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CLASS : 5th Subject: Social Studies Max marks : 40

I. Choose the appropriate answers from the following given : 1x6=6

1. Where did the British East India Company establish its first factory in India?

i) Madras ii) Bombay

iii) Bengal iv) Delhi

2. In which year did India come under the direct control of the British Government?

i) 1651 ii) 1757 iii) 1858 iv) 1947

3. _________________ is the main occupation of the people of rural India.

i) Industries ii) Mining

iii) Agriculture iv) Sericulture

4. Many farmers depend on ________ for irrigation.

i) Snowfall ii) Wind

iii) Breeze iv) Rainfall

5. What is the shape of the Earth?

i) Spherical ii) Cuboidal

iii) Cylindrical iv) None of these

6. How many layers does the atmosphere have?

i) Two ii) Three iii) Four iv) Five

II. Match the following : 1x6=6

(A) (B)

1. Sirajuddaulah (a) Grains such as jowar, bajra and ragi

2. Mangal Pandey (b) Canada
3. Millets (c) Africa
4. Wheat (d) Sepoy of the Bengal army
5. Nile (e) Nawab of Bengal
6. Great Bear Lake (f) Staple diet in northern India
III. Answer in brief : 1 x 5 =5

1. How did being the Diwan help the English East India Company ?
2. What is irrigation ?
3. Give two examples of pulses that are grown in India.
4. What causes the seasons on earth ?
5. Name the four major domains of the earth.

IV. Write whether true or false for the given statements : 1x5=5

1. The East India Company grew in power by influencing the local traders and rulers.
2. Many European trading companies came to India in the beginning of the seventeenth
3. Modern techniques of farming were introduced in India during 1940s.
4. During earth’s rotation, the side that faces the sun experiences night.
5. One complete revolution takes 365 days and 6 hours.

V. Fill in the blanks : 1x6=6

1. The Battle of Plassey in ___________ marked the beginning of the Company rule in India.

2. The ______________________ in India are suitable for agriculture.

3. Jute is known as the ‘golden fibre’ because of its ______________________colour.

4. The movement of the earth spining on its axis from west to east is called _______________.

5. The water component of the earth’s surface is known as _____________________.

6. The British East India Company came to India in ____________ .

VI. Answer in detail : 2 x 6 = 12

1. Write a note on the events that led to the Battle of Plassey.

2. How did the British approach to India change after the revolt of 1857 ?
3. How is a crop grown and harvested ?
4. What are food crops ? Give examples of two crops and mention where they are cultivated.
5. What is lithosphere ?
6. What do you mean by atmosphere ? Name the different layers of the atmosphere.

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