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Sudoku Solver

Starting position Possible numbers Solution numbers (Game state: 2)

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Final position ###
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Game state: 0 ###
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Instructions ###
° Enter puzzle values in Starting position grid ###
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### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
° Set Game state to 1 ###
° Press F9 to calculate ###
### ###
° The Possible numbers grid will show the first
step in the solution

° The Final position will show the current results

° Continue to repeat calculation by pressing F9
until the puzzle is solved or the solver stops
° If the puzzle isn't solved, set Game state to 2
° Press F9 to calculate
° Repeat calculation by pressing F9 until the
puzzle is solved
° If the puzzle is not solved, enter a possible
answer in the Starting position grid
° Press F9 to calculate and watch for a solution
° To reset the solver, delete numbers in the
Starting position grid by highlighting them and
pressing the DELETE key
° Set Game state to 0
° Press F9 to calculate
° Continue to repeat calculation by pressing F9
until all grids have been reset

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