hamid Karzai, Abdullah Abdullah, Atta Noor sowie mit zwei
Taliban-Repräsentanten. Die Untersuchung ist aufgrund ihrer theoretischen und
methodischen Herangehensweise sowohl für Politik- und Sozialwissenschaftler_innen als
auch für Anthropolog_innen lesenswert.

Das aktuelle realpolitische Agieren ist durch Alternativlosigkeit und eine beständige
Fortsetzung des Status quo geprägt. Während sich die Gesellschaft technologisch und
ökonomisch immer schneller entwickelt, fehlt es an Innovationen im politischen Bereich.
author / Ina-Maria / Maahs / Gleichzeitig finden politische Utopien als Medien von Zeitkritik und alternativen
Utopie und Politik Universität zu Köln, transcript 9783839448427 2019-06-15 Lösungsvorschlägen für gesellschaftliche Missstände in der politischen wie
Political Science and
Deutschland Verlag politikwissenschaftlichen Debatte wenig Beachtung. Ina-Maria Maahs zeigt jedoch: International Studies
Utopisches Denken als Denken in Möglichkeiten existiert auch heute und offeriert bislang
ungenutztes Potenzial für eine kreative Politikgestaltung, die innovativ, nachhaltig und
gemeinwohlorientiert ist.

Quarentena poética OLIVEIRA, Nirlei Maria 2020

Ensaios sobre a escrita KOMESU, Fabiana; ASSIS,

acadêmica Juliana Alves 2019

This Open Access book combines expertise in information literacy with expertise in
education and teaching to share tips and tricks for the development of good information
literacy teaching and training in universities and libraries. It draws on research,
knowledge and pedagogical practice from academia, to teach students how to sift
Collaboration in Designing through information to be able to distinguish the important and correct from the
2020 unusable. It discusses basic concepts and models of information literacy, as well as
Technology and
a Pedagogical Approach in Landøy, Ane. Springer  9783030342586
strategies for accessing, locating and retrieving information and methods suitable for the Digital Education.
Information Literacy assessment and management of information. The book explains many concepts
connected to information literacy and discusses pedagogical issues with a view to
supporting the practitioner. Each chapter examines one aspect of information literacy,
discusses the pedagogical challenges involved and provides suggestions for best practice.
 This compact open access reference delves beyond popular concepts of educated
consumers and an informed public by examining the science behind deliberative
engagement. Using data from four longitudinal studies, the authors assess public
engagement methods in deliberative discussions of ethical, legal, and social issues
concerning innovations in nanotechnology. Coverage includes the theoretical origins of
the studies, forms of engagement and variations used, and in-depth details on cognitive,
Lisa M. PytlikZillig, affective, and social components that go into the critical thinking process and forming of
Myiah J. Hutchens, opinions. Not only are the findings intriguing in and of themselves, but researchers from
Deliberative Public 9783319781600 2018 varied fields will also find them useful in pursuing their own projects. Featured in the
Peter Muhlberger, Springer  coverage: Experimental methods and measures used in relation to specific outcomes. Personality
Engagement with Science Forms of deliberative engagement affecting objective and subjective knowledge. Effects
Frank J. Gonzalez, Alan
of engagement variables on attitude formation, change, and polarization. Tracing the
J. Tomkins processes leading to policy acceptance and support. Study conclusions and evaluation.
Plus supplemental materials giving readers access to full study data. Since public
engagement methods are widely regarded as valuable for policy input, planning
purposes, and understanding societal processes, Deliberative Engagement with Science
stands to have a wide audience among psychologists, researchers, academics, and
policymakers, as well as professionals in the corporate sphere and the tech industries.

This open access book provides in-depth insights into participatory research and planning
by presenting practical examples of its use. In particular, it describes theoretical and
methodological aspects of participatory research and planning, as well as the
implementation of participatory processes in fields such as transport planning, cultural
heritage management, environmental planning and post-earthquake recovery. Further, it
Participatory Research and Janez Nared, David 9783030280147 2020 compares participatory planning experiences from different territorial levels – from the
Springer  macro-regional, e.g. Southeastern Europe, Mediterranean or European metropolitan Urban geography
Planning in Practice Bole regions, to national, regional and local levels. The book will help researchers, planners,
public administration officials, decision-makers and the general public to understand the
advantages, disadvantages and constraints of participatory planning and research. Using
various examples, it will guide readers through the theory of participatory planning and
research, its methods, and different perspectives on how to use it in practice.
This Open Access book, Responsible innovation provides benefits for society, for instance
more sustainable products, more engagement with consumers and less anxiety about
emerging technologies. As a governance tool it is mostly driven by research funders,
including the European Commission, under the term “responsible research and
innovation” (RRI). To achieve uptake in private industry is a challenge. This book provides
successful case studies for the implementation of responsible innovation in businesses.
Responsible Innovation The importance of social innovations is emphasized as a link between benefits for society
[electronic resource]: and profits for businesses, especially SMEs. For corporate industry it is shown how
2020 responsible innovation can offer a competitive advantage to adopters. The book is based Research—Moral and
Business Opportunities  Katharina Jarmai Springer  9789402417203 on the latest insights from theory and practice and combines conceptual work with first-
hand experience. It is of interest to innovation managers, entrepreneurs and academics.
ethical aspects
and Strategies for
For academics, the book will provide a combination of analysis and discussion, and
Implementation present recent learnings from first-hand interaction with entrepreneurs. For innovation
managers and entrepreneurs, it will provide inspiration and better ideas about what
responsible innovation can look like in practice, why others have “done it” and what the
potential benefits might be. The book will thus serve the purposes of spreading the word
about the responsible innovation concept among different audiences whilst making it
more accessible to innovation managers and entrepreneurs.

This open access book covers comprehensive but fundamental principles and concepts of
disaster and accident prevention and mitigation, countermeasures, and recovery from
disasters or accidents including treatment and care of the victims. Safety and security
problems in our society involve not only engineering but also social, legal, economic,
cultural, and psychological issues. The enhancement needed for societal safety includes
comprehensive activities of all aspects from precaution to recovery, not only of people
but also of governments. In this context, the authors, members of the Faculty of Societal
Safety Science, Kansai University, conducted many discussions and concluded that the
major strategy is consistent independently of the type and magnitude of disaster or
accident, being also the principle of the foundation of our faculty. The topics treated in
 Seiji Abe, Mamoru this book are rather widely distributed but are well organized sequentially to provide a
Science of Societal Safety  Ozawa, Yoshiaki Springer  9789811327759 2019 clear understanding of the principles of societal safety. In the first part the fundamental Sociology, Urban
concepts of safety are discussed. The second part deals with risks in the societal and
Kawata natural environment. Then follows, in the third part, a description of the quantitative
estimation of risk and its assessment and management. The fourth part is devoted to
disaster prevention, mitigation, and recovery systems. The final, fifth part presents a
future perspective of societal safety science. Thorough reading of this introductory
volume of societal safety science provides a clear image of the issues. This is largely
because the Japanese have suffered often from natural disasters and not only have
gained much valuable information about disasters but also have accumulated a store of
experience. We are still in the process of reconstruction from the Great East Japan
earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. This book is especially
valuable therefore in studying the safety and security of people and their societies.
This book provides a unique synthesis of concepts and tools to examine natural resource,
socio-economic, legal, policy and institutional issues that are important for managing
urban growth into the future. The book will particularly help the reader to understand
the current issues and challenges and develop strategies and practices to cope with
future pressures of urbanisation and peri-urban land, water and energy use challenges. In
particular, the book will help the reader to discover underlying principles for the planning
of future cities and peri-urban regions in relation to: (i) Balanced urban development
policies and institutions for future cities; (ii) Understanding the effects of land use
Balanced Urban Development: Basant Maheshwari, Vijay P. change, population increase, and water demand on the liveability of cities; (iii) Long-term
Options and Strategies for Singh, Bhadranie Springer  9783319281124 2016 planning needs and transdisciplinary approaches to ensure the secured future for Urban planning
Liveable Cities  Thoradeniya generations ahead; and (iv) Strategies to adapt the cities and land, water and energy uses
for viable and liveable cities. There are growing concerns about water, food security and
sustainability with increased urbanisation worldwide. For cities to be liveable and
sustainable into the future there is a need to maintain the natural resource base and the
ecosystem services in the peri-urban areas surrounding cities. This need is increasing
under the looming spectre of global warming and climate change. This book will be of
interest to policy makers, urban planners, researchers, post-graduate students in urban
planning, environmental and water resources management, and managers in municipal
It's our thesis that privacy will be an integral part of the next wave in the technology
revolution and that innovators who are emphasizing privacy as an integral part of the
product life cycle are on the right track." --The authors of The Privacy Engineer's
Manifesto The Privacy Engineer's Manifesto: Getting from Policy to Code to QA to Value
is the first book of its kind, offering industry-proven solutions that go beyond mere
theory and adding lucid perspectives on the challenges and opportunities raised with the
emerging "personal" information economy. The authors, a uniquely skilled team of
longtime industry experts, detail how you can build privacy into products, processes,
applications, and systems. The book offers insight on translating the guiding light of
OECD Privacy Guidelines, the Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs), Generally
Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP) and Privacy by Design (PbD) into concrete concepts
that organizations, software/hardware engineers, and system administrators/owners can
The Privacy Engineer's understand and apply throughout the product or process life cycle—regardless of
development methodology—from inception to retirement, including data deletion and
Manifesto [electronic Michelle Dennedy, destruction. In addition to providing practical methods to applying privacy engineering
resource]: Getting from Jonathan Fox, Tom Springer  9781430263562 2014 methodologies, the authors detail how to prepare and organize an enterprise or Data protection
organization to support and manage products, process, systems, and applications that
Policy to Code to QA to Finneran require personal information. The authors also address how to think about and assign
Value value to the personal information assets being protected. Finally, the team of experts
offers thoughts about the information revolution that has only just begun, and how we
can live in a world of sensors and trillions of data points without losing our ethics or
value(s)...and even have a little fun. The Privacy Engineer's Manifesto is designed to serve
multiple stakeholders: Anyone who is involved in designing, developing, deploying and
reviewing products, processes, applications, and systems that process personal
information, including software/hardware engineers, technical program and product
managers, support and sales engineers, system integrators, IT professionals, lawyers, and
information privacy and security professionals. This book is a must-read for all
practitioners in the personal information economy. Privacy will be an integral part of the
next wave in the technology revolution; innovators who emphasize privacy as an integral
part of the product life cycle are on the right track. Foreword by Dr. Eric Bonabeau, PhD,
Chairman, Icosystem, Inc. & Dean of Computational Sciences, Minerva Schools at KGI

This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of papers that provide
an integrative view on cybersecurity. It discusses theories, problems and solutions on the
relevant ethical issues involved. This work is sorely needed in a world where
cybersecurity has become indispensable to protect trust and confidence in the digital
The Ethics of Markus Christen, Bert 2020 infrastructure whilst respecting fundamental values like equality, fairness, freedom, or
Springer  9783030290535 privacy. The book has a strong practical focus as it includes case studies outlining ethical Computer crimes
Cybersecurity  Gordijn, Michele Loi issues in cybersecurity and presenting guidelines and other measures to tackle those
issues. It is thus not only relevant for academics but also for practitioners in cybersecurity
such as providers of security software, governmental CERTs or Chief Security Officers in
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This book establishes the foundations
needed to realize the ultimate goals for artificial intelligence, such as autonomy and
trustworthiness. Aimed at scientists, researchers, technologists, practitioners, and
students, it brings together contributions offering the basics, the challenges and the
Hussein A. Abbass, state-of-the-art on trusted autonomous systems in a single volume. The book is
Foundations of Trusted 9783319648163 2018 structured in three parts, with chapters written by eminent researchers and outstanding
Jason Scholz, Darryn J. Springer  Robotics
Autonomy  practitioners and users in the field. The first part covers foundational artificial intelligence
Reid technologies, while the second part covers philosophical, practical and technological
perspectives on trust. Lastly, the third part presents advanced topics necessary to create
future trusted autonomous systems. The book augments theory with real-world
applications including cyber security, defence and space.

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